Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Competition: Are Winners & Losers A Necessary Part Of Life?

Juan's going to have at least 8 competitive children, but unfortunately they'll all be losers :'(

In Episode #271 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: Grant Cardone's silly article, rivalry between winners and losers, if self-improvement is a competition, the different types of bounded games, why sexual…

Juan's going to have at least 8 competitive children, but unfortunately they'll all be…

10 February 2022 | 01:06:24

OSCAR MERRY | Mixing Social Media With Podcasting & Reducing Spam With Bitcoin

Oscar is back! But this time for a shorter more casual convo about what has been happening with Fountain.

In Conversation #69 Oscar and I discuss: if it's harder to code in good audio features or integrate bitcoin into Fountain, why we need more connection between podcasters and listener, how users are behaving differently on his…

Oscar is back! But this time for a shorter more casual convo about what has been happening with…

07 February 2022 | 00:33:27

Monthly Goals - February 2022

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the…

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly…

06 February 2022 | 00:22:24

No Agenda & CrossFit: Are We Witnessing The Rise Of A New Champion?

Whilst I was out meeting some new people Juan has been undertaking secret training to become the next CrossFit champion.

In Episode #270 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: going to a local No Agenda meetup, why I don't believe all the hype about online radicalisation, some Joe Rogan news and the definition of…

Whilst I was out meeting some new people Juan has been undertaking secret training to become the…

05 February 2022 | 00:38:41

Our Favourite Books Of 2021: An Overview Of Some Bangers!

Of the ~83 books we read between us in 2021 we found a couple that were worth examining.

In Episode #269 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: why I wanted to make this a full episode, how we think about the process of reading, why 'Sapiens' was a standout for Juaney, an explanation of my rating system, why 'Lost…

Of the ~83 books we read between us in 2021 we found a couple that were worth…

03 February 2022 | 00:49:43

Enduring A Bad Start: Why Nothing Will Stop Our Podcast!

Malfunctioning mic arms and crappy cables can't stop this train.

In Episode #268 of 'Meanderings/Musings' Juan and I discuss: our recent double malfunction, how we would have handled setbacks in our earlier episodes, why nurses in blood donor centers are jittery, why I won't be foiling terrorist attacks, what I…

Malfunctioning mic arms and crappy cables can't stop this train.

In Episode #268 of…

29 January 2022 | 00:30:50

Anonymity: The Pros/Cons & Whether It Is Good For Society?

Who we are, you'll never know. What we do, you can only guess. Why we podcast, because it's fun!

In Episode #267 of 'Musings' Nuaj & Nyrik discuss: the definition of anonymity, the pros of security/inclusivity/meritocracy, the cons of no accountability/destructiveness, why being anonymous in the crowd…

Who we are, you'll never know. What we do, you can only guess. Why we podcast, because…

27 January 2022 | 00:56:20

The Art Of NFT's & Aimless Wandering

Not only do a lot of NFT's within the same series looks the same, but across series as well!

In Episode #266 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: Juan's ridiculous NFT purchases, why Juan is delusional about his love for artistic NFT's (they're all the same), how I propose to strengthen my meme muscle,…

Not only do a lot of NFT's within the same series looks the same, but across series as…

22 January 2022 | 00:57:58

Beliefs: What Do You Believe & Why?

We get slightly philosophical on this one as we explore some of our deepest held beliefs.

In Episode #265 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: how to catch us live in the future, a few different definitions of the word, why I have a new hated buzzword, some things that we strongly believe, a shoutout to Petar the Slav & Dave…

We get slightly philosophical on this one as we explore some of our deepest held…

21 January 2022 | 01:00:51

Catching COVID & Wacky Watches

Well this turned out to be mostly an episode of complaining. Complaining about COVID, about doctors, about fiat and about dressing up.

In Episode #264 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: how Juan caught COVID this last week, my moaning about the medical system, whether we should help you to help us, my surprise erotic…

Well this turned out to be mostly an episode of complaining. Complaining about COVID, about…

15 January 2022 | 00:35:44