Welcome to the 1st episode of the Value For Value podcast (or as I will occasionally shorten to: v4v). This is the podcast for digital content creators (podcasters/artists/musicians/etc.,) who want to find a way to earn a living without having to rely on the somewhat corrupting influence of advertising or setting up paywalls to block off a portion of your supporters. It is also an experiment for myself to try out the new Podcasting 2.0 tags and see if I can myself walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
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Welcome one and all ladies andgentlemen, boys and girls of every sex nation, creed, gender,whatever it is that you are all are welcome here on the valuefor value podcast. My name is Kyrin, andI've been a podcaster for about two years now. And I'm tryingsomething new, this is a bit of an experiment in the value forvalue model. So I will go into depth about what this is andwhat this podcast is about, and also experimenting with the new2.0 tags and a new style of podcasting. So strap yourself inbecause we've got a lot to go over in this first littlesection. But to explain it, I think I'll go with a pretty easydeterministic way, the five W's and the one H what, who, when,where, why, and finally, the how. So what is the value forvalue model? What is the value for value podcast. So value forvalue is a model that sounds financial, but I would argue ismore philosophical in nature. So you might be thinking, Oh, it'sa transactional type of thing.
I'm going to give value here,and I'm going to receive value in return. And most people whenthey think of value, they think instantly, money, money, money,money, I'm really interested in money. Well, this is not whatthis podcast is about. So there's a lot of aspects toexplore for this. But it is essentially saying, If I'mputting out things into the world, as an artist, independentcreator, whatever it is that you want to describe yourself as,and I honestly have no idea what to describe myself, as I usuallystick with podcaster. That's pretty easy. It's essentially away of doing this without having to rely on advertising. So oneof the main problems that you will see in podcasting, and Isuppose just in general in life, you can see this on the TVscreens on billboards, and even some people in general are justpure advertising machines, they want to get whatever informationthey have into your face into your ears, so that you will thenact on that and by and whatever it is. So the problem with allof this is that one money does have a corrupting tendency. Ithink we all know this. There is a saying that money is the rootof all evil. This is actually isn't correct. I think thecorrect direct translation or quote from the Bible is the loveof money is the root of all evil, but money itself, it doeshave a corrupting influence. So the value for value model, Iinitially heard this from the Podfather himself, Adam Curry.So if you haven't heard of Adam Curry before, he is one of thepeople who helped to invent podcasting, he's been apodcaster himself for geez getting close to two decadesnow. So he's right up there in terms of legit standard. And Irecently came across this this model, and it was something thatI was searching for myself, I've always had a really strongdislike of advertising, I really can't stand it on TV or on appsor wherever it is. Because for me, personally, I'm a bit of aminimalist. So all the things being pushed in my face, I needthis system, you need this model, you need this new brandnew clothing, or whatever it is, I've always just gone. Like, Idon't really care, I'll find another way if I have to dothat. So there's a lot of things connected to this. So I'llprobably explore into why free isn't free, why advertising canbe sensorial, I'm not too on board with advertising as purecensorship as Adam Curry might be. But for me, it's it's moreof an influence and can be an undue unwanted influence. I'llalso be going into what it is to ask for help and ask for valuein return for the value that you're providing. As well as youknow, valuing your own creations, the interest ofothers versus yourself, how you can go about creating things inthe world and what actually is value. So there's many, manythings to go into for that. So stay tuned for that. Butessentially, in a one word sort of statement, the value forvalue model is I'm creating value for other people throughwhatever it is that I'm doing and expecting value in returnfor that and, you know, almost demanding value in return forthat because free is not free people it is an illusion. Andyeah, we'll get into that more the who so this is forpodcasters independent musicians, artists, creators ofany sort, whoever you are, and you are perhaps creatingsomething for the pleasure for the listening for for otherpeople. This is what this podcast is for. So this is for aI suppose enlightenment on the other aspects there are in theworld other than advertising or getting a boss or sellingproducts, or whatever it is, it's almost, you know, askingfor value from the people who are getting value from you,essentially. So it's whatever that will be. Adam Curry saysyou know, your time your talent or treasure so this could beinvesting time into the product that I'm creating, whether thatbe in this case, a podcast, or you know, maybe asking for someediting help, could be treasure so this could be or financialrewards or even, you know, non monetary things that are stilluseful a printing press that can be used to print off some flyersor whatever it is, and then talent. So this is being able touse your talent in effective ways to help the person thatyou're supporting. So, those are the main who's therefor as far as Adam Curry, I've already talked about him alittle bit, but if you want to know more about him, you can goonto the no agenda podcast that he runs the it's mo facts withAdam Curry, or where I found him through the podcasting 2.0podcast. So about me, I would just say I'm a pretty normaldude, if you really want to explore into my background andall of those things, you're best off going on to the mere mortalspodcast, or just typing my name in whatever podcast app you'rein. And you'll find a couple of conversations or interviews thatI've had with other podcasts. So if you really want to go intothat, but for me, I'm essentially a normal dude whohates hate advertising and wants to find a new way of, I suppose,being able to live in the world.
So as much as I hate money, andadvertising and all topics related to that, I do recognisein this world, you do need to have money to survive, it's notsomething that you can completely go aesthetic on, youknow, go live out in a cave, and all of these things, maybe Icould podcast to the birds and the bees, and you know, thebears and all that sort of stuff. But that's probably notgoing to happen. So we'll go on to the when. So when is thispodcast is gonna get released. So hopefully, I will do tworeleases per week, it's going to be a little bit of a mix ofdifferent things, probably most of them will be me speaking intothe mic myself. But I also do have other people who I can talkwith in terms of other podcasters. So I might bring insome other people. So we'll see on that point. And this isexperimental as well. So I am absolutely not committing to,you know, five years, 10 years on podcasting with this one,this is going to, I'm going to see how I go with it. So thewere well, for me, I'm in Brisbane, Australia. But this isnot limited to where you are in the world. The value for valuemodel is for anyone who is a creator who produces things andwants to, you know, receive recompense for that. Now, thereis a lot of onus on you for creating valuable things. So ifyou're creating a shit thing that no one wants to listen to,well, don't be surprised if you get shit things in return. So itdoes require a lot of effort on your part. But it's also, youknow, finding that middle balance between, like I said,sort of being an aesthetic, not caring, not, you know, producingthings only for your own pleasure. And then the oppositeside of that coin, which is let's just say the pop sort ofmusic realm where you are producing things for the masses.It's solely for other people.
This is I guess, would say forpeople in between who create things for themselves for othersand want to be able to live in the world without having to relyon the undue effect of of advertising and all these otherthings. So why, well, why I created this podcast is for manyreasons, there always seems to be a myriad of reasons whypeople create things and start things. So for myself,personally, I really want to try out the podcasting 2.0 tags. Soif you're listening to this, I would suggest that you go lookfor a listen to this in a podcasting 2.0 app. So you canfind that new podcast apps.com.
I'll list off a few, a few righthere. So you could find it in pod friend curio caster podbursts. The list goes on and on. There's many, many pod guru Ithink is one as well. So if you want that, and you want toexperience everything that this podcast has to offer, because Iwill be inserting pictures and clips and links and all sorts ofthings, transcripts, probably to make this the bed best podcast Ican. And to do that I need to use the 2.0 tag. So if you'redoing that, have a look. See and you'll you'll see somethingmaybe a bit interesting that you haven't seen before on apodcast. And I suppose it's for helping myself my own thoughtsto realize what is the value for value model. So I've only comeacross this recently. And I'm still trying to get in my ownhead some of the things that are required for it. So for example,I've always been very hesitant to ask things of my audience, soof the people listening now, this can be a double edged swordbecause sometimes I do want to know, hey, am I actually doingsomething that you want to hear about? Do you like those soundeffects do would you prefer if I cut outall this noise or you prefer the background? Round noise? Do youprefer having some sort of way to interact with me or do youwant to stay off at a distance?
There's so many differentthings. Now the value for value, it does require you to ask forvalue back. You can't just expect it. This is not just afree ride where everything works out really well. No you have toput the effort in and the time and that's going to be somethingthat's difficult for makes I really hate asking things ofpeople, I especially hate telling people to do things, butjust underneath that is asking. So there's going to be quite afew things that I'm going to have to wrap my own head aroundand, and learn, I guess, in this own process, and it's almost adocumentation to see if I can do it. So Adam Curry has blazed thepath and and produced a this model and has shown it possiblebut I have not heard of very many other people being able todo something similar. So for me, for my part, I really want tosee if I can replicate that, that doesn't have to be justthrough this, it could be through the main models podcast,the main models, book reviews, the Reseñas In Spanglish allthe other things that I'm doing.
So there's quite a few bundlesinto why this podcast is being created. And then finally thehouse. So I definitely like freeform things I really,sometimes I will cut and put in things. And if I say somethingreally stupid, I might have to do a cut then. But mepersonally, I prefer listening to long form, unedited, becausethen you get everything that there is there. So yes, thiswill include maybe some things you wouldn't like to hear, theremight be some silences. There might be some umms and errs andlikes, there might even be a little bit of background noiseand some editing that maybe isn't super good. If I'm gettingother people on all of these sorts of things. I can't controleverything. So that is the how form I guess of it. I would,like I mentioned want to try and get some other podcasters. But Ialso would like some suggestions feedback. So if there'ssomething that you particularly want to hear, I'm more thanwilling to, to consider it in, in the terms of it being a goodidea or something that I think might be a good idea that Ihaven't my own brain has not created. So there's manydifferent ways to do this. And it will be an evolving process.So don't expect one just thing at the moment. This is the firstepisode come down, people haven't sorted it all out yet.So that is a lot to expect from me, I guess. So expect lots ofreferences to books to podcasting. 2.0 probably evencryptocurrency and communication, social media, allthose sorts of things. So it will be wrapped up in thisbecause it is the documentation process of it as well. So I willbe telling you how I'm going to try and go about creating valuefor value model, some strategic decisions, as well as thephilosophical ones, it's going to be a whole bundle of things.One thing I would just like to point out here is do not expecta lot of talk about money, money, money, money, I reallyhate the word monetization. This is right up there in terms ofpet peeves, pet words that I hate pivot was the top rankedone for quite a while authenticity was pretty close upthere. I would also include in their manifesting potentially,but I think monetization has taken top dollar for me now Ireally hate how I'm hearing everything needs to be turnedinto some sort of monetization, your side gig your side hustlethat thing you do over there your hobby, how can I monetizethis half an hour? Yeah, I really hate it. So even thoughthis is the value for value podcast, do not expect it to becentered about money. Because I actually find that the leastinteresting thing of podcasting of even life in general, it's avery, very important part of life, I totally understand that.But in terms of interest levels, for me, it is way down theranks. So do not expect a whole lot of talk about how to makemoney in here, for example, there will not be a lot of talkabout that. Most mostly it's going to be about value, whichis if we're all thinking in our rational minds, money is such aweird thing. You know, how is it that this piece of paper isrelated to how does this actually have value, you know,it's the concept we all create.
So putting that out there, thevalue for value podcast will not be about money entirely. Therewill be small snippets of it. And other than that, I reallyhope that you enjoyed this little section and I hope youenjoy what's to come. So there will be as I said a couple ofreleases I have as of yet not provided so much value for you.So I really don't want to ask for any value in return justyet. But one thing I would just say is if you are listening tothis a podcasting 2.0 app, you will get more value from it. Ifyou listening to that on a podcasting 2.0 app instead ofthe big ones, you know who they all are. And other than that, Ireally just hope you have a fantastic day wherever you arein the world. This is Kyrin signing out for the firstepisode Yee ha