Disorganized Productions "Chaos creates Harmony"

Disorganized Productions "Chaos creates Harmony"

Welcome to "The Disorganized Productions Podcast" where creativity blooms from chaos and inspiration ignites motivation! In a world where the unpredictable reigns, we transform disorder into a dynamic force for innovation and success. Each episode of our podcast delves into the heart of life's beautiful messiness, revealing the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by visionary disruptors who thrive amid the tumult, "The Disorganized Productions Podcast" is your beacon of light in the storm of creativity. We bring you powerful stories of mavericks who turned their chaotic paths into extraordinary journeys, actionable strategies to channel your scattered thoughts into groundbreaking ideas, and motivational insights that will propel you to conquer any obstacle. Whether you're an artist seeking a spark of genius, an entrepreneur hunting for the next big breakthrough, or someone yearning to find harmony in the whirlwind of daily life, "The Disorganized Productions Podcast" offers a vibrant mix of authenticity and ingenuity. Tune in, embrace the unpredictability, and discover how to turn your chaos into your greatest triumph. Chaos creates harmony!

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69 Episodes

#19 Welcome in 2024 and thank you!

We are already 3 weeks in 2024, man does time runs fast. In this podcast I want to thank you fellow human for making my dream come true, doing podcasts and talk and connect to beautiful, interesting and fascinating people that motivate and inspire me, and hopefully you to! Enjoy fellow Human!   Show your love and support by getting some…

We are already 3 weeks in 2024, man does time runs fast. In this podcast I want to thank you fellow…

18 January 2024 | 00:23:34

#18 with Tyler Hansen, the Fittest Flat Earther! Dogs and stars.

Weightlifting, teacher, flat earth, truther, conspiracies or better said critical thinking, Rock music, H.a.a.r.p. we all cover these topics with Tyler Hansen also known as the Fittest Flat Earther. He is a teacher and dived into some rabbit holes and makes awesome content on TikTok, Instagram and since recently also on YouTube. This man is a beast…

Weightlifting, teacher, flat earth, truther, conspiracies or better said critical thinking, Rock…

13 January 2024 | 02:04:04

#17 with Jessika Leigh, Potter, clay artist and a degree in Antrhopology.

In this podcast, I talk with Jessika Leigh from North Carolina. She is a potter, clay artist and for 20 years she has a degree in anthropology and in English. She likes other cultures and their belief systems. Furthermore, she is a follower of Christ and is worried about our world with the events that are going on in this world. The fires in Hawaii…

In this podcast, I talk with Jessika Leigh from North Carolina. She is a potter, clay artist and for…

09 January 2024 | 01:31:07

#16 with Flat Earth Dave (David Weiss) Flat earth Dave talking about true science that debunks the globe model!

David, Dave, does not need any introduction when you are already into flat earth, if not, Dave is one of the main characters that provide real science proof that we live on a flat earth. He has done a lot of research and made an incredible App with interviews, podcasts and videos, You can download the FE app (Flatearthdave.com). If you want to…

David, Dave, does not need any introduction when you are already into flat earth, if not, Dave is…

09 January 2024 | 01:26:43

#15 with Mark Sargent. Flat earth, game industry and WW2.

I talk with one of the biggest names in the Flat Earth community, Mark Sargent. We touch base on the subject Flat Earth of course, but also on Video gaming, World War 2 and what makes Mark tic. And have several other topics covered within this conversation. There will be definitely another episode with Mark where we talk more about some topics,…

I talk with one of the biggest names in the Flat Earth community, Mark Sargent. We touch base on the…

05 January 2024 | 02:04:29

#14 with Adrian Martinez. How do our bodies work? Aliens, UFO's, flat earth and conspiracies.

In this episode, I talk with Adrian Martinez. Adrian has experienced lost of some close loved ones, because of that he digged into the rabbit hole of our food industry and how our body works. For example, our endocrine system. Besides that we talk about aliens, UFO's, flat earth, the bible (Adrian is also a pastor) he knows everything about CGI,…

In this episode, I talk with Adrian Martinez. Adrian has experienced lost of some close loved ones,…

31 December 2023 | 03:36:04

#13 with Mormon Rishi. Rabbit holes, Zionism, Judaism and conspiracies.

In this episode, I talk with Mormon Rishi about a lot of rabbit holes that you can get lost in. Rishi was a Mormon until he was 18, eventually he stepped out of Mormonism and dived deep into some other topics of interest. Mormon Rishi studied Judaism, and Zionism and about the history and doctrine of these religions that influences the world. We…

In this episode, I talk with Mormon Rishi about a lot of rabbit holes that you can get lost in.…

30 December 2023 | 03:22:29

#12 with Dario Andreella. Organist and almost blind. Deep conversation with a deep free thinker.

In this episode, I talk with Dario Andreella. Dario is an Italian organist who lives in Denmark now. He plays and restores organs. This is his first podcast, and I am very pleased and grateful to have him as a guest at Disorganized Productions, thanks to Snake Turbanhead who connected us! Dario has a Scientific Degree and a Master Degree in Organ…

In this episode, I talk with Dario Andreella. Dario is an Italian organist who lives in Denmark now.…

12 December 2023 | 02:48:16

#11 Addiction

In this episode, I talk about addiction. Sugar, medicine, alcohol, drugs, food, porn, power, you name it, everybody deals with something in their live. Why is it so social accepted, and how to deal with it? When it comes to the cost of something or someone, you got to stop, but that is easier said than done. Want to talk about it? Reach out to me…

In this episode, I talk about addiction. Sugar, medicine, alcohol, drugs, food, porn, power, you…

08 December 2023 | 00:34:53

#10 Isolation and being deaf

In this episode, I talk about isolation. As I edited this episode, I listen to myself talking in English, and uh, there is some work to do, I want to get better in saying the right words. Anyhow. More and more people are dealing with isolation. Because of things that happen in their lives, about topics that they can't speak about, or because you…

In this episode, I talk about isolation. As I edited this episode, I listen to myself talking in…

01 December 2023 | 00:26:39