Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Deciding What Is Fair (Mere Mortals Episode #47 - Equality & Meritocracy) - S1E72

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Equality & Meritocracy'. The MM team go over: how to decide what is fair, sharing and dividing in an inherently unequal world, trying to make improvements but making things worse, nepotism and meritocracy in the workplace before finishing off with some practical psychological…

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Equality & Meritocracy'. The…

07 June 2020 | 00:51:51

Travelling After Coronavirus (Mere Mortals Episode #46 - Meanderings) - S1E69

What will travel be like when it opens up again and where would the Mere Mortals head first? In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin discuss travelling after coronavirus, the need for clear communication/branding by companies, some secret techniques for setting goals and how some exercises just plain old…

What will travel be like when it opens up again and where would the Mere Mortals head first? In…

05 June 2020 | 00:28:17

The Power of Story (Mere Mortals Episode #45 - Musings) - S1E67

In this episode of 'Musings', Juan and Kyrin begin with a discussion of Paulo Coelho's book 'The Alchemist'. For those who haven't read the book it is highly recommended by both Mere Mortals, touching upon themes of passion, perseverance, courage and destiny. The book also plays nicely into the theme of…

In this episode of 'Musings', Juan and Kyrin begin with a discussion of Paulo…

04 June 2020 | 00:34:04

Mere Mortals Monthly Goals - June 2020 - S1E66

We are starting a new series where we review our progress on goals from the previous month before discussing what we hope to achieve within the coming month. This was something informal we were doing anyway but now gives the added benefit of showing how we Mere Mortals structure our lives to try and make sure we achieve what we set out to…

We are starting a new series where we review our progress on goals from the previous month…

01 June 2020 | 00:28:54

The Future of Money? (Mere Mortals Episode #44 - Cryptocurrencies) - S1E65

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Cryptocurrencies'. We almost touched upon this in our 'Money' episode, but chose to do a full topic on the relatively recent rise of this phenomenon. We first go through a history of the most well-known cryptocurrency, that being Bitcoin. After that there is a discussion…

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Cryptocurrencies'. We almost…

31 May 2020 | 01:06:01

The Shopping Cart Test (Mere Mortals Episode #43 - Meanderings) - S1E63

In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin drift about from topic to topic, wafting with the proverbial wind. Some of the things we touch upon are tasting Rekorderlig cider for the first time, earthquakes in New Zealand, the depraved human beings who don't return shopping trolleys, the absolute uselessness of some…

In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin drift about from topic to topic,…

29 May 2020 | 00:40:51

ALEX TROLL | Mere Mortals Interview # 007 - S1E62

ALEX TROLL is a man of many extensive talents. The Mere Mortals team first connected with him via Instagram and wanted to dig deeper into his history and how he came to work on such varying projects throughout his life (such as a roughneck in the Alberta Oilfields, suited up lawyer, owner & manager of a gold mine in Papua New Guinea and…

ALEX TROLL is a man of many extensive talents. The Mere Mortals team first connected with him…

29 May 2020 | 00:44:44

BYRON MORRISON | Mere Mortals Interview # 006 - S1E61

Byron Morrison helps CEO's handle the shadow side of success, as well as running his own company, Byron Morrison (

Among the many things that we got stuck into during this discussion was Byron's experience in being a CEO…

Byron Morrison helps CEO's handle the shadow side of success, as well as running his own…

28 May 2020 | 00:43:34

Failing Fast vs Being Meticulous (Mere Mortals Episode #42 - Musings) - S1E60

In this episode of Musings, Juan and Kyrin discuss a range of topics mostly revolving around an earlier theme of failing fast and hard vs slow progressive meticulous steps. Also included are a couple of recommendations for great story tellers (Cal Fussman & Chuck Palahniuk), Artificial Intelligence Podcast (Lex Fridman) and Juan's…

In this episode of Musings, Juan and Kyrin discuss a range of topics mostly revolving around an…

27 May 2020 | 00:32:00

MADELINE MCCULKIN | Mere Mortal Interview # 005 - S1E59

MADELINE MCCULKIN ( is a committed and caring trainer that helps to empower individyals through strength and conditioning to move towards a healthier lifestyle. We got stuck into many topics in this discussion, among others her pivoting points from what many would percieve as a tried and tested path to…

MADELINE MCCULKIN ( is a committed and caring trainer…

24 May 2020 | 00:52:05