Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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30 August 2020

The Benefits Of Conscious Breathing (Mere Mortals Episode #80 - Breathing) - S1E146

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The Benefits Of Conscious Breathing (Mere Mortals Episode #80 - Breathing)

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Why should you care about how you breathe and what is the difference between nasal and mouth breathing? In this themed episode Juan and Kyrin discuss the topic of 'Breathing'. The crew start off with some fun facts, like that continuous breathing through your mouth can actually change the shape of your face. This tends to be a deleterious change and there are in fact numerous benefits to gaining your oxygen nasally versus through the mouth.

The MM crew then get onto techniques (Wim Hof method/Valsalva) as well as their own personal experiences of altering their breath while swimming, exercising and practising breath holds. The body has some amazing adaptations that allow longer hold times (such as the dive reflex) and it is actually possible to breathe through an oxygen-rich liquid called Perflurocarbons. The conversation is ended with some pragmatic outcomes and some fantastic news on the podcast front. As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!

0:00 - Introduction
0:55 - Mere Mortal Moments
4:27 - Definition & techniques
6:10 - Fun facts on breathing
8:21 - Mouth breathing changes the shape of your face
10:30 - Benefits of nasal breathing
13:30 - Wim Hof breathing example and observations
16:08 - Changing your ventilation during exercise
19:21 - How Juan took in air while swimming
21:42 - Valsalva technique for heavy squatting
24:08 - The 4 vital signs of life
26:56 - Liquid breathing and PFC's
30:38 - The Dive Reflex
32:45 - Unconscious vs voluntary breathing
34:51 - Juan and his sister; the crazy siblings
38:49 - Kyrin's max breath hold and variations
40:42 - Pragmatic outcomes from the conversation
44:52 - Final sum up and some fantastic news!

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Striving for excellence through life's lessons. Learnings from podcasts, interviews, book reviews and reflection on how to push beyond a Mere Mortal.

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