Andre talks about his various ventures, including his vacation rental management business and Monstera Books, a publishing company that translates Bitcoin literature into Portuguese. He also discusses the Free Madeira project, which aims to make Madeira a Bitcoin-friendly destination. The project has successfully onboarded numerous local businesses to accept Bitcoin, fostering a growing community of Bitcoin enthusiasts on the island.
The conversation touches on the cultural shift within Andre's companies as they embrace Bitcoin, and the broader impact of Bitcoin on personal and professional life. Andre shares insights into the Sovereign Engineering cohort, a program that brings together developers to innovate in the Bitcoin space.
Valerie and Andre also discuss the significance of physical spaces for Bitcoin communities, highlighting the success of Bitcoin Atlantis, a major Bitcoin conference held in Madeira. The event was a family-friendly gathering that brought together Bitcoiners from around the world, emphasizing community and collaboration.
Andre concludes by discussing future plans for Free Madeira, including energy projects and the potential for a Bitcoin hub in Funchal. The episode underscores the transformative power of Bitcoin and the importance of community in driving its adoption.
(00:00:32) Introduction and Guest Introduction
(00:00:54) Discovering Madeira and Bitcoin
(00:02:11) Journey into Bitcoin
(00:03:41) The Impact of COVID on Bitcoin Adoption
(00:06:45) Changing Perspectives and Family Influence
(00:10:10) Bitcoin's Influence on Business Culture
(00:11:05) The Birth of Free Madeira
(00:16:42) Free Madeira's Mission and Achievements
(00:20:57) Energy Projects and Future Plans
(00:25:54) Sovereign Engineering Cohort
(00:28:31) Golden Visa and Investment Opportunities
(00:37:20) Madeira's Unique Governance
(00:41:30) Bitcoin Atlantis Conference
(00:58:48) Future of Free Madeira and Conferences
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Hey. Aloha, love tribe. Welcome to the thankful Thursday episode. And I have somebody here with me who I had the privilege and pleasure of getting to meet, on the most gorgeous island of Madeira. This is Andre Loja. Thank you for taking time to be here, Andre. How's it going, brother? I'm good. Thank you for having me, Valerie. It's a pleasure. Totally. Dude, you're like, you're like an octopus. You're kinda busy doing a bunch of different things, but they all seem to be moving forward in the direction of orange peeling the world, but you're starting with this beautiful island of Madera. And, you know, before I got to, you know, get involved, I was like, where the heck is Madera? What's Madera? You know? Do you wanna tell everybody a little bit about who you are and where is Madera? And why is it something
[00:01:20] Unknown:
a place that is so special where you're able to, like, you know, orange pill people in a different way? Well, it was actually one of the one of the goals of all of this. It's to put Madera on the map. And it's good to know that many people, that didn't know, what the heck was Madera.
[00:01:37] Unknown:
[00:01:39] Unknown:
They eventually came over, and they're still coming, which is great. But, yeah, it's it it was not a how shall I put it? You know, it's it's not a it wasn't a big plan from start. You know? Like, it was just a a chain of events that led to everything that happened. Even I am very, very surprised of how we came true and, what what unfolded
[00:02:08] Unknown:
after those little small things in the beginning. It's crazy. Well, how did you get into Bitcoin? Like, how is Bitcoin something that, you know, turned you on, and then all of a sudden, here you are orange peeling a whole island, and then you're bringing literally 3,000 people from all over the world who are the coolest, kindest, smartest people to be on your gorgeous island and get excited. Like, how did you get into Bitcoin and how did it translate into, you know, turning this into free Madera?
[00:02:33] Unknown:
Well, I guess I have the same story as most of us. I I came into crypto. Right? Long time ago. I don't know searching for, you know, moon moon my euros.
[00:02:46] Unknown:
Right. Right.
[00:02:47] Unknown:
Number go up and, you know, all the all the bullshit. I didn't understand anything at the time. I didn't know what money was. I although I already had businesses, which is kind of the point. Right? Most people don't understand how the money works, and I was one of them. And then I I think it was to 2017 or something. I got interested in crypto, but just, you know, just for the the bullshit narratives at the time, making money. Of course, I didn't, as most people don't. I got into my tuition, like, energy, university tuition, money, you know, all those years learning.
[00:03:29] Unknown:
[00:03:30] Unknown:
And it was only, after COVID, actually, that I truly, truly, got into the rabbit hole and, and never got out.
[00:03:41] Unknown:
What trans what what was your tipping point to going from crypto to understanding Bitcoin? Like, after All the craziness,
[00:03:50] Unknown:
that happened at the time was very important. So I I in a way, COVID was good, at least for me. Yeah. But I think a lot of people relate to it. Actually, Michael Saylor says the same thing. Right? Yeah. Because I have I'm a I'm an entrepreneur. I I have several companies here in Madeira. But the main company that I have in Islander Parks, which is a vacation rental management business, as you can imagine, everything stopped during COVID. Right? And panic installed. You know, I am a family man. I have four kids. So you can imagine how stressful, it was at the time.
And, after those initial weeks of panic, when finally my my actually, it was my wife that saved me because Yay. It was. It was. You know, I was I was stressed. I was panicking. I was watching the news. I mean, everything was crazy back then. Remember? Nobody knew. It was insane. Yeah. There was a death count on the news. There was, you know and and suddenly, my wife turns to me and said, stop stop this madness. You know? You know, disconnect the TV. Do do something else. Like, you're getting crazy. And, and you're affecting the kids. Of course, we're all home, you know. Yep.
With four kids in an apartment. You can imagine the craziness that, it wasn't easy times. And, and she saved me because after I disconnected the TV, I started reading again. I started listening to podcasts. I started doing other things, and that was the turning point. I don't remember exactly the moment. It was a process. But I guess one day, I realized, what the fuck am I doing? Sorry. Can I swear? I'm sorry. Absolutely.
[00:05:38] Unknown:
A %.
[00:05:39] Unknown:
We've the the best response, you're welcome. I'm sorry.
[00:05:44] Unknown:
If you only knew, Andre, how many times I I probably get bleeped out on all these channels.
[00:05:50] Unknown:
So, yeah, there was a moment that I said, what the fuck am I doing? Like, I was I am how can I put I barely relate to the to the person I was pre COVID? Totally. Pre orange feeling. That's that's the Yeah. And, it totally changed my perspective on life. And, you know, you learn more and more. You listen more and more. And then, you know, eventually, I turned I turned completely. And, I decided to focus a lot more on, on the orange part of life.
[00:06:25] Unknown:
And and it's so amazing. And I love that your wife was just like, turn that shit off, you know? Like, it's poisoning you. And so, you know, and I talk about this all the time on my show and with people that I work with in my practice. And it's like, your consumption model is what shapes you, you know, and the things that you're putting in your mind, your mouth, your ears, your eyes, everything. And and, you know, so we have sovereignty if we choose to to say, I don't wanna consume this junk food over here that's fear, that's got, like, the death count, you know, because they're designed to keep you afraid so that they can control you. You know, I always call it the kraken, you know, this big beast. And, and and so I and it's interesting because you just mentioned too about how, you know, the way that you were starting to feel and get so stressed out, it was like overflowing into your family, you know, and it was stressing your children out and stressing your relationship out. And so, you know, Steb Bunny, right, who wrote The Hidden Cost of Money. Right? And so fun. You love him. And so I always think about, like, so many people who don't understand Bitcoin yet, it's kind of like you're living in this, you know, this hamster wheel over here, and you don't even understand how it is polluting the rest of your life in this fiat system. And so when you can jump over here to the orange world and it takes time and it's coming, I'm still a newbie. I always will be a newbie, you know, because there's something new that can be We all are. Right? We're all plebs. And it's like but then all of a sudden, you start to feel, like, the sense of hope, the sense of possibility, the sense of unity, the sense of, wow, the future could look like this instead of this. And not only with our kumbaya hippie stuff, but with, like, this thing called math.
[00:08:09] Unknown:
Yeah. And you see and you and you and when you finally understand that there's a cause to all the havoc in the world and how things, run Yeah. You know, and you see a solution, you suddenly become, very optimistic. Because when you understand the problem, it means there's a way to fix it. Yeah. And, Bitcoin is the way to fix it. At least I I'm not saying Bitcoin fixes everything. That's that's a cool meme, but, it can fix a lot and that's already very important. So and, yeah, after all those craziness, after shutting the TV, after shutting the narratives that were dominating my mind Yeah. I was able to have a more clear vision. And, and it's funny because, you know, in the past, I usually I I used to make fun of my wife because she was the conspiracy theorist one.
And now I'm way deeper than she is. Now she now she looks at me like, what the fuck happened to this? I'm like, like
[00:09:14] Unknown:
She's She's like, what kind of monster did I unleash?
[00:09:18] Unknown:
But, but again, I think we're all a lot more happy, now, a lot more positive. And, you know, it it kinda it made me I I I had companies I worked for a long time already, but it made me it gave me a new push to work even more and and to, direct all the things I was doing into this more more positive way to build and and to create a family and to develop our our ventures. And it's it's great.
[00:09:46] Unknown:
How has it impacted, like, your biz you know, for example, the employees that you've had in your companies, you know, like, that they've gone from zero to I would imagine now they're, you know, at least some version of a Bitcoiner. Like, has it has it transformed the culture? Yeah. I'm sure and I get it. Like, not everyone's gonna be like, rah rah, go what Andre says. But, like, do do you feel like it's shifted the culture of some of the companies that you're running?
[00:10:11] Unknown:
It did. And I think they I think they also sensed, how I changed. Mhmm. How the positiveness, how the the I don't know. Moving forward again with the with the, you know, with the creations, with the ideas, and and and, of course, bringing more and more of Bitcoin into the companies, not only for the reserves but for the payments, not only the technical stuff. Yeah. But the way the companies operate, in the world. Even though even though I I still keep some of the Fiat companies that, you know, that I that I started with, of course, they are more and more, doing orange things. Let's put it that way.
And, of course, in my my own the new ventures that I launched are all basically on the Bitcoin space because there's no way to
[00:11:00] Unknown:
Yeah. To go back into a pure fiat company when you're when you're a Bitcoiner. It's all very hard. Well, especially when you're the founder of Free Madera. Let's tell everybody, like, how so how did Free Madera come about? Because, obviously, this is a huge project. You know, when you I I saw you guys, you know, launching this, I think, it was, like, a year and a half ago ish, two years ago. And I remember seeing all the guys on the island. I was like, I wanna go there. I wanna be with you guys. What's going on? Tell everybody what Free Madeira is.
[00:11:28] Unknown:
So it was again a a small chain of events, or a big chain of events. Mhmm. It all started with the with the opportunity to bring the president over. Actually, let's go back. It started with Monstera books because Okay. It was my first Bitcoin venture. You know, I was already a Bitcoiner. I wanted to contribute. And I'm not gonna tell the whole story, but short short, resume, I launched a publishing company called Moncero Books where we translate, the best or on on my opinion, the best Bitcoin books to Portuguese.
[00:12:03] Unknown:
[00:12:04] Unknown:
And the first one was Jeff Booth book, The Price of Tomorrow. Which is great. And then there were there were men There's Jeff. Yes. And and and now we have, I don't know, almost 20. And that put me in touch with the network, as I call it now, my Bitcoin network. Jeff was very important from the start, but very important in other, points as well. It still is. And, Jeff is amazing. And, Yep. So so I have that that connection now with some people, on the Bitcoin space. And when the opportunity arose to speak with the president, none related to Bitcoin, that he was visiting one of my businesses, the I mean, the president of the government of Madera.
And again, short story, I eventually said, I could help bring more businesses and investment to the island, if you would be open to Bitcoin. I I understood immediately that it that it you know? Although he was open to to it, he didn't understand it. It was all about crypto, crypto this, crypto that. Mhmm. So there was the opportunity to bring him to Miami. And that's where the, I mean, the Bitcoin conference in Miami in 2022.
[00:13:24] Unknown:
[00:13:25] Unknown:
And that was when the network was so important. Right? Jeff Booth, Daniel, Prince, Samson Mao, Knut. They were all very important on convincing the the president to come. He eventually conceded. He came to to Miami with me, for a few days, and and everything changed, because Miami was, you know, at the time, it was a it still is, but it was 35,000 people, something like that. It was monster. Crazy conference in Miami. We were received in in Michael Sellers' villa for for a breakfast with the president. Wow. It was, you know, it was bombarded, you know, one hour straight with, you know, Michael Saylor being Michael Saylor
[00:14:11] Unknown:
[00:14:12] Unknown:
and Jeff Booth and Preston and Larry Leppard and so many people that, were so great and and and, you know, and spoke to the president at the time. And after the most crazy four days of my life because it was all new to me. So I didn't know these people at the time, you know. They were Oh my gosh. Crazy for me as well. You know, we came with the I already have the idea on how to guide, this project if if he was up to it. And, yeah, he he he ended up being on stage with Samsung. And although the I think the the the words that he said at the time were not ideal because it didn't understand yet. It was more like a marketing stunt. He was talking about Madera adopting Bitcoin. Mhmm. And this confused a lot of Bitcoiners because they thought it was legal tender or something, which is not even possible. We we can go on that.
But it but it was good in the end because it kick started this whole project. And because of what he said on stage, I really said, fuck. Now I really need to put this forward. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Now I I know my life changes and, because I don't like, you know, I don't like to I'm not a politician. I I don't say something, and they don't do. So let's do it. And everything started to unfold. And the first so the first step was to bring, the Bitcoiners
[00:15:48] Unknown:
here. That's the, the probably the the post you saw. Yeah. Yeah. That video you guys made, it was incredible. I was like, oh my gosh. What's going on, you guys? We gotta, like, pay attention here. That video was so impactful. That was all Max. You know, Max DeMarco. Max is a shit. Love Max.
[00:16:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Because he came as well. A a lot of people came. When we did this, you know, this trip around the island, went to several places, had several meetings with different people, not only the president, the finance department, the investment department, the economy department, you know, you name it. And Max, it wasn't even planned. Max was here and said, I'm gonna do a video on this. And I said, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do do your thing. And, it's it's still amazing how many people saw that video and, and got to know Madeira because of that video. And and, again, it was only the start. We then formalized the the association because Free Madeira now is a nonprofit association.
We eventually launched or we announced the the formal the formalization of the association in Amsterdam at the conference as well, and we started working. You know, Freeholder wants to do it's still doing and wants to do it even more, but Bitcoin touches everything. So we we do education, you know, workshops, lessons, translating of documents, and and and and and publishings and books through Montero as well because we partnered in the end. We do a lot of merchant adoption. We have, Charlie, our onboarding Maestro in in free Madara, and we have 140 businesses now in Madara accepting Bitcoin directly.
[00:17:36] Unknown:
Oh my gosh. That's incredible.
[00:17:39] Unknown:
Yes. And and and you know what, Valerie? What is what is most the most amazing parts, it's not only the number of merchants that are accepting Bitcoin, but the fact that we were able to increase the community so much that the Bitcoin payments are normalized now. Like, I think that's what, what when Bitcoiners come over now, and we have been visit we've been visited a lot now. The people are coming, you know, every time. Not only some decided to move here. There were already Bitcoiners here. Some decided to move. There's people visiting, very regularly. We have this software engineering project. So three times a year, there's big groups of Bitcoiners as well and also developers and so on.
So when you go to most of the merchants right now and you request to pay in Bitcoin, they don't even blink. It's just, you know, I mean, the coffee, you know, Bitcoin. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You pay it blank. There there you go. So it's normalized, which is amazing. They don't even question it now. Yeah. And, 80% of the merchants are keeping the sets, which is great to see. Yes. But, well, that's, you know, Charlie keeps going. The the the future is, you know, we're we'll get to 200, three hundred. Now we're being reached out by people. We don't even have to go, you know, search for indoors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They reach us out on email. We I almost I think every week, we get a new merchant saying, yo, guys, I need I need your help. I need to to accept Bitcoin.
Actually, I'm saying this, and I forget to tell Charlie about the new one that called me yesterday.
[00:19:24] Unknown:
Like, hold on, Charlie.
[00:19:26] Unknown:
Get over here. I was saying this, and I remember that I I remember that I forgot to tell. And, yeah, but we have many other plans. So we want to work. We're working on the lobby part as well. So that's very important. We're still trying to work with the local government because, although the president supports it, you know, there's a whole structure below it that needs to understand it better, and the education keeps going on that side. We're also, making a splash in Lisbon itself, the capital. Yeah. And, yeah, we're doing some, projects there, little summits because although we decided not to do Bitcoin appliances every, every year, we're doing it only every four years, we want to focus on smaller events, more focused on on little niche things.
We had the we had the Jeff Boots, Obi Nozzo, and Julian Linegar two months ago in Lisbon for for a specific event. Wow. And now in April, we're gonna have Daniel Button, Eric Erisman, and Ali Shezeraz, for a energy summit in Lisbon.
[00:20:34] Unknown:
[00:20:35] Unknown:
But a very specific invite only for the big shot guys, like the energy producers, the low the energy, companies, the big ones. And we are hopeful that we can get some government officials there as well. So people that can really make a a difference. So that's the lobbying part that we Yeah. Keep pushing. And related to this energy summit, we are working in Madera on several, energy projects. So not only talking to the private producers to integrate mining on the operations, we want to develop, biomass, energy projects here as well. And there's the maybe the the opportunity that this is still questionable if there are some hydro opportunities. So some small hydro opportunities around the island. Mhmm.
Yeah. And the big and the big well, this is all big things in my head, but, there's also another thing that I'm very bullish. I'm negotiating a building, in Downtown Funchal for a few months already. It's been it's been hard, but and we want to do a Bitcoin physical space. So a Bitcoin hub Yeah. Where we're gonna install Free Madera. We're gonna have the software engineering projects installed there as well. Mhmm. And and basically have a co working space dedicated for Bitcoin companies. You know, legal support, if you want to incorporate the company in Europe, you can set a base here, or you can have some remote workers working on our space.
We will have we have the monthly meetups. We have the shop now. We just launched the we just launched the online shop, Yes. You can find hardware wallets, year, you know, you name it, and all the books as well in Portuguese. And we want to to do a physical store in that one for sure as well. Yeah. I think the physical stuff, Andre, it makes such a big difference. We just did this,
[00:22:33] Unknown:
like, I'm in Colorado, and so there's a whole group of total badass guys. They bought a building down in Denver. It's the Denver space now. It's like Denver Park or or excuse me. Bitcoin Park or Bitcoin Commons. And it's made such a difference in our community, and and I still live a bit away, you know, so it takes me time to get back and forth down there. But, like, now I'm hosting monthly women's meetups down there. So, like, the wives, the girlfriends, Bitcoiners who are just women, but, like, it's giving us a little place to go cool. This is our little spot once a month to go. And now we're gonna do a holistic health summit there. And at the February, they're gonna be hosting a, is they're calling it the heat punk summit. And so all these miners from all over the world are coming together to figure out, like because, obviously, we live in the cold. So it's like, well, how can you heat your building, whether it's your home, whether it's a pool, whether it's a giant, you know, stadium, or whether it's whatever? Like, how can we look at, you know, heat as a resource and not a a waste product? You know? And so it's so cool that these guys are coming together and, you know, and it's like all these different folks, like, come together and you're like, woah. Like, if you have a physical space that's normal, that's not just, oh, I gotta go do my Bitcoin meet up at a bar over here. Yep. And everybody can just show up and co work and they know, like, oh, it's Thursday afternoon. I'm gonna go to the space. Like
[00:23:54] Unknown:
We have a we have a Bitcoin meetup today. And it's actually and it's actually in a bar. And, you know, it's fun. But, yeah, I we want our own space. Yeah. You want your own space. It's like having your own clubhouse, you know? And then you get like a like, a magnet for all the Bitcoins that are coming. They can Exactly. Directly there. Yeah. Go here. Yep. Find the community and, you know, start doing our thing.
[00:24:21] Unknown:
Exact yeah. I mean, it really because I know, like, for me, like, as somebody who you know, when I was learning about Bitcoin, it was during COVID too. Like, I didn't know anybody in the space, and I went to my first the Bitcoin conference in Miami Two Years ago, not and and it was just like, oh my gosh. Who are all these people? And they were amazing. And so it was just like, when you have in person experiences, especially as a woman, a lot of times it's, you know, 90% dudes and some of us girls, you know. And so it's even a little more intimidating. I mean, I'm not that intimidated because I'm just like, hey. What's up? I have a question, you know. But some women are just like, oh, I don't wanna you know. And and so it's like the more that you can have those in person experiences, whether it's Bitcoin Atlantis, whether it's the hubs, whether it's a regular meetup, whether it's a summit, it's so, so important that we get to, like, hug each other and be together. You know what I mean? And high five and be like, oh my god. You're real. You're not just, like, a meme person on social media.
Absolutely. Like, Do you gotta do something?
[00:25:27] Unknown:
No. No. It was my wife sending me because she's picking up the kids at school. Cool.
[00:25:34] Unknown:
Yay. Wife for for orange pilling you and telling you to turn off the TV.
[00:25:39] Unknown:
Yeah. And then she was controlling. Are you watching the news again? You're like, no. It's just DJ Val. We're talking about you.
[00:25:49] Unknown:
Okay. So, Andre, tell us about, so so we talked you you kind of brushed on a couple of things. Obviously, you've got Sovereign Engineering cohort, and, you know, that's a big deal. Do you wanna just talk about that really briefly and then let people know, like Sure. You know, that's that's mostly run by Gigi and Pablo. Yeah. And I'm I'm the Fiat side of things, you know, the incorporation and the legal and all that stuff.
[00:26:11] Unknown:
We do software engineering nowadays at CoWork for Shell, which is one of my businesses. It's a co working, space downtown, that I had previously. I I I own core for shop for eleven years now. And, but it's a it's a great project. We were about to launch cohort number four. We had three, in '24. The first one, finished well, it was organized to finish during the Bitcoin Atlantis, where they did the the final pitch, during Bitcoin Atlantis. And that was quite special, because the first cohort had the, you know, Jack Mallers and Jack Dorsey in the room to to watch the final pitch.
That was amazing. But then the work continued. We are number two. We are number three. It was great. Every time there's a bunch of of developers and also UX people and so on joining for for, you know, six weeks of of basically brainstorming on how to direct these new protocols, you know, to to his brighter goals that everyone wants them to achieve. And, yeah, number four is about to start, and it's great again. We have, I think, more than 20 people over for six weeks again.
[00:27:29] Unknown:
It's it's so incredible. What do you think what's the biggest outcomes that you're seeing? Like, are you seeing people, like,
[00:27:35] Unknown:
getting their business ideas, like, more solidified when they're doing this? Or how what are you seeing? You have to talk to Gigi about that because he's a technical guy. Yeah. There were a lot of projects coming out of SEC already, mostly on the nostrils space. Things like Blossom, for example, that how are that now are, you know, a no brainer for on the nostrils space. But there are many, many others. So and that's the idea that, you know, you put a few minds together and just, you know, on a conversation, on a hike around Madara, suddenly they understand something that they wouldn't they were not getting there. And, you know, especially, Gigi has some magical fingers on guiding the people on the right direction and putting the perspective on.
It's crazy to see. I'm not a technical guy again, and I'm flabbergasted on the most things that I see, happening there. It's red. And and it's still an evolving project. We are, fiddling around, changing things from cohort to cohort, and, it it keeps getting better.
[00:28:42] Unknown:
It's incredible. And so, and and it when is this one can people still apply? Is it too late for this cohort? They can. They can still apply, actually. If you go you're well, you're already,
[00:28:54] Unknown:
showing the website. If you can go there, you can apply. It starts in one month, so you need to be kind of fast now. Because, especially, it's you have to come for this full six weeks, the Madera. So you have to commit to come for the six weeks. And, of course, there's planning to do, like, flights and accommodations and so on. But, yeah, still open.
[00:29:16] Unknown:
And can you help people with your your an island apart, like, with your rentals and stuff? Sure. Well, we can.
[00:29:22] Unknown:
We did that in the past for for some people. But, actually, we that's one of the things that evolved as well. Nowadays, we have a signal group for all the cohort members. Cool. And they usually arrange to, you know, to stay together somewhere, which is even better.
[00:29:38] Unknown:
Awesome. And then, and let's talk about the golden visa. Like, what is that? Like, a lot of people, I think, are, you know, interested in you know, especially somebody my age. My kids are just out of the house now, and I'm like, I don't need to stay here all year. I wanna go travel. I wanna be around Bitcoiners. I definitely wanna be
[00:29:57] Unknown:
participating and educating and, you know, other places in the world. Like, what what is the golden visa for for people? So this was an idea that I had a few years ago, actually, already when we when before Miami, when I launched the Mossera books, I already thought about something similar. But at the time, I was gonna launch an investment fund that were that was able to invest in real estate in Madeira. K. Because at the time, it was possible for a, let's say, a United States citizen to buy a property in Madeira. If it was over 100 sorry. Over €500,000, he could apply for citizenship through the investment in the property.
Okay. But then the Portuguese state, the Portuguese government stopped, with the real estate investment. And, you know, it was there in the back of the brain. I didn't know exactly what to do until summer this year or last year. I saw oh, and side note: Golden Visa program was only available through investment funds now. Through investment funds? Through investment funds. Yes. Through investment funds. So an individual couldn't apply. You had to be part of an investment fund. You could you you had to invest in an investment fund. But most investment funds, they would do fiat things, like, you know, some company doing solar panels somewhere or, you know, some fiat stuff.
It was not really interesting for Bitcoiners, but there was demand from Bitcoiners, basically, because they wanted a second passport. They wanted a European passport. So when I saw the launch of a fund on, I think, beginning of the summer last year, and this fund says it invests in in Bitcoin through ETFs, but there was some wording around it. You know, they had to keep it open to we're we're going to invest in in blockchain projects and, you know, Web three development. You know, that kind of Mhmm. Shitcoin bullshit narratives. Yeah. So it wasn't really interesting, but it made me think. And I said, well, if you can if they can do this, if if they can do an investment fund to invest in Bitcoin to through BlackRock ETFs, I'm sure I can do something better.
So I started working, and a few a few months later, we are about to launch the this product. And so it's an investment fund, same thing. But the investment thesis is much easier. We invest 80% in b BTC directly. That will be custody, with NYDIG, which is a brilliant partner to have. Ross Stevens. Yeah. Yes. Amazing. Shout out to Ross Stevens. He was really important for us on on not only on my orange filling trip, my personal orange filling trip, but also for Bitcoin Atlantis. They were one of the major supporters of Bitcoin Atlantis, which was amazing.
[00:32:56] Unknown:
[00:32:57] Unknown:
And now I'm very happy to have them as partners on this new, amazing venture. I I couldn't I couldn't
[00:33:05] Unknown:
[00:33:06] Unknown:
hoped for I couldn't have hoped for better partners for this project, honestly. Oh my god. And, and the other 20%, we're going to reinvest on the Bitcoin ecosystem through EgoDeth Capital. So Jeff Booth, Preston Preston Lin, and and Nico, their company, that invest in seed and a ace a how do they call it? You know, all that investment lingo, seed stage and series a's and series b's on on Bitcoin companies. So it's 100% invested on on the Bitcoin ecosystem. Wow. You will have to keep the investment eight years. So there's a maturity of eight years. So you're so you're basically forced HODLing for eight years the Bitcoin.
You will get your citizenship, you and the family. And
[00:34:02] Unknown:
in the end, we will pay back in SATS again. And is it still is are you still at management fees of Are you at that €500,000 threshold? So you're still so you're in minimum investment in order to get this golden visa. You're doing your eight year HODL for 500 k, euro. And and then what what's the return that people like, you're you know, is it what do you think people would get? No. The major perspective here is that you don't have to lose the Bitcoin. That's the major point. You're just sticking it there if it's your savings account. See, our competition basically is,
[00:34:39] Unknown:
funds that will invest in other fiat products. And and for Bitcoiners, that was the the hard part because they are losing all the gains that they believe Bitcoin will do in eight years. Eight years is two cycles. So Yeah. You know, back of the napkin math. Okay? 500 k, it's roughly 5 Bitcoin at the time we speak. Right? So you have to invest 5 Bitcoin. That's true. You have to, you know, lose the custody of those 5 Bitcoin. Yeah. And there will be, of course, a management fee and the 10% carry in the end. That's Okay. Also true. So you you won't be able to to keep the 5 Bitcoin at the end of it. But let's say over this eight years, because even this is worst case scenario.
You out of those 5 Bitcoin in fees and and whatever else, you lose 1 Bitcoin. In the end, we'll give you back 4. So this is no brainer for for Bitcoiners nowadays, compared to the other options in the markets.
[00:35:49] Unknown:
Well yeah. And to get that ability to have that second passport is important for for a lot of folks. That's the main goal. Are there okay. It's a very specific let's be honest. This is very specific niche market Yeah. For Bitcoiners
[00:36:02] Unknown:
who want a second passport, a Portuguese passport.
[00:36:06] Unknown:
And and can you help people understand too that, like, because Madeira is a semiautonomous region. It's got a different set of governance. Like, why is Madeira different than the rest of Portugal and the rest of the EU?
[00:36:20] Unknown:
Well, we're still obliged. Well, we're still under, the umbrella of the EU and the Portuguese national government. That's for sure. We have some autonomy. It's, you know, officially, it's a semi autonomous region of Portugal. We have our own government, our own president, but it's it's limited powers. So I would say on the most important things, we have very limited powers. Like, we cannot, let's say, create new taxes or get rid of taxes. We can only apply a difference between the taxes in the mainland and the taxes in the island. For example, capital gains tax on companies are reduced in Madeira. Okay.
It's that they applied the 30% difference, between the taxes there and here. But for example, you know, as I said in the beginning, we cannot, you know, state that Bitcoin is legal tender, for example. Right. Although, you know, it's not a not a thing that I really like. You know, as much as as I admire, Bukele's action, for example, you know, in El Salvador,
[00:37:32] Unknown:
I think the best one money needs to to win in the market and not be imposed by a central, you know, decision maker. I I agree. But but but also we've got the issue of, like you said, there's capital gains everywhere we're looking. Right? And so if it's not, quote, unquote, legal tender or, you know, you're dealing with people who don't want to spend it because they don't want the accounting nightmare of, is this a short term? Is this a long term? You know?
[00:37:58] Unknown:
In Portugal, but this is not only. This is applies to the whole of Portugal. It's actually one of the best jurisdictions in Europe because you do have to pay, capital tax gains, but over one year one year, you pay zero. So for Bitcoiners it's we're HODLing, so it's fine.
[00:38:19] Unknown:
Okay. So hold on. Let me so if if I'm transacting in Bitcoin and I'm a company in in the EU or Portugal or Madera or all of the above?
[00:38:28] Unknown:
In a company, it's different because in a company, it will be accounted as a as a gain on the company. You have to pay, you know, your normal corporate tax gains on whatever, either be real estate, Bitcoin, or whatever gains you do in the company. But on a personal level, you don't have to pay taxes if you hold the assets for over one year.
[00:38:50] Unknown:
But, like, if I'm in it let's say I'm a whatever. I'm me. I'm a coach. I get, you know, whatever, a Bitcoin a year that's coming into me for my payments. Am I paying in addition to, like, personal income tax, the capital gains tax on that? No. No. No. No. No. If you're If I'm spending it. If I spend it. If I convert it into euros or whatever, you know, and I need to go pay my mortgage with it?
[00:39:13] Unknown:
It's it's a it's a gray area, honestly. It's it's very hard to handle because if you because I use it as payments. Yeah. I don't I don't in the companies as well. I use it as money. Yeah. I account I account it as money. You know, money goes in, money goes out. But the ones you keep as as a reserve, if it eventually is accounted as profit next year of the company, you do have to pay corporate tax gains on those on the profits.
[00:39:39] Unknown:
[00:39:41] Unknown:
It's sometimes it's it's a very great even the accountant sometimes is
[00:39:44] Unknown:
I mean, it's a bit of a problem. So And that's I think that's the frustrating part with the medium of exchange. Like, I'm hosting a thing next Tuesday with the women, and we're you know, we've got a couple of the CPAs, Joe and Seth from Satoshi Pacioli, shout out guys. They're coming to help us do a a tax, you know, workshop. And and I think that's something that people are very nervous about because they don't wanna mess it up. They don't want this giant government to come in and start saying, you did it wrong, and we need to, you know, take money away from you. And so I think people are most of us HODLers, we're like, cool. Great. I put a hundred of dollars worth of Bitcoin away today, and I'm gonna save it for my kids. You know? And that's what we wanna do. But when we do start looking at it as a form of money and currency, then it gets like, oh, gosh. I sent somebody some stats on Noster, or I bought a cup of coffee with it, and the price went up from last week when I bought it. Do I have to pay taxes on Yeah. A cup of coffee? I'll be honest. I I don't account for it. You know, I use it as money. So and I think it's so important to use it as money. Yeah.
[00:40:49] Unknown:
I go on a merchant. I pay with my lightning wallet. I don't think about it. Oh. You know, if eventually they come after me with all the I'll give them you know, this was money that I bought, like, three years ago. I don't know. You you search for it.
[00:41:06] Unknown:
I know. And it's just so crazy too because it's like we're I mean, you know, I think relatively speaking, we're small potatoes compared to, like, you know, these multibillion and trillion dollar industries that are what we're finding out now, certainly in our government, that there there's just been this money laundering situation that's happening. You know? Yeah. So I'm like, leave us alone. We're just like normal people trying to raise our families and, you know, build this new new world. Let's talk about Bitcoin Atlantis, Andre.
Like, dude. Dude. It was magical. Are you kidding me? Like, I just like, I didn't know what to expect. And just like it started, you know, you just even just getting off the airplane and when we were all in Lisbon and there was all these people. And I'm like, you're you're we're all going. And then we had to go get on this little plane and go to the island, and I'm just like, what the heck is going on here? And, I mean, it felt like this just this most beautiful family reunion, which I think most Bitcoin events do, but, like, this is your first massive Bitcoin event that you did. I mean, it was huge. It wasn't just some, hi. I did a meetup with 20 people at the coffee shop. Like, you completely this was insane. Like, tell me how that came about. I mean, because your team was incredible.
[00:42:24] Unknown:
It was nuts. It was crazy. You know? When we started the Freedom of Data project, I have I I'm very fortunate to have an amazing advisory board. You know? I had Jeff Booth. I had Gigi. I had, Larry, Troy Cross, Greg, you know, Samson, Max DeMarco, Jonah Camaut. I don't you name it. Yeah. Everybody. Like, all these people. We started having some conversations about all the projects that we wanted to do in free Madera and so on. And, eventually, in one of the meetings, I said, hey, guys. What about we do a small conference here in Nevada, you know, to kick start the thing, you know, like, bring some attention. And and my idea was to bring the advisory board over. Do something small, like, ten ten ten speakers, whatever.
But then it's all Jeff Booth's fault because because he said, yeah. You know, you know, I said, yeah. Maybe we invite some people. And he said, I'll reach out to some people. And then, you know, one week later, he's like, oh, you know, Jack Dorsey is on board. And I was like, what?
[00:43:38] Unknown:
Wait. Hold on. Hold on. What? What did you say,
[00:43:40] Unknown:
Jack Dorsey? No. I'm I miss hearing this for sure. And, eventually, we we sent the invitation to Michael Sailor as well, and, he accepted. So there was a point that I said that I'm gonna swear again. I said, just fuck it. If I'm doing this, let's do it big. Go big or go home, Andre. That's my motto, brother. This is not small anymore. I cannot host Jack Dorsey and Michael Sailor on a really small event somewhere, like you said, on a meet up on a bar. Yeah. So fuck it. Let's do it. Let's do a conference in Madeira, a proper conference. Yeah. So we started working, and this was the result.
[00:44:24] Unknown:
I mean, it was pure signal. Pure signal. And I think that's it. Was amazing. It's pure signal, and I think that's what was really so special about it too, Andre, is because But we were we were very lucky all the way through. I absolutely get. It was great. I mean, the weather was killer. Everything was We were very, very strict on the sponsorships, on the people we invited, or it was Bitcoin only
[00:44:49] Unknown:
completely. We were lucky on the venue space. The government this was where the government helped. The president helped us get the venue the stadium. Mhmm. And, honestly, I brought the idea to the stadium to the government because there was no other place that we could do something as big, in in Fuschau, in in the in the capital. So, you know, I brought this crazy idea of doing it in the stadium. The president says, okay. Let's try, and he he could get the stadium for us. It was freaking amazing. And then everything else turned out to be great because this we designed this I think this place was amazing. It was incredible. Yeah. The whole idea of bringing the kids over, doing the kids' space, bringing the families.
[00:45:37] Unknown:
Okay. The energy I gotta pause you right there. I gotta pause you right there. Andre, that was the best part of the whole conference was the kids' zone. Like, seriously? The kids' Doesn't change. It won't change. Area.
[00:45:49] Unknown:
But it wasn't only the kids' zone because it was how much everything else changed because of that. Yes. Because the wives came, the kids came, the energy of the space changed drastically.
[00:46:02] Unknown:
Exactly. And that's something, like, when I was in El Salvador for the first year a couple years ago, and, and and I was just so impressed. Oh my god. Come on, little brain. Samantha DeWalt. When I got to see Samantha speak. Right? And it was my first conference in El Salvador, and I got to MC. And and when I saw her speak, I'm just, like, my jaw. I was like, get off the floor, Val. You know? I was so impressed with this beautiful young child who was 11 at the time when she was speaking. And I'm like, you're smarter than pretty much anybody in the room. You know? And, like, obviously, Ben is her, you know, her dad, and so it was like, wow. And we just started talking, you know, and she came on my show a couple years ago, and it was just like, what do you, you know, what do you guys think about having, like, kids areas and young people's areas in any of these conferences? Because I was like, you're probably one of the only young people at this event, you know, like, wouldn't it be fun if you had an area with a whole bunch of other friends? And it was just a little chat. And just the fact that everybody, you know, they go went and made all these things happen. And so now it's like because you think about it. Right? If you're whatever. If you work for a company, if you're a, you know, podcaster, whoever, if you're somebody who has to be on the road a lot and going to these conferences and you're leaving your family at home, they're gonna kinda get a little like, dude, that's lame. You know? And so I was like, wouldn't it be better if, like, a family that stacks together stays together and, like, you have these family experiences so that it's, like, cool. The girls and the wives can go here because Natalie's doing her brunch, you know? And then we've got the family areas, and it's like,
[00:47:40] Unknown:
there's something for everybody, you know, and it makes so much sense. The smart decisions from start. This was one of them. You know, I'm a father of four. So and I remember, like, there was a moment that I I don't forget. Like, I was in Amsterdam. I think it was when we announced the FIMADERA Association, finally. I was on the secondary stage. I was listening to a talk, and there was this kid, must have been, like, one year old, just crawling around with these kids' headphones because it was so noisy. And I thought and I I remember thinking, like, this is not really a cool space for kids. The you know, it was just because not only it was not cool for the kid, for the baby, it was not cool for the other ones as well because it was not a kid's space, so it it was just disturbing.
Right. And I thought, man, this is really not a cool conference for families. Yeah. So when we started designing our own, I from start that I said to the team, look, we need to make this family friendly. And it was also part of the narrative. We live in a beautiful island in the middle of the Atlantic. We want to be sort of a vacation kind of, conference. Right. Come to Madara. You know, the the motto was come to Madara for a vacation. And, by the way, there's a conference in the middle of it.
[00:49:01] Unknown:
Sorry. The conference.
[00:49:03] Unknown:
Madara is already a fantastic space. It's it sells for itself once once you know it. Yeah. It is. And, and, yeah, we we decided to make it family friendly and kids friendly from start, and we started giving a lot of, importance to the to the kids area. And even I was surprised on how much it changed the whole energy of the space. It was freaking amazing to have all the kids and the families and the wives and everything else. It is. And and it's like the the kids being able to have the microphones.
[00:49:34] Unknown:
You know? I remember talking with Samantha, and I was like, how can us adults help you, young people? You know? How can we be the wind beneath your wings? You know? And she was just like, give us the mic. Like, let us talk, you know? Because a lot of times, it sets adults talking at younger people, and they're just like, okay, whatever. And so, you know, it matters, like, if you're eight years old and you've got an 11 year old trying to teach you, you're gonna listen versus, like, a 40 year old. You know? I've got a lot of interesting conversations on on that front. Yeah. Even the adults that went there, we had some really good talks
[00:50:06] Unknown:
there. There was a lot of cool workshop for for kids as well. You know, shout out to Frankie. She helped a lot on the kids' lives. Richard from Lightning Piggies and, and so many others. Sorry if I forget the names. People people will get offended because I forget the name. It was just a crazy thing. Lot. And then there was the, you know, there was the learning Bitcoin room and the and the hardware room with Ben and, you know, actually, Looking Glass was there with, Daz and and, And Seb. And Seb and and oh, what's what's her name again? Oh my god.
[00:50:41] Unknown:
Not Dea. Oh god.
[00:50:43] Unknown:
Dahlia. Yeah. Dahlia. I know. Dahlia, and there was also, the learning Bitcoin. They had the oh my god. I'm terrible with names right now. Well, that was that was another thing. All the community reached out to help. When I invited people over because we had the idea to decentralize the organization in a way, like, you know, learning Bitcoin. Yeah. We wanna do this room, but it's not gonna be us managing the programming. Let's invite people that are better than us. You know, BGC sessions was was there. Yes. Ben Perron. And, shit. What's his name? I'm such a good friend. Jesus Christ. I forget.
From Roatan.
[00:51:26] Unknown:
[00:51:28] Unknown:
Dusan. Dusan. Dusan. Dusan. Yeah. He was there as well at learning Bitcoin. Yeah. And, all the hardware community guys on the other, room as well. Yeah. And on the book, part, it was an amazing stage as well. Totally. Lot of books, lot of interesting conversations, more smaller place. It's just so and the location was great because it was everybody went through there. Yeah. You had to go there, and you had to go to the art gallery with Fractal and everything that he did. Oh my gosh. I think Fractal for the conference was the best decision of my life. Yeah. He's the shit, dude. The art gallery was freaking amazing. Shout out to Fractal, like, my man.
[00:52:08] Unknown:
I know. Like, just I I love him so much. He's somebody I've admired since the second I saw his work. I was like, who is this guy? You know? But, like, his attention to detail and this just, like, meticulousness, and you're just like, wow. You're like a computer, but you can, like, express the computer thing in physical reality for us to kinda look at. Like Do you remember his piece at the conference?
[00:52:30] Unknown:
The central piece that he had?
[00:52:32] Unknown:
Yes. Oh my gosh. The the in the big in the break right when we walked in. Right? In that big case. Mine now. It's in the Oh my gosh. I'm so I love it so much. You have oh my god. Oh, I think you know what? We were in Miami for New Year's, and he was telling me about something with the customs, and there was some issues. Yep. Yep. Yeah. They had issues there, and I ended up just saying Fractal. Like, I got it. I I I'm lucky you, dude. I I'll have it. It's it's it's such an amazing piece that I I It's just yeah. It's just it's Like and and see, that's I think, Andre, was so fascinating for so many people, you know, and a lot of the people who listen to my show are very, you know, artistic. We're into healing. We're into, you know, making the world a better place. We're not just like chart and graph readers necessarily. You know, maybe some people are, but like a lot of people think like, well, how can I participate in this whole big Bitcoin movement?
You know? And I'm like, there's so many ways. You know? You could be a writer like Tomer. You could be an artist like Fractal. You could be a musician like Tip or Roger nine thousand, you know? Or Oh, Tip. The the video she did for me. Oh my god. I know. Right? That was another good decision. When I reached out to her and I said I wanted something new and so on, and she was so excited. And and the video was
[00:53:45] Unknown:
amazing. She is such And then I saw it again in Nashville at the HRF summit. She used the same video that she did in my dad, and I was so proud to be Right? Like, because she did that. Like, and and She did that from my dad, and I was so proud to see it, you know, everywhere. Yeah. And she was And and and but the community was amazing, Valerie. Everybody helped. You helped. You you played on on one of the, you know, we did a lot. I didn't even speak about that. A lot of satellite events Totally. From golf tournaments to parties to, you know, the the the the bit the conference. We had the small conference, one day conference for Bitcoin in Portuguese on another, place.
There were so many things happening. And the oh, and Theo Katz went on the music concert in the Totally. Yep. And the Bitcoin Film Festival, they did that half day. Everything. Everything was so amazing, and everyone helped. The the community was amazing. Shout out to Marce, to Anna, to Rockstar. To Jamal, to oh my god. So so many people helped in this conference. Totally. And and we were very lucky also with the the local production team, LaFalda, Luiza, Carlin, Poyodro, everybody from from my team that helped and put out the work to do such a great, conference. It really was. And Luiza are still working with me.
I knew them for the production. I love them so much that I hired them after the conference, and they're still working with me. And we are already planning '28.
[00:55:15] Unknown:
Twenty '8 is gonna be so great. It's gonna be so great. For '28. That's gonna be it. I can't wait for '28. Yeah. That's gonna be a good That's a good slogan, Nava. I I know. I've I'm I'm kinda good at that. I I don't know. I'm I'm I don't know. I'm a nerd. Maybe I'll steal it from you. Hold on. Take it, please. I can't wait for twenty eight. Twice. Can't wait for twenty eight. It'll be like all the the the ramp leading up to the the excitement. You know, I always think about, like, you know, the roller coaster rides, and when you hear the click click click click click when you're getting up to the top and you're just like, I'm so excited.
I'm scared. I'm excited. Click click click click. I know it's gonna be awesome. You know, like, you can do that. I can't wait for 28. Click click click. TikTok tick tock. Whatever. I know. And it was so cool because, like, you know, I got the privilege of introducing Tip when she was coming on, you know, to the stage. And then, and then afterwards, you know, Natalie is like, Val, we've got about ten minutes before Jeff comes up. You know, can you go up and talk? And I'm like, heck yeah. Why not? And so I was like, I went up and I did the whole bit more for peace thing. And, and it was completely freestyled, but it's, like, obviously, what I do and my passion and how I I talk. So it was such a blessing to get to, like, be there, you know, talking about life and bringing a couple people on stage and talking about their projects. And then, of course, Jeff and his wonderful, talk, everybody was crying.
And then, of course,
[00:56:44] Unknown:
Andre. Everybody was crying at the end of that talk. What's going on? We were all crying at the end of someone else's talk. Mine
[00:56:52] Unknown:
as well. Yeah. You were. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not crying. You're crying.
[00:56:59] Unknown:
Because it was such a trip, especially for those who were closer to me at the time and were involved in the whole process, like Jeff and Daniel Prince and Knut and so on. It was very emotional, because everything happened so fast. Madeira was not even the rider of no one, like, one year before the conference. Yeah. And then one year later, we put out that thing, with 3,000 people in Madara and the weather and the energy and all the events and everything where everybody was crying. Everybody's crying.
[00:57:28] Unknown:
It was crazy. I mean, it was literally, like, heaven opened up and just said, this is blessed. This experience and all of these people have been so uniquely blessed, and and I feel very, like It was good. Thank you so much. You for inviting me talking about it, the memories the memories come, and it's it's crazy how good it was. It is. It was so good, and it's gonna continue to grow and get better, and and it'll be you know, can't wait for '28. Is there any I know we're at the top of the hour, so I wanna respect your time. And, again, thank you so I mean, seriously, like, the the signal of the conference, what was so cool, you know, because, like and then I appreciate these other large conferences, and I know you know what I'm talking about because it does give some awareness to people. But it's like, when you truly wanna have just a full vitamin experience of vitamin b and vitamin love, it's like go to a full signal conference like Bitcoin Atlantis, you know, and and it makes very good. It's so different. It's just such a different experience. You're not gonna have somebody coming up to you and going, hey. Do you want one of my ETH stickers? Yeah. That's never happening. You know what I mean? And so, again and I'm grateful for the other conferences that do massive stuff because it really does create a different level of of of awareness and reach. But this They all have they all have their place. They have their place and purpose, and I love them all. And, you know, but this is, like, something for Yep. Anybody who's out there.
[00:58:58] Unknown:
This is what we we, you know, after the conference settled down, finally, when we we are able to breathe again, because FreeMedire was put on hold because the the conference was such a big venture Yeah. That we stopped. And and that was actually and this is just a small story before we go. Before that last, appearance on stage, everybody was pressuring me pressuring me to announce, Free Madara twenty five because everybody's having such a great time. The energy was amazing. Everybody was happy. I remember Daniel asking on stage, who wants to do it next year? And everybody was like, hey. It's been crazy. And, there was a lot of pressure on me to you have to announce it. You have to announce it and so on.
But I decided not to do it. I said, you know, next year next year, we'll we'll see about it what about that. And it was the best thing I did because Mhmm. After everything settled down, I realized the most important three miller work was put on hold because of the conference. And although the conference was amazing and we'll do it again Yep. If we did it every year, we would just be a conference organizer. And we have a lot more to do. And this is where the signal comes again. We want to keep the high signal. We want to work a lot on the Filmeda project, on the education, on the workshops, on the energy, on the lobbying, on on the Bitcoin business, on on everything. And then and then suddenly, I had this idea. Well, maybe I'll do, like, the Bitcoin. I'll do, like, the protocol.
I'll do it every four years. Yeah. We can have a big blast on a halving year because it was a halving year Mhmm. Before. And on the bear market, we work and we build. Yep. And the narrative was amazing. I said, fuck it. I know what I'm gonna do now. And so I reached out to the advisory board. They thought the idea was amazing, and so we decided to do it every four years. And that's how it goes. And I think that's gonna make it so much more special, Andre, because it it's Absolutely. It's one of those things that
[01:00:58] Unknown:
if it's every year, you might be like, oh, well, it's okay if I miss this year because of dah dah dah dah dah. But if it's every four years, you're like, I'm not missing that. You know what I mean? Like, that's marketing one zero one too.
[01:01:11] Unknown:
No. There was a lot of there was a lot of pros. And, honestly, I couldn't see a lot of cons. Yeah. Maybe the con would be, you know, the the conference was actually financially positive, which was great as well for a first conference. And and it was very helpful for Free Madera that we suddenly had, some some money to proceed with all the the the projects that we had. But it's not all about the money, and we need we do need to build. And we do have help from from some people. We have some donations, and I invite everyone to help us if you can. We're doing a lot of work here. Every help is appreciated.
And yeah. And we'll we'll keep build we'll keep building. If you wanna reach out to us, as Valerie's, showing on screen. Mhmm. And we have the the Twitter handle and the Instagram handle and all that shit that the communication department takes care of. And they're amazing too, by the way. God bless you guys. They are amazing. And then we changed the the we have oh, sorry. We have the new logo and very, very close to launch the the new website. We already have the store online at as I mentioned before. Cool. But the new website is gonna be great. We're gonna have a lot of content, a lot of news. And if you wanna follow us, the best way is to subscribe to the newsletter because every month we we send a big newsletter with everything that we're doing.
[01:02:41] Unknown:
And, yeah, and visit Madeira because it's amazing. It is amazing. I know. I can't wait to come back and and see you guys hopefully before 2028. I have a feeling I will be there before 2028. A lot of people are coming, which is great. Yeah. It's I mean, you guys, it's so beautiful. It's seriously it's like it's this idyllic, gorgeous island. And I didn't even get to go up to the the like, I because I didn't stay longer. You have to come back. And and and and and I wanna stay an extra couple days because, like, everybody was going on the forest hikes and all the gorgeous stuff. And I was like, what do you mean? I'm I don't wanna be scared. I gotta get on a plane. I was like, oh, no, Val. I couldn't yeah. So, anyways, like, it's always worth staying a few extra days when you're in these magical places. Oh, I would say a week. Yeah. It yeah. If you come to Modena, stay for a week after the conference. Totally. And, I'm so excited. So, yeah, thanks again, Andre. I'm so grateful for you and all the work you're doing. And, I mean, what a magical blessing. Right? Like, all the beautiful people that you've brought together and that we keep supporting each other, like and I know you're an entrepreneur, obviously. Right? And so I am too.
What other industry, quote, unquote, has this many people who will just show up and come together and just, like, rally and not think like, oh, I gotta get paid for this thing. You know? Oh, I just lost you. Shoot. Are you there, Andre? You're frozen, my brother. Hopefully, it's not me freezing. Andre, I've I've lost you. You've turned into a giant frozen sculpture. Well, okay, guys. If Andre comes back, that would be cool. But if not, my point was I was making with our beautiful friend Andre was like, what other industry out there are there? Literally dozens and hundreds and thousands of people who wanna come together and support it and not think like, well, you need to pay me a whole bunch of money, and I need to be rich and da da da. It's like, no. We all just show up because we believe in this mission. And that's what's, like, super duper cool about Bitcoin, and that's what's super cool about our community is, you know, people volunteer. You know, some people need to at least get expenses paid so that, you know, they can, you know, be even some people are just like, I got lots of money. I'm gonna donate or be a sponsor. And it's like, it's very, very unity and community oriented. And what I think is so special about that is, you know, coming from the music world, coming from a, you know, a hedge fund world with my ex. And, you know, everybody's just, like, scratching for the pennies. You know what I mean? And they're not in this, like, collaborative spirit as much as we are as Bitcoiners. And that's what I feel like it's extremely it's just so humbling and beautiful because it's always something that I thought we could do as humans is be, be collaborative, you know, and not feel like, oh, if I win, you lose. It's like, no. If I win, you win, and we win, and the tides rise, and all those good things that people say.
So I think it's very important that anybody who's listening right now understands, like, Bitcoin is a unique spiritual shift and a mechanism that can help transforms our body, minds, heart, soul, finances, relationships, environment, etcetera, and our culture and our communities. And so that's what's the magic about Bitcoin. So check out, and I in an hour, well, fifty minutes from now, I've got John Dennehy coming up, and he is with me premier Bitcoin in one of my most favorite organizations on Earth that is, teaching tens of thousands of people all over the world about Bitcoin using their Bitcoin diploma. So stay tuned. And, Andre, I love you. Thank you so much for tuning in, and, I'll tag you later. And god bless and god bless everybody who tuned in. So if you guys want, tune in again in another, like, fifty minutes, and I'll be doing another livestream with John. Until then, peace, love, and warm aloha.
Introduction and Guest Introduction
Discovering Madeira and Bitcoin
Journey into Bitcoin
The Impact of COVID on Bitcoin Adoption
Changing Perspectives and Family Influence
Bitcoin's Influence on Business Culture
The Birth of Free Madeira
Free Madeira's Mission and Achievements
Energy Projects and Future Plans
Sovereign Engineering Cohort
Golden Visa and Investment Opportunities
Madeira's Unique Governance
Bitcoin Atlantis Conference
Future of Free Madeira and Conferences