Want to know which podcasts are doing V4V?
In Ep #16 I will be going over some podcasts that I believe are doing a good job of showcasing value for value. I of course plug my own and Adam Curry’s but also highlight some others which include (and is not exhaustive off all there are): AbleKraft, Podland News and other No Agenda podcast spinoffs. I also explain some strategic decision on why I will be spending my time on some podcasting aspects and not on others.
Big thanks to Oscar Merry & Nullifier. Your support keeps the show ticking over.
(0:00) - Intro
(1:13) - My Podcasts
(4:36) - Adam Currys Podcasts
(8:06) - Ablekraft
(9:35) - Podland (now Podnews Weekly Review)
(10:53) - The Intergalactic Boombox
(13:48) - Boostagram Lounge
(23:30) - Send a boost
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
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Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
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Well, well, well welcomeeveryone to another episode of the value for value Podcast, thepodcast that examines the value for value model, a test formyself to see if I can create an improve the value for valuemethod and understand it better for myself, as well as explore,identify cool things and give them to you in a digestibleformat. So here we are, we're up to episode 16. And I'm callingthis some V for V podcast recommendations. And the basicintro for this is that I didn't have particularly a topic forthis week, there was no podcasting 2.0 episode thisweek, so you won't be able to hear any of my news or Roundupfrom that. But I did receive a boostagram recently. And I didalso have a chat with Oscar Merry from Episode 59 fame andpodcasting 2.0. And so for those who don't know, Oscar is thecreator of the fountain FM. And he sent into Brewster gram,which I'll read out later, but it got me thinking, you know,what, I'm not the only value for value podcaster out there. So Ishould give some recommendations for those who are interested inexploring what's the value for value is and how other peopleare doing that. So let's jump right into it. I'd be remiss ifI didn't include my own couple of podcasts in here. Soobviously, this one, but my main two channels are the Mere Mortalsand Mere Mortals, book reviews.
Now I do those slightlydifferently. And there's a couple of things I actually doneed to address with them. So one, I guess is that I do havethe main feedback mechanism I use send in a boostagram andI will read it out on the show. The problem with that is thereis a bit of a time lag because the way that I have beenpodcasting for the longest time is via just doing it in advance,usually about a week, five to seven days is preferably how Ido it. Because this gives me time to edit the audio, whichdoesn't take very long, I could really do that in a couple ofminutes. Really, it doesn't take long for that. The longer timeperiod is the video editing, as I do record pretty mucheverything and then I put that up on YouTube. And then I alsotake clips, and I put those up on different other places alittle bit more decentralized and not there. But you know,YouTube's the place where it's at at the moment. And I guessthe main thing for that is when there is a time lag, it sort ofhurts the value for value feedback mechanism, I havesomeone sending me something.
And if they send it to me on aSunday afternoon, just after I've recorded, not only willthey have to wait, wait a week, until I record next and then cantalk about it, they then have to wait another five days. So itcan be 12 days from them sending their message if it's if we'reunlucky, until me reading it out. Now the other bestalternative is they send it just before the podcast episode. Buteven then that's still a five day time lag. So you'll noticethen that that can be a little bit strange, because you'resending something in, and you're not receiving it in that sameweek. And I think there's something rather important andbeing able to do it during that same week. Now, for me, I guessthat would mean that I'd maybe need to include a Live episodesomehow. So that, you know, if someone sends something indirectly after the live episode, hey, that's totally fine. It'llbe read out and the next live episode The following week. Andthen if they've sending it just before, well, obviously, they'llget that message within a couple of minutes. So that for me isthe main difference between those two. And I do that on thememo does book reviews as well, that's got an even longer timeperiod, because I'm somewhat optimizing for the video at themoment, they're not so much the audio. And this will then meanI'm not really going to be reading out boostagrams at theend of a book review, I've sort of been saving that for my endof month recap. And then obviously, well, you're gonnahave to wait potentially a full month until I read out yourboostagram. So in essence, that is just aparticular aspect of the value for value that I'm creating andthe model I'm working with at the moment. And you know, I'mvery, very new to this what are we at 16 So I've done 16 weeks,I guess of of implementing the value for value model method andI probably need 16 years until I'm able to get it good. Solet's get give me a little bit of a break people but that's onerecommendation there to check out my own episodes and seethose. Another is obviously Adam curry. So he's the one where Igot the value for value name from the model the method theone who I'm really exploring and trying to to figure out I'mactually having him on the podcast chatting with him inhopefully two days time three days time. If If all goes wellwith the internet and technology and things like that, and I'mreally going to dive into the creation of it the philosophy ofBut his thoughts on particular aspects like I'm gonna go asdeep as I can with him. So I'm sure you'll be hearing aboutthat shortly and some some more episodes coming up. But I cansay, you know, it originated with him on the no agenda show.And so that's one he's been doing, I believe it's 14 years,maybe 15 years now. And don't don't quote me on that. And he'staken a long, long time. So that 16 years I was talking about,well, he is, you know, put in those 16 years, pretty much. Sohe's got a good chance of, you know, obviously, if you go tothat show now, it'll be super polished. So whatever the latestno agenda or episode is, I would recommend that they havesomething different as well, because I've been exploring visavie mostly in terms of the Bitcoin and currency and sendingthrough micro payments and things like that. Now, theyobviously have not been doing that because Bitcoin hasn't evenexisted for that long. So they have been using PayPal donationsand donations directly through their website, I believe, thingslike that. So they would have a bit of a split model at themoment, and probably even more split towards the PayPaldonation. So obviously, that would require some differentthings. They'd be directing people to different places, theywouldn't be having the micro payments coming in, which adds adifferent factor. They actually do, but they're not emphasizingthat, I believe, don't quote me on that as well, because I onlytuned in to new agenda and no agenda every now and then it'snot it's not my go to podcast Have you listened to this everysingle week, it's more of a check in see what they're doingsort of thing. His other two shows are more facts with withAdam curry. And that one is a little bit rough on the edges,you can see he's implementing some of what he has been doingwith, with no agenda there. But such things as boostagramshe didn't even have that set up.
I sent one through the otherweek and confirmed with Adam that it didn't come through,because he didn't have been set up. I believe he does now. Butyou can see that they're still experimenting things with thingsthere. He's got a co host who has not been doing this foryears and years and years. So they're, they're doing well. Butit's it's very much the same, I guess as as you would see on noagenda, he probably uses a very similar spiel, and they wouldrecommend people to do the same things. But once again, theydon't have the huge audience that no agenda does. And theydon't also have the tiered system of nights and knighthoodsand all those extra benefits that the no agenda show has. Sothat differences, you'll see their podcasting 2.0 needs noexplanation, that's probably my go to place. And someone if I'dsay if you want to understand the value for value, modelmethod, everything about it, just go to podcasts and 2.0because they will explaining, you know, hugely, and then theywill also really dive down into how you should do it with themix between the PayPal donations, and they're reallyactually pushing more towards asking people to do it vialightning and via Bitcoin and whatnot. Another interesting oneis Abel crafts. So this is from two people who are part of theno agenda crew, and the fandom I guess. And their names are ableKirby and so Spencer, and they have their own separate shows aswell, which I'll talk about shortly. But APR craft is prettyunique, because it's still in that aspect of music. So they'renot particularly asking people for donations, per se, theyappreciate it, they've started to read out boostagrams andthings like that. But they're really trying to focus oncreating an album and then releasing that album via thepodcasting 2.0 method of putting it on there with chapters sorry,they will be doing separate episodes, but I mentionedthere'll be doing chapter art, they'll be doing value for valuesplits between them. And people who have helped create the albumthey'll be doing all sorts of things like that. So aninteresting show if you want to know more about the music aspectand how that might change the world and how hopefully theSpotify and royalty method will get a bit broken and and you'llbe able to send the money directly to the person creatingthe art and then also the people behind the scenes the dude whofixed it fixed up the audios the guy I don't know banging thetambourine in the background, stuff like that. So that is agood show to tune into if you're interested in the music aspect.Another is Portland news. So this is with James Quinlan. Ihad him on the memorials he's a fellow Brisbane night so alittle bit of of love there. And that's a show where I guess youcan see someone implementing it for the first time so it's notthe most polished he has a lot of time podcasting so he knowswhat he's doing in terms of creating a good show and whatnotbut implementing the the value The value is still ratherrudimentary, they're just doing it via boostagrams. They'renot particularly looking to expand that, I would say they'renot particularly looking to do extra work or extra littletidbits and things to add on to to appeal people to bring morepeople in to get more of that community engagement andfeedback there. That's more of a, you know, a show sort ofcentering around podcasting.
2.0, much like this is in a, ina way, but they they're doing other things as well. So it'sinteresting, watching James and seeing how he's doing things anddoesn't have the showmanship, I've had him I would say, butstill a very solid effort to see how someone might introduced,you know, podcasting 2.0 and value for value and mixing thatinto their own podcast. The last ones, I just wanted to say, abig mismatch. So I've been listening to a lot of, of shows,that's one thing that I like to do, and I'll even bring it uphere. If one day in the future, maybe you'll be able to see allof the comments that I've I've left or ratings and reviews onon individual podcasts on pod friend because I actually findit really useful there. But there's a bunch of shows there.So I would say podcast idiot by Kevin Bay. I know he does that Ibelieve from the jump. So that's open. You'll recognize a bunchof these names. If you've listened to podcasting 2.0 Thereis the meet us pod, which is by D meet us I think he does. No,sorry. He just has that setup.
There's someone whose name I'mforgetting. And this is really Fun Fact Friday, I believe theydo that as well, where they will introduce the aspect of hey,here's a boostagram, can you please support the show? Andthen obviously, there's the The 2000 shows, Salonomics,there's another one bowl after bowl. There's a bunch of peoplewho come from the no agenda world. So phone boy speaks,there's someone from Brian of London, who's been onpodcasting. 2.0 He's more in the hive world, but he still hasthat hooked up. Ai cooking, that is with comic strip, comic stripblogger. He also reads out some Bucha grams does some stuff. SoSDS podcast, that's Spanish one spoken in the Spanish languagehe is from, I believe it's from Ecuador, but living in Dominica,Dominican Republic, Robert Suzuki, I've talked about himbefore on here. So there's a whole bunch of people, I guess,doing the value for value and, and introducing it in their ownways. Some people, it's just, hey, here's the, my lightningnode, send streaming payments through, please do that. Andthey won't go the extra effort of creating that feedback loop,I guess, with the community and adding in those elements. So youcan see it's a sliding scale as well. It's not just this is theway to do it. And you have to include elements from theaudience, you have to use clips that they've sent you and youhave to say out their name, you have to like no, you don't haveto do anything. The value for value model is, is a moresuggestive and it's, it's more flexible, I think you can dowhat you want with it. So if you want to put in minimal effort,if you want to put all your effort into creating the showand making that, you know, super streamlined and whatnot and thenit's just there in the background. You don't even haveto tell people they will maybe find it for themselves and thenvoluntarily do that. There's all sorts of ways of doing it. Sothat's just some of my podcast recommendations that I can sayfor you and say hey, give these a try. You might find somethingof note here. Well, we've now come to the favorite section forme to do which is the boosta Gram lounge and we've hadquite a few people putting some stuff in so play music Kyrin.
Welcome to the value for valueBoostagram lounge. Smooth as always, well, here'sour first one coming through and obviously my work in Episode 15.The value of tough love is paid off because I received a couplefrom the person I was calling out directly so from OscarMerry, he said thanks for the fountain shout out fascinatingto hear the difference between longtail growth on YouTube andpodcast. Yeah, it is. Pretty interesting. Oscar fountain islive on iOS App Store btw and that was tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tusats sent using fountain. Thank you Oscar. This couldducks. I guess it looks like ducks. I would have said morelike swans row of swans Anywho.
Thank you Oscar and yes, on iOSapp as well. I don't have that so I was unsure of that. Sothank you for sending that in. that is very useful to know. Thenext one also from Oscar is boosting because you asked meyes, that is value for value and action right there. One thing Iwould love to see in this pod is clips of different podcastersasking people to support via value for value, and alsothanking people for booths. I think it would be reallyinteresting to hear the different approaches slashstyles. Once again, tu tu, tu tu sent using fountain? Yes, Oscar,that would be something fantastic that I could do. WillI do it, though, is another question that's a hit. Andthat's a harder one to answer.
Because that obviously wouldrequire more effort on my part of creating clips, putting themin and whatnot, I'm actually leaning more personally towardsthe side of doing things live doing them as messy as possible,you might even have noticed that the first, probably six or sevenepisodes were a lot tighter and cleaner. These ones I'm a bitmore rambley. And hence, you've probably also noticed the, thetrack length of these episodes going up. So I'm just not supersure if that's a route I want to go down. I watched the way Adamoperates and the amount of clips and things that he does. Andit's absolutely fantastic. I love how much effort he'sputting in. And it really shows that he's created this amazingaudience and whatnot. The thing with that is you have to getvery technical, so I'd probably have to start losing using moretechnology, I'd have to start learning more things. And whilstI'm not averse to that, I'm not sure I will have the motivationto particularly go down that route as deep as he has. And I,I'll explain maybe a bit more of that in the ending in my littlepodcast pro tip and recommendations, because I thinkthat'll shed some light on my thoughts of why I might not bedoing that. I have done it in previous episodes. Will I do it?I'm not so sure. But I did steal your idea there and said, Youknow what, I can do some podcasting recommendations. Sopeople can search for themselves. If they want, theycan go and find out and see what is the gos. Another one here isfrom someone new. So very intriguing. Fun, fascinating.Right here. This is from Nullifier. And they said Greatmessage positivity multiplies itself. And that was 500 SATs,sent using pod friend and now sorry, sent using fountain andthe cool thing with this was he had a couple of messages comingthrough another one was removing the middleman increases mutualintegrity, another 500 Set sets using a fountain fountain Yes.And then this is what I want to see most from visa vie musiciansgetting direct support 1500 sets and using fountain. Now thefunny thing was that when all of these came in, I was a bitunsure of what to make of it because some of them were sentin in random places. And I was like, oh geez, where did thiscome from? I'm not 100%? Sure.
Why should I do this another onehere, kids who grew up receiving their allowance via ln will nothave that problem. And I was thinking like, oh, geez, I haveno idea where this is coming from. But the cool thing is, andthis is where you can see my effort coming through is that Idownloaded the CVV CVC or xls. What was it from from theSatoshi stream xls. X file, so an Excel file from Satoshistream. And they had this huge amount of tabs in there. Theyhave all these crazy things. But I was able to see where exactlythese boosts were coming from and what episodes in particular,which helped very much. So let me go over these again. So thefirst one from Oscar boosting because you asked me that wasfrom the value of tough love. So the last one obviously I didn'tneed to put that one so much giving value a case study. Sothat was the great message.
Great message positivitymultiplies itself. So that was one of the early episodes. Ibelieve that was episode number three, I believe. Yep. Episodenumber three. So yes, positivity there. Thank you very muchNullifier, the removing the middleman that was from the whatvalue for value isn't. So that was where I was talking abouthow Patreon and all of these sorts of things aren'tparticularly value for value because there is that middlemanin the middle and that's, you know, siphoning off. I thinkthat steals away some of the value in it. The other one, thisis what I want to see most from visa vie musicians gettingdirect support that was resting on your laurels. So that was nottoo long ago. That was on episode 13. And this was where Iwas talking about incentives.
This is where I was talkingabout. Let me go into here was the last song rushed out. Didyou do all the research, passive income, things like that? And sothis was, I guess, I probably talked enough about in thereabout how musicians could use this in a completely differentway to what they're feeling now. And so the last one was themessage about, let me bring it up Ding, dong, ding, ding, ding,he was saying, this is what I want to see most from visa viemusicians getting direct support. And this was on episode14 value for value is going worldwide. This is where it'skind of hard, and you can still get a little bit lost. So I knowI've talked plenty about musicians and then gettingdirect support. And so obviously, I might havementioned something in this episode. But this, the timestampfrom this was at nine minutes 40. And when I went to thatepisode, and was looking at it, I wasn't particularly talkingabout musicians there, I was talking just in general aboutobservations on the podcasting index stuff goingworldwide, how it can be different from for women, andfor, you know, Australians being generous and things like that.So it wasn't super connected.
And this is where it might beinteresting to know, where is that timestamp coming from? Isit coming from when the boost is actually sent? Or is it comingfrom when the person hits the boost button to write a message,because I know it will take me a minute or two minutes, maybe ormaybe even longer to actually write the message, I'm actuallygoing to write that down and put that in the podcasting indexsocial to find that out. But in any case, I really do appreciatethat Nullifier that makes my my heart warm, that you've sentthrough all of all of these nice messages, it really is a fun,try here of of, of the value for value. And, you know, if newpeople are coming in, and it's, it's beautiful, man, it's reallybeautiful, I really do appreciate it. So those were themessages. Once again, if I ever miss one, please, please let meknow. And I will refund it, I'll go back or put in the effort orput in the work and I will repay you back, I'll send someSatoshis back your way for the the mistake I have made becauseI know how much it matters to do not have those things go intothe void. And this is maybe just a last pro tip here. And beforeI get on to what I was highlighting before or hinted atbefore, if you're a podcaster, and you're saying that you'redoing value for value, and that you will read out the show, themessages that come in, I think there is a burden that is placedupon you there are responsibility perhaps is betterword, because there's nothing worse than you being as alistener sending in through a message and it just not comingthrough and not receiving that acknowledged acknowledgementthat the other person has received it, it's happenedplenty of times, to me, I really dislike it, a lot of those showsthat I talked about, you know, some of them do do that. Andthat there's a reason why I'm not really tuning into theirshows anymore. It's because you miss that message that thatthing goes hidden that that attempt to connect goes goeslost and it sucks, you know, almost feels like gettingrejected in a way. So that's just one thing I would recommendif you're interested in this model, hey, put the time andeffort in, go back through and try and find out when they sentthrough that message, try and decipher it, try and put theeffort in because I think your audience will appreciate it. Thelast thing I was going to talk about was, I am actually askingnow for your support, because I have now started paying for thispodcast. So I'm on Buzzsprout.
And I really did want to try andmake this as self hosting to put in the effort time work to tofigure that all out. And I've just been noticing these pastcouple of months, I'm not making the time not making the effort.And I think that's because I just don't care that much aboutself hosting. There's a reason why I've never particularly gonedown this route before learning about podcasting 2.0 It's justthe the technical side of that the coding that's required theknowledge and skills that you would have to continuouslyupdate to get to that level. I think that's just where I'mlike, Yeah, I'd rather pay this off in a in another way. My myskills aren't particularly related to that my skills arerelated to elsewhere. So would I rather create a better show byputting in all of these clips and putting the time and effortenergy that's required to creating all those and doingthat? Or would I rather you know, not do that and thenpotentially use that time in other ways that can benefit theshow more. I maybe I can read more books. Maybe I couldn'tlisten to more of Adam's podcasts and really dive deeper.Maybe I could, you know, do more podcast episodes with otherpodcasters who are doing this get more of their thought tohave more chats with Oscar Mary and other developers who aredoing things? I would say for me, that's probably where themoney is. That's, and this is a subjective thing on my part. Isit better to create the show, you know, more technical, withthings like that with more feedback with more interactiveelements? Or is it better for me to improve it by a differentways? You know, that's my call.
And I'll have to live with that,whether that is the correct call or not. But that I think doesexplain part of, of what's going on here and why I might not dosome recommendations that you suggest and things like that.The other one is that I'm going to try and really trying to belaying on the value for value from now on, because now, therewere some costs associated with this before it was just time.But now there's a, you know, not super huge, it's a probably beabout 16 Australian dollars per month. But if possible, sothat's, that's four episodes. So that's about $4 An episode, I'dbe trying to recoup about $4 An episode. So that is going to bemy goal from now on, to try and get to a minimum as asustainable level for this podcast. And so you'll benoticing that in the upcoming episodes, I'm probably going tobe laying on the value for value Schpeel even harder than I hadbefore. What can I say right now? Hey, send me in a boostagram stream Satoshis. To me, I really do appreciate it and itwill help this show continue on with the increasing cost oflife. Oh my god. And yeah, that's it for today. Thanks forlistening to this end of a rather long one. But there was alot of recommendations I wanted to go over. And I really do hopeyou're having a fantastic time wherever you are in the world.Kyrin out.