Debating the Alpha Male: Red Pill Realities and Occult Insights
The Alpha Male Myth: Red Pill Ideals vs. Reality
Red Pill Controversies and the Alpha Male Debate
Exploring Masculinity: Alpha Males, Red Pills, and Occult Wisdom
Alpha Males and Red Pills: A Deep Dive into Modern Masculinity
In this episode, we dive into a lively debate on the concept of the alpha male, exploring its traditional definitions in both animal and human behavior. Our guest, GLO of Mystic Visions, joins us to discuss his controversial book, "The Pillars of Wisdom," which has sparked heated discussions in the manosphere and beyond. We examine the cultural construct of the alpha male, its traits, and how it intersects with issues of confidence, social interaction, and sexual relationships.
We also delve into the red pill ideology, questioning its impact on society and whether it truly helps men become alpha males. GLO shares his perspective on the red pill as a coping mechanism for urban men in transient environments, while our hosts challenge the notion of philandering as a path to alpha status.
The conversation takes a turn into the realm of the occult, as we discuss the dissemination of esoteric knowledge and its potential consequences. We touch on the influence of the Theosophical Society and the blending of various spiritual traditions. Our guest shares his experiences with critics, including a bad faith heated exchange with an Indian Satanist, highlighting the challenges of promoting controversial ideas.
(00:00:52) Introduction and Hurricane Stories
(00:02:38) Debate on the Concept of Alpha Male
(00:05:07) Opening Statements and Introductions
(00:07:03) Animal vs. Social Definitions of Alpha Male
(00:09:17) Red Pill Ideology and Urban Life
(00:13:12) Critique of Red Pill and Philandering
(00:18:03) The Role of Sexual Relationships in Red Pill
(00:25:01) Consequences of Red Pill Philosophy
(00:33:07) Population Growth and Military Strategy
(00:39:01) Debate on Population and Immigration
(00:48:00) The Occult and Esoteric Knowledge
(00:55:00) Discussion on Occult Practices and Society
(01:06:03) Religious History and Cultural Influence
(01:14:20) Judaism and Historical Context
(01:28:03) Debate on Occult Knowledge and Chaos Magic
(01:53:44) Critique of Occult Order and Online Presence
(02:04:03) Closing Thoughts and Future Discussions
- Steve Poikkanen
Delivery, doctors. Deliverating. I do.
[00:00:32] Unknown:
9, 8, 7, 5,
[00:00:37] Unknown:
4, 3, 2, 1, fight.
[00:00:53] Unknown:
Hey, Steve. We're back again on a Tuesday night. Woah.
[00:00:59] Unknown:
Congratulations, Ben, for making it take longer than a trip to Gilligan's Island. That was that was special.
[00:01:08] Unknown:
Causing some hurricane hurricanes, I heard. You brought them with you, those heavy strong winds and rain.
[00:01:14] Unknown:
Marcus and I went through a hurricane. I got hit by a truck in a parking lot walking, and I was in a no parking zone that was paid and got smoked by a big truck and sent flying. Freaking my damn truck broke down and a half abandoned coal coal mining town in Wyoming that is amazingly like if you've ever seen, oh, brother, where art thou, where every single part was, like, 5 days away. And he's like, this is a geological anomaly. I was like, how did I wind up there? What the hell?
[00:01:50] Unknown:
It was capacity was from. It was quite the anomaly. I know that my caravan of guys, we were on the I forty heading towards Asheville as Asheville was underwater and the I forty in the valley was collapsing on both sides of us. We got we got out of our cars because the traffic had stopped, and all the men out of their trucks were just looking around. One of our guys noticed that it was cement barriers between both lanes for miles and miles. Our car stopped right in front of the only removable gate between the I forty. So we started rocking and shaking it, and turns out the directions are printed on the gate of the barrier to be removed so we could take a u-turn and get out of there before we were trapped there for good. Now our guest tonight, Gelo, CEO of Mystic Visions, has written a manual, if you will, a kind of guide to the red pill, and that's what we're here to debate tonight.
[00:02:52] Unknown:
Perfect. Thank you so much for having you on. Really loved my last appearance. You're the best.
[00:02:57] Unknown:
Well, we're not gonna play nice tonight. Yeah. That's what I like to. We've got a debate. The gloves are coming off. I've got a real dumb intro to read here to make it official. Blue pillars, red pillars, and people of all pill colors. Welcome to deliberating dog face dudes debate on the concept of the alpha male. This term has been both celebrated and criticized in various circles. Are the critics harsh enough in their criticism? Let's explore the traditional definition of an alpha male in animal behavior and human behavior. The cultural construct of the alpha male in society and the various traits associated with alpha males.
What's the difference between a caveman and an alpha male? This is not a joke, and I demand an answer. Have other questions prepared too. Can a blue pilled man be an alpha male? Does the alpha male wear boxer's briefs are strictly commando? At the heart of our debate is the question of what it means to be an alpha male and how this concept intersects with issues of confidence, social interaction, and sexual relationships. Our debaters tonight may examine the role of confidence in social interactions, the relationship between alpha males and monogamy, and the contrasting mating systems of polygyny and polyandry.
We may also consider the possibility of asexual alpha male and the existence of spirituality, advanced, spiritually advanced Uber alpha grand vizier, vizier high wizards in occult orders. Are they just satanists? Throughout our discussion, we will keep in mind the complexity of the topic and the diversity of perspective on the alpha male. While the concept often includes sexual dominance, we will also explore the many contexts in which individuals can exhibit alpha traits without engaging in sexual relationships, becoming influential leaders, respected mentors, and authoritative figures in their community.
So we're ready to begin the debate. Is the red pill harmful? Who has an opening statement prepared?
[00:05:08] Unknown:
I'll just I'll just wing it. I I would argue that We all should probably give, introduce ourselves, especially give, GLO an opportunity
[00:05:16] Unknown:
to fully introduce himself and where everybody can find him. Obviously, I'm Benjamin Balderson. Find me here in Unweaving Spiders. When that starts going again after the baby, Rachel and Jim have a baby. And, my name, just type it in YouTube. I'm all over the place, but, let our guests or, Steve or somebody else get with that. Balderson. We have Steve from AM Wake Up Show. Steve.
[00:05:43] Unknown:
Hey. What's happening? Yeah. Steve Poikkanen. I host a hand wake up and a handful of other shows, and I'm a regular on a couple more. You can find everything in that universe at And as always, good to be here, fellas. Looking forward to it.
[00:06:03] Unknown:
I'll be moderating tonight as alanmarcusdot com. As always, It's a real website. Check it out. And we're here with GLO. Are we saying that right? Is it glow? Yeah. It's glow or GLO.
[00:06:16] Unknown:
I'm the author of the Pillars of Wisdom. Check out the pillars of I'm the top writer of the Red Pill subreddit. I had to beat a lot of people to get that title. They all hate me. And check out my substack, The Pillars of Wisdom, where I troll people all the time, and it's a brutal fight to the death every day. So that's that's what I do, and that's what I've done for the past decade. It's difficult being an alpha male online, so I'm a bit confused.
[00:06:45] Unknown:
Beautiful beautiful book. It really is extraordinarily well done.
[00:06:51] Unknown:
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Yeah. So let's let's talk, alpha male. So,
[00:06:58] Unknown:
you you are the guest. You go ahead, 5 minute in, 5 minute opening statements.
[00:07:03] Unknown:
So so there is an animal definition. There's a social definition. Right? And in the animal definition, let's say, with lions or gorillas, I think it's pretty straightforward. They they just beat each other up for the right to reproduce. I think that's the animal definition. We could dig more into it, but, like, really, who cares? Right? From a social definition, there is your social group, there's your socioeconomic group, there's your cultural group, and then there is your age cohort. Right? And so what it takes to dominate changes depending on, you know, what race you are, what age you are, what time you're in, and so the game is constantly evolving. There's a meta.
And, usually, if you do well within your meta, you're going to have access to more resources. And that's so we're gonna take a kind of a realist position there as opposed to a a liberal position where everyone can egalitarian get along. And different, historical periods, ethnic groups, cultural groups are going to fight differently, amongst each other. So, you know, what it means to be an alpha male is is contingent on your race, your culture, and, historicity. But but I would say that there's for men, there's always a some kind of competition for breeding rights. And whether that means being the best doctor or punching somebody out in a blue collar bar, that's just kind of, comes down to you and and where you're what social order you belong to, and what women you're looking for. So I think that's gonna be my position.
[00:09:09] Unknown:
Alright, sir. I would like to thank GLO for coming in today. I enjoyed our last interaction very much even though it was a different format. We asked GLO as a known red pill manosphere player to debate what is an alpha male and is the red pill harmful. I understand he doesn't represent the direction most red pill has taken, so we will take you at what you present and go from there. Additionally, from the way I understand it, GLO would like to debate some occult topics, which will be fun. When I think of the alpha male, the strongest in character, most desirable man in the community, the epitome of this is the husband.
I don't mean this in a simp to women manner, although marital husband is surely included. When I say husband, it is the act of husbandry in all ways. Many young boys first experience this with a dog. The act of caring for, learning subtle unspoken needs, developing empathy for, and experiencing the loyalty and love in response to being a proper husband. As a young man, when you take on your own land and home, suddenly every need immediately is on you. And if you hope to thrive, it's time to understand future needs quickly and act on those. The entirety of your existence depends on your decisions, and this includes the prosperity of the home and land itself.
You learn a few moments of selfishness and self created this in self centered decision making can cost an entire future breaking the symbiosis of home and homeowner. As you take on a wife and then have children, this becomes more complicated as humans are more complex than land, plants, and animals. Humans, especially of the opposite sex, can be very confusing. Suddenly people express wishes and needs that don't always further prosperity. You have to learn a further balance of happiness with those under you and continued prosperity. All while all while paying the attention most to the subtle, unspoken lessons you first learned.
It's easy enough to imagine being the head of the spear presented for danger. Although most today, their biggest danger is a sprained thumb and would never be that spearhead. It is much less glorious to picture to to picture imagining going against your loved ones wishes because you realize it needs to be done and standing tall in that. If this person becomes a community leader, this amplifies again, but the dance is the same. I'm sure many will agree with the points that I've already laid out. And a severe departure usually red pill related is philandering.
I have seen it spread around that because women desire a man desired by other women, that sleeping with many women makes you more desirable in a higher status man. The class of women who chase women being dated by others is extremely immature and toxic. Receiving their attention is the equivalent to an OnlyFans girl feeling she is high value because men want to sleep with her. 1 man who is very successful in the act of husbandry with 1 woman and that woman and his family stand fully and adoringly behind him is the most respected, high value man in this western society.
A man who acts in honor, stands by his principles, and most importantly is loved by his previous husbandry challenges. The act of sexual intercourse is fairly self explanatory given be be given being good at it hey. Come on now. Come on, guys. Serious. Come on, guys. K. The act of sexual intercourse is fairly self explanatory, given being good at it only includes reading those subtle signals your husband retaught you and caring. Even for the mainstream western leader and historical figures, philandering is a is a public opinion quick death.
The only advice I can see to give young men is to take your walk of husbandry seriously, and quality women will want you. Build a house for her to make a home, and she will come. Putting the cart before the horse never works, and chasing easy women, or worse, making good women easy, will never get you to the place you want to be. Become the men become the man women want. Don't twist yourself for easy pleasure. That is not an alpha male.
[00:14:40] Unknown:
Oh, your response? Before? So okay. So so what my my response is so I believe you you are, like, an agrarian conservative. Like, you you're attached to your land, and you're you're you're pretty stable where you are, and your your peer group is is constant. Like, they're also not, let's say, transient people. Is that is that correct? And so so I would argue so I would argue so your assumptions are built on that. Right? They're built on people who are tied to the land. They're tied to their friend group. Right? And they're they could be racially and they could be culturally tied, and and that is the ethos that works for you, a conservative agrarian. Right?
When you when you look at the red pill, the majority of the population, as you know, is in New York, California, Florida, urban parts of Texas. Right? And so those people aren't tied down. No one is tied down, and there's no social pressure. There's nothing for them to tie down onto. So so if you have a a strong sense of morality, that morality is something that you have for yourself and is not going to be externally mediated. Right? The other thing that I know about you guys is that you live in an ethnically homogeneous place, right, which is the minority for the for Americans. Right?
But when people live in a diverse place, it's a lot harder to enforce your, cultural morality or heritage American morality. Right? So the red pill is written for urban, immigrant, and there's there's nothing to tie to. There's nothing. It's a transient city where people move and where people grab what they can. And one of the things that they can grab, besides the Starbucks coffee, is easy sex. Right? A city effectively functions like prison, right, where maybe tobacco isn't good for you, but a shitty cigarette feels good.
And so the red pill has always been a coping mechanism for, diverse, oftentimes ethnic, sometimes Indian men to get a quick jerk off sesh into a woman's vagina. And it's it's a coping mechanism, but you have to understand that in a city, you need a coping mechanism the same way that you need a in a war, you need a coping mechanism. So is it long term the best thing? Of course not. Definitely no. But in a city, there's nothing that's long term. It's all transient, and in a transient place, you need a transient strategy.
Right? In prison, is it nice to, put a whole bunch of coins in your socks and beat somebody's face? Is it nice to,
[00:17:57] Unknown:
I don't know, take a lawnmower and then use the coins to buy cans of pop, and then you put it in a towel. Right. Right. Right. Don't be silly.
[00:18:06] Unknown:
Right. So so, you know, the men of the red pill who I've spoken to a lot, they're in shitty, shitty places. And for them to masturbate into a woman is is the the hit of meth, in their prison yard. And and the whole place is nihilistic, and it becomes a question of who can get the meth the fastest and the easiest. And and that that is the mentality. It's it's a nihilistic, fuck show. And and when people are asking you nihilistic fuck show questions of, you know, how do I smuggle fucking meth in my ass, then then you well, swallow this, this, and this. And that's, you know, that's what made the red pill interesting is the peek into that darkness.
If yeah. That's that's gonna be my response. So I acknowledge your masculinity. I acknowledge your your white agrarian masculinity, but the red pill was not written for you or your age group or your racial cohort. It was written for, transient people in the city, who obviously you don't approve of and don't agree with. Well, I I will respond, but first, we gotta let
[00:19:28] Unknown:
my boy Steve in here and get his, his opinions, which don't always match my Steve lives a completely different life than me.
[00:19:37] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, first of all, it it very nice He's living La Vida Loca. Okay. I I I am not. That's that's ridiculous, Benjamin. At any rate, I I think that there's multiple different ways that alpha male is probably going to be defined because there are multiple different versions that apply. Some of them are much more inorganic than others. And it it seems to me that the marketed version of it is, a, like, cheap Vegas kind of, you know, nightclub dance hall version, of what it actually means to be, you know, an an alpha, a leader, a head of pack, a head of community.
And there there's very little focus from yeah. And I'll I'll be the first to admit that I have a fairly limited time spent, you know, looking into much of the manosphere because, it's always appeared to me, especially given many of the people who are in the, like, extreme influencer positions to be the other side of the psyop of the the feminism. It's the other side of that coin. And what it's done what feminism has done now to a couple of generations, multiple generations of women. Many of the inverse of that behavior has been driven into the skulls of young men from that sphere.
And the coordination behind it and, again, the people who have risen to prominence in it and their backgrounds, their parents' backgrounds, things of that nature, lead me to believe that there's been a, you know, quiet but concerted effort to elevate certain voices in order to cause as much damage as possible. And I'll just kinda leave it there for a little bit, and we can get into a little bit back and forth. I mean, I I I
[00:22:12] Unknown:
I know I know for a fact that's true because they censored me, and they pumped fresh and fit. And they they algorithmically pumped them up, and they pushed me down for being too extreme. So I know that to be true. And I've seen the PhD documents and the media the, basically, the theory to do that. So I, like, I know it, and I've seen the documents, and yes.
[00:22:40] Unknown:
So are we now debating whether, I guess, the red pill is harmful specifically to heritage Americans? Should heritage Americans be the people that would push back against any red pill ideology or any sort of sexual dating strategy outside? I I have not been allowed my response. Please respond.
[00:23:00] Unknown:
Always trying to cut me off over here, Marcus. Jeez. So I understand a 100% what you're saying that there is different situations and different, demographics. And depending on your social group and whatnot and age group, whatever way you break it down, that there is gonna be different aspects to how things go. Now I also understand that your your writings are not geared toward me. Obviously, I was not having problems. I I I actually have been to prison. So I and I have been on that lowest rung of society and definitely still had no problems, with girls in any way, shape, or form.
But in that, when I was in that, I also realized that the quality of girls that were available to me was not good at all. These were not high status women. These were not because I was not a high status man deserving of such. And so when you're teaching these men to just basically as you put it, masturbate into women, In what way is that in I mean, I I understand it's teaching them, some extreme, hedonist gratification. But in any way, shape, or form is that creating them into an alpha. Because in every single society, no matter what, the man who they choose as a leader is the one who's proven himself capable of taking care of his previous responsibilities.
Okay. And then before that, he rose through success of taking care of his previous responsibilities, so on and foot so forth, which is where we get a track record whether it's a politician or a businessman or anything. And when it comes to alpha males, that person and this is included in being coming a leader because I've never known any leader, and I would like you to name anyone who is a successful philanderer and a respected loved leader at the same time.
[00:25:33] Unknown:
So okay. So what what I wanna kind of preface, right, is is the red pill is written for Sodom and Gomorrah. So so the underlying premise is that you're in Sodom and Gomorrah trying to masturbate into women. That's 1. Step 2 is the people on the red pill have a short attention span, and the women who they're around in the city, they also have a short attention span. And their attention span is so short that any kind of morality, which I I I agree with We've seen TikTok. We've seen it. There there's no morality at their attention span. There's not much these people can do besides masturbate into each other. They don't they don't really they can't relate to each other like human beings.
They're just children with genitalia, effectively. They're grown children, and it's it's a bleak nihilistic existence. And the idea is that if at least if at least they're having some kind of human interaction, if at least they're talking something something, that's some kind of movement, and the trauma of a sexual relationship, a failed sexual relationship can jolt them into something later down the line. Because when you read the red pill, they're completely numb, and I've read tens of thousands of comments of these people, and I've had the pleasure and displeasure of speaking to, and they need to be jolted into something because they live in an autistic echo chamber like that. So it's the it's a colossal, colossal fuck show, and, hopefully, if someone can ejaculate in their post ejaculatory malaise, they can have an idea of going somewhere or something.
But that's that's where they are, and these people are quasi suicidal. So if someone can quickly jerk them off, that can kind of breathe some life into them. Right? So, I think you you a little bit underestimate how bleak the situation is on that side and and what the city is. And you're you're right for avoiding it, and you're right for avoiding the morality of that city. But, but that's that's the context that it's written for, if that if that makes sense.
[00:28:00] Unknown:
So in no way is this and gonna make a man into an alpha male, or you you're acknowledging that for the most part. If that's not for producing alpha males, at best, it's producing more likely simps who just are gonna get some
[00:28:18] Unknown:
putty at the end of it. You you're you're gonna bring them. It's it's a multistep process. Right? So you're gonna take them from a asocial artist to someone in a fucked up negative relationship. That's that's best case scenario. And then, hopefully, on the other side of that fucked up negative relationship, he can start developing some kind of subjectivity. And on the other side of that subjectivity, maybe he's gonna hopefully use that as a leader or or something positive, but it's a no better question. But but, really, what you're gonna do is you're gonna go from a guy jerking off into his own socks, yes, into someone jerking off onto a woman.
And then from there, big fight with that woman, and hopefully from there, he he developed something. And and and those are the steps, and that's where they're at. So it's like the the meme where it's, you know, step 1,
[00:29:13] Unknown:
we indoctrinate them with hedonism. Step 2, they have a ruinous relationship. Step 3 is blank, and then step 4 is success.
[00:29:23] Unknown:
It's but at least there's movement. Right? So at least you push this artist into the light. Just making sure I had that right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm I'm a realist. So you you take this artist, and you cram them into a dark room with a female artist, and then they jerk off onto each other. Why they all gotta be autists, man? Because it's Reddit.
[00:29:45] Unknown:
Because it's Reddit. That's why. Okay. That's a fair point.
[00:29:49] Unknown:
And it's oh, yeah. I did I did 10 years of Reddit time.
[00:29:58] Unknown:
Reddit is a unique Sodom and Gomorrah urban experience where I can't hear you. It's terrible. It is absolutely terrible.
[00:30:08] Unknown:
Do we have all the follow-up from all the And I think the autism I I will concede the autism point in general for the cities. I will concede this. So so I I I'm saying that in the city, everything moves so fast. It's a very fast game that it's all autism. When at a certain speed, there is only autism because you don't have time to recognize the other. So in this usage of the word autism, is this a social skills thing that we're talking about, a lack of social skills? The definition of the word autism is autoeroticism. So this person is moving so quickly that they can only love themselves.
They don't have enough time to, love another object or love the other or love another person.
[00:30:52] Unknown:
So What do you what do you think the odds are, of overall, the people who engage in this kind of behavior don't get more desensitized versus the people who do, you know, fill in the blank in step 3 and then have success? Because it it seems like the, both the potential and from what I can tell, the reality is that it's more of a build a douchebag factory.
[00:31:31] Unknown:
It is a build a douchebag factory. Right? But when you're in the city, like okay.
[00:31:40] Unknown:
Let's go back in time. I mean, I lived I lived on second in Hicks in Brooklyn for a while, man. I lived in Vegas. I've, you know, lived in in and around Chicago. I agree with you. Okay. But let me let me just set the context. Right? So let's say the year is 2010. Right?
[00:31:57] Unknown:
And you're dealing with women in their twenties who grew up on NSYNC. Right? Like, back streets back, you know, all that stuff, right, in Brooklyn. And so now in 2010, by modeling those men, by modeling NSYNC, you're gonna be in Jersey Shore territory, and they're gonna suck your dick. Right? So by modeling the men that consider those high quality women? They're they're not high quality women. They're not. They're they're low quality women who are gonna have sex with low quality men in a low quality place, And you're writing on a low quality place, which is Reddit, and it's it's a giant Sodom and Gomorrah fuck show. And and you're trying you know, you're playing on hardest difficulty.
And that's nothing is ideal. It's it's a colossal mess, and it's like, you know, when Bane is in the prison and has to climb out? Like, hard hardest hardest difficulty possible. So that's that that that was who I was speaking to as as, what is it, senior endorsed red pill contributor.
[00:33:08] Unknown:
So so kinda moving forward in the next topic then, backing on what Steve said, you don't think that having relationships with these horribly low call quality women isn't gonna take these men? Number 1 is devalue devaluing women, and let's certainly hope you don't turn them into enough of a player that they're able to actually devalue a good girl, that it's only gonna be these really low quality women. And you're not gonna end up actually turning a good girl into a bad girl because you're just trying to do things and she actually fell for your bullshit. But, assuming that it's you're just low quality against low quality, You don't feel that that's not gonna leave them, spurned in future relationships, believing women act a certain way when the only women's behavior that you've been experiencing is very low quality women because that's the quality of bait you've been fishing with. And that it wouldn't be who of them to instead make themselves into a proper man and then get quality women to give them attention.
[00:34:18] Unknown:
Well, so so, I'm gonna take the the Hegelian negation of negation strategy. So when they date those women, they're gonna they're gonna move on to something, and they're gonna have strong feelings onto something. Right? And and they're gonna have a strong emotional energy. Right? From that emotional energy, there's 2 options. Either they're gonna use that emotional energy to go in a completely different direction, or they're gonna accelerate, or they're gonna burn out. And that's that's what I saw in my phone calls. Right?
So an event happens and how a person contextualizes it comes down to what they do. Some of these men do pivot. Some of these men continue down this road, and some of them, when faced with the real of sexuality, spiraled deeper, deeper into a despair. But regardless of what happens, they're not jerking off into their socks anymore, which on Reddit they all are, and it's an agreement. So do you think that the possible pregnancies
[00:35:24] Unknown:
from them instead of just jerking off into a sock wouldn't possibly be preferable? Because, obviously, we actually may be having this dude procreate in our in our world. I thought that that's kind of the the the system that we have set where women want dominant men because dominant men's DNA carries things that are gonna produce good Here. Offspring.
[00:35:47] Unknown:
So so what what I would say what I would say is the US is in in decline right now. Right? And just the more children, the better. You know, the more children, the better, and the less you know, let's say, deleterious immigration you guys are gonna be on the receiving end of. And so you you just need more genetic material moving forward. And if it's douchebag into douchebag, you know, then that's preferable into, stiff socks. You know, at least at at least you have movement, and that's that's kind of a Hegelian or accelerationist position.
[00:36:26] Unknown:
So if I I have this right, you're advocating for non native non native Americans to procreate at an accelerated rate in any douchebag that will spread for him because we're in wouldn't that increase the decline? I mean, because we're if we're considering that they're they're low status males to begin with Right. Then the likelihood of them immediately becoming government dependence is increasingly accelerated. So I'm I'm I'm failing to see the logic and how that kind of procreation Oh. Would be a net gain to the country.
[00:37:13] Unknown:
Okay. So so the US loves going into wars. Right? And it's just it just needs cannon fodder to just go go throw at its would be colonies. Right?
[00:37:23] Unknown:
Like, that's that's really the American strategy. Right? The the Jamie Raskin, Democrat argument that we'll just give the illegal citizenship if they join the military.
[00:37:34] Unknown:
Oh, I I was arguing for the native population. Alright. Okay. So so I was saying that douchebags jerking off into each other.
[00:37:43] Unknown:
Okay. You just said that the majority of the clientele was, like, Indian or, you know, they were non native They're they're urban. They're urban. So it's it's
[00:37:52] Unknown:
I wouldn't say that the majority of them are Indian.
[00:37:55] Unknown:
Okay. They're they're urban Americans. I thought I heard that. I apologize if I got that wrong.
[00:38:00] Unknown:
So, but but but the idea is that in order for America to progress, there has to be some kind of movement. And in order for there to be movement, there has to be sexual activity because drive is the main mover in psychoanalysis. So as long as you're pushing a drive, pushing a sexual drive, things are going to be moving forward, which any movement is better than, you know, autism and nonmovement. So I I would argue from, like, a Hegelian position or from an accelerationist position. You should always be pushing for movement because even if that movement ends in a deleterious position, knowledge is then gained.
But if if move like, if there is no movement, you're gonna be outflanked by someone who does movement. That that sounds more Malthusian than Hegelian,
[00:38:56] Unknown:
but we Mal
[00:38:58] Unknown:
Malthus would be arguing for a lower population.
[00:39:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Well, if you're if you're saying there that the people the the kids are going to be born for cannon fodder,
[00:39:11] Unknown:
the the And then and then, you know, you can take, like, a Darwinist, then the strongest will survive. And then out of that
[00:39:17] Unknown:
strong, then you can iterate. Right? Right. Right. But if you're factoring in that disastrous or deleterious events are going to occur, then you're also conceding that there is going to be at some point, various points, mass losses to the population.
[00:39:35] Unknown:
Right. Which is why you wanna overpopulate to compensate for those. There's no there's no progress. Like, you can't invent a car a car without inventing a car accident. Right? You can't progress American society without having, you know, big wars and tons of people dying. Through progress, you're going to have waste material. Through any industrial, process, you're gonna get slag, and so you're gonna have to overproduce.
[00:40:02] Unknown:
And so When life gives you slag, turn it into fluoride?
[00:40:06] Unknown:
When when life gives you masturbators, turn them into colonizers of the American project, and then, hopefully, America can be a glorious empire, with heroes who didn't get blown up with an IED.
[00:40:25] Unknown:
So presuming that these people are not alpha, that they're, not even beta, that these are just some weak fish. No. Leave my food alone. Just some weak fish that, you know, should not, honestly, in my opinion, be procreating. Do you think that the pro that the children from this procreation of that genetic, matter are gonna be of the type that would be, I'm gonna go protect my country and put my life on the line? Or do you think that these are the people that stay home and suck off that? And then people more like myself, when I was in the army, I I I served.
It was funny because as I was coming in and, the very first instructor, he comes in and he goes, which one of you is from South Dakota? And I was like and I'm originally from South Dakota. And I was like, fuck. What did I do? I I'm how did I get in trouble? I haven't even done anything. And so I raised my hand, and he goes, even though that state has only 700,000 people, there is I have never seen one single group that doesn't have at least 1 South Dakotan in there. So is it more people like me that will go stand and put their life on the line for their loved ones? Or is it the DNA of them pingy ass bitches that are looking for Bob's and Vagine?
[00:42:00] Unknown:
I I would say just purely from a biological standpoint. Once the DNA mixes, you don't know what you're gonna get. Right? So you're every mix is is an opportunity for a new combination.
[00:42:17] Unknown:
Right now? And with the bullets, it's, you know, clean eugenics. Right?
[00:42:22] Unknown:
Bullets aren't a clean eugenics. They're you know? I mean If you recurge younger, it's an indiscriminate, you know, who knows what. Right? Yeah. But but I I I would say that in the city, you have a lot of genetic material, recombinating or mixing together in a chaotic fashion. And whether you're gonna get winners or you're gonna get losers or what percentages of what, nobody can tell you until the next generation. Right? So it's it's just pure chaos. So so where I would heavily disagree with you is just because a father is a loser and just because a woman is a loser, doesn't mean the child's gonna end up in any kind of way because through weird mixing, you can get some some kind of stuff. You know?
And I would argue that a a weird mixing is better than, a sock jerking. And and and the sock jerking is an ongoing fucking thing, and, all these clients are masturbating and walking on their dad masturbating. It's just a lot of wasted sexual energy that could be better invested in in human people. And how that human capital is invested is an open question, but at least you have that capital to spend. Right? So And so whether it's apportioned properly, it's it's something completely different. But at at least now America has that human capital as opposed to more laundry to do.
[00:43:51] Unknown:
I mean, it it sounds like and you can play it. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But it it sounds like the the most likely scenario from, you know, indiscriminate pregnancy fucking would lead to an excessive welfare state, as opposed to, I if, again, if we're talking about, you know, low status men who generally don't have the means to take care of a family, let alone have 6, You know, you have to get Nick Cannon knows this. Yeah. Once you have 10 or more kids, then you're not responsible for child support. But until you get those 10, till you get that 11th, until you can, like, start the Ben Canons, then you don't really you know, you're you're kind of fucked.
So it seems like, and if it's, you know, simply a baby to frontline somewhere pipeline, then there's, you know, at least that that's a very dark argument to make, but it's it's at least an argument to make. However, we are in 2024 right now. We're moving to more and more and more autonomously conducted warfare and less and less boots on the ground. So, unless we're planning a full scale invasion of China boots on the ground, you're getting involved in a land war in Asia, which I'm told is a bad idea. You know, it I don't see very much logic
[00:45:32] Unknown:
in that. Okay. Okay. So what I would tell you is, like, I I feel like you're coming from an American perspective. Historically, Europeans, export their excess population as a colonizing force. Right? So the excess population of, Germany and France and England oh, my camera went off.
[00:45:55] Unknown:
My camera went off. We can still hear you. Keep They got
[00:45:58] Unknown:
him. We're we're used to, call get Mark here. We're used to colonize. Right? So so if Europe didn't have that colonizing population, they wouldn't be able to colonize. Right? And right now, America doesn't have a a excess population, and that's why it it cannot colonize. Right? So excess population is always an asset. Whether or not that asset is spent properly, you know, is another question. My my, producer said horny men can be lured into the military by promising them a purpose and by using OnlyFans women as a psyops to join the military.
[00:46:39] Unknown:
Yeah. And when exiting the military, the people that most infantrymen hate the most is their recruiter.
[00:46:49] Unknown:
So so so so by using by using that population, America can secure more resources. And through those resources, you know, the American nation can grow, and hopefully, it can be, hopefully, it can be, you know, used to good good use. But but, you know, otherwise,
[00:47:18] Unknown:
there's no movement. Right? You know, if So what what I'm hearing now is a lot of talk about men in the military. We need more men to join the military. This type of, getting bodies, into boots and those boots on the ground to fight wars and maybe there's a heroic effort. Are we now arguing that alpha male are
[00:47:37] Unknown:
military men? They have no structure? No. No. No. I I'm just arguing in favor of, population growth Okay. And in favor of American population growth. I can't remember that. Yeah. Thank you so much. And I'm I'm just arguing in favor of fertility kind of in a, in a, what is that, mid century German way. Right? So before mustache man wanted to engage in his grand imperial ambitions, he had to pump up fertility. And, you know, whether or not Germany could have achieved its ambition, it's an open question, but it needed more men, and fertility is is the basis of that.
[00:48:23] Unknown:
I like the topic of Germany. I like to return to that.
[00:48:26] Unknown:
For now, let's return to basic red pill ideas and an alpha male. Glitched out. Hold on. We lost I think we lot we might have lost him for a second. Hold on. Yep.
[00:48:42] Unknown:
We'll continue to wait here. I guess my ideas and thoughts now are going back to just very basic, fundamental, rudimentary ideas of the alpha male and in terms of the man putting his seed into as many women as possible to have as many children as possible. Is that how in nature, in an animal kingdom with mammals, the the man who is able to put his seed into whatever woman he chooses to do that with to then have as many children as possible. Is that how at the end of the day, at the end of the man's life, we are able to determine the alphaness of his maleness and the virility of his seed?
[00:49:28] Unknown:
I mean, there's probably somewhere where culturally that's the case. The United States of America isn't necessarily that place, I guess, unless you're Mormon, but that's a different conversation. I mean, it it really depends on how you what kind of a father you plan on being and what kind of, you know, existence you're trying to give those kids. If you're just blowing up into every random chick you, you know, get to get naked, then no. That's, that that's just indicative of you like to hump a lot, and you don't like to rap before you slap. So at that point, you might even be carrying some stuff that you don't even know about, or maybe you do know about it, and you just don't say anything.
[00:50:35] Unknown:
So currently, it looks like we're having Internet problems with our guest glow. For the sake of our audience who's still tuning in and listening, can we continue the discussion and maybe go back to what we've already discussed before and then continue with kind of the basic fundamental ideas so that Chad is caught up with, you know, what is red pill, what is, alpha male, and sort of these basic concepts, and then maybe point out points of disagreement we've had between each other so far.
[00:51:10] Unknown:
Yeah. Sure. I guess Mike working again? Yeah. Mike Balderson. There you are.
[00:51:16] Unknown:
I was gonna at the I guess, I'll probably figure we're gonna start taking a break and doing, like, a little break at the hour mark anyways. And I was gonna start doing commercials, and I didn't do one this week. But I'll kinda do, like, a semi commercial type deal, I guess. So can you give me a flashlight, baby? Or no. I'll just use my phone.
[00:51:50] Unknown:
You need a flashlight to do the commercial?
[00:51:53] Unknown:
To show the piece of jewelry, Steve. Make sure you can see it. So this is, pure, sterling silver wrap. Or, actually, this one's 99% silver. It's a black opal inside here.
[00:52:12] Unknown:
If you
[00:52:14] Unknown:
want to, purchase this, it should be, probably about a 180 shipped. This isn't I'll make commercials outside so we can see these better. Opal suck to freaking do, but in the sunlight, they are amazing. And then they can't this is too bright or not bright enough. They're horrible in this type of thing. But, my email's [email protected] [email protected]. Almost at it. But this one's a black opal, which is, I believe, the 8th rarest gem in the world.
[00:52:58] Unknown:
Black Opal is a real nice
[00:53:00] Unknown:
because, it's actually when they say black, what they mean is is the background of the Opal. Oh, sorry. I'm back.
[00:53:09] Unknown:
Yeah. How to power outage. There we go. Know. Yeah.
[00:53:12] Unknown:
So, it's almost, the background of the opal, not the actual opalescence in it that they're talking about. So when it's a a light background, that opalescence doesn't stand out very well. But when it's a dark background, it comes screaming out. So you can see very where your microphone is. Oh, you can hear me? We're okay? Yeah. Welcome back. We can hear you. I was just already in the middle of, something that we decided to do, the hour mark break thing, while you were gone instead of doing it then. And then I figured we figured afterwards, we would probably do the occult thing that you wanted. Okay. But this is the black opal. Also, I'm getting ready to make gut bomb.
My fire cider with, I just harvested all my cayenne peppers and everything. So we'll probably make that one next week as me making the the fire cider and, putting that up. Although it'll probably it'll take a bit to ferment, but, so we'll start doing a commercial every week, and then we're gonna do other little clip videos, for that stuff. But with that, we'll, end the, if do you have any, closing statements on the alpha male red pill, whether that's harmful to society? You go ahead and start.
[00:54:37] Unknown:
The red pill is harmful to society, and it's colossal mess, but society is falling apart really quickly. So it's hard to say what's good or what's bad, and it's a giant Sodom and Gomorrah, and it's an absolute disaster. And I like to write in these critical places because that's where all the action is. It's like being special forces. You go to where things are the most fucked up. The red pill was the most fucked up place I could find on the Internet, and, I think a lot of interesting essays came out that I used to, write my book, which is, spicy, hopefully, like your fire cider. You have a website?
The pillars of wisdom. And, my first review came out, from Finland, so I'm really, really excited. So pillars of wisdom dot com? Pillars of wisdom dot com. Thank you so much.
[00:55:28] Unknown:
Beautiful. So now we have another topic we wanted to discuss, and maybe that is more broadly speaking, the idea of giving occult and esoteric ideas to the masses as that completely backfired? And is it like giving them a sharp knife and they stab themselves to death with it?
[00:55:50] Unknown:
They're gonna fuck themselves up, real bad. Yeah. They're gonna fuck themselves up real bad, and they're gonna fucking come after you. And, you know, there's ideas that are truly a cult, and they're pseudo occult. And they're you know, let's let's start mentioning some, ideas. There is a, a Babylonian tablet called the Sefer Yutzirah. Sefer. Sefer Harazim, and some of the, rituals that, Jesus performed, are in those tablets. And you can find the, magical, alchemical, astrological justifications for, why this, figure did what he did. And, I believe a lot of Christians would find this information disturbing because it would challenge their ego identity.
So, Sefer Harazim, if you go around reading it, correctly translating it, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble. It's not.
[00:57:09] Unknown:
Yeah. And it is Halloween. So
[00:57:12] Unknown:
the kind of the time where people are wanting to talk to market. I was at getting a drink. I was ready to reply, and it was serious. Fire on it. So from my perspective, and I've been, practicing a cult and studying a cult for, I'm gonna say, I'm almost, I think, like, 35 years now, give or take. And one of the things that I can bring up against giving occult knowledge to people that aren't worthy of said occult knowledge. One of the easy ones that I would use is is bath is this, current, fascination with baphame. Now if you actually study a cult, there's one reference, by a king who, wanted to not pay the Knights Templar who, had been guarding his roads and said that they, follow some, Baphomet.
There's no other historical, mention or anything of it. And then Elias Levi, who was, I I could say a lot of rugged things about Elias Levi, then goes and basically creates this egregore, with the only thing was that tied to anything or has any reality. It's just that that name was once historically mentioned. And and the context of his mention was is they worship this being instead of God, so I'm gonna kill them, and now I don't have to pay them the money I owe them. So what because we have these half brained occultists running around, they have never done things like actual alchemy, actual laboratory physical alchemy.
And so they take on this hermaphroditic concept, and they will never understand that there is no actual hermaphroditic concept. If I take and I put, like, say, cannabis plant. Cannabis plant's a feminine plant. Why is it feminine? Because it produces a lot of oil and a little salt per volume in the plant. The oil is more feminine, the salts more masculine, blah blah. Pretty easy equation. We can all do it. Rudy things are more masculine. So if I do the alchemy experiment on it, even though I put it through this alchemy experiment, it's still gonna be a feminine plant. Even though I've separated into a masculine and feminine components, and that's even a very low level way to see it to because understand that the the masculine is actually a polarized broken thing. So the sulfur and the salt are actually one thing and the mercury is acting as a feminine, not actually feminine because we can't have access to the feminine side because we're in the material side. The immaterial side gave us life and takes away the life, but it isn't actually part of the material world. It's immeasurable.
It's the mystery. And so that feminine of Mercury is acting in that same job that the all mother was doing. So the it's the best comparison that we have. Mercury is not actually feminine, but it's doing that where it's taking those 2 masculine pieces and through the mercury they're able to resolve and become 1 again. And then through that there's the coagulation which is the marriage of the the material. In no process did it become hermaphroditic. It's still feminine, it's still like that. If I went through the alchemical process like when Odin did so, he did not suddenly become a man woman thing And it's only through allotting these extremely intelligent concepts that take somebody that is a realized person before they even start getting presented those concepts, which is why the typical occult age is 40.
To they're just gonna spread this nonsense all over the world and use things. It's like not telling somebody how a gun works and then just handing them to them. They're gonna half the time shoot their freaking friends, shoot themselves. Sometimes it might work out for them, but it's the same concept. And and they're just gonna be bad about everything.
[01:01:57] Unknown:
So what this can be controversial. I'm just gonna do it. So, there's a there's a group of people. We're not gonna say who they are, but they believe that the messiah is coming, and because of that, they are, let's say, spreading this information. We're not gonna name we're not we're not gonna say who they are, but we know who they are. And and but but the point is to create that chaos because from a Sabatian perspective, you need a critical amount of chaos in the end times to get to the other side. They need a double negation to get to the other side. So I think the reason why if you had to argue for spreading occult knowledge, it is to create the chaos necessary to achieve some kind of gnostic or maybe Sabatian, outcome.
And in that sense, it could be good if if you were of that persuasion.
[01:03:11] Unknown:
Well, I mean, as far as the pseudo occultism that you referred to earlier, I I think that flooding the zone with that is directly related to similar homegrown demoralization efforts that the country has had forced on it for at least 60, 70 years. And it's certainly 100% wrapped up in the people that you're referring to. There have been a lots and lots of hired help along the way, and certainly that goes back to the original American Crime Syndicate, and a number of different organizations that formed up in and around that, including most of the FBI.
But yeah. That that's a so I think that if you were going to combat that in the same way that you don't necessarily combat speech, you don't like with censoring it, you combat it with more and better speech that if the opportunities are there for again, we can take it back to the beginning conversation. People who are actual leaders, who are actual alphas, who know how to handle situations, communicate to people, set goals, work with the team, and achieve them, or do it his damn self if he has to. The that in that individual. The way that you could combat that, it would be proper recall knowledge, which again, it takes a long time to get there.
The people where the market's being flooded, who are saturated to bunkers, pseudo occultism are way younger and way dumber out loud just with every step and breath. And so that's why they're getting flooded with it because they're not old enough to know, they're not old enough to figure it out. And you at least have to have, the occultic and or spiritual armor to be able to deal with that. So if there's other people that you can impart some of that wisdom to in a proper way, why not do it?
[01:05:42] Unknown:
That's good. That's great.
[01:05:45] Unknown:
Gentlemen, we're in agreement. Or are we just observing the moment of silence between bros? We're just agreeing.
[01:05:52] Unknown:
We're just agreeing.
[01:05:56] Unknown:
That's Yeah. Was there anything else in a call that you wanted to debate, brother?
[01:06:03] Unknown:
I don't know if this is a cult. I I know a high level religious figure, who said that according to the Talmud, if you actually read the Talmud, like, you read it, like, in Aramaic. You know? The the purpose of Christianity is that Rome, first went to the Jews and asked them if they could use, their religion to conquer the the northern pagans and the heathens. And the Jews said, go fuck yourself. Build us a temple. And then the Romans said, fuck you, Jews. We're not gonna build you a temple. And so they went for the next best thing, which was Christianity, which was like a a Judaism light at the time. Mhmm. And then that Christianity had a lot of different complicated beliefs in it, which were, hard to teach to to the Roman legionary.
So they dumbed down Christianity to make it into a militarized religion that they could, conquer the Germanic north with, and then later the, you know, Native American peoples. So, that's that. So that's
[01:07:14] Unknown:
You're not gonna gain debate out of me on this. I'm sorry. That's
[01:07:18] Unknown:
You know? Preach it. That's Yeah. It's a a a fairly fairly accurate, like, TLDR. Circumcised. Yeah.
[01:07:28] Unknown:
Circular. So that's Did I hear something about circumcision?
[01:07:32] Unknown:
Yeah. They didn't wanna get circum They didn't wanna get circumcised, and they like eating pork.
[01:07:38] Unknown:
And Also also one of the big things that we had an issue with, and this is gonna be, I got an upcoming debate with, Andrew Wilson, where it's heathenism versus Christianity. And I think probably one of the big, holes for historical meaning. But heathens if you had a deformed child, you know, that was definitely not gonna do well, heathens would, take that child out and and, you know, put it out, you know, kill it. And, they wanted to maintain that right. And so with Christianity, you get this whole, you only live once, YOLO type thing. It actually almost comes geared into it. You know, you got this one shot here and everything's judged.
Your moral soul is judged off this tiny blip of a time period. You know? What what if you were only here 25 years and 500000 years from now? You're like, you know, dude, I've been in hell for, like, 500000 years and, like, a 150000 years ago. I I quit wanting to do that. Like but, you know, you're, like, alright. You were 25 and drunk, dickhead. Like, so but they, they didn't have that you only live once type thing. So if a child's born, it's a beloved ancestor. And to let them be in a a broken vehicle basically, because at that point in time when you start taking on reincarnation as a culture, you understand that the the this shell here is just a basically a car.
And you're hanging out in it for a while, you're gonna come back and get a different car. Well, nobody wants your ancestor to suffer in a broken car. That's never gonna work right. And the only thing they're gonna get out of this is suffering. They aren't gonna become something better for it. They wanted to maintain that right. So that was a big one that they pushed back back against also. And the way that they, snaked their way in was almost it was always through women. Where, you know, the the the Christian story, the thing that they presented is very soft, and you just have to believe in Jesus Christ and forgiveness and it all and the kingdom of heaven's yours, and you're a bad person. So these women that are suffering with guilt would take this on to alleviate their guilt. And you see this during the, 800 to 1200 period where you saw the transition of the Northern Europe into the Christian culture. And almost every single time, wife of some or somebody that was made king because, he capitulated to Rome and then converted his people by force to Christianity.
The the wife is always the the property or is always who is the one that builds that first church. Even when you're talking about Eric the red, and all them who went around and first came to Vinland, and you read the Vinland saga. When he went back home after, you know, raiding and conquering and discovering new lands in he had raid, but he went and, you know, discovered new lands. He gets home and his wife's built the first church in, you know, Greenland, like, to a Christian. So it was always through that path that that happened. You're you're not gonna get any arguments out of me on any of this.
[01:11:21] Unknown:
So the Jews never wanted to spread their religion to any other group of people. And when the Greeks came to translate the Bible or the Old Testament into Greek, they fought them on it tooth and nail, and they had to basically get 70 rabbis at knifepoint to translate it into Greek. They didn't want to, and it's to the point where there is a fasting day for the day where where the Bible was translated. So so they they never wanted to convert anyone to anything. It's just that those other rulers wanted to twist the religion and weaponize it to conquer other people because they saw stuff in it that they could use.
So that's that's the that's the other side. So the,
[01:12:23] Unknown:
are we just gonna are we just gonna how controversial are we gonna get with this here? What is what he wanted? Just being like this and open like that. I mean, do you oh, I know you are. I I know you are. I mean, I yeah. You're you're totally open, dude. You're you're great. Sure. Sure. Thank you. The the so you under so you agree that number 1,
[01:12:48] Unknown:
the the Jew is not even an actual race. That's just a religion. Right? Well, so okay. So what I would tell you is when you look at the old testament, right, it's a composition of Babylonianism, Egyptism, a lot of stuff that was then cooked up together by a priest class into a coherent narrative.
[01:13:13] Unknown:
That's that's one That was specifically for the Hebrew race. Hebrew
[01:13:18] Unknown:
is a race. For the Hebrew race. Right. Yes. And and then and then later, that race has changed. So now because they've interbred with other races, because races evolve,
[01:13:32] Unknown:
right, through through getting rid of other to actually be a Jew, your mother has to carry the mitochondrial DNA and has to be passed on. So you would have had to have had Hebrew DNA that you would still carry today in order to for that to be the religion of your people, which isn't saying that other people can't read the book and take up that religion. But the Jewishness in and of itself is a religion. I could also read Marvel or this Pastafarian next week and become a Pastafarian. And I'm clearly, of Anglo Saxon descent. Anybody can pick up any religion.
But specifically in their text, is it not the religion of the Hebrew people? Hence, why the my mitochondrial DNA trend requirement.
[01:14:20] Unknown:
So the the rules change with time. Right? And so I'm being delicate not to, you know, because there's gonna be people who watch this. Right? The rules change with time. So Moses had a African wife, an Ethiopian wife. Right? And a lot of them early on would take wives of other nations. And then later on, they introduced that rule. So what is Judaism and how Judaism is defined changes depending on the legalistic rulings
[01:14:55] Unknown:
of the people in control of the It's a loophole based culture. We we we would all agree with that. Well, right. So well,
[01:15:03] Unknown:
I I don't wanna be mean to anyone, but there's there's a big text of law, and they play games with that law. I think that's maybe fair. So so just understand that if you look at the Judaism of Moses' time or the 1st temple period, you're gonna it's gonna be different than, let's say, Talmudic Judaism or post Talmudic Judaism because it's gonna it's gonna evolve, with with different legalistic interpretations. And and you see this with the American legal code. Every legal code is gonna evolve with with time. And if you look at, let's say, the European Jew, this is this is someone who, is a product of intermarriage between, let's say, a Hebrew and an Italian, because Jewish merchants, married, Italian women heavily.
[01:15:59] Unknown:
I heard you say women. I heard you say wives. Is there a history of polygamy of 1 man taking multiple wives, having multiple women who are breeding children for him? I think,
[01:16:14] Unknown:
in Middle Eastern Judaism, like, if you look at Yemen, they still do that, but then in European Judaism, they they, don't. But if you look at the old testament, you can take multiple wives. But then later, they try to prohibit it, like, ex facto. So so I guess I you know, what what a religion is changes with time, and it this is one that really, really changed. And and you have to,
[01:16:51] Unknown:
regardless of That sounds like it culturally bumped up against Northern Europe. Because Northern Europe's they when they started intermingling with the, Ashkenazis and all that, Northern Europeans, even Caesar wrote down strictly did not interbreed with other people. And we didn't have polygamous relationships strictly.
[01:17:17] Unknown:
Yeah. So I think the European, like, Ashkenazi, Drew, they don't interbreed. They're they're told not to, and they push you heavily not to, commingle with other people. But, you know, it it happens, and then how do you reintegrate those people back into the fold after the fact. Right? And and when you look at the old testament, right when they get out of Egypt, there's a woman who had a child with an Egyptian, and there's there's a a question of what to do with this child, and, coincidentally, he sins, and they, they put him to death. But, already, the commingling with the Egyptians starts pretty early right, right in the get go of Leviticus.
[01:18:11] Unknown:
So Is that some of the reasoning for the noses getting cut and knocked off the statues in, Egypt regularly?
[01:18:19] Unknown:
I think in Egypt, I I think that part just naturally falls off because of erosion.
[01:18:27] Unknown:
But I blame the noses on the Italian part was too big or something.
[01:18:31] Unknown:
I think I think I think the Italians I think the Italians have the biggest noses.
[01:18:39] Unknown:
I won't stand up for no Italians, bro.
[01:18:43] Unknown:
Oh, no.
[01:18:46] Unknown:
You won't catch me doing that. Uh-oh.
[01:18:49] Unknown:
So I'm thinking noses and, like, rhinoplasty and plastic surgery. Oh, yes. Are are we in favor of women and rhinoplasty and plastic surgery and this type of thing? How does how does a man then influence the way a woman a woman looks?
[01:19:07] Unknown:
If she's going out and doing something that egoic,
[01:19:12] Unknown:
done. Yeah. No. In general, I'm opposed to all that stuff. I can see a case being made for a nose job in some cases, especially if it, like, helps yeah. If you get me if you're of course, if you get, like, seriously freaking strawberry or mangled or something like that, by all means, you know, try and try and pat some of that up. Nobody wants to look at that. You know? I I yeah. That's fair. But I've just vanity shit or turning your lips into fucking bike tires or, like, you know, like, ugh. Nothing to me at least that I that shit's gross.
[01:19:57] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, a lot of people have weird complexes. Right? And so sometimes it helps them because then they just stop. You know? But but if it just continues indefinitely the other thing is, like, a lot of breast implants are really unhealthy because they'll dissolve if women go to the sauna. You know? So there's a lot of unforeseen consequences with with the Botox and the filler and the one of my friend's dad did implants, and, they have to be redone all the time. And there were a lot of problems, there.
[01:20:37] Unknown:
I I I didn't wish to bring back shaming.
[01:20:40] Unknown:
Shaming. Yes. Yeah.
[01:20:42] Unknown:
And and when peep we see people do things like when Pamela Anderson says, look. I look like I did when I was 20. Well, I mean, I do agree you were not attractive at all when you were 20 or 30 or whatever. I agree with that part. But you're definitely much less attractive than your non attractive self to 30, 50 years ago, however old you are, lady. And we should start shaming them for doing these things to themselves and then refusing to have anything to do with them. So that's it's kind of the opposite of your of your, philosophy with these other fellows or go out and hunt these really weird ladies that are that are, you know, But I would have nothing to do with them. I think Like, if you're watching Jersey Shore, then you can definitely get the fuck away from me.
[01:21:32] Unknown:
There's a Heidegger argument, which I'm really simplifying, where the kind of tools that a person interacts with shape their subjectivity. And so as people spend more time online and they manipulate their image, their online self becomes what they emotionally identify with. Then they want their real self to be that it's called, like, reality of the virtual where the virtual is the reality. Right?
[01:22:02] Unknown:
And so for for No. I don't fake it till you make it concept, kinda.
[01:22:07] Unknown:
It's they see themselves on a screen for so long that their screen self becomes their
[01:22:13] Unknown:
real self. Right. But but it's that same fake it till you make it, like, where you you end up you decide I'm gonna be a firefighter, and then you just keep acting like you're a firefighter, and then all of a sudden one day you're a firefighter. Like, that that's that's kind of concept we're talking about here.
[01:22:31] Unknown:
If if you're chronically online, your brain sees yourself as your online self. Right? Like, if you're, like, if you're a race car driver, you don't feel normal when you're not in a race car. Right? If you're a police officer, you don't feel normal when you're not dressed like a police officer or military man. Right? And so their their brain is used to the it's like the Ironman suit. They they get hooked on the Ironman suit. And then then from there, they wanna kinda go back. Right? And so it's it's really a symptom of technology. And so I think you guys aren't as enmeshed, and and the women you you're around aren't as enmeshed.
But the chronically online enmeshed person, you know, can become a cat man or try and switch up their gender. And and that's that's one of the side effects of, technologies and and not properly adapting to them.
[01:23:33] Unknown:
Well, okay. But, Oh, excuse me. A black pill. Go ahead, Steve.
[01:23:38] Unknown:
I'm just saying, it's it's just, a bad carpenter is always gonna blame his tools. Right? And if you've been given subpar tools to begin with, and then you've never had that apprentice process, you've never had to go through that journeyman process, you've been taught poorly, at what point do the people who manage the space bear any responsibility for being a shitty mentor or an absentee mentor or a mentor with an agenda specifically designed to reprogram these kids into, you know, desensitif fuck canons with multiple baby mamas and no immediate at least the way that we've been describing them. No immediate means or resources by which to take care of any of these kids.
[01:24:34] Unknown:
I I I think so there's, like, a 5th generation information war Yeah. Where, you know, we can talk about the pandemic. Right? And and that Internet and that smartphone is being used against you as a weapon, and so that's what's happening. So it's not that they're irresponsible. It's that they hate you and want to power wash you off the American continent and replace you with, Infinity Southeast Asians and build a a a cyberpunk
[01:25:12] Unknown:
high rise. I think that How is that much different than what you were advocating about a half an hour ago?
[01:25:20] Unknown:
Because we would take the population and use it to colonize in a traditionally European way, which is alpha and cool, as opposed to having a big, ethnic skyscraper that you charge rank. So I guess my idea is more Faustian and adventurous, whereas theirs is more agrarian.
[01:25:47] Unknown:
But More cities seem anti agrarian to me. But Well, I mean, you're farming you're farming these people. Right? So in that sense, Derek A agrarian of people. You're farming the people. I get it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's smart. Okay. Well, you've been you've been a lot of fun. Steve and I were on the same page on this topic. We didn't even prediscuss that. So you so that if that's not always the case, so it wasn't meant to be a 2 on one that just we're a panel and we're all of differing opinions on different things. So you've been awesome and you really got put under fire.
You had some other things that you wanted to talk about and present, and and for us to discuss, and you go ahead and do so at at this point. You know, I we said about an hour and a half. We're about right there. So Oh, I talk about what you were talk wanting to talk about. And if it wasn't my cat's nipples, then then we'll get the cat out the way.
[01:26:46] Unknown:
What what did I wanna hit? I I wanted to hit the I I believe it was,
[01:26:51] Unknown:
Bobs and and and Satanists. I don't know. Something like that. Oh, yeah.
[01:26:56] Unknown:
I I was attacked by a obese Indian Satanist, and he called my book, and he's really upset, and, he was screaming at me, all the way from Toronto. Do we have proof of reading comprehension? I'm just curious. Face screaming at you? Yeah. Well, I mean, if in my face, you know, I I that I would really appreciate that. I'd like that a lot. But, unfortunately, it was through Zoom call. He's just gonna he's gonna tell his Satan covenant. He was wearing a Satanist hat when he was screaming at me and calling me Hitler. And,
[01:27:38] Unknown:
he's hat say Satan?
[01:27:40] Unknown:
It has, like, an upside down star with Abafame.
[01:27:43] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Okay. So I think that The confused the confused occultist I was talking about earlier. Yeah. One of them one of them characters. Yeah. Well, some of the things you were stating that he said, like, you being a coward and whatnot, we definitely put you to the fire. And, we would certainly like it if, the whole topic tonight was an alpha man. And if this fella is a said alpha man, that he would go ahead and also come put himself under the fire. And, if you're that big of a dude, go ahead and bring it in and, we'll we'll get show up in the chat here, and we'll get you a StreamYard link right there in the chat. You can come in and make your case right here, right now.
That's what a tough dude would do, I think.
[01:28:32] Unknown:
So, yeah, I think we I think we need to contact this, individual and and give him an opportunity to Is he working alone? He there's a lot of, like, overweight witches and stuff, and they all blob together from what I I've I try to research them, but it's it's really nauseating. And I'm trying to So you want us to give you a little bit of help on that? Yeah. I
[01:28:59] Unknown:
just, like, I'm trying to you gotta study there, brother, is then the Theosophical Society. Okay. So most of this is all a Theosophical
[01:29:08] Unknown:
Society derivative. Yeah. Almost all the new age woo and wicker woo goes right back to Blavatsky. Back to them. Yeah. And then, actually
[01:29:17] Unknown:
and this part isn't trying to be derogatory toward you Sorry. Or or your people in any way, but there's a small hat women's movement. And this is something, from the early and I'm I'm I'm certain that probably the leaders of your community weren't really impressed with this either. So there was a small hat women's movement in the early, late 1700. And they started taking so I'm sure, you know, you put in your own study. The story of Lilith has no actual biblical bearing. And where they this movement took this Lilith character up and championed it. And where they were getting this information to create this story and narrative was from something called the alphabet of Ben Sira, which is a medieval Jewish comedy.
It it wasn't an actual historical text. It was a comedy like me, basing what's going on with Odin and Thor off of Marvel movies. But they they took this character, and they made it into, a champion of their cause. So you see a heavy influence of that creeping in out the start of, the Theosophical Society. So then the Theosophical Society took all this new age, stuff where they you had Blavatsky. And Blavatsky, I would equate into the first you know, those, drunk white girls that, like, go to a I'm gonna learn Reiki for a weekend Sure. Events, and then they get a masters. They're now a master Reiki practitioner because they went to a weekend event,
[01:31:09] Unknown:
and they got a piece of paper. She just like stop shaving and wear a lot of puka shell necklaces.
[01:31:14] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, also, you should do them Hannah tattoos on yourself. You know? But, they they she was the first of them. So she just took and mushed all these, cultures together without any real understanding of any of them. And then they, and it didn't matter who that they wanted. My, our friend, Espialger, he calls this paralleling. So what they do is is they'll go into your religion, and they'll be like, yeah. Our thing's just like your thing, just like your thing, and then they swerve. And, the Theosophical Society even had a wing of the Catholic church at one point in time, where they they tried to invade everybody.
So for a lot of this twisting of the occult, and the thing is is because they this is so old, this was the stuff that was all republished now, and the antiquity of it is giving it, almost giving it credence. And so because nobody actually does goes and does lab occult work, they can't tell the difference. So now this has become the mainstream occult. And things like the the great white brotherhood, which is not, you know, nationalist. It's, oh, Jesus and Sanath Camara and whoever your favorite god or god is. They're all sitting up in Shambhala, and they're just waiting for the opportune time for us to be getting fucker just enough to come down and save us. And then we'll all be like, oh, thank you, great white brotherhood.
And and it's all just bullshit. Every bit of it made up by the Theosophical Society. Is that
[01:32:57] Unknown:
is that what this fat Indian satanist is swallowing and the
[01:33:01] Unknown:
Yeah. They're the ones that end up pushing out that Rama, Swami, whatever that ends up going out and saying, I am not a god. I am not this chosen one. I renounce all of this. Yeah. That's that crowd.
[01:33:15] Unknown:
Okay. And then because I mean, you read you know, you're familiar with my position in my book. You know, I I thought that a chaos magician would be down for whatever, and then he had a big, big moment. But so they're all left wing and sensibility. Right?
[01:33:32] Unknown:
For the No. Well, I mean, for the most part, yeah, especially over the last 20 years. Yeah. Because you would you would assume that 35 or over, they're probably you know, some of them probably have varying opinions, but 35 or under, they're pretty much all danger here progressives. Yeah. Okay.
[01:33:54] Unknown:
Is there any outside of Charlie Kirk and, like, the 12 people that follow him around? Anybody under 30 that isn't a danger haired progressive?
[01:34:03] Unknown:
No. I don't know.
[01:34:05] Unknown:
Charlie, Kirk did get a nip flash at him one time, so there's that.
[01:34:11] Unknown:
Dude, I saw that. Like, how is that in argument? I mean, I understand that that might shut up a lot of guys or something. I don't even understand what's happening right now. She's like, I'm just nervous. Why you got your tit hanging out? That's why you're nervous. Put it away, lady. What are you doing? Crazy. And she didn't even have danger hair. That's tricky. You should make your hair, like, bright pink or something, lady. You are a problem.
[01:34:38] Unknown:
She was probably taking Reiki lessons. Yeah. There's there's a lot of luck. The problem is, like, you you talk about these people and they just hate you with moralism so fast. Yeah.
[01:34:48] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. He was very moralistic, this this fat satanist and Like, it was almost like Christian moralism. Yeah. It was like a Christian moralism coming from a satanist.
[01:35:01] Unknown:
It's very strange.
[01:35:03] Unknown:
[01:35:05] Unknown:
Oh, no. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah. It is. It's an inversion of that religion. It makes sense that there'd be certain overlap.
[01:35:13] Unknown:
Okay. Satanism exists because Christianity exists. We look at, like, a Halloween holiday, and there is a very there's this argument that people are having, like parents are having to say, you know, we're a good Christian family, and we recognize that there's a holiday called Halloween. We go to Walmart, and we see the Christmas aisle, and we see the Halloween aisle, and then we see the Nightmare Before Christmas aisle where it's Halloween and Christmas at the same time. So now children go to a public school, and all their friends are talking about dressing up in a costume and going trick or treating. The problem that Christian parents face is that if they don't participate in the culture, if they have their kids staying home on October 31st, don't participate in a Halloween thing at all, then at some point because the parent did not allow them to celebrate Halloween, the kid's gonna turn 18 and rebel. And the first thing they're gonna do is become obsessed with Halloween, and they're gonna have children, and they're gonna decorate their house as a Halloween thing. And they're gonna do this thing where it's Halloween all the time.
So now the conversation about, you know, giving a little bit of occult knowledge or exposure to, I guess, children at a certain age. So parents that are having to decide, do we tell our children, you know, as Christians, we don't recognize Halloween. But because of the the calendar in the sky, the solar cycles, and the harvest idea, now that it is autumn and our gardens are done, and we're gonna pick, our harvest and celebrate a harvest festival and then give thanks to our Christian god, but not recognize other cultures and their celebration of death and ancestor worship and this type of thing.
So then the parent has to decide ultimately, do we allow our children to participate in whatever this monoculture is that's happening outside of our doors, or do we preserve our Christian faith?
[01:37:14] Unknown:
Okay. So So is it hold on. Isn't that kind of geared into some Christian faith where you have a purgatory? So the Halloween is based off of the lost souls that get clipped throughout the year. And then the great hunt, they go get collected. And it's during that transition period where the veil is thin that they go and take the the the souls back to where they belong. Isn't that kinda in the purgatory idea? That's some weird Catholic juju nonsense.
[01:37:47] Unknown:
Right. That is more of a Catholic idea. So in a heritage American Protestant Christian household while trying to preserve a Christian family and then raise children to engage in Christian marriage to continue the Christian lineage of the family, to have to make these decisions. Picking up for Christians. Well, well, this is the answer to the question of, like, how can a Satanist be moralizing and then condemning people for being immoral in their behavior? It's because it's a horseshoe. On one end, you have Christianity. On the other end of the horseshoe is satanism, and then you combine them into this ring that just hits a strange Mobius strip loop where it's intertwined with satanism and Christianity. And then Christians see Satan, the devil, and demonic possession everywhere.
And then when they go out and they they go to the Sodom and Gomorrah cities that we talked about earlier, and they see the danger here to individuals, and they see the abortion clinics, and they see the fast sex and and the the glorification of that and the pride festivals and the rainbow flags and all these things. And they look at that, and they show their children that. And they say, well, that is actual demon possession. This is not the kingdom of God that we want to encourage our family. That's why we are, you know, Christians, and we attend these churches. So that makes sense to me. Now as far as a strange Indian guy, are are there tantric sex videos he has online? Does he have skin? Wants to have sex with him.
[01:39:20] Unknown:
No one know go ahead. Go ahead.
[01:39:25] Unknown:
Because because he's a fucking sorry. He I can't He's fat. He's he's a fat artist who, like, covers his eyes with a hat. And I called him and he just started fucking Indian yelling at me like a bad call center. And I was confused. And I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Then he posted a fucking retard Indian fat video. Well, let let like, can we see what this guy looks like? I I said I I sent Alan Marcus Yeah. We've got some videos. Videos. Yep. Okay. Will you put it in the private chat, and I'll screen share it? They're the best. I These are the gonna love it. I'm an insult cult according to this. Alright. I I I think this gentleman needs to come. Yeah. You have, like, special robes or anything from the cult, or is it a come as you are sort of? Or do you I'm a come as you are kinda situation, but That's that's beneficent. I am beneficent, but this guy for sure has special ropes that he jorts it in. Looks like a jorker, dude. J o r k. While we're while we're getting that together,
[01:40:28] Unknown:
anybody in the chat that has anything that they wanna ask, glo, and or or comments they want directed or or or myself or Steve or Marcus, whatever. Or the cat, you know. The cat's gotta get in on this.
[01:40:45] Unknown:
[01:40:49] Unknown:
What's our favorite Christian Halloween song? It's easy. Carmen, witch's invitation.
[01:41:03] Unknown:
[01:41:04] Unknown:
I didn't see that. We're looking at Yeah. Yeah. Nobody probably asked that, Steve. That's you know, Marcus just heard it. No. It's real. Oh, no. That is an actual question. Holy shit. Yep.
[01:41:16] Unknown:
Thank you.
[01:41:18] Unknown:
Tim Timoney, you're always creative with your comments. That was great.
[01:41:27] Unknown:
[01:41:29] Unknown:
So We I just thought he was just wanting to say a Christian thing. I don't know. I'm I'm thinking that at this point in time, he started the transformation where that one chick that sings the Christmas song has started to now fucking seep into him and spiritually take him over.
[01:41:48] Unknown:
But All Saints Day was kind of the co option of Beltane. So it it was, yeah, pagan ritual before it was a Catholic ritual.
[01:42:05] Unknown:
Well and I wanna say and before it was called Beltane, it was, for the Germanics anyways, I believe that that
[01:42:12] Unknown:
that's the start of the new year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. So yeah.
[01:42:18] Unknown:
Sowing. What's up, John Roland? How you doing, brother?
[01:42:22] Unknown:
Good to see you, John. So that that wheel of the year, this idea that there's 365 days in a year, you divide it into a circle, into 80 equal slices. And on solstices and equinoxes and then the cross points, now you have some sort of holiday schedule for some kind of new age, witchcraft Wicca celebratory thing. They wanna have their own feast days too. I don't know if there really is.
[01:42:53] Unknown:
It was mostly about getting naked and humping when you're really ugly is really what it was about. My wife's got the witch's original, witch's bible, which why are you even calling it a bible? Like like, you're obviously like, Marcus was saying, you're anti Christian. You still have to be associated with Christian. You're still on the same magnet. I'm a heathen. Their rules don't apply to me. Sometimes my stuff is gonna match there. Sometimes it's not because I don't care either way. Yeah. It's the best selling
[01:43:24] Unknown:
best selling book of all time, Ben. If you're gonna glom onto something, why not go for number 1? That's
[01:43:32] Unknown:
marketing. Okay. So okay. Yeah. You went with, like, number 3 at mine comp. That's I mean, it's well known, but it's not as well selling.
[01:43:40] Unknown:
You can call it the red pill bible.
[01:43:43] Unknown:
You should have. Red red pill I think they already did that. Probably.
[01:43:47] Unknown:
Right. Because number one selling book of all time. So Yeah. Well
[01:43:54] Unknown:
it's it's Mein Kampf. A satanist says this book is Mein Kampf, which is why people should buy it.
[01:44:01] Unknown:
And and and please watch his videos because he's he's big mad. Yeah. I'm I'm hoping they can at least one of them gets tossed into the private chat here in the StreamYard.
[01:44:11] Unknown:
Oh, yep. StreamYard. I got it on to Telegram. I'll probably Okay. This guy will see
[01:44:17] Unknown:
as long as they're not, like, direct uploads. Because, my StreamYard fucks me when it comes to playing audio from Telegram. Okay. I've got it. Okay. We'll we'll watch a couple of minutes.
[01:44:32] Unknown:
Yeah. And then I I sent Alan Marcus my response videos to this guy.
[01:44:38] Unknown:
Okay. About an 18 minute video. The guy is the order of chaos channel on YouTube Yeah. Saying that, the pillars of wisdom is a dangerous cult attempting to infiltrate occult spaces.
[01:44:49] Unknown:
Is that true? Are you attempting to infiltrate occult spaces? I don't wanna be inside his space, dude. It probably doesn't smell good at all over there. What? Oh, man. Oh, no. I have to watch this again. Extreme massage. Not all not all of it, man. I'm not kidding. Welcome back to another video.
[01:45:11] Unknown:
What you are about to see is disturbing. I see a Himalayan salt lamp. Already is. With context. In this video, you will see me get very angry. This video is mere. Give you the backstory. Oh my god. About 2 weeks ago, I received an email from a group called Mystic Visions about their book called Okay. Where's He Get Angry? Wisdom. Now I've
[01:45:39] Unknown:
come from authors and publishers all the time, and I always respond the same way. So you guys just contacted this guy and said I got a book. Check it out. Yeah. I just I just called him for, like, a preliminary thing. Yeah. And he has a big moment.
[01:45:52] Unknown:
And then I started to look through it. But Is it in the message part of the conversation?
[01:45:57] Unknown:
Most racist 5 minutes. Hateful. 6 minutes in. It's 5, 6 minutes in. He's yelling like a Transphobic, white supremacist,
[01:46:06] Unknown:
garbage, non nation of
[01:46:09] Unknown:
I'm just calling from my phone. With a rant,
[01:46:12] Unknown:
with your occult themes, which I know you're keen on and you understand very well. I'm calling from my phone, so I have no idea. He's recording this new formulation. Yes. He's recording me. I didn't fucking know. Can help us reach out to our audience. Mhmm. I just called them, like, real quick. Give everyone more. Go a minute forward. Just start yelling at me. Because I know that a lot of times Sorry. We're all so so I don't know. I just wanted He just starts yelling at some point. And and then everyone is able to provide more to This is the video on his channel that he ended up to yelling. Sorry. Yeah. Because I thought I was you know you know how I called you. I did a preliminary call with you. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. I didn't have my whole deal set up. Typical typical book promotion type thing.
[01:46:55] Unknown:
Yeah. It it's tip. Yeah. There's contributing,
[01:47:00] Unknown:
because like, I I I did a lot of the style, but when
[01:47:07] Unknown:
Did he edit out the parts that made him look terrible? He edit out a part that made him look terrible.
[01:47:13] Unknown:
And he was asking me if I'm a big corporation with a with a so a big team because he was fat and jealous. If if I just if I make it in a big tag team, then I can I can bring more value into the book, you know? Yeah. Yeah. How big is the how big is the organization or the See, and this he's jealous. He's fat and fucking jealous right here. Lot of people are you a small group? Are you, See, he wants to know because he's a jealous little gnome. Like, right now so right now there's about, what, like, 8 people here in Mexico with me. And then And he got a copy of your book? You know, I have clients. Yeah. And so those clients Didn't comprehend what he was reading last time. He was just yelling like a fat gnome. Yeah. I I do quote Sapphire, Sanheim. Along the lines of psychoanalysis.
[01:47:57] Unknown:
[01:47:58] Unknown:
But one of the unique things that my clients Sapphire. I don't monetize my clients. So what does that mean? That means that So asking ruins in the background there? Yeah. They Kind of a nice consulting. Right? But during my consulting, I'll ask them questions. Right? And so, there's a very specific article about, like, how to measure your penis. Right? And it it was it was a joke about, like, you should measure your penis. It's stupid. It it would be backwards, but chemist. Mhmm. And so he she started yelling. Process. So it's very detailed, and that adds to the humor. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Seems like he removed the yelling from the video. He posted it. I don't know. He kinda switches, and he starts yelling. He he does yell. Begin this video? I I think you know that the topics that you and I discussed. Yeah. Yeah. My editor says that he yells in the video. Be in that mindset. Skip ahead. He's somewhere yelling, I think.
[01:48:49] Unknown:
According to the same bird. According to There you go. There you go. Why don't you say that? Okay. So so
[01:48:55] Unknown:
why? Because so first of all Or with this? With the what?
[01:49:02] Unknown:
With the argument stuff. Like, with your view that if if a woman is is, S. A. Ed, that it's not a transgression against her. Right? So let's start with that. That it's not a transgression against the woman. It's a transgression against the man who claimed her without without sidestepping.
[01:49:19] Unknown:
And I'm I don't sidestep anything. Right? Come on. Get to get to the point. I haven't ever noticed you to sidestep anything. You're very The point is
[01:49:28] Unknown:
the state the state itself the state itself. Right? The state itself prosecutes you. Right? And the state itself prosecutes you under the state's interests. What the fuck does that have to do with women being SA, dude? See see. And he's okay. It's too much for him. He's a why? He's a no. Because so first of all
[01:49:55] Unknown:
I see what you're saying. You're you're you're talking about what your book is When you go up to court, it's a state against and that other person is just, like, listed as, like, a side victim. The Fran freshers against state. What your book that you published says.
[01:50:09] Unknown:
So I I made the Julian Assange article argument.
[01:50:12] Unknown:
That if a woman is attacked, it's not an attack against her. It's attack against a man who was raped. According to the same her. Why don't you tell me what the fuck you meant by that?
[01:50:24] Unknown:
I I I just did. I don't know what what do what do you what do you want me to tell you? If if a woman is sexually assaulted, if a woman is sexually assaulted, the state attacks the sexual assaulter not on behalf of the woman, but on behalf of the state. That is how the legal theory works.
[01:50:44] Unknown:
Do you see what I'm saying? So the state No. I don't see what you're saying, dude. I see what you read, and I see a slimy little weasel that wants to spread hate and wants to sidestep and make excuses and say, oh, it's it's just it's just about the law. It's just, you're a lawyer, dude. Are you fucking kidding me? That's how the law works. Fucking kidding me? Your book is the most disgusting, hateful shit I've ever read in my entire life, and I am going to tell every single person that I meet for the rest of my life about you and your little insult cult. So, good luck to you. I I hope listen. I really hope that you undrink whatever Kool Aid you drank, dude. I really hope you get well. Get some fucking therapy. Like, I called you. Get the fuck out of the public industry. Stop pretending that you're some kind of psychiatrist, psychoanalysis.
You're a fucking lawyer, bro. You you don't psychoanalyze anything. You're not a doctor. You're a guy who's published some I'm not a doctor. I'm not a pumped.
[01:51:41] Unknown:
Okay. Thank you.
[01:51:44] Unknown:
The group has a very popular book.
[01:51:47] Unknown:
Wow. So if you don't already have 3 copies of this book on your shelf and preserved for all time, what are you doing? Get on it. The pillars of wisdom dot com? I'm gonna be shipping from Greece because my publisher canceled me,
[01:52:03] Unknown:
like, this fat gnome, and I have to fight an endless array of gnomes to get my book out. Yeah. That's where I'm at. It's a it's a war. It's an it's a war against the gnomes of the world. That's where we're as a society. You know he's protecting the world against mine. So is he gatekeeping
[01:52:28] Unknown:
occult knowledge while claiming to have occult knowledge and a Himalayan salt lamp on his shelf? I
[01:52:36] Unknown:
don't know. It's it's it's hard to watch. It's like watching a car accident into another car accident. He doesn't have any occult knowledge.
[01:52:46] Unknown:
Just he just Kind of.
[01:52:49] Unknown:
I don't know. I I just I just mailed my book to some people. You know, I got it to 2 professors. You know? This is how this is how you promote. You you know, I've got
[01:52:59] Unknown:
any, Marcus type on weaving spiders the week after you were on, or or the week before or something like that, somewhere around there about, like, the we did one with,
[01:53:12] Unknown:
Christopher Macintosh over his book. It's it's just, how it works. Author of Occult Russia and Occult Germany. And it took us 3, 4 weeks to read his material, to engage with it, to reread it, and then to talk to him about his book. It sounds like this gentleman who received your book free of charge, read your book or didn't read your book, and then gets you into a a Zoom room and then just wants to record you and berate you and tell you that you wrote a hateful piece of literature?
[01:53:44] Unknown:
Yeah. That's what happened. I I don't know if there's a lot of these gnomes, or I just got lucky and I gotta know. So he's expressing his hatred towards you and your ideas
[01:53:55] Unknown:
while calling you a hateful individual.
[01:53:58] Unknown:
He's expressing something. I don't it's I I just called the zine. Unfulfillment.
[01:54:04] Unknown:
So as if this individual continues to live an unfulfilled life, maybe finding fulfillment by joining deliberating dog faced dudes and standing up for him, herself. I don't know the pronouns of this individual. We'll give him a fair opportunity to express his beliefs.
[01:54:22] Unknown:
I call him he has a lot to express. Okay. There's a lot there's a lot he's trying to express. I wasn't able to fully appreciate everything he was expressing, but Sexual frustration? There was a lot I sense that. There's a lot of sexual frustration. So if you guys can help him in some way
[01:54:41] Unknown:
send somebody over or something, I don't know. I think if he got a second salt lamp, that's when the girls come. It's it's the one salt lamp that's that's killing it. I think that's what it is. I think it's a salt lap deficiency.
[01:54:57] Unknown:
Oh, it's like a seg jewel with 2 g's, salt lamp
[01:55:02] Unknown:
that he has on his shelf. Look. Throwing his his link tree into the private chat, Mark, in case of Look through his Instagram. It's really cringe. It's really The order of chaos. The link tree look cringe, man. It really did. Right.
[01:55:19] Unknown:
So we'll bring some order to that order of chaos and To dark arts ritual pack.
[01:55:24] Unknown:
Oh, dude. He takes 50% off now for Sammy. Yeah. Oh, Samhain special. Okay. No. It's not Samhain because this guy is not definitely not pronouncing it Samhain. He's pronounced Sam Hain.
[01:55:38] Unknown:
Okay. I know this. What what in the Sam Hill Sam Hain root and tuning have we got this cowboy over here acting like a gnome for?
[01:55:48] Unknown:
I clicked on a cult university. We got some Blair Witch sticks made into pentagrams. Okay. Like that. The order of chaos, a cult university is an experience unlike any other. I bet. Classes on a wide range of occult topics from tarot to Hermetic philosophy and astrology, manifestation, spell work, demonology, and so much more. We have a 100 videos and we add new lessons every week. Each month, we feature live master classes and guest lectures from the very best occult and spiritual creators from around the world. Included with your subscription, attend the live class or watch the recording.
All lectures are added to our cult of our library of occult wisdom available 24 7 at a click of a button unlike Can you imagine
[01:56:42] Unknown:
what kind of joyless food is at those retreats?
[01:56:46] Unknown:
I can imagine master classing into a Well, from the way it looks, it looks like you're just watching, YouTube videos and you already even have a retreat. Fake practice magic? Yeah. Holy, but Jesus, this one lady I wish you guys could see this. I don't know how to can I screen share this? Jesus Christ. For sure. Oh, you gotta see this. This lady is fucking scary. Halloween everyday over there? No. It's not picking it up. I gotta freaking damn it. I always have problems with my screen sharing with,
[01:57:24] Unknown:
StreamYard for some reason. Are you talking about the faculty?
[01:57:28] Unknown:
Yeah. The faculty. Okay. Pull the faculty up, dude. Pull this up. I gotcha. I gotcha. The one that the chick I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I I'm pretty sure I know who you I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about.
[01:57:40] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm pretty sure I I picked that up first go.
[01:57:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Go ahead and,
[01:57:46] Unknown:
make I I want her wisdom. Bigger here. Okay. Hang on. We gotta do it as a reveal, though.
[01:57:54] Unknown:
Because The unveiling. The veil is thin. Yeah. This person is not.
[01:58:00] Unknown:
Oh, no. It's not even it's not even that, man. It's not even that. Just, you know, the guest lectures you can get. There's there's Buddy.
[01:58:08] Unknown:
Right? Yeah. Ben.
[01:58:11] Unknown:
Son Reed, out daff out. Mhmm. Ivy, the occultist, Olivia Graves. Of wonderlust. These are all totally real names, by the way. Black with Daira.
[01:58:30] Unknown:
K. She's not got the gosselet look going on at all. And here we go. Bazinga.
[01:58:38] Unknown:
The north witch, Ben, that's your people.
[01:58:41] Unknown:
Yeah. Totally. Totally. Totally my people.
[01:58:47] Unknown:
Okay. So just Camden Camden Cornell is coming off the release of his 37th self produced indie folk album.
[01:58:58] Unknown:
Is is there a hierarchy in this order of chaos? And who is the the doctor? So I'm gonna assume this one on the left,
[01:59:06] Unknown:
bottom left is in charge. He's got doctorates. Right. Shit. Right. What are the courses? What are the courses? What is magic, hermetic philosophy? With a k.
[01:59:17] Unknown:
Yeah. Verify that. Occult anatomy.
[01:59:21] Unknown:
This is where your imaginary literacy is. Tarot mastery.
[01:59:27] Unknown:
Why is the woman teaching the elder futhark? You're supposed to be a witch. Get back into the side or leave men's stuff alone, you dumb.
[01:59:39] Unknown:
Well, because you're not teaching the elder futhark runes, Ben. That's why enough to be in this club. You you haven't been contacted by master witch
[01:59:51] Unknown:
fucking fat body. Of chaos publishes their book and they want a review, send it to us, and we'll give you a completely non biased review. We'll read it 3 times. We'll go over it. There's backwards. There's a witch who wrote something,
[02:00:07] Unknown:
part of their group. Okay. And she wrote a book, and she was really happy about it. She she jiggled with glee.
[02:00:14] Unknown:
Right? Yeah. Demonolatry
[02:00:21] Unknown:
with with I mean, I know you stay with that. Right?
[02:00:25] Unknown:
Advanced chaos magic.
[02:00:29] Unknown:
I like the sacred geometry topic. Alright. 3 day drive. Guy, Thomas Thomas, Sheridan already told everybody how to do that. You just, like, make a sigil, and then you jack off to a Britney Spears video. And then you I think it's on the sigil or on the video of Britney Spears. I'm not sure which. Holy fuck. $777?
[02:00:52] Unknown:
Yeah. 6 month reality creation package.
[02:00:56] Unknown:
Wow. Reality creation package. How many folks of wisdom do you like? Heroin.
[02:01:05] Unknown:
Wow. This guy Hey, man. Reality.
[02:01:08] Unknown:
Everybody's gotta eat. Right? So is it just is it just me who gets yelled at and get called for everyone?
[02:01:17] Unknown:
Like, I'm just special, or you guys too? Oh, no. I I get called the white nationalist regularly.
[02:01:22] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I've been I've been everything from Putin to Hitler and fucking but basically, basically everyone but Idi Amin.
[02:01:37] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Okay. I got called the antichrist a lot back when I first started speaking. That kind of fell off, which has hurt my ego a lot because I was the 2nd most important person, like, their whole thing. Okay. And I don't even know I fell off.
[02:01:55] Unknown:
Okay. So this is just normal. This is normal. Like, these people just emerge, and they Pokemon battle you. Mhmm. It's a lot like that. Okay. And and this is just my first Pokemon, but you guys have been fighting Pokemon
[02:02:12] Unknown:
for Oh, yeah. I do it. I I speak about alchemy. And when I first and when I first started speaking, not only I do I speak about alchemy, I speak about oldenism and living off grid, and I was the devil himself as the antichrist, blah blah blah. People have made videos of me. People tried to get the some of the events where I publicly spoke where I was invited to speak at events. People have tried to get me thrown out of events for being a white nationalist, and half my family isn't even white. Like, my actual blood relatives had made me laugh. I'm like, okay.
Just because I'm very white, doesn't mean I think everybody has to be. I'm just not unhappy about being white.
[02:03:01] Unknown:
Like Yeah. I'm I'm yeah. I'm a racist 7 days a week and twice on Sunday, and half my cohost are black. My girlfriend's Mexican, but, you know, Yeah. It's, it's a it's a weird old world.
[02:03:16] Unknown:
Okay. So everyone everyone has to fight Pokemon.
[02:03:19] Unknown:
Yeah. I I ignore them mostly. Or I or sometimes I like to poke them, give them no poke in the keister,
[02:03:25] Unknown:
say some extra inflammatory shit to get them extra going. Okay. We've we've got this live stream, Tuesday nights. We welcome people into our live stream where they can present their ideas with the acknowledgment that there will be debate and there will be pushback, and we will kinda fight against ideas and discover if they're full of shit or not. And if this person wants to join in, more than welcome. If if all of the occult order of chaos of whoever wants to all join in, they're all welcome. I think there's enough capacity here for video. You guys wanna have an occult debate?
[02:04:02] Unknown:
We are in a cold order. We don't have our own little classes. None of us are even a fucking doctor, but let's go ahead and have an occult debate and see how that pans out because I noticed actual lab alchemy wasn't on your list. You fucking bunch of damn freaking new agey shitbag freaking Theosophical Society tit suckers.
[02:04:26] Unknown:
Woo peddlers.
[02:04:28] Unknown:
Yep. Can you can you call this guy? Can you make sure he Yeah. We'll use the available contact forms. Okay. Perfect. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. If you can if you can contact my Pokemon, you know, I I wanna share my Pokemon. Available,
[02:04:44] Unknown:
contact methods and the guys can comment are because he's he's a good Pokemon and
[02:04:50] Unknown:
I'm sure you guys would enjoy battling with this Pokemon because I don't think he wants to battle anymore with me. Okay. So he's all yours.
[02:04:58] Unknown:
No. You can keep him. We've got our own. I've got I've got a collection.
[02:05:02] Unknown:
No. First, I last time I got you a book, and this time I got you a Pokemon. You know? Perfect.
[02:05:07] Unknown:
Like, I'm about to debate an orthodox Christian. I imagine I'm about to have an army of them.
[02:05:13] Unknown:
Oh, no.
[02:05:14] Unknown:
Yeah. That's fair. That's fair.
[02:05:19] Unknown:
Alright, guys. Well, love being on. Thank you so much. Amazing show. Your openness and generosity, and I really love your thoughts.
[02:05:26] Unknown:
To to, withstand some of the, attacks that we've I've waged against you and your I just I love every moment of it, and thank you for giving me Pokemon counseling.
[02:05:38] Unknown:
Yeah. I can't get you, brother. The more successful you are, the more of them there are. More Pokemon. That's just like, if you if I do like, in the debate, if I just get dog stomped, like, 6 of them will say something. If I make a good showing, 200 of them are gonna make sure they come. Like, you made our dude look bad. The the better you're doing, the more you got to expect that you're gonna get. If there's 50 videos of you, if they start calling you a shill and a government agent and blah blah, then you're doing good.
[02:06:09] Unknown:
[02:06:10] Unknown:
Alright. I'm gonna collect Pokemon live to speak to, experienced Pokemon collectors. And, looking forward to our next meeting.
[02:06:17] Unknown:
Have a wonderful evening. You know what? Well, you're you're, you're stand up with willing to stand in and debate, if you wanna get in and duke it out, with anybody else or you just wanna come in and and join a panel and give us your, your, 2¢ worth and duke it out, you can feel free, brother. Yeah. We'll stop by. I love every second. We'll keep doing this.
[02:06:40] Unknown:
Just you're really great guys, and everything's super, super amazing. So thank you so much. Thank you for promoting my book, The Pillars of Wisdom.
[02:06:47] Unknown:
You guys really helped me a lot. Alright. Tell everybody where to go get it again. Perfect.
[02:06:52] Unknown:
Go to, the pillars of wisdom dot com and pick up this amazing book. And according to a obese Indian satanist, it's literally mine comp.
[02:07:02] Unknown:
Alright. Alright. Well, thanks, man. Guarantee you've heard of. You've heard of. Thank you so much. Have a good night. Okay. Go ahead and drop him from the thing there.
[02:07:15] Unknown:
Back into the YouTube chat. I know that we're streaming to a couple of other platforms. Hope we haven't missed any chats there.
[02:07:24] Unknown:
Ryan, right. There there were there weren't any specific questions or anything. Okay. Ryan says it's a pretty dope book. We got
[02:07:32] Unknown:
the artwork in it is crazy good, to be honest. Think what you want. Like I said, I don't agree with, with a lot of what the dude says. The dude's willing to get in there and bang and stand in the fire, and you can't you know, you gotta respect that straight out. So
[02:07:54] Unknown:
Heck yeah. An exciting read. It's there's never a dull moment. And to to shake men out of their sort of passivity and just malaise, this is this is a tool that'll definitely do that. And women women are gonna wanna buy this book to see what the men are talking about in the manosphere. Steve, got anything coming up this week?
[02:08:18] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. See, tomorrow is, T Snyder is always in on Wednesday. T is a fascinating and brilliant human being, and, Brad Binkley from propaganda report is gonna be joining us at some point, I think, for the last hour. Pretty sure Texas Slim is back in on Thursday. Wednesday night, we air a show called Poppy's Field Project, which is all astrological woo. They do good stuff. It's fun. The independent review is Friday. That's curated by Ryan Graham from Big Frog Clothing who also does all of my merch and stuff like that. And it's just kind of a a roundup of various clips from legitimately independent media throughout the week. So that airs when AM wake up normally would, and then yeah, man.
3rd rail with Nature Boy, Friday night.
[02:09:27] Unknown:
Saturday boy. Like, yeah. Woo. Heck yeah.
[02:09:33] Unknown:
Saturday is America Unplugged with Billy Ray Valentine, Tony, and Don Jeffries, and then Saturday Night Anarchy, which is way too much fun. Tom Cooper host that show.
[02:09:48] Unknown:
Still doing plan for us here next week, Steve?
[02:09:52] Unknown:
Well, it's election night, so I didn't know if we were gonna actually be able to get and know if we're gonna be able to get Nico. But They vote for you. They vote often. Not not gonna be an issue for our Nico House is gonna be coming through at some point in the next couple of weeks, and and we're going to have a conversation about reparations.
[02:10:14] Unknown:
That'll be interesting. That'll be interesting.
[02:10:17] Unknown:
So I'll finally get paid?
[02:10:19] Unknown:
I'll win the debate and get paid? Yeah. That's how that works. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I've got lots of reparations around my farm that need done. Right. Winner of the debate gets 40 acres and a mule.
[02:10:32] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. You don't want it to be a a an actual car or a truck because those break all the time. You you mule is, you know what? That's what we learned in the hurricane was mules are more reliable.
[02:10:46] Unknown:
Well, that goes back to Vegas. It was the same thing. When your truck transformed, transmorganite became a pack animal and crawled out of the desert.
[02:10:57] Unknown:
I'm scared to go I'm scared to go again, and I certainly can't fly because whoof. Because you don't have wings? Yeah. Like a red pill? No. I will not be taking the red pill. I, I I honestly, I'd like to get some other fellas in that are, you know, represented. I like I like GLO. I'd like to get some other fellows to represent, but I will not be taking the red pill in any way, shape, or form. Yeah. No.
[02:11:27] Unknown:
It seemed like cherry flavored Ricola that I'd like to shout out to. Ricola keeps our
[02:11:33] Unknown:
voices able to speak. It's a good throat lozenge. He seemed more black pill than red pill, to be honest. So, you know, like, very bleak, vision of what society's got going on, which I don't disagree with, but, a lot of the assessments. But I don't see where that's feeding into that instead of creating a future
[02:11:56] Unknown:
is the answer. Right. So let's just push the gas pedal on it in the name of progress because there has to be progress because stagnation is bad. You're not a fucking Mako shark. And neither is anybody else. You know what I mean? Like Yeah. The way the technology is accelerated and the, underlying, you know, programming that's resulted from it. I I think maybe maybe standing still for a minute and going, do we even understand any of the shit that we've done to us, to the planet, that we do we understand the tenth of how our computers work? If the answer is no, then you should catch up.
It's not that there should be this mass push for acceleration, and then, okay, we'll just let, you know, selectively enforce Darwinism sorted all out. That that doesn't seem to be a very rational solution.
[02:13:01] Unknown:
Well, it almost, I almost cut in. My cat was in the way, and I forgot later. And said, this is this almost seems like premenuchta from the bottom. Well, hey. You're just getting a bunch of low level dudes to come hump the girls here, and, it's gonna produce a bunch of low level ass dudes that aren't gonna be the ones that join the army on purpose. I I meant to ask at that point in time whether he was then, in favor of, you know, universal service. Yeah. Because that would seem to me the only way you're gonna, get that those low level guys to
[02:13:44] Unknown:
present themselves Well, it's just it's a a constant breeding process for what you intend to be an ever expanding imperial army. Yeah. And what? You're just gonna keep winning in perpetuity? Like, you're never there's not gonna be any pushback? The is it a Dick Cheney situation where we're greeted with roses,
[02:14:10] Unknown:
laurels? We definitely coulda had a a debate where I came off as a complete eugenicist over it.
[02:14:22] Unknown:
You explore the ideas far enough, and you radicalize yourself. And with the literature, you you could present yourself any way you want to. And if it's a radical right pill, red pill, winger sure. I mean, that's that's not an argument, though. To accuse someone of being a label is not engaging with the argument. Our whole purpose tonight and every night we do this is to engage specifically with the ideas.
[02:14:53] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Because his his red pill is obviously not the same as, like, a Rolo Tomasi or, Fresh and Fit was one he brought up. I'm not sure if they're red pill or just
[02:15:06] Unknown:
guys trying to hump girls. I'm not sure. They're definitely considered red pill. The thing that I find interesting is that that dude Myron was a homeland Security agent before he was a podcast host.
[02:15:18] Unknown:
No shit? Yeah. Wow. Wow. The one that's like the really outspoken, the one that they say got got him kicked off YouTube and shit. My Myron's not even his real name. I'll be damned. Yeah. Obviously, I'm not in the dating world, so this kind of thing isn't so much my thing. I'm aware of it, and we watch it and pay attention to some of it just for awareness. But, you know, I I gave my I thought my opening statement was pretty good, and I gave my my opinions on it. I don't see where going out and trying to find the low level girls and using them as a comm sock is helpful. I don't see how that's gonna get you as a higher get you to a higher status as a man, nor do I see how that's gonna move you in a way, to, getting a higher status woman. I would argue this against Myron or any of them guys.
I don't care. In my there's definitive proof that, you know, while there is truth to what they're saying about women that'll chase after dudes with women, where you see these low level women that'll go and the best friend will get the tell the girl to leave the dude and then go sleep with the dude herself. These aren't these aren't realized quality women. No. They're
[02:16:45] Unknown:
[02:16:46] Unknown:
Yeah. They're trollops. True my wife would would turn her nose at that and wouldn't even talk to those people. Like, you want a quality woman, you need to be a quality man. That's how that pans out. And a quality man isn't running around having sex with with a bunch of nasty people. That that's so if you you are automatically devaluing yourself as a person, and they don't wanna recognize that. And then on top of that, even in a biological manner, there's a thing while everybody wants to recognize the changes that women take from having a bunch of penises put in them. There's there's a thing called horizontal DNA transfer, which applies to men too. So every woman that you're exchanging fluids with is changing you too, bro. And and that's just a fact. So at some point in time, you're just some mess also.
And to sit there and hold women to a different standard when you aren't quality, well, then you're just begging. All's you're doing is being a beggar.
[02:17:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Beggars be choosers?
[02:17:53] Unknown:
No. No. They can't.
[02:17:56] Unknown:
I mean, look. He yeah. There there's a whole bunch of different ways that you can look at it. But, I mean, ultimately, if that's what you're advocating, you're advocating an explosion of the welfare state of a, you know, even further undereducated labor pool, you know, then you're gonna have to import more people to do the advanced jobs. It's just yeah. It's the opposite of and, again, it's all predicated on, well, we need to go out and conquer the world that that has, like, the most naive, freaking, I don't know, like,
[02:18:45] Unknown:
current deal on better off than hitting the that we are we're a chunk under the replacement rate, and you at the UN just put out the stats showing that there's a there's an a severe drop off about project you know, their projections where it was a little slope for all these western countries. It it it's a severe drop off. So he would have been better off just saying, your replacement rate is almost over the plateau where you're gonna be on the the steep slope down. Yeah.
[02:19:18] Unknown:
Well, and and there's an argument to be made there, but I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily try to apply red thought philosophy with, you know, communist indoctrination replacement theory. And and that that's really what it sounded like.
[02:19:38] Unknown:
These ideas don't exist on their own. They're all mish mashed together into sort of working systems. And if the idea is, like, some sort of male fulfillment or some kind of, like, purpose, like giving a man a purpose, Now we're talking again about what is the purpose of becoming more of an alpha male. Well, it's, you know, self improvement. It's confidence. It's realizing that, you know, personal responsibility is important. And then the realism of looking at the world the way it is, gathering the data, and making decisions based off of the way the world is versus the way not the world not the way you think it is. And that's kind of the blue pill idea of, like, going back to sleep, continuing in, la la land or normieville or whatever it is to to just not even concern yourself with esoteric or occult thought or any sort of higher level functioning in your thought process. It's just, okay. It's the world series.
Now there's an election, and then there's Christmas, and then there's tax day, and then, you know, just keep working. Just keep working. Keep accumulating. Keep paying bills. At some point, what does a man live for? Is it family, wife, children, grandchildren, this type of thing?
[02:20:59] Unknown:
That's the only future you can possibly have. Mhmm. Like, at some point in time, no matter what, we all die. And if you truly want some kind of a future, that family is the only future you really have.
[02:21:14] Unknown:
Or I guess you could join a chaos order, a cult group, coven. Yeah. That's another option. Yeah. And, I guess that one. Yep. There there's a third secret option, but we can't tell you about it just yet.
[02:21:26] Unknown:
You you too could be the only guy not getting laid at the witch orgy.
[02:21:36] Unknown:
When the chick put the whole side of her head tattooed up like that fucking, lady Babylon dude turns you down, you know you're in trouble. That's your people, Ben. That's your she's the norse witch. Dude, so all these women that use that claim to be these rune experts and everything. Rune magic is or the dealing with runes is not even a feminine thing at all. Scyther is their thing. Runes are very structured. So no woman should ever be claiming that there's some master. And then they're always, oh, I threw it down and used it in a very feminine way, which is, you know, foretelling and whatnot. That's not a masculine thing. That's not what dudes do. You're using a hammer to try and put on makeup or something.
Like, it it's absolute insanity at best.
[02:22:32] Unknown:
I'd like to make a makeup tutorial where I do use a hammer and I apply makeup to myself, and then I get a sponsorship from CoverBoy OR Girl OR whatever they're doing.
[02:22:42] Unknown:
[02:22:42] Unknown:
Maybell maybe it is Maybelline. Maybe that's the way forward. It. And for the influencer, you know, makeup videos strategy. And and that's the and, you know, that's kind of the reason why at some point, YouTube influences were doing makeup tutorials, and they realized that if they could sell makeup to teenage boys and teenage girls, they they'd be selling more makeup products. We double your market. Yeah. Almost. For mascara. Exactly.
[02:23:10] Unknown:
49% increase in market share. Yep. That's nothing to sneeze at.
[02:23:15] Unknown:
And that that and it's not gay at all.
[02:23:24] Unknown:
Well, if it's good enough if it's good enough for JD Vance. Oh, okay. Good enough for the rest of us.
[02:23:31] Unknown:
Why? Why would you do that to yourself, dude? That is so weird. Isn't he the dude that went around at the eye patch for a couple years? No. That's Dan Crenshaw. That's You know what? I can't tell the difference.
[02:23:44] Unknown:
He's he's eye patch McCain.
[02:23:48] Unknown:
Yeah. You know what? When I got hit by that vehicle in Minnesota, in Southern Minnesota, the cops asked me to describe the guy. And after describing him, I'm like, yeah. I realized I just basically described myself and every other dude in this gas station. We're in fucking Southern Minnesota. But, hey. I'm aware. I can't tell the difference either.
[02:24:09] Unknown:
I am blind in both eyes. I cannot find my eye patch right now. So I don't know if that's an Apple product.
[02:24:17] Unknown:
Like, I don't know. It's a middle class white guy. I don't know. What what that that's what that looks like. It's one of them dudes. Probably has, like, a probably has, like, a shit smear on the front right corner of his truck where he hit me and made me shit myself. It's like And what's going on?
[02:24:33] Unknown:
In the, McDonald's.
[02:24:36] Unknown:
Malachi, you stop that bullshit. Dang.
[02:24:42] Unknown:
Fucking cycled it. I gotta jump, fellas.
[02:24:47] Unknown:
It's been fun. Love you guys. Do it again. We'll we'll we might I don't know what we're gonna do for next week, I guess. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll get we'll get we'll get, Steve to join the team Kamala and debate it. And then and then we'll all pretend to be on team Trump, and then we'll both go. And afterwards, we'll beat our heads into the wall 837,000 times in order to become stupid enough to be on either of those teams. Right. Right. I'll show up in a man bun and a romper. Yeah. Yeah.
[02:25:21] Unknown:
Get a white dude's for Harris shirt.
[02:25:24] Unknown:
Rompers in the room.
[02:25:26] Unknown:
We'll figure it out.
[02:25:28] Unknown:
It's fucking Love you guys. Alright, y'all. Take care.
Introduction and Hurricane Stories
Debate on the Concept of Alpha Male
Opening Statements and Introductions
Animal vs. Social Definitions of Alpha Male
Red Pill Ideology and Urban Life
Critique of Red Pill and Philandering
The Role of Sexual Relationships in Red Pill
Consequences of Red Pill Philosophy
Population Growth and Military Strategy
Debate on Population and Immigration
The Occult and Esoteric Knowledge
Discussion on Occult Practices and Society
Religious History and Cultural Influence
Judaism and Historical Context
Debate on Occult Knowledge and Chaos Magic
Critique of Occult Order and Online Presence
Closing Thoughts and Future Discussions