Bienvenidos damas y caballeros, welcome ladies & gentlemen.
In Ep #14 we are looking at whether the value for value model is possible for everybody or if you have to be a certain person in a certain place to make it work. I argue that it has already proved to be a worldwide message that has not only transcended country boundaries, but has also broken past the language barrier. Very cool stuff.
The Boostagram Lounge has also made a reappearance thanks to Sir Twin Screw (which I pronounced wrong twice eeeeep), very kind of you STS.
(0:00) - Intro
(0:59) - Robert Sasuke's podcasts
(3:09) - My observations
(9:16) - Podcast Index news
(14:25) - Boostagram Lounge
(17:11) - Protip: Try out Satoshis.Stream
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Bienvenidos damas yCaballeros yes indeed welcome ladies and gentlemen to anotherepisode of the value for value Podcast, the podcast for thosewho are looking to understand the value for value model whoare looking to implement it into their own podcasting or creationof choice. Now, I used to only do the ethics or the morals orthe philosophy behind value for value. But I'm also going tostart doing a roundup of the latest news from the podcasting2.0 world, the podcasting index and how you can actuallyimplement some of the changes some of the creations the tools,the technology into your own podcast or creation. Now today'sepisode is going to be looking at the heart of whether thevalue for value model can only be used for certain people, onlycertain individuals are going to be able to make it work, or isthis something that can actually work for everyone. And so I havelabeled episode 14 value for value is going worldwide. And Iwant to start off with a small story. I recently had aninteraction with another podcast called Robert Sasuki, and he hasa couple of podcasts of his own three, in fact that I know ofTe Invito on cafe, modo solopreneur and esto es podcast.So those translated would be ruffling something like I inviteyou for a coffee, the, the mode of the of the individualentrepreneur, maybe and this is podcast. So he is obviously of aLatino origin or he speaks Spanish. And I can actually tellyou he I believe he comes from Ecuador, but he's living in theDominican Republic. But in any case, I came across him via theSatoshi stream. I saw his podcast pop up there. And I waslike, Oh, I actually wouldn't mind listening to a couple ofLatino Spanish podcasts, I do need to try and work on mySpanish. And I also saw that someone else had posted it onthe mastodon, the podcasting index dot social, and I wantedto really dive into that and see because he was talking aboutpodcasting. 2.0 and I was like, oh, geez, what is the Latinoworld think of podcasting 2.0.
And so, he created a couple ofvideos, because he also puts his stuff on YouTube. And, you know,he obviously learned and talked about it, even though it's anEnglish. And I'm not exactly sure of where his English levelis at. But in any case, he understood the ethics, heunderstood what the is going on, and podcasting 2.0 And so, Isent him a small boostagram to saying like, man, you nailed it.Well done. Congrats on that who have figured it out. And, youknow, this led to a nice connection, we chatted onTelegram for a little bit, mostly in in Spanish, a littlebit in English, sent some audios to each other. And I've actuallyput his podcast into my regular rotation of listening. Becauseonce again, as I said, I do want to try and improve my Spanish orat least maintain it. And it's meant it's even better if youcan do it listening to things that you care about. So apodcasting about podcasting, bare metal, of course, but hey,it's is the world we live in, and I really enjoy it. Now, someof the observations, I guess, I gained from this car, what's thestory about what's the point of this? And the point of this, Ithink is you know, English is no barrier. So I noticedsubsequently after this that, yes, Robert has a podcast calledSOS podcast, which is about podcasting, how to be a betterpodcaster you know, how to implement technology, the tools,different microphones, different styles and podcasts, all thosesorts of things. And he has a small following of otherpodcasters. And bam, bam, bam, right after the other I saw likea bunch of individual ones. I remember one code that classthough bar, which is behind the bar, which I had a quick listento, as well. And, yeah, I just found it pretty spectacular thatwell, even though this isn't English, you know, the it's themessage is starting to spread into different areas of theworld. So that was Dominican Republic is where he's at, butI'm sure that his his core following. I'm not I don'timagine there's a huge, huge community of podcasters in theDominican Republic, I could be wrong, but you know, that's justmy perception. And the feel was that all of these otherpodcasters were from other Latin Latino countries. And so manythat was just fantastic hate the word is spreading out. This alsomade me thinking about the podcasting index and man,there's a diverse bunch of people on there and diverse inlike, the nice sense of the world and sense of oh, these areactually differences between people. We have Israelis, youknow, English people living in Australia, English guys likeOscar from fountain FM, we have Italians, Danish people,obviously a lot of Americans and a bunch of Australians as well.So this is all very cool. Not a lot of women though. And thatthat is one thing that's been noticed. I think that's mostlyjust due to the sort of heavy development The side of things.So this is talking about, you know, actual devs, writingcomputer code and whatnot. And if that is anything likeengineering, which I, it's think I believe that's a STEM field,if you're going to uni for that sort of thing, then you're notgoing to see a lot of not a lot of women are going to beattracted to that. So that's just another little aspect.They're going worldwide. Well, indeed, the podcasting index,other than Antarctica, I imagined it spread its tentacleseverywhere, I forgot to mention Okin, who was in Africa, and hewas on one of the episodes as well for in Namibia. So lots ofvery cool things there. Robert also had a point within there,which I thought was interesting.
And there's getting to my actualtopic of, you know, whether it's only for certain individuals, orwhether anyone in the world can do it. And in she was saying,you know, with regards to my message, I sent him through one,it was a couple of 1000 sets, you know, maybe $1 WorthAustralian or something like that. And he was just saying,Well, he was sort of blown away, because he just joined thecommunity. And then he received something of value back and anice message from me. And he was just making the point, you know,Australians, for example, does the value fair value model onlywork with generous people? I? Is this only going to work for acountry who was already generous, and they, you know,they have a lot of wealth. And then he just had a point there,which was, you know, was he generous? Because he waswealthy? I talking about me? Or was he wealthy? Because he'sgenerous? Because, you know, there's sort of what Australiansdo, I guess we, we, we try and be kind and as careful andconsiderate as we can be, you know, the broad strokes there.But there's my general impression. And, you know, I'mnot going to get into the whole, you know, what makes a countrywealthy and whatnot. But I thought it was an interestingpoint, just saying, you know, maybe you need to think aboutbeing more generous, just as an individual, and then this willreflect back on upon you and your country. I'm sure Robert isnow thinking more highly of Australians probably than he didbefore. IRP hasn't met too many of the Australians that comethrough traveling because you can get a varied sort. And Iwould know that because I was one of them. This also just gotme thinking, Okay, are there any type of podcasts that or thingsthat would be excluded? You know, is there something a stylewise, for example, like if you have an NPR podcast? Or if youhave one that is composed of many, many people? Is any ofthis necessarily going to exclude you from being able torun the value for value model?
And I really thought, no, like,I'm trying to think of a way why the value for value modelwouldn't work for anyone. The only one, I guess, is maybe fora type of podcast, where they're making the case that humans are,by default, greedy, you know, selfish, non altruistic, andthings like that, you know, that might be kind of hard, because Iimagined the group of people that you're going to getlistening to your podcast would probably not be the supergenerous type, and whatnot. Because we all tend to gravitatetowards ideas and things that we agree with. The other wouldmaybe be if you have a podcast for I don't know, like aimed atkids or something. Yeah, maybe kids aren't sophisticated enoughto be able to send money, send Satoshis via, via the airwaves.And you know, it could be then weird asking their parents to,to jump along onto the myth on the methodology, maybe that sortof thing. But I didn't really, I wasn't really able to think ofanything that made me say, You know what, this person wouldn'tbe able to implement the value for value. So we've already seenlanguage barriers breaking down.
We've already seen it spreadingacross to different countries in the world. And I really don'tthink that is excludable for people or even groups of people.I think everyone should be able to do it. So you know, that'smaybe just my altruistic my hopeful side. But yeah, I wouldlove to know if anyone disagrees with that. And if there arecertain types of people who couldn't, and I'll tell you howto do that soon. Now on to the podcasting indexnews, last episode was episode 62, Dockerized, and good to go.So yeah, just the roundup from this was mostly from what Icould, from what I can remember, because I listened to itprobably about four or five days ago, was it was all about theUmbral node and ways to get boostagrams, I guess, via thisall in one type of device slash app. So one of the big thingswith value for value is to be able to receive your SatoshisHow can you actually do that?
And how can you actually receivethe boostagrams as well? Obviously, this is all sort ofnew technology and new stuff being developed. How can one dothat? At the moment, I'm using a very simple thing. I'm sort ofoffloading my responsibility on to a third party called Satoshisstream, and they handle the node, they handle the incomecoming in, they send me messages about boostagrams that I'mgetting, they take a fee from everything that comes in. AndI'm completely happy with that, because I am nowhere nearsophisticated enough, yet, I'm hoping to in the future, but atthe moment, sophisticated enough to be able to do any of thatreally myself. So they were talking a lot about this thingcalled the Umbral, and I believe from what I can tell it's adevice that lets you get Satoshis in it's got apps withinit. So you can program things to spit out messages that you maybeeven created a sort of more user friendly user interface. So youcan use it rather than a Raspberry Pi, which doesn'treally have anything, et cetera, et cetera. So they were talkinga lot about that. So if you're interested in that, that wasUmbral, U M, B, E, E, L. And yeah, I, in particular, wasactually a little bit interested because it sounds like it'sgetting to the point where a non coder like me, a non developercould actually be able to grab some of these things and usethem, which would be very cool.
Another aspect was the teasing.I guess, with the the live and the cross app comments. We'reseeing little bits and pieces coming through. I know there's acouple of of the podcasting index social posts, where if yougo on to pod train, for example, there is a comment section thatand you can do that, from what I can. I'm a little bit confusedon this. But actually, which was, I wasn't sure if these,because it seems to be like Dave said, you know, this is thecommenting section for podcasting, you know, Episode62, and episode 63. No, sorry, Episode 6162. And it sort ofmade me just go like, Oh, okay, I guess this is because it'sjust in such an early phase, they just need to link it to oneplace. So at the moment, it's linked to a particular thread ona particular post and the thread coming from that on themastodon. And obviously, none other than I think pod friend atthe moment has the ability for cross comments, cross appcomments, and I don't even believe you can comment on thatit was just showing it. So it was just showing theimplementation. So lots of teasing going on with thesecross app comments. But, man, I'm really, really lookingforward to it, I think it'd be super cool to have that ability,once again, unless you have a bigger audience following unlessyou already deep into the podcasting 2.0 world, none ofyour audience is going to use it. But it's the growing of itthe step by step nature, which is technology and podcasting,2.0 in particular, which is hey, you know, the value for valuemethod is going to work this way. And here's some very cooltools you can use to, to do that. The the last one was, I guess, the origin story,there's just random stuff, the origin story of how Dave andAdam met, which was very cool.
And then also the big ballerboost of 500k SATs, which if you are new to podcasting, new toBitcoin, 500k SATs is 500,000 Satoshis and 100 million of themmake up a Bitcoin. And as of today's price, that would beroughly jeez I'm just gonna say like 300 and somethingAustralian dollars which would be maybe like 300 USD, somethinglike that. So there's actually a fair chunk of money comingthrough via the airwaves so once again, if you are perhaps usinga big Patreon channel or something like that, and you'reget receiving payments like that, I doubt many are but youknow, maybe this is just proving like, hey, the technology canwork, someone can send through something pretty big. I waspretty happy when I had the top spot of 100k sats at one pointin time. I have long since lost that and I'm sort of gettingpriced out of the market here unless I start earning a lot ofSatoshis back and it can do such a big bowl of booths like that.But yeah, very cool, very cool.
And that was aerostatic Ibelieve who sent that so once again join into the podcast in2.0 world and you might be able to get some things like this.Now I am going to try and do something cool here which is getinto my Boostagram lounge and so it's been a while sinceI've done this because I have not had any come in but thanksto a very kind person. We do have one to share today and aspromised, I will play the new music I think this will be theone default one I'll use from now on the boostagram HookahLounge was pretty fun the boostagram clown woodlands wasvery fun but I think this is what I was more going for thesensual boostagram Lounge. So here we go 321 Enjoy. Welcome tothe value for value Boostagram Lounge. Ooh, yeah, that is sensual. And forthis sensual intro, I have to thank So Tim's group and so Ireceived a boostagram saying nice podcast from Sir. twinscrew 1893 sat sent using Breez.
Thank you. First of all, Sir Timscrew I if I had to guess I'm guessing you're from the noagenda world and you somehow made your way here into thevalue for value world. Thank you very much, my friend. And Ireally do appreciate the boost. I'm trying to work out thenumerology. And I really couldn't come up with anythingin particular. So I'm going to just apply it to two things thatmight have be super random. If you've listened to any of thememorials, which is my main podcast, you might have comeacross these things. But man, I'm really stretching here. It'ssuper obscure, but hey, it's a chance for you to dive in aswell. So two things happen. 1893 One of them was that New Zealandwomen were the first country to have the right to vote. Me beinghalf Kiwi myself. I'll take that as women maybe say that's anobscure reference at 93 to my half New Zealand heritage and,you know, I'm all for women's rights if they want to vote heldgo nuts. So maybe that's a reference to that. The otherreference could be was, this was the year that MK Ghani firstwent to South Africa and and started on his GS what it wascalled was like Ven, Deus. Let me grab my book here quicklybecause I write this down. And so this is in perhaps inreference to the fact that I read MK Gandhi's MahatmaGandhi's biography not too long ago, and it was calledSatyagraha, which was his, I guess, non violence principlesand his passive resistance to the government. So 1893 couldalso be in reference to that.
Thank you, Tim screw. All right.As I said, I'm really stretching. And that's it forthe boostagram Lounge for this week. On to my little protip, here it comes for ending the podcast somethinginteresting for you. Did you know that if you have Satoshistream, you can actually have the ability to send your boostagrams to the discord. So if you're checking out thechapters, now you will see an automatic link that I've createdso that whenever I get a boosta gram for the mere mortals, it'llgo straight to our Discord page. So very cool. Before it used tobe me just taking snapshots, screenshots from my phone on thetelegram and reading them out.
Now we actually have the abilityfor me not to miss anything, just in case I do. So one alsohas access to the discord. And so he can also check in willwill be more reliably sure that we won't miss any of the boostagrams because I really, really don't want anyone to send mesomething and may not be able to respond and and get back to you.And so that is it. Thank you everyone I hinted at before, howyou could reference me and say you know where you're wrongabout the value for value on going worldwide? Some of myobservations, maybe they were incorrect. And so if you want tocorrect them, hey, I would absolutely love if you couldsend me a boostagram. So this is the value for value. Ifyou've enjoyed the value for value podcast, show some valueback by sending me a boosta Gram message do that in any ofthe apps. I've talked about this many times before, but go to newpodcast Search value and go to any of those and theyusually have the ability it's going to be a learningexperience at this stage. But hey, if you've made it this far,go and do it. Give it a try.
Other than that, I really do want to thank youfor joining me to this point in the value value podcast episode14. I hope you have a fantastic day wherever you are in theworld Kyrin out