It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next.
Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the previous monthly goals and how we will fix that for the month that comes. We hope you get some value from this series, showcasing our own methodology. What do you do differently and why?
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:43) Juan's February 2025 Recap
(00:10:36) Kyrin's February 2025 Recap
(00:14:45) Support Overview
(00:21:52) Juan's March 2025 Goals
(00:30:08) Kyrin's March 2025 Goals
(00:42:09) Fitness
(00:46:14) V4V: Time/Talent/Treasure
Connect with Mere Mortals:
Value 4 Value Support:
We all can't be mortals capable of mistakes. The journey is not here to be agonized upon welcome. Welcome to another
[00:00:11] Kyrin Down:
episode of the mere mortals monthly goals. Indeed this is the first of the month, second of the month, actually, where we go over our goals from the last month. We talk about our goals for the coming month. We also have a look at, some fitness stuff that we've been up to, a chance to thank some supporters as well. We're live here on the 03/02/2025. My birthday, in fact. Correct. Kyrin's birthday. We got Juan here. Juan on that side, Kyrin here on this side. And we usually start off with one. So one, let's go over your goals for February.
[00:00:44] Juan Granados:
Alright. How do you go? What'd you do? February, wasn't that great, honestly? Oh, it was great. But there's very, very good reasons as to why it wasn't that great. So because you're lazy.
[00:00:53] Kyrin Down:
[00:00:54] Juan Granados:
Let me just load this up to make sure we've got this correctly. So for the month of February, for the monthly I was getting to pulling up my Excel spreadsheet, right, basically track five years in a row now, four and a bit years now of like monthly goals and all the details in there. So that's like my my master sheet. February had five goals. We had, focusing the food intake around, training. So specifically more protein, less carbs. Look, did this more, I would say, yes, tick did focus more on protein and less carbs. But there was an interesting reason as to why this happened. And it's because I barely ate. So it was like, it wasn't because I was principally I wasn't like optimally eating. It was I was so poorly eating.
But in my poor eating, I was eating more protein, like I was eating like, raw, like, you know, chicken, steak, fish type of and not having any time to cook. So kind of made it happen. But I wouldn't say it was like very optimal.
[00:01:53] Kyrin Down:
But it was more pressing, less carbs. So that was all right. And he hasn't started this month off strong. I did see a McDonald's.
[00:01:58] Juan Granados:
Well, I will actually talk. They're all floating around. Every Sunday morning in this household, we eat McDonald's. Oh, nice. It's our little Sunday tradition. Okay, that's all right then. Like one, embrace along the running on the weekends, so don't stress about what gets missed. Yep, this one was actually really good. In fact, there was a couple of times, and I've talked about it in the past, where I was like, ah, I couldn't do that 10 kilometers because I didn't time it out or properly time for it or whatnot. Let's just either I played for it better or just made it more a priority than training of normal gym training. So I did notice my weight training hours went down over the month, but I did clock 104 kilometers over February in terms of timeframes. I was like, okay, awesome.
The next two in the mind space aiming for aiming for three book reviews this month. Oh, no. No. Now, what I ended up prioritizing is like, I'm not even going to get close to this. However, I've got one completed book over there that I've got to do. I'm about to finish another one that's upstairs. And then I've got a third one to begin now. It was it was there was another book that I wanted to begin. No longer so because all the books now are completely packed away. I've already packed things in the boxes. So I've only got one book available to me to read. So I'm gonna try we'll talk about a little bit later in the next episode with hard work. But I'm trying to chunk up a lot of work and a lot of more efficiencies in my day because I have a lot of things going on. So I wasn't able to do the book reviews this month, but I'm prioritized reading, like getting a lot of the reading out of the way so then I actually do them. So, but not done. The February content, sorry. I planned out the February content to pursue the fitness brain as well.
I planned it. I just didn't execute on it very well. So I'll talk about that in the hardware aspect as well. So stay tuned for that one. And then the booking all the flights and the purchasing of clothes, man, this almost didn't get done and it didn't. So I put it down as a must now. Now, I put myself as a no, however, I did purchase the clothes and we booked almost all the flights, almost all the flights. So we have two remaining. Now I will put it yesterday, we spent an hour and a half finding an accommodation and then the transport between the two places.
And I've still like obviously a lot of effort at work of trying to get this sorted both the Airbnb that we booked like half an hour later sent us a message being like oh declined because of one of those days that you chose actually it's already been booked for Airbnb, why the hell would you do this? And then the actual transport itself, we had something booked, but then they charge you a booking fee. So I will like, well, if we're gonna do that, we might as well book this other thing that we need to do. As we were trying to do that, again, we were trying to figure out what's the right place, Because from particular place we're going in Italy to France, it's a twelve hour journey with a five hour stopover. So we're trying to like, oh, what if we go here and we see this instead? And as we spent a good long while trying to figure it out, that by the end of doing it, we hadn't completed that. But then the original one that we'd gone through all the process of booking had timed out and we were just like, oh, okay.
This is another time. So, end goal, I didn't complete all of the flights or travel. Like, I'll just it's inclusive of both. But But I did get my quotes, which was fun. That was actually quite fun, inclusive of the wedding ring as well, which is the for the more like to home who can relate to this was the first jewelry I've ever purchased for myself ever. I was like, okay, 30, I don't even know what I'm, 31 years old. Are we, no, how old are you now? I'm 33 now. Okay, so 32. Fuck it, I don't forget now. 32 years old is the first piece of jewelry I've ever purchased. So I was like, oh, that was kind of cool. But anyway, you've Shelly bought a trinket on your own. Nah. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Because I was thinking like, like, you know, the old school ones that were like here in Australia, like silver with a kind of silver pendant. With a shark. That was Yeah. That was always like parents bought me this. This was given to me by, like, grandparents.
Watches I bought myself but I wouldn't count that as jewelry. That's a %. Oh, you're gonna be doing it? Okay. Okay. If we count watches then then jewelry have you. Absolutely. Okay.
[00:05:51] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. Any accessories that go on.
[00:05:54] Juan Granados:
Oh. You're more likely to be listening to this. All watches jewelry. I I guess it could be. I guess it could be. The ones I'm buying, folks, are not like Diamante jewelry, mate. So diamonds and diamonds. Is is a G Shock a jewelry?
[00:06:07] Kyrin Down:
You know? Yeah. I don't know.
[00:06:09] Juan Granados:
Anyways, that's been the that was a February that was a February goal for me. So some that didn't get done, some obviously huge things, which I'll talk about in the March goal to continue to go, but I'll talk about it then. One thing I regret
[00:06:21] Kyrin Down:
about when I was doing my running challenges. Three years ago, was that I actually just didn't do that for our manner that marathon sub four hours. Like, I'd got a half marathon very, very quick. You had a three quarter marathon very quick.
[00:06:40] Juan Granados:
The three quarter was kind of. I think I think it was on pace for a sub four.
[00:06:46] Kyrin Down:
Technically, maybe. But by the state I was in, like, it was the decline after the half was so rapid that no, like, I was probably on pace for like, three fifths. That was maybe doable. Yep. But then when I got to three quarters, like, no, I'm fading really hard here. But the amount of effort that it's like seeming for you to have to put in to like run and then it's just all this stuff that seems to be coming up like, you know, you're talking about the bloody thing in the back of your ankle rubbing, you're running, and it's like, Oh, I'm feeling like my knees clicking or something's happening. If I was going to try and do a sub four hour again, you know, in the future, it's still on my goal, like my fitness sheet, it's still in there, and it's unticked.
It's going to require a lot a lot of work and it'll probably be twice as much work
[00:07:41] Juan Granados:
as as when I was in my like, you know, late 20s. Yeah. Look, I'd also challenge her back as well and say that if I actually look at the details of my run, like, let's let's just go live into Strava. But I wouldn't be able to train smarter than Yeah, you'd have more than In my late 20s as well. If I have to look at just in the running route, and all just of February, so take as a wheel, from a week perspective, there was a week of two hours of training, three hours of training, five, another three hours of training, eight, another two hours of training, 10, and that's going to January now. So it's about twelve hours, thirteen hours, let's just call it a max of, like, training in a month or running. Actually, when you put it into that context, it's actually not that many hours of running.
And I think, sip it up a little bit more. So let's say fifteen hours, maybe even twenty hours a month. I probably would get you to, after a certain amount of time, to a sub four hour marathon. If you're well trained, if you're just sitting on the couch and you think that, yeah, I'm just gonna train twenty hours per month, I could probably take a little bit longer to get to that. But if you're well versed already in running and can run, I reckon a good three, four or five months of twenty hours per month of running will get you away. Yeah, I think the difference though, is just so draining.
[00:08:57] Kyrin Down:
I was watching the high rocks yesterday, my friend Mitchell and you know that one hour and forty minutes that he put in, that's going to take him so long to recover. Whereas I can do, you know, three hour work. No, I disagree. I disagree with that as well, actually.
[00:09:12] Juan Granados:
No way, man. Well, just think about it. There's no way he's being able to do that again today. The well, I'll give you an example. When I did the, turf camps, when the turf camp does an hour and fifty minutes now, it wasn't hour and fifty minutes full on. It was an hour and fifty minutes with half an hour of break. But if you looked at the calories, Mitchell, burned because he did make a note of it. It was December. Mom was 12/2002 or 01/2003. So let's say, probably let's say it's like I did 80% to 70% of the High Rocks, maybe even less of that, let's say 60%. The next day I was fine, I went for a run. I ended up running whatever it was, eight kilometers, seven kilometers the next day and doing a training session. I was fine. Dude, some of those people, in fact, I know some, Jack Gooden, something like that. He's a good He obviously doesn't try very hard in your event. There's a lot of stuff. No, that's probably, but no, I've heard of people doing like back to bike hierarchs. You've got people who do like a marathon a day for thirty days. I think you can accustom yourself to do it, but you have to be quite well versed and you're doing it often to be able to do it at a third level. Yeah, I'm sure of that. Anyway, that's Bottom line, could not definitely not do it. Like you could not go into Hyrax and then be fine tomorrow.
[00:10:24] Kyrin Down:
Like that you'd have to be well practiced in doing those things for a long time. Yeah. Here's a couple of months. I guess so. Yeah. And maybe the same about headstands. Someone did two hours of it. They wouldn't be able to do it two hours. Oh, for sure. Yeah. All right. We'll jump into my goals. So February 2025, I'll just go over the ones that I didn't actually get done. So I did my crypto speculation symptoms, but I didn't create a physical list of it. I said to create physical one. So I've just got it kind of got it on my phone now. I'm not sure if I'm gonna bother to print it out. The the reason for, like, printing it out would be like, oh, I can have it just in front of me and in my little office space. And so it's kind of just like a little daily reminder of like, oh, yeah, that thing happened much like I've got your, your wedding invite just there as well. So it's like, I got a reminder that that's happening.
Maybe I don't know. We'll see. Record and analyze a good one arm hamster day at the park. I mean, I recorded one was a good call, right? No, I was very, very unhappy with that session. But I did record it and technically I didn't analyze it yet either. I'm going to do that soon. This one just completely chat with Hoskie, attempt a big blueprint of big brain, big bingo plan. Both of those I just don't have time for, to be honest. I did reach out to him, but he didn't respond. And I'm like, okay, that's probably it's probably for the best. Start travel planning. I kind of have I've got a really decent idea of where I'm going to be going some dates, especially for like the first month. And then it's a little bit looser after that.
Have I actually planned it in book things? No, that's a bit more of this month. And reading a German book. I didn't even start it, but everything else. Do you have a German book on you? Which German book? Yeah, I've got plenty. Yeah. Was sort of like fun little story when I was really trying to improve my Spanish and this was COVID time. So I would say even maybe even just pre COVID. I'm going to say. In 2020. I'll say late early twenty twenty. February, if I had to guess. There was this dude I was looking on Gumtree, which is like Australian marketplace for those who who don't know.
And it's there was this just like one person there like, oh, Spanish books and just like really shitty photos. And it was just on like this big table and this guy was out and I don't know it's like heading out towards Norman Park wherever sorry not Norman Park, where Mitchell Middle Park. Middle Park. So like out that way I don't know where it was it was a name where it's like one of those like Jimba doondale or something. I was like, what the fuck is this? I have no idea where this is. So I go all the way out there to this guy's place. And, it's it's kind of sketch, like it's in a okay ish neighborhood. But I'm also like, I don't know about this street in particular.
And he had this Queenslander and he's like, yeah, a knock on the door. It's like a minute for him to appear. He's like, this old scraggly guy. He's like, Yeah, come in, mate. Come in. I go in and he's just got this treasure trove of like hundreds of books in Spanish and in German. Oh, wow. And it's just like, yeah, you know, a dollar a book, a $2 a book, or whatever it was, that he was charging for. They're pretty well worn, you know, they got a little bit of dirt and stuff on them, but that was fine. And so I just picked out a whole bunch of Cabernet Olga Garcia Marquez, Carlos Fuentes, like all these classic authors.
And I was, I knew in my mind even then that I was like, I'll try a little bit of German. So So you picked up some German books from that? Yeah. Oh, wow. I've got some Thomas Mann. I think that's the one that I'll probably start with, Thomas Mann and who else was in there? There was a couple other Did you get any Nietzsche books? No. No. I don't think he had any. I only just got authors that I recognize. Maybe I got another Hermann Hesse book as well. So I'll start with one of them. Okay. But, yeah, I've got a tiny little one. There's a good chance I'll it'll be too much for me, but we'll see. Perfect. So, yeah. I was pretty happy with this month, to be honest.
[00:14:41] Juan Granados:
A couple of things right at the end that I brought back, but yeah, pretty, pretty decent. Happy with it. Actually, what I call that, so I guess talking about audience and talking about Valley Valley and a few things, this might be a trend that is starting to pick up or at least that I'm seeing in places that I at least try to consume content as more people have been seeing go live. So Tom Billy you has been doing live three times a week. Now the reasoning for him going live is he's doing a very much new yep. He's doing very much like news, on demand, political things.
Cool. Interestingly enough, even around that topic, it's made me want to try and listen into the live because not only are they doing the kind of conversation that we're doing right now but they're still playing the precursor to it and the preparation for it and the aftermath. He's getting quite a few people and then they're leveraging a lot of the comments that get posted and talking about it. So I kind of went, oh, that's cool. It is good to see it inwardly for myself. I almost went, kind of want to check it out live because he's doing it live and it's something that I want to tune in and listen to. So feeling that I went, okay, okay, I could see I could see getting behind a few more lives or doing it live because you can get that interaction with an individual sort of listening in. And I went, okay, I might actually think about shifting some of my things live, not right away, maybe the fitness one,
[00:16:06] Kyrin Down:
just something different to try out because I saw in myself that shift of oh that could be cool to listen in live. Yeah, it is fun we just don't have the audience to interact with so. Sure. Like there's a difference when you've got a whole bunch of people actually tuning in, you can do all sorts of things like create polls and correct. Correct. Yeah, there's there's a lot more things you can do when when you've got it, but it's kind of like you need to have the the people there to make What comes first? You need to make it interesting to have that. I think you have to I think you have to we have to be producing the thing to have people to come around to wanna interact with it and then that's what kind of scales up from there. Yeah. Yeah. The only the only other thing I I would just say is I was having a think of because I I tuned in this guy at the gym who's got a podcast, the Metanoia Project. I'll check it out. What? The Metanoia? Metanoia. Oh, Metanoia. Okay. It's a obscure philosophical thing, I believe, or spiritual thing.
And, Andrew, and I was tuning into a couple of those episodes. It's great. Kind of reminds me of some of ours, like the last one they talked about their their goals for the year. Okay, cool. Just got a bunch of like, you know, late 20 guys in the house that was essentially us.
[00:17:22] Juan Granados:
[00:17:24] Kyrin Down:
and it was one of those ones where I was like, Oh, you know what? Say they were going to ask me to donate right now. How would I go about it? And it was just one of those ones where it's because it's so brand new. They, they would probably just recommend like, if they were to say, like, buy me a coffee, for example, when I support the show, it it would be extremely painful for me to go create a buy me a coffee account, link up all my shit to it, and then to be able to send them a thing. And I was just thinking like, you know, it's probably about the same amount of pain that pound fountain would would have nowadays, if you were to say like,
[00:18:02] Juan Granados:
start me by I think it's even a little bit more. I think it's a little bit more pain with fountain. Yeah. Because that'd be a large amount of certainly because I'm just thinking a lot of our subscribers and people who listen, who are not already on Fountain or some similar app, they'd be on Spotify or Apple or YouTube. They would then kind of, like, go download the app. Then not only download the app, but then connect WalletIn
[00:18:26] Kyrin Down:
to then be able to send something. Well, no. Because you when you go into Fountain, you can just connect your card to it now. So how different is that of downloading an app versus going to buy me a coffee website? And fountain doesn't have make you put in your name, for example, it doesn't make you have to have to say, Yeah, I think personally, I think it's probably about equivalency. And so then it's just getting to that point, like, at least with the podcasting app, once you go through that process. Now, if I was just listening in, and he said it, then I could just go, Oh, yeah, bang, you know, click boost in the app, write a message. Yeah. Whereas if it was buy me a coffee, it'd be the same thing again, Go to the website, log in. I still
[00:19:11] Juan Granados:
I still hold a strong such a strong strong opinion on this is until we have just a more steady low volatility Bitcoin.
[00:19:20] Kyrin Down:
Now that's dumb. That's incredible.
[00:19:23] Juan Granados:
Like in my mind, a more low volatility Bitcoin would in my mind if it was me lowball, it was crabbing or a long time in the same sort of direction. I feel like I would be more influenced to then use it as transactional means. Whereas the higher volatility gives me a feeling of, oh, man, I'm either like holding this for gains. I'm selling this for avoidance or something to that effect. That's what I said. Look, it'll be either something unrelated, like you,
[00:19:53] Kyrin Down:
it doesn't matter the Bitcoin aspect of it. Personally, I think it'll probably be Bitcoin or is the transactional or at the very least like something that can connect to any coin and use that, but in your display it will use your currency of choice. So it won't matter, like you're not going to even see it. So it doesn't matter if bitcoin's volatile in the back end because you're not going to even see it on your app, it'll just show Aussie dollars. That's that's how I envision it in the future. Gotcha. So we won't be sending sats even though we like to call it out and things like that. I think for the like the large It'll just be population dollars for. Okay. Yeah, that's that's how I personally envision it. Vision it to go. Anyway, we do really appreciate everyone sending in support, whether it be through, you know, there is the PayPal link there. If you you know, if you if you're like, fuck it, it's too hard to be able to to go use Satoshis and Bitcoin and Fountain and send them boostograms that is there. I haven't seen you use it yet though. So just putting that out. That's true. That's very true. Putting that out there.
But yeah, we do really appreciate all the streaming and the support that we get to, to the show. It makes a big difference to us. I will be doing my Q3 update at the end of this month of of that support as well. Good. Thank Thank you very much for doing that as well. Give me your March goals, Juan. Alright.
[00:21:16] Juan Granados:
So, March. I originally, so a couple of days ago, I was starting to think about when you asked me the question of putting together the goals, I was like, oh man, there's just too many goddamn things going on. I'm gonna put zero goals. I'm gonna put zero goals. And then again it kind of reflected on and we've talked about this plenty when we do monthly goals is when I look back and actually map it down your goals, there's actually a ton load of goals, it just sometimes feel like you, become habituated to what you're already doing and so it doesn't feel like writing it down again is an impressive thing but when you write it down and you recognize it it's like no actually that's still barely like hectic to do so I ended up getting to six goals for the March 2025. So, I talked about a little bit earlier. So this is particularly for running, it's only one in the body category that I'm tracking here. 100 kilometer month, 100 kilometer month. Now, they do it in February already and it was in lower days, that are available in February in '28. So, you know, you might think, okay, well, there's not going up forward.
The critical thing is, it does, this March is gonna be, I posted like a little, summary of like February on on Insta, but yeah, last month and I think this month's gonna be probably one of the most directed action effort filled months, like ever, like absolutely ever. And so if I can accomplish that 100 kilometer month as well, I would be amazed, definitely amazed. Plus, I've got a couple of travels in between that as well next week and in three weeks time as well. So trying to hold it all together, we'll see. That's 100 kilometers of running for the month of March. The two in the mind, completing three book reviews this month. So once again, I'm really seeing this is going to be slightly easier because I've just got basically one book and 20 pages to go to do it. On downside, I do have a limit of probably twenty days or so to do so. I wanna do it in this particular studio that I'm in, where I can envision how I'm gonna do it in a new place, but obviously gotta work out the logistics and things around that, which kind of linked into this next one, which is completing the purchase of a new home. So, I'm not going to go into too many details but, yes, I'll be moving from this current location to a new location. It has, if, I can pull it off correctly, I've got to figure out how I'm going to do this correctly. I've talked about it with close friends. It basically has, you look at this in the video, it has an already built in bookshelf which I really like those backgrounds that people do when they've got like a bookshelf behind them and whatnot but it's a four meter by two meter books like built in bookshelf type of deal. So I want to do it so it's with a background of that but it's in the main living room, one of the main living rooms. So it's like, well how do I do it? I kind of want to have it set up always like that, got to find locations to be able to put it to the side, have it easy enough that I can pull the things out and build it to it. That's not gonna work. Which which comes into which comes into, chunking. So I'll I'll talk about that probably in the hard work space because you're right. You can't see it here, people, but there's a gigantic
[00:24:16] Kyrin Down:
screen. Let me let me see if I can drag it. Pull down, pull down, pull down. There we go. There you go. Look at this fucking thing. Yeah. There's no way that is his wife to be will let this happen.
[00:24:26] Juan Granados:
So so sorry. Her fucking In in the short term, there is a there is another room that could be used completely for the podcast studio. So there's a completely empty room for it. I wanna do it in front of me. So, you know, do I hide that in there for the time being with the study anyways. Let's do it with the book reviews in there. But, that's usually with the purchase of a new home. It's just a busy, if you've done it before, you understand it. There's just a lot of stuff to get done. Then the last three in the mind soul space, for March, '1 is just starting to build some, some sort of small fun structure for me to test conversations that I had with my daughter.
I didn't do any formally in February, just with how much was going on. So I wanna just set up a, just structure in the way of all sort of questions I'm asking her. I've tested it out now all times so I want to start asking repetitive questions so that as I look back on it it'll be there'll be, comparisons around like hey how is she responding to that particular question, how does she interact, all sorts of things which she is interacting a lot more. She's currently going through her what's that face. Oh, what's that? What's that? Especially towards the evening if she doesn't have having a bath she'll point to everything like a ton load of time be like what's that? What's that? What's that? What's this? What's that? Very, very cute. Cute.
Complete the little accessory bookings plus the wedding effort. So I'm just putting down there's a lot of wedding efforts still to come. I want to complete all the accessory bookings. There's a lot of little accessory things that I've got to get done. And the last one, which is the, there's an interesting one. I want to pull some stuff from the discomfort menu. So this is around, I'm mapping it to anti fragility as part of my new goal. So discomfort menu, the phone usage after 6PM. So I've talked about this before. I'm part of the group, Tim Ferriss put together to create his new book or at least help support and summarize and review his new book. So he chapter by chapter is applying it out basically weekly to a group of people, we get to just read it, give any feedback around how you should probably get rid of this, reword this, it's called The Book of None. One of the challenges in there and it's a, I'm giving you a little bit away, but it's a book about doing a lot of challenges and continuously taking action. One of the particular chapters was about just phone usage and the examples and things that he gives in there, I haven't applied it to this but, I know this, everyone knows this, just with the ease of the social media availability and stuff like that you just get drawn into it. Sometimes you can stay away from it. Sometimes you can't.
Like, kind of having Tim Tam for chocolate at home. Yes. You can fight the urge to not eat it, but kind of easy if it's not there. So I haven't gone down the path of deleting it, but what I have done, so if you want to follow, if you want to do something similar at home, on, I'm sure this is on all types of phones, in my settings, in my, schedule, downtime schedule, I've got a downtime scale now set up every single day from 7PM to 6AM. And then that between those hours of 7PM to 6AM, no app on my phone works apart from text, mail, WhatsApp, like any like forms of communication, basically, and YouTube music. So between 7PM to 6AM, there is no, yeah, there is no access to any social media, no YouTube, no nothing.
So I can't use it. To give you an idea of how impactful that is in terms of my phone usage because it's pretty ridiculous, over the week, my daily average had been around four hours of phone usage. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I started this on yesterday just to see what it'd be like. And yesterday, it was three hours and right now it's forty two minutes. So probably dropping it by about an hour of maybe average time, I reckon I'll say. Obviously, I'll assess but towards the tail end of the of the month, but yeah, that's an extra hour that I was talking to my partner about this. Not necessarily I'm not doing this for the productivity ends of it, although if that comes, wonderful. But it's more the, yeah, between those hours at least I want to give myself some mental space back so I'm not just, not even just mindlessly doing it, I just want to be able to focus and be present in other things and not having to do that. Again, here's a point this morning because it applied. I usually get up well before 6AM and so I was able to get to the gym. Usually, in my mind, I'll have this mentality of I'll just quickly swipe and check the news and check the Bitcoin price and I'll reply to these and I've got messages on Insta and I've got all this stuff. I'll check Messenger.
This morning I was like, I can't do any of that. So I'll just quickly check my work thing. I respond to a couple of things. Cool. Get to the gym and by the time 6AM rolled around, I was already in my run. And I didn't think I was gonna have time to get back here in the time that I did with all I had had. But yet I did got home, was gonna chat. I was like, damn. I was able to set this up before Karen got here. I was like, holy shit. This is crazy. Alright. Something has changed. Yeah. So, I'll I'll I'll will say this because the the examples that Tim gives like, you know, you can set your phone to black and white. You can just basically delete apps. I don't want to delete apps. There's certain things that I want to utilize especially for the podcast. It's just more effective to do it that way. But, yeah, that at least locking it to those times, I've gone like, oh man, this is pretty good. So there's this comfort menu that I'm pulling out for this particular month for that. It's going to be, yep, set that. And it's of course there, what I've told you about the things going on this month, there's 10 other things probably that I can't particularly talk about in the podcast that is going on this month and it's like, yeah, there's lots going on. Let me focus in on that time. So I've got the time to at least breathe with a few other things. Sure. Alright. That's March 2025, folks. Yes. Everything's off. Busy busy. Oh, we don't have any comments at all from anyone in the live? No. No. Not not as of yet. No. Although I did see Pat in the chat. That's that's that's what you so, yeah, my March 2025 goals
[00:30:11] Kyrin Down:
try to be direct when the opportunity presents itself. I've let a couple of things slip when I've just been chatting with girls like having a good conversation. And there's probably a topic of future musings. Because we also talked about it in our Discord, join the Discord people got some good stuff in there, that I think I might be leaning too much into the the small talk and becoming almost too conversational in a way. Too friendly? Too friendly. Okay. And I need a Friend zone too quickly? Being friend zone too quickly? Maybe. I don't know. But, yeah, there's there were certainly some instances where I was like, I should have been more direct there. Yeah. And so that's a goal for this month.
Create a rough calendar for travel plans, reach out to everyone. I still got a couple of people to reach out to in terms of like, Nick and Oscar, for example, from Fountain, they're in England, I'm going to be going there, I should probably reach out to them. I know, I think Nick is an Arsenal fan. So maybe if he goes to a game on the weekend that I'm there, I could tag along with him or something. That'd be that'd be kind of cool. I'd love to do that. Backup some new wallets that I'm creating. This is mostly for, like, play around purposes.
So do them and then I want to research on train metric indicators at the top. So like, this is kind of like one of my mini goals is emerged for the meta mini goal is to try and try and predict the top of the crypto slash AI market that I think is coming. And, yeah, I'm having fun, like, trying to trying to figure out, like, what are the things that would give me the checklist for doing being able to do this? So
[00:31:55] Juan Granados:
I'm having having fun actually. Are you trying to applying like AI itself to try and get that checklist?
[00:32:01] Kyrin Down:
Well, this is probably be part of it because like, you know, the the things before have all been very subjective. Can you ask AI to give you the top indicator for how many people are buying Lambos or how many people are how many conversations you've overheard at the gym of people talking about this guy who put millions into their, millions of Bitcoin into their super fund. I did hear that the other day. That's that's a, you know, that's all the subjective stuff. So maybe for the on chain metrics, AI will be helpful for that. But I think there's some podcasts and there's this guy called Checkmate, who isn't like an on Yeah, I think he operates Glassnode and so he's real good with on chain metrics and shit like that. So I might be checking out some of his episodes.
Record and edit another session then say a good session this time of of handstands. And I've also just put in here just do like general documents backup. I've got a like just a suite of things that I haven't backed up for quite a while, including the handstands. So yeah just back them up all onto a hard drive and things like that. Do you not back it up to cloud? That's cloud's fucked. I'm not this is another topic we need to do I've let me see what I titled it in my phone here. Where are we mere mortals? Here we go. This is I got some preliminary notes on AI.
Technology is making life harder. There's a video I watched recently of of a guy complaining about a lot a lot of like technology is actually like
[00:33:40] Juan Granados:
making things harder in some essence. And I was like, oh, yeah, that could be a fun topic to
[00:33:44] Kyrin Down:
counteract all of one's bullishness of the
[00:33:48] Juan Granados:
humanoid incoming humanoid It'll be actually in 2026. Most people realize like, yeah, you think like, oh, like NFTs, anyone who believes in NFTs, like if you would you say you would believe in NFTs? Like for them to be Well, what if they believe in values? Well, it's I was just as boiled down to them. I think there is utility in them. Yes. So it could be like, you know, if people well, it's a differentiation, but I guess the on chain and our information versus the, yeah, the picture that comes with it. You're saying like, oh, cloud
[00:34:16] Kyrin Down:
cloud might go down or not to be trusted. It's like, well, then like 98% of NFTs go away, because they're just sold back on cloud. It's not that yet. It's not that I don't believe in the cloud. And this is it is very useful for me, though, if I can OneDrive, for example, fucking biggest piece of shit I've ever used in my life. Good Lord as I think shit. So I've I've and I remember using iTunes and just being so frustrated with the syncing of it When I had an iTunes.
[00:34:46] Juan Granados:
That's interesting. You sound like you sound like an older generation.
[00:34:50] Kyrin Down:
No, I think I sound I actually think I sound like a younger person. Because I know quite a few people who are also having like that guy on the video I was talking about. He's young. Like he's he's a young guy who's just like, this is fucked, man. Like this technology is shit. So, yeah, I'm I'm actually the younger guy in this in this situation. Ahead of my time, affirm to myself and others my purpose of becoming an elite and balancer. This will explain more about this goal and then in the next episode, it's tied into jobs and hard work. So we'll leave it there for the moment. Begin reading a German book and whip out my old learning notes. So I do have some learning notes from the past. So I do want to just get a little bit of German back in me like just just just enough so I can have some fun while I am in Germany, slash Poland, slash Switzerland. So doing that, no self, self debasing language. Notice myself doing this. I already kind of fucked this up the other day, literally yesterday.
So where I'll say things like,
[00:35:57] Juan Granados:
[00:35:59] Kyrin Down:
It was funny. It was like a goal that counteracted another goal. So I was more direct with this girl. And I was saying like, oh, hey, I've been thinking of going to this ballet class. Do you you want to come with me? I just don't want to go on my own on my own. It's kind of lame. And even she was like, No, it's not lame. And then I had to correct them like, Nah, not lame. I don't have fun going on my own. Better to go with someone else. And I noticed I do myself this with other things. I say weird when I'm doing like, crazy exercises in the gym. I should just say unique, perhaps.
I gotcha. I gotcha. And then the last one contribute by updating the modified Morpheus white paper. So, I'm gonna I've done a pull request on GitHub once before, but this would be my like first actual trying to use it in a more systematic way of contributing to something. So, I want to do that on a I've been meaning to learn how to use GitHub that was kind of part of the husky big brain bingo plan of doing that. This is actually just a a more an actual way that I'll be doing it. So Okay. That'll be good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking forward to this much. I was kind of surprised by how much I did get last done last month because, probably like
[00:37:20] Juan Granados:
two thirds of the way through, I was like, oh, this is I'm not doing too well here, but managed to manage to do that. Again, you've always got quite a few. So if you're gonna do eight goals across the month, it always like, it is a challenge, especially if it's a busy month or other things pop up. So It's more just reminding myself, you know. To do so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That is a good point. So a lot of them are just like it'll only take
[00:37:40] Kyrin Down:
two minutes
[00:37:41] Juan Granados:
out of But it's not a group doing it. Yeah. But it's staying on top of it. Yeah. One of the things, actually, I've been finding so actually. So from my, menu of discomfort, one of the things I have kept on my phone between the 7PM to 6AM is chat gbt on on app format, which has been actually nice because I've been using it more and more to kind of converse with it. So just recently, we're like, yeah. What are we in? March 2? OpenAIRE released 4.5. Now 4.5 takes a ginormous amount of compute. I think it costs, like, I think it's number like ChargebeeT4 or one or something, it's like $6 per 1,000,000 tokens. This is $75 per 1,000,000 token. Like, it's gargantuan, but it's not a chain of thought, chain of thinking, reasoning model. It's a conversational model.
And for those who haven't used it, so I've been using trialing out a bit more of GROC three and Claude Sonnet three point seven. They're really good in a comparison way, like really powerful, great for code, really great for code. Claudius, Grok more for like conversational and you can get some unhinged shit going on it, which is kind of funny. The 4.5 was the first one where a shit you not, I was like I feel like I'm talking to an actual human on the other end like this is kind of wild and it's the difference was I think a lot of people are shitting on it because it's not as good as reasoning like it will make up a lot of shit in the sense of, we provided something that That sounds like a human.
Yeah, well, no, not in a sense like it's a lot there's a lot of hallucination even though they say the hallucination percentage is lower but we fed it a lot of things you created a big document the document actually wasn't as useful as previous things we've used. That's not as good for that but what it was good for was I was having, we'll talk about hard work in a moment in the next episode, and I was having a bit of a conversation to kind of create what I wanted to talk about in it and man, the way that it prompted me or it was kind of asking questions would be like if you were talking to a friend or on a podcast with someone and then like them engaging and asking a question follow-up and not in the like, oh, I want to know like, can you ask me five questions so I have a better idea? It was like a more genuine like, ah, and it feels like you're coming more from an empathetic reasoning because that kind of makes sense. I've seen it before in these sort of circumstances and I was just like, that like that was almost like mind numbing how quickly it felt like I was just in a messaging app talking to someone. It was it was pretty intense.
If you care to pay $200 a month US or 300 and something Australian dollars per month, you two can do it. I think they're bringing it to the more cheaper option soon but, yeah man, the rate of changes in the AI front is so mind nominally quick. It's phenomenal and scary and makes me feel like I need to just again separate and just focus on like specific area of usage as opposed to just trying to follow everything that's going on because it's just like got gigantic.
[00:40:35] Kyrin Down:
This, you know what this feels like to me? This feels like the Apple fanboys who were like the new iPhone, Apple fourteen is game changer. It's like gonna change everything
[00:40:48] Juan Granados:
And yet, it's like, it's essentially the same fucking phone. Phone just upgrading and say, yeah, I don't know if it gets to a point where we just can't even tell because we're the stupid input. That could also be like, we just, we become the limiter. It's not the machine anymore. It's like we're the limiter of how much we put in. So but what I'm getting at there is that
[00:41:07] Kyrin Down:
the the changes. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I'm not the best suited for this. Or how rapid and how world changing they actually are. No, no,
[00:41:19] Juan Granados:
I think it's more of the case of if you talk to a stupid person versus a smart person, you know the difference. Yes. But as a human gonna know the difference between 200 IQ person and 2,000,000 IQ person. Hey. What the hell? How are we gonna know? We have no idea of what the prompt of the questions that we would make to Yeah. I'm I'm I'm I'm
[00:41:37] Kyrin Down:
not I'm not gonna get excited until they're agentic. Like, I can ask it to go and do things and interact with other services and it can do stuff for me. That's that's when I'll get excited. Until then,
[00:41:51] Juan Granados:
they're all just chatbots. Okay. Have you seen operator by operator by OpenAI?
[00:41:57] Kyrin Down:
Probably not.
[00:41:58] Juan Granados:
It is what you're describing. You can't, it does, I don't think. You have to watch it through sensitive information but it just goes and does it for you. Have you got access to that? Yes, I can show you. Alright, let's do it. Let's try something out. Right. Well, we got it for monthly goals.
[00:42:11] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. So just last thing fitness. I finally have some fitness points after like I don't know how long it was without a break. I think I posted in the discord. So once again, join the discord because you'll get little tidbits in there. But yeah, I managed to do some flags touching the ground left and right, which is very good. Long time to do that. Lot of hurt ribs, lot of handstands to get there. So I was very, very happy about that. One arm handstands are still just, yeah, just chugging along. I'll get there eventually, but they're taking their sweet ass time to come around.
[00:42:51] Juan Granados:
Yeah. That's that's that's my main fitness news. You you don't do the point system or anything. I don't do point system at all. I think for for me and who who's who sent Zendesk? No. Cin garage. They posted a comment on one of the fitness things I did. And it's very true. It's that, yeah, as much right nowadays, it's just the mind as well as the physical from a fitness perspective. In general, like I say, from a from a training perspective, most of our like strength and movement, by and by the same, like I'm holding it all which I'm holding that as I'm really happy with that because I'm putting so much more effort into running. So the fact that I can still hold all the strength movements, all my Olympic lifting, even my handstands when I when I do them every now and again more so fun, I could still fun that I can just kind of do it without really any warm up or really any care so, I don't know if you've noticed this, maybe it's worth talking about at a later point, but if you notice if you stop doing handstand for three months would you just be able to go straight back out to the exact same level or there'd be like a way where to get back to again enough to talk about it now but I felt like I've gotten to a point with handstand fun that even if I just do them once a month, I'm still able to do what I would think is maybe, 80% of what if I was continuously training. Obviously, it's at a degree way lower of handstand, but I can do, I can pull out a thirty minute handstand walk fairly easily without training anymore. Okay. I don't know if that'll like regress more if more time goes by, but I can do a lot of those things semi UK without too much focus on them. I'm sure that would regress over time but I'm not I think it's one of those where I did 20% in the effort to get to 80% of the the value to get those extra, you know, you get to mastering and being an expert at it. It would just take that much more effort. Sure. Sorry. I think it's just that, like, balance with it. Yeah. In any case, fitness, yeah, is more so focused on the half marathon that's in I also fucked it up with my planning, interestingly enough. I planned out, like, this full training thing of, like, all my runs weekly to be able to do it blah blah blah blah blah blah twelve weeks and, in the end I actually went, oh shit. I actually I put down it was gonna be the run is gonna be April not in May. And I was like, ah, so I'm actually like ahead of where I'm supposed to be for like four weeks. So I kind of went, ah, it's kind of good. It gives you some hope that I'm hope in the sense that, yeah, I might not be able to do as much running in the next month and that's going to be okay because of I've got that extra time. Okay. So, cool. Yeah. That's good. I think we'll leave it there in the monoliths. I don't think there's any other comments in the monthly goal. Once again, we do these monthly goals just for, again, touching base on how we're going from a monthly perspective, targeting it all the way up to annual goals.
[00:45:30] Kyrin Down:
Yep. One thing I did want to mention, so once away next week, correct, I was going to do a solo episode, but I was looking at all my things like potential topics, and I went, none of these I really actually want to do on my own. I want to have a discussion with you about so perhaps this next episode, I'll just hide for a week. And I'll just release it then. You're what the next episode the hard work one. Yep. And I might just put that on for next week. Release that for next week. Oh, okay. As a thing. So yeah, there'll be a gap, I guess. But I usually release it like,
[00:46:07] Juan Granados:
after the monthly goals, three or four days. Yeah, so it won't really be too much of a gap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, that's a good point. Cool. All right, in more than last thank you very much for joining in. If you have been tuning in live, go and recommend other people to come in live. If you wanna support us from a Valley for Value perspective, make sure you do all the good ways you can do that. Send through Boostragrams, you can send through via the PayPal, leave comments, share all the good stuff. Subscribe. I've got, I'm gonna say this at the beginning of the next one because I wanna try and use it in all of the ones. I've been learning from Steven Bartlett, from the DireFC, I'll save it in the frog. But right now, across our platforms, roughly people who are listening to us, 78% of them, not 78.2% of them are not subscribed.
So one of the things you can absolutely do that helps us, subscribe. Because even if a portion of those people actually subscribe You get what you got on YouTube? YouTube and through Spotify and Apple as well. So that's a combination of all of them. Not not some of the others like fountain among that. I haven't looked at those stats but yeah, the more of you who can obviously subscribe, share with people helps them, helps us also share what the value for value model is, how you can support us. Essentially, let us give more value to more people in return. We may hope to get more value in return. Sure. Will do that. New Morning Lights. Be well wherever you are in the world. Juan. Tarry now. Bye.
[00:47:19] Kyrin Down: