The Vance Crowe Podcast is a thought-provoking and engaging show where Vance Crowe, a former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto, and X-World Banker, interviews a variety of experts and thought leaders from diverse fields. Vance prompts his guests to think about their work in novel ways, exploring how their expertise applies to regular people and sharing stories and experiences. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including agriculture, technology, social issues, and more. It aims to provide listeners with new perspectives and insights into the world around them.
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FountainHere are shows you might like
Exercise Week: Mark Spewak is an extraordinary running coach, helping his clients to learn how to become better runners not only from establishing a running plan, but also learning how to master the voices in your head that try to talk you out of pushing through and achieving your goals. Vance Crowe and Mark Spewak discuss the voice of…
Exercise Week: Mark Spewak is an extraordinary running coach, helping his clients to…
09 November 2020 | 01:01:23
Marcio Gonacalves runs the business SwineIt a podcast and conference business that has taken the North and South American business world by storm. He sat down with Vance Crowe and to talk about business productivity secrets, discuss business challenges, and talk about how to keep employees motivated.
Marcio Gonacalves runs the business SwineIt a podcast and conference business that has…
26 October 2020 | 00:59:44
A new YouTube channel that will shatter what you think you know about historical figures has just been created by accountant and retirement community CEO Jeremy LaKosh. During LaKosh’s conversation with Vance Crowe they talk about:
A new YouTube channel that will shatter what you think you know about historical figures…
23 October 2020 | 01:07:44
Chris Bennet is ag and technology editor for Farm Journal magazine. He tells stories with a southern drawl that draw you in and almost always has a twist that you cannot believe.
In this interview we talk about the inner demons that can lead anyone astray, one of the greatest insurance frauds in US history done by Robert Carl…
Chris Bennet is ag and technology editor for Farm Journal magazine. He tells stories…
19 October 2020 | 01:17:20
Jamey Stegmaier is a giant in the world of board game publishing. Stegmaier sat down with Vance Crowe to talk about what it takes to design a great board game, how introverts can use board games to start conversations, and why writing game directions is so difficult.
Stegmaier owns Stonemaier Games and is a major…
Jamey Stegmaier is a giant in the world of board game publishing. Stegmaier sat down…
16 October 2020 | 00:56:51
Once humans let pets in the house, everything about the way we medicated them had to change. Suddenly the disease that were ok outside, were now coming into the house. Animal pharmaceutical salesman Brian Hopkins sat down with Vance Crowe to discuss what changes have happened, how people engage with their pets differently and the…
Once humans let pets in the house, everything about the way we medicated them had to…
14 October 2020 | 01:04:01
Kenneth Stanley’s concept of “Novelty Search” characterizes how major breakthroughs happen by articulating that individuals that discover and build totally new things cannot plan where they are going, they instead need to follow what they find interesting. During Kenneth Stanley’s interview with Vance Crowe, they discuss how novelty…
Kenneth Stanley’s concept of “Novelty Search” characterizes how major breakthroughs…
12 October 2020 | 01:20:19
Bryan Moes is a slow talking South Dakota farmer with five boys living in South Dakota. Moes is a family man, deeply active in his community and a strong supporter of the organizations that make agriculture work. Moes sat down with Vance Crowe to discuss teaching your children responsibility, how to make changes in large…
Bryan Moes is a slow talking South Dakota farmer with five boys living in South Dakota.…
08 October 2020 | 00:55:25
Paula Olsiewski is an MIT trained biochemist that now helps foundations decide how to allocate resources to deal with challenges that face our civilization. She has worked in biosecurity, synthetic biology, and most recently on indoor air quality.
Paula Olsiewski spoke with Vance Crowe about funding research, what…
Paula Olsiewski is an MIT trained biochemist that now helps foundations decide how to…
06 October 2020 | 01:09:27
Rob Long is back discussing with Vance Crowe on how to read so that you extract more meaning from your time, the dichotomies game that they play, the reason that positive human rights are dangerous and the value of negative human rights, and why values smuggling has destroyed the value of the skeptics community.
Rob Long is back discussing with Vance Crowe on how to read so that you extract more…
03 October 2020 | 00:56:32
A service that records individuals and couples telling their life stories so that future generations can know their family history. in Bitcoin with Confidence