We need to have a serious chat today, I’m laying down the law!
In Ep #15 we’re examining if you need to be tough with your listeners to get them to participate in v4v? This question came from the origins of v4v coined from Adam Curry. I suggest some rules of thumb to help answer it before ending off with the latest news from Podcasting 2.0 and the interview with Franco Solerio.
No people to thank this week, sad seal noises.
(0:00) - Intro
(0:49) - The origin of tough love
(4:49) - Some rules of thumb
(11:02) - Podcast Index news
(12:04) - Boostagram Lounge
(12:54) - Protip: Follow your own advice
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We need to have a serious chattoday, I'm laying down the law. Yes, indeed, welcome everyone toanother episode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin.And this is indeed the Podcast where we explore the value forvalue model, how one can create a relationship with theiraudience, their listeners, their fans, if you will, and find away to live in this crazy, crazy world without the need foradvertising, or perhaps you want to use it a little bit. But thevalue for value model is a way of not needing it and creatingand connecting with your audience in deeper manner, andbeing able to be I would even say more truthful with them. Butwe'll save that for another time. I'm asking a questiontoday, which is how tough do you need to be with your listeners?So this is Episode 15, the value of tough love. Now, where did Iget this from? Well, the origin of this was in Episode 63,podcasting 2.0. And there was two things that jumped out at mehere. One was Adam's theory, and the other was dazed behavior,putting this into practice. So they were chatting with FrancoSolero, who is the owner, the creator of Castamatic one ofthe very cool podcasting 2.0 apps where you can indeed boostthis podcast boost me right now.
That'd be cool. And they weretalking about, I guess, just the general methodology ofpodcasting of podcasting apps. And Adams said something whichwas sometimes you need to go elsewhere, and perhaps eventhreaten to get people to participate in the value forvalue. So he, for example, was saying, sometimes you need tosay, hey, this show won't go on unless you help fund it unlessyou help provide value for me because I need to live in thereal world as well. There are expenses for podcasting, hostingfor, you know, living a normal life and all those sorts ofthings. And you could say things like, you know, what thesepeople are douchebags because they're listening, I know, theylisten, but they're not participating as well, they'renot helping out the show what a douchebag behavior. And maybeeven things like, you know, there's a special episode comingup, you might want to send, you know, 16 sets, because it'sEpisode 16, coming up next week, those sorts of things. So you'realmost guilting your audience into, into behaving in certainways into participating. And the other aspect of this was wasthen Dave, although this is kind of the reverse, but he wasshowing the the behavior, which was saying to Franco, hey, Ireally enjoyed participating.
But you've only given me theoption of spending $9.99, or whatever it was per year, to usethe additional features of the customer recap, I want a $29.One, I want a $59. One, I want options. And now this is theopposite way, indeed. Because normally, it should be Francosaying, Hey, I'm providing you these otheroptions. I need you to participate, or the customer gapcould go away, I can't continue to do all of this just on my ownwithout any help, I need your help, please help participate inthis. So I guess what it was just getting out there, which issomething a little bit maybe even distasteful if you'relooking at it from a without a nuanced view, which is, oh,you're you're trying to force people to do certain things. Andyou're doing this with the stick rather, rather than with thecarrot, you're saying, Hey, do this thing, or bad things willhappen? Or, you know, I'm going to guilt you into this becauseyou're not doing this, etc, etc.
So some of the questions thatwere raised for me was okay, when does it become entitlementor bullying? Perhaps when you're, you're forcing yourlisteners to do certain things. Obviously, it's a little bitfunny, because you're doing it through the microphone. But hey,people can get really addicted to stuff and there's cultleaders out there who aren't even in physical communicationwith their, with their culties if you're if that's what they'recalled, I'm not really sure. Another one would be okay, it'sbad, but it's for the greater good. And you can see this sortof thinking could lead to very bad situations indeed, becauseyou just say, oh, you know what, I'll just do that do that extrathing. I'll Doc's this person because they're notparticipating in the show, an extreme example, but once again,you can see how the slippery slope argument would would workin this case. And another one would be simply will it drivepeople away? Will me you know, showing, I suppose negative,creating those negative stimulations and people wouldthat actually people drive people away from my show, wouldthis make my show more unwatchable? Would this notcreate the behavior that I want from them, which is somethingyou could say is inherently good, which is to provide valueand giving and taking life?
Everyone knows that it's betterto give than receive or we all say that, and some people followit, some don't. But that's the general principle. So what whatcan we do with all these questions? Well, I have thoughtof some rules of thumb. So here's a couple of rules ofthumbs that I thought would maybe shed some light on thisand maybe how To answer these in an indirect way, so a couple ofthings that came up for me was number one, it probably needs tobe sustainable. So, if you feel bad, or you dread doing it,that's kind of like an old situation, you might need tolook out for that. So if you are, you know, doing a normalpodcast, and then you're getting to the episode, end of theepisode, and you're like, Oh, God, now comes a section where Ineed to call people out for being douchebags because they'renot participating, or if they are, you know, trying to guiltthem into doing certain things, and you feel really bad aboutthat. And you just dreading that sort of situation, I think thatwould leak into your show and into your general persona andyour, your general outlook of, of what you're doing. And ifthat's what's happening, that's, that's unsustainable, you needto find a different way to do it. So for perhaps for somepeople, the, the yelling, the threatening the swearing, mightnot work for you just as a person. And so you need to maybelook at different ways. And maybe you need to do something abit more subtler, or maybe you need to really just emphasizethe carrot, hey, I've got this cool new feature, I do this foryou, I do that for you, please, please, it would really helpetc, etc. Another rule of thumb that I thought of was maybeintrospect your feelings and thoughts. So why would be thereason that you wouldn't be doing this, for example, somepeople are just more argumentative and combative bynature. This is you can look at the personality traits, the BigFive and it would probably fall under extraversion andagreeableness. So the, if you're more agreeable, you're not goingto be wanting to do these things. So me, for example, Icould just say, I know this about myself, I hate conflict. Ireally dislike when people are arguing near me on TV onscreens. Like I don't like drama, for example, that sort ofgenre just does not appeal to me at all. Why would I want towatch something that raises my stress levels through the roofand things like that? Now, I could then ask, okay, but am Iavoiding doing something that?
Am I avoiding doing this justbecause I don't like conflict? Because just because I don'tlike conflict doesn't mean that conflict is bad. And then it'snot necessary in my life. Sometimes you need to have toughdiscussions and arguments indeed, with your, with yourloved ones, with the spouse with your friends. You know,communication is, is pretty critical. And you can't haveclear communication without, you know, ruffling some featherssometimes. So introspecting, and looking deep.And that's something I need to do for sure. And going, huh, amI not doing this because I just don't like doing it. And I don'twant to spend the time required to get comfortable saying thingsand doing things that just aren't inherently something thatcomes in my nature. So that's another one there. I would sayexperimentation doesn't hurt anyone. So if you're thinkingoff the go, or this is going to drive people away, it's going toruin my show, as it's probably not, if you've done, you know,what's the mere mortals up to now where and somewhere aroundthe 250 range of episodes plus another couple of 100 fordifferent other things. I think your audience would probablyknow by now what sort of person you are. And so if you startbehaving, behaving in a certain way, in with a very, very slightchange and showing, hey, this thing is happening now. And thisis the reason why and I'm going to just start doing this, you'renot going to drive people away unless they were already therefor other circumstances, like you're doing free giveaways allthe time or something else. So I would say that theexperimentation really doesn't hurt. And in fact, you almostneed to do it because there's the I think it's a classicEinstein quote or Thomas Edison where it's you know, if you dosomething 1000 times over and you expect different resultsfrom it, and you do it the exact same way that's insanity, that'sjust being crazy. So you know what, maybe you do need to trydoing something different and calling people out on their,their lacking behavior and their own participation in the valuefor value model, which you're probably integrating into yourshow if this is if you're listening this far into the thethis value for value episode.
Another one might be listened toand review. So this is a pretty critical one. And I talked aboutthis in one of the latest musings of meanderings of myshow the mere mortals. So this would have been episode 246 Whenwe're talking about metrics, and so one and I really like to goback and look at things you know, how many pushups did I dothis week? How long will my handstands How much did I eat?What is my weight and waist and tracking things? And so applyingthe same sort of behavior, listening to some of your ownepisodes with the You'd have maybe a week slag. So you've gota bit of a distance between you and what was said and how youwere behaving then and you can go hmm, you know what? Maybe Icame across too harshly, then maybe I need to dial it down alittle bit. Maybe I shouldn't call out someone by name. MaybeI need to say it in this certain way. Maybe I need to add morehuman things like that. So what did the you know? How do youcome across? And then also, what did the numbers say? You couldthen start tallying stuff up.
Okay. I was introducing sometough love this week, I was laying down the law. And I sawsome more participation the next week or the weeks after, okay,maybe this is something I need to investigate more. Anotherone, and my last one would be adopt a long Outlook. So spendmore time looking in just the future. And this is tying in, Iguess, into the sustainability. Should I be doing this with morehumor? Is this a bombardment or am I just sprinkling it inthings like that, so it's just a little bit here and there andit's nothing too crazy. Now onto the podcast, index news andeverything going on with podcasting 2.0. Episode 63 wasthe latest one, and I just gotta say, Franco was a great guy.He's very, very funny, multitalented and he obviouslycares deeply deeply about his creation and cosmetic. It wasreally cool just listening to him and then riffing off on allthings related to costume magic, how he creates it, and he, yeah,it just shows that he's put a lot of effort into it. So it'shard to go wrong to go to Castamatic and send thevalue for value, and even the Mere Mortals a boost from that.That's a good suggestion.
Another one was it just seemslike a business as usual. Dave seems to be working very hard onthe node and his boostagram app within the Umbral node. Sowith Adam's health, of course doing this plus there was somehints more at the comments in the chat and all the differentthings that they're doing there. So lots of exciting things goingon in the podcasting index world and the podcasting 2.01 of thelast things here is the boosta Gram lounge and sad sealnoises did not get any booster grams this week, so it's alittle bit disappointing. Seeing that I'll try and do some sadNeil seal noises Oh and one thing I did want toclarify is that I stuffed up the name twice last week and got itright once for the booster gram that came in so it was Sir twinscrew night Sir Tim screw so twin screw so once again a bigthanks to him. And once again people if you want the the funnyboostagram or lounge or I should say this central boostagram lounge music if you want to hear more and participate,please please do that. So that is my little spiel there for theboostagram lounge. And then finally, my pro tip for thisweek, I gotta follow my own advice. So here we go. Here'ssome tough love from the value for value podcast. The value forvalue does not work if I don't have people participating andthis podcast can't go on it can't I tell you unless there issome participation and for me that is definitely in the formof boostagrams. So the value amount I appreciate everySatoshi that is sent in. But for me the value is really lying inthe boostagrams. So the message is getting throughbecause I can know how much you're taking from the boostagram lounge and from the episodes and my thoughts and thegeneral philosophy on it. So please, people I'm going toguilt you into this we can't continue unless we start gettingsome boostagrams coming in.
And I'm going to even gofurther. I'm going to pick on someone in particular so watchout because you'll you'll start getting name dropped in here aswell. I was recently chatting with Oscar Murray and I know helistens to this. So Oscar, send in a boostagram mate and Iwill be forever grateful and it will also help me continue. Sothat's it. Everyone check out caster Matic checkup fountain FMI know both have a listened recently to Franco on episode63. And he's obviously putting a lot of work into it. So I'd sayit's hard to go wrong there and I chatted with Oscar recentlyand he is putting a lot of work into the fountain FM app andboth of those are fantastic places to send the value forvalue podcast a boostagram so we hope to see some of thelounge filling up next week people joining in getting somemusic going some central loving going on in there would befantastic. So that is it for today. The value of tough loveepisode 15 everyone thank you for joining me Kyrin out