09 August 2020
Is Common Sense Really That Common? (Mere Mortals Episode #71 - Common Sense) - S1E123
How is common sense defined and what level/percentage of commonality is required to even be able to use this phrase? In this themed episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Common Sense'. Of all the themed topics to date, this was probably the hardest to define and have a sensible conversation about. Both Mere Mortals agreed with the general definition of 'sound judgement on practical matters' but also needed an extra personal addition to really make sense of it.
Common sense shouldn't be confused with knowing general knowledge, specific facts or even technical know-how. It is also a mistake to say label it as something 'obvious' especially when looking at something in hindsight. Many AI researchers believe that cultivating common sense is the equivalent to human-level intelligence, but it is laughable how far that research field appears to be away from coherently expressing a simple plan of how to achieve it.
Hypothetical scenarios are useful in helping to zero in on the meaning of a phrase and were used liberally throughout this conversation. Some examples included: looking both ways before crossing a street, the inappropriateness of wearing ass-less chaps to work and passing by a drowning person. Both Juan and Kyrin agreed this was the best discussion to date and hope you enjoyed it as much they did, Mere Mortals out!
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