Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

EMIL JURESIC | Founder, CEO, Property Developer and Endurance

Emil Juresic. 

BOOM. Probably the best word to describe the man. Join on me on today's conversation with Emil, where I do my best to hang on to the topics, the energy and enthusiasm. We covered real estate, endurance, mental fortitude and make sure you check out one unconventional thought from Emil.

Have a fantastic day…

Emil Juresic. 

BOOM. Probably the best word to describe the man. Join on me on…

03 February 2024 | 00:56:21

Longevity Schmongevity | Or Is There Actually Something To It?

I think trying to live longer is mostly BS, Juan might disagree with me though.

In Episode #432 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: our starting positions and biases, the intense people who make up the longevity movement, some of the outlandish claims that are made, the double PayPal craziness, what they get right about living…

I think trying to live longer is mostly BS, Juan might disagree with me though.


02 February 2024 | 01:16:31

Monthly Goals | February 2024

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next.

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always…

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see…

31 January 2024 | 00:40:12

NICK MALSTER | The Advertising Industry, Creating Viral V4V Clips & The Future Of Fountain

Nick Malster is the cofounder of Fountain Podcasts and former brand manager in the advertising industry.

In Conversation #101, Nick and I discuss: his passions of music/skiing, why he has decided to stop drinking, how v4v compares to advertising models, why Fountain is focused upon podcast clipping, future features you'll find…

Nick Malster is the cofounder of Fountain Podcasts and former brand manager in the advertising…

30 January 2024 | 01:42:37

Protecting Yourself Online | Passwords, Privacy & Data Breaches

What should we be doing to maintain a healthy digital hygiene?

In Episode #431 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: why this topic felt like work to Juan, how companies think about cyber security, the Stuxnet virus plus a Dutchman receiving American military emails, Butters the abused dog, our argument over what consists an…

What should we be doing to maintain a healthy digital hygiene?

In Episode #431 of…

26 January 2024 | 01:08:21

TOFE EVANS | Fatherhood, Running, Ambition & Life

Tofe Evans is a father, a runner and a friend.

In Conversation #100, Tofe and I discuss: Fatherhood, the meaning of ambition when it compares to previous efforts, running, mentality in fitness and in life, regret and shame..

Have a fantastic day wherever you are in the world & don't forget to…

Tofe Evans is a father, a runner and a friend.

In Conversation #100, Tofe and I discuss:…

20 January 2024 | 01:07:37

Figuring Out Relationships | What Makes A Great Lover/Friend/Parent/Child?

Is there anything we can do to be better to our loved ones?

In Episode #430 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: why you want to make/reflect on good times, our reluctance to interfere in other people's lives, the 9gag meme that had me chuckling, Juan bring tequila snacks to celebrate, my questionable dog-sitting abilities…

Is there anything we can do to be better to our loved ones?

In Episode #430 of…

19 January 2024 | 01:08:08

The Podcast Industry | Observations From The Inside

I've spent a lot of time in the depths of what's going on, so it's time to tell you what I've learnt.

In Episode #429 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: the evolution of podcasting across it's 20 year history, the good/bad parts of what happens on the inside, why advertising screws everything up, why…

I've spent a lot of time in the depths of what's going on, so it's time to tell…

12 January 2024 | 01:28:51

COLE MCCORMICK | Digital Media In LA, Using AI In V4V Cinema & Magic Mushroom Fun Time

Cole McCormick is a filmmaker, podcaster, voice actor and host of the 'AMERICAPLUS' podcast.

In Conversation #99, Cole and I discuss: his energetic creativity as a child, what the Hollywood world is actually like, how the Value 4 Value model has inspired his podcasts/films, combining AI with live action and v4v music to create…

Cole McCormick is a filmmaker, podcaster, voice actor and host of the 'AMERICAPLUS'…

06 January 2024 | 02:14:59

Glory & Triumph Beckons | Do You Have The Ambition To Take It?

Are we going to take over the world :o

In Episode #428 of 'Musings', Juan & I discuss: the desire to pursue something, what Juan wants to do with the podcast, why I appear to be rather unambitious, links to conscientiousness and neuroticism, whether you can artificially create ambition and if it is necessary for a good…

Are we going to take over the world :o

In Episode #428 of 'Musings', Juan…

05 January 2024 | 01:00:54