Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

What's Our Approach To Investing? | Rules Of Thumb That We Personally Follow

What are your principles when it comes to investing?

In Episode #370 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: Juan's sagely wisdom for the youngsters, where we begin when thinking about investing money, why self-custody is not just a crypto rule of thumb, the paradox of diversification, books and macro people (Ray Dalio, Lyn…

What are your principles when it comes to investing?

In Episode #370 of…

24 February 2023 | 01:08:03

HOSKY TOKEN | Behind The Scenes, Pressure Of Popularity & The Reality Of Centralisation

HOSKY is the PREMIERE low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token, exclusively on the Cardano Ecosystem (and it must be true, so says the website)!

In Conversation #83, Hosky and I discuss: rules of thumb while investing in the age of meme coins, why his lifespan got shortened by success, the hard facts about non-decentralised money,…

HOSKY is the PREMIERE low-quality s#!t coin doggo meme token, exclusively on the Cardano…

19 February 2023 | 01:44:55

Identifying Ideologies | Common Mistakes That Lead To Tragedy

Did you know that the concept of the 'tragedy of the commons' was fueled by an ideology?

In Episode #369 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: why a recent book review sparked this topic, a human depopulation article with an underlying ideology, Garret Hardin's hypocrisy, whether people under a spell behave…

Did you know that the concept of the 'tragedy of the commons' was fueled by an…

17 February 2023 | 00:58:51

Updated Thoughts On 'Crypto' | Does Everyone Need To Practice Public Speaking?

Lots of crypto talk for this episode so we're on some shaky ground.

In Episode #368 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: why I don't understand Ethereum well, the different variations of cryptocurrency staking, my dislike of Patreon's service, why Juan might be flying to the US next month and why I suck at…

Lots of crypto talk for this episode so we're on some shaky ground.

In Episode #368…

12 February 2023 | 00:41:43

Dating Is A Numbers Game | Do You Want To Play It?

Is it possible to escape the numbers game or is there another game you can play?

In Episode #367 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: why we don't like to talk about sex, our personal experiences of dating in Australia, whether it is possible to find a girl without crunching numbers, the pros/cons of intros via social…

Is it possible to escape the numbers game or is there another game you can play?


10 February 2023 | 01:02:44

Monthly Goals | February 2023

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the…

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly…

06 February 2023 | 00:35:45

EMMET LOUIS | Body Movement, Self-Taught Vs Coaching & Da Xuan Daoism

Emmet Louis is a mobility and flexibility coach, host of multiple podcasts and former acrobat/circus performer.

In Conversation #82, Emmet and I discuss: funny childhood and acrobatic stories, why he doesn't use social media much, noteworthy experiences he has had coaching people, particular details about injuries and the one-arm…

Emmet Louis is a mobility and flexibility coach, host of multiple podcasts and former…

05 February 2023 | 02:04:10

When To Call It Quits? | Moving On From What Was ...

How do you know when it is time to let something go because it isn't serving you anymore?

In Episode #366 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: an Australian slang term, why Juan almost quit acting, how energy rather than time is a better determiner for calling it quits, my list for determining when it is not worth it to…

How do you know when it is time to let something go because it isn't serving you…

03 February 2023 | 00:57:19

Can You Learn Too Much About Your Health? | Adam Curry On JRE & Spotify

We seemed to have a lot of mild observations and complaints lately.

In Episode #365 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: what I took away from watching Adam on the Spotify app, an analysis of podcasting platforms and search engines, a Scrubs reference to illustrate the dangers of too much info, our criticisms of 'Life…

We seemed to have a lot of mild observations and complaints lately.

In Episode #365 of…

29 January 2023 | 00:43:00

Regret Over Missed Opportunities | What Can You Do To Take Your Chances?

Is there a way to stop letting opportunities pass you by?

In Episode #364 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: latinos rejecting what I've got to offer, how we neglect to consider what our future selves might want, creating opportunity by simply putting in a bit of effort, why missed ones from fear sting even more, the time I…

Is there a way to stop letting opportunities pass you by?

In Episode #364 of…

27 January 2023 | 01:05:13