Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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25 December 2022

NIC BLAIR | Midnight Health, Building Companies, Healtcare, Daily Discipline and Lamborghini's

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NIC BLAIR | Midnight Health, Building Companies, Healtcare, Daily Discipline and Lamborghini's

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I got a chance to have a second sit down with Nic, who originally came on the podcast 2 years ago. We caught up about his latest venture: Midnight Health (, the scaling of this new company, what it means to scale a digital healthcare company, the daily discipline and we finish off with some car chats.

Tip: Stick it out with the audio, technical difficulties but hey, we are all mere mortals.

As always, we hope you enjoy. Mere Mortals out!

(0:00) - Intro
(2:30) - Changing of life with a baby
(4:00) - Midnight Health
(6:40) - Where is the digital wave?
(9:15) - Why are the products valuable?
(11:50) - Marketing
(13:30) - Biggest challenge for the company
(16:00) - Strategic Partners
(18:05) - Don't pigeon hole yourself
(19:30) - Learnings moving forward
(22:50) - Culture is King
(25:20) - Growth
(27:05) - BJJ
(30:15) - Cybersecurity
(32:55) - What has Nic excited?
(35:15) - Wen Lambo

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