Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

The Ultimate Gameshow: Revisiting My Idea With A Different Mentality

If there was an ultimate game show all with different versions of yourself (horny, happy, assertive, angry, confident, etc.,) which of them would win?

In Episode #307 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: whether you would prefer your upper body or lower body to be cold, revisiting the gameshow I explain in Ep #203, how…

If there was an ultimate game show all with different versions of yourself (horny, happy,…

16 June 2022 | 00:42:24

Decentralised Music: Will Podcasting 2.0 Revolutionise The Music Industry?

It's a special solo episode today that also became a DJ set of decentralised music!

In Episode #306 of 'Musings' I discuss: why I'm podcasting alone today, how Podcasting 2.0 infrastructure and technology can help make the music industry better, why middlemen suck and peer to peer payments solve this, a real time…

It's a special solo episode today that also became a DJ set of decentralised…

12 June 2022 | 01:07:59

A Week Of Opposites: Contrasting Troubling Thoughts With The Thrill Of Working Out

Juan has been killing life back in the gym but I've been having a shit time of it.

In Episode #305 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: why Juan loves training after being away, the difference between PB's and PR's, why Juan believes it is impossible to over train, my experience of joining a gym chain after…

Juan has been killing life back in the gym but I've been having a shit time of…

09 June 2022 | 00:44:34

The Downfall Of Crypto: The Best Arguments On Why It Will All Go To Zero

We don't think it will, but here are the best arguments we came across of why cryptocurrencies will fail.

In Episode #304 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: the reason for searching out arguments that go against our beliefs, a series of podcast/video recommendations with great pointers in the negative category, comments…

We don't think it will, but here are the best arguments we came across of why…

06 June 2022 | 00:54:27

Monthly Goals - June 2022

You hear that ....... it sounds like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the previous…

You hear that ....... it sounds like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly…

06 June 2022 | 00:16:34

Becoming One Punch Man: Memes Are Invading Into Everyday Life

In one way or another this whole episode was about memes. And you can believe me, because I am now officially Saitama Sensei.

In Episode #303 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: my plan for doing one-arm handstands at a comic con, what is was like to listen to Gary Vaynerchuk live in person, the contrast between LA rudeness…

In one way or another this whole episode was about memes. And you can believe me, because I am…

02 June 2022 | 00:34:01

What If: Hypotheticals Galore In This Episode ...... Or Is There?

What if you just want to come up with fun hypotheticals for a while? Well you do it!

In Episode #302 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: why we want to do rapid fire hypotheticals, reverting back to old mediums of communication, unknown Colombian fruits, Craig Wright and his claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto, why being a politician…

What if you just want to come up with fun hypotheticals for a while? Well you do it!


30 May 2022 | 00:54:01

Anti-Crypto Learnings: Do The Critics Have Some Valid Points?

I've been on a research quest to find the best arguments for why cryptocurrencies will go to zero, here's what I found out.

In Episode #301 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: our thoughts on the upcoming crypto winter, why serious people will still be working on projects (like 'unsigned_algorithms'),…

I've been on a research quest to find the best arguments for why cryptocurrencies will go to…

26 May 2022 | 00:34:38

Veecon Trip: The Fall Out & Juicy Goss From Gary Vee's 2022 Minneapolis NFT Conference

Want to know what happened at #veecon 2022? We've got the post-trip report right here.

In Episode #300 (which we forgot to celebrate) of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: Gary Vee's influencer/NFT conference, Juan's couple of first days in LA, a breakdown of each individual day, why the quantity of networking was…

Want to know what happened at #veecon 2022? We've got the post-trip report right…

25 May 2022 | 01:11:17

Oh Shit Moments: Heart Dropping Instances That Change Your World

How many times in life does one experience those moments when you realise that the world doesn't work the way you thought it did?

In Episode #299 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: the upcoming Brissie winter, Juan's adventures in Veecon, why sloppy communication gets you into trouble, how to fix miscommunication,…

How many times in life does one experience those moments when you realise that the world…

19 May 2022 | 00:29:41