R Weekly Highlights

R Weekly Highlights

The R Weekly podcast offers a quick description of the latest highlighted stories and other stories from the latest R Weekly issue, as curated by the R Weekly team and R community.

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178 Episodes

Issue 2021-W48 Highlights

How GitHub Actions empowers the {cffr} package to perform automated testing with 2,000 packages, recap of the recent R-Ladies Philly workshop on automated testing in R, and introducing the new {filebin} package for easy file sharing. Episode Links This week's curator: Colin Fay (@_colinFay (https://twitter.com/_colinfay)) How I Test cffr on (about)…

How GitHub Actions empowers the {cffr} package to perform automated testing with 2,000 packages,…

01 December 2021 | 00:33:02

Issue 2021-W46 Highlights

A cautionary tale about ML interpretations with food, practical solutions for dealing with big data in R, and the adventures of installing R on the new Apple Silicon hardware. Episode Links This week's curator: Tony Elhabr (@TonyElHabr (https://twitter.com/TonyElHabr) Why machine learning hates vegetables (a dialogue about Zillow)…

A cautionary tale about ML interpretations with food, practical solutions for dealing with big data…

17 November 2021 | 00:37:09

Issue 2021-W45 Highlights

A lesser-known R function drives finding coordinates on fictitious Pokemon maps, creating customized point shapes with ggplot2 and gggrid, and how the branchMover Shiny app can save you a load of time and effort with GitHub branch renaming. Episode Links This week's curator: Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain (https://twitter.com/MilesMcBain)) Get…

A lesser-known R function drives finding coordinates on fictitious Pokemon maps, creating customized…

10 November 2021 | 00:33:59

Issue 2021-W44 Highlights

An analysis of dialogue from "The Office", and a package promoting accessibility for visually impaired R-Users. Episode Links This week's curator: Wolfram Qin Analyzing The Office's dialogues (https://daniloderosa.com/blog/theoffice/) {BrailleR} 0.32.1 (https://cran.r-project.org/package=BrailleR): Improved Access for Blind Users Entire issue…

An analysis of dialogue from "The Office", and a package promoting accessibility for visually…

03 November 2021 | 00:24:42

Issue 2021-W43 Highlights

A tutorial on getting started with aRtistry, simulating the Squid Game bridge scene, and a video demonstration of installing Shiny server on AWS. Episode Links This week's curator: Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin (https://twitter.com/KellyBodwin)) Simulating the Squid Game Bridge Scene…

A tutorial on getting started with aRtistry, simulating the Squid Game bridge scene, and a video…

27 October 2021 | 00:30:23

Issue 2021-W42 Highlights

A major announcement for R developers interested in type safety, thoughts on using Visual Studio Code from the perspective of a long-time RStudio user, and the adventures of filling regions between lines with ggplot2. Episode Links This week's curator: Ryo Nakagawara (@RbyRyo (https://twitter.com/R_by_Ryo)) Introducing rpp: The long-term goal of…

A major announcement for R developers interested in type safety, thoughts on using Visual Studio…

20 October 2021 | 00:30:01

Issue 2021-W41 Highlights

Using the helpers from usethis for pull request workflows, 2021 New York R conference videos now available, and the origins of the newly released ggalignment package for D&D inspired alignments. Plus, a new era of the podcast begins with our new co-host Mike Thomas! Episode Links This week's curator: Eric Nantz (@theRcast…

Using the helpers from usethis for pull request workflows, 2021 New York R conference videos now…

13 October 2021 | 00:27:38

Issue 2021-W40 Highlights

Parameterized reports in RMarkdown with Plumber, an updated history of the pipe operator in R, and creating data from an image with reticulate Episode Links This week's curator: Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono (https://twitter.com/carroll_jono)) The Power of Parameterized Reports With Plumber…

Parameterized reports in RMarkdown with Plumber, an updated history of the pipe operator in R, and…

06 October 2021 | 00:22:50

Issue 2021-W39 Highlights

Data visualization accessibility, curating for R-Ladies, and a soccer data pipeline. Plus an annoucement on my goals for the future of the podcast. Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq (@batool664) (https://twitter.com/batool664) Resources for Data Viz Accessibility…

Data visualization accessibility, curating for R-Ladies, and a soccer data pipeline. Plus an…

30 September 2021 | 00:25:43

Issue 2021-W38 Highlights

Eras of MTV and system commands Episode Links This week's curator: Jon Calder (@jonmcalder (https://twitter.com/jonmcalder)) Finding the Eras of MTV's The Challenge Through Clustering (https://jlaw.netlify.app/2021/09/15/finding-the-eras-of-mtv-s-the-challenge-through-clustering/) How to Use System Commands in your R Script or Package…

Eras of MTV and system commands Episode Links This week's curator: Jon Calder (@jonmcalder…

22 September 2021 | 00:12:35