R Weekly Highlights

R Weekly Highlights

The R Weekly podcast offers a quick description of the latest highlighted stories and other stories from the latest R Weekly issue, as curated by the R Weekly team and R community.

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178 Episodes

Issue 2021-W17 Highlights

Exploring wikidata with the {tidywikidatar} package, accessibility improvements in {knitr}, and the top 40 new CRAN packages for March. Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almazrouq (@batool664) (https://twitter.com/batool664) What does Wikidata know about members of the European Parliament?…

Exploring wikidata with the {tidywikidatar} package, accessibility improvements in {knitr}, and the…

27 April 2021 | 00:12:37

Issue 2021-W16 Highlights

The latest news from rOpenSci, creating ggplot2 postcards with ggirl, and an introduction to process mining in R Episode Links This week's curator: Jon Calder (@jonmcalder (https://twitter.com/jonmcalder)) rOpenSci News Digest, April 2021 (https://ropensci.org/blog/2021/04/16/latest-ropensci-news-digest/) {ggirl} 1.0.1…

The latest news from rOpenSci, creating ggplot2 postcards with ggirl, and an introduction to process…

20 April 2021 | 00:10:08

Issue 2021-W15 Highlights

reprex 2.0, using Kubernetes and the future package, and SQL in RMarkdown Episode Links This week's curator: Colin Faye (@_colinFay (https://twitter.com/_colinfay)) reprex 2.0.0 (https://www.tidyverse.org/blog/2021/04/reprex-2-0-0/) Using Kubernetes and the Future Package to Easily Parallelize R in the Cloud…

reprex 2.0, using Kubernetes and the future package, and SQL in RMarkdown Episode Links This week's…

13 April 2021 | 00:13:29

Issue 2021-W14 Highlights

{workflowsets} with tidy models, exploring other {ggplot2} goems, and top 10 R errors Episode Links This week's curator: Robert Hickman (@robwhickman (https://twitter.com/robwhickman)) workflowsets 0.0.1 (https://www.tidyverse.org/blog/2021/03/workflowsets-0-0-1/) Exploring Other ggplot2 Geoms (https://ivelasq.rbind.io/blog/other-geoms/) The top 10…

{workflowsets} with tidy models, exploring other {ggplot2} goems, and top 10 R errors Episode…

05 April 2021 | 00:09:56

Issue 2021-W13 Highlights

The Minard System in R, ggplot2 wizardry, a slackbot created with plumber and googleCouldRunner Episode Links This week's curator: Tony Elhabr (@TonyElHabr (https://twitter.com/tonyelhabr)) "The Minard System" in R (http://minard.schochastics.net/) A guide to creating a Slackbot that sends weekly updates via plumber, googleCloudRunner and Cloud…

The Minard System in R, ggplot2 wizardry, a slackbot created with plumber and…

30 March 2021 | 00:10:58

Issue 2021-W12 Highlights

{gt} tables cookbook, best weather cities, and mapping over many files Episode Links This week's curator: Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain (https://twitter.com/MilesMcBain)) The GT Cookbook (https://themockup.blog/static/gt-cookbook.html) Cities with Best (and Worst) Weather, 2021 edition (https://taraskaduk.com/posts/2021-03-14-best-weather-2/) How to…

{gt} tables cookbook, best weather cities, and mapping over many files Episode Links This week's…

23 March 2021 | 00:12:01

Issue 2021-W11 Highlights

Time series forecasting with torch, automated scraping of stock metrics with GitHub Actions, and default knitr options and hooks. Episode Links This week's curator: Robert Hickman (@robwhickman (https://twitter.com/robwhickman)) Introductory time series forecasting with torch…

Time series forecasting with torch, automated scraping of stock metrics with GitHub Actions, and…

16 March 2021 | 00:11:12

Issue 2021-W10 Highlights

Serverless dashboards, learning tidy evaluation by re-implementing dplyr, and bootstrap confidence intervals with tidy modeling Episode Links This week's curator: Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin (https://twitter.com/KellyBodwin)) Server(shiny)-less dashboards with R, {htmlwidgets} and {crosstalk}…

Serverless dashboards, learning tidy evaluation by re-implementing dplyr, and bootstrap confidence…

09 March 2021 | 00:10:40

Issue 2021-W09 Highlights

Random effects, GGanimate intro, and updates to dplyr backends Episode Links This week's curator: Ryo Nakagawara (@RbyRyo (https://twitter.com/R_by_Ryo)) Random effects and penalized splines are the same thing (https://www.tjmahr.com/random-effects-penalized-splines-same-thing/) GGanimating a geographic introduction…

Random effects, GGanimate intro, and updates to dplyr backends Episode Links This week's curator:…

02 March 2021 | 00:10:26

Issue 2021-W08 Highlights

Multi-page Shiny apps, R package citation, and refactoring the squashinformr package Episode Links This week's curator: Eric Nantz (@theRcast (https://twitter.com/thercast)) Multi-page {shiny} Applications with {brochure} (https://colinfay.me/brochure-r-package/) Make Your R Package Easier to Cite…

Multi-page Shiny apps, R package citation, and refactoring the squashinformr package Episode…

23 February 2021 | 00:12:19