Keeping yourself entertained will never be impossible for this show!
In Ep #30 I am covering how Kyle Hebert runs v4v on his show ‘The Intergalactic Boom Box’. The unique aspect that Kyle brings (outside of voice acting a multi-part convo with himself) is giving an easy prompt to boost in with his question of the week and to show appreciation for the feedback whilst still keeping it short and sharp to match his show style.
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Keeping yourself entertainedwill never be impossible for this show welcome everyone toanother episode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrinand host of the mere mortals, Mere Mortals book reviews podcast. Andthis is the podcast where I dive deep into the value for valuemodel. What is it, the philosophy behind it and howpeople are implementing it in their own shows. So this is kindof a meta podcast because I am doing a podcast on podcasts thatsomeone recently noted very fondly on on Twitter. And yeah,today, as I mentioned, we've got a pretty fun one and a veryentertaining one. It is the intergalactic boombox and I'mgoing to say right now make sure that you put a space in betweenthe boom and the box otherwise you will not find the show itcan be a little bit difficult to find. So I'm gonna go straighton to the buzz buzz sprout website where Kyle list his showand this is how he describes himself. It's a pop cultureslash tech slash multimedia news and reviews with a comedictheater of the mind slant with voice actor Kyle Herbert. Andthen in brackets Dragonball Z streetfighter, a solo podcastwith multiple personalities. So that's pretty much it like Kyle,who is a voice actor, and he has been in Dragonball Z you believeGohan as well as some other anime shows like my hero,academia, et cetera, et cetera.
He's got a whole slew of creditsto his name. And he does all of these. I guess like I read itdown as news jokes, trivia entertainment, talking aboutappearances Comic Cons promotions for his own works,things like that. It's it's a whole lot of stuff packed into avery short 15 minute so roughly his shows go for about 15minutes on length the producers them weekly since about May of2021. And he has just some of the the chapters from one ofepisode 57 He's he's up to episode 62 At the moment, andsome of the chapters that he has a more sponsors we wish we hadbut not really totes legit email that's totes not a scam, gashybrid or electric vehicles Joker to Electric Boogaloouterus shape, serial Morbius cinematic release bombs, moresponsors you wish we were well, you wish were real words ofwisdom. So he's got quite a few chapters. And that wasn't all ofthem. That was about half of them that I that I wrote down.And he just goes through all of this now, what is really crazyabout his show is the cast of characters that he creates. Sohe is a voice actor and he makes up he has conversations withhimself. He has skits with himself. And so he's got oneslike conspiracy, Ken spirity, who is a man who is very intoconspiracy theories, he's got a couple of aliens that pop uphere and there I'll play them in a second. And it's just amazingthe sounds and noises he can make with his with his voice,but then also the creativity that he has in compiling theseall together. So this is from the latest episode. Sorry,Episode 61 Right at the start, so you can get a feel for how hemanages to do this.
Oh, hey, is this okay? Go towhoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office? I will findyou. You have my word. Or hate it when people say ageis only a number. Age is clearly a word. A woman is on trial for beatingyour husband to death with his guitar collection. The judgeasked her first offender she says no first a Gibson thenoffender Hey guys gets shingles. Lookstop googling dad jokes. Okay, wait one more can February March? No, but April May. Welcome to theintergalactic boombox, I'm Kyle a bear, the voice of everybodyyou hear on the show and adult Gohan and the upcoming DragonBall Super superhero in theaters and IMAX on August 19. In NorthAmerica, the IB be brought to you by the Association forannoying people who make armpit fart sounds with their poems.Tick tock ad clickers anonymous for those who are hopelesslyaddicted to buying cheap crap as they scroll through their feed.And this paperclip that kind of looks like Ryan Gosling. Ohlooky loo It's Drew grime on Drew group. I just sent them thedrew grime True Crime podcast.
So there you go. You can seesuper creative with not only what he can create with hismouth, but uh, also the way he puts it all together, you wouldhave if you've dived into podcasting 2.0 have heard hisvoice mute universe numerous times, because so many of theclips of him boost is one which pops up really frequently. Andyeah, he's also, if you boost him stuff, he will create it,I'm pretty sure there have been people who have asked him tocreate little snippets and, and things like that. So it ispossible to get a little bit of the Kyle haber action foryourself, if you want, let's go into the value for valueimplementation and how he runs it in this podcast. Well, one ofthe things I noticed is actually sort of like me, which is heuses the best tools that he has available, and that he canreasonably be expected to, to use. And so what I've shown witha whole lot of the other shows I've done before, like bowlafter bowl behind this games, these people who are their selfhosting, they're getting deep into the weeds, they're writingtheir own code, they're creating new things for themselves. Kyleis much more on the side of me, which is I don't have thecapability to that stuff, I don't have a year to learn howto use JavaScript to then be able to create these sorts ofthings. So he I can see your hosts with Buzzsprout, much likeI do for my main show, which is sort of the one of the podcasthosts that's leading the way in terms of adopting a bunch of thenew tags and being able to provide value on the podcastingside of things in a more advanced way. But then also tobe able to get the value back.
So for example, I see he has afountain username, which is a fountain Wallet. So this iswhere he can receive SATs in the fountain app himself. So whenyou're boosting the show, the those Satoshis go into a walletthat is hosted via fountain. So he uses what he has, I've heardhim talking previously about how he can't use gifts in hischapter arts. Because Buzzsprout doesn't allow that at themoment, things like that. So bit of a bummer. But also he isputting a whole lot of effort into providing value not only interms of a very very unique show in terms of what he's doing. I'mnot sure there's many people out there who could create somethinglike this, but also in terms of the chapter arts and links andand images and things like that he's he's really going to thenext level now how he actually does it in terms of receivingand acknowledging I guess the booster Graham coming inacknowledging value that that's been provided to him. He doessomething called the SATs cats which is is his little club ofof what he calls the the people so that we can see the value forvalue implementation you know, he's he's creating a sort oflike a cool little club it's something a little bit uniqueand different that only people who join in on his show can canreally get a taste of so I'm going to play a little snippetfrom this of how he reads them out and his booster grams andand what he asked for from people, and this is from Episode62 called Space junk and splitting squirrels around thetwo minute 50 mile from Episode 54 I got 238 SATsfrom Jack. He says that's just for the one hand and Harry joke.I don't remember that. But okay, Dave Jones from podcasting 2.0the podcasts as my weekly automated sustaining donation incase I get behind and listening.
Thank you so much, Dave. 12,112SATs util, man. Taisce says I like your content. HCT man wellor Jesus? Thanks for the SATs. That's right. Yeah, you getfountain a free podcasting 2.0 app from new podcast and you get paid in Bitcoin to listen to podcast andthen you can spread that love back to podcasts that are valuefor value enabled those that can receive those Satoshis or SATssuch as this one dance NCI gave me a whole three sets and saysThere you go in Vegas gave me 21 SATs and says another nice oneKirk for episode 61 bk HN TV gave 100 SATs with a lightningbolt and a heart boy as EBD four said awesome nice and gave sixsets at John gave five sets intergalactic boombox boastedloosed. The dude gave me five SATs funny stuff. Anonymous gaveme 51 SATs enjoyed the dad jokes do you hear that gets inChigozie we've been validated.
All right, don't get cocky.Kyron from the mere mortals podcast said 2222 sets AKA a rowof ducks. Is a great show. Kyle your chapter our games nextlevel has inspired me to be more creative with my memes. That'sawesome. Karen, thank you so much. The mere mortals podcastCheck it out. Jake Hyder gave 5000 SATs to give another 500SATs it says huge dBc fan Fauci through the fountain app. Lovethe content. Thank you, sir. Jake said boost with 1000 SATs.See on this podcast, you don't have to be a patron, I don'thave a Patreon model, purely value for value. What do youthink the show's content is worth to you? You listen to theshow, and you say, Okay, is it worth 10 cents? Is it worth$10 $5, you get to choose with these podcasting 2.0 apps andthings like fountain will display it in Satoshis, or youclick on it and it will display in US dollars. Nothing likegamifying podcast, it's so cool.
So that's the core of his valuefor value implementation. He usually does that right near thestart of the show around minute 234, something like that. And acouple of extra things to maybe note from that is one he givesshoutouts. So people who give, you know, SATs to him much likeI did for the from the Mere Mortals, and he says, you know,check out the memos. They're kind of cool. Jake Hider, eventhough he this is probably probably something Jake shoulddo is to note that he has the sleep podcast, s li e. K. Andthen I'm sure you know, Ka would also give a little bit of aacknowledgement there showing that you know, podcasting 2.0 iskind of at the moment, it's kind of integral to the value forvalue stuff. Because in the way that it's being done at themoment in terms of really going from directly one audiencemember listening messaging, giving you some value back inthe podcast whilst that listening, no middlemen, noscrewing around and having a go to Patreon, or going to anotherwebsite and doing this thing and uploading this and that and it'slike all their bang right on moment. And so you know, hegives some shoutouts to fountain, he promoted his showon fountain I've seen it on there. And so he's willing toalso, I suppose invest some of his own money his own Satoshisactually money because when you're promoting on fountain,you actually do have to, to do that through through Fiat, whichis kind of annoying at the moment. But in any case, youknow, he's willing to invest in put more value into the systemhimself, like he's boosting, and he's creating clips, and he'sdoing all of these things. So that's just a really fun way ofimplementing the value for value. And once again, the sortof core of the model is when people send you value, you don'tjust, you know, not acknowledge it, you don't just go okay,cool, you know, thanks for that and run off with the SATs. No,it's, it's you give some appreciation, appreciation backfor that. And it's kind of, it's never like a one off exchange.It's kind of like a continual cycle. And you'd be surprised byhow often people will come back.
And you'll also be surprised byseeing the same name sort of pop up and realizing like, oh, youknow, it feels like I'm sort of taking they're giving too muchback sometimes. But, but that's the way it goes. You know,people when they really value the show, they will be willingto send in ridiculous amounts, much like Peter has done for thethe Mere Mortals podcast, I don't know what he's up to now. It'slike 700,000. And if you include the ones that he sent throughfor the booster grams of the book reviews, and then the valuefor the value show this show, I should probably should count,it's probably over a million, which is that's not chumpchange. That's, that's a that's actually like some serious moneyif you want to get into it, which is really cool. And so theway Kyle does it, and I'm really highlighting it and basicallyevery show, you know, on the money, he'll, it will do hisvalue for value section of the SATs cats club. He'll thankeveryone. And he'll highlight how you can be a member of thishow you can support why value for value is important, which isa really, really cool. So let's get into the something uniquesection of of what the intergalactic boombox podcast isdoing and what Karl's doing. I mean, aside from the fact thatit's a voice actor, having a solo show of 15 minutes,conversations with himself. I think that's kind of unique initself. But in terms of value for value, what he doesuniquely, one thing I've noticed is that he has this question ofthe week, which he always asks, and I think this is kind of agood way to drive. You know, maybe prompt someone becausesometimes it can kind of feel weird unless you've done it, youknow, the first time it's kind of like the first timeyou've ever sent them an email, maybe the first time you eversend a direct message via Twitter or Instagram. I only didthat recently. And I found it kind of weird. It's like, oh,how do I structure things in here? How does it how do I makeit seem like it's it's not weird? And he gives a reallyeasy way to do this because so he asked me a question. Turn ofthe week and then subsequently reads it out. Now these aren'tonly just booster Graham's that he comes in, and predominantly,most of them actually come through Twitter. But I thinkit's a really good way of asking, giving that prompt. AndI do this a lot of my shows as well saying, Hey, I did thisbook review, what did you think of this book? Or in whatparticular section of this send us a booster gram replying tothis sort of thing, a prompt, something that gives thelistener you know, takes away even the stress of having tothink about what you would maybe reply with and it's like, oh, Ican reply with this. So here's a little section taken from theshow number 59. OB ones for Holi. Around the four minutemark, where he does his question section.
Question of the week what is a movie or show you hopeHollywood never remakes or reboots? Meat is from Fun FactFriday cent 2001 SATs and says I hope they never remake ThePrincess Bride. Barney Shaffer from Sheboygan, Wisconsin hopesthat Captain Planet does not ever get a reboot Patrick'sAllah Torres says I think mainly any films that is an all timetreasure of a classic for certain actors Mrs Doubtfirebeing one of them for Robin Williams of course. Oh and alltransformers God am I tired of the Transformers movies D upgaming says Dragonball Evolution. Yeah, let's not dothat ever again. Megan says they should never reboot the old TVshow mash onion says Land Before Time by a landslide that movieholds a special place in my heart and I hope it doesn't getabsolutely butchered with hyper realistic CGI and badstorytelling MCN says might be an unpopular opinion but I'mgonna say I think everything can have a more updated feel andstill work just because some do it wrong and become adisappointment doesn't mean that all do dysrhythmia says I don'twatch reboots as a rule. There's so much good media out there.Why would I rewatch something I've already seen especially ifit's likely to make me mad or disappointed. I only watch oneversion of a story then I move on David artists acid saysBreaking Bad probably one of the most perfect shows oh man Iagree Breaking Bad is perfect from beginning to finish.
I'm gonna jump in here and skipahead a minute or two because there's still just tons ofpeople replying to this and then we'll get into how he asked forthe next question as well. Jamal Bostick says grease andsky hopes they never remake or reboot the Godfather What do you think aboutpodcasting? 2.0 as a movement, you hear me talking about thiseach and every episode. But how do you really feel? Are itsfeatures such as value for value images, chapters, transcripts,etc. A big enough draw for you to download and try a newpodcast player from new podcast This is not an ad. I'mnot being sponsored. This whole ideology is what inspired me toget back into podcasting.
Now Spotify, Apple, and all theother big dogs, they don't have these features. And does thatmatter to you? It is definitely hard gettingsomeone to try new things. Believe me. I know people havetheir preferences and comfort zones. Do you think podcastingis totally fine as is and doesn't need next gen featuresto maximize interactivity? Are you happy just listening in thebackground on a daily worker school commute? Give me thehonest feedback, The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, I want yourthoughts on the podcasting 2.0 movement at boombox pod so you can see you get quite alot of engagement with this, although funnily enough, afterasking that particular question, he got almost zero responsesjust one person coming in in the next episode. So you've got tobe careful with the what you're asking that Kyle as well.Because podcasting 2.0 is still super niche. So what I think wasreally good about that, obviously, getting thatengagement and reaction and, you know, hopefully he can maybestart transitioning some of those people instead of justreplying easily, which let's admit it is very easy to justreply something on Twitter, you know, start hinting a bit morelike hey, you know, I'm gonna start reading out maybe more, orprioritizing ones which are sent via booster gram. So if you wantyours right at the start of that instead of you know, threeminutes in and skipped over like I just skipped over, maybe youwant to attach a little bit of Satoshis to that a high. So thatwas really cool. What I also think is something unique thathe does is fitting the value for value section in with his show.So like a minute mentioned before, almost all of his 1516minutes in length. They're not big, big shows. And he keepsthem short and snappy. And so you need to kind of do that Iguess with the value for value section as well. It's no pointhaving a 15 minute show that bloat bleeds out to half an hourbecause you spend ages reading out every single booster groundMore comment that comes in and diving deeper into the analysisof it and really thinking about why was Red Dawn so much betterthan Coneheads or things like this you know, he typically justreads them out says a thank you maybe add a sentence but he'snot adding you know, five pages of reading out of responding toa booster Graham. So I think that's really cool where he'syou know he's doing value for value but it doesn't mean youhave to go above and beyond in the acknowledgement section he'sdefinitely acknowledging everyone who who does send someSATs in especially for his SATs Sat Sat I've already forgottenhow to pronounce that the scat cats cats cats club in his cluband then and then you know it doesn't need to be ridiculouslylong so Okay, thank you very much. Moving on, let's go. So acouple of unique things that he's doing there for his showand I highly recommend checking it out because it is a veryunique show just in itself you you're not going to hearanything really like that elsewhere. Let's get on to myown section and so we're coming up into the value for valuebooster Graham lounge. Welcome to the value for value Graham.I'm gonna take some inspiration from Carl here and read out acouple of these quickly. So I have four sets from Christabelunderscore men are three clap emojis and then five sets Whoa,yeah, boy that's a 20% increase from very much the same personChristabel Mina say hello friends and then the clap emoji.I've got 5000 SATs here from lavish and he says thank you forplaying it gloat a goat slaughter booster Graham, j h bI'm actually not sure what what that means. But that was for thebehind the schemes where they have custom booster gram soundso very, very cool stuff coming on there. They've they've setthat up so that it'll actually create a different sound. If youbooster gram in I don't know like a certain number, let'sjust say triple six and then you might have the devil going rockor something like that. So very exciting. Even though you've gotpeople like me and Kyle who are more along this slow and steadyand doing what we can do you've also got people like lavishgoing crazy and and creating some really wild stuff on thisshow behind the schemes is what what that show is we've got 38stats here from Ruto, Luca and says thanks for all for spelt asthe number four and then the rock sign lightning bolt. And Ithink that's a a sound emoji cool. Also got Peter here, theeffervescent slab although surprising, I didn't find him inthe intergalactic boombox, he's obviously losing his touch andnot not being everywhere where I thought he'd be. And he says, Ifucking love this podcast is the best podcast ever. Comma,period. Now I'm going to assume he's talking about behind theschemes but you know, I'll I'll allow it if you're talking aboutmy show, Peter, that's also acceptable.
And then we have coming up rightin the rear is 1333 sets from blueberry so blueberry andlavish hosts of the behind this games and he says, Thank you forthe kind words car in the different booths amounts, andhence why some are so small is we use Gematria i Sorry, Ireally forgot to I found that afterwards after I recorded itand was like fuck, but I didn't include a link to that Gematriaboost. Continue on to calculate the values of specific words orphrases, check it out here. Then he leaves a link which is wwwdot g e Those phrases then scroll by in thegreen room IRC chat. I did think I mentioned that but I wasn't100% Sure, because I haven't seen them live because I live inAustralia. And it's in the fucking worst timezone ever forall these cool sorts of things, but nevertheless, and thencontinuing along as folks boost these values, there's a stringof emojis attached to the phrase that flesh out some sort of astory. This is an example. And then he has gal and then it's askull, a Golden Globe, a chemistry beaker type thingfilled with a green liquid zombie, and then another skulland it says Welcome to your doom. Buying this games. lavishat lavish boosted 1422 sets so that's a great example there ofpeople who are doing some really fucking cool stuff going nextlevel with their their boosting.
You know that kind of thing thatmakes me want to stay up until 2am Just to be able to send aboost in and see you know, a Gematria boost come in and belike flax, look at that shit. So very much Uh, thanks to everyonewho contributed recommendation to check out behind the scheme'sPeter says I fucking love this podcast you know, here it is. Hesaid he was talking about the value for value I'm sure. Thebest podcast ever. Maybe I can use that as my tagline Yes, Mr.misattributed quotes. I love it. Boom. So everyone, there we go.This is the value for value podcast and I just did somevalue for value. How much did you enjoy that? Entering intothe air hose? Because I fucking loved it. That was so cool. It'sreally exciting stuff going on.
Whether it be with the, youknow, people taking it to the limit, like behind this games,whether you've got a real unique, interesting podcast likethe intergalactic boom box by a bloody damn voice actor, whereelse are you going to find that sort of shit only in podcasting?2.0. So my value for value ask for this week is to go check outpodcasting 2.0. I've mentioned a bunch of times on the show, havea little scroll around, check out some of the apps that are onthe on the page, their new podcast If you'rereally interested in what's going on and want to be in thebleeding edge, bleeding edge if you've got a podcast and want toknow how you can get some of these things. Join the mastodonat podcast index, dot social.
And this is where me and a bunchof other people hang out. Talk about cool stuff. Check out thepodcast in 2.0 show for the latest developments of what'sgoing on for some of the ethics philosophy. All of that goodshit. It will change your world man change a bloody laugh. Oh,so that's it, everyone. Thanks for joining me for the nichespodcast in the universe. Also known as the bed best podcast inthe universe. Peter this lab confirmed and I reallyappreciate your support and until the next week and the nextshow Kyrin out
Keeping yourself entertainedwill never be impossible for this show welcome everyone toanother episode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrinand host of the mere mortals, Mere Mortals book reviews podcast. Andthis is the podcast where I dive deep into the value for valuemodel. What is it, the philosophy behind it and howpeople are implementing it in their own shows. So this is kindof a meta podcast because I am doing a podcast on podcasts thatsomeone recently noted very fondly on on Twitter. And yeah,today, as I mentioned, we've got a pretty fun one and a veryentertaining one. It is the intergalactic boombox and I'mgoing to say right now make sure that you put a space in betweenthe boom and the box otherwise you will not find the show itcan be a little bit difficult to find. So I'm gonna go straighton to the buzz buzz sprout website where Kyle list his showand this is how he describes himself. It's a pop cultureslash tech slash multimedia news and reviews with a comedictheater of the mind slant with voice actor Kyle Herbert. Andthen in brackets Dragonball Z streetfighter, a solo podcastwith multiple personalities. So that's pretty much it like Kyle,who is a voice actor, and he has been in Dragonball Z you believeGohan as well as some other anime shows like my hero,academia, et cetera, et cetera.
He's got a whole slew of creditsto his name. And he does all of these. I guess like I read itdown as news jokes, trivia entertainment, talking aboutappearances Comic Cons promotions for his own works,things like that. It's it's a whole lot of stuff packed into avery short 15 minute so roughly his shows go for about 15minutes on length the producers them weekly since about May of2021. And he has just some of the the chapters from one ofepisode 57 He's he's up to episode 62 At the moment, andsome of the chapters that he has a more sponsors we wish we hadbut not really totes legit email that's totes not a scam, gashybrid or electric vehicles Joker to Electric Boogaloouterus shape, serial Morbius cinematic release bombs, moresponsors you wish we were well, you wish were real words ofwisdom. So he's got quite a few chapters. And that wasn't all ofthem. That was about half of them that I that I wrote down.And he just goes through all of this now, what is really crazyabout his show is the cast of characters that he creates. Sohe is a voice actor and he makes up he has conversations withhimself. He has skits with himself. And so he's got oneslike conspiracy, Ken spirity, who is a man who is very intoconspiracy theories, he's got a couple of aliens that pop uphere and there I'll play them in a second. And it's just amazingthe sounds and noises he can make with his with his voice,but then also the creativity that he has in compiling theseall together. So this is from the latest episode. Sorry,Episode 61 Right at the start, so you can get a feel for how hemanages to do this.
Oh, hey, is this okay? Go towhoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office? I will findyou. You have my word. Or hate it when people say ageis only a number. Age is clearly a word. A woman is on trial for beatingyour husband to death with his guitar collection. The judgeasked her first offender she says no first a Gibson thenoffender Hey guys gets shingles. Lookstop googling dad jokes. Okay, wait one more can February March? No, but April May. Welcome to theintergalactic boombox, I'm Kyle a bear, the voice of everybodyyou hear on the show and adult Gohan and the upcoming DragonBall Super superhero in theaters and IMAX on August 19. In NorthAmerica, the IB be brought to you by the Association forannoying people who make armpit fart sounds with their poems.Tick tock ad clickers anonymous for those who are hopelesslyaddicted to buying cheap crap as they scroll through their feed.And this paperclip that kind of looks like Ryan Gosling. Ohlooky loo It's Drew grime on Drew group. I just sent them thedrew grime True Crime podcast.
So there you go. You can seesuper creative with not only what he can create with hismouth, but uh, also the way he puts it all together, you wouldhave if you've dived into podcasting 2.0 have heard hisvoice mute universe numerous times, because so many of theclips of him boost is one which pops up really frequently. Andyeah, he's also, if you boost him stuff, he will create it,I'm pretty sure there have been people who have asked him tocreate little snippets and, and things like that. So it ispossible to get a little bit of the Kyle haber action foryourself, if you want, let's go into the value for valueimplementation and how he runs it in this podcast. Well, one ofthe things I noticed is actually sort of like me, which is heuses the best tools that he has available, and that he canreasonably be expected to, to use. And so what I've shown witha whole lot of the other shows I've done before, like bowlafter bowl behind this games, these people who are their selfhosting, they're getting deep into the weeds, they're writingtheir own code, they're creating new things for themselves. Kyleis much more on the side of me, which is I don't have thecapability to that stuff, I don't have a year to learn howto use JavaScript to then be able to create these sorts ofthings. So he I can see your hosts with Buzzsprout, much likeI do for my main show, which is sort of the one of the podcasthosts that's leading the way in terms of adopting a bunch of thenew tags and being able to provide value on the podcastingside of things in a more advanced way. But then also tobe able to get the value back.
So for example, I see he has afountain username, which is a fountain Wallet. So this iswhere he can receive SATs in the fountain app himself. So whenyou're boosting the show, the those Satoshis go into a walletthat is hosted via fountain. So he uses what he has, I've heardhim talking previously about how he can't use gifts in hischapter arts. Because Buzzsprout doesn't allow that at themoment, things like that. So bit of a bummer. But also he isputting a whole lot of effort into providing value not only interms of a very very unique show in terms of what he's doing. I'mnot sure there's many people out there who could create somethinglike this, but also in terms of the chapter arts and links andand images and things like that he's he's really going to thenext level now how he actually does it in terms of receivingand acknowledging I guess the booster Graham coming inacknowledging value that that's been provided to him. He doessomething called the SATs cats which is is his little club ofof what he calls the the people so that we can see the value forvalue implementation you know, he's he's creating a sort oflike a cool little club it's something a little bit uniqueand different that only people who join in on his show can canreally get a taste of so I'm going to play a little snippetfrom this of how he reads them out and his booster grams andand what he asked for from people, and this is from Episode62 called Space junk and splitting squirrels around thetwo minute 50 mile from Episode 54 I got 238 SATsfrom Jack. He says that's just for the one hand and Harry joke.I don't remember that. But okay, Dave Jones from podcasting 2.0the podcasts as my weekly automated sustaining donation incase I get behind and listening.
Thank you so much, Dave. 12,112SATs util, man. Taisce says I like your content. HCT man wellor Jesus? Thanks for the SATs. That's right. Yeah, you getfountain a free podcasting 2.0 app from new podcast and you get paid in Bitcoin to listen to podcast andthen you can spread that love back to podcasts that are valuefor value enabled those that can receive those Satoshis or SATssuch as this one dance NCI gave me a whole three sets and saysThere you go in Vegas gave me 21 SATs and says another nice oneKirk for episode 61 bk HN TV gave 100 SATs with a lightningbolt and a heart boy as EBD four said awesome nice and gave sixsets at John gave five sets intergalactic boombox boastedloosed. The dude gave me five SATs funny stuff. Anonymous gaveme 51 SATs enjoyed the dad jokes do you hear that gets inChigozie we've been validated.
All right, don't get cocky.Kyron from the mere mortals podcast said 2222 sets AKA a rowof ducks. Is a great show. Kyle your chapter our games nextlevel has inspired me to be more creative with my memes. That'sawesome. Karen, thank you so much. The mere mortals podcastCheck it out. Jake Hyder gave 5000 SATs to give another 500SATs it says huge dBc fan Fauci through the fountain app. Lovethe content. Thank you, sir. Jake said boost with 1000 SATs.See on this podcast, you don't have to be a patron, I don'thave a Patreon model, purely value for value. What do youthink the show's content is worth to you? You listen to theshow, and you say, Okay, is it worth 10 cents? Is it worth$10 $5, you get to choose with these podcasting 2.0 apps andthings like fountain will display it in Satoshis, or youclick on it and it will display in US dollars. Nothing likegamifying podcast, it's so cool.
So that's the core of his valuefor value implementation. He usually does that right near thestart of the show around minute 234, something like that. And acouple of extra things to maybe note from that is one he givesshoutouts. So people who give, you know, SATs to him much likeI did for the from the Mere Mortals, and he says, you know,check out the memos. They're kind of cool. Jake Hider, eventhough he this is probably probably something Jake shoulddo is to note that he has the sleep podcast, s li e. K. Andthen I'm sure you know, Ka would also give a little bit of aacknowledgement there showing that you know, podcasting 2.0 iskind of at the moment, it's kind of integral to the value forvalue stuff. Because in the way that it's being done at themoment in terms of really going from directly one audiencemember listening messaging, giving you some value back inthe podcast whilst that listening, no middlemen, noscrewing around and having a go to Patreon, or going to anotherwebsite and doing this thing and uploading this and that and it'slike all their bang right on moment. And so you know, hegives some shoutouts to fountain, he promoted his showon fountain I've seen it on there. And so he's willing toalso, I suppose invest some of his own money his own Satoshisactually money because when you're promoting on fountain,you actually do have to, to do that through through Fiat, whichis kind of annoying at the moment. But in any case, youknow, he's willing to invest in put more value into the systemhimself, like he's boosting, and he's creating clips, and he'sdoing all of these things. So that's just a really fun way ofimplementing the value for value. And once again, the sortof core of the model is when people send you value, you don'tjust, you know, not acknowledge it, you don't just go okay,cool, you know, thanks for that and run off with the SATs. No,it's, it's you give some appreciation, appreciation backfor that. And it's kind of, it's never like a one off exchange.It's kind of like a continual cycle. And you'd be surprised byhow often people will come back.
And you'll also be surprised byseeing the same name sort of pop up and realizing like, oh, youknow, it feels like I'm sort of taking they're giving too muchback sometimes. But, but that's the way it goes. You know,people when they really value the show, they will be willingto send in ridiculous amounts, much like Peter has done for thethe Mere Mortals podcast, I don't know what he's up to now. It'slike 700,000. And if you include the ones that he sent throughfor the booster grams of the book reviews, and then the valuefor the value show this show, I should probably should count,it's probably over a million, which is that's not chumpchange. That's, that's a that's actually like some serious moneyif you want to get into it, which is really cool. And so theway Kyle does it, and I'm really highlighting it and basicallyevery show, you know, on the money, he'll, it will do hisvalue for value section of the SATs cats club. He'll thankeveryone. And he'll highlight how you can be a member of thishow you can support why value for value is important, which isa really, really cool. So let's get into the something uniquesection of of what the intergalactic boombox podcast isdoing and what Karl's doing. I mean, aside from the fact thatit's a voice actor, having a solo show of 15 minutes,conversations with himself. I think that's kind of unique initself. But in terms of value for value, what he doesuniquely, one thing I've noticed is that he has this question ofthe week, which he always asks, and I think this is kind of agood way to drive. You know, maybe prompt someone becausesometimes it can kind of feel weird unless you've done it, youknow, the first time it's kind of like the first timeyou've ever sent them an email, maybe the first time you eversend a direct message via Twitter or Instagram. I only didthat recently. And I found it kind of weird. It's like, oh,how do I structure things in here? How does it how do I makeit seem like it's it's not weird? And he gives a reallyeasy way to do this because so he asked me a question. Turn ofthe week and then subsequently reads it out. Now these aren'tonly just booster Graham's that he comes in, and predominantly,most of them actually come through Twitter. But I thinkit's a really good way of asking, giving that prompt. AndI do this a lot of my shows as well saying, Hey, I did thisbook review, what did you think of this book? Or in whatparticular section of this send us a booster gram replying tothis sort of thing, a prompt, something that gives thelistener you know, takes away even the stress of having tothink about what you would maybe reply with and it's like, oh, Ican reply with this. So here's a little section taken from theshow number 59. OB ones for Holi. Around the four minutemark, where he does his question section.
Question of the week what is a movie or show you hopeHollywood never remakes or reboots? Meat is from Fun FactFriday cent 2001 SATs and says I hope they never remake ThePrincess Bride. Barney Shaffer from Sheboygan, Wisconsin hopesthat Captain Planet does not ever get a reboot Patrick'sAllah Torres says I think mainly any films that is an all timetreasure of a classic for certain actors Mrs Doubtfirebeing one of them for Robin Williams of course. Oh and alltransformers God am I tired of the Transformers movies D upgaming says Dragonball Evolution. Yeah, let's not dothat ever again. Megan says they should never reboot the old TVshow mash onion says Land Before Time by a landslide that movieholds a special place in my heart and I hope it doesn't getabsolutely butchered with hyper realistic CGI and badstorytelling MCN says might be an unpopular opinion but I'mgonna say I think everything can have a more updated feel andstill work just because some do it wrong and become adisappointment doesn't mean that all do dysrhythmia says I don'twatch reboots as a rule. There's so much good media out there.Why would I rewatch something I've already seen especially ifit's likely to make me mad or disappointed. I only watch oneversion of a story then I move on David artists acid saysBreaking Bad probably one of the most perfect shows oh man Iagree Breaking Bad is perfect from beginning to finish.
I'm gonna jump in here and skipahead a minute or two because there's still just tons ofpeople replying to this and then we'll get into how he asked forthe next question as well. Jamal Bostick says grease andsky hopes they never remake or reboot the Godfather What do you think aboutpodcasting? 2.0 as a movement, you hear me talking about thiseach and every episode. But how do you really feel? Are itsfeatures such as value for value images, chapters, transcripts,etc. A big enough draw for you to download and try a newpodcast player from new podcast This is not an ad. I'mnot being sponsored. This whole ideology is what inspired me toget back into podcasting.
Now Spotify, Apple, and all theother big dogs, they don't have these features. And does thatmatter to you? It is definitely hard gettingsomeone to try new things. Believe me. I know people havetheir preferences and comfort zones. Do you think podcastingis totally fine as is and doesn't need next gen featuresto maximize interactivity? Are you happy just listening in thebackground on a daily worker school commute? Give me thehonest feedback, The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, I want yourthoughts on the podcasting 2.0 movement at boombox pod so you can see you get quite alot of engagement with this, although funnily enough, afterasking that particular question, he got almost zero responsesjust one person coming in in the next episode. So you've got tobe careful with the what you're asking that Kyle as well.Because podcasting 2.0 is still super niche. So what I think wasreally good about that, obviously, getting thatengagement and reaction and, you know, hopefully he can maybestart transitioning some of those people instead of justreplying easily, which let's admit it is very easy to justreply something on Twitter, you know, start hinting a bit morelike hey, you know, I'm gonna start reading out maybe more, orprioritizing ones which are sent via booster gram. So if you wantyours right at the start of that instead of you know, threeminutes in and skipped over like I just skipped over, maybe youwant to attach a little bit of Satoshis to that a high. So thatwas really cool. What I also think is something unique thathe does is fitting the value for value section in with his show.So like a minute mentioned before, almost all of his 1516minutes in length. They're not big, big shows. And he keepsthem short and snappy. And so you need to kind of do that Iguess with the value for value section as well. It's no pointhaving a 15 minute show that bloat bleeds out to half an hourbecause you spend ages reading out every single booster groundMore comment that comes in and diving deeper into the analysisof it and really thinking about why was Red Dawn so much betterthan Coneheads or things like this you know, he typically justreads them out says a thank you maybe add a sentence but he'snot adding you know, five pages of reading out of responding toa booster Graham. So I think that's really cool where he'syou know he's doing value for value but it doesn't mean youhave to go above and beyond in the acknowledgement section he'sdefinitely acknowledging everyone who who does send someSATs in especially for his SATs Sat Sat I've already forgottenhow to pronounce that the scat cats cats cats club in his cluband then and then you know it doesn't need to be ridiculouslylong so Okay, thank you very much. Moving on, let's go. So acouple of unique things that he's doing there for his showand I highly recommend checking it out because it is a veryunique show just in itself you you're not going to hearanything really like that elsewhere. Let's get on to myown section and so we're coming up into the value for valuebooster Graham lounge. Welcome to the value for value Graham.I'm gonna take some inspiration from Carl here and read out acouple of these quickly. So I have four sets from Christabelunderscore men are three clap emojis and then five sets Whoa,yeah, boy that's a 20% increase from very much the same personChristabel Mina say hello friends and then the clap emoji.I've got 5000 SATs here from lavish and he says thank you forplaying it gloat a goat slaughter booster Graham, j h bI'm actually not sure what what that means. But that was for thebehind the schemes where they have custom booster gram soundso very, very cool stuff coming on there. They've they've setthat up so that it'll actually create a different sound. If youbooster gram in I don't know like a certain number, let'sjust say triple six and then you might have the devil going rockor something like that. So very exciting. Even though you've gotpeople like me and Kyle who are more along this slow and steadyand doing what we can do you've also got people like lavishgoing crazy and and creating some really wild stuff on thisshow behind the schemes is what what that show is we've got 38stats here from Ruto, Luca and says thanks for all for spelt asthe number four and then the rock sign lightning bolt. And Ithink that's a a sound emoji cool. Also got Peter here, theeffervescent slab although surprising, I didn't find him inthe intergalactic boombox, he's obviously losing his touch andnot not being everywhere where I thought he'd be. And he says, Ifucking love this podcast is the best podcast ever. Comma,period. Now I'm going to assume he's talking about behind theschemes but you know, I'll I'll allow it if you're talking aboutmy show, Peter, that's also acceptable.
And then we have coming up rightin the rear is 1333 sets from blueberry so blueberry andlavish hosts of the behind this games and he says, Thank you forthe kind words car in the different booths amounts, andhence why some are so small is we use Gematria i Sorry, Ireally forgot to I found that afterwards after I recorded itand was like fuck, but I didn't include a link to that Gematriaboost. Continue on to calculate the values of specific words orphrases, check it out here. Then he leaves a link which is wwwdot g e Those phrases then scroll by in thegreen room IRC chat. I did think I mentioned that but I wasn't100% Sure, because I haven't seen them live because I live inAustralia. And it's in the fucking worst timezone ever forall these cool sorts of things, but nevertheless, and thencontinuing along as folks boost these values, there's a stringof emojis attached to the phrase that flesh out some sort of astory. This is an example. And then he has gal and then it's askull, a Golden Globe, a chemistry beaker type thingfilled with a green liquid zombie, and then another skulland it says Welcome to your doom. Buying this games. lavishat lavish boosted 1422 sets so that's a great example there ofpeople who are doing some really fucking cool stuff going nextlevel with their their boosting.
You know that kind of thing thatmakes me want to stay up until 2am Just to be able to send aboost in and see you know, a Gematria boost come in and belike flax, look at that shit. So very much Uh, thanks to everyonewho contributed recommendation to check out behind the scheme'sPeter says I fucking love this podcast you know, here it is. Hesaid he was talking about the value for value I'm sure. Thebest podcast ever. Maybe I can use that as my tagline Yes, Mr.misattributed quotes. I love it. Boom. So everyone, there we go.This is the value for value podcast and I just did somevalue for value. How much did you enjoy that? Entering intothe air hose? Because I fucking loved it. That was so cool. It'sreally exciting stuff going on.
Whether it be with the, youknow, people taking it to the limit, like behind this games,whether you've got a real unique, interesting podcast likethe intergalactic boom box by a bloody damn voice actor, whereelse are you going to find that sort of shit only in podcasting?2.0. So my value for value ask for this week is to go check outpodcasting 2.0. I've mentioned a bunch of times on the show, havea little scroll around, check out some of the apps that are onthe on the page, their new podcast If you'rereally interested in what's going on and want to be in thebleeding edge, bleeding edge if you've got a podcast and want toknow how you can get some of these things. Join the mastodonat podcast index, dot social.
And this is where me and a bunchof other people hang out. Talk about cool stuff. Check out thepodcast in 2.0 show for the latest developments of what'sgoing on for some of the ethics philosophy. All of that goodshit. It will change your world man change a bloody laugh. Oh,so that's it, everyone. Thanks for joining me for the nichespodcast in the universe. Also known as the bed best podcast inthe universe. Peter this lab confirmed and I reallyappreciate your support and until the next week and the nextshow Kyrin out