It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next.
Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the previous monthly goals and how we will fix that for the month that comes. We hope you get some value from this series, showcasing our own methodology. What do you do differently and why?
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:01:04) Juan's April 2024 Recap
(00:05:45) Kyrin's April 2024 Recap
(00:08:51) Support Overview
(00:17:25) Juan's May 2024 Goals
(00:28:53) Kyrin's May 2024 Goals
(00:40:52) Fitness
(00:42:40) V4V: Time/Talent/Treasure
Connect with Mere Mortals:
Value 4 Value Support:
Welcome everyone to another episode of the mere mortals monthly goals. Indeed. It is where your 2 favorite mere mortals, Kyrin here. And Juan over here. And Juan on the other side, are live here on the 27th April 2024. We're live everywhere. I have managed to get us live on YouTube and onto the podcasting app. So in the future, I would encourage you to join in. I do have social posts on Discord and and Twitter and places like that. And if you're subscribed on YouTube, you should get a thing. Juan's video won't be showing up. But that's okay. Because you only need to see my beautiful face. Anyway, the monthly goals is where we talk about, yep, it's pretty, pretty self explanatory, to be honest, talk about the goals that we had in April of 2024.
Some support from everyone who's been boosting in and helping to support the show. What's coming up for May of 2020 4, maybe a little bit of fitness stuff. And, yeah, that'll that'll kick us off. So we'll start off with our little recap as usual one. Take it away. How was your April 2024?
[00:01:11] Juan Granados:
Look. Looking at it from the monthly goals perspective, not clinically not great, not fantastic. Percentage wise, 67%.
[00:01:22] Kyrin Down:
Did he read the damn book? Score out of a 100?
[00:01:26] Juan Granados:
No. And I would say that did I read the book? Yes. And I'm referring here to the French book that I have, Le Petit Prince. That I read some of it, I did. That I read more than I've been reading in the past because I changed my trajectory in the way of, hey, stop worrying about how it actually looks, on how I'm actually noting it down. So it didn't prove the way that I was reading. However, I really had this idea of just reading it more consistently. So that's goal 2 that we're talking about right now of reading that book. I didn't do it. I just didn't do it enough to really say, hey, yeah. And I delivered on that goal. I did read a lot more of other books. So interestingly enough, for those who don't know, we do do a a book review channel as well. I mean, model book reviews.
And I'm probably on pace of reading maybe a book fortnight at the moment, which is I'm like, wow, I haven't done this for a little while. So it's been good. But yeah, the particular book, the the tactic worked. I just haven't been actually doing it. So I gave myself a no. The this one was an interesting one. When I wrote the carrying out the recovery protocols of the gym, first goal that I had was the original one that I had when I was going to EMF, and I was using the call plunge and everything else. And it just turned off the tables of what was going on. I ended up kinda canceling from the gym. So I did use the protocols as much as possible, and I did keep going in terms of I bought a massage gun, and I still use that every now and again, plus some other protocols in the gym. So look, I'm gonna say, yes, I did. I carried out the protocols. I do, more stretching as well that I've been doing in the past. So I go, yep, go, tick that off. The quarterly bass and calculating numbers of business, yep, Done. But yeah. Using the food automation potential.
Geez. I'm being adjustment. Yeah. Business adjustment. I have no idea. Business adjustment something. Do you know what it stands for? No. No. Of course not.
[00:03:33] Kyrin Down:
I just find it hilarious. I can quickly have a look. It's tax related and you have no and it's in your goals and you have no idea what it means.
[00:03:40] Juan Granados:
Oh, yeah. I just know that in Australia, the like, that's what it stands for. But I I even do a quick little Means the government wants your money. It's activity. Business activity statement. That's what it stands for. If you want to know if you needed to know that, but the reviewing the food automated potential automation potential, nah, not really. I looked into it, but I didn't put enough of an effort into it. Like, I I started playing around with it. I looked at some companies looking at big delivery and a few other things, but just got carried away with other things didn't didn't proceed proceed with it. And then the last 2 was removing unnecessary time on others. Keep relationship physical and digital. Yes, absolutely.
They do this quite a bit, which freed up a lot of our time to 1 waste on just Instagram. Nice. So I'd say halfway through on Instagram, half more energy went into the podcast. So you'll see that you did post a lot of some of the book review stuff that comes up over the next couple of weeks. But also, yeah, it's it gives me more time to be a home and doing on things. And then the other one was planning my big fun dream. Tell no one about my family. So I'll take it. Yes, it got it got discussed. It got shared. There wasn't a planning is a is a very loose term.
Planning was a very loose term, more, imagining, let's just say, than than planning or building it. But there was a lot of good convo, I think, over April that I had in terms of on the podcast conversations that flourish the idea. Plus, I've met now a second person in Melbourne, who has basically created almost exactly what I wanted to create. So I was like, Oh, that's cool. So I am connecting with him at the moment to kind of get an idea of how he's doing doing the thing. So anyway, it was pretty good. It was it was really good. It must have been dispersed with just a crazy amount of things through April, which obviously doesn't go down on on the April girls. But yeah, much the same was a good April. It was good. Beautiful.
[00:05:45] Kyrin Down:
Well, crazy was how I would describe my month as well. So the first, you know, you'd think like, oh, well, it would have been crazy from the 4th onwards. That's when he was actually traveling to Brazil. But no, those those 3 days beforehand, I I had zero time to do anything really other than plaque and pack and plan. So, my goal my one goal was, allow yourself to be optimistic, flirty, happy, and playful. You know, I I didn't even have to look at this or think of this. I think the change of scenery has just been really good for me. Just just being someone new, the you know, it's it's very different. It's very different from how I used to travel, which was, you know, more the backpacker lifestyle. You go in and place, you're always packing up. You're always like looking for a new place to eat or something. You know, I, I was only just now looking up, oh, what's the actual typical Brazilian food, for example? Whereas I would have I would have done that, you know, 3 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago, if I was in the same sort of travel mindset I used to be. But what I have done, I have visited, Sao Paulo, Londrina here, Sia Noriche, Baoru, and Mandari.
Now, so that's like, you know, I've seen 5 different cities, I guess. All thanks so much to Lucas like he's he's been my guiding guardian angel guiding me to places taking me you know, everywhere showing me things. So he's, he's the main man, all props go to him. But yeah, I have just been having a really good time. And, you know, just just thinking less about some things, like, thinking less about how how mom's going. And, you know, it's it's it's good and bad because it kind of feel it makes me feel like a a shit child, but it's also like, you know, what what can I do? Nothing.
It just makes me miserable thinking about that whole situation. So,
[00:07:42] Juan Granados:
yeah, it's it's kind of it's been good to just get a little bit distanced. Yeah. I don't think I don't think you can look at it that in a negative sense. I think there's it's almost a whatever you do, that's already occurring. There's a lot of especially in your scenario, right? There's not all it. What can you control about it? Really? Not much. So as you can either worry about it or you can do other things. And that's kind of where you sit. Correct.
[00:08:04] Kyrin Down:
Correct. But, yeah, you know, there's there's there's little lingering thoughts, but they're not too too much. You'll see, I guess, in my my goals coming up, I suppose, more of what what I want to do whilst I'm here now. So now that I've I've got a place, I don't really want to move the camera around. But I've, you know, I've got a room, I've got my my stuff lined up over here, I can see my, you know, my razor, my other razor for my head, my bold, beautiful head. We'll talk more about that soon. In the in the next, mere mortals episode. You know, I got my thing stacked. Everything's nice and in place. So now I'm just, yeah, just gonna do some more things. And, I'll talk more about my fitness is more talk coming up. So we'll leave it leave it there for the moment and jump on to when you talk to come. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Let's talk.
Let's let's, just give a shout out to some of our supporters one. So, as usual, I haven't done the April goal, the April full tally yet because we haven't reached the end of April. But I've got the last 6 months up on your screen now if you're if you're watching both on YouTube and on a on a decent podcasting app where you can see chapter art. And, you know, it's kind of small. Yeah. Hopefully, you'll be able to zoom in. But essentially, what I've I've seen is pretty consistently on average where we're earning about 500 to 600 Australian dollars every quarter.
So that's about 2 grand a year. And the just the satoshi of amount of that varies based on Bitcoin price. So it is interesting to see that, you know, when people, people adjust their donation amounts based on how much Bitcoin is worth as well. So it's it's it's not like where we could just have like, 3 supporters donating, you know, like Dave Jones sending in 12,000 in 5, 10 years time when when 12,000 stats is like, you know, $3,000 or something. No, it's it's probably probably not gonna be like that. Yeah.
[00:10:03] Juan Granados:
But, yeah, just just really encouraging. Speaking of it's just just a day. Have you have you heard from David at all?
[00:10:10] Kyrin Down:
I'm not not particular. I I wanna reach out to him because, you know, it's I've only I've been here, what, 3 weeks now. So, if I was gonna if if everything goes according to plan in 3 months time, I'll I'll be in, I'll be in in Nashville and, you know, flying into right around where he is. So I was gonna reach out to him again and just be like, yo, if you felt like doing a road trip, Dave, I'd I'd be up for that because it's a I'm near 2 or 3 hour drive from his home up to Nashville. So, yeah, I'll I'll reach out to him. I'm gonna reach out to him. But, yep, I'm still tuning on to podcasting 2.0's. He's is been doing it's tax season time over there, and he works, in a data center for, I think, a tax accounting firm or something. So, he's been very busy. Busy boy.
Busy times. Yeah. Anything else you you wanted to call out? Anything, anything special?
[00:11:04] Juan Granados:
Well, the the only thing I just wanted to, double check. You can hear me still. Okay. I've just changed up the setup here. I've got the microphone. The Yeah, just just again, thinking through of I guess is probably good with the monthly goals. Ways that we can connect more value to people and in turn help us grow as a podcast as what we're doing. I've been playing around with a couple of idea. I mean, I'll drop something here, because we don't really get a chance often between myself and Karen now to discuss more, you know, strategic things and the like. But I'm really thinking through at the moment on can we provide better value by maybe sort of like a Chris Williamson style? He has a a 100 books that you must read. Yeah. Something like that would be absolutely even more attuned to the fact that we do book reviews. You know, do we put together a list like that to, again, help more value, bring more people into our sphere, help people connect more, start to see how they can support us predominantly through this sort of support model of turning through boost to grams atoshi's. So I think there's we talked about this at the start of the year in 2024. We're like, hey, this is the year we're gonna we're gonna make some big moves and big changes.
That might look like introducing more things and more value that we can provide to individuals who are tuning in, or just in other various formats. Right? But again, people do support us today continuously. As you said, as you mentioned, hey, not a whole lot, but it does help the podcast continue. But we do do really appreciate the support that people provide to the podcast. Yeah, absolutely. And I guess the other thing was just,
[00:12:45] Kyrin Down:
appreciate them sticking through the the what would you call it chaos, I guess, you know, I've met I must have been smoking crack to think that I would continue the value for value show whilst I was here that it's just so I underestimate how much effort that that show took. Like, it really did require a lot of prep and planning, which I I kind of knew, but I was like, ah, you know, I'll just be able to do that here. But then it's like, oh, okay. Well, do I spend that 6 hours prepping?
[00:13:13] Juan Granados:
You know, I think the only way the only way you could have almost done it, but it's live too. That's what makes it even more. I was I was thinking the only way you almost couldn't could have continued it would have been not Mickey at live. Mhmm. And just And then getting some, like, a producer no. And then getting a producer somewhere else to do it potentially. Not. Even more real time. But, man. I'll I'll shift it all into Cole. Cole, you
[00:13:38] Kyrin Down:
read read out these quotes and also do the whole thing. And I'll put you in for a 20% split.
[00:13:45] Juan Granados:
Yeah. No. It'll it'll just be Karen do it'll just be Karen doing the the like, the talking of a book and then Karl doing the rest of the thing. Yeah. Exactly.
[00:13:54] Kyrin Down:
No. But we do appreciate everyone who is, boosted in. And, once again, if you wanna check out where you are on the tally of, accumulating a shirt, a 100,000 satoshi sent into us and you will send a shirt your way. Mere mortals
[00:14:07] Juan Granados:
And that also explains how how you can do that if you are so inclined, so desired. It's very, very desirable t shirt. But while while you're talking about this t shirt as well, I was going to say something else with the podcast, well, the web website in particular. I'm gonna for anyone who's listening to this right now, I'd wanna get your input. If you have seen the website and use our website, would you would you say that it would be any of any benefit to have it revamped, revamped in the sense of so this is the other thing I was thinking about, Karen, was, again, we have a truckload of content that we've created now over the past, you know, years, especially with book reviews, accounts and everything.
You know, will it be worth revamping the website so that it, has a lot more written content? Right? And that can be in the format of I'm gonna be transparent, you know, leveraging Chargept or something. I like to translate a lot of the book reviews that we've done into just quick little summations or something to that effect. Is that at all valuable to anyone who's listening to that this right now? That is not because I don't want to put any effort. Right. Or even talk about it. Yeah. But if someone out there goes like, hey, you know what? It would be cool to have that in your website, then cool. Again, I'm just trying to understand what is gonna be valuable for people and what isn't. And and look at we're being I think more looking through about what's the best way to connect with individuals and provide, you know, what channels it is that we use. I think more and more something that me and you probably have heard both in the past is like, hey, what's really powerful is having a subscriber list, right, because you can kind of take that wherever you wanna go. I'm always thinking, you know, again, thinking back to that, what's the best way that we can help you guys out? People who are listening, the immortal lights, that we can also then bring you along the journey and all the various things that we start to do over the many years to come. I'll talk to you more, sometime about
[00:15:56] Kyrin Down:
activity pub and the the Fediverse, which are threads, for example, is is is part of that kind of that that Facebook built release. But, Mastodon is the one I've personally been using for, she's like, like, 3 or 4 years now because that's where the podcast index people hang up. And it's it's very similar idea of, an account an account being created, and it can just move everywhere. So there's there's some things in, once again, coming down the pipeline in the future, which might be useful. But, you know, that was that was the same with live. And and here we are now live on the podcast app. So if someone sends in a boost right now, we'll we'll get that real time. Exactly. Exactly.
[00:16:39] Juan Granados:
I'll, I'll save it for for later, to be honest. I'll say that the the other piece I was gonna say, for me and drinks, if you wanted to tune into that. But yeah. So a lot more a lot more around that. Yeah. For me, the front page, the only thing, I yeah. Our front page, I'd I'd actually don't like that much, but I would
[00:16:55] Kyrin Down:
the thing I would change was have some indication of, of what times we go live. And that being updated automatically to their timezone wherever they are a link to that that they could click on easily. And then, maybe just like a quick explanation of of, like, the various different shows because at the moment, it's just like this big long huge scrollable page. But, yeah, I've had that thought for a while and just haven't acted on it because I could not be asked fixing that website. Let's go on to the May goals. Here we go, Juan. Take us off. Explain all of this to us.
[00:17:31] Juan Granados:
May goals. Okay. Now as always, I have a overarching goal that I put together, for this. So for May, I've written it down as finish my workout strong and enjoy our family Japan trip. So, yes, folks, This particular month, I am off to Japan. Woo. That means that and here's an interesting one, Karyn. I'm going to try and do a podcast conversation, the the meanderings that we do, while I'm in Japan. Yeah. I was gonna ask. How will I do that? Well, right now we're using clean feed. So I'm gonna have my headphones, and I'm gonna have my phone. So I should be you should be able to have fairly good audio. Not maybe as clean and crisp as before Mhmm. But it should be okay. I can we can kinda do this. And I'm getting kind of kind of excited about that. I think we're setting it up now to a almost traveling we're taking our traveling circles of the be immortals everywhere. So in any case, it's gonna be a good fun month. Once again, I'm taking You're taking a laptop? Here's another little yes. Oh, no, no, no, no, no laptop. So that's gonna be straight from my phone. Yeah. So here's a little caveat for people. I'm starting to work basically last April, and then also, March March as well before hand, I actually looked at I'm only worked 20 days out of the month. And so I'm like, Hey, I'm continuing this tradition in the following month. And hey, let's just continue out. Maybe I could just start to bring it back down and enjoy a little bit more of life. But my I've gone kind of love this down from 6 girls down to 5 girls.
And again, I'm actually I've another review of this is I think as time goes on, there's a lot of things that are from a goal setting perspective, or habit forming kinda just stick around. And so they take up more time, I guess, unless I'm I'm gonna do it like a callback. And so the more goals I kind of aggregate, oh, well, I need to add that one. I kinda have to write it down. I'm already doing it. Let's just say, case in point, the French book. I didn't write it in here and, like, hey, get on to reading. It's a okay. I'm I'm reading it, let's just say, 5 days out of a month. I'm not gonna write rewrite it down. I'm just continuing that on. But again, 5 goals. I'll split it out in the body, mind, and self. We've got one for body, 3 for mind, one for self. Body, complete the Olympic training phase, and prepare for the gymnastics plan.
Hey. So this is gonna be I wasn't I wasn't sure if this was gonna be the most. I wasn't sure if there's gonna be the most painful thing or the most enjoyable thing of my year of my annual goals. So we'll see. But finishing off the Olympic training phase, that'll be really good. Something that I think you might have seen kind of or maybe you didn't. So I'll actually I'll save for me and drinks. Little find out what happened. Find out what happened. Folks in the overlap. I'll talk about it on the on the meanderings but I just want to finish that off and then gymnastics. Yeah, you'll love it. It's pretty good. I know my mom knows exactly what I'm talking about. What do you do? And that's exactly I don't as I've put it down on the outside.
So I put it down on the side here saying, what will it look like? And I'm gonna I'm gonna make it a little bit open. I posted on the on our Instagram page, and I asked people just a little bit of give me some I'm gonna put a little poll of these different ones, but I I wanna check with you. So what I could think is it's do I want it to be pull ups? Do I want it to be bodywork? Like, just more more body more body weight style work? Do I want it to be handstands? Or do I want it to be something else? Now something else could be ring muscle ups, it could be more hollow holds, Let's just say, I'm not sure. I wanna focus on like one movement. So when I say gymnastics, it's gonna be much shorter than my, like, 12 week, 8 week plans, probably gonna be 6 week to 8 weeks. But I don't know what to focus on. My default is hand sense. Like, my default's gonna be like, okay. I'm gonna do hand sense and maybe some pull ups, but I don't know if I'm gonna go, like, really hard at something. I I I even tweet around with the idea, man. I'd be like, okay. Let's just see if I can just beast out 6 weeks of trying a one handed handstand for whatever purpose it might. Yeah. Let's just see. I feel like that's a fool, Darren. But, you know, in any case, I'm not sure it's the answer right now. So that's prepared for what that's gonna be. So this does actually sound more like calisthenics than gymnastics because gymnastics is typically more
[00:22:01] Kyrin Down:
[00:22:02] Juan Granados:
or using the trampoline or using an apparatus of some sort. So this does sound yeah. Oh, that that's good. That's that's a good feedback, actually. Yeah. Okay. Maybe I'll have to change it. Yep. I might have changed the wording on that to non gymnastics, be more calisthenics. Yeah. I was just imagining you kinda like tumbling around a CrossFit gym. That'd be funny. I'll just do them back flips. Yeah. Yeah. But no, that's a that's a good call out on the name. I'm actually changing it as we speak. Cool. But that's the that's the body one. So, looking forward to that too. So the mind wants 1, I wanna create so this is an interesting one. Again, one thing that has taught me in doing the podcast is content creation or at least just creating almost the memories of the things that you put together you can refer back to. So I wanna create a vlog.
Right? Listen closely. I want to create a vlog for my family for our Japan trip to remember our trip later on. However, and this very important piece, not for sharing. This is not a, it's a it's a vlog for sharing and putting it out on the podcast. Now You're not gonna see this. And I think 2 parts, 1 kinda cuts the mental, juggling of, oh, should I do this angle? Should I talk about this? Should I showcase that? No. Fuck that. You know, I'm not I'm not doing it for anyone, any medium more like to see it. It's for my family. And what I mean by vlog is I just wanna record more with video as opposed to photo taking. I know we did this a while back, Karen and me, in some locations where we're doing a lot more video taking. When I go back through my content that I have on my phone, often it's the videos. I'm like, oh, man, that was really cool.
I'll give you just a little highlight of of my day yesterday, Karen. So I don't think he, knew about it, but I, it was my partner's birthday. And the day began with nice early morning, good little coffee. Then we did a helicopter ride all around Brisbane, then went out for, like, a random brunch spot, went out for, lunch to, you know, a nice fancy restaurant by the water, went to mister Perceval's and just drank like everything under the sun, came home, lit the fire at home, and our living room had marsh toasted marshmallows. Like, it was just a phenomenal day where we kinda went, like, we're gonna spend whatever the fuck we want out of money. And we spent a lot of money. However, I did a lot of videoing of it, and it wasn't to share. Some of it got into socials of what I sort of shared. I'd say probably 1 20th of it. And I'll always go, Yeah. I can look back on that and be like, hey, that was a really enjoyable day. And I documented it in the sense that it could be kind of relived in a lot of ways. So, yeah, that that's what I'm seeking to do in Japan. So at least one a day, I want to try and do some sort of vlog where I kind of record it and share it as well with my family. Let's go. Lucas has actually been creating some logs, some handstand vlogs. So if you Yeah, I've seen it. I saw the Gringo Gringo came up. Yeah. That's that's it. Yeah. So if you
[00:25:01] Kyrin Down:
want to check out his, I think his channel's just called Lucas Branca. Not not actually sure. But, yeah, if you if you wanna see me doing some handstands in, in Brazil, that's,
[00:25:13] Juan Granados:
that's the place to go. That's the way to do it. 3, I wanna, as I just talked to you about, and again, this is independent, Ophi, but I need to, get it verified by you because it's definitely gonna be a sticky thing to get through, I think. I wanna start to create a book list, or 99 must read books. Now this is it it benefits a lot of things. One, it helps me structure some of the thoughts I've had in my mind of doing this, at least for my daughter, Vienna, of, hey. In the future, I'm gonna be like, hey. These are these are what I consider, like, the the must read books. Right? So I don't wanna say, I don't wanna do, like, a random number. Right? 99 of must read books. I wanted to put it down together. I wanna share them with you and, like, me and more or less at home as as well and be like, hey.
Get give your input. Is there any that would get added, subtracted? You know, we've read over 29 books in our time between us. I think I counted just even in my notes of the ones that I've read and probably close to 99 anyways. But I I feel like amalgamating with what the ones that you have read, any others that we have and and putting it together. And, yes, leveraging that. Right? Because it's just existing content that we have that could benefit other people. It's something that it's been on a long time to do top of lists of mine, so it's a fun thing to do. And and and I put down, maybe we do 99 because maybe the 100 will be a mere mortals book in the future. But that's a laughable thought because they take a lot of effort.
4, again, pretty straightforward one. Just start accretion preparations for the end of the year. Just good bit of effort that needs be undertaken for them. And last 1, I wanna be attempting, to be double double as kind, 3 times minimum in my day to day things this particular month with no expected return. So I'm making it a little bit more clear, right? Just when I'm interacting with people, I wanna double it up. And only 3 times. Right? So it might sound like a low number, because sometimes in my day, I interact way more, but sometimes I don't. So I wanna be really conscious and try to do it early as possible as well of just be super kind 3 times, like, really early, maybe proceeds for the rest of the day. But just something that, again, this is focusing on kindness,
[00:27:28] Kyrin Down:
as a overall annual goal. I've got a simple suggestion for you as well that'll help with this. So, to preempt a, a story in the meanderings, Lucas, we went to a wedding. And, as we're getting the Uber ride phone, they've got these things called brigadeiros in Brazil, which are like they're kind of like, bonbons, I guess, like little chocolate things. And, Lucas took some from the, from the wedding And he gave one to the to the Uber driver. And I was telling him like, damn, dude, I would never even think to do that. It's just like such a nice kind little thing. And I bet it made that dude's night. So I'm just having, you know, small little chocolates or something to give out. It's a easy way of doing that as well.
[00:28:14] Juan Granados:
That's cool. I like that. What you thinking like carry carry a few chocolates around with me? Box of roses? Chocolates into handout? Yeah, Yeah. Just none of your pockets. I mean, it's different. That's that's cool. One's been sitting there just melted chocolate. Just give it a fucking melt.
[00:28:31] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. Use my kindness. Just have my leftover chocolate. It'll be even better if they see you getting it from, like, out of your back pocket. And they're just like, this is just some dude's ass chocolate. What the
[00:28:44] Juan Granados:
fuck? Beautiful. Alright. Thank you. I like I like the I like the I like the idea, but but to have mine not be the execution. But, yes, those are the, the monthly girls of May. Beautiful. Alright. This one's getting pretty pretty long, so I'll try and snap through these.
[00:28:57] Kyrin Down:
There's just a lot of stuff I've I've kind of been doing anyway. So it's it's kinda reaffirming some of the stuff that, the good things that I've been doing. So speaking of language is bloody hard. And there are moments where you just, you know, they say something like, and there's like a line behind you at the, I got given a free, like, lemon juice, and I have no idea why I it was imagine going to, like, boost juice and your order something, and then you're you're like, oh, okay. Yeah. Thanks. And and you're just waiting for them to ask you to pay, and they're just, like, staring at you. And And I was like, don't I need to pay? And they're like, no. And so obviously, something happened in the conversation, which resulted in me not needing to pay.
But I have no idea what it was. So I just walked away being like, are these gonna people come after me at any second? Because I'm just, like, walking away with the the free juice. Oh, man. But what what I have gotten from this is like, okay. You can do the good things which have, you know, transferable in any language, eye contact, you know, smiling, touching, and don't don't attempt iffy jokes. So if you like this joke, this is kind of like a, you know, risky joke or this joke would require some words I don't know how to use. Don't do it. Don't do it, Karyn, because it it kills the joke, kills any momentum.
So it's if you got to say something funny, it has to be you know how to say it immediately and then do it. So that's, that's one thing I'm working on. Getting out of the house. Sorry. What do you wanna say, Will?
[00:30:39] Juan Granados:
Nothing? No, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. Fair, cool. I was gonna say with the hard with the iffy jokes hard with the iffy jokes in terms of, wait, you know, how do you know what is gonna be an iffy joke and not an iffy joke until you kind of like lay it forward? But it's it's more We all have some gut feels of what of what how we think that jokes on land. It's it's more just can I get this away immediately? If I need to stop and think about it, I shouldn't say it Shouldn't say it.
[00:31:02] Kyrin Down:
Another one, get out of the house by 10 AM at the latest. So, you know, I was I was noticing myself just falling into this old pattern of, like, alright. You know, just do this stuff in the morning, and I'll get this out, and then I'll I'll make sure I'm out. But, you know, at midday, and then I'll go out and, you know, actually talk to some people, practice my Portuguese and things like that. And, you know, it just creeps on you until it's, like, 1 PM, and you're like, ah, shit. I'm gonna go training in, like, 2 hours. There's no point even going out. And for whatever, the reason was Lucas came over here and then he was going to the shops and it was like, oh, save me a 5 minute walk if I just, get a lift with him. So I went at at, like, 10 AM, and it was just great, man. I had a fantastic time, met a whole bunch of people just like, you know, random store clerks, random girls, random guys, just trying to talk to tons of people, and I had a really good day. So, I've been trying to replicate that of just, like, get out of here by 10 AM and get out of the out of the house. And then if I wanna do stuff later, you know, I can do that in the evening or what whatnot. But that's trying to do that.
3rd one. So this is related to like the improving the podcasting, just try and survive, to be honest, Try and try and, like, make these semi acceptable. And then a couple other podcasters have reached out and said, like, if I wanted to be on the shows and the last 2 weeks, I'll just be like, nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. But, I think I'm ready for that now, so I'll reach out to them for the handstands and stuff. There's this guy called coach Bachman. Juan, if you want to see a very decent, one arm handstander guy and who's just very different body shape, perhaps, and you'll see, he's very he's kinda like short and squat. Honestly, he's he's what I imagine your body shape would look like if you had not got into, like, powerlifting in gym and done handstands instead.
That's that's what you would look like this dude. He's a little he's a little tank. Wow. Okay. And he's got some real I'm just bringing him up now as well just to have a bit of a look. Yeah. He might not even be that little. It's kinda it's kinda hard to tell with these people. I think he is. But yeah, he's got some really great one on videos that I haven't watched, and he's kinda got, like, a podcast talking about all the nerdy detailed stuff, so I wanna get that. And then, push harder, which is a program, from the handstand factory guys, Mikael and Emmett, who have appeared on the MIM models before.
I want to go over that again. So
[00:33:21] Juan Granados:
just my one arm to get in. Can I ask you? I was gonna ask you a quick question. I was gonna give you a quick question about the the the handstand stuff just because I've clicked on to his right and seeing the coach Bachman vids and whatnot. Would you ever consider doing your own program of hands and stuff?
[00:33:40] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. For for other people to follow, you know, I would have said this as an immediate no, probably a couple of years ago, because I've been toying it with the idea of of trying out, you know, becoming like a yoga teacher, for example, just seeing, like, if I would enjoy that. Maybe. Maybe. But it's yeah. 20%, 15 no. 18%. 18% chance of that ever happened.
[00:34:11] Juan Granados:
Good. Okay. Cool. Okay.
[00:34:14] Kyrin Down:
In the evenings, I've been kinda screwing around a bit, but have been watching a lot of football and, Optus is actually blocked here. I don't know if you knew this, but if you go to another country and you're using an IP, I it so I can see like the I can't see the highlights of games. I can see the, you know, commentary or upcoming match, you know, previews and things like that, but I can't actually see highlights, which I used to watch. And so to do that, I have to go to ESPN Brazil. And, man, they are much better, announcers, man. You know, you you think you've you've said energetic.
Yeah. The goal goal goal goal goal goal goal. I used to hate that but it's growing on me. It is growing on me. So and it has actually is like, you know, somewhat improving Portuguese in the sense like I can now talk about football much better after after watching watching some of those highlights and stuff. So only Portuguese entertainment or useful videos in the evening, like podcasts, which I would actually enjoy. Doesn't have to be in Portuguese, but, like, just not fuck around stuff, you know. What to research some places events that could be amazing. As I mentioned, I haven't done much actual research on Brazil of, you know, things that are really worth doing or which would perhaps be, you know, once in a lifetime chance type things.
So, I really should do that while whilst I'm here because I wouldn't wanna miss something that's just 3 hours down the road. You know, one of these things is Foz de Duikwasu. I had the chance of good doing that when I was in Argentina. It was a big trip to get there. It's a and that kind of put me off. It's a smaller trip at this moment. It's still probably, like, 9 hours by bus or or flying there. I think that's I think that's mini airport there. So it is possible. I just have to decide, like, is it worth, you know, spending 3 to 2 days essentially trying trying to do that.
But, you know, maybe maybe that's something that would be worth it. I'm reading this book at the moment called The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase, and it's all about semantics.
[00:36:22] Juan Granados:
[00:36:23] Kyrin Down:
I would have hated this book. Yep. Once again, a couple of years ago, trying current has changed a lot in the last couple of years. A couple of years ago, I would have been like, I don't I don't know about this. But he starts it off by being like, I tried to read poet, tried to read philosophy, and it was garbage. I didn't understand what these people were talking about. He some of it comes across as poetical. And and just like his his explanation of words and language and communication made me go like, oh, this guy this guy's experience is very similar to mine. He gets it or he gets me at least.
And, one of the things he talks about in this book is just a lot of people talk and you'll notice this especially with kind of politics and and very heated controversial things. They talk about these abstract notions, what is capitalism? And it's it's like this. It's so abstracted that it's it's not even useful. And so basically, he advocates for using simplified language and less abstract words. And I I I think that's something there's been a couple of times we've I like that. We've had podcast episodes where we've talked about an abstract topic, and I've and I've come away from it being like, man, I don't really know what just got said. That was I was talking, but I wasn't that, you know, 100% confident of what I was saying then. So, I definitely want to do that as least less as possible.
Last one here, make the effort task. Well, it is. Then that's just related to like Yeah. Things like that.
[00:37:59] Juan Granados:
Yeah. I was going to say quickly on the simplifying language, I think. Yeah. Similarly, I mean, reflects back on the fact we we created mere mortals because we wanted to be a little bit more simplified. Yes. Similar topics in conversations, but in more simplified, more unsustainable terms. So Yeah. Totally agree on that. Or it can be a hard topic, but, you know, there's there's no reason that you can't talk about,
[00:38:21] Kyrin Down:
you know, some something that is complex, but you don't need to make it complex with really shitty language. And men, if you want shitty language, try reading. It's called Simulacra Simulacra and simulation. It's by it's this French guy with a ridiculous name, Jean Bacheteuta, something like that. And it it was, it's it's kind of famous because for a couple of reasons. 1, the directors of the matrix made every actor or anyone who worked on it read this book beforehand. And 2, it's it's kind of like one of the I think it's like one of the classics of postmodernism, if you've ever heard that word before.
And what absolute gibberish, what a terrible writing style I made through 22% of the book, I think is what my Kindle said. And I and I just went in. I looked at a a video and explained a video afterwards, and I was like, okay. I I kind of see what they wrote and how this corresponds to the what they're explaining in this video, which was explaining it in simple terms. But it was the the the points themselves, I don't feel were less impactful because just because they were explained simply. They seem like still really valid interesting points. But when and, you know, the the matrix as a movie is a fantastic movie because it it kind of gets to the heart of some of the points that the guy made in this book. But he he fucked it up by ruining it with just absolutely awful postmodernism language, which makes no sense. And anyone who claims that they understand it is, be full of BS in my opinion, But there we go. Making some enemies. I'd almost I'd almost
[00:40:09] Juan Granados:
I'd almost term it as in if and it's just it's just a common thing. Right? If you can't explain it, can't explain something in a very easy to understand, easily digestible way, then I would challenge that you do not know it well enough. Yeah, some something like that. Or
[00:40:24] Kyrin Down:
I, I would also I would hazard to believe that these people knew what they were talking about. They knew it deeply, but they they decided to this this person knew what he's talking about, but decided to put it in fancy language to make, you know, intellectuals like to do this. The the there's a lot of word salad out there. So, yeah, that's that's all of my goals there. So I actually have some goals for this month to keep me on track and be doing and looking at things. Last little section we had here was just fitness one. How's your fitness been going?
[00:40:59] Juan Granados:
Good. Good. I will get into in the end drawings, a very interesting thing that happened. Okay. Maybe some good. Yeah. Story and some learnings for people to take away. But the training has been good nonetheless anyway. So yeah, that's been good. How have your handsets continued to come along and training in general? Amazing.
[00:41:18] Kyrin Down:
I've been feeling body has been feeling excellent. I've been having very, very little wrist pain. I'm doing 4 days a week of 1 arm work, like pretty intense one arm work. I'm getting much, much closer. Yeah. Feel like I'm doing everything's just been going great. I've even ticked off. It's the problem with these, these images I'm putting on the screen is, like, it's capturing everything, but you kinda need to capture everything to to see what I'm talking about. But it's it's too detailed. So you can't really see that much. Basically, I've been ticking off like a lot of these these exercises that I wanted to do over the last couple of years.
So these would include things like doing a PI can stand with my eyes closed, PI can stand with in a head in position. So kinda like looking up at my own, knees of doing some other eyes closed. Up. Like, I've just been ticking off all of these things. And, yeah, it's been it's been great, man. I've been really enjoying myself. And I have already as of this year, and what just over halfway through my my yearly goals. I'm already almost double the amount of points I got in this, you know, scoring system than I did of, 2022, 2023.
So, yeah. Feeling good. Feeling really, really good. Smashing it. Yeah. Brilliant. All right. This gets us on to our last section here, which is just value for value. If you've enjoyed the show, if you want to help support us, there are 3 different ways you can do that time, talent and treasure time sharing the show with someone who would enjoy it of, you know, letting us have some more reach in that organic, word-of-mouth way. If you wanna create a clip or something like that as well. That's also really appreciated and doing it on a place like fountain, the podcast app is great because that is much more shareable on that platform.
You can also do it through talent, letting us know what your monthly goals are, we love to know what you're focusing on what you think we could be focusing on, or any topics that we've talked about anything that has sparked your attention. We'd love to do that. What do you think of the the the front page of our website? If you are a graphic designer, if you are, you know, a web person who can make things look pretty and have any suggestions, we would love to to know that for sure. And then treasure. This is where you can send in some support to the show because this is a value for value show. We do all of this upfront value for you and just ask that you return it in whatever way that you can. If you want to do it with some treasure, we particularly like it when you do it through a boostgram, which is, when you can send the support directly within a podcasting app and attach a message to it at the same time if you want or not.
We record all of these. We shout these out in the episodes coming up. So there'll be one coming up shortly of a Meanderings. And to do this, probably the easiest way is go to mere mortals I've got a video on there. I've got some links to these different apps where you can do this. And, yep. If you send it in, get split up equally between myself, one, a group pick a little, what would you call it, like a group account that we have and some of the developers and other people who makes all this stuff work. So that's it for today. Thank you very much, everyone. Juan, take us out.
[00:44:43] Juan Granados:
Thank you very much for tuning in and for playing around with this new format that we have. It will continue to be better, and it is going to be done so with your support, folks. For now, we'll leave it there, Mi Immortalites. Be well wherever you are. Juan out. Karen out. Bye.