Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Episode #35 - Mere Mortal Meanderings - S1E42

In short, this will be going forward a set of episodes where the team sits down, has a drink or two and converses on anything that is top of mind. Unlike the usual structured discussions, this is much more fluid where anything can come up! If you feel like tuning in, do so and as alway, enjoy.

In short, this will be going forward a set of episodes where the team sits down, has a drink or…

01 May 2020 | 00:35:47

Episode #34 - Mere Mortal Musings 002 (Learnings from Fyre festival, courage and extremes) - S1E41

The team gathered around our podcast table to talk about all of the latest things going on in the world, including some learnings we took away from the doco Fyre festival, what that means in terms of courage and Plan "B's". The team also tackled extremes vs the norm and where we see that being important and where we differed in…

The team gathered around our podcast table to talk about all of the latest things going on in…

29 April 2020 | 00:39:17

Episode #33 - Medium term goals - S1E40

Short-term goals, Long-term goals. These are known and discussed in-depth in many forms, in-fact the team has covered goals in general in earlier podcasts (Check those out for more context). But have you stopped to think about medium term goals, what they are, how they can define whether you achieve your long term goals and if they are worth…

Short-term goals, Long-term goals. These are known and discussed in-depth in many forms,…

26 April 2020 | 00:54:15

Episode #32 - Mere Mortal Musings 001 (Fear and how to find your passion) - S1E39

This week brings around the first set of Mere Mortal Musings, a short (er) episode in comparison to our usual ones where the team sits down, talks smack and looks back at the week that was. In amongst other things, we look back at the big insights we learned this week and got talking deep into fear and how one might find their true…

This week brings around the first set of Mere Mortal Musings, a short (er) episode in…

23 April 2020 | 00:37:20

Episode #31 - Must Listen To Podcasts 2020 - S1E38

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss Top Podcasts, in particular their favourite podcasts and standout episodes from these podcasts. A summary of these below:

Juan Top Podcasts:
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- The Property Couch
- The Art Of Manliness
- Jocko Podcast
- The…

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss Top Podcasts, in particular their favourite podcasts and…

19 April 2020 | 00:58:45

Episode #30 - Conspiracy Theories - S1E37

Episode 30 brings to you a discussion on a topic that was voted in by a listener! Conspiracy theories touches upon the definition and psychology of conspiracy theories and the individuals/groups who believe them. We also get into what the team believes might be real, what might be a conspiracy and some of the biggest theories that turned out…

Episode 30 brings to you a discussion on a topic that was voted in by a listener! Conspiracy…

12 April 2020 | 01:08:57

Episode #29 - Negotiation - S1E36

The team at Mere Mortals tackled negotiation in the latest installment of the podcast. Amongst other things, Juan shares some of his personal experiences, both positive and negative. The team also runs through the five steps to a succesful negotiation, and while sound in nature beware that it can change and mix depending on the situation. As…

The team at Mere Mortals tackled negotiation in the latest installment of the podcast. Amongst…

05 April 2020 | 01:17:32

Episode #28 - Self-Loathing - S1E35

In this episode of the podcast, Juan and Kyrin discuss self-loathing. The state of internal hatred is an abhorrent feeling, ranging from mild to extreme severity. It is a by product of the thinking of one who is questioning their worth to themselves, society, even existence at large.

As mere mortals we all examine…

In this episode of the podcast, Juan and Kyrin discuss self-loathing. The state of internal…

29 March 2020 | 00:53:24

Episode #27 - Panic - S1E34

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss all things related to panic. With the current growth of the coronavirus we are all seeing radical changes to the normality that we have grown used to. This can and already has led to some panic situations in crowded areas, granted though it was fighting over toilet paper.


In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss all things related to panic. With the current growth of…

22 March 2020 | 01:00:34

Episode #26 - Ego - S1E33

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss everything involving ego (the self; that which feels, acts or thinks). Some of the highlights from the episode include: personal experiences with their own ego and how it interfered negatively in their lives, an introduction to the psychoanalytic three-fold concept of the Id (instincts), Superego…

In this episode Juan and Kyrin discuss everything involving ego (the self; that which feels,…

15 March 2020 | 01:01:27