Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Is it a Sprint or a Marathon - 4M's #48 - S1E242

Is it a Sprint folks, a Marathon or something else entirely...

As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!

About Mere Mortals:
Striving for excellence through life's lessons. Daily uploads @ 5pm AEST. 4M's, Book Reviews, Musings, Bonus, Meanderings, Interviews &…

Is it a Sprint folks, a Marathon or something else entirely...


07 December 2020 | 00:02:52

Exercising So Hard You Need To Puke (Episode #122 - Meanderings) - S1E241

Is it good to workout at such intensity that at the end of a session you need to vomit? In this episode of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: the wonderful powers of baking soda to eliminate body odour, our differing philosophies on a healthy intensity for a workout session, avoiding exogenous chemicals in shampoo/deodorants, whether…

Is it good to workout at such intensity that at the end of a session you need to vomit? In this…

06 December 2020 | 00:27:45

JAMES DOONER | Foot Health, Physical Play & Getting Back To Nature: Mere Mortals Conversation #30 - S1E231

James Dooner is the director of the Australian division of 'The Foot Collective'. TFC focuses on creating foundational health in the body by focusing on proper foot health and also creating a community around the aspect of 'play'. In this conversation James and I explore the ways you can create better foot health (walking…

James Dooner is the director of the Australian division of 'The Foot Collective'. TFC…

05 December 2020 | 00:46:26

Are Ideas Inherently Good Or Bad? (Episode #121 - Ideas) - S1E237

When an idea appears in your mind is it already inherently good or bad? In this themed episode Juan and I discuss the topic of 'Ideas'. To start off the episode we announce the winner of the suit voucher giveaway and close off on our learnings from doing it. We then jump into an immediate conflict of definitions and spend a bit of…

When an idea appears in your mind is it already inherently good or bad? In this themed episode…

04 December 2020 | 00:46:48

Mere Mortals Monthly Goals - December 2020 - S1E236

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first Thursday of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings, what we didn't achieve in the previous month's goals and how we will fix that for the month…

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first…

03 December 2020 | 00:30:11

Become Harder To Kill (Episode #120 - Musings) - S1E235

Why did Juan's animalistic workout make him harder to kill? In this episode of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: my recent foray into free diving breathe techniques (and how it differs from the Wim Hof method), Juan's poor customer service experience with Reebok, the euphoric gorilla workout that Juan had on Tuesday, why…

Why did Juan's animalistic workout make him harder to kill? In this episode of…

01 December 2020 | 00:28:21

Reactive vs Proactive - 4M's #47 - S1E232

The mindset shift, from a reactive to proactive state is HARD. Often the best way we can tackle this is by reflecting on failures and making adjustments to our future from the learnings.

As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!

About Mere Mortals:
Striving for excellence…

The mindset shift, from a reactive to proactive state is HARD. Often the best way we can tackle…

30 November 2020 | 00:02:41

The Danger Of Buying Things Online (Episode #119 - Meanderings) - S1E226

Have you ever been totally scammed after buying something from the internet? In this special pre-recorded inside version of 'Meanderings' Juan and Kyrin discuss: a Chinese scam from TikTok and a dodgy phone holder, buying things online that turn out to be crap, the new PlayStation 5 and buying physical discs, the vulnerability of…

Have you ever been totally scammed after buying something from the internet? In this special…

29 November 2020 | 00:30:31

JOHN LYNSKEY | Subconscious Programming & Setting Your Intent: Mere Mortals Conversation #29 - S1E225

John Lynskey is a Results Coach whose aim is to help people transform their lives through Laws Of Attraction & Subconscious Programming. John's path to coaching began when he was still in school and received advice from his Dad on how to use visualisation to help achieve better grades to get into university. When combining this with…

John Lynskey is a Results Coach whose aim is to help people transform their lives through Laws…

28 November 2020 | 00:46:33

Why Can't I Break Bad Habits? (Episode #118 - Habits) - S1E233

Why are habits so strong and so hard to break? In this themed episode Juan and I discuss the topic of 'Habits'. We start off as usual with a definition and a quick dive into whether it is useful to talk about habits in the subconscious or conscious domain. Us Mere Mortals have many habits (good and bad) so we go over some of our…

Why are habits so strong and so hard to break? In this themed episode Juan and I discuss the…

27 November 2020 | 01:03:28