23 March 2025
Lost Friends & Old Times | Travel Plans & Reaching Out To Establish Former Connections
Here's the kick in the butt you need to reach out to your old friends.
In Episode #480 of 'Musings' Juan & I discuss: the complexities of reaching out to people from the past, sharing personal anecdotes about past friendships, maintaining past relationships versus focusing on present/future priorities, our upcoming trips to Europe and why they will be so different, why it's a bad idea to try to recreate periods from your past and thinking about what you can get out of experiences like this.
Huge thanks to Lyceum for supporting the podcast, it is very much appreciated!
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:02:11) Reconnecting With Old Friends
(00:07:12) Nostalgia & Changing Friendships
(00:16:14) The Value Of Reconnecting
(00:27:00) Family Connections & Obligations
(00:28:51) Boostagram Lounge
(00:32:23) Travel Plans
(00:46:01) Reflections On Past Experiences
(00:56:00) Balancing Past & Present Connections
(01:02:41) V4V: We're Live
In Episode #480 of 'Musings' Juan & I discuss: the complexities of reaching out to people from the past, sharing personal anecdotes about past friendships, maintaining past relationships versus focusing on present/future priorities, our upcoming trips to Europe and why they will be so different, why it's a bad idea to try to recreate periods from your past and thinking about what you can get out of experiences like this.
Huge thanks to Lyceum for supporting the podcast, it is very much appreciated!
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:02:11) Reconnecting With Old Friends
(00:07:12) Nostalgia & Changing Friendships
(00:16:14) The Value Of Reconnecting
(00:27:00) Family Connections & Obligations
(00:28:51) Boostagram Lounge
(00:32:23) Travel Plans
(00:46:01) Reflections On Past Experiences
(00:56:00) Balancing Past & Present Connections
(01:02:41) V4V: We're Live
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Kyrin Down:
Welcome Mere Mortalites. Welcome back to another episode of the mere mortals musings. I am one of your hosts here, Kyrin. Juan here. And Juan on the other side live on the March 23, Sunday, '9 AM ish Australian Eastern Standard Time on a Sunday. Had some technical audio issues, especially in the in the last episode, which will actually be the one that's published after this. So you might notice that the video and the audio of that one is a little bit jumpy all over the place, but that's all good. Today is a Musings episode. We dive deeper into a particular topic, something that we find interesting, hopefully insightful for you to guide you guys at home. I was just listening to Podcasting two point zero and Adam's always talking about it's the content. It's the content that matters. That's the it's not really the medium, the format. People will go out of their way to find good content. So I'm going to try and provide you some some some good stuff here.
And today's episode is going to be lost friends, old times, bit of nostalgia, traveling, connections. There's a whole bunch of things. A bit of everything. All getting together. I hope you didn't turn off your mic. Not confirming that. Always got to check the font. And so what I guess there's two things. We'll split it up into the first section here, which will be about, I guess, like lost friends in old times. So reaching out to people. Oh, so more, more a little bit of reaching out to people, but also reflecting the nostalgia portion of this. Can you get back old times reconnecting with old friends, things like this? And then the next one will be like, okay, going forward into the future, what should you do or what can you do from what you've learned in the past in terms of if you're wanting to move into a new phase of life, and make sure that you're not trying to just recapture old things? If you're going to go traveling again, like I am, what are some good things you can do to perhaps like optimize the travel experience and make it nice and good for you? So a question for you, Juan, when was the last time you connected with a primary school friend or someone who you've known?
You know, you met twenty plus years ago?
[00:02:28] Juan Granados:
Primary school friend.
[00:02:31] Kyrin Down:
Last time,
[00:02:33] Juan Granados:
it probably would have been sometime when I was at uni. So twenty eleven twenty twelve probably would have been the last time around the primary school time. Singing twenty plus years to Twenty plus years. I don't yeah. Honestly, it probably was, say, where we are now. It would have been a good twelve years ago or something to that effect. Twelve years, thirteen years ago. Since last time, they would have caught up with someone that I would have known twenty or so years ago.
[00:02:59] Kyrin Down:
Yep. And when you did catch up with them, what was it like? Did you enjoy the experience? Did you find it strange? I didn't find it strange. I just, I just found like it wasn't enjoyable. It was like,
[00:03:10] Juan Granados:
at the time I don't think I had any preconceived notion that it would be the same similar feeling that it would have been like many years before then. It wasn't out of obligation, but it was out of Oh, yeah, this cool. Like, I haven't caught up with this person for a while. Let's catch up again. And almost it being like, oh, yeah, nah, I wouldn't do it again. Yeah. Yeah. I gotcha.
[00:03:33] Kyrin Down:
So one of the reasons I brought this up and, we'll probably explore why you felt that. But getting into the story, a couple of days ago, a friend of mine, one of the one of the gang of four and think of like the whitest of white boys at camp and this is this is the gang that I was in. It was Sam Lee Luke and then Kyra. And it was it's funny, like looking back now. Making the KKK look dark. Yeah, right. Right. And it's it's funny. So I was like, you know, when I look at high school, I had one white friend that was, that was Joey. And even then, like, he, he only came into the picture, what, like midway through high school. I was friends with like the Colombian, the half, half Papua New Guinean, half Vietnamese, Indian, Vietnamese, Indian.
Yeah. All that sort of stuff. So I was like, man, first of all, my friend groups changed dramatically, and probably based just on location as well. So I was in Shaler Park. Yeah, we was on the Logan area. Yep. I mean, I was always in Logan, but where I went to primary school was like the nice part of Logan, like the upper class. But my friend Lee reached out to me and he was like, Hey, you know, first of all, been a while. How are you? And, got to saying like, Hey, I was watching a couple of your old videos just recently. I'd last caught up with him in COVID time, so probably would have been 20, 20 or '20, '20 '1 perhaps.
And I just remember it being like, you know, there was that tension in the air still of COVID. Pretty sure it was a winter, so it was like cold and dark. Just catching up with him. He, he came to our place where we're, where we used to live and, yeah, it was a similar experience. It was like, it was nice to catch up with him. Didn't, didn't, super cool. But also I didn't feel like, man, I need to hang out with this guy so much because it's like he's he's got a family now. He's, he's had so many memories, things going on with his life that I just haven't been part of. And we, you know, we shared those seven years together. Well, not even that, but I think I met him in grade three, so five ish years together.
But he reached out again and was like, Hey, I've just, you know, saw those videos. So you're talking about your mom. First of all, condolences. So, so sorry to hear that. And said some really lovely things just about mum. There's a couple of things that he remembered and that I've I said I forgot. And yeah, we just got to chatting. I'm like, Yeah, I really want to catch up with him again. It'd be nice to do that. And I'm trying to think why because it's like, like I said, it didn't have a huge impact on me going forward meeting him last time. There certainly wasn't like, we need to keep in contact. And part of that's just, you know, he lives half an hour away.
Connections, he still plays a lot of soccer. I don't really play soccer anymore. A lot of our memories and I think it was probably the memories was the most part which was like, Yeah, do you remember this happening in high school? Do you remember this? And diving into that nostalgia and it's really fun and, you know, of course, knowing what's going on with them now and perhaps there'd be some interesting topics we could talk about, But it would probably be predominantly of, you know, especially like, you know, we've got together again, it'd be and I do hope to meet up with him. Talking about mum, for example, that that that would be something that would be really special and valuable to me. Right. But you guys have been talking, but you have having caught up. No, no. This is literally a couple of days ago and been busy.
And so, you know, it's like I said, he's he's got a family, he's got a whole whole life going on for him as well. So when you did catch up with your primary school friend last time, was it what did you talk much about the past? Do you remember or was it? None. Okay. Not a single not a single like. And I reckon that's probably why it you had that feeling. Oh, yeah. That is probably why like, just wasn't bad necessarily. But you just kind of come out of it net neutral going. They're actually, but then I just met up with a random person. Yeah, then actually, but then I recalled inside this, these weren't necessarily
[00:08:01] Juan Granados:
what I would consider like how you're describing friend, but I remember having a fifteen year primary school reunion, which was like odd. I was just like, what a weird thing. Yeah. Yeah. But I remember going to it and I think it was like 20 or 30 people that said they were going to go in the end, only like like four rocked up. Yeah. And so I got to see a couple of people that I remembered one in particular, lady, I used to live next to her as well. Like we were neighbors for a long time. So we got to like interact, like a good long while.
And I remember we did reminisce in a sense of like where we used to live and, the things about school and whatnot. And we ended up, it was supposed to be just like a drinks event and then we ended up having some dinner afterwards as well. And even of that, because we did reminisce, still I kind of came on with like, no, that was interesting, but I'm not gonna repeat this type of, feeling, I guess, that come from it. Yeah. Yeah. And especially,
[00:08:57] Kyrin Down:
I guess, the longer it goes back, the harder it is. Because even in high school, there was a guy there. And it's this is one of my secret shames, I guess. Breaking news. I've never told anyone this before. So do you remember there was two guys called Reese at
[00:09:18] Juan Granados:
our high school? I can think of one I can't remember what I think was called Reese Styles. And Reese Dawson.
[00:09:25] Kyrin Down:
Perhaps. And I believe. I remember Rhys Styles. Yeah. I believe the other one went to your primary school. Is that right? Does that sound so ring a bell? Maybe. Okay. Anyway, there was there was this one guy. So not restyle. Oh, no. The restyle. What about you? And in high school, I remember, you know, this is this is Kyren. It is, you know, peak anxiety, shy, not, you know, like even just the way the classes were set out. We were in the ace class, so we didn't get to mingle with the other classes as much. With the plebs. Yeah. With the plebs. Yeah. It was hierarchies even when you're in like, you know, not the upper class white white boys school of primary school. There's still still still some still some levels in there still at the high level. Yeah.
And I remember seeing him I think he joined our high school maybe in grade nine or grade 10. And so you're like, Oh, he's the late he's a new kid. Remember looking at him, I mean, he looks really familiar. He looks really familiar. But I had no idea why. Maybe I played soccer with him or something. You know, one of our good friends, Carl, it took me a little while after meeting him to be like, Oh, you're the black dude who was good. That's on the other the futsal teams in particular, who I played against a couple of times. And I eventually figured it out. I'm like, Holy shit, Reese, that was my best friend from kindergarten.
Like we were I'm pretty sure inseparable. I, from what I recall, we just hung out all the time, like best friends. And I'd always thought like, Man, what happened to that guy? I didn't know how I could find out his name, because I didn't really I don't think that'd be a hard thing in kindergarten. And I think I asked my parents about him. And they were like, you know, stupid little kid, whatever. And I figured it out and then I just never went up to him. I was like, Hey, man, do you remember me? I think we're best friends and I kind of do regret that. But it shows like you can have this, you know, you can have this nostalgia old times and maybe and if I had, you know, it probably would have been weird because he was definitely one of the cooler kids. He was hanging around the cool kids group. I remember that. Okay. And so if I had connected with him, you could already see from that point our paths had diverged and, you know, he was definitely in the cool kids group. I was in like the the house, I guess the misfits, perhaps the smart group, the nerd group. So you're already like got this divergence.
And so you can even have like, nostalgia and this strange connections of losing an old friend, even when you're 14 years old. That's true. So I hadn't really thought of that before. I'm like, Oh, geez. And I guess making this a bit more practical for someone at home. Do you think it's worth reaching out to old friends like this to? And if you did, what if you were going to do this to like a high, I guess, a high school friend now maybe even a primary school friend, would what would you try and get out of that interaction if you were going to do it? Or is it just like, yeah, it's an easy task. There's nothing really to Yeah. I think I should back into. Yeah. I think I see. Why didn't you reminisce on old times with with that,
[00:12:55] Juan Granados:
primary school field? Yeah. It's a good point. I think part of it is, I think maybe I I would sit in the camp of there are, like, I I for sure have reminisced with friends in the past about things that have happened. That would have been from, like, a long time back. I mean, we've done this a lot now in our friendship group. Maybe it's slightly more recent, but some of that stuff is like real old school. I can remember reminiscing with some friends about stuff when I was 17 or 16 and so I can't recall and talk about those. What does it make a difference? I guess it's because they're no longer really part of my life now, which makes it's like it's that little extra gap, that air gap that makes it that extra level of difficulty of why would I reach back to the past to bring up some of those things when they don't even there's no there's no memorable connection to today's world.
Like my practical takeaway, it's not it's not this strongly, I guess, to every mere mortal, but at least for myself, I'm gonna be like, this doesn't matter. What what does matter? Yeah, at the time, whatever, I can I can recall memories of this monopoly game or playing a Halo this or doing this other thing, but to almost go to the path of like, I don't really need another individual that for me to be having a conversation to reminisce on that particular memory? In fact, they add zero things for me to be able to do that. Which is opposed to people who I do have connections with now because there's still some shared joy in reminiscing of them. Whereas if I was trying to reminisce that shared joy or idea because there's no connection now, it's like it's kind of like meaningless. I might as well just be reading this on a book or something like that. I don't need the other individual on the other end to kind of do that. But I think in part as well because sometimes some people like in the opposite side you might harbor some level of resentment or anger like, Oh my God, that guy in primary school did this and I got bullied and you know, now I still hate him and whatnot. And so that kind of, you know, that might follow some individual to today's world and they say like, oh, you know, I got bullied. I actually, this was an interesting part because, you know, the nostalgia part can also be applied to the other spectrum where it's like, well, you don't want to. Yeah. Yeah. And I think I've talked about this on the podcast before and it's like, I think I disassociate.
I'm not I'm not connected to the way when people interact about it with the bullying and everything. So I'm like, I'm fairly certain I was bullied when I was younger. And I either was like too unaware of the English language to know, but probably also as well knowing myself, I just didn't care. Like I just did not care that that was happening to the point. I think I still carry forward to a lot today where, and I've talked about this now, it's like I have a lot of key close relationships and those like I will give a damn about. But if you like really truly had to like ask me like, you know, what do you, do you care for a lot more people and all those people are like, hell no, no, I don't.
Like in a big part, very selfish, but also I'll care for very select few individuals not a more broader cut. So I think that's when, you know, you ask the question of going back, I wouldn't even give this as a practical, like, advice for people. But I just say, like, for me personally, I just don't there's no value that I see in connecting with anyone. If if there was, I would have continued that interaction in some way, shape, or form. Or, and I don't have this but maybe like that's what you were sort of saying there is there wasn't any particular person that looked back and be like oh man that would have been really cool if I just continued that conversation like there isn't anyone in my life that I could go look back and be like, Oh, I really wish it was just more always see it in the face of Yep, that was that time. That was that time period in time. And I had some people that I interacted with. And yes, we experienced things and things happened. And now reminisce or think about them without the need for that person to be involved in that. Yeah, that's that's there's a couple of things there. So first one, I guess of I think
[00:16:51] Kyrin Down:
if it's so long ago that your memories are full on hazy, such as there would be, you know, even if I saw Rhys just walking down the street there now, I'd probably go, there's nothing there. You know, I've got a very vague idea of now it's like I've got a hazy memory of me remembering him in high school. Yeah, that's what that's like how bad it is. So it would literally be like, Hey, man, I think we were primary school friends together as kindergarten friends. Do you remember anything about that? And then I'd be like, Oh, and I think you went to my high school and I was too scared to come up and say hi. And that would be like the big connection. He'd be like, Fuck, you were just some kid. Like, why do I care? Like, that doesn't matter with me. So that that certainly plays a part. And I think the, you know, first of all, PSA, reach out to your local bully. That'll be a good advice here from Juan.
But yeah, the that probably would actually have some value to people if they're harboring really strong emotional intense connections of a bad thing. And perhaps that bully had they probably had something equally if they're, you know, if they're creating such negative emotions, someone else, it's probably because they have got something inside them that's driving them to do that. And there, there could be closure, perhaps, of of going and meeting someone like that. I certainly, if I ever was bullied, it was just like, one off interactions. I never had a bully.
Like some consistent thing. Yeah. So I'd know, I don't have anything negative to go back to it in terms of that. But I think there could be some value in reaching out to people where if you've got some memories, like, like my friend Lee does of my mom, which obviously he would have stuff that I can't have, because, you know, is, is interacting with her as, as his friend's mom rather than as, as a child like I was. So the there is, you know, additional new information perhaps that could be unearthed and birthed. And I sometimes go and find like Reddit posts or old YouTube videos of people like I was, you know, great friends with this person.
We split up in primary school, we split up over ten years and then reconnected and then we're like, we're best friends. Again, we still love the same stuff. We still do the same things. And I've, I think that's probably it happens for sure. But what are the chances of that? It's gonna be you know, one and a hundred Yeah, that would be very, very 1,000 Maybe because that seems to be the main thing that I've noticed is just those old connections, old friends. Yeah, you just you had something in common that was keeping you together at the time. But then if you've drifted apart, it's probably not only for life reasons of just well, that's good enough. You know, Lee went to Cal Calamvale, the Cavendish right soccer school.
And he went there to you know, because he wanted to play soccer. I guess, perhaps even move forward, perhaps make it into a career. I'm not not too sure what his motivations were for going there. Whereas I was just like, I'll just go wherever my parents tell me to go, you know, don't don't really have a say in the matter. And yeah, that's, that's one of those reasons why it's like, okay, well, reaching out. I think if you're gonna do it, you probably should have some sort of goal in mind in terms of, Oh, yeah, I want to get some memories or I just want to perhaps see if they've got we've still got that connection. Because
[00:20:46] Juan Granados:
by and large, if you just go on up to them, it's probably just going to be a random person almost that Yeah, Yeah, that you're interacting. So you're almost called approaching what wants you to be like. It is, I guess, I almost see it unless there's a distinct connection that you can rekindle in whatever relationship that was many years ago, friendship, whatever wise. It would be akin to you being at the same event as someone else, let's just say a concert or something. You both obviously enjoy the music and it would be like you going up to that human and trying to set up a chat and find out a bit about them. Like, of course, here you got a shared thing in common, much like you'd have a shared thing in common from someone fifteen years ago. But that's kind of it. Apart from that, it's just a almost a brand new human that you have to deal with and figure out if you actually want to do that or not. So, you know, maybe there's parts in that that if I, think back many like the really, really long time ago, like twenty years ago, there's such few individuals that I can even really boldly remember slash for some of those, there was such little engagement that is memorable that then I compare it to that's similarly as if I went to my daughter's soccer games in the mornings and someone chatting to me and like, okay, that's what I've got in common. So I'm gonna potentially spend as much energy interacting with this human as I would with someone who I've got maybe a year or two years or something in primary school. And again, I did have some individuals who are like was in primary school for plenty of years and we knew each other, but there's and again, I can recall things about it, but it's the essence of yeah. But there is no drive in me at all to go and find out what they're doing, to reminisce anything that's happening nostalgic, because this is probably such an overwhelming probability that they're going to be such a different individual or at the very least I am such a different individual to what I was then and kind of knowing myself involves interacting with someone who if they remained in the path that they were now today and now I don't want to engage with them either. So it's kind of like it could be the probability that they're just completely different and you'd have nothing in connection or knowing myself and the change that I've gone through and if they're the same person then I still wouldn't want to be engaging with them. So it's kind of like many many, versions which lead me to well I wouldn't want to do that anyways.
Such few paths where oh wow that reconnecting that nostalgic
[00:23:08] Kyrin Down:
connection. It's actually a good one. Yeah. There's the family variation of this as well, which I'm actually going to experience this next week, and which I experienced last year in New Zealand. Yep. So in New Zealand, going going there spending was probably like two to three days with various well, you know, family friends. So my mom's best friend, ex husband was we caught up with him. And that was kind of funny. Reconnecting with him, because I do have quite a few memories of him. And you can kind of see, I can kind of see why you'd want to connect with people as well for the aspect of like, woah, what are they doing now? Because you remembered what they were like and you drift apart. You don't have contact for a couple of years or something. Yeah, I think there is something of being like, oh, shit, okay, this guy's going through like, a messy divorce right now. And, you know, he's he used to have this like, way of speaking and man, he's still got that same energy, but it's like directed in a different manner and things like that.
So I think doing that is can be a beneficial thing as well. And then on the family side of stuff is is interesting, because there is still this kind of obligation. And even of help, you you know, if if things went to shit in Australia, it's like, well, probably New Zealand's with a place where I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go there, like, I'd probably go to where I've got some family and some connections to, you know, for them to help me out if that was, that was the case. And even with that being said, you know, as these these people, I don't have deep connections with even my cousins and stuff.
How much time have I spent with them over the years? Probably less than five hundred hours individually. In a certain certainly speaking hours to them would be any single one of them would be less than fifty hours. But just being around them in general even would be less than five hundred. But there was still some value of like, going there seeing their way of life, you get some new experiences, like you have to shoot a gun. And I've done this, I've actually shot more guns than I ever thought I would now. Like just didn't, especially on farms, if you go out to farms, like you're just gonna shoot a gun. That's what what ends up happening. Yeah. And whilst it's like, I'm not going to send these people happy birthday messages via Facebook, because that would just be kind of like, hollow, shallow.
There's no real point doing that. It still was worth it going there and seeing them and even just having some old faces where it's like, oh, yeah, this is nice. It was nice hanging out with some of those old family and similar thing. For the upcoming one in Sydney. My dad was like, Do you want to go there? My initial reaction was kind of like, Yeah, but but like, why? At the same time? When I go there, I'm sure it'll it'll be nice. And it'd be a nice weekend. But in terms of, you know, travel time costs to get there and things like that. Yeah, that's the reward amount. Yeah, will be X amount. The reward of seeing them and being there will be fun. But the cost justification versus time versus energy, like, where does that measure out?
Hopefully, a positive, but it's not going to be like crazy up in the moon positive. It's going to be, yeah, maybe a minor slight one. But yeah, what have you got much contact with Colombian family? Do you have a minor? Yeah. Well, similar way, though, you were describing it now. Like,
[00:27:05] Juan Granados:
I remember them. But again, contact isn't like, well, doesn't really exist. Right. I really contact them at all. We have a very big, like Colombian family chat group where a lot of people sort of post things in there. I see it but I'm typically engaged all that often. Usually it's on like more through my parents. Yeah. Like I think I recall when I was younger, there was a lot more like interactions on how with my cousins. One of them was like very, very similar age to me. So then we did have a lot of interactions, but as time goes and you just have limited amount of time and energy to put it to different things, it's just one of those that's just gone, yep. I just, I know there's a conscious choice here I'm making of not putting as much hours and time there and where it sits right now. I'm like, Yeah, I'm okay with that direction of of how it's going. Yeah. And then
[00:27:53] Kyrin Down:
it's just if you do try and reach out, it's probably you'd probably do need a purpose because if it's just to say happy birthday, it's like, Well, thanks, man. Appreciate it. But it's just a happy birthday from someone I don't really know. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, it's it's a similar thing. It's it's the equivalent of you reaching out to Reese and being like, hey, man. Happy birthday. Hope you're well. It's kind of like, what? What does it mean? Like that yes. There was a connection even
[00:28:15] Juan Granados:
even more recent ones. And I guess, maybe we can talk about that after the Boosty Gram Lounge. But it's basically my call out or that I feel like is, it's the more recent connections and recent here for me, looks more so like maybe five years, ten years, where I do see that it's closer to my today, who I am. And so I do feel, nostalgic slash I will put more effort to reconnect because maybe the values or the human that I am now is more collated with that connection that I had versus
[00:28:49] Kyrin Down:
so so many years ago. Yep. And so with that effect. Yeah. Alright. Biscram Lam sounds pretty good. I do see a little a comment in the chat there. So we are live here. Nine a. M. Australian Eastern Standard Time, like I mentioned, on Sunday. And we do appreciate chat comments. And who is this? OSCI Made Me Free by Celtics one. Okay, love to hear that, man. That's awesome. This will actually get on to slightly what's going to what I'll be talking about with the the travel section, because I might actually have a very varied and wide experience in terms of the people I'm connecting with in my up to Europe trip.
[00:29:30] Juan Granados:
And the only call I was gonna say was we've had a couple of sets being sent through by Lyceum. Oh, yeah. Lyceum. I think that was for the book reviews, wasn't it? That was correct. Yeah. So that's coming through on our conversations boost to gram. But no, a couple of them has been has been for non book reviews. Sorry. Okay. Yeah. So thank you very much for streaming through. Yeah.
[00:29:50] Kyrin Down:
Yep. For those who wonder what that means, if you go onto an app like fountain, true fans, podcast guru, pod verse, Customatic, you are able to stream in Satoshis to us whatever amount you choose. You know, typically it'd be like $0.01 per minute. And it's just a way of showing support, passive support as you're consuming the mere mortals. If you are doing that on a podcasting app, you're on somewhere like YouTube, we've got a meremortalspodcast.com/support as well as a PayPal link down below where you can help support us financially for all of the fancy tech and things which I've got. Sometimes works sometimes does not. Yeah.
So yeah. Thank you very much for everyone who's participating that way. So we've got both got travels coming up once it's probably going to be a bit more hectic than mine because he's getting married and doing honeymoon stuff. Correct. And got a baby as well. So I'd very much doubt that you are reaching out to anyone in Europe. Are you planning on visiting any zero people? Okay, there you go. Yep. There was one one individual,
[00:31:02] Juan Granados:
nearby to when we're going to be in Croatia. Again, I suppose no, like there wasn't even a consideration of you potentially know, they reached out to me because I heard that I was going to go to Europe. But yeah, it was it was a it was an unfortunate but very easy. No, at this point. So yeah, like there was no no intent at all of trying to connect him with anybody else along the path. Even to my own family. I think my family was like, oh, you know, maybe we could catch up in these other places and maybe we have friends. No. That's the answer.
Interesting. Because I was, I was potentially gonna say like, oh, I might be crossing paths with one, but it would actually probably be just to drop off some luggage. Yeah. Yeah. Which, which I think the, the answer to that is also gonna be no. Yes, it does no. I had a conversation with partner. The answer is no for any luggage because we'll have no luggage available to take with us.
[00:31:56] Kyrin Down:
In terms of, excess capacity to Excess and like ability to have another bag with us with the amount of bags and stuff that we'll be taking. Sure. Yeah. No, if I was going to do it, I'd literally be at the airport with you. Yep. To check it in. And then I imagine you're getting picked up in Brisbane Airport. No. What do you do? Or some of my parents will be still traveling through Europe. So will Jasmine's parents. Okay. Well, in any case, so my travel is going to be very different. And I've planned it out essentially so that I'll be visiting someone everywhere that I'm going essentially. Yeah.
And I'm doing that purposefully. So if I compare my two other big travels, which was through Latin America in 2017, '18 for fourteen months and then recently in Brazil slash North America for five ish months last year. The first one was very much I don't recall. I only visited people and went out of my way to people I met in the trip. So yeah, not not precursor to it. Yep. So literally went in cold to Chile, didn't know anyone, didn't know anything, and then just traveled on from then. Obviously, I met you and Joey in Mexico, but it certainly wasn't like I'm going to places to meet people. I was just traveling anywhere. It's like winds will flow me this way. Like, Oh, Guatemala, I'll go to Antigua. That sounds kind of cool.
And the it only started shaping up a bit towards the end where I was like, okay, I'm going to Colombia, meet Andrea, go back to Argentina to meet her again. And that that was really awesome. It was a great experience in my in my life and got to meet some a whole bunch of people. And I stayed in, I said at the time there was like four people I made deep connections with. One was an Aussie girl. There was a English guy in Argentina, Aussie girl was in Guatemala, a couple Swiss couple in Mexico and another American guy in Argentina. And, I've still got contacts for
[00:34:12] Juan Granados:
three of them. English guy dropped off. When you say you have contacts, what do you mean by that? So,
[00:34:18] Kyrin Down:
I was in contact with them, like, as in just messaging them, I had their details. The English guy dropped off pretty quickly. I if I tried to find him, I, I don't think it's possible. I don't even I could find his name in my journal perhaps. So maybe I'd be able to, you know, find out his Facebook or something, but that would be certainly like absolute cold call. So that's off the list. Kurt, Curtis Salander, actually know his full name. He was really fun. I really connected with him. If I was a bit more on board with what he was saying, I probably would have bought a whole shit ton of crypto in 2018. Because he was he was in 2019. He was talking about it.
But I was I was still just like, yeah, no, like, stay away from that stuff, which probably also like, might have been a good idea. So I don't know how I don't know what his investing style is that should put it that way. Kept in contact with him. But, you know, just I remember I've sent a message over the years, didn't go through. I've still got his details. I've still got his Facebook. His face pops up every now and then, but it's just not not like a big important deal or anything. So him is kind of like, you know, I was in California and I'm pretty sure he was based in California. I didn't bother to reach out.
Aussie girl, Ash, got an Instagram once again. She was from Brisbane. So that was one of the reasons we really connected. Kind of lost track of her didn't respond. But the Swiss couple is of note because Cloud was actually on the podcast. I think it was episode seven perhaps and a bunch of his music is still our intro music. And what I use for intro music for many of our podcasts, the Mere Morpheus book reviews, for the Mere Morpheus, all of that is just music that he's actually created. So, I reached out to him and with him it was just like instant connections again.
Cool. Yeah. Okay. Let's. Yeah, I'm coming to Switzerland. Okay, awesome. Yeah. Come stay with us at our commune. We've got this thing going on. Got to be doing this. That's cool. This sort of thing. So it was like, okay, you know, I think that's a pretty good ratio. One in four. Yeah, it's not it's not too bad in terms of this is like not even old connection because we didn't actually have that much chance to create memories. We had a very short intense burst. And but with him, it's more like the reason I want to go visit him is for the, I guess, like the character of, of him, of, of his personality. Because a lot of times with these old, old connections, they're kind of forced in a way. Primary school, I was just in the same classroom with Le the best of what we had, you know? Whereas on this trip that I was on, I got to meet hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the various hostels I went to and Cloud and Sandy were probably like the peak experience of like, these are the coolest, these are the funniest, these are the most awesome of the whole bunch. And we shared these experiences together. But, you know, we didn't like, over a three week period, maybe that we we spent time together.
And so visiting him is pretty much purely like, I'm going to visit him because I think the personality and character of the person was probably going to stay more similar, even if life circumstances have changed with them. Yeah, a lot. I know what you mean. And I think this is part of the reasons of like, reaching out to people having these connections is it's worth doing it. Once again, if you if you're kind of thinking about what you want to get out of it, like, what I want to get out of it, my reason for doing this is, I think he'd really enjoy hanging out with me as well. Like, I remember him saying like, Oh, what I like about you is like, you know, your as what was it? It was it was like dedication or it was because I was up on the roof handstanding every day and whereas most people would be hungover and he was like, that's really cool. I like that about you that you've got this kind of drive in you, that you're, you're doing these things even when you could be just partying and doing whatever you wanted.
So I'd hope to bring some benefit to him and bring some Tim Tams. So it'll definitely be getting some some benefits there.
[00:39:12] Juan Granados:
Just as Yeah, I'm just thinking just as you're describing it. And so I'm trying to position why maybe my view is so different. It's probably different to the norm that I would say most humans nowadays must be immortalized. And And honestly, the only thing I can polite it to next up, like as you're describing that what goes through my mind is, okay, if I was traveling through Europe, like I'm going to be, let's just say there was even some of our good friends, let's just say that Mitchell was living in Spain.
[00:39:45] Unknown:
And we haven't seen him for two years and the level of effort to potentially, I'm already there. Like, let's let's meet up and catch up. Vipin is over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
[00:39:56] Juan Granados:
over The UK for I think I think partly partly where my mind goes to and all the things is that it's the it's an exchange of something else. And the exchange of something else for me, at least currently, it's is two obviously very key people in my life, my partner and my daughter. And while I can bring them along in some of these interactions, for sure, like that's, that's obviously something I can do to if I had to put a point blank decision of okay, well, I get to go and have this nostalgic experience with some people, be it in Europe or be closer to home, versus spending time with my family, my daughter, Every time my family and daughter are gonna win out, like, that's just a very easy thing. Now that obviously isn't every single circumstance because just recently I had to go to catch up with some old work colleagues of mine and, you know, there was a decision to not be there with my family and go out that particular night to go see his friends for some, wine and and dinner. So I'm not saying I always do this, but I think maybe I come at it from the angle that, like, even when you're describing it, I'm thinking some really cool people I've met were in troubles as well. Right?
And I could be like, Oh, yeah, if I have the opportunity, this if they reached out, like someone maybe that I'm more even aligned with, and they said, like, Oh, if you're just really cool. If you're going to be there, I'm going to be there. Let's catch up for food. Part of me defaults to like, yes. But I'd actually just prefer to be like around my family that even going to see you. I can imagine that there would be nostalgic events and it would be a good time to catch up, but I'm just it's not as high priority as it is to just even have a mediocre day with my family. Like the mediocre day with the family trumps a fantastic day with, not relatively unknown, but someone who's honestly kind of like meaningless in the long term scheme of life.
Maybe play it back another way if if you if I was 80 years old and I have to look back fifty years in the past and like oh you got to catch up with that friend of yours that you really liked in your travels or whatnot you met him a couple of times and you got to be nostalgic or you could have been there like an extra night to be there with your daughter or like honestly I'm gonna be like shit. Nine out of 10 times I'm gonna say I wouldn't have preferred that. However, there is You'd probably not even remember either of them fifty years in the future. Correct. But if like but if in like fifty years in the future just presented with that, I know what my default stance is gonna be. It's gonna be like, oh, I wouldn't be in that. But there is there is still the one out of 10 times when I do appreciate the the catch ups with very certain type of individuals for a whole myriad of reasons. So the one that happened recently is there's these, individuals who I worked with, at a contract once upon a time. And interestingly, the they're all dispersed into different workplaces. They all work in different areas.
Honestly, we probably keep in touch once every three months or like a message and just checking in with people. But I've caught up with them three, four times since we last worked together and everyone's in different places. Now, in some ways and valleys, some some of them have gotten me jobs before, some of them I've gotten them jobs before, so we kind of keep each other in that value sphere, I guess you'd say. But even in catching up with them, all different types of life, different ages, not that we have a whole host in common, but they are good people to interact with and going to see them not too long ago, for a bit of a dinner online. I mean, like, this is really like, this was really nice. It was really nice to catch up.
I still didn't use up the whole night, you know, they stayed behind a little bit. And I was like, at one point, I was like, cool. Time to go home. I wanna go see my daughter and my partner. So, you know, I'm still making that, like, cutoff rather than maybe what would have been in the past if I didn't have my daughter. Maybe I would have extended that interaction, but I can see that there are still some some places where I go, yeah. I can see the value in that. In in future, I would go, yep, that was really good. Like, I I think keeping that particular relationship in those ways was really valuable as is a lot of our core high school relationships that we have and and some that are a little bit beyond the high school. Yep. For sure. And but that's gonna be so closely linked with its, similar values or similar benefits in the sense of the the joy or shared experiences that I find nowadays.
If I turn around to like the the concept of I guess nostalgia or catching up with people that are old friends so that you can either reenact or connect. Remember the joys because I think I've got this mentality now. I can very much see that there's gonna be it's not it's it's it's I'll say it's a challenge, not a problem. It's just a challenge that I accept, which is I have a strong feeling that for me to be able to make what I would say, quote, unquote, a good friend moving forward would be incredibly difficult. Partly, I don't care. Like, I could not care. You you could be, you know, some people out there where they're like, you don't really wanna have, like, friends. Oh, fuck that. Yeah. I I I know this in myself. Like, I've caught up with some peoples of, like, that are, like, recent people that I've met with. Some of them, like, we're really aligned with, like, a lot of the same things. You can tell they wanna engage with me. They'll tell their partners, like, yeah. This one dude is really cool. And I kind of feel shit because I'm like, I don't give a fuck. Like, I do not give I I've got so much other focuses. And it's not them. It is very much like, it's just me. Like, I'm not I'm not putting that effort. It's not It's not you. It's me. Yeah. It's very strongly, it's not you. It's me. And it this happens a lot. And it's not Sure. I don't I don't see that as a a as a bad thing. Like I mean no disrespect in that engagement.
You only have so much effort that you can put into life. At the moment, there's just a lot of other places out in, even if it got to the point that it was had a much more casual life, which I'm sure I'll get to eventually and I'll be bored. Then there'll still be a balance as to whether I want to create those new friendships or connections rather than keeping what I've got right now. Strengthening them, I was talking about this in the monthly girls, you know, applying the principle of yeah, well, the those connections that I have now, it's total quality over the quantity of finding more. Again, I don't think I would struggle finding the quantity. I would struggle with placing the right quality on those connections. Yeah, sure.
[00:45:59] Kyrin Down:
So it is very dependent on on where you're at as well. So not only where they're at, but you for my second trip, obviously, mum had passed away. I kind of my purpose of traveling was getting a bit of breathing space from an old, you know, just being in the same location for the last couple of years. The I guess like sour notes of of the way that mom passed and just the whole, you know, end of twenty twenty three, first half of '20 '20 '4, I was very much in a place where it's like, I want to go somewhere where I can hang out with a friend, and then have the opportunity to meet some cool people, which I did, and like, long term Internet friends that I'd never met in real life. This being, you know, big supporters of the show. Dave Jones, Peter, Cole McCormick, people like that.
So that was very much my intention for, you know, the second travel. What what's going to be my travel intention for this one? Unlike you, I don't have a daughter and, you know, valued partner. So for me, it's like, okay, well, I've experienced some really cool things before. I always go back to this one exploding volcano in Guatemala. Seeing that shit was the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. And I don't have anyone I can share that with. I can't I can't say like maybe if they went and saw it separately at another time. Sure. But it would have been nice to have that moment to share with someone. So now if I was going to go and see all the cool architecture and a lot of the history and stuff that I'd love to do, That it'd be no, it'd be a little less value. No, not no point. But yeah, that's an interesting one. I for example, there's a Gothic church in Germany I've always wanted to visit.
There's the famous Gaudi, forgotten the name of it, very famous church in Barcelona, I believe it is.
[00:48:01] Juan Granados:
You know, the one that's been The one's been built, like been developed and built for some
[00:48:06] Kyrin Down:
media site. Yeah, that yeah, that we nailed it. Not familiar. So I got other. I want to see that. But I want to see that with someone. So for me, that's why I'm reaching out to these connections not I don't actually intend on doing those things. I've got a little list here of the of the types of people I'm meeting up with. So, you know, I'm going to meet be meeting up with a hold high school friend in in The UK, Podcasting two point zero acquaintances, I guess, sort of business ones, if you want to call it like that. Husky internet friends. So there's going to be like just complete people I've only ever interacted with in a very particular manner.
The cloud, the Mexican, like intense three week connection of him and Sandy who have just very unique personalities, which I really got on with. There was a girl who I met for twenty to thirty minutes in Brisbane City Square where it was just like, wow, that was she was really cool. I don't even have like an intense connection with her, but it was just like we kept in contact. I was like, Oh, yeah, shit. I'll, I'll message her and sounds like we'll be meeting up. And even I'm planning on actually going to meet Andrea as well. So that'll be like, you know, one of the most intense connections I've ever had in my life. What will be the broad range of experiences I'll get from this? I have no idea. Some of them the fun thing will be is I don't really have any expectations from any of them. So I want to hang out with these people and we'll just see what happens if it turns out to be like, you know, we just hang out and it's kind of cool. We've read this maybe of old things. That's fine.
If we bond and even have stronger connections, like with cloud again, and it's like, I join his commune. And now I'm fucking part of his Swiss Switzerland commune. Probably not going to happen, but you know, who knows? There's I'm looking forward to it because it's like it's not a complete cold start. I know all of these people in various forms Yet there's, I feel like an opportunity for more of those experiences that I had in the past without trying to recreate the same thing. I'm not going to try and recreate the three weeks in Mexico that I had with cloud because that, that, you know, that he was traveling, then I was traveling, then we're probably in very similar mindsets.
Whereas now, you know, it's going to be home, home territory for him. He's got the advantage. But for me, it'll just be like, okay, well, we'll see what it is. And that's kind of what I'm looking for right now. I'm not looking for and the if I was try to go to a familiar Securado, for example, you know, maybe I could go to a hostel, maybe I could find someone who's equally excited and visiting it. But man, the odds on that happening are
[00:51:12] Juan Granados:
pretty low. You got to the chances of it actually happening versus securing something that maybe it's like, oh, yeah, I know, I can make that happen with x individual.
[00:51:20] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. The last kind of thing I was thinking about was, in the experience of reaching out to all of these people. I did have some fun stuff. So for example, reaching out to Nick and Oscar from Fountain was Nick was like, Hey, you mind just jumping on a call? We've actually got some stuff coming out. And yeah, he ran me through what Fountain's working on and was like, Oh, cool. And this reminds me of like, why we connected in the first place. It was a love of podcasting and sort of, you know, innovating with regards to connecting with your audience and things like that.
And they've got some really cool stuff coming out. Now I have the alpha on it and it's like, Oh, cool. I can maybe use utilize this to some benefit. So even just reaching out to people, I feel can even give you the chance to reconnect on what you once had in a, you know, not trying to recreate the same thing that you had. But if it's especially if it's like a purpose that you're aligned towards, it's like an opportunity for them to tell you about, yeah, this is what I'm working on, this is what I'm doing. And forming a reforming a connection, which I think is kind of cool.
I'm looking forward to that.
[00:52:36] Juan Granados:
Yeah. Okay. The the
[00:52:38] Kyrin Down:
the one thing I want to caution people against and I had a really great time in my life in 2017. When I quit work, I was living in the city and I was kind of re getting over some social anxiety that I'd felt a bit. And I had a really intense experience for like, three to six months, which was just fantastic. I was like living in the city, you kind of get the atmosphere, I never really lived in an apartment somewhere like that before. And I can see why people would love to live in New York or just hectic places like that. Even going to my dad's birthday party the other night, he lives in the city now. You know, I was hanging outside waiting for the pizza delivery guy.
He was late. Actually, he wasn't late. He'd gone to the reception. So that was my fault. Well, not only my fault, my brother was a mentally his fault. And as you're just hanging out, you're seeing all these people coming and going. There's different groups of, you know, obviously drunk people as the crazy people, there's the people just going about like their normal work. And you're getting to see this all and it's like, oh, I remember this feeling. This is so reminiscent of of 2017. And once I come back to Australia, it was like, I could live there again, I could I could try and recreate 2017. In my mind, I know if I did that it would be one probably underwhelming and not as good as it was then.
And also, I think, not beneficial to what I want to do going forward with my life. I think diving back and trying to recreate or revisit something that once was is it's never got one, it's never going to be the same. So you're not going to feel the same. But also, it's probably not aligned with what you want to do going forward. It's kind of it's almost like a junk meal or or a cheat meal. You're like, you're like trying to get that little dopamine hit of what it used to be, but you're likely just going to end up being like, oh, that was that was a waste of time. Yeah, this is not helping me going forward. Yeah. I mean, the example that we have for
[00:54:57] Juan Granados:
our group was me and you met up in Japan One Day earlier before Joey landed there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we went to a particular shop. Don Quixote. Don Quixote. And we loved it. It was so funny. And then we kind of like talked it up, big game. Yeah. Took Joey there the next day. Wasn't the same. Right? It wasn't the same experience. And I think my very overarching view, especially nostalgic things of the past is, look, if you don't do that, don't set the context on the experience of was and then expect it to just pick up from there because it quite likely won't especially the longer it's been, and the probability of then something new and wonderful coming out of it kind of decreases if you haven't already kept the the light going and the interactions going which is if again I guess maybe how I'm explaining it if I was to interact with someone from many years ago ten, twelve, fifteen years and the probability of a game being just as great as like 0.1% let's just say then I just don't see the value in doing that versus a 99.5% surety that I'm gonna have a great time in a particular day doing all these other things. I think two, yeah, you have to know where you are in your life, right? Like when you go, if you have young kids, it's a different experience. When you're single, it's a different experience. When you're older and your kids have left time, it's a different experience. It's all different phase of life.
You gotta be prepared. It's always give and take. There's always, if you're gonna give energy towards something, you're taking it away from somewhere else, right, foundationally. So there's just those choices that I make and I'm totally okay with. I think lastly, it was a good point that you made about the, experiences and stuff like that. I think you have to my my my thoughts on experiences in general is the shared experience or shared joy, double the joy, shared suffering, half the suffering, where it applies really importantly. So I do get your take where it's like if I was traveling, let's say for instance, cool place, New York or London.
I can see that I would have a better time if I was with people that I truly care about. Could be our friendship group, could be my partner, could be my daughter, could be my family. I could see very much that it would be like double the joy, half the suffering if there was some shit going on. But even just like a mildly lewd friend, someone who like I do get along with, but it's not like terribly that great. I don't think that applies the like shared joy would be double zero I or if it does its probability is very low in comparison and I almost at that point preferred to be on my own and and do the things on my own to see the architectural things or the natural wonders. I'd almost prefer to do that on my own and take the full experience myself as opposed to doing it with someone who where it's like a iffy connection. But if it's a really good connection, then I'm all for it.
Given the the where I am right now, and again, everyone listening to this, you're gonna be at different stages. You you get to see, like, what you do and what you apply it. And just be yeah. Be conscious. The the further away it's obviously from where you are today, backwards but also forwards in time, it will change. Like make no doubt about it. It's either your value, the character, what you, prioritize, blah blah blah. All of that stuff will change. So just be be prepared for it to be different and don't get disappointed when that turns out to be the case. Yeah. I mean, just look at Juan's video from 2022
[00:58:21] Kyrin Down:
of VeeCon. Correct. Partner wasn't in the picture. Yeah. Maybe Vee certainly wasn't in the picture. The your your experience then and what you were doing then was probably incomprehensible now. You'd just be like, why would I go to this random event of random people? Like, like, what the fuck? There's But but but you can hold but you can hold two states in place,
[00:58:43] Juan Granados:
which sometimes is hard. Like I can I can because that's a little bit more recent? I remember what it felt like. I remember meeting people. I remember being in this mansion. I remember, you know, seeing the big stadium and blah blah blah, all this good stuff. And I can kind of recall what individual I was and what I was valuing at that point versus right now. So it's not, it's not incomprehensible. It's understandable. But if you do push the boundary to ten, fifteen, twenty years, it becomes more of an unknown because I don't really remember exactly what state of a human I was at that point. In a similar sense, I could probably tell you predict in two years time what I'm going to be like. I can tell you, look, I'll probably still be doing this and valuing that and etc.
But my daughter's 19 or like left home. I can't tell you what I'm gonna be like. Am I gonna be still very much like, yeah, but that's a priority? Will I have let go a little bit more and now connect in different ways? Like I don't know. I genuinely don't know. So, to expect something from that in the future include the probability of whatever I choose for it being right is probably pretty low. So I guess I apply that looking backwards in my, some primary school friends if I really engage with them, the probability of it going the way I think it'll go or what would want it to go is probably so low that my current today goes, yeah, not worth it.
[01:00:01] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. Sum up for me, I kind of think if you think about revisiting old friendships, lost connections, things like this, it's almost worth thinking of it as if you're going to travel. You know, the reason I put these two things together is I feel they've kind of related. You know, I'm going to go traveling. You get the opportunity to kind of analyze in a way you wouldn't normally analyze and you just day to day routine, which is, okay, I'm going to go to this place. What specific experience am I looking for? What am I trying to get out of this or what some possibilities of what could happen?
And I think it's it's a similar thing if you're going to reach out to an old friend, it's like, okay, why am I doing this in the first place? Like, do I want to go to the, you know, I don't know, slums of India? Me personally, I have no interest in that. Would I want to go to, you know, got the opportunity or well, sort of semi opportunity, the invitation to go to Everest Base Camp. For me, there's just nothing in that there's zero interest in me for doing that. Would I maybe go to like an Indian temple from, you know, hundreds, thousands of years ago? Okay, that would maybe be more up my alley. And so it's worth like thinking about that if you're reaching out to old people reconnecting, okay, what's the point of doing this as well? And what could I get out of this?
And when I say that it feels like it's like extractive, like, what can I get out of this? You you old friends, give me give me all the pieces. Yeah, give me give me something. Whereas no, it's I mean, like, if you're going to do things, you might as well be thinking about why you're doing it as well and not just like haphazardly going up to Reese and be like, happy birthday Reese.
[01:01:46] Juan Granados:
Another another point I would probably make is sometimes if if you feel like the reconnection, especially with people obviously that are not, you connect all the time. But if there's a reconnection that you haven't done in a while, if you think you're going to be more, a more positive, happy, joyful, whatever person afterwards, then maybe it's worth them, right? Like, if you have the time and you think that connection is going to enable that, then cool do that. Like I could envision some people that we haven't connected for a long time that are funny and I feel like if I did engage with them, I kind of would come out of it being like, 'That was kind of cool, didn't get too much out of it, but it was pretty funny, like, I'm better for it.' Okay, I'll do that again, again to comparison of other people. But if the experience is like, 'I played some games with these people and sometimes they were good, but then sometimes they were crap, but I'm gonna try to reenact the good or nostalgia about, you know, something that happened when I was 15.
Nah. There's just like a very low probability that that's gonna be a beneficial thing in the interaction. New model, let's we'll we'll leave it there. I don't think there's any comments, at all on the video, that we are live. We are live normally on on YouTube at 9PM Sundays. 9PM. Sunday. Sorry. There was one more comment. I saw one more. One more comment. Once again, just as we've been talking about this, we got a lot of travels coming up, over the next couple of months. Sorry. My brother. Not my fault at all, by the way. It was his fault for the pizza. Yeah. Look, we've got a lot of travel coming up. Just bear in mind with that, we'll we'll be getting out some stuff that's gonna be async and some of the stuff will be synchronized with a live session. So stay tuned as we post things. But Yeah. Honestly,
[01:03:17] Kyrin Down:
no. From now on, it's gonna be a bit chaotic because one's one's going to be in a new place. So Lord knows the challenges we're going to face there. Yeah. Travel me traveling onwards from, you know, mid May. That's just going to be absolute chaos. And not only for this, but for book reviews, the mini Morpheus. I certainly won't be doing stuff the, yeah, there's going to be a lot of changes basically from now on. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, look,
[01:03:46] Juan Granados:
please have some Bear in mind whether those accounts Look, if I'll be finishing those two books, so technically, if I have if I record four things, I guess I could space them out over that time to add some more. Same with the mere mortals in motion. Again, I'll see what that looks like. I'm not holding myself to it, to it. In fact It's a lot going on. Yeah. It's a lot. There's a lot going on. In fact, after I come back from, you know, the holiday slash wedding, I almost feel like I'm gonna be in this blues of like, wow, I've got so much time because I've just so many things going on, but probably for the good.
We'll leave it there me immortalized. Hope you're well wherever you are in the world. One out. Tired up. Bye.
Welcome Mere Mortalites. Welcome back to another episode of the mere mortals musings. I am one of your hosts here, Kyrin. Juan here. And Juan on the other side live on the March 23, Sunday, '9 AM ish Australian Eastern Standard Time on a Sunday. Had some technical audio issues, especially in the in the last episode, which will actually be the one that's published after this. So you might notice that the video and the audio of that one is a little bit jumpy all over the place, but that's all good. Today is a Musings episode. We dive deeper into a particular topic, something that we find interesting, hopefully insightful for you to guide you guys at home. I was just listening to Podcasting two point zero and Adam's always talking about it's the content. It's the content that matters. That's the it's not really the medium, the format. People will go out of their way to find good content. So I'm going to try and provide you some some some good stuff here.
And today's episode is going to be lost friends, old times, bit of nostalgia, traveling, connections. There's a whole bunch of things. A bit of everything. All getting together. I hope you didn't turn off your mic. Not confirming that. Always got to check the font. And so what I guess there's two things. We'll split it up into the first section here, which will be about, I guess, like lost friends in old times. So reaching out to people. Oh, so more, more a little bit of reaching out to people, but also reflecting the nostalgia portion of this. Can you get back old times reconnecting with old friends, things like this? And then the next one will be like, okay, going forward into the future, what should you do or what can you do from what you've learned in the past in terms of if you're wanting to move into a new phase of life, and make sure that you're not trying to just recapture old things? If you're going to go traveling again, like I am, what are some good things you can do to perhaps like optimize the travel experience and make it nice and good for you? So a question for you, Juan, when was the last time you connected with a primary school friend or someone who you've known?
You know, you met twenty plus years ago?
[00:02:28] Juan Granados:
Primary school friend.
[00:02:31] Kyrin Down:
Last time,
[00:02:33] Juan Granados:
it probably would have been sometime when I was at uni. So twenty eleven twenty twelve probably would have been the last time around the primary school time. Singing twenty plus years to Twenty plus years. I don't yeah. Honestly, it probably was, say, where we are now. It would have been a good twelve years ago or something to that effect. Twelve years, thirteen years ago. Since last time, they would have caught up with someone that I would have known twenty or so years ago.
[00:02:59] Kyrin Down:
Yep. And when you did catch up with them, what was it like? Did you enjoy the experience? Did you find it strange? I didn't find it strange. I just, I just found like it wasn't enjoyable. It was like,
[00:03:10] Juan Granados:
at the time I don't think I had any preconceived notion that it would be the same similar feeling that it would have been like many years before then. It wasn't out of obligation, but it was out of Oh, yeah, this cool. Like, I haven't caught up with this person for a while. Let's catch up again. And almost it being like, oh, yeah, nah, I wouldn't do it again. Yeah. Yeah. I gotcha.
[00:03:33] Kyrin Down:
So one of the reasons I brought this up and, we'll probably explore why you felt that. But getting into the story, a couple of days ago, a friend of mine, one of the one of the gang of four and think of like the whitest of white boys at camp and this is this is the gang that I was in. It was Sam Lee Luke and then Kyra. And it was it's funny, like looking back now. Making the KKK look dark. Yeah, right. Right. And it's it's funny. So I was like, you know, when I look at high school, I had one white friend that was, that was Joey. And even then, like, he, he only came into the picture, what, like midway through high school. I was friends with like the Colombian, the half, half Papua New Guinean, half Vietnamese, Indian, Vietnamese, Indian.
Yeah. All that sort of stuff. So I was like, man, first of all, my friend groups changed dramatically, and probably based just on location as well. So I was in Shaler Park. Yeah, we was on the Logan area. Yep. I mean, I was always in Logan, but where I went to primary school was like the nice part of Logan, like the upper class. But my friend Lee reached out to me and he was like, Hey, you know, first of all, been a while. How are you? And, got to saying like, Hey, I was watching a couple of your old videos just recently. I'd last caught up with him in COVID time, so probably would have been 20, 20 or '20, '20 '1 perhaps.
And I just remember it being like, you know, there was that tension in the air still of COVID. Pretty sure it was a winter, so it was like cold and dark. Just catching up with him. He, he came to our place where we're, where we used to live and, yeah, it was a similar experience. It was like, it was nice to catch up with him. Didn't, didn't, super cool. But also I didn't feel like, man, I need to hang out with this guy so much because it's like he's he's got a family now. He's, he's had so many memories, things going on with his life that I just haven't been part of. And we, you know, we shared those seven years together. Well, not even that, but I think I met him in grade three, so five ish years together.
But he reached out again and was like, Hey, I've just, you know, saw those videos. So you're talking about your mom. First of all, condolences. So, so sorry to hear that. And said some really lovely things just about mum. There's a couple of things that he remembered and that I've I said I forgot. And yeah, we just got to chatting. I'm like, Yeah, I really want to catch up with him again. It'd be nice to do that. And I'm trying to think why because it's like, like I said, it didn't have a huge impact on me going forward meeting him last time. There certainly wasn't like, we need to keep in contact. And part of that's just, you know, he lives half an hour away.
Connections, he still plays a lot of soccer. I don't really play soccer anymore. A lot of our memories and I think it was probably the memories was the most part which was like, Yeah, do you remember this happening in high school? Do you remember this? And diving into that nostalgia and it's really fun and, you know, of course, knowing what's going on with them now and perhaps there'd be some interesting topics we could talk about, But it would probably be predominantly of, you know, especially like, you know, we've got together again, it'd be and I do hope to meet up with him. Talking about mum, for example, that that that would be something that would be really special and valuable to me. Right. But you guys have been talking, but you have having caught up. No, no. This is literally a couple of days ago and been busy.
And so, you know, it's like I said, he's he's got a family, he's got a whole whole life going on for him as well. So when you did catch up with your primary school friend last time, was it what did you talk much about the past? Do you remember or was it? None. Okay. Not a single not a single like. And I reckon that's probably why it you had that feeling. Oh, yeah. That is probably why like, just wasn't bad necessarily. But you just kind of come out of it net neutral going. They're actually, but then I just met up with a random person. Yeah, then actually, but then I recalled inside this, these weren't necessarily
[00:08:01] Juan Granados:
what I would consider like how you're describing friend, but I remember having a fifteen year primary school reunion, which was like odd. I was just like, what a weird thing. Yeah. Yeah. But I remember going to it and I think it was like 20 or 30 people that said they were going to go in the end, only like like four rocked up. Yeah. And so I got to see a couple of people that I remembered one in particular, lady, I used to live next to her as well. Like we were neighbors for a long time. So we got to like interact, like a good long while.
And I remember we did reminisce in a sense of like where we used to live and, the things about school and whatnot. And we ended up, it was supposed to be just like a drinks event and then we ended up having some dinner afterwards as well. And even of that, because we did reminisce, still I kind of came on with like, no, that was interesting, but I'm not gonna repeat this type of, feeling, I guess, that come from it. Yeah. Yeah. And especially,
[00:08:57] Kyrin Down:
I guess, the longer it goes back, the harder it is. Because even in high school, there was a guy there. And it's this is one of my secret shames, I guess. Breaking news. I've never told anyone this before. So do you remember there was two guys called Reese at
[00:09:18] Juan Granados:
our high school? I can think of one I can't remember what I think was called Reese Styles. And Reese Dawson.
[00:09:25] Kyrin Down:
Perhaps. And I believe. I remember Rhys Styles. Yeah. I believe the other one went to your primary school. Is that right? Does that sound so ring a bell? Maybe. Okay. Anyway, there was there was this one guy. So not restyle. Oh, no. The restyle. What about you? And in high school, I remember, you know, this is this is Kyren. It is, you know, peak anxiety, shy, not, you know, like even just the way the classes were set out. We were in the ace class, so we didn't get to mingle with the other classes as much. With the plebs. Yeah. With the plebs. Yeah. It was hierarchies even when you're in like, you know, not the upper class white white boys school of primary school. There's still still still some still some levels in there still at the high level. Yeah.
And I remember seeing him I think he joined our high school maybe in grade nine or grade 10. And so you're like, Oh, he's the late he's a new kid. Remember looking at him, I mean, he looks really familiar. He looks really familiar. But I had no idea why. Maybe I played soccer with him or something. You know, one of our good friends, Carl, it took me a little while after meeting him to be like, Oh, you're the black dude who was good. That's on the other the futsal teams in particular, who I played against a couple of times. And I eventually figured it out. I'm like, Holy shit, Reese, that was my best friend from kindergarten.
Like we were I'm pretty sure inseparable. I, from what I recall, we just hung out all the time, like best friends. And I'd always thought like, Man, what happened to that guy? I didn't know how I could find out his name, because I didn't really I don't think that'd be a hard thing in kindergarten. And I think I asked my parents about him. And they were like, you know, stupid little kid, whatever. And I figured it out and then I just never went up to him. I was like, Hey, man, do you remember me? I think we're best friends and I kind of do regret that. But it shows like you can have this, you know, you can have this nostalgia old times and maybe and if I had, you know, it probably would have been weird because he was definitely one of the cooler kids. He was hanging around the cool kids group. I remember that. Okay. And so if I had connected with him, you could already see from that point our paths had diverged and, you know, he was definitely in the cool kids group. I was in like the the house, I guess the misfits, perhaps the smart group, the nerd group. So you're already like got this divergence.
And so you can even have like, nostalgia and this strange connections of losing an old friend, even when you're 14 years old. That's true. So I hadn't really thought of that before. I'm like, Oh, geez. And I guess making this a bit more practical for someone at home. Do you think it's worth reaching out to old friends like this to? And if you did, what if you were going to do this to like a high, I guess, a high school friend now maybe even a primary school friend, would what would you try and get out of that interaction if you were going to do it? Or is it just like, yeah, it's an easy task. There's nothing really to Yeah. I think I should back into. Yeah. I think I see. Why didn't you reminisce on old times with with that,
[00:12:55] Juan Granados:
primary school field? Yeah. It's a good point. I think part of it is, I think maybe I I would sit in the camp of there are, like, I I for sure have reminisced with friends in the past about things that have happened. That would have been from, like, a long time back. I mean, we've done this a lot now in our friendship group. Maybe it's slightly more recent, but some of that stuff is like real old school. I can remember reminiscing with some friends about stuff when I was 17 or 16 and so I can't recall and talk about those. What does it make a difference? I guess it's because they're no longer really part of my life now, which makes it's like it's that little extra gap, that air gap that makes it that extra level of difficulty of why would I reach back to the past to bring up some of those things when they don't even there's no there's no memorable connection to today's world.
Like my practical takeaway, it's not it's not this strongly, I guess, to every mere mortal, but at least for myself, I'm gonna be like, this doesn't matter. What what does matter? Yeah, at the time, whatever, I can I can recall memories of this monopoly game or playing a Halo this or doing this other thing, but to almost go to the path of like, I don't really need another individual that for me to be having a conversation to reminisce on that particular memory? In fact, they add zero things for me to be able to do that. Which is opposed to people who I do have connections with now because there's still some shared joy in reminiscing of them. Whereas if I was trying to reminisce that shared joy or idea because there's no connection now, it's like it's kind of like meaningless. I might as well just be reading this on a book or something like that. I don't need the other individual on the other end to kind of do that. But I think in part as well because sometimes some people like in the opposite side you might harbor some level of resentment or anger like, Oh my God, that guy in primary school did this and I got bullied and you know, now I still hate him and whatnot. And so that kind of, you know, that might follow some individual to today's world and they say like, oh, you know, I got bullied. I actually, this was an interesting part because, you know, the nostalgia part can also be applied to the other spectrum where it's like, well, you don't want to. Yeah. Yeah. And I think I've talked about this on the podcast before and it's like, I think I disassociate.
I'm not I'm not connected to the way when people interact about it with the bullying and everything. So I'm like, I'm fairly certain I was bullied when I was younger. And I either was like too unaware of the English language to know, but probably also as well knowing myself, I just didn't care. Like I just did not care that that was happening to the point. I think I still carry forward to a lot today where, and I've talked about this now, it's like I have a lot of key close relationships and those like I will give a damn about. But if you like really truly had to like ask me like, you know, what do you, do you care for a lot more people and all those people are like, hell no, no, I don't.
Like in a big part, very selfish, but also I'll care for very select few individuals not a more broader cut. So I think that's when, you know, you ask the question of going back, I wouldn't even give this as a practical, like, advice for people. But I just say, like, for me personally, I just don't there's no value that I see in connecting with anyone. If if there was, I would have continued that interaction in some way, shape, or form. Or, and I don't have this but maybe like that's what you were sort of saying there is there wasn't any particular person that looked back and be like oh man that would have been really cool if I just continued that conversation like there isn't anyone in my life that I could go look back and be like, Oh, I really wish it was just more always see it in the face of Yep, that was that time. That was that time period in time. And I had some people that I interacted with. And yes, we experienced things and things happened. And now reminisce or think about them without the need for that person to be involved in that. Yeah, that's that's there's a couple of things there. So first one, I guess of I think
[00:16:51] Kyrin Down:
if it's so long ago that your memories are full on hazy, such as there would be, you know, even if I saw Rhys just walking down the street there now, I'd probably go, there's nothing there. You know, I've got a very vague idea of now it's like I've got a hazy memory of me remembering him in high school. Yeah, that's what that's like how bad it is. So it would literally be like, Hey, man, I think we were primary school friends together as kindergarten friends. Do you remember anything about that? And then I'd be like, Oh, and I think you went to my high school and I was too scared to come up and say hi. And that would be like the big connection. He'd be like, Fuck, you were just some kid. Like, why do I care? Like, that doesn't matter with me. So that that certainly plays a part. And I think the, you know, first of all, PSA, reach out to your local bully. That'll be a good advice here from Juan.
But yeah, the that probably would actually have some value to people if they're harboring really strong emotional intense connections of a bad thing. And perhaps that bully had they probably had something equally if they're, you know, if they're creating such negative emotions, someone else, it's probably because they have got something inside them that's driving them to do that. And there, there could be closure, perhaps, of of going and meeting someone like that. I certainly, if I ever was bullied, it was just like, one off interactions. I never had a bully.
Like some consistent thing. Yeah. So I'd know, I don't have anything negative to go back to it in terms of that. But I think there could be some value in reaching out to people where if you've got some memories, like, like my friend Lee does of my mom, which obviously he would have stuff that I can't have, because, you know, is, is interacting with her as, as his friend's mom rather than as, as a child like I was. So the there is, you know, additional new information perhaps that could be unearthed and birthed. And I sometimes go and find like Reddit posts or old YouTube videos of people like I was, you know, great friends with this person.
We split up in primary school, we split up over ten years and then reconnected and then we're like, we're best friends. Again, we still love the same stuff. We still do the same things. And I've, I think that's probably it happens for sure. But what are the chances of that? It's gonna be you know, one and a hundred Yeah, that would be very, very 1,000 Maybe because that seems to be the main thing that I've noticed is just those old connections, old friends. Yeah, you just you had something in common that was keeping you together at the time. But then if you've drifted apart, it's probably not only for life reasons of just well, that's good enough. You know, Lee went to Cal Calamvale, the Cavendish right soccer school.
And he went there to you know, because he wanted to play soccer. I guess, perhaps even move forward, perhaps make it into a career. I'm not not too sure what his motivations were for going there. Whereas I was just like, I'll just go wherever my parents tell me to go, you know, don't don't really have a say in the matter. And yeah, that's, that's one of those reasons why it's like, okay, well, reaching out. I think if you're gonna do it, you probably should have some sort of goal in mind in terms of, Oh, yeah, I want to get some memories or I just want to perhaps see if they've got we've still got that connection. Because
[00:20:46] Juan Granados:
by and large, if you just go on up to them, it's probably just going to be a random person almost that Yeah, Yeah, that you're interacting. So you're almost called approaching what wants you to be like. It is, I guess, I almost see it unless there's a distinct connection that you can rekindle in whatever relationship that was many years ago, friendship, whatever wise. It would be akin to you being at the same event as someone else, let's just say a concert or something. You both obviously enjoy the music and it would be like you going up to that human and trying to set up a chat and find out a bit about them. Like, of course, here you got a shared thing in common, much like you'd have a shared thing in common from someone fifteen years ago. But that's kind of it. Apart from that, it's just a almost a brand new human that you have to deal with and figure out if you actually want to do that or not. So, you know, maybe there's parts in that that if I, think back many like the really, really long time ago, like twenty years ago, there's such few individuals that I can even really boldly remember slash for some of those, there was such little engagement that is memorable that then I compare it to that's similarly as if I went to my daughter's soccer games in the mornings and someone chatting to me and like, okay, that's what I've got in common. So I'm gonna potentially spend as much energy interacting with this human as I would with someone who I've got maybe a year or two years or something in primary school. And again, I did have some individuals who are like was in primary school for plenty of years and we knew each other, but there's and again, I can recall things about it, but it's the essence of yeah. But there is no drive in me at all to go and find out what they're doing, to reminisce anything that's happening nostalgic, because this is probably such an overwhelming probability that they're going to be such a different individual or at the very least I am such a different individual to what I was then and kind of knowing myself involves interacting with someone who if they remained in the path that they were now today and now I don't want to engage with them either. So it's kind of like it could be the probability that they're just completely different and you'd have nothing in connection or knowing myself and the change that I've gone through and if they're the same person then I still wouldn't want to be engaging with them. So it's kind of like many many, versions which lead me to well I wouldn't want to do that anyways.
Such few paths where oh wow that reconnecting that nostalgic
[00:23:08] Kyrin Down:
connection. It's actually a good one. Yeah. There's the family variation of this as well, which I'm actually going to experience this next week, and which I experienced last year in New Zealand. Yep. So in New Zealand, going going there spending was probably like two to three days with various well, you know, family friends. So my mom's best friend, ex husband was we caught up with him. And that was kind of funny. Reconnecting with him, because I do have quite a few memories of him. And you can kind of see, I can kind of see why you'd want to connect with people as well for the aspect of like, woah, what are they doing now? Because you remembered what they were like and you drift apart. You don't have contact for a couple of years or something. Yeah, I think there is something of being like, oh, shit, okay, this guy's going through like, a messy divorce right now. And, you know, he's he used to have this like, way of speaking and man, he's still got that same energy, but it's like directed in a different manner and things like that.
So I think doing that is can be a beneficial thing as well. And then on the family side of stuff is is interesting, because there is still this kind of obligation. And even of help, you you know, if if things went to shit in Australia, it's like, well, probably New Zealand's with a place where I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go there, like, I'd probably go to where I've got some family and some connections to, you know, for them to help me out if that was, that was the case. And even with that being said, you know, as these these people, I don't have deep connections with even my cousins and stuff.
How much time have I spent with them over the years? Probably less than five hundred hours individually. In a certain certainly speaking hours to them would be any single one of them would be less than fifty hours. But just being around them in general even would be less than five hundred. But there was still some value of like, going there seeing their way of life, you get some new experiences, like you have to shoot a gun. And I've done this, I've actually shot more guns than I ever thought I would now. Like just didn't, especially on farms, if you go out to farms, like you're just gonna shoot a gun. That's what what ends up happening. Yeah. And whilst it's like, I'm not going to send these people happy birthday messages via Facebook, because that would just be kind of like, hollow, shallow.
There's no real point doing that. It still was worth it going there and seeing them and even just having some old faces where it's like, oh, yeah, this is nice. It was nice hanging out with some of those old family and similar thing. For the upcoming one in Sydney. My dad was like, Do you want to go there? My initial reaction was kind of like, Yeah, but but like, why? At the same time? When I go there, I'm sure it'll it'll be nice. And it'd be a nice weekend. But in terms of, you know, travel time costs to get there and things like that. Yeah, that's the reward amount. Yeah, will be X amount. The reward of seeing them and being there will be fun. But the cost justification versus time versus energy, like, where does that measure out?
Hopefully, a positive, but it's not going to be like crazy up in the moon positive. It's going to be, yeah, maybe a minor slight one. But yeah, what have you got much contact with Colombian family? Do you have a minor? Yeah. Well, similar way, though, you were describing it now. Like,
[00:27:05] Juan Granados:
I remember them. But again, contact isn't like, well, doesn't really exist. Right. I really contact them at all. We have a very big, like Colombian family chat group where a lot of people sort of post things in there. I see it but I'm typically engaged all that often. Usually it's on like more through my parents. Yeah. Like I think I recall when I was younger, there was a lot more like interactions on how with my cousins. One of them was like very, very similar age to me. So then we did have a lot of interactions, but as time goes and you just have limited amount of time and energy to put it to different things, it's just one of those that's just gone, yep. I just, I know there's a conscious choice here I'm making of not putting as much hours and time there and where it sits right now. I'm like, Yeah, I'm okay with that direction of of how it's going. Yeah. And then
[00:27:53] Kyrin Down:
it's just if you do try and reach out, it's probably you'd probably do need a purpose because if it's just to say happy birthday, it's like, Well, thanks, man. Appreciate it. But it's just a happy birthday from someone I don't really know. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, it's it's a similar thing. It's it's the equivalent of you reaching out to Reese and being like, hey, man. Happy birthday. Hope you're well. It's kind of like, what? What does it mean? Like that yes. There was a connection even
[00:28:15] Juan Granados:
even more recent ones. And I guess, maybe we can talk about that after the Boosty Gram Lounge. But it's basically my call out or that I feel like is, it's the more recent connections and recent here for me, looks more so like maybe five years, ten years, where I do see that it's closer to my today, who I am. And so I do feel, nostalgic slash I will put more effort to reconnect because maybe the values or the human that I am now is more collated with that connection that I had versus
[00:28:49] Kyrin Down:
so so many years ago. Yep. And so with that effect. Yeah. Alright. Biscram Lam sounds pretty good. I do see a little a comment in the chat there. So we are live here. Nine a. M. Australian Eastern Standard Time, like I mentioned, on Sunday. And we do appreciate chat comments. And who is this? OSCI Made Me Free by Celtics one. Okay, love to hear that, man. That's awesome. This will actually get on to slightly what's going to what I'll be talking about with the the travel section, because I might actually have a very varied and wide experience in terms of the people I'm connecting with in my up to Europe trip.
[00:29:30] Juan Granados:
And the only call I was gonna say was we've had a couple of sets being sent through by Lyceum. Oh, yeah. Lyceum. I think that was for the book reviews, wasn't it? That was correct. Yeah. So that's coming through on our conversations boost to gram. But no, a couple of them has been has been for non book reviews. Sorry. Okay. Yeah. So thank you very much for streaming through. Yeah.
[00:29:50] Kyrin Down:
Yep. For those who wonder what that means, if you go onto an app like fountain, true fans, podcast guru, pod verse, Customatic, you are able to stream in Satoshis to us whatever amount you choose. You know, typically it'd be like $0.01 per minute. And it's just a way of showing support, passive support as you're consuming the mere mortals. If you are doing that on a podcasting app, you're on somewhere like YouTube, we've got a meremortalspodcast.com/support as well as a PayPal link down below where you can help support us financially for all of the fancy tech and things which I've got. Sometimes works sometimes does not. Yeah.
So yeah. Thank you very much for everyone who's participating that way. So we've got both got travels coming up once it's probably going to be a bit more hectic than mine because he's getting married and doing honeymoon stuff. Correct. And got a baby as well. So I'd very much doubt that you are reaching out to anyone in Europe. Are you planning on visiting any zero people? Okay, there you go. Yep. There was one one individual,
[00:31:02] Juan Granados:
nearby to when we're going to be in Croatia. Again, I suppose no, like there wasn't even a consideration of you potentially know, they reached out to me because I heard that I was going to go to Europe. But yeah, it was it was a it was an unfortunate but very easy. No, at this point. So yeah, like there was no no intent at all of trying to connect him with anybody else along the path. Even to my own family. I think my family was like, oh, you know, maybe we could catch up in these other places and maybe we have friends. No. That's the answer.
Interesting. Because I was, I was potentially gonna say like, oh, I might be crossing paths with one, but it would actually probably be just to drop off some luggage. Yeah. Yeah. Which, which I think the, the answer to that is also gonna be no. Yes, it does no. I had a conversation with partner. The answer is no for any luggage because we'll have no luggage available to take with us.
[00:31:56] Kyrin Down:
In terms of, excess capacity to Excess and like ability to have another bag with us with the amount of bags and stuff that we'll be taking. Sure. Yeah. No, if I was going to do it, I'd literally be at the airport with you. Yep. To check it in. And then I imagine you're getting picked up in Brisbane Airport. No. What do you do? Or some of my parents will be still traveling through Europe. So will Jasmine's parents. Okay. Well, in any case, so my travel is going to be very different. And I've planned it out essentially so that I'll be visiting someone everywhere that I'm going essentially. Yeah.
And I'm doing that purposefully. So if I compare my two other big travels, which was through Latin America in 2017, '18 for fourteen months and then recently in Brazil slash North America for five ish months last year. The first one was very much I don't recall. I only visited people and went out of my way to people I met in the trip. So yeah, not not precursor to it. Yep. So literally went in cold to Chile, didn't know anyone, didn't know anything, and then just traveled on from then. Obviously, I met you and Joey in Mexico, but it certainly wasn't like I'm going to places to meet people. I was just traveling anywhere. It's like winds will flow me this way. Like, Oh, Guatemala, I'll go to Antigua. That sounds kind of cool.
And the it only started shaping up a bit towards the end where I was like, okay, I'm going to Colombia, meet Andrea, go back to Argentina to meet her again. And that that was really awesome. It was a great experience in my in my life and got to meet some a whole bunch of people. And I stayed in, I said at the time there was like four people I made deep connections with. One was an Aussie girl. There was a English guy in Argentina, Aussie girl was in Guatemala, a couple Swiss couple in Mexico and another American guy in Argentina. And, I've still got contacts for
[00:34:12] Juan Granados:
three of them. English guy dropped off. When you say you have contacts, what do you mean by that? So,
[00:34:18] Kyrin Down:
I was in contact with them, like, as in just messaging them, I had their details. The English guy dropped off pretty quickly. I if I tried to find him, I, I don't think it's possible. I don't even I could find his name in my journal perhaps. So maybe I'd be able to, you know, find out his Facebook or something, but that would be certainly like absolute cold call. So that's off the list. Kurt, Curtis Salander, actually know his full name. He was really fun. I really connected with him. If I was a bit more on board with what he was saying, I probably would have bought a whole shit ton of crypto in 2018. Because he was he was in 2019. He was talking about it.
But I was I was still just like, yeah, no, like, stay away from that stuff, which probably also like, might have been a good idea. So I don't know how I don't know what his investing style is that should put it that way. Kept in contact with him. But, you know, just I remember I've sent a message over the years, didn't go through. I've still got his details. I've still got his Facebook. His face pops up every now and then, but it's just not not like a big important deal or anything. So him is kind of like, you know, I was in California and I'm pretty sure he was based in California. I didn't bother to reach out.
Aussie girl, Ash, got an Instagram once again. She was from Brisbane. So that was one of the reasons we really connected. Kind of lost track of her didn't respond. But the Swiss couple is of note because Cloud was actually on the podcast. I think it was episode seven perhaps and a bunch of his music is still our intro music. And what I use for intro music for many of our podcasts, the Mere Morpheus book reviews, for the Mere Morpheus, all of that is just music that he's actually created. So, I reached out to him and with him it was just like instant connections again.
Cool. Yeah. Okay. Let's. Yeah, I'm coming to Switzerland. Okay, awesome. Yeah. Come stay with us at our commune. We've got this thing going on. Got to be doing this. That's cool. This sort of thing. So it was like, okay, you know, I think that's a pretty good ratio. One in four. Yeah, it's not it's not too bad in terms of this is like not even old connection because we didn't actually have that much chance to create memories. We had a very short intense burst. And but with him, it's more like the reason I want to go visit him is for the, I guess, like the character of, of him, of, of his personality. Because a lot of times with these old, old connections, they're kind of forced in a way. Primary school, I was just in the same classroom with Le the best of what we had, you know? Whereas on this trip that I was on, I got to meet hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the various hostels I went to and Cloud and Sandy were probably like the peak experience of like, these are the coolest, these are the funniest, these are the most awesome of the whole bunch. And we shared these experiences together. But, you know, we didn't like, over a three week period, maybe that we we spent time together.
And so visiting him is pretty much purely like, I'm going to visit him because I think the personality and character of the person was probably going to stay more similar, even if life circumstances have changed with them. Yeah, a lot. I know what you mean. And I think this is part of the reasons of like, reaching out to people having these connections is it's worth doing it. Once again, if you if you're kind of thinking about what you want to get out of it, like, what I want to get out of it, my reason for doing this is, I think he'd really enjoy hanging out with me as well. Like, I remember him saying like, Oh, what I like about you is like, you know, your as what was it? It was it was like dedication or it was because I was up on the roof handstanding every day and whereas most people would be hungover and he was like, that's really cool. I like that about you that you've got this kind of drive in you, that you're, you're doing these things even when you could be just partying and doing whatever you wanted.
So I'd hope to bring some benefit to him and bring some Tim Tams. So it'll definitely be getting some some benefits there.
[00:39:12] Juan Granados:
Just as Yeah, I'm just thinking just as you're describing it. And so I'm trying to position why maybe my view is so different. It's probably different to the norm that I would say most humans nowadays must be immortalized. And And honestly, the only thing I can polite it to next up, like as you're describing that what goes through my mind is, okay, if I was traveling through Europe, like I'm going to be, let's just say there was even some of our good friends, let's just say that Mitchell was living in Spain.
[00:39:45] Unknown:
And we haven't seen him for two years and the level of effort to potentially, I'm already there. Like, let's let's meet up and catch up. Vipin is over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
[00:39:56] Juan Granados:
over The UK for I think I think partly partly where my mind goes to and all the things is that it's the it's an exchange of something else. And the exchange of something else for me, at least currently, it's is two obviously very key people in my life, my partner and my daughter. And while I can bring them along in some of these interactions, for sure, like that's, that's obviously something I can do to if I had to put a point blank decision of okay, well, I get to go and have this nostalgic experience with some people, be it in Europe or be closer to home, versus spending time with my family, my daughter, Every time my family and daughter are gonna win out, like, that's just a very easy thing. Now that obviously isn't every single circumstance because just recently I had to go to catch up with some old work colleagues of mine and, you know, there was a decision to not be there with my family and go out that particular night to go see his friends for some, wine and and dinner. So I'm not saying I always do this, but I think maybe I come at it from the angle that, like, even when you're describing it, I'm thinking some really cool people I've met were in troubles as well. Right?
And I could be like, Oh, yeah, if I have the opportunity, this if they reached out, like someone maybe that I'm more even aligned with, and they said, like, Oh, if you're just really cool. If you're going to be there, I'm going to be there. Let's catch up for food. Part of me defaults to like, yes. But I'd actually just prefer to be like around my family that even going to see you. I can imagine that there would be nostalgic events and it would be a good time to catch up, but I'm just it's not as high priority as it is to just even have a mediocre day with my family. Like the mediocre day with the family trumps a fantastic day with, not relatively unknown, but someone who's honestly kind of like meaningless in the long term scheme of life.
Maybe play it back another way if if you if I was 80 years old and I have to look back fifty years in the past and like oh you got to catch up with that friend of yours that you really liked in your travels or whatnot you met him a couple of times and you got to be nostalgic or you could have been there like an extra night to be there with your daughter or like honestly I'm gonna be like shit. Nine out of 10 times I'm gonna say I wouldn't have preferred that. However, there is You'd probably not even remember either of them fifty years in the future. Correct. But if like but if in like fifty years in the future just presented with that, I know what my default stance is gonna be. It's gonna be like, oh, I wouldn't be in that. But there is there is still the one out of 10 times when I do appreciate the the catch ups with very certain type of individuals for a whole myriad of reasons. So the one that happened recently is there's these, individuals who I worked with, at a contract once upon a time. And interestingly, the they're all dispersed into different workplaces. They all work in different areas.
Honestly, we probably keep in touch once every three months or like a message and just checking in with people. But I've caught up with them three, four times since we last worked together and everyone's in different places. Now, in some ways and valleys, some some of them have gotten me jobs before, some of them I've gotten them jobs before, so we kind of keep each other in that value sphere, I guess you'd say. But even in catching up with them, all different types of life, different ages, not that we have a whole host in common, but they are good people to interact with and going to see them not too long ago, for a bit of a dinner online. I mean, like, this is really like, this was really nice. It was really nice to catch up.
I still didn't use up the whole night, you know, they stayed behind a little bit. And I was like, at one point, I was like, cool. Time to go home. I wanna go see my daughter and my partner. So, you know, I'm still making that, like, cutoff rather than maybe what would have been in the past if I didn't have my daughter. Maybe I would have extended that interaction, but I can see that there are still some some places where I go, yeah. I can see the value in that. In in future, I would go, yep, that was really good. Like, I I think keeping that particular relationship in those ways was really valuable as is a lot of our core high school relationships that we have and and some that are a little bit beyond the high school. Yep. For sure. And but that's gonna be so closely linked with its, similar values or similar benefits in the sense of the the joy or shared experiences that I find nowadays.
If I turn around to like the the concept of I guess nostalgia or catching up with people that are old friends so that you can either reenact or connect. Remember the joys because I think I've got this mentality now. I can very much see that there's gonna be it's not it's it's it's I'll say it's a challenge, not a problem. It's just a challenge that I accept, which is I have a strong feeling that for me to be able to make what I would say, quote, unquote, a good friend moving forward would be incredibly difficult. Partly, I don't care. Like, I could not care. You you could be, you know, some people out there where they're like, you don't really wanna have, like, friends. Oh, fuck that. Yeah. I I I know this in myself. Like, I've caught up with some peoples of, like, that are, like, recent people that I've met with. Some of them, like, we're really aligned with, like, a lot of the same things. You can tell they wanna engage with me. They'll tell their partners, like, yeah. This one dude is really cool. And I kind of feel shit because I'm like, I don't give a fuck. Like, I do not give I I've got so much other focuses. And it's not them. It is very much like, it's just me. Like, I'm not I'm not putting that effort. It's not It's not you. It's me. Yeah. It's very strongly, it's not you. It's me. And it this happens a lot. And it's not Sure. I don't I don't see that as a a as a bad thing. Like I mean no disrespect in that engagement.
You only have so much effort that you can put into life. At the moment, there's just a lot of other places out in, even if it got to the point that it was had a much more casual life, which I'm sure I'll get to eventually and I'll be bored. Then there'll still be a balance as to whether I want to create those new friendships or connections rather than keeping what I've got right now. Strengthening them, I was talking about this in the monthly girls, you know, applying the principle of yeah, well, the those connections that I have now, it's total quality over the quantity of finding more. Again, I don't think I would struggle finding the quantity. I would struggle with placing the right quality on those connections. Yeah, sure.
[00:45:59] Kyrin Down:
So it is very dependent on on where you're at as well. So not only where they're at, but you for my second trip, obviously, mum had passed away. I kind of my purpose of traveling was getting a bit of breathing space from an old, you know, just being in the same location for the last couple of years. The I guess like sour notes of of the way that mom passed and just the whole, you know, end of twenty twenty three, first half of '20 '20 '4, I was very much in a place where it's like, I want to go somewhere where I can hang out with a friend, and then have the opportunity to meet some cool people, which I did, and like, long term Internet friends that I'd never met in real life. This being, you know, big supporters of the show. Dave Jones, Peter, Cole McCormick, people like that.
So that was very much my intention for, you know, the second travel. What what's going to be my travel intention for this one? Unlike you, I don't have a daughter and, you know, valued partner. So for me, it's like, okay, well, I've experienced some really cool things before. I always go back to this one exploding volcano in Guatemala. Seeing that shit was the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. And I don't have anyone I can share that with. I can't I can't say like maybe if they went and saw it separately at another time. Sure. But it would have been nice to have that moment to share with someone. So now if I was going to go and see all the cool architecture and a lot of the history and stuff that I'd love to do, That it'd be no, it'd be a little less value. No, not no point. But yeah, that's an interesting one. I for example, there's a Gothic church in Germany I've always wanted to visit.
There's the famous Gaudi, forgotten the name of it, very famous church in Barcelona, I believe it is.
[00:48:01] Juan Granados:
You know, the one that's been The one's been built, like been developed and built for some
[00:48:06] Kyrin Down:
media site. Yeah, that yeah, that we nailed it. Not familiar. So I got other. I want to see that. But I want to see that with someone. So for me, that's why I'm reaching out to these connections not I don't actually intend on doing those things. I've got a little list here of the of the types of people I'm meeting up with. So, you know, I'm going to meet be meeting up with a hold high school friend in in The UK, Podcasting two point zero acquaintances, I guess, sort of business ones, if you want to call it like that. Husky internet friends. So there's going to be like just complete people I've only ever interacted with in a very particular manner.
The cloud, the Mexican, like intense three week connection of him and Sandy who have just very unique personalities, which I really got on with. There was a girl who I met for twenty to thirty minutes in Brisbane City Square where it was just like, wow, that was she was really cool. I don't even have like an intense connection with her, but it was just like we kept in contact. I was like, Oh, yeah, shit. I'll, I'll message her and sounds like we'll be meeting up. And even I'm planning on actually going to meet Andrea as well. So that'll be like, you know, one of the most intense connections I've ever had in my life. What will be the broad range of experiences I'll get from this? I have no idea. Some of them the fun thing will be is I don't really have any expectations from any of them. So I want to hang out with these people and we'll just see what happens if it turns out to be like, you know, we just hang out and it's kind of cool. We've read this maybe of old things. That's fine.
If we bond and even have stronger connections, like with cloud again, and it's like, I join his commune. And now I'm fucking part of his Swiss Switzerland commune. Probably not going to happen, but you know, who knows? There's I'm looking forward to it because it's like it's not a complete cold start. I know all of these people in various forms Yet there's, I feel like an opportunity for more of those experiences that I had in the past without trying to recreate the same thing. I'm not going to try and recreate the three weeks in Mexico that I had with cloud because that, that, you know, that he was traveling, then I was traveling, then we're probably in very similar mindsets.
Whereas now, you know, it's going to be home, home territory for him. He's got the advantage. But for me, it'll just be like, okay, well, we'll see what it is. And that's kind of what I'm looking for right now. I'm not looking for and the if I was try to go to a familiar Securado, for example, you know, maybe I could go to a hostel, maybe I could find someone who's equally excited and visiting it. But man, the odds on that happening are
[00:51:12] Juan Granados:
pretty low. You got to the chances of it actually happening versus securing something that maybe it's like, oh, yeah, I know, I can make that happen with x individual.
[00:51:20] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. The last kind of thing I was thinking about was, in the experience of reaching out to all of these people. I did have some fun stuff. So for example, reaching out to Nick and Oscar from Fountain was Nick was like, Hey, you mind just jumping on a call? We've actually got some stuff coming out. And yeah, he ran me through what Fountain's working on and was like, Oh, cool. And this reminds me of like, why we connected in the first place. It was a love of podcasting and sort of, you know, innovating with regards to connecting with your audience and things like that.
And they've got some really cool stuff coming out. Now I have the alpha on it and it's like, Oh, cool. I can maybe use utilize this to some benefit. So even just reaching out to people, I feel can even give you the chance to reconnect on what you once had in a, you know, not trying to recreate the same thing that you had. But if it's especially if it's like a purpose that you're aligned towards, it's like an opportunity for them to tell you about, yeah, this is what I'm working on, this is what I'm doing. And forming a reforming a connection, which I think is kind of cool.
I'm looking forward to that.
[00:52:36] Juan Granados:
Yeah. Okay. The the
[00:52:38] Kyrin Down:
the one thing I want to caution people against and I had a really great time in my life in 2017. When I quit work, I was living in the city and I was kind of re getting over some social anxiety that I'd felt a bit. And I had a really intense experience for like, three to six months, which was just fantastic. I was like living in the city, you kind of get the atmosphere, I never really lived in an apartment somewhere like that before. And I can see why people would love to live in New York or just hectic places like that. Even going to my dad's birthday party the other night, he lives in the city now. You know, I was hanging outside waiting for the pizza delivery guy.
He was late. Actually, he wasn't late. He'd gone to the reception. So that was my fault. Well, not only my fault, my brother was a mentally his fault. And as you're just hanging out, you're seeing all these people coming and going. There's different groups of, you know, obviously drunk people as the crazy people, there's the people just going about like their normal work. And you're getting to see this all and it's like, oh, I remember this feeling. This is so reminiscent of of 2017. And once I come back to Australia, it was like, I could live there again, I could I could try and recreate 2017. In my mind, I know if I did that it would be one probably underwhelming and not as good as it was then.
And also, I think, not beneficial to what I want to do going forward with my life. I think diving back and trying to recreate or revisit something that once was is it's never got one, it's never going to be the same. So you're not going to feel the same. But also, it's probably not aligned with what you want to do going forward. It's kind of it's almost like a junk meal or or a cheat meal. You're like, you're like trying to get that little dopamine hit of what it used to be, but you're likely just going to end up being like, oh, that was that was a waste of time. Yeah, this is not helping me going forward. Yeah. I mean, the example that we have for
[00:54:57] Juan Granados:
our group was me and you met up in Japan One Day earlier before Joey landed there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we went to a particular shop. Don Quixote. Don Quixote. And we loved it. It was so funny. And then we kind of like talked it up, big game. Yeah. Took Joey there the next day. Wasn't the same. Right? It wasn't the same experience. And I think my very overarching view, especially nostalgic things of the past is, look, if you don't do that, don't set the context on the experience of was and then expect it to just pick up from there because it quite likely won't especially the longer it's been, and the probability of then something new and wonderful coming out of it kind of decreases if you haven't already kept the the light going and the interactions going which is if again I guess maybe how I'm explaining it if I was to interact with someone from many years ago ten, twelve, fifteen years and the probability of a game being just as great as like 0.1% let's just say then I just don't see the value in doing that versus a 99.5% surety that I'm gonna have a great time in a particular day doing all these other things. I think two, yeah, you have to know where you are in your life, right? Like when you go, if you have young kids, it's a different experience. When you're single, it's a different experience. When you're older and your kids have left time, it's a different experience. It's all different phase of life.
You gotta be prepared. It's always give and take. There's always, if you're gonna give energy towards something, you're taking it away from somewhere else, right, foundationally. So there's just those choices that I make and I'm totally okay with. I think lastly, it was a good point that you made about the, experiences and stuff like that. I think you have to my my my thoughts on experiences in general is the shared experience or shared joy, double the joy, shared suffering, half the suffering, where it applies really importantly. So I do get your take where it's like if I was traveling, let's say for instance, cool place, New York or London.
I can see that I would have a better time if I was with people that I truly care about. Could be our friendship group, could be my partner, could be my daughter, could be my family. I could see very much that it would be like double the joy, half the suffering if there was some shit going on. But even just like a mildly lewd friend, someone who like I do get along with, but it's not like terribly that great. I don't think that applies the like shared joy would be double zero I or if it does its probability is very low in comparison and I almost at that point preferred to be on my own and and do the things on my own to see the architectural things or the natural wonders. I'd almost prefer to do that on my own and take the full experience myself as opposed to doing it with someone who where it's like a iffy connection. But if it's a really good connection, then I'm all for it.
Given the the where I am right now, and again, everyone listening to this, you're gonna be at different stages. You you get to see, like, what you do and what you apply it. And just be yeah. Be conscious. The the further away it's obviously from where you are today, backwards but also forwards in time, it will change. Like make no doubt about it. It's either your value, the character, what you, prioritize, blah blah blah. All of that stuff will change. So just be be prepared for it to be different and don't get disappointed when that turns out to be the case. Yeah. I mean, just look at Juan's video from 2022
[00:58:21] Kyrin Down:
of VeeCon. Correct. Partner wasn't in the picture. Yeah. Maybe Vee certainly wasn't in the picture. The your your experience then and what you were doing then was probably incomprehensible now. You'd just be like, why would I go to this random event of random people? Like, like, what the fuck? There's But but but you can hold but you can hold two states in place,
[00:58:43] Juan Granados:
which sometimes is hard. Like I can I can because that's a little bit more recent? I remember what it felt like. I remember meeting people. I remember being in this mansion. I remember, you know, seeing the big stadium and blah blah blah, all this good stuff. And I can kind of recall what individual I was and what I was valuing at that point versus right now. So it's not, it's not incomprehensible. It's understandable. But if you do push the boundary to ten, fifteen, twenty years, it becomes more of an unknown because I don't really remember exactly what state of a human I was at that point. In a similar sense, I could probably tell you predict in two years time what I'm going to be like. I can tell you, look, I'll probably still be doing this and valuing that and etc.
But my daughter's 19 or like left home. I can't tell you what I'm gonna be like. Am I gonna be still very much like, yeah, but that's a priority? Will I have let go a little bit more and now connect in different ways? Like I don't know. I genuinely don't know. So, to expect something from that in the future include the probability of whatever I choose for it being right is probably pretty low. So I guess I apply that looking backwards in my, some primary school friends if I really engage with them, the probability of it going the way I think it'll go or what would want it to go is probably so low that my current today goes, yeah, not worth it.
[01:00:01] Kyrin Down:
Yeah. Sum up for me, I kind of think if you think about revisiting old friendships, lost connections, things like this, it's almost worth thinking of it as if you're going to travel. You know, the reason I put these two things together is I feel they've kind of related. You know, I'm going to go traveling. You get the opportunity to kind of analyze in a way you wouldn't normally analyze and you just day to day routine, which is, okay, I'm going to go to this place. What specific experience am I looking for? What am I trying to get out of this or what some possibilities of what could happen?
And I think it's it's a similar thing if you're going to reach out to an old friend, it's like, okay, why am I doing this in the first place? Like, do I want to go to the, you know, I don't know, slums of India? Me personally, I have no interest in that. Would I want to go to, you know, got the opportunity or well, sort of semi opportunity, the invitation to go to Everest Base Camp. For me, there's just nothing in that there's zero interest in me for doing that. Would I maybe go to like an Indian temple from, you know, hundreds, thousands of years ago? Okay, that would maybe be more up my alley. And so it's worth like thinking about that if you're reaching out to old people reconnecting, okay, what's the point of doing this as well? And what could I get out of this?
And when I say that it feels like it's like extractive, like, what can I get out of this? You you old friends, give me give me all the pieces. Yeah, give me give me something. Whereas no, it's I mean, like, if you're going to do things, you might as well be thinking about why you're doing it as well and not just like haphazardly going up to Reese and be like, happy birthday Reese.
[01:01:46] Juan Granados:
Another another point I would probably make is sometimes if if you feel like the reconnection, especially with people obviously that are not, you connect all the time. But if there's a reconnection that you haven't done in a while, if you think you're going to be more, a more positive, happy, joyful, whatever person afterwards, then maybe it's worth them, right? Like, if you have the time and you think that connection is going to enable that, then cool do that. Like I could envision some people that we haven't connected for a long time that are funny and I feel like if I did engage with them, I kind of would come out of it being like, 'That was kind of cool, didn't get too much out of it, but it was pretty funny, like, I'm better for it.' Okay, I'll do that again, again to comparison of other people. But if the experience is like, 'I played some games with these people and sometimes they were good, but then sometimes they were crap, but I'm gonna try to reenact the good or nostalgia about, you know, something that happened when I was 15.
Nah. There's just like a very low probability that that's gonna be a beneficial thing in the interaction. New model, let's we'll we'll leave it there. I don't think there's any comments, at all on the video, that we are live. We are live normally on on YouTube at 9PM Sundays. 9PM. Sunday. Sorry. There was one more comment. I saw one more. One more comment. Once again, just as we've been talking about this, we got a lot of travels coming up, over the next couple of months. Sorry. My brother. Not my fault at all, by the way. It was his fault for the pizza. Yeah. Look, we've got a lot of travel coming up. Just bear in mind with that, we'll we'll be getting out some stuff that's gonna be async and some of the stuff will be synchronized with a live session. So stay tuned as we post things. But Yeah. Honestly,
[01:03:17] Kyrin Down:
no. From now on, it's gonna be a bit chaotic because one's one's going to be in a new place. So Lord knows the challenges we're going to face there. Yeah. Travel me traveling onwards from, you know, mid May. That's just going to be absolute chaos. And not only for this, but for book reviews, the mini Morpheus. I certainly won't be doing stuff the, yeah, there's going to be a lot of changes basically from now on. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, look,
[01:03:46] Juan Granados:
please have some Bear in mind whether those accounts Look, if I'll be finishing those two books, so technically, if I have if I record four things, I guess I could space them out over that time to add some more. Same with the mere mortals in motion. Again, I'll see what that looks like. I'm not holding myself to it, to it. In fact It's a lot going on. Yeah. It's a lot. There's a lot going on. In fact, after I come back from, you know, the holiday slash wedding, I almost feel like I'm gonna be in this blues of like, wow, I've got so much time because I've just so many things going on, but probably for the good.
We'll leave it there me immortalized. Hope you're well wherever you are in the world. One out. Tired up. Bye.