She's not only a phytotherapist but also an amazing wizard with plantbased ingredients as a vegan chef.
Enjoy our lovely talk!
About being lucky to grow up in a house with a big garden and spending vacations in the countryside.
About being fascinated by the ancient healers or curandeiros as a child, but also needing the more rational knowledge from books.
About how science is catching up with things that were used to be called witchcraft or mumbo jumbo.
About the differences between Brazil, Belgium and Poland regarding general plant knowledge and legal framework.
About the importance of keeping herbal knowledge alive and passing it on to the next generations.
About typical Brazilian plants that she misses in Europe, and new plants she discovered here.
About regenerative herbalism on different levels and the Healing Weeds project.
And lots more.
You can find more information about Lyra and her work on the website:
Or follow her on Instagram @regenerative.herbalism or via the Facebook page of Healing Weeds.
Lyra mentions these books by Michael Tierra:
🌿 I'm looking for more interesting guests to talk about European herbalism and foraging in Europe. If you know anyone that would be perfect for this podcast, please let me know.
If you want to reach out, you can find me on Instagram @wildplantforager, and on Facebook.
You can also find more about me or contact me through my website
But please don't hang around online for too long. Go outside, and follow your wild heart 💚
🎼 music by Eva LaRuna
The information in the WYLDE podcast has been compiled with the utmost care. We try to keep it as current, complete and accurate as possible, yet no rights can be derived from this podcast episode.
We accept no liability for: direct or indirect damages resulting from possible errors and omissions, the content of linked websites, or the opinions of interviewed guests.
The content of this podcast in no way replaces personal medical advice or treatment by doctors and other medical professionals.