Bing bong bing oooooooohh. In Ep #6 we’re exploring the topic of vibing. I recently had a chat with Erika from The Balance Theory and she brought up how small connections can create a vibe, a unique atmosphere shared between the podcaster and their guest or listener. I expand upon that analogy of crossing a river and how each stone is a connection that adds to the experience, before finishing off with some boostagrams and an actionable takeaway to implement for yourself.
Big shoutout to Aaron from the Salonomics podcast and Chad F. Huge tekkers on these lads!
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Bow Chicka Chicka Ooh,yeah. Welcome everyone, to episode six of the value forvalue podcast. My name is Kyrin and I am a podcaster by day andobviously a lounge singer by night. And this podcast is forthose who want to explore more of the value for value model,more of the podcasting 2.0 apps and tags. And everything thatthere is going on in the world of podcasting, right on thebleeding edge on the new cool stuff that is coming up. Now,today's episode is going to be about music vibing and smallstepping stone. So individual notes, when you're listening toa song can make up the vibe of the song, the atmosphere, theambience, and I feel that small stepping stones and miniconnections can add up to this as well. So we're really goingto be diving into what is a vibe, and what is vibing and thesmall stepping stones that can make up this process of it. Sowhat is vibing it's a very good place to start. And I have herea definition from the free I was actuallywrong in one of my old episodes, you can apparently get freethings because there's the Free Dictionary. Now this definitiongoes something like this vibing is a distinctive emotionalquality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced bysomeone. Now my question is, can you create this with anaudience? Can you create this for yourself as well? Recently,I had a chat with Erika de Pellegrin, who is from thebalance theory podcast, another Australian podcast here. And Iwas asking her a question about standout moments that she's hadwith her guests and audience.
And this is a clip that I tookfrom that where she responded to that question. And so everything I do with thepodcast is purely from a place of wanting to connect withpeople. And so when that connection is reciprocated, forme, it's like it marries up. And I'm like It's a match. Peopleare seeing what I'm doing. And they're vibing. And they'relike, you know, they're connecting with what I'm puttingout there. And that's it that just makes them a world. And Icould be honestly as simple as someone just leaving a review orsending me a message directly on socials. And of course, likeother moments have been, in particular episodes where I'vereally connected with a guest more than what I thought I wouldput, like, I genuinely reach out to guests that I've read theirbooks, I've been following them on socials, or they also have apodcast is something that's drawn me to them already. Sothere's already that baseline connection. But when they alsosort of connect with me, we're really, really connecting andvibing. And, you know, once the recording is done, we're onthere chatting for half an hour, that for me is also somethingelse, I think, Wow, I never would have had this conversationor met this person or had the opportunity to have aconversation with them had it not been for the podcast, it'sjust such a nice stepping stone, you know, like you and you and Iour paths were very unlikely to ever have crossed. And you know,and we support each other on social media. And we touch baseevery now and again. And that's so nice as well. So just all thelittle friendships that have come with it, or the messageshere and there, they really do add up to fueling my why andmaking it stronger and stronger every day. So that's been sonice.
After listening to that, you canobviously see where I got the idea for today's episodeconnections and stepping stones and vibing. So Erica repeatedvibing quite a few times that she repeated connectionsespecially. And then I just really liked the analogy ofstepping stone. So I want to try and create a story here, see ifthis is something that you might relate to. And if this issomething that might make sense to you, with reference to thevalue for value model and connecting with your audience.So I like to think of going across the stream. So we've allbeen there, we've gone out to you know, some beautiful placein nature, there's lots of small stones around, it's a gentlestream, and you're wanting to get across for the fun of it forthe hell of it. So you might have a goal to cross the stream.So this could be you trying to create your podcast intosomething that you can live off this could be creating yourpodcast to help people this could be whatever it is that youwant. And there's a bunch of stepping stones connections inthis case that you will need to make to get across the river. Sothis might be creating connections with people to helpyou out the podcast with growing an audience with you know, maybeyou have a very selected one, maybe you have a big one, it'syou know, it doesn't really matter. And I really like I'mthinking of the different types of stones that you might crossin this. So you'll have some big and gold like stones aka maybe adesired guest or someone who is ahead of you in the podcastingjourney someone you aspire to be so someone who you can follow intheir footsteps. You might have some small and write theirstone. So these are the stones you initially start off withwhen you're starting to podcast or create something this will beyour family, your friends, your immediate connections thatyou've already used, and they're a big stable base right therefor you to jump off with. There might be some hidden stone sothese could be you know, dedicated listeners that arehidden below. to the surface, they might rise sometimes whenthe stream is going low, or there might always be there, andyou're never really sure you can't really tell. And you mighteven have some slippery stones that will burn you. So thesecould be crappy fans or fake people, these could be peoplewho just aren't there, or they're trying and you connectwith them. And it's like, oh, God, I wish I didn't jump onthat stone, that's a not so great of a connection. And thensome that could just lead to dead end. So you know, youfollow a random path, you go down, and then you're like, Oh,crap, I can't jump anywhere from here. So I'm gonna have to jumpbackwards, a couple of stones, and then try a new way. So Ireally just like that idea of connections. So you'reconnecting with different people. And it's almost I don'twant to use another analogy of a web. But that is part of it aswell, you'll find that Oh, with if I jump on to this steppingstone, I can then access all of these other different ones. Soyou know, if I make friends with this person over here, if I jumpinto this podcasting community, then Holy crap, I've got all ofthese other options opening up for me. So I really just likedthat idea of of stepping stones and connections and how, ifyou're using them, you can get ahead and whatever it is thatyou're trying to achieve. Now, the other part of this isvibing, obviously, so we've talked about vibing as being adistinctive atmosphere or something that you experience.And I really think the best way in this analogy to get that isto, to really not to focus too much on being criticalanalytical on creating these connections by really going hardafter it by really saying, oh, this person, I need to get this,etc, etc. I like to think of it more as you know, if you'regoing to cross the river, let's just say you're a child, you'vegot that childlike nature in you, you're just going to jumpon whatever stones are ahead of you, you're not looking too farinto the future, if you fall on some and get wet, oh, well, thathappens. If not, you know, you keep going you you balance,you're unsure of what's happening, you go here you gothere. And it's that atmosphere, that's the, that's the sort ofcorrect vibe you want to be creating for yourself, becausethat's the one that people a will respond to, and be, you'llenjoy the hell out of so even if you do end up in a dead end,even if you do get wet and you know, falling back, hell, youhad a lot of fun doing that. And you can always try again, youcan always just get back, jump on some stepping stones and, andmove forward again in the future. So I just think thatanalogy that Erica brought up there was was really great ofstepping stones of connections and vibing. So putting that allin together and saying you know, reach out to some people usethose connections because you will find that you will probablyenjoy it and create a nice atmosphere from that. Sospeaking of connections, it is boostagram time I am goingto try and create some music for this something to reallyproperly introduce it. But for the moment, we'll stick withthis. And this is the value for value model. And this is thevalue for value podcast, so I better damn well be doing thiscorrectly. So I want to give some shout outs to some peoplewho were helping support this podcast and you know, I reallydon't care about the monetary stuff at the moment but it isnice to see it come in and it you know it does fill me withjoy. It does create a great vibe for me. So I've got a couple ofboostagrams to go over here.
So the first two from Aaron atSalonomics. I've talked about the silent omics podcast beforefirst is yes me making history second boostagram. Keep itgoing, Kyrin. And thank you very much. That was 100 SATs sentusing Breez. The second one is Hey, Kyrin still blows my mindhow cool this is here. Have some sets. Thank you, Erin. I willhave some sets. And yes, I totally agree. I still frothover being able to send people you know it's so funny. Like youcan send an Instagram to whoever you want. But there's justsomething so much more satisfying and sending a boostagram seeing the confetti go and knowing like hey, I'm supportingsomeone directly here. This is super, super cool. The otherthree from Chad F Chad Farrow, a supporter of the Mere Mortals andsupporter of the value for value podcast. Thank you, Chad. And hesaid this message three times really enjoying your value forvalue podcast, he sent that using custom Matic. And herepeated that three times over now, we actually found out thatCastamatic was having a weird thing going on where you weren'tsure you were sending your histogram. So he actually sentthree in of the same message for I think was a sum total ofaround 2300 SATs. So accidental SATs, but I'll take them thankyou very much Chad really, really appreciated. And that isit for the boostagram corner for today. So thank you, Chadand Erin, and thank you everyone else who was streaming and SATsand you know, it just really does. It's so much fun. Ireally, really enjoy it. That's all I can say with regards tothat. I'd like to end these off with a request and maybe a tipso one thing I was thinking of was okay connections. How have Ibeen doing that recently? And am I following my own advice? Am Ifollowing what I was talking about here? And I do, butthere's always something that can be done a little bit more.And here's one that I had on my to do list but haven't gotaround to it for a while, I actually got a small message asmall Instagram message on just a random comment on one of ourposts that we did somewhere from a another podcast I connectedwith a long time ago called The it's simple podcast. And so theylent they left a small message, you know, nothing crazy, buthey, shows they're interested shows they're engaged shows thatthey care somewhat about the me and model. So I am going tolisten to one of their episodes and respond in kind make sureI'm giving back the value to those who are giving it to me.And for a more effort one, this is one I've also been delayingfor a while I just mentioned that Chad was sending thoseboostagram messages via Castamatic Castamatic at the momentand for the foreseeable future is only going to be on iOS, akaApple phones. I do not have one.
So I have not talked about itmuch. But my brother has one. So I'm going to steal my brother'sphone for a bit. I'm going to play around with it, try it out.So I'll be able to say hey, I have used the cosmetic app and Iam showing support using those apps that are being created bypeople and in the podcasting to bluno community and I reallywant to support everyone who's doing that. So my recommendationfor D is if you have an Apple phone, Hey, give our customers atry. Listen to whoever you want to on that. Listen to yournormal podcasts, listen to a podcasting 2.0 podcast,listening to a value for value or the value for value podcast.All of those are great suggestions. That is it fortoday. I really hope you vibe off of this episode. I hope yougained some interesting connections that you could makesome interesting stepping stones along your journey across thisdream in your podcasting in your independent creating journey,whatever it is that you're doing, and that is it for today.Kyrin out