What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.
Are you training in a smart way for your future self, or are you training like Juan?
In Episode #208 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: the four components of 'Zone 2' training as described by Peter Attia, strong hamstrings with weak stability, how delayed gratification can be viewed…
Are you training in a smart way for your future self, or are you training like…
What are the benefits of fame and is there any type of fame that would be better than others?
In Episode #207 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: Juan's discovery of some NFT's that are truly useless, general dodginess that can be found in the crypto area (due to malice, incompetence or sheer…
What are the benefits of fame and is there any type of fame that would be better than…
Have you ever stated you would never do something only to suddenly find 1 day/week/year later that you in fact are now doing it?
In Episode #206 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: a pineappling that I well and truly deserved for talking shit, running/long distance relationships/buying clothes…
Have you ever stated you would never do something only to suddenly find 1 day/week/year later…
Is it possible that an increased level of traffic on the roads can actually make the driving experience more enjoyable?
In Episode #205 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: how I discovered that there might be a dip/spike in the middle of the traffic to driving pleasure graph, why this same…
Is it possible that an increased level of traffic on the roads can actually make the driving…
Lucas Cullen started programming from a very young age, liking the idea of being able to make games or tools that others would then use, or to use himself to automate processes. From his early days, this idea of pure logic inspired him and helped him see things early on when most didn't.
I was lucky to connect with Lucas…
Lucas Cullen started programming from a very young age, liking the idea of being able to make…
What topic do you feel that you are most qualified or comfortable to talk about?
In Episode #204 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: my new Barry White voice, how and where we gain our information and wisdom on a day to day basis, a hypothetical of appearing on a panel with world experts on a…
What topic do you feel that you are most qualified or comfortable to talk…
What would be the best strategy to win a gameshow comprised solely of other gameshows?
In Episode #203 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: Juan's cool new lensless glasses, another Juan story of terrible customer service (the bank version!), a difficult hypothetical for Juan, macro vs…
What would be the best strategy to win a gameshow comprised solely of other…
What is your tolerance level for communication that is not presented in the most accessible way possible?
In Episode #202 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: Juan's recent humbling experience of seeing people who are the best in the world at what they do, what I want to change after my…
What is your tolerance level for communication that is not presented in the most accessible way…
Would you rather run or meditate for half a day? What about daily for a month or a whole year?
In Episode #201 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: why junk food is trash and now that we are old it just sucks, I finally (FINALLY!!!) completed a marathon and why it sucked balls, a fun little…
Would you rather run or meditate for half a day? What about daily for a month or a whole…
Would you ever want to try a silent retreat and meditate all day? In a celebratory (but quietly so) Episode #200 on 'Solitude' Juan and I discuss: my recent experience of going on a self-organised silent retreat, how I prepared for being alone and what rules I would implement, immense suffering and pain from strong determination…
Would you ever want to try a silent retreat and meditate all day? In a celebratory (but quietly…