Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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29 May 2021

Shaven Headed Strumpets & A Black Ron Weasley - S1E367

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Shaven Headed Strumpets & A Black Ron Weasley

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I don't even have a good explanation for why these topics came up. In Episode #196 of 'Musings' Juan and I discuss: Gary Vee's non-fungible tokens, how NFT's might be used in the future, the absurd stories that appear in Buddhist texts, how it is possible to completely change your deepest held beliefs, why coding will be important and everyone should know it, Harry Potter mishaps and asking yourself whether you actually are a good person deep down.

As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out!


(0:00) - Intro

(1:09) - Vee Friends

(6:20) - A proper photobombing

(7:39) - The future uses of NFT's

(13:50) - Nuns in the Vinaya Pitaka

(16:11) - Shaven Headed Strumpets

(17:33) - Doing a complete 180 on your beliefs

(23:29) - You'll need to know how to code

(26:53) - Hermione and black Ron Weasley

(28:51) - Are you inherently a good person?

(32:58) - Mere Mortal Moments

(35:44) - Your contract with the Mere Mortals

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