Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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716 Episodes

Can You Prepare For A Loved Ones Death? | Taking Supplements & Financial Turmoil

Best to think about death because in the end we're all just mere mortals.

In Episode #377 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: using stoic principles to prepare for death, all the time Juan has spent on health and fitness recently, abstract math required to self diagnose elbow problems, the CrossFit masters competition,…

Best to think about death because in the end we're all just mere mortals.


26 March 2023 | 00:39:00

Asymmetric Opportunity | Determining The Right Risk Vs Reward Ratio

How do you determine the tradeoff's when judging an opportunity?

In Episode #376 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: the twitter threads popping up for Juan, why it's hard to judge risk, why I place physical safety above emotional well being and material concerns, a sad puppy week, why you don't want to handstand…

How do you determine the tradeoff's when judging an opportunity?

In Episode #376 of…

24 March 2023 | 00:58:17

ALEXANDER WATANABE | The Perfect NFT, Art Discourse/History & The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Alexander Watanabe is an artist, coder, architect and co-creator of the 'The Perfect NFT' on the Cardano blockchain.

In Conversation #85, Alexander and I discuss: why Alex might has a more cynical disposition to NFT's, Sam Bankman-Fried and effective altruism, fun stories from travelling around the world, the cultural…

Alexander Watanabe is an artist, coder, architect and co-creator of the 'The Perfect…

19 March 2023 | 02:24:04

What Are Our Greatest Weaknesses Of Virtue? | And How Can We Fix Them?

What would Benjamin Franklin want us to do?

In Episode #375 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: a founding father's steps to self-improvement, why you must examine your weaknesses first, how ethics might not be captured in your normal habits, Juan's ethics as first discussed in Ep #138, my new plan to keep myself…

What would Benjamin Franklin want us to do?

In Episode #375 of 'Musings', Juan…

17 March 2023 | 01:10:18

Teaching Children Another Language | Intense Bitcoiners At A Meetup

What's better than a bilingual child, only a trilingual child!

In Episode #374 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: a couple of the cool but mostly strange people I met recently, why we only have 2500 books left to read between us, the differences between English/German/Spanish/French, why Juan and I lack finesse with out…

What's better than a bilingual child, only a trilingual child!

In Episode #374 of…

12 March 2023 | 00:55:24

Decades Of Physical Exercise | What Training Methodologies Work Best?

Simple question, what is the best way to train?

In Episode #373 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: our experience after training for decades, Juan's advice to a friend who needs a training plan, the difference between our session lengths, how the styles matter little in comparison to volume/time and why a plan is useful…

Simple question, what is the best way to train?

In Episode #373 of 'Musings',…

10 March 2023 | 01:12:09

Monthly Goals | March 2023

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the…

You smell that ....... it smells like it's goal time.

Do you set yourself monthly…

06 March 2023 | 00:33:46

JUSTIN FOX | Digital Art, Online Communities & Vulnerable Dating

Justin Fox is the founder of Zen Garage, graphic designer and first appeared on the Mere Mortals in Conversation #72.

In Conversation #84, Justin and I discuss: how he is finding an artistic outlet in plants, how technology changes the art scene, the various behaviours found in digital communities, why it's valuable to have the…

Justin Fox is the founder of Zen Garage, graphic designer and first appeared on the Mere Mortals…

05 March 2023 | 01:49:05

It's Time To Step Into The Future | Improving The Podcast Beyond The Substance

We're going to be experimenting and altering our style soon, what can you expect?

In Episode #372 of 'Musings', Juan and I discuss: why we're unlikely to need a trademark, how we will try to move forward but without breaking things too badly, the way to get a Mere Mortals shirt, Juan's creation of a new…

We're going to be experimenting and altering our style soon, what can you…

03 March 2023 | 01:03:37

Polarised Reaction To Gorillaz New Album | Will We Get Cancelled?

Juan thinks Gorillaz is trash. I think he is trash.

In Episode #371 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: our reactions to the newly released Gorillaz songs, unpredictable feedback coming from YouTube, why I will continue with handstands basically no matter what, why we probably won't ever get cancelled, our daily uses of…

Juan thinks Gorillaz is trash. I think he is trash.

In Episode #371 of…

26 February 2023 | 00:56:08