It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next.
Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the previous monthly goals and how we will fix that for the month that comes. We hope you get some value from this series, showcasing our own methodology. What do you do differently and why?
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:54) Juan's June 2024 Recap
(00:05:32) Kyrin's June 2024 Recap
(00:15:22) Support Overview
(00:18:09) Juan's July 2024 Goals
(00:21:23) Kyrin's July 2024 Goals
(00:31:34) Fitness
(00:37:38) V4V: Time/Talent/Treasure
Connect with Mere Mortals:
Value 4 Value Support:
We all can't be mortals capable of mistakes the journey is not here to be agonized just on welcome
[00:00:09] Kyrin Down:
to another round of the mere mortals monthly goals. This is where your 2 mere models here, Kyrin here in Brazil, Londrina and
[00:00:18] Juan Granados:
oooh Juan here in the other side of the world in Australia still. Brisbane. Beautiful.
[00:00:22] Kyrin Down:
And we are live here on the 29th of June 2024. So it is almost at the very end of the Australian financial year. So if you need to lock in any gains or losses, yep, Now's the time to do it. We like to quote about monthly goals once every month, obviously, right towards the end of the month, We talk about what happened in June of this lead of this year, what happened just this past June, what's coming out for July, a bit of our fitness and even just a chance to thank some supporters as well and things like that. As usual, we start off with 1. So 1, why don't you tell us how your June has been going?
[00:01:01] Juan Granados:
Well, June was pretty good, at least from from my side of things. I had 5 monthly goals that set myself. So if the trend that you've been seeing, and indeed Karen knows about this, but trend continues to July around the the number of goals is starting to decrease. There's a good reason for that, but at least for the June, there was 5 5 girls, 1 in the body, 3 in the mind, 1 in the soul. And I can say it was like all of them were completed well. Like I sort of ticked them all off. I was able to try to do the gymnastics effort that I wanted to, which really just composed a lot of pull ups, a lot of muscle ups, a lot of handstand work, a lot of handstand walking work, a lot of core hollow work. So I wouldn't necessarily say that it was a supremely fruitful bout of exercise, I guess, but it was fun to do more of that. And by fruitful, I mean, it wasn't I couldn't say that from where I started to where I am now, there was, like, significant improvement in maybe the amount of pull ups I was able to do or, like, the seconds I could hold a handstand or the form, but it was fun to do. So that was that was fine with me. I enjoyed doing them. At the level we're at, I don't think there's much you can really gain in just a month
[00:02:16] Kyrin Down:
unless it's a completely new move. It's a really good point.
[00:02:21] Juan Granados:
Yeah. There was, was trying to across the month I was doing from a pull ups effort. I kind of began at 10 sets of 5 on on basically, like, a week, and I was doing just, like, 10 sets of 5 on a Monday, 10 sets of 6 on a Thursday, 10 sets of 7 on a Monday, 10 sets of 8 on a Thursday. So I started to continue that progression. But, you know, yeah, there's only so much volume you can do in a month and how much you can progress such a thing. Yeah, sure. But it was fun. On the mindset, there was a lot of I did I did create a return on investment, inclusive of risk calculator. So that was really fun actually to put together. I was really, really fun.
I'll actually I'll send you a screenshot of that. Remind me once we finished, I'll send you a screenshot so we can put that that up as well. But it was it was really cool. So it's got a lot of basically, if you imagine it, if you can't see the screen, the a lot of questions. It's I think it's, like, 8 or 9 questions, which you can write out of different things I give myself, and it moves around this bar chart, basically. And it gives me an indication of, like, how risky versus the value is, based on the status that I am now, and then I've given myself some examples. So, like, I'd I'd ran some examples of what would happen if I sold everything right now and bought Bitcoin.
And the risk factor is you can imagine. The risk factor is, is big, but it's not huge. Like, it's not ridiculously huge, and it's because of so in the in the calculator, it kind of encompasses things like, well, how much will the investment potentially bring in, you know, in 10 years or 15 years? So, yeah, that that potentially is a high return. And and because of that, it doesn't actually give you as risky, but obviously, other areas make it risky. The 1 page of a day of the French book. Now I also made a little note which said it's a minimum of 30 across the month that I wanted to do with leopardy prints, which is good because definitely there were some days that I didn't do a page or a book of the, of the book. However, I did do more than 30 across a month. There was a couple of days where I was doing it like I was a couple of days a couple of days I was doing like 4 or 5. So I'd probably say I missed 3 days, 4 days of the month, to doing it, but I was pretty consistent with at least reading a page or more over the like, on an average. So I was happy with that. In fact, I'm almost finished. I'm almost finished the book. So it's gonna go in nicely to finish it up by the for the annual girls, which will be awesome.
Back in the Valley Creation Bandwagon. So, yeah, some book book reviews obviously to help out. At the beginning of the month, there was monthly summaries, some podcasts that obviously didn't like, you know, impromptu interview that came out to our side, which was awesome as well. That was good. And then the daily journaling daily journaling around just more being specific on calmness versus franking. So it was good. It was a good little reminder every time to note that down across the month. So honestly, there was all of them were done. It was served all their purpose.
So get happy with that. And I'm thinking there's any much more callouts are on those. Okay. Beautiful. Sweet. Thanks, man. That's
[00:05:28] Kyrin Down:
that's cool to see. Alright. My my ones were as one's dying in the background there. My June goals were really simple because I'd obviously had a rather dramatic May, with with, mom passing away. So, it was and I was, you know, flying back to Brazil, trying to get back into a bit of a routine again. So this was just a I think this was maybe what I stole from April. I think it's the same 1 that I use then. So it's just allow yourself to be optimistic, flirty, happy, and playful. Well, I think I've done that 1. And, I've got a story for you. I've got, I'll fill this section in with a story.
And I I'll probably frame this by saying this. My brother, when he used to go on dates, he used to like, he loved talking about dating. And 1 of the questions that he said he'd asked would be, like, you know, oh, what's the worst date you've ever been on? Or something like that. You'd you'd hear this come up. Like he would he would ask that question. He'd asked that I think that I'd actually, someone had asked me this before. And I never really had a good answer for that. I think I've got a good answer for that now. So I'll try and I'll try and give brief.
I'll try and keep this short. So I was chatting with this girl on Tinder. And she is Brazilian, obviously. And she is a Portuguese speaker. And she's traveled around, she had photos of herself in Peru. And I think she'd been in Paraguay, things like this. And I was like, oh, okay, this kind of this cool, like, she's probably more in more likely to be interested in gringos. And and she certainly was, which is, you know, there's 1 of the great things about apps and stuff like this, you can, you can find people like this, because it's, you know, it's kind of hard to find people who are really interested in in other cultures and learning languages and things like that.
So I was chatting with her and as a should I give this as a primer? Now I'll save this for the next section. But the goals before this and the goals that are coming up for the next month, There's a there's a there's something in there, which I said I shouldn't do. And I did do. But I'll save that because it's it's not that impactful to the story. It's just like a funny side on
[00:07:42] Juan Granados:
basically, okay. Okay.
[00:07:44] Kyrin Down:
I was saying like, oh, look, she she lived kind of far away about 15 minutes. You know, that's far from Londrina. That's basically like from 1 side to the other almost. And she was way up in the north. And I'm like, oh, okay, why don't we just go here? And it was it was kind of closer to me and she's like, oh, cool. Are you gonna pick me up? And I'm like, well, obviously, no. I don't have a car. And then she was humming in her and you. And so I went, okay, that's that's cool. I'll I'll come close to you. We'll just go somewhere close to you. That's fine. Do you want me to pick you up from your place and then we'll go from there? No. No. No. Let's let's meet somewhere. And I'm like, okay, well, do you have any suggestions? Because I don't know Wondrina at all. I'm a gringo.
And she goes, Yeah. Yeah. And suggest this place in it and, actually kind of like the place. It looked like an Eat Street vibe. So for those who don't know Eat Street in Brisbane, bunch of shipping containers where it's kind of like mini pop up restaurants almost so you can get Peruvian food there. You can get Japanese food. You can I don't think they have African, but they'll have, like, Hungarian food? You can have a drink there. There's all sorts of little things. There's usually live music, stuff like that. And I went, okay, sweet. The day before I was like asking, oh, okay, what's the actual address of this place? I don't know where it is. She sends it through, you know, an hour and a half before I meant to meet. And I was I think in the shower or something. So I respond 45 minutes before. Okay, cool. At the logo, I'll see you soon. As I'm there, I'm saying I realized like, okay, bit of traffic. Hey, I'm just gonna arrive probably 10 minutes late, you know, just being nice. Everything I've done now, I think has been pretty cordial and pretty nice.
And I receive these capitalized texts from her 1 word at a time you didn't tell me you were coming I haven't arranged my things And I'm starting to think like, okay. All right.
[00:09:37] Juan Granados:
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. As if you didn't tell her what's going on? Definitely tell her. Yeah,
[00:09:43] Kyrin Down:
I feel this. Let me continue. So I'm like, okay, whatever, you know, Brazilians, I'm willing to let this slide a little bit Latinos, you know, they're sometimes late, different expectations. I could have, I could have, you know, reaffirm this beforehand. Like when you say 7, do you actually mean around 7? Or do you mean 8? I could have I could have done that. But whatever I was I said no, that's fine. I'm just gonna go for a bit of walk around there. Just just come when you when you're ready. And so I go for a bit of a walk. I have a look inside to see all the things my oh, that's kind of cool. It was still early. It was 7 o'clock 7 pm. So nothing was really kicking off. But there was a, a football match on between, I think it was, like, Flamingo and 1 of the other Brazilian teams. So, and it had just started. So I grabbed a beer and I was sitting there and watching it. And, you know, it gets to 7:20, nothing. And I send a send a message, oh, I'm just by the end, by the entrance. 7, 7:30, nothing. And I'm like, alright.
You know, I'm just gonna go home after if it if it reaches, you know, halftime, because this is getting a bit absurd now. And then I received this message from her which I'll try and translate on the fly. You have nothing in you about of Latino, a Latino would look for me, like come to my house, take me for to somewhere to eat or to drink to like an awesome place. The next time you need to confirm before you go. You are badly educated by And just sent me that. And I was just laughing my ass off, man. I couldn't believe how ridiculous this was because everything that she said that I did wrong was basically things that like I I asked her about already So unless she wanted me to, you know, somehow read her crazy mind and understand, like, oh, this person who I've never met before, and she says this thing, but she actually wants me to do the other thing unless that was what was going on.
I just I just went like, wow, this is gotta be I think this is I think this might be a genuine crazy person or maybe not a psychopath. Psychopaths a pretty strong word, but definitely a crazy person. What the fuck is that? So yeah, that was that was good luck. I think
[00:12:12] Juan Granados:
I think you can get away with that. If you've been with someone for a while, like if there's a already pretty like establish
[00:12:21] Kyrin Down:
routines or way of being? Yeah, sure. You know, I would, what restaurant do you want to say to? I'm saying that when you go here, that sort of thing. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. I get that. Yeah. So I get I get that. But that's, that's a bit extreme on the actual, like, first time you're actually trying to catch up. No way. Yeah. Yeah. So that is easily the worst I've been stood up. It's easily the I don't know if you'd even call it a date because it doesn't it didn't even happen. But
[00:12:47] Juan Granados:
didn't didn't even happen. Yeah. It was,
[00:12:51] Kyrin Down:
all all I took from this was, like, I was proud of myself for a couple of things. 1 for for even attempting it because look, normally when I'm in Australia and honestly, after this experience, I'm gonna reinforce this rule, which is I like to try and integrate dates or meeting people for the first time into my regular routine. So if they don't show up, if they try and stand me up, if they're rude, it doesn't bother me at all, because then I can just go on with whatever I was going to do anyway, or I can go home or, you know, whatever. So this was 1 of the times where, you know, if I look at it, an hour and a half out of my time, probably even a bit more excited to shift a couple of things around. Let's just say 2 hours of my time was absolutely wasted, plus all the the time messaging her.
But I just thought it was so funny, man. I just could not believe how stupid, how ridiculous it was. So, I definitely have allowed myself to be optimistic, flirty, happy, and playful. So, I think I've I've I think June has been a success.
[00:13:55] Juan Granados:
You allowed that to happen? Nah, that's good. I mean, look, you can't you can't do much when it comes to, well, I wouldn't even say that's crazy in that regard. But I would say that it is an expectation applied way too early. And And if that's the sort of expectations being presented, then you don't want to participate in that regardless. I mean, even even playing the game of what if I had
[00:14:22] Kyrin Down:
enforced it and said, hey, no. I'm gonna come to your house. Hey, I'm going to rent a car for the night or whatever. I just can't imagine what kind of person she's like, if that's if that's the if that's, like, if she feels comfortable sending a text like that, God, she must be oh, I feel sorry for the dude that, that, you know, wipes her that sort of deal because that's that's not. Yeesh.
[00:14:52] Juan Granados:
Yeesh. Wow. But maybe, dude, maybe, maybe, maybe out there is a you know, there's individuals listening to this and be like, Yeah, man, that's what I want. That's all I want. I want someone to, like, degrade me in that way Yeah. It could be. Tell me that I'm wrong or whatever. Could be. Could be. They could be. But, yeah, no. So the mere model models here, I mean, that doesn't strike a note for us. No. No. Cool. Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks for the show. That's great. We'll leave it at that. Unfortunately. Was
[00:15:19] Kyrin Down:
there anything else for the interview here that you want to talk about? No. So typically, this is where we like to thank supporters who've who've helped to, I guess, like give an overview of of just where we're at in terms of, you know, finances for the podcast and things like that. Honestly, I have not done the month of April, May or June yet. And once again, that's 2 days time and June will be finished. And that'll be the end of our financial year, as I was saying. So this will actually need to be need to be done. I think I'm only going to do it on a 3 month basis going forward. The reason I used to do it monthly was I wanted to keep on track of shirts.
That was the main reason just to know like leaderboards where people are at because we're kind of like in a low season at the moment. We're not really trying to expand out and it's usually just the the same couple of notable faces popping up and sending boostograms in this. I mean, there's no real point on keeping track of that on a monthly basis. So yeah, just going forward, I'll be doing that on a 3 on a quarterly basis. Just just doing all those things because it's it does take a fair bit of time. Adding up all those things. At a time. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. But yeah, thanks. Once again, thank you everyone who's helped to support the show. If you want to boost in and own a shirt, I actually have 2 with me here at the moment of medium and a large in my suitcase. So if you, if you're in Brazil or the US and you feel like earning a shot now's the now be the time to do it because the free shipping would be the opportunity much more easier for me if I'm if I'm already there
[00:17:03] Juan Granados:
But Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:17:05] Kyrin Down:
Oh, 0, and just a shout out if anyone is in the US in particularly in the Nashville, Los Angeles or Las Vegas areas. I probably will be going to those at the some point in July and slash August, mostly August. So hit me up if you if you want to meet up in real life.
[00:17:26] Juan Granados:
If you're around that area, they'd be scared. Yeah. As long as you don't stand up Karen and expect him to go and drive to your place. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He'll be very Oh, let's let's let's meet in,
[00:17:38] Kyrin Down:
where's someone? Mississippi. Like, let's meet let's meet in Mississippi. And I'm like, okay. And then they stand me up. Not cool, bro. Not cool. But cool. Yeah. I would not be fine. That's that's that's the menu, sir.
[00:17:54] Juan Granados:
Good. Okay. No. No. No. I think it's gonna be a good path forward doing it, in a more quarterly basis probably makes sense until we get back to a a hot a hot satoshi, hot boostogram, space, which which will come which will come. Yeah. For sure. Well, let's look let's let's look at July goals and July 2024. Mine's fairly straightforward. Mine's fairly easy, and it is reminiscent of some of the ones current time before. And as you see the trend that's been happening and maybe the other caveat as well is this is the last month for myself at least.
[00:18:25] Kyrin Down:
It's the annual goals for the time. For me, annual goals begin on August 1st of all align with my birthday. So I was telling Lucas July 2024 is Mhmm. Yeah. Best to best to start it, not at the end of the not not at the start of a new year. Just any anytime other than that is a good good time to start.
[00:18:43] Juan Granados:
Any time is good. Exactly. So in any case, for the month of July, mine is just a singular 1 goal and it is enjoy the month, tidy up annual goals and plan the new goals for the next year. And when I actually wrote that goal, which is interesting and I'll talk about it more in me. But when I wrote that particular goal, I hadn't really started thinking much about what I wanted to do for the for the following year. There was a lot of just, packed days in my life where I was just doing a lot of things in a in a good way doing, but I hadn't really had the time to kind of stop and think about what I wanted to do it beyond kind of the immediacy of life.
And I kind of put that down as being like, well, yeah, I'm not gonna have no goals. I'll have 1 goal, and that goal will be just really tidying up what I've been doing so far and planning for the new goals, which But then you have a walk. Enough, I was able to do it early. Exactly. In fact, it's a a couple of walks. So Okay. We'll be talking about that. We'll touch on on the end drinks more for sure. Yeah. We'll talk about it in the next episode for sure. But the in summary here for folks is, I've got now on on multiple works, multiple works. And that's helped find, I guess, the ideas and the thoughts of what I want to aim for, what I want to optimize, let's just say, for the following year. Let's go. At least as annual goals are concerned. So it's good. It's, it it'll be nice not to maybe be focused too much on completing some other things that have been going on at the moment.
I've got a couple of trips I need to do on July as well. So, yeah, it makes it lighter on maybe my mind on what I need to do and just have a few pure focus on just getting it right for the next annual goals. So, look, it's gonna be yes, it's gonna be get completed. It's gonna be a 100%, which is gonna be nice. And it also be mean, as part of this, it'll also be tidying up my work kind of my little review that I do have an annual, I'd say the annual goals that I've had, the monthly goals, a full summary of that. There's a lot of statistics and percentages that you might expect of an engineer that come about with that as well. So, yeah, there's there's quite a bit of that into this particular goal. But, yeah, a reduction in the volume of goals for me this month. That'll definitely change.
[00:21:02] Kyrin Down:
But for now, that's what July is looking like. And those walks haven't been helping you man. I asked Venice dotai to give me an image of what you look like with with these goals. And it's not a pretty image, man. It's on it's on YouTube if you're on your screen if you've got a good podcast app as well. We'll, we'll jump over to mine instead. Alright. So July 2024 goals for me. So this is what I was hinting at before. This was a goal that I actually had in April. And it just, it was so perfect, man, because I went, ah, if I had this, that that interaction perhaps could have gone differently. So number 1st goal is eye contact, smile, touching, and don't do not attempt iffy jokes.
Now, 1 of the things I did do with with Tinder Girl who stood me up, I I attempted a, a flirtatious joke in some sense. And basically, it went she asked me like, oh, so how long are you staying here? And I'm like, alright. I'll I'll I'll give this a shot because the the conversation was a bit dry up until then. So I was like, alright. I'll try and spice this up. And so I basically tried to say, I'm staying here as long as it takes for you to seduce me. That was basically the intent of, of what I tried to say. Now how how that came across?
I tried, you know, I tried Google translate, and I'm like, alright, this kind of makes sense. You know, I haven't really used any of these words before, like seduceed. I'm not sure if that has the same connotation as it does in English. I confirmed with Lucas afterwards, and he's just like, dude, that's more to who am more to who am that's really bad you. And her reaction to it was, what are you trying to do? And so I just went like, look, excuse me. I'm sorry. Let's let's forget that ever happened. I was trying to I was trying to make a joke. It didn't obviously it didn't land you you know, she being a Portuguese instructor.
Lucas maybe can even give give me a rating out of 10 of how bad it was he's in the chat. But
[00:23:14] Juan Granados:
I just all I just went like, look, sounds like it was a 9 out of 10.
[00:23:19] Kyrin Down:
And all I can think is that maybe she held that against me and is like, from then on, she's just like, I'm just gonna try and fuck with this guy. I think she could have done a better job if that was what her intent was. And now I'm just absolutely guessing so you know, who knows? But that's that's the only thing that can kind of make a little bit of sense in my mind. So, do not attempt anymore if he jokes, Karen. Oh, he said it's only 3 out of 10. That's not too bad, man. That's, yeah. That's just she being crazy. Okay all right that's just her. All right. So I'm going to continue saying yes to everything and basically asking about events. So I think I've been a lot better at what it's 1 of those things where it's just like, at the moment, it's festa festa junina here, which is basically, I still hard to get my head around. But basically, it's a whole month of of a festival of Fedi are those like holidays, but I don't really know if they celebrate any days off in particular. There's some events, but people don't really seem to know when the events are.
I guess the equivalent would be the Science Week in Brisbane or something. And if you're a tourist, and you're like, what's this Science Week, and then you if you are someone who lives in the gap and never really goes to the city, they're probably gonna go, I have no idea. Yeah, maybe it's something that's on. I don't know if there's any events, I wouldn't know how to find them. It's nothing that special. Maybe river fire would be an equivalent where it's like, okay, maybe, yeah, there's 1 day, but there's also other days. Anyway, when you when you ask about things, so you put them out there, people tend to notice like, oh, yeah. He's interested in this and then they hear about something then they're like, oh, maybe the Gringo is interested in this and and suggest going to something. So, yeah. Definitely trying to prioritize those and, just have quality time to with with people.
This 1, transport gym data for future use. This is just related to the podcast and something in the future. Honestly, at the moment, you know, I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna be away for next week's episode. 1, maybe can do a filler for that. I don't know. You haven't really Oh, well. Yep. Yep. Sweet. And it's likely while I'm going to be traveling in in July slash August that it'll it'll probably be more likely that I'm doing, you know, once a fortnight rather than a weekly thing because it's just gonna it's just gonna be busy. So, yeah, this is just for the future. Like, if I if I create a fitness podcast, particularly in the future, it'd be really nice to have all this gym data, which I have written down as, as saved as PDFs with handwriting, transforming that into actual data that I can use in Excel sheets. That'd be good. So that's just, if I have any spare time.
Handstand stuff, watch coach Bachman vids, continue stretching and check my form. So really just those are the 3 things that I I kinda need to do at the moment and just continue, I guess, trying to at the moment, it's been a bit of a I'll talk about it more in the fitness, but it's been a good but also frustrating month in some respects when it comes to the fitness. So, yeah, this is just trying to get back on track with that. Continue to not use social media. I haven't really done that since the hands down retreat. And it's been really good. And even just today, just before this, as I was creating these goals, I'm like, oh, what if I what if I go over to here and I just, like, scroll for a little bit and I just because I'm looking for it, man. And, you know, presidential debate, I think, was yesterday or the day before or something.
Goddamn, man. It's just it's just everywhere. It's like, oh, 0, nope. Nope. Don't want to do with that. Don't want to deal with that. So continue not using that has been great. Research, just some places, events that could be amazing. I've been doing a little bit of this. I was chatting with 1 and Joey previously potentially meeting up or or going to see zoo in in Las Vegas or something like that. Those are the type of things I just wanna I wanna keep an eye out for as I, oh, this could be something that would be really 1 like almost once in a lifetime. Let's pretend I'm never coming back to the US again. What what is something that I'd really want to do here or there.
And so just just looking looking for those, but also obviously not going too far out of my way. Last ones be strategic in preparation and fearless and making mistakes. So there's just communication improvement. What I've noticed with my Portuguese is I'm still at a rudimentary level. I still make a lot of mistakes. But there's times when I make it harder for myself. For example, I will be chatting with someone and there'll be a, you know, 5 meters across the room and there'll be some music playing. Whatever I'm doing, I should just stop, walk over to them so that I'm a meter away from them, looking them right in the face, and then chat with them and not try and do do this across the room because, yeah, that that that was just I had that the other day where it was like, oh, okay.
That was my fault. The reason that I was saying, oh, I don't understand. What are you trying to say? She was saying a couple of things which were slang, jadeous, which I didn't, I couldn't know, but I could have pieced together if I'd been closer. So there's that but also just language learning man you just got to be fearless and saying stupid crap and making mate and saying dumb making all the mistakes not all the mistakes no more iffy jokes but especially in text no more iffy jokes via text. But other than that, yes, all the mistakes. You can you can make the iffy jokes in person because then you can just laugh it off.
And they can see okay, like he didn't, whatever he just said, he obviously didn't mean that. And then the last 1 here is related to dance yoga and language learning. So I've got a couple of chances to perhaps do some Samba, some capoeira, and maybe some line dancing when I'm in Nashville. So I should I should just have a look see for those at the very least and and see if I can do some of those. I have actually joined a yoga studio here for the last for a month. So, just keep doing 33 yoga sessions per week. And I want to finish this book that I have with me here, which Lucas has very kindly let me read. It is, can I get this right in front of the cap camera? I can. Capitines.
Jerry. Capitines. It's weird. This a e is really hard. The a with a tilde on top is is hard to say. And and areia areia is a bitch of a word. I hate that word at a which means, captains of sand. And it's a it's a really, really famous book here, Jorge Armado. So I want to finish that off from about halfway through, which, yeah, it's going good. I could just see Lucas in the chat saying, I need papa. I need papa Miguel to help me with my handstands. So he's, he's obsessed with papa Miguel. I mean, as as any as any young boy would be obsessed about their dad. Alright, man. That's it. That's actually very similar when you're looking at the images as well. I do, man. That's I mean There is some similarities there. Yeah. It's not just a joke. It's like, it's a really good joke because they do look really similar. Even their tattoos are pretty similar apart from, they've both got a sleeve. I'm not sure if it's on the same arm on the right arm. I think it's Lucas's and or is it left? No. I don't know. And, yeah, even tattoo wise, they're very similar. They both got the the long hair kind of tied in a top knot type of deal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're similar. They're similar, man.
[00:31:15] Juan Granados:
Yeah. Lucas. Yeah. Be careful. You don't maybe. Well, well, maybe for him, he does. He does want to transform into a little bit of
[00:31:23] Kyrin Down:
a handstander. Handstand king. Yeah. He does. He does. Like over the realm. It is the same arm as well. There you go. It was it was it was meant to be.
[00:31:32] Juan Granados:
Good. There you go. Alright. 1. So you were saying talk about the fitness. So took took fitness wise. So why why hasn't it been a as as a fantastic month, I guess? Yeah. So
[00:31:41] Kyrin Down:
it was I mean, right at the start of the month, that was just just trash because that was, you know, mom's memorial service flying to Brazil, doing a big trip. I'd already had the kind of pain cropping up in my left wrist again, which was I'm pretty much putting that down just to emotional stress, which I, I think was kind of why it was affecting me so long from roughly August last year through to geez, when did it it wasn't until really March ish where it it kind of felt like it got good again for March, April, April, April was a great month. And then May, obviously, with mum, everything just cropped up again. And so, I I think emotionally, it's the emotional impact of of everything that was going on has just had a had an impact on the body as well.
I am so I I got through that handstand retreat. I have no idea how I got through it. Pure pure luck is and just taking some time off beforehand, I guess. But even afterwards, it was like after that, I I I basically have had to take a week and a half, almost 2 weeks off Just just really just trying to let everything heal. The shoulders feel better. Did
[00:33:05] Juan Granados:
you continue train like did you continue to do your normal sort of training or not normal I'd it lighten the back or just not at all? No, I still I've learned that it's it is better to still try
[00:33:17] Kyrin Down:
and train and just keep the body just doing something so whether it be doing some stretching in the morning, which I have been doing, I've done been doing a lot more of that, whether it be just pretty much staying on 2 arms. I've done very, very little 1 arm type work. And, even when I did do it, I kind of regretted it afterwards. So, yeah, it's it's been 50%, 50% basically. So, it it is getting better. I do it. But it does also like this. There's the the psychological impacts of of of training as well and injuries where it's just it bumps you out, man. It can really bum you out. Couple of days, I was just just, just just angry, just angry, depressed, sad, not feeling great. So, I'm I I think I'm over the worst of it now and getting into a better period, hopefully.
But, you know, this things always crop up, man. I almost, I had a kind of shitty fall against the wall. And I ended up scraping my knee against the wall. And I got luckier that I didn't do anything any worse than just like a grace on money. So
[00:34:42] Juan Granados:
Not working out just kind of like falling into the wall as well and put myself some bad like scratches and stuff down in my arm. But now I get I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying, man. Like, again, like this particular month I had from a fitness perspective. Not that it wasn't anything bad. There was some mentioned that already in the last conversation we had around the scratch scratches from basically running running too far and my legs being too too jacked, let's just say, AKA too fat, too big and rubbing together. And that causing me to not be able to train very well for, let's say, like, a week and a bit. And similarly, man, that that it impacts you in terms of why don't you either have something down on the paper or you have a plan or you have an idea. And then when you can't do it, you're throws you off a little bit. And that's, there is part of that I've started to think about from the next annual goals and whatnot. But yeah, when we don't when we don't get to, I guess, do the thing, especially for us that this is a I think that we find a lot of joy and I guess a lot of calmness with as well.
You can get on our nerves. That's for sure. Yeah, definitely. Okay. Hopefully, it's us moving towards a good path into the July period as well. I think so. I think so, man. And it's also
[00:35:52] Kyrin Down:
it's it's fun doing this stuff with other friends. You know, Luke's in the chat, and he's been, I I guess, like, inspired by us as well. He sent me a photo just before we started of of his own monthly goals, which, you know, just it's kind of awesome things that he's interested in. He's set up a little table with, beer, sugar, reading and running, and he is trying to cut out beer cut out sugar read and he's been doing some running he's trying to try to get rid of his gordidinos little little love handles. But, he's Miguel told him to do his love handles. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. But, yeah, like, it's it's cool that he's written this down and and is is getting after it. It's a love love to see it.
[00:36:40] Juan Granados:
Well, again, the you know, the the the fact and I'll repeat it again, we do monthly goals, we do annual goals, we're gonna break it down into daily goals, although there's maybe daily practices and daily habits that we follow. But we've been doing this now for many, many, many years. And it's just, it helps us be aligned, I guess, to higher values aligned to the things that we wanna be doing to channel energy in the amount of time that you have in a day to do things that you actually want to do, as you're calling out, you're retreating away from social media quite a bit, that that means you get more time to do other things. So monthly goals where you're thinking out there of doing it or trying something out, and feel free to reach out, ask questions through Discord or through any other chats that you can, or the podcast as well.
We'd be very happy to give you any tips or pointers or anything like that. Because honestly, it's served us very well over the many years we've been doing it. Absolutely.
[00:37:37] Kyrin Down:
Yeah, man. Cool. Cool. Cool. Alright. Well, I think it's a good place to just cut it off for there. So thanks everyone who has joined in for this 1 or who will be joining in as it is released by the the audio as well. As 1 thing, we'd love to hear your monthly goals. And that's 1 way you can contribute back to the show, which is a value for value podcast. So we just ask that you contribute some time, talent or treasure, whatever you got from this, however valuable you found it with, we'd appreciate if you could give some of that back. So time, the simple things, sharing it with a friend, telling them in person is probably the best, but also sending them a leak link via YouTube or via your podcasting app.
Talent, tell us about your goals. Tell us about what you think we did wrong. Tell us about Brazilian culture and how I offended this girl. All of these things are valuable and make, make for good conversation. And then finally, some treasure. If you want to support the podcast financially, we do have a PayPal link which you could use to do that. But the way we really love it is if you send in a boost to gram, which is a message that you can send directly in, via, well, support that you can send in directly via a podcasting app with a message attached to it. You can send funny numbers like a row of sticks, 111-122-22s, a row of ducks.
And we like to read this out during our normal weekly 1 or fortnightly, I guess, for the for the next little period as a way of just saying saying thank you to everyone who is helping to keep the show running because it does cost money to host it to do all of these things to buy new equipment, etcetera, etcetera. So we'll leave it there for today. Although there is a month ago, meanderings coming right off after this. And yeah. Thanks, everyone for tuning in. Juan, take us out.
[00:39:25] Juan Granados:
Thank you very much. Me immortalize wherever you are in the world. Hope you're well. 1 out. Alright. Bye.