weaving spiders webs

weaving spiders webs

weaving spiders gather brilliant minds and explore culture

27 February 2024

wsw 241 Mario Garza Symbolic Studies - E241

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  • Exploring Sun Symbolism Connection to Polar and Axial Symbolism
  • Role of Mercury in Connecting the Above and Below
  • Symbolism of the Number 8 and its Significance
  • Insights and Perspectives on Time, Astrology, and the Future

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In this episode, the hosts discuss the symbolism of the sun and its connection to polar and axial symbolism. They explore the concept of different ages and how they relate to the sun, as well as the significance of rays and the number 7 in symbolism. They also touch on the idea of a world axis and the role of Mercury in connecting the above and below.

Explore the concept of a universal center, the symbolism of the number 1, and the idea of a millennial reign. The speakers also touch on the importance of living lightly and not being weighed down by mundane concerns.

The episode explores the symbolism of the number 8 and its significance in various systems, including astrology and ancient traditions. The speakers discuss the relationship between the number 8 and concepts like completion, balance, and the polar tradition. They also touch on the 8-part zodiac system, the transition from 8 to 12 signs, and the potential influence of mathematical bases on these systems.

Time, astrology, technology, and the future and  the use of tarot cards and divination. The conversation is filled with interesting insights and perspectives.

Spiders After Dark  discusses a canceled BDSM workshop at Rhodes College and the controversy surrounding it. The conversation also touches on topics like sex education, censorship, and the shifting boundaries of acceptability in the Overton Window.

Government-approved company that studies weed, the quality of weed over the years, the absurdity of news stories, and the merging and crossover between UFC and WWE. They also touch on reality TV shows, old folks homes, and nursery rhymes.

(00:12:29) Introduction to the episode and the symbolism of the sun

(00:32:30) Discussion on the three-tiered age system and the association of the sun with different ages

(00:46:43) Exploration of the symbolism of rays and the number 7 in relation to the sun

(00:50:39) Connection between the sun and polar symbolism, and the role of Mercury as a conductor between the above and below

(01:19:29) Conversation about the millennial reign and the idea of a short season

(01:28:38) Discussion on the concept of a universal center and the importance of living lightly

(01:33:47) Exploration of the metaphysics of the center and the symbolism of the number 1

(01:38:58) Exploring the symbolism of the number 8

(02:02:40) The transition from 8 to 12 signs in astrology

(02:19:29) The folk understanding of time and celestial bodies

(02:23:29) Time, calendars, and the origins of holidays

(02:26:02) Significance of the winter solstice and the astrological new year

(02:30:59) Dune II and the future of cinema

(02:48:00) Technology, the internet, and virtual reality fail

(03:42:12) Canceled BDSM workshop at Rhodes College

(03:53:07) Free speech, censorship, and the boundaries of acceptability

(03:57:23) The impact of moving the Overton window and the changing societal norms

(03:59:38) Discussion about the government-approved company that studies weed

(04:01:18) The quality of weed over the years and the naming trends

(04:02:00) Questioning the absurdity of news stories and the reliability of information

(04:06:35) Crossover between UFC and WWE

(04:11:42) Discussion about reality TV shows and old folks homes

(04:26:28) Conversation about nursery rhymes and comedy

Audio recorded live Saturday nights and streamed to:


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