The R Weekly podcast offers a quick description of the latest highlighted stories and other stories from the latest R Weekly issue, as curated by the R Weekly team and R community.
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Flexing new table-creation capabilities in the latest flextable update, how less is more with Shiny application processing, and the RainbowR community shines once again. Episode Links This week's curator: Jon Calder (@jonmcalder ( {flextable} 0.7.2 ( -…
Flexing new table-creation capabilities in the latest flextable update, how less is more with Shiny…
29 June 2022 | 00:32:27
Previewing the upcoming rstudio::conf, why you should (or shouldn't) build an API client package, and monitoring Shiny application usage with Hotjar. Episode Links This week's curator: Colin Fay (@_colinFay ( rstudio::conf(2022) Conference Schedule ( Why You…
Previewing the upcoming rstudio::conf, why you should (or shouldn't) build an API client package,…
22 June 2022 | 00:25:46
Many improvements to {gt} version 0.6, and creating flow charts effeciently with {ggplot2}. Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq (@batool664) ( Changes (for the better) in {gt} 0.6.0 ( Creating flowcharts with {ggplot2}…
Many improvements to {gt} version 0.6, and creating flow charts effeciently with {ggplot2}. Episode…
15 June 2022 | 00:22:37
Creating user interfaces in R with a vintage toolkit, and a candid take on learning R with the right perspectives in mind. Episode Links This week's curator: Sam Parmar (@parmsam_ ( {tickle} ( a package for creating UIs in base R R will always be arcane to those who do not make…
Creating user interfaces in R with a vintage toolkit, and a candid take on learning R with the right…
08 June 2022 | 00:30:10
Annotated screencasts of David Robinson's Tidy Tuesday analyses, and the second edition of Deep Learning with R is on the way. Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq (@batool664) ( ( A collection of 80+ hours of time-stamped, annotated…
Annotated screencasts of David Robinson's Tidy Tuesday analyses, and the second edition of Deep…
01 June 2022 | 00:21:42
Amazing software development resources for data scientists, community-contributed R markdown tips & tricks to save you time, and combining GitHub gists and Carbon screenshots with gistillery. Episode Links This week's curator: Eric Nantz (@theRcast ( Software Development Resources for Data Scientists…
Amazing software development resources for data scientists, community-contributed R markdown tips &…
25 May 2022 | 00:35:11
A preview of R for Data Science (2nd edition) with missing data, creating topography maps, and (yes) playing the drums directly in R. Episode Links This week's curator: Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin ( New r4ds chapter: missing values ( Making a crisp topography map with R…
A preview of R for Data Science (2nd edition) with missing data, creating topography maps, and (yes)…
19 May 2022 | 00:28:45
A dungeon-crawler for your R console, storytelling in ggplot2 with rounded rectangles, and updates to the tidymodels recipes suite of packages. Episode Links This week's curator: Colin Fay (@_colinFay ( Simple procedural dungeons in R ( Storytelling in ggplot using rounded…
A dungeon-crawler for your R console, storytelling in ggplot2 with rounded rectangles, and updates…
11 May 2022 | 00:26:17
A brand-new tables gallery powered by the R community, noteworthy items from the Appsilon Shiny conference, and R-Markdown is not going anywhere. Episode Links This week's curator: Eric Nantz (@theRcast ( RStudio Community Table Gallery ( shinytest2, Rhino…
A brand-new tables gallery powered by the R community, noteworthy items from the Appsilon Shiny…
05 May 2022 | 00:30:43
Lessons from teaching R to non-programmers, loading a large and messy CSV file with data.table and command-line tools, Bayesian analyses with the brms package, and getting a better understanding of the tidyeval framework. Episode Links This week's curator: Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono ( 6 Lessons I learned from…
Lessons from teaching R to non-programmers, loading a large and messy CSV file with data.table and…
27 April 2022 | 00:32:55