I hope you're feeling freaky because today were diving into the esoteric.
In Ep #25 were covering how Brando Sellers and Jake Hider use v4v on their show The SLIEK Podcast. A unique aspect they bring is the implementation of leaderboard, showing who has contributed to the show and encouraging participation by turning it into a game (with prizes as well).
Value 4 Value Support:
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In Ep #25 were covering how Brando Sellers and Jake Hider use v4v on their show The SLIEK Podcast. A unique aspect they bring is the implementation of leaderboard, showing who has contributed to the show and encouraging participation by turning it into a game (with prizes as well).
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
Hope you're feeling freakybecause today we're diving into the esoteric welcome everyone to anothersession of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin, I'mthe host of obviously this podcast but also the meremortals, mere mortals book reviews. And this is the podcastwhere we dive into people who are sort of in the podcasting2.0 world and really diving into the value for value model. Sothat is essentially the model of asking for return of value fromyour listeners, your supporters, your producers, if you want tocall them that, instead of going the traditional route ofchucking advertising or using a paywall also, in front of yourin front of your work and sort of limiting your message and Iwould just say creating a worse off product overall. So what Ilike to do is I like to highlight podcasts that I thinkare doing some cool things and might have some I'll do like alittle deconstruction analysis of what they're doing good maybewhat they're doing bad if I see anything and it's also just agenerally good tool for podcast discovery. So today we have thesleek podcast also known as the strangest life I've ever known.This is a podcast created by two fellas called Brando sellers andJake Haida are read from their little about page what they liketo talk about themselves. So sleep comes from this is thestrangest life I've ever known, which is a quote from one of myall time favorite artists, Jim Morrison. This quote speaksvolumes about the world we live in today and how we are affectedby advances in science, technology, medicine,spirituality and more. The Sikh podcast encompasses everythingthis strange life. The strange thing called life brings our wayNo, no holds barred here. So and then they just talked about howthey just get into these topics.
So I will even just read off acouple of the the podcast episodes I guess. So we've gotthe hermetic order electric church 27 Club, Falun Gong,corporate greed and cults, time travel, parallel universes, theMandela Effect, deep fake AI avatars simulation theory, thelist goes on and on and on. So funnily enough, these guysactually have a very similar dynamic to how Juan and I runour podcasts in the in the sense that, that there's one guy who'sreally active This is Brando in terms of diving in, he's morethe one who controls owns the podcast as I as I can tell. Andso he's the one who's really found out about podcasting 2.0and dived in into that world.
And he's very active on all ofthe places. Now, the they have released, they're up to episode24 At the moment, and funnily enough, you can only go back toEpisode 13. From what I can tell. And this is where it's gotthe new co host, Jake, Jake Haida heida, apologies formispronouncing that, which was released on the 15th of March of2022. So only, I don't know, like, three, three months ago,roughly. And this is when they've they sort of re kickedoff the podcast, I guess, or Brando re kicked off thepodcast. And they they started diving into this more found outpodcasting. 2.0 very quickly, and she's just, yeah, 100% inthe episodes, from what I can tell in lengthwise, they usuallygo pretty long. So there's a couple of sort of hours, fromwhat I can tell the the latest episodes I'm looking at is twohours in length, Aaron 52. And yeah, that, like I said, thetopics, you're gonna get a bit of everything. So don't besurprised by what you find in there, I guess. So let's go onto the value for value implementation, how do theyimplement value for value in their podcasts? What are some ofthe things that they're doing?
Now I'll first just say thatwith a really long podcast, you do have to make a spur somedecisions on what you're going to do in terms of value forvalue? Because it can be I guess, a bit of a mixed up view,I would say you almost have more options, in a sense, because youcan decide where do you want to put it right at the start, youwant to put in the middle? Do you want to leave it at the end?Now, I am not sure what the general consensus is of thewhole podcasting landscape in terms of listeners of how muchthey really enjoy the value for value section. So there's somelike the no agenda show where they they make a big deal out ofit. They have two sections. Adam likes to say there's a Adamcurry. This is like to say, you know, it produces so muchcontent that it's it's genuinely interestingfor the listeners. And everyone loves hearing their name beingsaid. So if you've supported, you're waiting out for thatsection in particular, others who are perhaps not contributingdirectly to the podcasts like that, they might skip over it soyou do have to make make some strategic decisions, I guess, ishow I just end up this section.
So generally, from what I cantell, they, you know, they've only done 24 episodes and 12 ofthose are sort of, from a previous era. So they're noteven sort of worth talking about, in this sense. The theyseem to do it I'd say roughly about a half hour in is thegeneral thing. So they'll they'll start talking about notonly booster grams, but also updates to podcasting. 2.0different apps, other podcast shout outs, examples of howthey, you know, implementing tags or using things. So there'sa whole section of stuff going in. And this is from Episode 23,or roughly 47 minutes in of just an example of their value forvalue section.
So now we're into the shout outsection once again, and we're making improvements in our sleepfreak area, we have a few new sleep freak members because ofthe booster gram donations we've been receiving it. On our lastshow, we read off our first two booster grams from chyron andmetus. And they have joined the sleek freak discord chat now,that's the first level feature that we're giving to any of ourboosters or people that send some value our way. So now wehave several sleep freak members. And for this episode,we actually have a couple more booster grams to read off, Ithought we were gonna get skunked. But here we are, againwith a couple more. So first off, we got this booster gramfrom Peter Cameron mentioned your show on his show, glad hedid. And I did notice an increase in downloads and likewebsite activity and things since that episode of meremortals where Chiron gave us that good shout out on the show.So I really appreciate that. And it's, it's reaching otherpeople, we're getting new followers because of it. And itjust goes to show how awesome value for value is even forpodcasters. Because chyron boosted us, we mentioned him.And then I went back and boosted his show because I enjoy hisshow. And I felt like sending the value back. So he read offmy boosted gram. And then he also kind of went into depthabout our show and told people about it, and they're going tocheck it out. So I mean, that's just another great way forpodcasters to contribute value to each other. It's not evenjust between the listener and the podcaster. It's really coolhow that's working out. And yeah, so that's a perfectexample of of the value for value that didn't particularlyread out a booster gram per se.
But they could subsequently goon to do that. So their value for value section, sometimesthat goes over like, I don't know, 1020 minutes long, becausethey're talking about the haps they're talking about, you know,not not just simply reading off the booster grams, it's it's notlike it's a I've got to get this thing done. Also, how helps whenyou don't have potentially hundreds, like you do on the noagenda show. But But yeah, he highlights some really greatthings there. You know, one, it's just the sort of circularpodcasting economy if you're really active in it, if you'relooking out for other people, I'll give them a shout out, theyshout out shout out me, they've given me content now, becauseI'm doing their show on another show of mine. So, you know,it's, it's really fun to, to sort of be part of it. And youknow, I was the first one to booster ground them, forexample. And I remember the first message of sort of likekind support, I think it was just like a simple reviewsomeone left on Apple podcasts back in 2019, for the Miyamotoshow. And you know, I'm always going to remember that becausethey were the first they were the first to like really dosomething cool. So that's, that's a really, really nicesection. Something that I've noticed there is the calling thesort of supportive, sleek, sleek freaks, which I think is cool.That's another thing that you can take from the orgy like Adamcurry and John C. Dvorak, um, no, no agenda. They they, youknow, you create a tribe, you create names for people. So inon our show, for example, we say Mere Mortalites there on on this onthe SLIEK podcast, they're obviously calling them sleekfreaks. And I'll go into a in the unique section aboutsomething how they're even taking that to the next level aswell. But what I yeah, that's just I suppose the the generaloverview of how they do their value for value implementation,right at the end of their shows as well. They typically have a,you know, a small little segment just reminding hey, if you'vereached this far, I would really appreciate if you could returnthe value of some sort. And that, you know, constant pepperbrings in now the good thing about a show like this, which isso long and so freeform is it's relatively easy. Due to bring upit's not like it needs to be, you know exactly at half anhour, we're gonna do this, it's sort of, you know, we'retransitioning into this is where the conversation is going. Let'sbring it up and do it like this.
So that's, that's a, I suppose ageneral overview of of what they're doing. Now somethingunique that they've, they've been doing this is actuallysomething I've stolen from them. So I'll play this little cliphere, and then I'll explain a little bit more. This is fromEpisode 24, roughly about 28 minutes in, yeah, level one, you get accessto our sleek freak discord servers. So you if you send atleast 500 sets, you're in level one, you get access to the sleekfreak Discord server, and it was kind of dead for a while, itstill isn't like the most happened in place. But we gotPeter in there. And he actually livened up the chat a little bitand stirred up some activity. So that was kind of fun. And wejust been interacting with like, metus in there a little bit too.And I sent out some, like, I've been working on some differentmerch I want to give out for sleek, free giveaways andthings. And I said, like, some little mock ups of the differentdesigns I've been thinking about. So the sleek freaks kindof get some exclusive content, like stuff we might not evenuse, you know, I kind of maybe want their opinion, to see, hey,is this something that would be cool? Or does it suck orwhatever. So the discord chat is pretty sweet. Level two is25,000 Satoshis in total, and you get all the perks of levelone plus, we're going to send you a sleek freak sticker in asleek freak member card. And I got the test prints of themember cards that we're working on. And I wasn't really 100%happy with it. I was like, Oh man, I should have went with thesticker cardstock. I did like the in between, because I don'twant it super thin. But then I didn't think it needed to be thethickest, but I don't want it to feel like some chintzy likepiece of junk. When someone gets it. You know, I want them tothink like, oh, this member cards like kind of a cool thing.So and the test prints I did, they didn't really trim it thatwell, I sent you a little picture, you didn't get to seeit in person. But when that might be cool, it's jumping on abit here. And level four, and 50,000 SATs and total don't notdonations value sent. I've been trying not to say donation and Ijust about fucked up there. So I'm calling myself out. But onceyou've reached 150,000, sets and value that you've sent us, youget all the other perk levels, of course, and you get anexclusive sleek freak t shirt, the only way you can get thissleek freak t shirt is to reach this level, it's not somethingthat we're going to have available to buy. It's notsomething I'm just going to give out to anybody that wants one orno, you have to get to the level for sleek freak and you get thisexclusive shirt. And yeah, so there's a I suppose ageneral overview of how they're implementing, I guess theincentivizing people to send in some not donations, but support,as you mentioned, there, that's something I trip up on, youknow, every now and then as well, it's it happens. So acouple of things of note, there is one the different levels, Iskipped over level three, which was sort of intermediary betweenI believe it was the 25,000 and the 150,000. But that's a reallycool idea of of, you know, taking, you know, gamifying it,I guess now on no agenda, Adam curry does this a lot as well.And they've, they've sort of got a whole whole culture cultureover there. But it's about implementing it for your ownshow, and what you think people would would like to see. And oneof the things that they they've, they're doing but wasn'tparticularly announced in this, this little section is the youhave the lizard king, which is the the person who has donatedthe most. So I think this is a really cool aspect, which is,you know, you can you can prove your support, in a way it's sortof like, if you want to look at it in a bad way. It's almostlike virtue signaling. It's like, hey, hey, look at me Lookat me. But but also in another way, it's, it's, it's a showingof appreciation. And it's an it's like, you know, so much of life is about statusand, and, and proving that you have status. And you can do thisin a myriad of different ways.
Not everyone has to be anathlete or stupidly, handsomely good looking, some of that'sgenetic, and you can't do anything about that. But this isone of the cool ways where it's like, you know what, I want tobe the lizard king. And so this is what I actually did. And oneof the one of the things that I've even noticed just from thisin my own behavior was I was I was sitting around I think itwas like ninth on the leaderboard because I only justsent him that One booster gram a couple of weeks ago, and I saw,you know what, like, it's within my reach pretty easily to becomethe lizard king, at least for a little bit like I don't, I don'tneed to have the title forever, but you know what, fuck it, I'mgonna do it. And so I threw, I threw, I think it was like30,000 35,000 SATs, their way to make sure that I became king ofthe leaderboard. And you'll see this in the, in the chapter artas well. But that that sort of highlighting, I guess, like,who's winning as well can create that little bit of acompetition. So Peter, for example, you know, I edged himout by a couple 1000 SATs, and, you know, maybe he'll, he'll reup that, and maybe that'll incentivize me in the future aswell. It'd be like, ah, you know, that's only 6000 SATs. AndI like being number one, you know, that's kind of fun. Sothat that sort of aspect of not only creating the leaderboard,but really showcasing it as well, I hadn't particularly seenthat elsewhere. And so that's actually something Juan and Ihave borrowed, stolen, if you will, for our own podcast, themere mortals podcast. So now we have a dedicated page on our, onour website, where it highlights not only everyone, there's a biglist of everyone who's who's helped contribute, which isstarting to get pretty long, I think it's up to 3035 peopleplus now, but it really highlights the top five and thenimplementing if you remember from the bowl after bowlpodcast, where they were giving links out to the theirsupporters. We've also included links from for like the top fivepeople. So if you get in the top five, your your picture, I guessyour whatever, however you want to show yourself. So PETA, forexample is a picture of a cute little kid and Dave Jones ishave this sort of psychedelic I don't know, face with swellingcolors and stuff. And we've we've included a link, OscarMary has, you know, a picture of him, which he uses sort ofeverywhere for the fountain app and things like that. And yeah,we've included links. So now, if someone goes on there, you know,they might be like holy shit, who's this mad dude who'ssupporting the the memorials podcast I've seen, I've heardthat name being mentioned quite a few times in the boosterGraham section, I'm going to click on the link and find outwhere that goes. So I think that's a that's kind of liketwo, two aspects from two different shows that, that I'vepersonally taken and well wanted most of the work. So kudos toone on, on implementing that, and, and taking something fromanother show that you see is doing well and going like, youknow what I'm gonna do this.
And, look, all I can say is frommy own behavior, the table of support, incentivize me to givemore than I probably normally would, because my normalboosting amount is a lot lower than 30,000. Because I don'thave enough sets to be boosting 30,000 Every single time. Sothat's a really cool thing, that they're doing something unique,you know, they've got the shirts, they've got thesedifferent levels. So maybe you're just like, oh, man, I'dreally like to have a sticker or a membership card, you know,fuck it, I'll throw in a little bit more just to make sure Ireach that level. Another thing they're doing as well, which is,I suppose unique to them as they are like the rapidity, the speedrapidity, the rapidness of their onboarding onto podcasting. 2.0is insane. Like they, they're self hosting within a couple ofepisodes there. On cast apod they're using all the chapterimages that are the they've even created something called seekmedia, which I looked on and has a couple of different otherpodcasts, really just highlighting like, Hey, this ishow you use a podcasting 2.0 app, hey, this is how you canyou know, booster gram Satoshis and things like that. So goingfar and beyond to really spread the message, which I think isreally cool of them. And if you're the one spreading themessage if you're at the forefront i i imagine it as longas you're not doing it in a you know, spammy ways, as long asyou're not annoying people with it. I think though, they'll reapthe benefits from that. So very much kudos to Brando and, and toJake, the podcast is is cool, you know, now, the value forvalues and everything you need.
You've got to have a coolpodcast to go along with it. So you've got to really enjoy thatthat takes on site science, technology, medicine,spirituality, all of those sorts of things. So it's the backboneof the show is really what you do uniquely and whatnot. Andvalue for value goes on top of that to to really highlightthat. So just because you create a leaderboard doesn't mean thatthat people are going to, to, you know, immediately want to betop of the leaderboard. It's it's good to have that backboneas well have something a great product behind it as well. Sovery cool. Thank you very much fellas for that I'm gonna now gointo my own little section of the booster gram lounge Welcome to the value for valuebooster gram welcome welcome everyone to the booster gramlounge This is where we get into some of the booster grams forthis show and men I've had a it's it's tipping up it'sdipping up in terms of the amount coming in and also thethe I suppose volume of people the numbers of people so I'mjust going to jump right into to the first one here which is fromsee lewd sent on fountain 1208 SATs. Wonder what that number isfor 12 away not sure. Anyway, he says Hey yo, Could you review mypodcasts the most recent episode is the one that uses the mostpodcasting 2.0 features and as the best example of what I cancurrently do audio wise and segment wise, here's a link tothe podcast that includes a little link there. It's calledthe cord cast Many thanks and keep up the other podcastreviews helps me to find new shows to listen to thank youvery much see loot. Yes, I will do that. That's bang on the topnow that'll be for next week.
Peter comes in and he says sothis is the infamous Peter who was a boosting maniac. He's He'sall over the place. He sends 1667 sets and he says as an aviddigestor of podcasting 2.0 podcasts. I love this podcastbecause it saves me a bunch of time figure out what I do andwhat I don't want to spend my time listening to Thanks, Karen.Bang on man. Thanks. Hey, that's two comments in a row talkingabout that. Mary Oscar 3750 cent using fountain as was pitas hesays another great episode current keep it up I'm learningso much. Hate much appreciated Oscar another one. What was thatthat was like four hours later so so he sent out for the bowlafter bowl. This one's for the last spring family audio. Hesays another great episode 3750 hate much appreciate it. Andthen none other than Jake Haida from the sleek podcast sentusing curio caster. He sends 836 sets and he says Who is JohnGalt, of course, who is the mysterious John Galt. So thatwas from the secular foxhole, referring, of course to n. randswork and in particular Atlas Shrugged where the constantquestion of The Book keeps coming up Who is John Galt whois this mysterious character you know doing all these cool thingsand somewhat saving the world so bang on Hey everyone, thank youso much for for sending that in.
My numerology is shot house, Ihave no idea what what any of the mean, I could try anddecipher that the not not I got nothing. I gotnothing. But hey, everyone very much appreciate it. And I seesome streaming amounts here as well. Oscar Murray stream 900SATs big streamer. Thank you very much. Brandon has also beenstreaming like tons of people are streaming in, in, in inSatoshis, as well. So all of those are meant like this is youknow, it's it's really heartening. It's reallyheartening. I do appreciate it. And, you know, I'm, I willcontinue the show to try and make it the best I can. It onceagain, I'm always looking for recommendations, this is myvalue for value. Ask for today, I guess. I'm always looking forrecommendations or a feedback on how I can make the show better.So if you would prefer to hear less talking from me, if you'dmaybe prefer me to include some segments in the one thing I wasthinking about was including a suppose a little segment rightat the start showcasing just the general content of the showbecause I've only been playing the value for value segments.But if if people are using this as a as a podcast discoverytool, how I'll include the you know, a little section at thefront of other people, if you want me to reduce the showlength because I seem to be I originally thought this wouldmaybe be like 10 minutes long when I was doing it but it'spretty consistently getting up into the low 20s. So if if youthink I should lengthen it, shorten it, keep it the same.I'm open to all of these suggestions. Best way to do thatis via booster Graham. There's two apps which I mentionedtoday, fountain and curio caster pod verse has also included nowthe ability to booster Graham from your desktop as well whichis really cool with a with a little extension called Albea aLBY. And there's a couple of other apps which all can do thiscosmetic if you're on an iOS device, pod friend if you're onyour desktop or even on your mobile phone, you can do that. Ibelieve there's a another one oh two that I'm missing as well,you can use the extension. What?
What's it called is there's an xas pod station, you can use the pod station extension, which isa extension for Chrome, I believe. And that is also a wayof streaming, not not boosting, but streaming. So lots of plentyof suggestions there of how you can contribute to the show andbut more importantly, to give me some feedback, so that's whatI'm really looking for at the moment. I'm really I want tomake this the most useful I can for for everyone listening in.So thank you, everyone. Thank you very much for for joiningin. I hope you have gotten some inspiration to be a little bitmore sneaky. A little bit more freaky from from this episode,and until the next time, ciao.
Hope you're feeling freakybecause today we're diving into the esoteric welcome everyone to anothersession of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin, I'mthe host of obviously this podcast but also the meremortals, mere mortals book reviews. And this is the podcastwhere we dive into people who are sort of in the podcasting2.0 world and really diving into the value for value model. Sothat is essentially the model of asking for return of value fromyour listeners, your supporters, your producers, if you want tocall them that, instead of going the traditional route ofchucking advertising or using a paywall also, in front of yourin front of your work and sort of limiting your message and Iwould just say creating a worse off product overall. So what Ilike to do is I like to highlight podcasts that I thinkare doing some cool things and might have some I'll do like alittle deconstruction analysis of what they're doing good maybewhat they're doing bad if I see anything and it's also just agenerally good tool for podcast discovery. So today we have thesleek podcast also known as the strangest life I've ever known.This is a podcast created by two fellas called Brando sellers andJake Haida are read from their little about page what they liketo talk about themselves. So sleep comes from this is thestrangest life I've ever known, which is a quote from one of myall time favorite artists, Jim Morrison. This quote speaksvolumes about the world we live in today and how we are affectedby advances in science, technology, medicine,spirituality and more. The Sikh podcast encompasses everythingthis strange life. The strange thing called life brings our wayNo, no holds barred here. So and then they just talked about howthey just get into these topics.
So I will even just read off acouple of the the podcast episodes I guess. So we've gotthe hermetic order electric church 27 Club, Falun Gong,corporate greed and cults, time travel, parallel universes, theMandela Effect, deep fake AI avatars simulation theory, thelist goes on and on and on. So funnily enough, these guysactually have a very similar dynamic to how Juan and I runour podcasts in the in the sense that, that there's one guy who'sreally active This is Brando in terms of diving in, he's morethe one who controls owns the podcast as I as I can tell. Andso he's the one who's really found out about podcasting 2.0and dived in into that world.
And he's very active on all ofthe places. Now, the they have released, they're up to episode24 At the moment, and funnily enough, you can only go back toEpisode 13. From what I can tell. And this is where it's gotthe new co host, Jake, Jake Haida heida, apologies formispronouncing that, which was released on the 15th of March of2022. So only, I don't know, like, three, three months ago,roughly. And this is when they've they sort of re kickedoff the podcast, I guess, or Brando re kicked off thepodcast. And they they started diving into this more found outpodcasting. 2.0 very quickly, and she's just, yeah, 100% inthe episodes, from what I can tell in lengthwise, they usuallygo pretty long. So there's a couple of sort of hours, fromwhat I can tell the the latest episodes I'm looking at is twohours in length, Aaron 52. And yeah, that, like I said, thetopics, you're gonna get a bit of everything. So don't besurprised by what you find in there, I guess. So let's go onto the value for value implementation, how do theyimplement value for value in their podcasts? What are some ofthe things that they're doing?
Now I'll first just say thatwith a really long podcast, you do have to make a spur somedecisions on what you're going to do in terms of value forvalue? Because it can be I guess, a bit of a mixed up view,I would say you almost have more options, in a sense, because youcan decide where do you want to put it right at the start, youwant to put in the middle? Do you want to leave it at the end?Now, I am not sure what the general consensus is of thewhole podcasting landscape in terms of listeners of how muchthey really enjoy the value for value section. So there's somelike the no agenda show where they they make a big deal out ofit. They have two sections. Adam likes to say there's a Adamcurry. This is like to say, you know, it produces so muchcontent that it's it's genuinely interestingfor the listeners. And everyone loves hearing their name beingsaid. So if you've supported, you're waiting out for thatsection in particular, others who are perhaps not contributingdirectly to the podcasts like that, they might skip over it soyou do have to make make some strategic decisions, I guess, ishow I just end up this section.
So generally, from what I cantell, they, you know, they've only done 24 episodes and 12 ofthose are sort of, from a previous era. So they're noteven sort of worth talking about, in this sense. The theyseem to do it I'd say roughly about a half hour in is thegeneral thing. So they'll they'll start talking about notonly booster grams, but also updates to podcasting. 2.0different apps, other podcast shout outs, examples of howthey, you know, implementing tags or using things. So there'sa whole section of stuff going in. And this is from Episode 23,or roughly 47 minutes in of just an example of their value forvalue section.
So now we're into the shout outsection once again, and we're making improvements in our sleepfreak area, we have a few new sleep freak members because ofthe booster gram donations we've been receiving it. On our lastshow, we read off our first two booster grams from chyron andmetus. And they have joined the sleek freak discord chat now,that's the first level feature that we're giving to any of ourboosters or people that send some value our way. So now wehave several sleep freak members. And for this episode,we actually have a couple more booster grams to read off, Ithought we were gonna get skunked. But here we are, againwith a couple more. So first off, we got this booster gramfrom Peter Cameron mentioned your show on his show, glad hedid. And I did notice an increase in downloads and likewebsite activity and things since that episode of meremortals where Chiron gave us that good shout out on the show.So I really appreciate that. And it's, it's reaching otherpeople, we're getting new followers because of it. And itjust goes to show how awesome value for value is even forpodcasters. Because chyron boosted us, we mentioned him.And then I went back and boosted his show because I enjoy hisshow. And I felt like sending the value back. So he read offmy boosted gram. And then he also kind of went into depthabout our show and told people about it, and they're going tocheck it out. So I mean, that's just another great way forpodcasters to contribute value to each other. It's not evenjust between the listener and the podcaster. It's really coolhow that's working out. And yeah, so that's a perfectexample of of the value for value that didn't particularlyread out a booster gram per se.
But they could subsequently goon to do that. So their value for value section, sometimesthat goes over like, I don't know, 1020 minutes long, becausethey're talking about the haps they're talking about, you know,not not just simply reading off the booster grams, it's it's notlike it's a I've got to get this thing done. Also, how helps whenyou don't have potentially hundreds, like you do on the noagenda show. But But yeah, he highlights some really greatthings there. You know, one, it's just the sort of circularpodcasting economy if you're really active in it, if you'relooking out for other people, I'll give them a shout out, theyshout out shout out me, they've given me content now, becauseI'm doing their show on another show of mine. So, you know,it's, it's really fun to, to sort of be part of it. And youknow, I was the first one to booster ground them, forexample. And I remember the first message of sort of likekind support, I think it was just like a simple reviewsomeone left on Apple podcasts back in 2019, for the Miyamotoshow. And you know, I'm always going to remember that becausethey were the first they were the first to like really dosomething cool. So that's, that's a really, really nicesection. Something that I've noticed there is the calling thesort of supportive, sleek, sleek freaks, which I think is cool.That's another thing that you can take from the orgy like Adamcurry and John C. Dvorak, um, no, no agenda. They they, youknow, you create a tribe, you create names for people. So inon our show, for example, we say Mere Mortalites there on on this onthe SLIEK podcast, they're obviously calling them sleekfreaks. And I'll go into a in the unique section aboutsomething how they're even taking that to the next level aswell. But what I yeah, that's just I suppose the the generaloverview of how they do their value for value implementation,right at the end of their shows as well. They typically have a,you know, a small little segment just reminding hey, if you'vereached this far, I would really appreciate if you could returnthe value of some sort. And that, you know, constant pepperbrings in now the good thing about a show like this, which isso long and so freeform is it's relatively easy. Due to bring upit's not like it needs to be, you know exactly at half anhour, we're gonna do this, it's sort of, you know, we'retransitioning into this is where the conversation is going. Let'sbring it up and do it like this.
So that's, that's a, I suppose ageneral overview of of what they're doing. Now somethingunique that they've, they've been doing this is actuallysomething I've stolen from them. So I'll play this little cliphere, and then I'll explain a little bit more. This is fromEpisode 24, roughly about 28 minutes in, yeah, level one, you get accessto our sleek freak discord servers. So you if you send atleast 500 sets, you're in level one, you get access to the sleekfreak Discord server, and it was kind of dead for a while, itstill isn't like the most happened in place. But we gotPeter in there. And he actually livened up the chat a little bitand stirred up some activity. So that was kind of fun. And wejust been interacting with like, metus in there a little bit too.And I sent out some, like, I've been working on some differentmerch I want to give out for sleek, free giveaways andthings. And I said, like, some little mock ups of the differentdesigns I've been thinking about. So the sleek freaks kindof get some exclusive content, like stuff we might not evenuse, you know, I kind of maybe want their opinion, to see, hey,is this something that would be cool? Or does it suck orwhatever. So the discord chat is pretty sweet. Level two is25,000 Satoshis in total, and you get all the perks of levelone plus, we're going to send you a sleek freak sticker in asleek freak member card. And I got the test prints of themember cards that we're working on. And I wasn't really 100%happy with it. I was like, Oh man, I should have went with thesticker cardstock. I did like the in between, because I don'twant it super thin. But then I didn't think it needed to be thethickest, but I don't want it to feel like some chintzy likepiece of junk. When someone gets it. You know, I want them tothink like, oh, this member cards like kind of a cool thing.So and the test prints I did, they didn't really trim it thatwell, I sent you a little picture, you didn't get to seeit in person. But when that might be cool, it's jumping on abit here. And level four, and 50,000 SATs and total don't notdonations value sent. I've been trying not to say donation and Ijust about fucked up there. So I'm calling myself out. But onceyou've reached 150,000, sets and value that you've sent us, youget all the other perk levels, of course, and you get anexclusive sleek freak t shirt, the only way you can get thissleek freak t shirt is to reach this level, it's not somethingthat we're going to have available to buy. It's notsomething I'm just going to give out to anybody that wants one orno, you have to get to the level for sleek freak and you get thisexclusive shirt. And yeah, so there's a I suppose ageneral overview of how they're implementing, I guess theincentivizing people to send in some not donations, but support,as you mentioned, there, that's something I trip up on, youknow, every now and then as well, it's it happens. So acouple of things of note, there is one the different levels, Iskipped over level three, which was sort of intermediary betweenI believe it was the 25,000 and the 150,000. But that's a reallycool idea of of, you know, taking, you know, gamifying it,I guess now on no agenda, Adam curry does this a lot as well.And they've, they've sort of got a whole whole culture cultureover there. But it's about implementing it for your ownshow, and what you think people would would like to see. And oneof the things that they they've, they're doing but wasn'tparticularly announced in this, this little section is the youhave the lizard king, which is the the person who has donatedthe most. So I think this is a really cool aspect, which is,you know, you can you can prove your support, in a way it's sortof like, if you want to look at it in a bad way. It's almostlike virtue signaling. It's like, hey, hey, look at me Lookat me. But but also in another way, it's, it's, it's a showingof appreciation. And it's an it's like, you know, so much of life is about statusand, and, and proving that you have status. And you can do thisin a myriad of different ways.
Not everyone has to be anathlete or stupidly, handsomely good looking, some of that'sgenetic, and you can't do anything about that. But this isone of the cool ways where it's like, you know what, I want tobe the lizard king. And so this is what I actually did. And oneof the one of the things that I've even noticed just from thisin my own behavior was I was I was sitting around I think itwas like ninth on the leaderboard because I only justsent him that One booster gram a couple of weeks ago, and I saw,you know what, like, it's within my reach pretty easily to becomethe lizard king, at least for a little bit like I don't, I don'tneed to have the title forever, but you know what, fuck it, I'mgonna do it. And so I threw, I threw, I think it was like30,000 35,000 SATs, their way to make sure that I became king ofthe leaderboard. And you'll see this in the, in the chapter artas well. But that that sort of highlighting, I guess, like,who's winning as well can create that little bit of acompetition. So Peter, for example, you know, I edged himout by a couple 1000 SATs, and, you know, maybe he'll, he'll reup that, and maybe that'll incentivize me in the future aswell. It'd be like, ah, you know, that's only 6000 SATs. AndI like being number one, you know, that's kind of fun. Sothat that sort of aspect of not only creating the leaderboard,but really showcasing it as well, I hadn't particularly seenthat elsewhere. And so that's actually something Juan and Ihave borrowed, stolen, if you will, for our own podcast, themere mortals podcast. So now we have a dedicated page on our, onour website, where it highlights not only everyone, there's a biglist of everyone who's who's helped contribute, which isstarting to get pretty long, I think it's up to 3035 peopleplus now, but it really highlights the top five and thenimplementing if you remember from the bowl after bowlpodcast, where they were giving links out to the theirsupporters. We've also included links from for like the top fivepeople. So if you get in the top five, your your picture, I guessyour whatever, however you want to show yourself. So PETA, forexample is a picture of a cute little kid and Dave Jones ishave this sort of psychedelic I don't know, face with swellingcolors and stuff. And we've we've included a link, OscarMary has, you know, a picture of him, which he uses sort ofeverywhere for the fountain app and things like that. And yeah,we've included links. So now, if someone goes on there, you know,they might be like holy shit, who's this mad dude who'ssupporting the the memorials podcast I've seen, I've heardthat name being mentioned quite a few times in the boosterGraham section, I'm going to click on the link and find outwhere that goes. So I think that's a that's kind of liketwo, two aspects from two different shows that, that I'vepersonally taken and well wanted most of the work. So kudos toone on, on implementing that, and, and taking something fromanother show that you see is doing well and going like, youknow what I'm gonna do this.
And, look, all I can say is frommy own behavior, the table of support, incentivize me to givemore than I probably normally would, because my normalboosting amount is a lot lower than 30,000. Because I don'thave enough sets to be boosting 30,000 Every single time. Sothat's a really cool thing, that they're doing something unique,you know, they've got the shirts, they've got thesedifferent levels. So maybe you're just like, oh, man, I'dreally like to have a sticker or a membership card, you know,fuck it, I'll throw in a little bit more just to make sure Ireach that level. Another thing they're doing as well, which is,I suppose unique to them as they are like the rapidity, the speedrapidity, the rapidness of their onboarding onto podcasting. 2.0is insane. Like they, they're self hosting within a couple ofepisodes there. On cast apod they're using all the chapterimages that are the they've even created something called seekmedia, which I looked on and has a couple of different otherpodcasts, really just highlighting like, Hey, this ishow you use a podcasting 2.0 app, hey, this is how you canyou know, booster gram Satoshis and things like that. So goingfar and beyond to really spread the message, which I think isreally cool of them. And if you're the one spreading themessage if you're at the forefront i i imagine it as longas you're not doing it in a you know, spammy ways, as long asyou're not annoying people with it. I think though, they'll reapthe benefits from that. So very much kudos to Brando and, and toJake, the podcast is is cool, you know, now, the value forvalues and everything you need.
You've got to have a coolpodcast to go along with it. So you've got to really enjoy thatthat takes on site science, technology, medicine,spirituality, all of those sorts of things. So it's the backboneof the show is really what you do uniquely and whatnot. Andvalue for value goes on top of that to to really highlightthat. So just because you create a leaderboard doesn't mean thatthat people are going to, to, you know, immediately want to betop of the leaderboard. It's it's good to have that backboneas well have something a great product behind it as well. Sovery cool. Thank you very much fellas for that I'm gonna now gointo my own little section of the booster gram lounge Welcome to the value for valuebooster gram welcome welcome everyone to the booster gramlounge This is where we get into some of the booster grams forthis show and men I've had a it's it's tipping up it'sdipping up in terms of the amount coming in and also thethe I suppose volume of people the numbers of people so I'mjust going to jump right into to the first one here which is fromsee lewd sent on fountain 1208 SATs. Wonder what that number isfor 12 away not sure. Anyway, he says Hey yo, Could you review mypodcasts the most recent episode is the one that uses the mostpodcasting 2.0 features and as the best example of what I cancurrently do audio wise and segment wise, here's a link tothe podcast that includes a little link there. It's calledthe cord cast Many thanks and keep up the other podcastreviews helps me to find new shows to listen to thank youvery much see loot. Yes, I will do that. That's bang on the topnow that'll be for next week.
Peter comes in and he says sothis is the infamous Peter who was a boosting maniac. He's He'sall over the place. He sends 1667 sets and he says as an aviddigestor of podcasting 2.0 podcasts. I love this podcastbecause it saves me a bunch of time figure out what I do andwhat I don't want to spend my time listening to Thanks, Karen.Bang on man. Thanks. Hey, that's two comments in a row talkingabout that. Mary Oscar 3750 cent using fountain as was pitas hesays another great episode current keep it up I'm learningso much. Hate much appreciated Oscar another one. What was thatthat was like four hours later so so he sent out for the bowlafter bowl. This one's for the last spring family audio. Hesays another great episode 3750 hate much appreciate it. Andthen none other than Jake Haida from the sleek podcast sentusing curio caster. He sends 836 sets and he says Who is JohnGalt, of course, who is the mysterious John Galt. So thatwas from the secular foxhole, referring, of course to n. randswork and in particular Atlas Shrugged where the constantquestion of The Book keeps coming up Who is John Galt whois this mysterious character you know doing all these cool thingsand somewhat saving the world so bang on Hey everyone, thank youso much for for sending that in.
My numerology is shot house, Ihave no idea what what any of the mean, I could try anddecipher that the not not I got nothing. I gotnothing. But hey, everyone very much appreciate it. And I seesome streaming amounts here as well. Oscar Murray stream 900SATs big streamer. Thank you very much. Brandon has also beenstreaming like tons of people are streaming in, in, in inSatoshis, as well. So all of those are meant like this is youknow, it's it's really heartening. It's reallyheartening. I do appreciate it. And, you know, I'm, I willcontinue the show to try and make it the best I can. It onceagain, I'm always looking for recommendations, this is myvalue for value. Ask for today, I guess. I'm always looking forrecommendations or a feedback on how I can make the show better.So if you would prefer to hear less talking from me, if you'dmaybe prefer me to include some segments in the one thing I wasthinking about was including a suppose a little segment rightat the start showcasing just the general content of the showbecause I've only been playing the value for value segments.But if if people are using this as a as a podcast discoverytool, how I'll include the you know, a little section at thefront of other people, if you want me to reduce the showlength because I seem to be I originally thought this wouldmaybe be like 10 minutes long when I was doing it but it'spretty consistently getting up into the low 20s. So if if youthink I should lengthen it, shorten it, keep it the same.I'm open to all of these suggestions. Best way to do thatis via booster Graham. There's two apps which I mentionedtoday, fountain and curio caster pod verse has also included nowthe ability to booster Graham from your desktop as well whichis really cool with a with a little extension called Albea aLBY. And there's a couple of other apps which all can do thiscosmetic if you're on an iOS device, pod friend if you're onyour desktop or even on your mobile phone, you can do that. Ibelieve there's a another one oh two that I'm missing as well,you can use the extension. What?
What's it called is there's an xas pod station, you can use the pod station extension, which isa extension for Chrome, I believe. And that is also a wayof streaming, not not boosting, but streaming. So lots of plentyof suggestions there of how you can contribute to the show andbut more importantly, to give me some feedback, so that's whatI'm really looking for at the moment. I'm really I want tomake this the most useful I can for for everyone listening in.So thank you, everyone. Thank you very much for for joiningin. I hope you have gotten some inspiration to be a little bitmore sneaky. A little bit more freaky from from this episode,and until the next time, ciao.