Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Lost Friends & Old Times | Travel Plans & Reaching Out To Establish Former Connections

Here's the kick in the butt you need to reach out to your old friends. In Episode #480 of 'Musings' Juan & I discuss: the complexities of reaching out to people from the past, sharing personal anecdotes about past friendships, maintaining past relationships versus focusing on present/future priorities, our upcoming trips to Europe and why they…

Here's the kick in the butt you need to reach out to your old friends. In Episode #480 of 'Musings'…

23 March 2025 | 01:04:22

Fear & Flee The Brisbane Cyclone | The Power Of Media

We survived the media onslaught fine but the real world effects linger. In Episode #479 of Musings, Juan and I discuss: the fear & craziness of the recent Cyclone Alfred here in Brisbane, whether it lived up to it's fearsome reputation (it didn't), the panic buying & actual impact on his property, why hyper local media might be the future, why…

We survived the media onslaught fine but the real world effects linger. In Episode #479 of Musings,…

16 March 2025 | 00:55:24

Working Hard Or Hardly Working | Does A Job Equal Meaning?

Is work being equated to jobs undergoing a separation? In Episode #478 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: the fundamental definition from a physics perspective, why my handstand training is more about persistence, how external validation can differ from internal satisfaction, future implications of an age of abundance where hard work may become less…

Is work being equated to jobs undergoing a separation? In Episode #478 of 'Musings' Juan and I…

08 March 2025 | 01:17:11

Monthly Goals | March 2025

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next. Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the…

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming…

02 March 2025 | 00:47:20

Collecting Cards With VeeFriends | The Business Side Of Pokémon

Some special guests (Brodie & Mansheel) are here to do some show and tell! In Episode #477 of Meanderings, we discuss the intricacies of collecting Pokémon cards, the financials of the grading process, factors that influence the value of these collectibles, maintaining excellent card condition (Juan needs to take notes), nostalgia of collecting…

Some special guests (Brodie & Mansheel) are here to do some show and tell! In Episode #477 of…

23 February 2025 | 01:05:47

The Job Market For 2026 | Dawn Of The Autonomous Robots

Will Juan's insanely ambitious predictions come true (likely) and why is he so sure (backed by evidence)? In Episode #476 of Musings, Juan and I discuss: the rapid advancements in AI (drawing from his past experiences in AI sales and chatbot implementations), the slow progress of autonomous Haul Trucks I saw in the mining industry, .Juan's…

Will Juan's insanely ambitious predictions come true (likely) and why is he so sure (backed by…

16 February 2025 | 01:19:34

Let's Gamble In A Cult | Financial Delusions & When To Admit You're Wrong

Why is investing in Game Stop going to cause the collapse of the financial system? In episode #475 of Mere Mortals 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: Tom Bilyeu's perspective that all financial actions are a form of gambling, James Jani's videos on GameStop and Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY), how the irrational belief of "mother of all short squeezes"…

Why is investing in Game Stop going to cause the collapse of the financial system? In episode #475…

09 February 2025 | 01:13:56

They're Coming For Your Money!! | Scams, Scammers & Schemes

They're always around so how do you pick them out? In episode #474 of Mere Mortals 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: the definition of trickery for accruing value, personal anecdotes of being scammed, learnings from Edward Chancellor's book 'Devil Take The Hindmost', recognising red flags such as offers that seem too good to be true, whether certain…

They're always around so how do you pick them out? In episode #474 of Mere Mortals 'Musings', Juan…

07 February 2025 | 00:59:33

Monthly Goals | February 2025

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next. Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the…

It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming…

02 February 2025 | 00:38:19

Financial Bubbles & The Crypto/AI Industry | Historical Signals That Will Repeat

This is a solo episode heavily influenced by the book 'Devil Take The Hindmost'. In Episode #473 of 'Musings' it is just myself Kyrin and I'm discussing: the beginnings, growth and eventual popping of financial bubbles across history (with examples like the Tulip Mania and the South Sea Bubble), why these criteria are all subjective and not…

This is a solo episode heavily influenced by the book 'Devil Take The Hindmost'. In Episode #473 of…

26 January 2025 | 01:18:26