What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.
How can one move from being in a state of purely existing to one of continuous elation? In this episode of Musings Juan and Kyrin discuss this question as well as: what is your own personal philosophy (or set of rules to live by), feeling the negative more strongly than the positive, how much as an individual one should pay attention to…
How can one move from being in a state of purely existing to one of continuous elation? In this…
To supplement or not to supplement, that is the question. In today's Mere Mortal Monday Movement we look at the topic our hand in our last themed podcast discussion. Key to our discussion was the need to treat supplements as what they should be, ehancements of the basic natural levels that us as mere mortals all have and can influence…
To supplement or not to supplement, that is the question. In today's Mere Mortal Monday…
What's the purpose of supplements, to cover for deficiencies, enhance beyond the norm, or both? In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Supplements'. This conversation largely concentrates on supplementation in the fitness world, but touches upon taking supplements for health reasons and the debate of what is…
What's the purpose of supplements, to cover for deficiencies, enhance beyond the norm, or…
JOSH BUSBY is a podcaster living in Omaha, Nebraska. He is the host of the 'Just A Guy Podcast', a comedy podcast where he chats with friends and strangers alike, always with a beer in hand! In this interview we start of with the light stuff; morality and its interplay with technological advances. Josh also gives his take on some…
JOSH BUSBY is a podcaster living in Omaha, Nebraska. He is the host of the 'Just A Guy…
Welcome to episode #58. In this episode of Meanderings Juan and Kyrin discuss: getting investing advice from TikTok (don't do it!!!), becoming more perceptive of time in your mid 20's, shifting age of consent laws if we lived to 200, getting varied sources for your news and being 8 foot-nothing tall.
Welcome to episode #58. In this episode of Meanderings Juan and Kyrin discuss: getting…
Pain is inevitable: suffering is optional. A quote popularised by Haruki Murakami is an old Buddhist saying and forms the basis of today's brief discussion to help everyone move forward. Another monday, another chance to sit within your mind or step outside of it and make things happen. Enjoy.
Pain is inevitable: suffering is optional. A quote popularised by Haruki Murakami…
Where does the responsibility of doctors lie, to reduce short-term pain or to increase the probability of long-term rehabilitation? This is one of the questions Juan and Kyrin ponder in this themed episode of 'Pain'. There can be many types of physical pain (psychogenic, phantom, acute, chronic, etc.,) as well as the addition of…
Where does the responsibility of doctors lie, to reduce short-term pain or to increase the…
Tamar Hela is an entrepreneur based in Shanghai and the COO of the digital agency Genius Encel. She helps Fortune 500 companies in Asia generate leads through LinkedIn and we were lucky enough to have a long discussion on all fronts including the key points to know when working with a foreign culture, what Shanghai is all about, how LinkedIn…
Tamar Hela is an entrepreneur based in Shanghai and the COO of the digital agency Genius Encel.…
Did Latinos discover that time is relative before Einstein? In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin discuss: the constant tardiness of hispanoamericans, the live and interactive components of future social media platforms and making friends with people from the places you want to travel to. As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere…
Did Latinos discover that time is relative before Einstein? In this episode of…
Never did you know the amount of wisdom that a new car can teach you (surely there is another Herbie movie in here somewhere). In this episode of Musings Juan and Kyrin discuss: Juan's learnings from buying a new car, asking a question only looking for praise or confirmation, methods for allowing mental resets and asking yourself how you…
Never did you know the amount of wisdom that a new car can teach you (surely there is another…