Does all philosophical thought lead to the value for value way?
In Ep #24 were covering how Blair Schofield & Martin Lindeskog use v4v on their show 'The Secular Foxhole'. One unique aspect they brought was to put themselves in a new listeners shoes and really simply the process from A to Z of how to support the show.
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Do all philosophical thoughtsend up leading to the value for value way. Welcome, everyone toanother episode of the value for value podcast. I'm your host,Kyrin, also the host of the mere mortals podcast. And the MereMortals book reviews as well. And in this podcast, we like toexamine other podcasters who are using the value for value model,how they are particularly trying to enhance their shows using it,perhaps unique, tantalizing things that they're doing. Andtoday, we have one for you called the secular foxhole. So Icame across these guys, because they actually mentioned one ofmy shows, and in particular, the value for value episode I didwith Dave Jones. And so I wanted to check them out and see whatthey've been up to. So it's two older gentleman by the name ofBlair Showfield. And Martin Lindeskog, I believe Martin isSwedish. They started around mid 2020. And they've got about 50episodes currently released, which are a mix of chats betweenthemselves and then also interviews that they've donemostly with authors that I can tell. Now I'm going to jump ontotheir website here, and I'll let them somewhat explain how theywhat their podcast is about what they do. So I chose this name todispute the myth that there are no atheists in foxholes, butalso as a place to share ideas and defend free speech that COhosts both advocate the separation of church and statebut also economics and state in short, liberalism, individualismand capitalism. Now, why would such gentleman like this beinterested in something like Bitcoin and value for value?Okay, it's pretty obvious how they've come to the value forvalue model. But with philosophical thoughts likethis, you're sort of going to be dragged into this, this arena, Ishould say, which is, you know, it's almost like the technologythat you use that as being embodied, will draw in thepeople who are interested in this. Now, they're also verykeen, and Rand, I suppose like supporters, which I believe isthe philosophy known as objectivism. So they've beenstudying this quite a lot they, from the couple of episodes thatI tuned into, they were very keen into books such as TheFountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Those are the two that I'vepersonally read as well. But she had a whole bunch of differentseries. So that's the show in a nutshell, let's go on to howthey implement value for value in their own show. So I'd saythere's no section or pitch per se, it seems like they roll intoit at random points in the episode as their general themesnaturally lead into it. So for example, here is a clip thatI've taken from episode, oh, they don't have the episodenumber. So it's the one called donations and podcasting 2.0,which was released on the 15th of April, but come again, to this value for valuethat think about it and say, what kind of value is thispodcast, and then take an active choice, could I support them bylike the donation button that will soon come to captivate inanother way also, as it will be even simpler to donate direct.And then, of course, this what I'm looking into, but I knowrealistically will take time, it will take years, maybe fiveyears, 10 years, when it will become commonplace, but tostream Satoshis. So but to start thinking about this, we willtalk more and more about that, because we for selfish reason.But also for the listeners and fellow podcasters out there,because this is an important issue that will be have freedomof expression, and we could support indie podcasters andcontent creators.
So yeah, that's a pretty goodaspect, I suppose of how they typically will, we'll talk aboutit. And so there's no pitch per se, you can tell there that hewas somewhat right, bringing it off of the top of his head. WhatI do like is that he emphasized the long Outlook. So this isn'tsomething that you should expect to see quick results on. I'vebeen following the value for value model on the Mere Mortals,since pretty much roughly I heard about it. And that's beenJesus got to be over a year ago. And, you know, it's it's notinstantaneous, even if you have a large audience, that they'renot going to jump onto this because there's so many stepsinvolved. Like you said, there's the, I suppose the onboarding ofthe Bitcoin of streaming Satoshis you know, you just saySatoshis and that's, that's enough to drive some people off.So I suppose one thing to keep in mind, especially if you'relistening to this podcast is it's gonna take a long time, sodon't don't be expecting, you know, quick results. QuickFixes. This, I think, almost if you're using Bitcoin In itself,that's, you've got to have a longer time timeframe outlook,because if you're wanting the quick stuff, this is this isn'tthe place to be, I suppose. Now, here's another section, whichI've taken from the episode of 17th of March, which says JamesMadison, new sandwich and value value, how you can support because wein not take for granted because we never do that, but the callto action. But we don't want to write anything on how to say,parent knows or on the forehead, or we don't want to beg guideerror, we don't want to have any sacrifice. But if you see thisas a value in one way or another, then you could actaccordingly. And that could be for example, suggested to afriend to listen to our show, it could be that you follow ourpodcast, with our own standalone app, for example, that we arepaying money for every month, it can be also that you join ournew digital townhall and speaking up your mind or sharingsome good stuff that we have, and everything of this is in theshow notes. But I wanted to come back then a bit about value forvalue, because I think it's currently to the traderprinciple in action. So if so, I'm just gonna cut themoff there and which is, you know, they've obviously thoughtabout this a fair bit, because they're not just advocating one,one method, either of which is value for value, with the timetalent and treasure, it's not just the Bitcoin or thestreaming Satoshis. It's also all of these other things youmentioned, and what was really cool with what Martin wastalking about just there was, it's very specific, you know,they've created their own application to be able to listento the show, one, which I imagine has some additionalbenefits, there's a beautiful way to go about doing it there.They've talked about, you know, telling it to a friend, joiningtheir community speaking up getting that additional sort ofinput going in. So there's, you know, one of the things withvalue for value is making it as easy as possible for yourlistener, because if you're asking, oh, hey, can you justsend me a message on? You know, wherever you feel best, it'slike, Geez, how does one go about that? Do you? You know, goto your email, how do you find the email? What should the emailbe titled? Will it go to junk or spam? Like, what's the chancesof it getting through? So it's really cool that they take thislook, and I have heard them previously on other episodessuggested finding special numbers that they can use forthemselves, for example, they suggested one, which was 1905 totwo, which was related to N Rand, I'm not exactly sure whythat number, perhaps something to do with the release date of abook 1905 or something like that, potentially. But they'revery clear on sharing leaving comments, and then it's not acharity, you know, they've, they've not just dip their toesinto the value for value model, they've, they've researched itquite a fair bit, which I think is really cool. Now somethingunique that they've done, there's, well, there's onecommon theme, I suppose it's not super unique, because we Inoticed this on the last episode with the bowl after bowl and howthey would tie their theme in to the value for value, ie thetheme of you know, if you're having a joint passed around,you share it, you do it with other people. And so that's anice way of sharing the ball after ball podcast. Now, whatthey talked about just that was the trader principle, and Iwon't go into that into too depth, too much depth, but verysimilar. They they the people who are going to be attracted totheir type of podcast, ie the free thinkers, sort ofintellectuals interested in the separation of religion and stateor money and state, they're going to be the type of peoplewho know about the trader principle and then can go upvalue for value trader principle, those to mix andmatch somewhat, and I can understand the principle of whatthey're trying to do. And it's not just them, you know, havinga money grab or something like that. No, there's there's deeperideas behind this. So value for value isn't just some randomthing that's been thrown out.
No, they've thought about itdeeply. But here's a another clip, which I wanted to play,which was from the fifth of June episode, which was titled,funnily enough, the trader principle and value for value.And then I think it's also the fountain head and fountain app.So talking about that and ran there and then also the fountainapp which listeners so this podcast should, should know verywell being the app of Oscar Murray, who have had on thememorials podcast twice if you felt like doing that. Now thisis around midway through the episode, and here's somethingunique that I've found that they do particularly well.
That's what I'm saying this isthe wave of the future. So with very strong Action simpleinstructions step by step so that you download the app forfree on from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Or if youwant to, in a way, get connected with me directly, you use thelink video, including the show notes to, forwardslash lyceum. And I think Robert, will get the kick off.So I've, you know, got that username Lyceum, yes. So if yougo over our venue, download the app, and then you get connectedwith me directly, and you get like a profile page. So on thatpage, it's two clips from you know, we have been guest on apodcast. That's right. So these clips are there. And you write ashort, you could write a short text about yourself also. Sothis is getting personalized. So I see where we could go, it'slots of things that you could do in the future. Yeah, but youcould only I mean, use it and listen to it without any elsething. And then the next thing, then, you know, in order to gettransactions of his Satoshis, you start out with adding fundsto safe electronic wallet. And we recommend a wallet calledBlue Wallet. So that's free download an app called Bluewallet, the color blue and wallet. And then you in order toget the Satoshis or fractions of Bitcoin, you are then have touse you know, fiat money, or credit card, charge it and thenadd some Satoshis and funds there when I used it. Anddepending on where you're located in the world, I used,could you pay with something called swish buddy? That's onlyin the I think in Scandinavian countries. And then I had to youby the amount of Satoshi for sweet as Swedish crowns. 350about 340 $5. In your case, maybe it's less or more, I don'tknow. Because now so I'll cut them off there.And you can see that he's he's gone through the whole process.So if you're going from straight, no knowledge, what youneed to do, okay, first thing, download the fountain app, findthe secular foxhole podcast, and also his username. So then youknow, okay, yeah, this is by Sam, this is Martin and blazepodcast, then how can you get funds to that? Well, here's asuggestion, try blue wallet.
Depending where you are in theworld. He him being in Sweden, obviously. And so it's kind ofunique because he had to use Swedish Chronos to do this. Sohow do you do it? If you're using Swedish krona ours andwhat was really cool about this is one, it was, it wasn'tskipping over steps, which is something I do quite, quiteoften. And it's, you know, it's not like you need to do this forevery single episode that you're doing. But it probably is nice,every now and then to go, okay. Maybe I've got some newlisteners in here. Maybe they've heard about the value for valuea couple of times now. But you know, they have no idea. It'salmost like coming midway into a joke. And you're like, Okay, Ican sort of see what's happening here. But maybe the the joke isonly really impactful because you heard the first start thefirst the starting of the joke.
And that's what brings it roundright to the end. If you listen to Dave Chappelle, he's amazingat doing this sort of thing. So I think that that process fromstart to finish his, you know, handholding basics, this is whatyou do. This is how you get this. And this is how you canend up sending it to us and not being super specific as well.Because there are going to be people in you know, outside ofSweden who don't have swish on there's going to be peopleoutside of the of America who don't have cash app or whatever,those typical ones where you just automatically assume oh,okay, I use this I'll use that.
And that unfortunately, isn'tisn't the same everywhere in the world. So you have to make dowith that. So I thought I thought that was really coolthat they they went through that particular area how you can gofrom start to finish and it continued on of okay, now onceyou have them, you send them over to the app. Once you're inthe app, this is how you set your streaming amount and thisis how you send a booster gram This is what a booster gram isetc, etc. So I thought that was really cool. Now with all ofthat being said, I think it might be time to go on to mylittle section. So we're going to be jumping into the boosterGraham lounge.
Welcome to the value for value.Gram. Danna Oh, yeah, essential as always, and today we've we'veonly got one boostagram to read out. I do believe I had acouple of streams coming in as well which is reallyencouraging. I actually do say that because you know, noteveryone wants to send in a message, which is totally fine.But here we have from the perennial Peter 2500 sets andusing fountain and he says bowl after bowl, a podcast for thewhole family, I think is spot on that this whole Bitcoin beforethe vifa. The thing is hard to break into for new users andsuper niche at the moment. But I fully predict that in 10 yearsfrom now, aside from being super rich, we'll look back on theseearly days with the fondest of memories. Now what's really coolwith this one is man, he just banged on about like threedifferent things that these guys did right there. So one, thevisa thing V for V thing is hard to break into for new users.Well, the secular foxhole has got that fully fully down thatin 10 years time, you know, once again, they were talking aboutthe long term value there. And then also just the, I supposefor its super neatness, but also its applicability. One thing aswell, which I didn't particularly mention in the nextsection is that Martin and Blair are obviously older gentleman,they're not, they're not my age being, you know, 30 years old,yet, they have still somehow managed to take all of thedifferent steps despite all of the conditioning, the pain thatit would cause for them. Like it's painful enough for me touse, use these things and learn about them. But when when you'regetting to an older, older stage in life, you're still beinghaving that, I suppose the intellectual curiosity. And notonly just that, but also the practical knowledge of like, Ineed to actually use these things for them to make sense. Ithink that's really cool. And so, Peter, thank you very muchfor for highlighting that because it ties in really nicelywith the couple of things that the secular foxhole are reallydoing well. And so I'll get into my own visa vie pitch now thatwe've reached the end of this episode. If you enjoy tuning in,if you want, your show may be highlighted if you think there'ssomething that you guys are doing particularly well ifyou're a podcaster, because that's going to be most of thepeople who are joining into here. But also if you have justtyped in value for value, because you've heard someonemessage it or talk about it or something like that, I wouldrecommend that you take those couple of steps, you know, go asfar as you can down, hell even check out this episode of thesecular foxhole, which I mentioned briefly the thetimestamp and which one it was.
And, you know, go to there andtake those steps and see how far you go. And if you have trouble,the beautiful thing is that there's many different ways thatyou can reach out to people. So if you, for example wanted toreach out to, to myself, you can find me through the Mere Mortalspodcast, there's a bunch of Link, bunch oflinks on that site to Instagram, Facebook, Discord, you can alsomessage me on the memo does [email protected] If you wantedmore information, all of these different methods, any way thatyou want a direct message or an interaction with a human, I'mmore than happy to help help out. Because it is new, it istough. It is also very exciting to try all of these things. Butyou you do require some some helping hands. And so whateverstep you're stuck on, please just reach out to me and I'mmore than willing to help out.
And of course, you know, supportyour favorite podcaster as well. So if you have heard of yourfavorite podcaster talking about value for value, you wanted tocome on here, just to learn about it, I suggest go back tothem and support them because this is you know what the wholething is about, you know what life is about supporting yourfavorite people so that you don't have to live in a worldwhere crappy incentives lead to people doing crappy things andtalking about crappy stuff, advertising. So with all thatbeing said, I really do want to thank you for for joining inreaching this end of the episode and until the next week,Kyrin out
Do all philosophical thoughtsend up leading to the value for value way. Welcome, everyone toanother episode of the value for value podcast. I'm your host,Kyrin, also the host of the mere mortals podcast. And the MereMortals book reviews as well. And in this podcast, we like toexamine other podcasters who are using the value for value model,how they are particularly trying to enhance their shows using it,perhaps unique, tantalizing things that they're doing. Andtoday, we have one for you called the secular foxhole. So Icame across these guys, because they actually mentioned one ofmy shows, and in particular, the value for value episode I didwith Dave Jones. And so I wanted to check them out and see whatthey've been up to. So it's two older gentleman by the name ofBlair Showfield. And Martin Lindeskog, I believe Martin isSwedish. They started around mid 2020. And they've got about 50episodes currently released, which are a mix of chats betweenthemselves and then also interviews that they've donemostly with authors that I can tell. Now I'm going to jump ontotheir website here, and I'll let them somewhat explain how theywhat their podcast is about what they do. So I chose this name todispute the myth that there are no atheists in foxholes, butalso as a place to share ideas and defend free speech that COhosts both advocate the separation of church and statebut also economics and state in short, liberalism, individualismand capitalism. Now, why would such gentleman like this beinterested in something like Bitcoin and value for value?Okay, it's pretty obvious how they've come to the value forvalue model. But with philosophical thoughts likethis, you're sort of going to be dragged into this, this arena, Ishould say, which is, you know, it's almost like the technologythat you use that as being embodied, will draw in thepeople who are interested in this. Now, they're also verykeen, and Rand, I suppose like supporters, which I believe isthe philosophy known as objectivism. So they've beenstudying this quite a lot they, from the couple of episodes thatI tuned into, they were very keen into books such as TheFountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Those are the two that I'vepersonally read as well. But she had a whole bunch of differentseries. So that's the show in a nutshell, let's go on to howthey implement value for value in their own show. So I'd saythere's no section or pitch per se, it seems like they roll intoit at random points in the episode as their general themesnaturally lead into it. So for example, here is a clip thatI've taken from episode, oh, they don't have the episodenumber. So it's the one called donations and podcasting 2.0,which was released on the 15th of April, but come again, to this value for valuethat think about it and say, what kind of value is thispodcast, and then take an active choice, could I support them bylike the donation button that will soon come to captivate inanother way also, as it will be even simpler to donate direct.And then, of course, this what I'm looking into, but I knowrealistically will take time, it will take years, maybe fiveyears, 10 years, when it will become commonplace, but tostream Satoshis. So but to start thinking about this, we willtalk more and more about that, because we for selfish reason.But also for the listeners and fellow podcasters out there,because this is an important issue that will be have freedomof expression, and we could support indie podcasters andcontent creators.
So yeah, that's a pretty goodaspect, I suppose of how they typically will, we'll talk aboutit. And so there's no pitch per se, you can tell there that hewas somewhat right, bringing it off of the top of his head. WhatI do like is that he emphasized the long Outlook. So this isn'tsomething that you should expect to see quick results on. I'vebeen following the value for value model on the Mere Mortals,since pretty much roughly I heard about it. And that's beenJesus got to be over a year ago. And, you know, it's it's notinstantaneous, even if you have a large audience, that they'renot going to jump onto this because there's so many stepsinvolved. Like you said, there's the, I suppose the onboarding ofthe Bitcoin of streaming Satoshis you know, you just saySatoshis and that's, that's enough to drive some people off.So I suppose one thing to keep in mind, especially if you'relistening to this podcast is it's gonna take a long time, sodon't don't be expecting, you know, quick results. QuickFixes. This, I think, almost if you're using Bitcoin In itself,that's, you've got to have a longer time timeframe outlook,because if you're wanting the quick stuff, this is this isn'tthe place to be, I suppose. Now, here's another section, whichI've taken from the episode of 17th of March, which says JamesMadison, new sandwich and value value, how you can support because wein not take for granted because we never do that, but the callto action. But we don't want to write anything on how to say,parent knows or on the forehead, or we don't want to beg guideerror, we don't want to have any sacrifice. But if you see thisas a value in one way or another, then you could actaccordingly. And that could be for example, suggested to afriend to listen to our show, it could be that you follow ourpodcast, with our own standalone app, for example, that we arepaying money for every month, it can be also that you join ournew digital townhall and speaking up your mind or sharingsome good stuff that we have, and everything of this is in theshow notes. But I wanted to come back then a bit about value forvalue, because I think it's currently to the traderprinciple in action. So if so, I'm just gonna cut themoff there and which is, you know, they've obviously thoughtabout this a fair bit, because they're not just advocating one,one method, either of which is value for value, with the timetalent and treasure, it's not just the Bitcoin or thestreaming Satoshis. It's also all of these other things youmentioned, and what was really cool with what Martin wastalking about just there was, it's very specific, you know,they've created their own application to be able to listento the show, one, which I imagine has some additionalbenefits, there's a beautiful way to go about doing it there.They've talked about, you know, telling it to a friend, joiningtheir community speaking up getting that additional sort ofinput going in. So there's, you know, one of the things withvalue for value is making it as easy as possible for yourlistener, because if you're asking, oh, hey, can you justsend me a message on? You know, wherever you feel best, it'slike, Geez, how does one go about that? Do you? You know, goto your email, how do you find the email? What should the emailbe titled? Will it go to junk or spam? Like, what's the chancesof it getting through? So it's really cool that they take thislook, and I have heard them previously on other episodessuggested finding special numbers that they can use forthemselves, for example, they suggested one, which was 1905 totwo, which was related to N Rand, I'm not exactly sure whythat number, perhaps something to do with the release date of abook 1905 or something like that, potentially. But they'revery clear on sharing leaving comments, and then it's not acharity, you know, they've, they've not just dip their toesinto the value for value model, they've, they've researched itquite a fair bit, which I think is really cool. Now somethingunique that they've done, there's, well, there's onecommon theme, I suppose it's not super unique, because we Inoticed this on the last episode with the bowl after bowl and howthey would tie their theme in to the value for value, ie thetheme of you know, if you're having a joint passed around,you share it, you do it with other people. And so that's anice way of sharing the ball after ball podcast. Now, whatthey talked about just that was the trader principle, and Iwon't go into that into too depth, too much depth, but verysimilar. They they the people who are going to be attracted totheir type of podcast, ie the free thinkers, sort ofintellectuals interested in the separation of religion and stateor money and state, they're going to be the type of peoplewho know about the trader principle and then can go upvalue for value trader principle, those to mix andmatch somewhat, and I can understand the principle of whatthey're trying to do. And it's not just them, you know, havinga money grab or something like that. No, there's there's deeperideas behind this. So value for value isn't just some randomthing that's been thrown out.
No, they've thought about itdeeply. But here's a another clip, which I wanted to play,which was from the fifth of June episode, which was titled,funnily enough, the trader principle and value for value.And then I think it's also the fountain head and fountain app.So talking about that and ran there and then also the fountainapp which listeners so this podcast should, should know verywell being the app of Oscar Murray, who have had on thememorials podcast twice if you felt like doing that. Now thisis around midway through the episode, and here's somethingunique that I've found that they do particularly well.
That's what I'm saying this isthe wave of the future. So with very strong Action simpleinstructions step by step so that you download the app forfree on from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Or if youwant to, in a way, get connected with me directly, you use thelink video, including the show notes to, forwardslash lyceum. And I think Robert, will get the kick off.So I've, you know, got that username Lyceum, yes. So if yougo over our venue, download the app, and then you get connectedwith me directly, and you get like a profile page. So on thatpage, it's two clips from you know, we have been guest on apodcast. That's right. So these clips are there. And you write ashort, you could write a short text about yourself also. Sothis is getting personalized. So I see where we could go, it'slots of things that you could do in the future. Yeah, but youcould only I mean, use it and listen to it without any elsething. And then the next thing, then, you know, in order to gettransactions of his Satoshis, you start out with adding fundsto safe electronic wallet. And we recommend a wallet calledBlue Wallet. So that's free download an app called Bluewallet, the color blue and wallet. And then you in order toget the Satoshis or fractions of Bitcoin, you are then have touse you know, fiat money, or credit card, charge it and thenadd some Satoshis and funds there when I used it. Anddepending on where you're located in the world, I used,could you pay with something called swish buddy? That's onlyin the I think in Scandinavian countries. And then I had to youby the amount of Satoshi for sweet as Swedish crowns. 350about 340 $5. In your case, maybe it's less or more, I don'tknow. Because now so I'll cut them off there.And you can see that he's he's gone through the whole process.So if you're going from straight, no knowledge, what youneed to do, okay, first thing, download the fountain app, findthe secular foxhole podcast, and also his username. So then youknow, okay, yeah, this is by Sam, this is Martin and blazepodcast, then how can you get funds to that? Well, here's asuggestion, try blue wallet.
Depending where you are in theworld. He him being in Sweden, obviously. And so it's kind ofunique because he had to use Swedish Chronos to do this. Sohow do you do it? If you're using Swedish krona ours andwhat was really cool about this is one, it was, it wasn'tskipping over steps, which is something I do quite, quiteoften. And it's, you know, it's not like you need to do this forevery single episode that you're doing. But it probably is nice,every now and then to go, okay. Maybe I've got some newlisteners in here. Maybe they've heard about the value for valuea couple of times now. But you know, they have no idea. It'salmost like coming midway into a joke. And you're like, Okay, Ican sort of see what's happening here. But maybe the the joke isonly really impactful because you heard the first start thefirst the starting of the joke.
And that's what brings it roundright to the end. If you listen to Dave Chappelle, he's amazingat doing this sort of thing. So I think that that process fromstart to finish his, you know, handholding basics, this is whatyou do. This is how you get this. And this is how you canend up sending it to us and not being super specific as well.Because there are going to be people in you know, outside ofSweden who don't have swish on there's going to be peopleoutside of the of America who don't have cash app or whatever,those typical ones where you just automatically assume oh,okay, I use this I'll use that.
And that unfortunately, isn'tisn't the same everywhere in the world. So you have to make dowith that. So I thought I thought that was really coolthat they they went through that particular area how you can gofrom start to finish and it continued on of okay, now onceyou have them, you send them over to the app. Once you're inthe app, this is how you set your streaming amount and thisis how you send a booster gram This is what a booster gram isetc, etc. So I thought that was really cool. Now with all ofthat being said, I think it might be time to go on to mylittle section. So we're going to be jumping into the boosterGraham lounge.
Welcome to the value for value.Gram. Danna Oh, yeah, essential as always, and today we've we'veonly got one boostagram to read out. I do believe I had acouple of streams coming in as well which is reallyencouraging. I actually do say that because you know, noteveryone wants to send in a message, which is totally fine.But here we have from the perennial Peter 2500 sets andusing fountain and he says bowl after bowl, a podcast for thewhole family, I think is spot on that this whole Bitcoin beforethe vifa. The thing is hard to break into for new users andsuper niche at the moment. But I fully predict that in 10 yearsfrom now, aside from being super rich, we'll look back on theseearly days with the fondest of memories. Now what's really coolwith this one is man, he just banged on about like threedifferent things that these guys did right there. So one, thevisa thing V for V thing is hard to break into for new users.Well, the secular foxhole has got that fully fully down thatin 10 years time, you know, once again, they were talking aboutthe long term value there. And then also just the, I supposefor its super neatness, but also its applicability. One thing aswell, which I didn't particularly mention in the nextsection is that Martin and Blair are obviously older gentleman,they're not, they're not my age being, you know, 30 years old,yet, they have still somehow managed to take all of thedifferent steps despite all of the conditioning, the pain thatit would cause for them. Like it's painful enough for me touse, use these things and learn about them. But when when you'regetting to an older, older stage in life, you're still beinghaving that, I suppose the intellectual curiosity. And notonly just that, but also the practical knowledge of like, Ineed to actually use these things for them to make sense. Ithink that's really cool. And so, Peter, thank you very muchfor for highlighting that because it ties in really nicelywith the couple of things that the secular foxhole are reallydoing well. And so I'll get into my own visa vie pitch now thatwe've reached the end of this episode. If you enjoy tuning in,if you want, your show may be highlighted if you think there'ssomething that you guys are doing particularly well ifyou're a podcaster, because that's going to be most of thepeople who are joining into here. But also if you have justtyped in value for value, because you've heard someonemessage it or talk about it or something like that, I wouldrecommend that you take those couple of steps, you know, go asfar as you can down, hell even check out this episode of thesecular foxhole, which I mentioned briefly the thetimestamp and which one it was.
And, you know, go to there andtake those steps and see how far you go. And if you have trouble,the beautiful thing is that there's many different ways thatyou can reach out to people. So if you, for example wanted toreach out to, to myself, you can find me through the Mere Mortalspodcast, there's a bunch of Link, bunch oflinks on that site to Instagram, Facebook, Discord, you can alsomessage me on the memo does [email protected] If you wantedmore information, all of these different methods, any way thatyou want a direct message or an interaction with a human, I'mmore than happy to help help out. Because it is new, it istough. It is also very exciting to try all of these things. Butyou you do require some some helping hands. And so whateverstep you're stuck on, please just reach out to me and I'mmore than willing to help out.
And of course, you know, supportyour favorite podcaster as well. So if you have heard of yourfavorite podcaster talking about value for value, you wanted tocome on here, just to learn about it, I suggest go back tothem and support them because this is you know what the wholething is about, you know what life is about supporting yourfavorite people so that you don't have to live in a worldwhere crappy incentives lead to people doing crappy things andtalking about crappy stuff, advertising. So with all thatbeing said, I really do want to thank you for for joining inreaching this end of the episode and until the next week,Kyrin out