Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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10 March 2023

Decades Of Physical Exercise | What Training Methodologies Work Best?

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Decades Of Physical Exercise | What Training Methodologies Work Best?

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Simple question, what is the best way to train?

In Episode #373 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: our experience after training for decades, Juan's advice to a friend who needs a training plan, the difference between our session lengths, how the styles matter little in comparison to volume/time and why a plan is useful for continuing through the 7/10 workouts.

A huge thanks to our one and only supporter Dave Jones for this week. Sad puppy apart from him :'(

(0:00) - Bammmm
(0:32) - 2 decades of experience between us
(1:44) - T-Nation article inspiration
(6:13) - The best plan is the one you stick to
(10:48) - Time length of the session
(16:42) - What training styles does Juan advocate?
(20:34) - Questions to determine your training method
(26:30) - Chat comments
(31:42) - Boostagram Lounge = Sad Puppy
(36:05) - No intentional experimentation
(41:00) - How experimental should one be?
(47:31) - We were all beginners once
(51:47) - A decade of data
(1:01:59) - Chat Comments & Juan Sum Up
(1:04:40) - Kyrin Sum Up
(1:09:24) - Top of a Mere Mortal
(1:11:22) - Value For Value: Train For It

Intro Music by 'Signs Of New Growth':

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