”Smash the status quo with technology for good.” A No-BS show for Truth-Seekers and Freedom-Lovers who know the system is broken and are on a mission to build the best versions of themselves and the planet. My fabulous guests and I share tips, tools, and hacks about freedom technologies, AI, peace, meditation, LOVE, human rights, futurism, personal growth, Bitcoin, censorship, and prosperity for ALL. If you are on a mission to make yourself and the world way better this podcast is for YOU. "Peaceful Money = Peaceful Planet"
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FountainHere are shows you might like
Laughter is medicine for the SOUL and this conversation with Trinity will make your belly laugh and your heart sing. Hear what happened to Trinity while at work that led her on a new adventurous life path. Trinity explains who her profile pic is and why it relates to Bitcoin. Listen to Trinity’s 1st psychedelic experience and how she…
Laughter is medicine for the SOUL and this conversation with Trinity will make your belly laugh…
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"Bitcoin is a reverse moral trap and the ultimate anti-bait and switch"@tomer
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"Bitcoin is a reverse moral trap and the ultimate anti-bait and switch"@tomer
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Even badassess get the blues. No matter how successful, well-connected, and loved you are - every living human has a breaking point. Greg Foss has managed risk for billions of dollars of his client’s portfolios and knows how to operate under the most extreme pressure that many of us have never experienced. He shares his vulnerable and…
Even badassess get the blues. No matter how successful, well-connected, and loved you are -…
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Do you know that your cell phone is an attack vector that can get hacked without ever leaving…
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Bitcoin Crowdfunding for Creatives and Educators If you care about music, art, education, and…
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"World Peace Begins With Inner Peace" Do you have a daily peace and prosperity practice? Tune…
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If you are the curious type who seeks to understand the way your heart, mind, and world work, you will LOVE this interview! Nozomi and I discuss what is peace, freedom, and self-love and how Bitcoin can be a unifier for humanity. Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a liberation psychologist who fell into the Bitcoin rabbit hole, and found a path for…
If you are the curious type who seeks to understand the way your heart, mind, and world work, you…
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Do you know which of the “4 Stages of Adult Life” you are currently at and why it matters for…
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”Power cannot be created in the Cyphernet through violence or subjection, but only through…
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Did you know you can use renewable energy to mine Bitcoin from the OCEAN! Check out this inspiring interview with Nathaniel Harmon who is seeking to implement this technology at scale!
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Did you know you can use renewable energy to mine Bitcoin from the OCEAN! Check out this…
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