¡Podcasting 2.0 es excelente, maravilloso y fantastico!
In Ep #34 I am covering how Robert Sasuke implements v4v on his multiple shows but in particular ‘Te Invito Un Café’ and ‘Esto Es Podcast 2.0’. The unique aspect that Robert brings is highlighting the value for value (valor por valor) model to a latino audience and his combination of this with other more traditional forms of the dreaded word ‘monetisation’ (bleh).
A big shoutout to AbleKirby, Petar The Everpresent & This Is The Future for their support. Bloody legends!
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podcasting 2.0 es excelenteMaravilloso y fantastica0. Bienvenidos toanother episode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin,I'm host of the Mere Mortals as well as the Mere Mortals book reviewspodcast, but also do this show where I go into the value forvalue model and how other people around the world implementingvalue for value into their own shows and creating somethingunique, something different. Now we'll go into a bit of ahighlight of exactly what they're doing and how you canmaybe take away some ideas for your very own shows. And today,I have a very special one, it's going to be a bit of a uniqueformat compared to most of my other episodes. And I'm callingthis Tim Vito a podcast 2.0. And this is by Robert suitcase. Sothis is actually a guy who does multiple shows, and his name isRobert Suzuki, he is from the Dominican Republic, and he doesthem in Spanish. So I will be playing only one clip this time,just so you can get a feel for what he sounds like. But Iwon't, I won't force you guys to listen to Spanish because youprobably won't understand it too much. And basically, he has awhole bunch of podcasts. So there's one called Tim Vito owncafe, which is basically I'm inviting you to a coffee, he'sgot another modo solopreneur so this is like the mode ofbeing an entrepreneur on your own SOS podcast. 2.0. So this ispodcasting 2.0. And there's a couple of other shows as well.All in all, he's done this for a long time, I believe it's sinceabout 2010, if I'm correct, and he's got 1400 episodes of theterm veto and cafe 200 Plus for the podcasting 2.0 150 Plus forthe modo solopreneur. So he does a lot, he does a whole lotof shows. And these are in different formats as well. Sothe term veto and cafe is more of a daily episode, usually fiveto 10 minutes in length. And it's about personal development,Applied Psychology on the daily SOS podcast 2.0 Is is like kindof a diary of his best advice, techniques and tools to elevateyour level, your level of podcast, I'm reading these, I'mtranslating them in my mind as I'm doing it. So hence the smallgap. And the model solopreneur is a weekly podcast where youcan learn about the experience of being a an entrepreneur, as asolo on your own. So lots of different shows and differentformats and lengths and things like that, you know, the SOSpodcast 2.0 is closer to half an hour in length in general and somany different types of episodes. I'll read out herefrom his main show a couple of the titles, so actions so thatyou to force yourself to not procrastinate do patterns parala storia. So it's like a day of history is launching the Suzukinetwork. So this is his kind of network of all the podcasts. Hedoes a whole lot of different things. So I won't get into thattoo much. And it's all kind of around the ideas of podcastingof personal development and of psychology. So if you're aSpanish speaker of some sort and you're interested in any ofthese, I'd highly recommend tuning into one of them. ButI'll play you just a small section here at the start of oneof his episodes. This is from the one I just mentioned, Day ofhistory, launching the Cisco network and you can get a feelof what he sounds like and his kind of quality and whatnot.
Or only happy so thesuperspeciality as si s ne li at the oil kings survey and alsothey lend you the sweet baby dogs is three mammals Suzukinetwork it gives us Aroer our la musica de la ego see is all likeItaly stars women either women either stayed wherever epi Savioin India they already know Salim of the Toba lives throughthorough Rubina is the podcast Eva mas por que por que vamosLancer oficialmente Restlet todos los podcast que tenemos so I hope what you're gettingfrom that is he is very professional. He's got all thebells and whistles, the applause, the music, thefeedings, the feed out the you know, nice deep sounding voice.One of the things I actually enjoy about listening to him inSpanish is my Spanish is definitely conversational at arelatively high level. I can understand everything he'ssaying there. So he was basically welcoming us sayingthat he was going to tell us about the podcasts off theintroduction and the music and things like that, but he alsoenunciate really clearly he's got a nice sounding voice, etc,etc. So what does he do? And how does he implement value forvalue in his shows? And why am I especially drawn to talkingabout him. So he does quite a few different things. And I'llget more into that to this special section as well. But healmost always offers what you can get right at the front. Soyou'll he'll really offer okay, like, this is a podcast aboutpsychological development, or this is how you can help withyour family problems. This is if you want to be a betterpodcaster here's some tips and tricks, and especially his estoes podcast 2.0 Well, you can tell just from the title name,this is podcasting 2.0 That he is obviously found podcastingto. So I remember actually coming across him in themastodon chat probably a year ago roughly where he would kindof join, I'm not even sure his English is that great. And yet,he is still taking the time and effort to really learn about allthese new things going on in podcasting and whatnot, which Ithink is really admirable of him to dive into, because it iscertainly hard. Being in a in a space in an area where you arenot the I suppose, expert, and where obviously, there's a biglanguage barrier and things like that. So I no shows is alwayssaying like, Hey, this is how you can, I can help you do thisthing. This is why you should do your, I suppose your interviewsin this sort of way, here's some reasons why you should takebetter notes and how you can take better notes for yourpodcasts and things like this.
So he's always just jam packing.Unlike most of the other shows, I've I've covered on here, whichI'd put more in the entertainment sort of category,these shows are definitely more, here's how I can help you, youknow, kind of how to type of things. So his value, I suppose,in the upfront offering is is super critical. And I suppose not necessarily what you need todo to have a I suppose a lifestyle supporting a family,he's got two kids and a wife, and, and whatnot. But it'scertainly I think it's probably the easiest way to have adefinitely a here's a problem, and that I can fix for you. Andthis is why you should tune in.
So he's got tutorials and guidesand things like that he actually had a caster pod walkthrough tosay how you can not only kind of the more high level, you know,these are some tips you could use and things like this, he'llhe'll dive deep into actual implementations of you want toself host your podcast. Well, I've done the hard work, I'veyou know, spent the hours doing it, he is a guide andwalkthrough, and I can actually help you with that as well. Andso this is where he's getting into this kind of mix betweenvalue for value, as well as more of a business type structure.That being said, when he does do value for value, and so Ibelieve all of his shows are on the podcasting two point inindex and he's got himself set up with a node, I'm not exactlysure where that goes to at the moment. I can actually just lookquickly right here and it says value for value lightning BTC.And if I click on that, it takes me to Yeah, just a note thathe's got Satoshi stream so he's got Satoshi stream set up sohe's set up for booster grams and I here's a little a fun one.I am actually a little bit of a Don Juan in the podcasting 2.0Because I have I have broken a fair few people's boostergrabbing virginity and so I broke his a fair while ago. Andyeah, he did the I suppose the kind of standard thing he youknow, read it out on the show, and he actually had a reallycool viewpoint, which was a kind of questioning, okay, why whywas the first you know, I've been doing this for ages. He's,you know, for 1010 plus years.
He talked about podcasting 2.0on his shows, well, before I was aware of any of his shows andwhatnot. You know, why was a gringo from Australia, the firstperson to booster gram in and even though he, you know, he hasquite a few shows and has lots of people listening and thingslike that. And at a really cool discussion, I guess with himselfabout wealth and generosity. And you know, is Australia a wealthycountry? Because because we're generous, or was I generousbecause I'm wealthy and you know, sent him through and itwas it was a meager amount of sets. It wasn't it wasn't Iwasn't breaking the bank for myself either. I think it was,you know, a couple of dollars worth or something. But Butyeah, he he does do value for value in the sense that I'vetraditionally shown him here on the booster grams and thingslike that. But he mixes it with the, I suppose the kind ofbusiness His type strategy and so this is where I'll get on tothe something unique section.
And this is definitely the mixof traditional and value for value. So he has, I don'tbelieve he has a paywall anywhere, but it's definitelyyou know, if you want early access to one of his shows, ifyou want to be a premium, or I believe the word is freemiumnowadays, which was kind of, you know, extra benefits, but youcan still get the main stuff for free. He does that. So forexample, on SLS podcast, 2.0, and 10, v2, and cafe, he's got a$3 a month, sort of subscription, and you candiscount get discounts and other stuff for free for those who arealready supporting him and things like that. But he alsodoes the value for value and, and says, look, I've got, youknow, a bitcoin address here, I've got my shows set up onfountain and whatnot. He's very active on the hive blockchainand does videos there and shows, you know, this is how you can dothis thing. This is how you can, you know, gain, I suppose, youknow, Hive money or SATs, if you've got the hive set hiveconverter set up for for doing these sorts of things, and thisis how you can get onto Hi, this is how you can get on topodcasting. 2.0 So, it's definitely introducing I supposethe value for value model in a not 100% deep way, you know, I'dsay more of a probably 5050 split to a completely unknownaudience. I you know, people who speak only Spanish, because thatis, you know, there's not a mastodon version of podcasting2.0 in Spanish, you know, the main shows, every single showI've covered here has been a an English show, obviously, becauseI speak English as my primary language. So that's kind of moredrawn to me. But it is definitely starting from andefinitely an American, and then going even further out that it'sexpanding into an English context. So I think it's reallycool that he's doing this kind of mix between the two and anintroducing value for value in a completely different way. Thisisn't just him as well, there are other, I would say, probablyfull time podcasters I was gonna use the word professional, but Ithink a lot of the people I've covered on here have been veryprofessional podcasters but not many have been full time.podcasters and so other people who do this, for example, theDarknet diaries, Jack rightside podcast junkies, harried aroundsurvival podcast or Jacksboro speaker, I'm not sure how youpronounce his name, most of them tend to have a kind of mix ofvalue for value thrown in and this is kind of one of theunique things you don't have to be 100% value for value, it's,it can be an add on, you know, I me personally, I've gone 100%The value for value way because I'm, I suppose a bit more if youwant to put it in a negative way fanatical in a nicer way youmight be so you might say I idealistic but in any case, itdoesn't need to, if you're wondering, you know, I don't seehow I can support myself you know, Karen's only getting maybethree or five booster grams a week coming in through the valuefor value show that you know, that's not enough to be able to,you know, have a lifestyle with the and pay for the bills ifyou've got you know, a wife and two kids for example, likeRobert does, but you can add on us like an extra little benefitit can be a kind of secondary side stream it won't perhapswork as well you might have find yourself hitting a limit becausepeople will be like No, he's not really reading out the boostergrams on the show and during the the kind of creating thatfeedback loop he's not fully implementing I suppose some ofthe ethos with regards to setting a price on his ownproduct you know, he's he's set a price of $3 monthly for manyof his shows, and many people will only pay that much andmight not even do more when he could be getting more. So yeah,it's it's, I suppose a personal thing that you have to decide onif you're at least interested in this route. Do I want to go allthe way there's other kinds of concerns related to toadvertising and how that can be, you know, kind of sensorial innature. You don't want to piss off your advertisers by sayingsomething wrong or, you know, dare you even say something badabout the advertiser themselves, you know, the that sort of moneyflow can can make things a little bit more differentdifficult, but you know, that doesn't mean that you have toswear off those things entirely.
Another one, which I wanted tosay was a technique that he did some time back which I I thoughtit was really interesting, and I haven't really seen anyone dothis previously. So for Episode 14 101, and Congrats on gettingthat far thing, you're on March 7 2022. So March of this year,he had ti UC so 10 Petone Cafe is Yara e esta vez and seddio.And then I kind of shocked face. So that means 10 Vito, and onCafe is closing, and this time, I'm serious or like it'sserious. And basically in that episode, he was saying, I'mgoing to close the this stop this podcast, I've gotten up to1400 episodes, you know, I'm tired. I'm I'm struggling tofind this kind of being justifying the amount of effortI'm putting in and you know, daily podcast for kind of 10years, can can drain someone a bit, I imagine. And thebasically he was saying, Look, unless I reached a kind ofdonation amount of people sending in a value to me, andthis time, particularly in the monetary form, I'm going to haveto close the podcast. And what actually happened was he hadanother bonus episode, I think about two weeks after that.Yeah. So March 21. And it says, bonus and food todo de ti yousee, ya start definitely though ese es como cetera. So it's nowdefined, and I know what it will be, or how it will be. And sothis was basically him saying, I, you know, I got an outpouringof support. And you can include me in this way. Because eventhough I don't particularly listen to this podcast at all,I, for one, I don't really like the small shows, you know, fourminutes, five minutes in length, I prefer longer ones. And it'salso on a topic personal development, which, yeah, I'vekind of gone through that in the past. And it's not asinteresting to me as it once was. Yet, he had yet I stilldonate it to that show. So I was like, Oh, I don't want you toclose your podcast. I'm obviously here and interested,I'll throw some SATs your way.
And, and this actually reallyworked for him. And I can't remember exactly what happened.But I believe he reached his his target, which was, I think, acouple of $100 us worth of, of monetary support. And so said,Okay, maybe you're not insane to like the podcast is going toclose for serious, but I thought that was a cool technique toreally, you know, we've we've seen kind of the sad puppybefore, if you've had a, you know, a bad week or two ofhaving the monetary support come in, but taken at the next level,to the kind of ultimatum of look, the podcast is going toclose unless you helped me out.
It worked. It's maybe you know,mid probably only works if you're, if you're super seriousabout it, as well. So if you do this, you know, kind of fiveweeks, five times a year, maybe it neared might not work aswell. But I think that was a kind of, youknow, an interesting idea. And look, this, these kinds ofthings are hard, doing 1400 episodes, no matter the lengthof it is draining that I you know, I've done maybe a 500across all of my shows. And that is a supreme effort. And so Ican see how, if you're doing something, and it's not, you'renot getting the value back for it, you know, one is probablybest to look inside first and go, Okay, you know, is the valuethat I'm creating actually valuable? Or am I just in myhead thinking it's, it's, it's super cool and fun. And yet,it's only going to appeal to an audience of, you know, threepeople in the world? Well, okay, then then that way, you know,unless those three people are billionaires, you're probablygoing to have some some problems, and generousbillionaires like that. So, I think there is, you know, sometechniques and tricks like that, which, you know, we haven'tseen, particularly in other shows, which where it's like,Look, you if you're, if you're struggling if you really need tomake a decision. And if you especially if you're followingthe value for value model, and you you want to make that youperhaps your primary way of of people supporting back look,this, this, I need to see it, I need to see that from from theaudience from you people listening. So with that beingsaid, you know, unless I get millions that I'm collecting thevalue for value. Now, that's not true. So, I think there's a lotof cool things that he's doing especially just in the kind ofLatino world and and I suppose promoting value for value to awhole new section of audience of people which that They're veryunlikely to find it. Let's do the current memes means thatthat are available ie the English language because it'sjust there's just not that much there. So a lot of portable loadvalue for value is making its way internationally I thinkthat's really really cool. So there's plenty of other things Iwould just say if you're interested at all you can go toSuzuki dot network that's his website and that's probably oneof his website is got quite a few of them and you can go thereand and check out his shows is it's got a lot of other detailscontacts you can send him things via that website as well. If yougo to the contact info section and yeah, I know he doesappreciate I know he reads these things and receives boostergrams and the emails and and appreciates is the support hegets from other people as well.
So his actual electronic emailis all at Robert sosuke.com If you're interested so yeah, justwant to do a big shout out for him. And with all that beingsaid, I'm going to go now on to my own booster Graham lounge.Welcome to the value for value gram Okay, so it's not a hugeweek for the booster grams this week. But I do have three comingin which I'm very very appreciative of. So we've goteight sets from this as the future and he just says it'srare exclamation marks that's related to the rare encounterepisode from last week. The next one is from Abel Kirby, noneother than Abel can be himself through curio caster, which iscool. And he said 6599 sites and he says narrative question marka really common question mark. I heard them talking about this onthis show. And look my so two things One was they wereslightly annoyed that I equated anime with Naruto. And you knowthis is because on their show they actually listened to I'mgonna say more refined tastes so more probably, you know less.
Mainstream is the nice way ofputting it kind of like pop culture trash might be the theother but the thing is for me, Naruto is equated with anime inmy head because even though I used to watch Dragonball Z andyou know more like the kids types ones were dijamin andthings like that, you know, Pokemon. They always werecartoons in my mind and Naruto was I think the first one whichI watched, which was subbed instead of dubbed so this waswhere you just see the subtitles and yet you hear the originalkind of Japanese voices. And that was the first anime that Ipersonally you know, watched and I would have said oh, this is ananime and yeah, it's just acquainted in my mind andhonestly I think most other people you know if I'd listedout some of the shows that they listened to people would gowhat? Because they are more obscure more definitely harderto find and more more further refined tastes I would say so.As fuck it you know what I'm not gonna apologize Naruto is animeit's just as valid. Another one we've got here from the everpresent PTR and he says so this was 3750 SATs Thank you myfriend through fountain he says crapper is not an adjective andthen he has a poop emoji.
Obviously I must have said thatand the cool thing with a fountain as you can see when thebooths came in so that was around the 17 Minute 43 Mark soI probably said crapper at some point but you know I'm not goingto apologize for my language either fuck up you know onceagain much appreciated for for everyone and like I said we'llgo into my own value for value. This is value for value podcastI put this out with the hope that those who are listening cancan gain some tips and techniques and tools that theycan perhaps take for their own podcasts perhaps you're usingthis for as a mechanism to find new podcasts and things likethat I you know there's very many different ways you could begetting value from this maybe even you just like to hear melaugh you know that's that's also cool. And I do requestvalue back in return for that now how you want to do that canbe in many ways you could share the the show to a friend who'slistening and go oh, you know what they I think they mightenjoy this. You could create a clip on fountain I know manypeople do that. And that is also a beautiful way of shothighlighting a particular part of the show that you liked. Youcan send in a suggestion of another value for value showthat I I would maybe enjoy listening to and you think thatthey're doing something cool.
That is very much appreciated.And then of course, I always appreciate Brewster grams andSATs coming in. So set the streaming SATs high on whicheverpodcast app that you're listening to. And I'm hopingit's a podcasting 2.0 app, because I also put chapters inand things like that. And, you know, sent me through a boostergram, you decide the value on what you got from this show. Soif it's high, if it's low, that's up to you. And I am verymuch appreciative of all the support that comes in. So withthat all being said, I would just yet once again, recommendchecking out Roberts, a suitcase, podcast if you arebilingual of any sort and want to practice your Spanish aswell. He's got a beautiful voice, nice and clearenunciation. So it's very understandable and he speaks inrelatively slow as well. So he's, it's a very nice podcastto listen to any of them if you're interested in thosetopics and want to practice your Spanish and also, you know,support someone who's doing cool stuff out support someone who'sspreading value for value into the Latino world. I think that'sreally cool. So, with all that being said, Ciao for now. Kyrinout