I quite dislike the word ‘monetisation’.
In Ep #10 we’re having a dive into why value should not be synonymous with money, and that they are actually completely different concepts. Is linking every activity and everything to money a good idea? What actually matters to you? How can we make money exit the conversation?
(0:00) - Intro
(0:55) - Definition of monetisation
(4:23) - Obsessed over the wrong thing
(8:38) - Boostagram Lounge
(10:57) - What do you actually value?
Big thanks to Chad F and Oscar Merry for helping to support the show, very much appreciated!
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Hello, one and all, and welcometo another episode of the value for value podcast. My name isKyrin, I'm a podcaster here in sunny Brisbane, Queensland,Australia. And I'm exploring the value for value model created byAdam curry. And now expanding on to a broader population ofmusicians, artists, people who are creating their own work andwant to receive value for what they are creating out into theworld. And value is an interesting topic, of course,hence the value for value. Podcast, I've got a twice in thetitle, so I must be interested in it in some way. And I thinkI'm seeing some common misconceptions coming in aboutwhat is value. And this is a problem I've been having forquite a while now, which is value gets equated with money.And so, Episode 10, the title for the day is why value doesn'tmean money. And I want to explore this a little bit. SoI'm going to start off with a slight definition of a wordthat's been creeping into the English language relativelyrecently. Monetization, what is monetization? So I actually lookthis up. And the wiki definition says, broadly speaking, theprocess of converting something into money, okay, it's nosurprise that that's a pretty standard thing that you couldexpect. But I wanted to explore I guess, why is this gradualtrend coming on off where everything needs to be turnedinto money or everything needs to be viewed in terms of money?So I have a question for you at home does 10,000 rupees bringyou joy? Okay, what about approximately 12,000 Swedishkronor? Once again? Probably not. Because chances are you'renot living in India, or you are not living in Sweden. Now inAustralian terms, I think that was about $188, something likethat. I just chose some random numbers. And this was actually acouple of weeks ago when I wrote this down. So the translations,the conversions of money aren't accurate. And that's sort of thepoint, I guess, is that, you know, money doesn't really bringyou joy, does 10,000 rupees actually mean anything to you?No, no, not at all. And even when it's in your own language,you know, you can sort of understand what you can do withthat thing, potentially, you know, I could potentially dothis much with 198 Australian dollars. But does the actualmoney itself bring you joy? Do you feel better than having thatin your account? And I think most people would probably say,Yeah, sure, it's nice, but it's a tool, I don't actually physically getenjoyment from the money, it's not like I have $198 worth ofcoins, or have paper notes in my possession, and I play withthem, you know, they're not a, they're not something that I canintrinsically get value from.
From the actual money itself.Money is just a tool, it's used for exchange, it's used for allsorts of different things. And so I was sort of see it as agood midpoint to achieve or get something else. So you know, youwant a bit more relaxation in your life help you you can goand buy some sort of comfort or, or something like that, or youwant something that is going to bring you something novelinteresting joy in your life. While you know what you couldactually just go for a holiday, something like that. So I alwayssee it as a Goodman midpoint. And the problem is, when itturns into everything, so you know, your time is now money,your hobby, your ideas, your work, your health, yourenvironment, all of this is like how can I convert this intomoney? And I'm asking, you know, is that a good idea? Is that ahealthy way to be thinking in the world? Oh, yes, I need Ineed to be able to get money from this, I need to get moneyfrom that. And I particularly don't like the even topic ofmoney that much. So I always say, you know, it's better forme, if money is super boring, that means I'm actually probablydoing good things with it in terms of actually making itgrow. And when it's exciting, when it's fun. Usually, thatmeans I'm getting fleeced or I'm doing something that maybe isn'tgreat for the world as a whole and I'm you know, gambling orI'm doing whatever, you know, promoting some things thatprobably aren't super helpful.
And this is one thing that Ihate about the word monetization, my monetizationhate so yes, how can I convert this hobby that I'm that I'mdoing into into money? It needs to be directly like why why areyou even doing it if you can't convert it into money, andthat's where it really irks me and so I'm noticing this trendand here's a another example it's not just me noticing thisis as well which is if you look at the pod land episode on the14th of October is the one with Genevieve Hassan and it was alsomentioned in Episode 58 of the podcasting 2.0 podcast where shewas talking about, yes, there does seem to be some sort ofthing where if you have a podcast, and she wasparticularly talking about podcasts that everyone asked,you know, oh, so how are you making money from that? Youknow, what are you doing to make money and it's not viewed as ahobby, for example, it's not viewed as a sport like golfwhere you can just play it and no one's asking, how are yougoing to turn this playing into money. And so I really thinkgetting stuck on just one thing can be almost destructive in away even in your own mind, and particularly when it's somethinglike money, God, I'm already sick of saying that word in thisepisode. So there's a something that came up recently for mewhen I was chatting with my dad is the universe 25. So this wasa bunch of experiments, let's see if I can quickly bring upwho it was done by John B.
Calhoun. And he was looking upthese experiments doing these experiments with mice. And he'dessentially put them in a cage and you know, alter certainconditions in the cage, maybe you allow him to have moreplaything. So it would have, maybe they would have morewater, maybe they would have, etc, etc. And what he would tendto notice is like, they'd go through these peak populationphases, where they're rapidly expanding their population getup to this point, and then they almost create destruction forthemselves by overpopulating. By doing certain things anduniverse 25 was particularly interesting one, because lots ofdisruptive behavior started coming out from the mice. Sothis in particular is preening, they would become obsessed withtheir own beauty, and not, you know, mating, for example. Soand this is why the populations would decrease rapidly, theywould become too obsessed with something that isn't important,you know, is a now once again, you can make many argumentsagainst this particular one thing, you know, it's just a oneoff study. So, you know, a human's going to be doing thesame sort of thing, are they also going to be creatingdestruction for themselves? You could argue this with relationto the Greeks, you know, they became obsessed with theirbeauty with the, you know, sex with pedophilia with the youngboys, things like this, all sorts of things. You can alsolook at many societies which undergo some sort of collapse.And you say, yeah, that's because they came, became toofocused on this thing on something that didn't matter orsomething, they became blinded to the things that reallymatter. And I think that's a it's a good analogy. Maybe itdoesn't hold up 100% with the data, because there's otherthings going on and other factors in play. But I thinkthat's my main problem with with monetization it, it obfuscateswhat is important in life and ethics and morality, it's funny,you think it's so useless. Well, I used to think I was uselesswhen I was a kid because I just could not understand how I couldapply this to my day to day life. But I think the older youget, the more you you can start to see beneath the surface ofwhy people do things why money is important. Why money isn'tvalue. Like why by value doesn't mean only money, why value canmean other things like you know pleasant interactions in lifeand spending time with your family, the deeper things thatactually bring you joy that bring you meaning all of thegood things in life. So that was my little rant there. And it wasmore of a rant today this wasn't a super structured one like Ihave been doing some of my other episodes and yeah, I just wantedto bring that up now. Last week for the boostagram lounge wehad a bit of a disappointing one because I didn't have anyboostagrams to chat over but the audiences pulled throughand and some clever marketing on my point has a has made thathappen and I'll read that out in a second. But for now, I willgive the long awaited Adam Curry clown world introduction for theboostagram lounge here we go totally insane you forgot yourlounge. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Man, he is truly a master at that onthe fly creation of have a jingle of something funny. Thatis beautiful. So thank you Adam Curry for that and thank you tofirst of all chat F sad puppy boost this is what was left inmy cosmetic wallet. Yes indeed.
The sad puppy is what brings inthe dough the if you're ever if you're ever heard of cash, justbring up sad puppy somehow and it'll and it'll make thingshappen. So that was 2140 cent using custom Matic so noparticular numerology that just whatever was left in as well itbut very much appreciated. Thank you, Chad F and the other onewas from Oscar Mary from fountain using film to an FM I'msure Yep, 222 sets and he just says testing dot dot dot, heyman, if you want to test here, I'm more than willing to acceptyour tests. And I do appreciate that Oscar Oscar has been incommunication with me I enjoy using the fountain app and beenlots of fun diving into the world of, of developers andwhatnot, scratching some of my itches with regards to howthings can be created and understanding theinfrastructure. And I guess the code behind what is becomingincreasingly part of all of our lives, how, how things areoperating, the things that you're getting shown in front ofyou in front of YouTube, the algorithms, all that stuff,it's, it's real fun talking with people who know what they'redoing with that regard. And it's making me want to, to maybestart learning some who knows, we'll find out soon. So that wasit for the boostagram lounge for this week. Thank you verymuch, everyone. Some requests to tip maybe, towards the end hereof what I would ask for you for the the audience memberlistening. So what do you actually value? That's, that'smy, that's my question for you today. And maybe you can evenanswer that in the boosta Gram if you want. You know,what? Are you seeing the same sort of things with regards tomoney taking over everything? Is it now you know, steppingoutside? Why are you taking that path to work? How's that makingyour money? You know, I get frustrated, I get frustratedwhen I hear this stuff. Anywho, but I don't let it get me down.So yeah, you know, what's real to you? What is really valuableto you? Is it playing time with your kids? Is it hanging outwith friends? Is it you know, doing exercise is doingsomething hard? Is it doing something easy? Maybe it can beall of these things? And, you know, how can you maybe makemoney exit the conversation?
That's one thing I'm looking formyself. So when I bring up to people that I'm a podcaster, Ireally actually am going to start thinking about how can Ibring this up, and then immediately change the subjectso that the question of money does not get involved becausethat would bring more joy to my life by not being able to speakof money, money is quite boring when you get down to it. Anywhothat is it for today. All the usual things if you can try outa podcasting 2.0 app, particularly one, which hasvalue enabled, so things like breeze curio caster fountain FMpod friend, there's the pod station, that's a desktop oneCastamatic we've already heard from, that's an iOS one. Lots offun ones even pod verse if you want to get into there. So lotsof fun places to sensitize she's get used to the world of valuefor value. And if you have any questions that you want from me,you can find me at the mere mortals podcast that's my mainchannel that I do with a friend of mine one and yeah, if you ifyou go there, you'll you'll see lots of links and so that's onInstagram, and then you can also find us on Discord all thosesorts of places, yada yada, I won't take up too much moretime. That is it for today.
Thank you very much Kyrin out