It's time for our monthly check in where we review our goals from last month and see what's coming up for the next.
Do you set yourself monthly goals and if so, how many do you set? Juan and I on the first week of every month go over our progress from the previous month and where we are heading for the next. Emphasis as always is on the shortcomings; what we didn't achieve in the previous monthly goals and how we will fix that for the month that comes. We hope you get some value from this series, showcasing our own methodology. What do you do differently and why?
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:53) Juan's July 2024 Recap
(00:01:25) Kyrin's July 2024 Recap
(00:05:04) Support Overview
(00:06:55) Juan's August 2024 Goals
(00:18:13) Kyrin's August 2024 Goals
(00:22:40) Fitness
(00:29:26) V4V: Time/Talent/Treasure
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Oh, welcome back Mere Mortalites to another edition of the Mere Mortals monthly goals. We we have August monthly goals, and if you've ever kept tune of our monthly goals, what we like to do is talk about, what we accomplished in the monthly goals in the past, the future look towards our goals that's coming up. So for us, it's August. We're recording this on 4th August. You've got Juan here from Brisbane. And Kyrin here. Pod home in the box.
[00:00:33] Kyrin Down:
Well, not pod this is well, we're using Pod home as our as our host, but I am in a little pod here, and it is my home for for this next week. So I am in the pod home as well. Correct. And he's over in l he's over in LA at the moment. And, look, we're gonna just reflect back on the monthly goals of July and talk about our August goals now for myself at the very least.
[00:00:54] Juan Granados:
July for me, the monthly goals are basically nonexistent, which was good. It allowed me to just kind of reflect on what I was preparing to do. It was just all about preparing the the August goals, which for me kinda coincides with annual goals moving forward. So we'll talk about that in the annual goals annual goals. But for me, look, I I accomplished setting up the annual goals and the monthly goals, and you'll see how that reflects and then coming up on. It was just really enjoying of the month, enjoying the month, which I totally did, and tidying up a lot of big things. So that's kind of on my side. Brilliant. But for you, senior, Karen, how'd you go for July? Yeah. I had a fair stuff,
[00:01:29] Kyrin Down:
fair amount of stuff going on. Usual 8 connected to my 8 long term goals. Eye contact smile, touching don't attempt iffy jokes. I didn't do any of that and had, yeah, some some pretty fun interactions with the Brazilian ladies and also random. The I'll talk more about American soon, but, yeah, some some funny interactions here. Continue saying yes to everything and asking about events. I think I did that pretty good. Those are probably only 1 or 2 things in Brazil right at the end where I could have gone to, but I was also going, I gotta pack and do other things. So, yeah, that was pretty good. Transform gym data for future use did not do that. It was just busy doing other things. And I I knew that I knew that would happen as well. So that was just like a random one put in.
Watch coach Bachman vids, continue stretching and check form. This one was actually kind of funny because what I've realized with this is this one's been on here for a while, right? This coach Bachman vid. Do I I imagine other people are kinda similar to me where they'll have a tab up, and they'll just go, oh, you know, I'll watch this at some point. I've I'll I'll keep this tab open, but then it'll just be there for a month, 2 months, 3 months, and you just never actually do anything about it. Well, I had this video of his for probably 2, 3 months just sitting up on my on my laptop.
And what was the actual impetus that actually made me watch it? Well, I found out that he actually lives here in LA. He's in Santa Monica, which I I had no idea about. I was just mentioning it to Dave, and he said, oh, yeah. He's here. And I actually went to his handstand class this morning. And so did some some work with him, in just it was really basic, know, just up against the wall and stuff, but he gave me a couple of helpful pointers. And I made sure to watch that video that I had had used there for finally so physically takes me going to a class to be like, oh, shit, I should probably actually watch this thing that I said I've been I should watch for 3 months. That's cool. That's very cool.
Continue not using social media. That was bad. I downloaded all the apps basically to connect with people whilst I'm here, which has been useful, but also, yes, I have been watching and just, like, looking at Ren, not still trying to avoid the politics, but, you know, just getting into other random social media, funny videos, cat videos, Olympic memes, all that sort of stuff. So, research some places, events that could be amazing. Yeah. I've I've I have been trying to do that. Like I said, you know, randomly coming across coach Bachman, that was, you know, not well researched on my end, but it it did pay off and and and, came about.
In communication, especially in Portuguese, be strategic in preparation, fearless in making mistakes. And I I kind of right towards the end, I was I was just getting lazy and and not doing as as much Portuguese. So when I go back, I'll I'll hopefully get back into it. And then, investigate samba, capoeira, line dancing, because I thought, oh, yeah. Maybe I'll have some time in Nashville. I did not. 3 times yoga per week. I ended up doing about twice and finishing the book. Not that was, yeah, this this month was was busy. It was busy. He was just prepping, planning flights, some financial stuff, end of year taxes.
I didn't I didn't get as much as I kind of would have liked done, but I I still got some stuff done. So okay. Acceptable. I'll just jump on to our next section here, which is just thanking supporters and whatnot. So, this is where we just like to thank everyone who's helped contribute to the show over this, last, 3 quarters now. So, sorry. Over the last 3 months, I'm just gonna do this on a quarterly basis. You can see from April, May, June, it was a bit of a smaller month than, sort of smaller quarter than we're we're used to. We usually do a little bit more, get more sets in than that. But, obviously, since I've been traveling, it's been a lot more haphazard in everything. I've I haven't been doing the value for value show.
You know, the these podcasts have been once every 2 weeks. So, yeah, it's it's been a bit more haphazard, so that makes sense as well. But, yeah, just cool cool, that people are still contributing to the show. I actually met a guy in Nashville who was, contributing to the book review show after I told him about that. So that's been been really cool. So if Juan is still there, and I hope he is, we're gonna jump into his monthly goals, and we'll see what he's got coming up in August.
[00:06:16] Juan Granados:
Absolutely. I was gonna say something on the sets as well, I guess, in the incoming. It would be interesting also to map it towards, not not that we're gonna do this, but it would be interesting to see what the difference of that growth looks like if you compared it to the equivalent, like, fiat given the fact that Sats
[00:06:34] Kyrin Down:
all Bitcoin just in general has gone up twice. So So so typically, we were getting about 500 Australian per per quarter, and it dipped down to 180. So, yeah, it was about Gotcha. Okay. The 3rd as much support as as normal. Yeah.
[00:06:52] Juan Granados:
Good. Cool. But you actually do I check that? Cool. Let's see the August 24 goals. So current got up on the screen as well at the moment. I've got a couple of other little notes as well that I can talk about. But overall for me, so again, I wanna get deep into the where it maps in from a new annual goals perspective. But this month, it's for me, goal very much is elevating the workouts, enhancing the content that I'm putting out, embracing a couple of new journeys, and reflecting on some growth. So we've got 7. Again, from my side, I map things to body, mind, and soul. So I've got 2 on the body aspect. 1, basically, at every gym workout, I'm gonna be lightly loading my lower back races.
Why? So, basically, every single time, I want to just be going in and doing what's called the GHD machine basically just lowering my lower back on it up with some weights, just to strengthen it. And by strengthening me just keeping it warm, keeping it supple. One of the things I've noticed over the last few months and honestly years is where I get some, like, injuries is usually in the lower backside or it's that's where it gets white, tight, I would say, when I'm lifting. So just giving it some attention. Right? And you're gonna see that as a bit of a call out across the the ear as well, just different areas of the body getting different attention. So there's that. There's 2 continuing the long run progression through the week and making one of them on some sort of different surface.
So this for me is part of it. It's more running that's being done at the moment. I usually am running in at least in the Brisbane area. It's usually a new farm built in sort of city area, but I'm trying to find and disconnect again to an annual goal of running around in kind of different areas where it's Laram. Or other. Basically, like Gravel. Not not not bitumen, not not road, not sidewalk. So it would be Water. To just do God Godlike water, water walking, so water running. So it's only like, you know, mountain mountain running, whatever, maybe just something different. So it's not. And the reason why I think is, that way I'm not just so connected to the like, distance and the pace, but instead, it's more around the, you know, it's it's the act of the the different movement than it is just being in the gym. Sure. So to the body ones for for the month.
3 in the mind category, 1. And and I've kind of almost shot myself in the foot by saying this, but I think we have to progress with it anyways, which is creating some sort of apparel to get to Chris Williamson on his Aussie trip. Now, why I say this is because part of me then thought like, is there something else I could have done? It's probably like interesting. I'm gonna commit to it because I've started already putting together a bit of an idea for it. But but why it's, in November, I'm fairly sure it's November. Gee, I gotta double check that. Chris is coming over to Ollie. I've got one of those tickets. You can go and meet him in person and go and have a chat. And so I thought, you know, at the same time, usually, it would be cool to, like, give him you know, I think he even called out on one of his podcasts. You know? I I wanna just try out the different Aussie cuisine. So I'm definitely gonna be some tip tips and vegemite that I went, you know, what's one of those things that I can do? That's that's cool, you know, But also helps, you know, us as a mere mortals connect with, you know, potentially one wisdom. Alright. Yeah. Might be cool to do a little, like, unique shirt that's both something that I'm like, I wear, and also, like, I'll be like, hey. You can have, like, 2 2 copies of it as well. You know? Take it away as a little bit like memento from from Australia. So we'll see. We'll see what that looks like. They do not come cheap. I'm gonna tell you this, folks. If you want to do create apparel, and it's pure unique, like short amount of orders, it's very, very expensive.
Next one, I want to play around with the content to try out new presentation styles, podcasts, and shorts. So the you you you me immortalize at home wouldn't have seen this, but I have been playing around with the content and what it looks like or how it gets created. Actually, I started doing that with the convo I had with Michael Fox in the quotes. So, again, presenting it a different way. Interestingly, Karen, interestingly, is one that I didn't expect. You know, our usual quotes that I probably do with a conversation or a book review, and I'll put them in honestly, we don't really get that much interaction with them.
As we've said before, we get a little bit in the form of, you know, people, like, seeing that podcast is still available, but perhaps not really any interaction, which is fine. I created a couple from the Michael Fox conversation, and posted one of them over on LinkedIn. And perhaps it's just more that particular type of style suited there. But it got like, a ton I think it was like 2,000 and something impressions and like 10 12 shares heaps of lie, like heaps of interactions. And I saw it actually even translate directly into people going to the links and listening to the audios and the videos. So I was like, wow. Cool. Okay. That was that was unexpected. So, yep, just play around with the content and trying out new presentation styles. There's other there's a couple of like solo episodes I wanna do, in all the book review stuff that I'm just thinking there's other ways. So again, continue playing around.
5th one, beginning the Italian journey, salve. So Explain. This is just beginning new new new language, new language. So it'll be easily explained in a in a moment, in a in a moment as to why I'm I'm doing this. But, yeah, I just thought also was time, French, you know, goodbye. It's it's time. It's it's the end of of going to our progress and, you know, even even quicker than I'm probably sure you're you you felt it, Karen. I already feel like some of my friends are, like, slipping away because I'm not obviously just on it all the time. Like, I wasn't on it that much. And now that it's gone down to 0, I I can recall a lot of things and, you know, talking about it, but on other plot parts, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I've forgotten how to say this or a color or something like that. So, yeah, it's interesting how much you learn and pick up and how much it starts to go away. So I feel like I need to put in, like, a monthly refresh or something around it. But the Italian the Italian journey, begins in relation to language. So once again, I'm using Duolingo.
I'm using, potentially wanting to read an Italian book at some point. And as you might expect, it's very, very easy. It's so so fine comparison to learning maybe other languages for me, just because they're all kind of based in the in sort of similar land structure of Spanish and French and all that. Yeah. Italian should be the last 2. Yeah. The last 2 in the sole aspect. So why Italian? Some people might say, well, 6 years reaching out to all possible photographers to gather information on best deal and possible fallback option. And you might say what what what photography is? What are you talking about? Well, myself and my partner have decided to get married. That will be happening next year.
And for us, yeah, it's one of the first things I you know, we asked Chachi Pitty, we looked around the web, and we're sort of planning and seeing what are the details? What are the things we need to do first and last and all that sort of stuff? Usually, photographers kind of like we have to kind of begin. Karen, a question for you. How early do you think generally photographers ask you to book them in or for a wedding?
[00:14:26] Kyrin Down:
I mean, you know, reasonably, I would have said give them a 3 month, a 2 to 3 month kind of buffer. So like 2 to 2 months out is is what I would think like, oh, yeah, you probably should have booked one by then.
[00:14:44] Juan Granados:
Honestly, I would have might have even said sooner. I would have said maybe, like, 2 months, maybe, like, a month and half. Wrong. We're we're both wrong, Karen. That's that's just the reality of life. 1 year. 1 year is the expectation. So I was like, what in the hell is going on? I mean, I guess the only thing with that is
[00:15:01] Kyrin Down:
I know roughly from from what I've from what I gather, it's not just, you know, 3 hours of a day or, you know, 4 hours of a day. Like, if I'm thinking about Joey's wedding, that was a full day thing, And he probably spent, I don't know, another 4 days after that editing or something like that. So, you know, if you're asking for a 5 a 5 day time commitment, I kind of I kind of understand but I mean, like a year out, that's that seems excessive.
[00:15:34] Juan Granados:
It does. It seemed very excessive. But in any case, we're going through the we're going through it all now and just trying to get as many photographers obviously, there's a few select differences, obviously, in terms of photographer that we have to get this particular wedding. So I won't delve into a whole host of details here. But yeah, there's obviously some complexities, getting the right photographer for the right location, etc. And then the last one for me is 7 reflecting reflecting at the end of day on my journaling, if I stumble upon something today that may be more mentally fragile, Learn. Now the reason I I wrote it this way was opposite, you know, this the the word antifragile, which I guess a lot of people might.
You you might have heard of it before. You might have even read the book before, but it's in for me, it's become really, really useful to track on a daily basis when I journal down notes to focus on a particular thing that I wanna focus on. It's easily you know, whenever I've put goals in the past, I go, oh, yep. I wanna I wanna focus in when this is happening and if it happens and, you know, think about it. It it just doesn't happen, not in the moment. But if I can at least do a daily reflection on a particular thing that I wanna focus on, it helps moving forward to then recognize it in the moment in the future as it as it goes on. So for me, it's just noting down mentally fragile. And by that I mean, not not outside of the realms of being not being crazy in the sense that all like, you know, you hit your toe on the wall and and and hurt and you you're mentally fragile. You should have just not not not thought it was hurt and and what happened. Not not not not anything crazy about that. But more along the lines of, again, 3, 4 things came up or actions that you needed to do.
And, you know, there was a sense of panic or the sense of I can't accomplish this. So it's more along those lines, I guess, as an example. So once again, that just falls in line with existing practices that I have with my daily journaling and being able to reflect on it. So those are the August 2024 goals for me, which is very exciting. There's a lot of good stuff in there. I'm really excited to start moving away, at least for the for the moment on any fitness related things, which is like, you know, I've accomplished it. So go do that. We're already kind of doing a lot of things anyways. In fact, with you might read look at looking at these girls, my workouts, on average caught up in hours, both in gym and in running.
So it's more just around taking care of the body. So I think that's that's a that's a big piece. So that's that's August, August for me. Yeah. There is already a an noticeable difference there of
[00:18:14] Kyrin Down:
of just, yeah, less hecticness when it comes to the, the workouts and things. Cool. That's a good idea, man. Alright. I'll jump into my August 2024 goals. So, have fun approaching and being silly just whilst traveling, especially is just yeah. Just trying to have some fun and talk to random people. Once again, Americans are just their culture is so different. I'll I'll I'll talk more about this in the meanderings that we do, afterwards after this that's released. Don't let money be the issue for a unique opportunity. So I was really just looking at, you know, things what are some things that I I could do or just wouldn't happen again?
And am I letting any money related stuff getting in into that? Because, you know, everything here essentially costs double. And so it's just, it's and then especially because I have been in Brazil where everything costs half. So essentially, everything here costs 4 times more than what I've been used to for the last 3 months. So it's just like, oh, that, you know, that Uber ride, which I normally catch for, $3.50 Australian has now jumped up to like, $35 or something. It's just like, wow. Well, not well, yeah, it's not the exact same equivalent. It probably is about 4 times as much, though. So, yeah, it's just just like, wow. Okay. Don't, but I shouldn't let that stop me from, you know, touring LA with, some some random new friends or something like that or or trying, you know, cinnamon rolls here, which, you know, in my mind, an American classic thing. And I've and I'm just, you know, being stingy over what's essentially like $10 Australian or something. So, yeah, that's that's on that.
Get started on on tax work, financial things, Pain in the ass, but it's gotta be done. Yeah. I so I haven't watched all the Coach Bachman vids, so I wanna start doing that more. And I've been doing this kind of basically, like, daily morning stretching, for the last roughly month month ish, and it has helped improve my workouts just getting a bit bit more loose at the start of the day, I feel. So, wanna just continue continue doing that both whilst traveling here at the moment and then also when I get back in to Brazil. Once I've finished traveling, I'm getting rid of all unneeded apps. So just, you know, just doing a clean sweep and just getting rid of of everything. I need to do that.
Want to book and plan the trip to Rio de Janeiro, which is getting close towards the end. I've basically booked all of my flights now back to Australia. So, at the moment, it's just little inter into flights and and and planning and things like that. Try cutting out the drawl and ers and likes. Maybe it's because I'm here in the the land of the free, and you can say whatever you want, and people really like to say like, but I noticed the other day that I was saying like a lot more here. And I don't know if that's just because I'm subtly, subconsciously trying to fit in more with the with the American brand. That's just a that's just a car and thing that popped up. But yeah, I heard it and went, oof, no, I gotta I gotta stop doing that.
And then the final ones, investigate Samba and Capoeira. So that would particularly be when I'm back in Brazil and probably particularly in Rio. I think that would be really cool to just try and go to a class of one of those. 2 times yoga per week, so getting back into the yoga again. And then I want to finish this book that I have been reading off and on for, jeez, the last 3 months. Kappetai instead of by Jorge Amado, I think his name is. So, yeah, that's that's all my sort of stuff. It's it's kinda just I'm getting towards the end of my yearly goals here, so it's it's really just trying to trying to clean some things up, just work on things, and honestly, just enjoy my travels. And, basically, I get back to Australia in October, and that's when my new yearly goal start. So I'm kinda be coming back and then just trying to get fresh into a whole new set of things.
Beauty. I'm gonna jump now into the fitness stuff. I'll I'll I'll just talk a little bit, and then Juan can just say how his fitness has been going. I still do my points challenge thing here. Complicated, unnecessary perhaps, but still keeps me on on the track in terms of what I wanna be focusing on. And if you look at this the screen and if you can just just, you know, untangle all the stuff there, you'll see on the on the kind of bottom right hand side, there's just a lot of gaps, and that's basically all one arm stuff. I just need to get better at one arms. That's that's the main goal. Once again, I think when I get back in October is when I'm gonna really set out a new plan, join back at Total Fusion, get, I think, a solid 6 months of just really dialed in locked in routine, and that's that's kinda gonna be my goal going forward.
And, yeah, so at the moment, I'm I'm I'm still kinda just I'm I'm I'm doing one arm work, but I'm also, I would say, focusing more on on prep for one arm work because it's just it's just a beast, man. I've I've still just been having, like, these issues in my left wrist. So also trying to let that heal a little bit. I was having issues with the right and kinda neck vertebrae. I think that's it's not ping like, pinching impinging as it as it was perhaps a month or 2 ago, but, yeah, still still kinda feels like something's in there a little bit. So yeah, man. Just the, just the grind the grind at the moment. And, I am enjoying it. It's just it's also, I think, you know, getting to 32 years old, you are you do start to feel the body start to wear down a little bit and you need to be more smart and careful about how you exercise and and and recover and repair and all those sort of good things. So that's me. How about you, Arndt? How's your fitness? Yeah.
[00:24:39] Juan Granados:
Well, I was going to say it's kind of equivalent of what you said there. We're on on one hand, the training, how could I describe it? I'd say, the running parts of it all has been going really well in that I've been accomplishing everything I've been wanting to accomplish as part of, like, the running track that I've been putting myself down to, which has been really good fun. And I can safely say now it's now become a slight it's transitioning away from being boring or, like, man, I wanna run too, like, no. No. There's I'm I'm happy for this. I'm I'm okay. I'm not, like, delighted like I would get for a training session, but I'm I'm okay. I'm like, yay. Good. Let let's do this. Me and a friend here in Australia, I'll make sure we signed ourselves up for a half marathon as well, as you very rightly called it out early next year. So while he's sort of like, Oh, yeah, we got to start preparing. I think I've got a half marathon, like distance prepped already, like 4 weeks, despite of like the training. So that's just what it is. So that's been going really well. And I've been finding no no real, issues for nickels from from that at the moment apart from a little bit of soreness.
The training gym training, man, that's been going really well. So so odd. I ran this exact exact Olympic lifting routine 4 months back, 5 months back, and let's check the exact dates, but I ran it and my numbers in terms of my top total and what I was lifting in was decreasing. And part of it, I think, at the time was 1, just such little sleep that I was having, 2, not enough food, 3, I was also combining it with a few other CrossFit movements and maybe some running around there, I think. So there was just a lot. There was just a lot and and kind of told me like, yeah, I'd I'd over overburden myself with what I probably could handle. Whereas this time around, I've pulled back on old CrossFit movements completely. So it's just purely weightlifting, some bodybuilding, powerlifting, and the running.
And I'm a week 5 coming up to week 6. I think that's about right. Or week 4 coming up to week 5. And already in the lifts of the numbers that I'm supposed to be doing, whereas before I was either struggling to get it, or not getting it at all. I'm now doing even in workout workout sessions, like, plus 10%, plus 50% of the weight. I'm supposed to be doing it, just because I'm like, oh, yeah. This is fun. Like, I can do this. So, yeah, training's been really, really well. And so now the focus for me is that I can see that they've got a couple of things in the horizon of what I wanna do, but all of that is just gonna be supported by making sure the key places in my body that usually fall apart don't. So lower back and a few other things. So for instance, the last week, actually, a good feel, my joints, especially my elbows, my wrists, my knees, started to get a bit of a a bruising, a battering. So it wasn't even muscular anymore. It was you know, joints and tendons. I went to go get a massage actually yesterday, and I told them, like, oh, can you please focus on my triceps? Because my triceps are really, really cooked. Now they almost didn't, and I'll talk about that in the in the next session, I think. But, anyways, got got a bit of work done. And today, I'm like, oh, cool. Like, I feel I feel nimble. I feel nice. I feel ready to rock and roll. So, yeah, training has been going really, really, really well.
Honestly, it makes me kind of feel like, man, I don't I don't wanna travel for a long time. I just enjoy doing this. And, yeah, part part of it as well is just a place we've got over the next couple years about what we wanna be doing, and it kinda solidifies for me, like, yeah. Yeah. That's that's a path I wanna go down for. So in any case, yeah, training's gone really well, man. Really, really well. That's awesome, man. Yeah, the last time I felt at the top of my game. One arms when I got the the stall, it was it was in,
[00:28:20] Kyrin Down:
April. Was it April when I came to Brazil? Yeah. At the end of April, I just just was feeling, you know, tip top condition, and then that's when I had to to fly home and and, mom passed away. And so it was just yeah, since then, it's just just been all over the shop, really. So, I'd love I'd love to get that again. I'm looking looking forward to to having just a normal routine for a while and, at the end of the year, but, that should be good in in good weather as well. I imagine, is Brisbane starting to warm up on? Is it starting to get more bearable there?
[00:28:54] Juan Granados:
Well, so yesterday, one thing that we yesterday, we had, like, a really, really fun day, just here at home. We just got to do a bit of like, a little bit of everything. Me me and me have a partner, Karen. We, we we did a competition. We actually did a competition, and I'll talk about it in the in the next, conversation. Okay. But, afterwards, we we langed, lounged around in an area called Towersmith Walls here in Brisbane, and it was so warm. I had to move into the shade if it was that warm. So There's no It's heating up. It's it's back. It's back. That's what I'm talking about. Awesome.
[00:29:27] Kyrin Down:
Alright. Well, we'll end it here for today. Thank you everyone for for joining in. There's a value for value podcast. If you liked what we're talking about, you'll probably also notice there was no ads, there was no sponsorships, there was no breaks, we're not breaking anything. There's no subscriptions. All we ask is that if you got any value from this, you just return it in a like kind. You can do this many ways. Simple ones, just by sharing the podcast with someone who would maybe enjoy it, letting us know if you have any monthly goals, how they are how they are. You can always join us live. There we've been relatively consistent, 7 AM on a Sunday, Australian Eastern Standard Time, for the for the past while. So joining in for that. And then if you want to, you can also donate some treasure in. There's a PayPal link down below, or you could get a fancy new podcasting app, a podcasting 2.0 app, where you get all sorts of things like chapters, images, links, better show notes, just just stuff works more. You can listen in live on there as well.
And you can also help support us directly within the app with some Bitcoin sending it our way. If you wanna know more about this, And that is, where you'll have all sorts of info. Hang around if you are in live in the chat, like Eastside Tony and Scooby Doo and Patricia are because we will be doing a Meanderings episode. So telling you all about what I have been doing here in the US, and one will go over his whatever that challenge was that he did, and and also probably some birthday news. So we'll be going over that shortly. And yeah, that's it for the monthly goals. Thank you, everyone. 1, take us out.
[00:31:14] Juan Granados:
Appreciate it. Thank you very much all, me mortal nerds. Be well wherever you are in the world. Juan out. Karen out. Bye bye.
[00:31:22] Kyrin Down:
Go hoo hoo.