Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

MATSEN JASCH | Mere Mortals Interview # 015 - S1E136

Matsen Jasch is the host of the Inner City Hermit podcast, a local Brisbane based lifestyle/comedy podcast. We start off with a common problem (that is not unique to podcasters) of comparing yourself to others. Matsen gives us a couple of tips of how to get out of this mindset and into one of mutual cooperation and collaboration. He also…

Matsen Jasch is the host of the Inner City Hermit podcast, a local Brisbane based…

29 August 2020 | 00:48:14

Proud Of Being A Mere Mortalite (Mere Mortals Episode #79 - Meanderings) - S1E142

Do you find yourself judging and comparing yourself to the pinnacles of 'success'? In this episode of Meanderings, Juan and Kyrin discuss: recognising that even the best of people can't do everything, the common traps of self judgement and comparison, the unfairness of life, knowing when to quit and give up and rekindling lost…

Do you find yourself judging and comparing yourself to the pinnacles of 'success'? In…

28 August 2020 | 00:36:40

What Are The Best Karaoke Songs? (Mere Mortals Episode #78 - Musings) - S1E138

Join the debate. Are the best karaoke songs those which require you to sing in strange ways or those which suit your natural tone? In this episode of 'Musings' Juan and Kyrin have a look at the week that was and pick out the choice selections of their learnings. These included the power of negative visualisation, looking back on your…

Join the debate. Are the best karaoke songs those which require you to sing in strange ways or…

26 August 2020 | 00:30:31

The Secret to Happiness - 4Ms #33 - S1E139

The secret to happiness - "See all the marvels of the world and never forget the drops of oil in the spoon" - The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!

About Mere Mortals:
Striving for excellence through life's lessons. Learnings…

The secret to happiness - "See all the marvels of the world and never forget the drops of…

24 August 2020 | 00:01:26

Kurt Cobain's Death (Mere Mortals Episode #77 - Suicide) - S1E137

What are the reason's that drive someone to take their own life? In this sombre themed episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Suicide'. While not a pleasant theme the MM crew were suggested the topic and it follows the recent discussion Juan had with Jodie Addis (MM Interview #014) about mental health.…

What are the reason's that drive someone to take their own life? In this sombre themed…

23 August 2020 | 00:48:37

JODIE ADDIS | Mere Mortals Interview #014 - S1E128

The team had the great pleasure of interviewing Jodie from The Mental Health Podcast, a brand new podcast raising awareness on some often swept under the carpet type of topics. Among other things we discussed her own personal "rock bottom" scenarios, her Why behind bringing the podcast to live and the message she wants everyone to…

The team had the great pleasure of interviewing Jodie from The Mental Health Podcast, a brand…

22 August 2020 | 00:33:08

Blacking Out While Freediving (Mere Mortals Episode #76 - Meanderings) - S1E135

What drives a person to put their health on the line just for the sake of being the best? In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin discuss:

0:00 - Intro & MM improvements
2:55 - Deep breathing and freedivers
8:53 - Retaining information and Juan's new…

What drives a person to put their health on the line just for the sake of being the best? In…

21 August 2020 | 00:34:59

Trust Vs Vulnerability (Mere Mortals Episode #75 - Musings) - S1E133

Which comes first, trust or vulnerability? In this episode of 'Musings' Juan and Kyrin attempt to answer this question and also discuss: Tristan Harris (the good guy of Silicon Valley), phone tips/tricks to reduce the attraction of social media, chasing the story-line, choosing between hell yes or no, altered states from Wim Hof…

Which comes first, trust or vulnerability? In this episode of 'Musings' Juan and…

19 August 2020 | 00:31:52

Control your Decisions - 4Ms #32 - S1E134

Controlling your decisions is often easier said than done. Today is a short little take-away on how emotions control your decisions, and in turn mastering your emotions can truly free you up to control your destiny.

As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!

About Mere…

Controlling your decisions is often easier said than done. Today is a short little take-away on…

17 August 2020 | 00:01:58

Do You Believe In Aliens? (Mere Mortals Episode #74 - Aliens) - S1E132

Do you believe in aliens and if so, have they visited us? Juan and Kyrin start off this themed episode of 'Aliens' by answering this question and their reasoning process. There has been many attempts at attempting to scientifically argue for their existence (such as with the Drake equation) and explain why we lack evidence of their…

Do you believe in aliens and if so, have they visited us? Juan and Kyrin start off this themed…

16 August 2020 | 00:44:48