DJ Valerie B LOVE Show

”Smash the status quo with technology for good.” A No-BS show for Truth-Seekers and Freedom-Lovers who know the system is broken and are on a mission to build the best versions of themselves and the planet. My fabulous guests and I share tips, tools, and hacks about freedom technologies, AI, peace, meditation, LOVE, human rights, futurism, personal growth, Bitcoin, censorship, and prosperity for ALL. If you are on a mission to make yourself and the world way better this podcast is for YOU. "Peaceful Money = Peaceful Planet"

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191 Episodes

Groovy Living w/ Raja Ram from Shpongle - E38

Can you imagine how your life can be in a few years from now? Oh, I wish to know! Or maybe not yet… hehe! What I surely know is that I want to grow “young” just like one of my personal heroes: Raja Ram from Shpongle. 


In this colorful and psychedelic episode, we dive into intimate untold stories, mystic secrets and wise advice…

Can you imagine how your life can be in a few years from now? Oh, I wish to know! Or maybe not…

11 November 2019 | 01:10:26 | Explicit

Conscious Social Media with Nectar.Earth - E37

Have you ever craved an authentic connection to the beautiful, yummy people around you? Who can you trust when you often find out there are so many fake faces on social media?


Not all social media channels are the same. There is a new way to unveil the users’ core essence and purpose, like delicious nectar to be shared with the…

Have you ever craved an authentic connection to the beautiful, yummy people around you? Who can…

04 November 2019 | 00:33:02 | Explicit

How To Live in Wonder w/Rabbi Jessica - E36

What happens when a Rabbi and a Transformational DJ walk into each other’s life? 


It can be immensely fun! Between songs to dance in your car, weddings and special days, today we will talk about how to have great mental, physical and spiritual health by living our lives in wonder and whimsy.


Join me in this…

What happens when a Rabbi and a Transformational DJ walk into each other’s life? 


28 October 2019 | 00:29:59 | Explicit

Would you Give Your Day? w/Brooke Hill - E35

Wouldn’t it be amazing if kids could actually make the world a better place? We can help them become yummy human beings by teaching them to share; share their energy, their power, their time.  Kids CAN make a difference, they just need to know they’re perfectly capable. For this amazing initiative, we’ve got the help of Brooke Hill. She’s…

Wouldn’t it be amazing if kids could actually make the world a better place? We can help them…

21 October 2019 | 00:24:25 | Explicit

How To Cure Road Rage With Bluetech - E34

Have you ever experienced that a typical daily situation may turn YOU into someone you don’t like? Something like... traffic. 

Getting cut off by somebody on the road can be aggravating and frustrating. It doesn't have to be this way.

We will learn how anything can become an opportunity to meditate and get you grounded in this…

Have you ever experienced that a typical daily situation may turn YOU into someone you don’t…

14 October 2019 | 00:47:04 | Explicit

Orgasms for Peace - Dance OUR Dreams Podcast - E33

How does your sex practice look? Would you like it to be sacred? Well, queen (or king), you’ve come to the right place. If we aim for a higher goal even when we’re having sex, we can really transform our reality.


Don’t think of this like a boring, tedious practice, on the contrary, sex can be naughty AND spiritual! If you…

How does your sex practice look? Would you like it to be sacred? Well, queen (or king), you’ve…

06 October 2019 | 00:20:25 | Explicit

Sacred Solo Orgasms to Manifest OUR Dreams - E32

Do you want to channel your sexual energy to a higher purpose? We’ve got a new name, a new vibe and we’re gonna start all fired up. 

Self-pleasure it’s amazing, we can come up with a yummy ritual to heal ourselves and lead our energy to manifest OUR dreams. Join me into this exploration of our inner pleasure, so we can become masters at…

Do you want to channel your sexual energy to a higher purpose? We’ve got a new name, a new vibe…

30 September 2019 | 00:24:36 | Explicit

Bonus: Dance To Be Free w/Lucy Wallace

Why is dancing one of the most liberating experiences a soul can experience? 


In this BONUS episode of Dance OUR Dreams Podcast, you learn about an amazing initiative and HERO of mine who shows you how moving your body to the rhythm of funky upbeat tunes can make your soul let go of grudges and burdens that hold you…

Why is dancing one of the most liberating experiences a soul can experience? 


16 September 2019 | 00:35:23 | Explicit

Hysteria w/ Cudra Clover - E31

We all like beautiful things. Do you want to know how to make your — and everyone else’s— life more beautiful? WE are going to learn a very talented artist’s journey of turning adversity into inspiration. 


WE learn the mystery of art can help stir emotions in us and in others. And also, by doing and appreciating art, we can get…

We all like beautiful things. Do you want to know how to make your — and everyone else’s— life…

19 August 2019 | 00:36:22 | Explicit

Pelvic Bowl Healing w/Alicia Patterson - E30

Are you aware of your pelvic bowl? If it sounds like a completely new term for you, don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Learning how to heal something you might not have known it needed healing in the first place sounds a bit difficult, doesn’t it? But worry not, let’s go on a super amazing journey of knowing our body a bit better, and you might…

Are you aware of your pelvic bowl? If it sounds like a completely new term for you, don’t worry,…

12 August 2019 | 00:34:12 | Explicit