Value 4 Value

Value 4 Value

What does it mean to give and receive value? Hi I’m Kyrin and this is the weekly podcast for digital content creators who want to connect deeply with their audience & earn a living from their work via their direct support. Within you will find me explaining the philosophy of value 4 value (v4v), how to refine your pitch and the latest technology that can make the experience seamless!


30 September 2021

The Frustrations Of Donations - S1E7

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The Frustrations Of Donations

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Have you ever bought something you didn't need (or even want) just to show some love?

In Ep #7 I explore why donating right now can be a pain in the ass and how this might change in the future. I recount some personal experiences trying to give value to people who deserve it but had an annoying time doing this. However, with the value for value model and the technology behind cryptocurrencies this is making it easier to donate and to change the mentality behind donations.

Boostagram shoutout to Oscar Merry from Fountain.FM (a Podcasting 2.0 app) that gave some value to the V4V podcast, much appreciated!

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