Mere Mortals Conversations

Mere Mortals Conversations

What is Effective Philosophy? Juan and I simplify hard to grasp concepts into pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to every day life (fitness, goal setting, work, parenting, travel, hobbies, finances, etc.,). We go live every Sunday @ 9am AEST.

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04 August 2021

New Olympic Games, The Art Of Podcasting & Improving Podcast Apps - S1E392

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New Olympic Games, The Art Of Podcasting & Improving Podcast Apps

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The Olympic Games are coming to Brisbane and we have some suggestions for improvements!

In Episode #217 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: our boredom with the current Olympics, the new types of sports that could be added, an explanation of Kabaddi, why podcasting might be harder than simply talking into a mic, the excruciating Jocko & Lex podcast, some learnings we have made on being better podcasters, investing in NFT's, Breez/Podfriend/Curiocaster & some of the new podcasting 2.0 apps and what it would take for Juan to switch away from Spotify.

As always, we hope you enjoy. Mere Mortals out!


(0:00) - Bringing old notes

(1:11) - New Olympic games in Brisbane

(6:13) - Kabaddi

(10:21) - The art form of podcasting

(11:35) - Jocko on The Lex Podcast

(16:41) - Podcasting learnings

(21:28) - Intense Jocko Willink

(24:45) - Putting your money where your mouth is

(28:48) - Your podcast app dictates your podcast choices

(33:18) - Switching podcast apps

(36:06) - Kyrin signing off

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