The R Weekly podcast offers a quick description of the latest highlighted stories and other stories from the latest R Weekly issue, as curated by the R Weekly team and R community.
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How to become a better R code detective, a practical introduction to custom fonts, and making error messages your own. Episode Links This week's curator: Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono ( How to become a better R code detective? ( Setting up and debugging custom fonts:…
How to become a better R code detective, a practical introduction to custom fonts, and making error…
20 July 2021 | 00:12:14
Creating a package directly from R-Markdown with {fusen}, and a new milestone release of the {googledrive} package Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq (@batool664) ( {fusen} 0.2.2 ( Build a Package from R Markdown File googledrive 2.0.0…
Creating a package directly from R-Markdown with {fusen}, and a new milestone release of the…
13 July 2021 | 00:09:38
Practical tips on starting new R projects, and improving a visualization of US streaming market share. Episode Links This week's curator: Jon Calder (@jonmcalder ( Draw me a project ( Improving a Visualization…
Practical tips on starting new R projects, and improving a visualization of US streaming market…
07 July 2021 | 00:12:50
Creating your own CRAN-like repository with R-universe, results the third annual Shiny contest, and insights on why to use Shiny. Episode Links This week's curator: Colin Faye (@_colinFay ( How to create your personal CRAN-like repository on R-universe ( Winners…
Creating your own CRAN-like repository with R-universe, results the third annual Shiny contest, and…
29 June 2021 | 00:11:07
Projecting and tracking COVID-19 infection rates in England with R, leveraging Wikidata to tag scientific abstracts, and a new deep-learning workflow with the luz package Episode Links This week's curator: Robert Hickman (@robwhickman ( Tracking SARS-CoV-2 In England with {epidemia}…
Projecting and tracking COVID-19 infection rates in England with R, leveraging Wikidata to tag…
23 June 2021 | 00:12:03
Using Animal Crossing data with the Google Vision API and machine learning, the latest Shiny developer series with Nick Strayer, and ensuring robust database transactions in Shiny Episode Links This week's curator: Tony Elhabr ([@TonyElHabr] Everybody Loves Raymond: Running Animal Crossing Villagers through the Google Vision API…
Using Animal Crossing data with the Google Vision API and machine learning, the latest Shiny…
15 June 2021 | 00:13:09
Reusing knitr chunk options, the combo of VS-Code and R in 2021, and say hello to gggrid Episode Links This week's curator: Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain ( Reusing Code Chunks and Chunk Options with knitr ( R in 2021 with VSCode…
Reusing knitr chunk options, the combo of VS-Code and R in 2021, and say hello to gggrid Episode…
08 June 2021 | 00:11:57
Extracting and analyzing Apple health data, and the top 40 CRAN packages for April Episode Links This week's curator: Wolfram Qin ( Changes in Apple Health Export ( April 2021: "Top 40" New CRAN Packages…
Extracting and analyzing Apple health data, and the top 40 CRAN packages for April Episode…
01 June 2021 | 00:08:10
The big new features in R 4.1.0, what makes a great function example, and evolution of a ggplot Episode Links This week's curator: Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin ( New features in R 4.1.0 ( Package documentation: What makes a good example?…
The big new features in R 4.1.0, what makes a great function example, and evolution of a…
26 May 2021 | 00:15:53
A tidymodels approach to the Introduction to Statistical Learning learning labs, exploring class imbalance on the TidyX video series, and encrypting and hosting a R Markdown report. Episode Links This week's curator: Ryo Nakagawara (@RbyRyo ( ISLR: tidymodels labs…
A tidymodels approach to the Introduction to Statistical Learning learning labs, exploring class…
18 May 2021 | 00:11:09