I want to support my favourite podcaster .... but how?! In Ep#53 we're going to find out how to get some Bitcoin on the Lightning Network, test out some cool apps and I'll give some podcast recommendations as well. This was recorded as a video version as well (link below).
Huge thanks to Kolomona and Premitive1 for supporting the show (plus everyone streaming as well). Don't forget to boost!
15% of this episode is going to Jason from Podcast Guru to help support apps & developers working on Podcasting 2.0.
Handy links:
Video Run Through: https://youtu.be/aBYKmYd3KMI
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
Huge thanks to Kolomona and Premitive1 for supporting the show (plus everyone streaming as well). Don't forget to boost!
15% of this episode is going to Jason from Podcast Guru to help support apps & developers working on Podcasting 2.0.
Handy links:
Video Run Through: https://youtu.be/aBYKmYd3KMI
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
I want to supportmy favourite podcaster, but how? Welcome everyoneto another episode of the Value for Valueshow. I'm your host, Kyrin,the host of the Mere Mortals and Mere Mortals BookReviews podcast as well. But this is the podcast for those digital contentcreators who want to connect deeperwith their audience and find waysfor their audience to connect more deeplywith them. Indeed, we're going to befocusing on how your audience can helpconnect with you today. This is going to beparticularly for podcastersand podcasting, but we're going to seesome interesting stuff coming out with the valuesof value music and I believeand even some video stuff in the future.
Stay tuned for a couple ofepisodes. Time for that. I'm going to be doinga bit of a different one todaybecause it's a live audio, but with a pre-recordedvideo because I'm going to bedoing a run through of all the coolpodcasting apps that allow for boostto grams and allow for people to send in support to youwith messages that you can receiveon your phone on your desktopwithin the actual app itself, there's all sortsof really cool ways that we're going to dothat. Today is the 11thof October 2023 and I'm coming herefrom lovely sunny Brisbane as well.
I've got all my audiopanel set up here. I've got my lightingset up, so this is probably one of the best produced onesI've ever done actually. So it's it's kind of cool. So I am going to be talking to this pre-recorded video, so it's going to be ahopefully a best of both worlds ormaybe the worst of both. What we'll find out,but we'll see how we go. So if you are tuning in live now, I'm goingto stop playing the video and you can followalong with me here. Now. So basically,what are the things that we want to be doing for someone to support youis to actually get some money, get how they actually goingto be able to do that.
And so we're going to be acquiring some Bitcoinon the Lightning Network. Now, there's a couple of different waysthat you can do this. It can also be acquiredthrough things like Strike and Cash OP wherever you arein the world. But I'm goingto be showing you the ALBY browser extension. So this is going to be the probably easiest wayfor anyone in the world to be able to get to, because all you need to gois to a website. So as you're seeingright now, if you go to get allbecome, there's ways to log in. I'm going to skipthe login process and we'renow just looking at what you actually see.
So you've got a wayof being able to receive lightningfrom different addresses, Bitcoinfrom a different address. So if you've got the cashup of strike or something like that or elsewhere in the worldwherever, and then you can actuallytop up within the actual get Albisection of the website. So this is whereit'll be connected to like Muun Payand basically all you need to dois have a, a debit card or a credit cardor something like that, and you can do itwithin there. They're going to suggestbig amounts. I would suggest just do itwith something small. So if you've gota favourite podcast or you want to support, just put in like 50 bucks,100 bucks or something like that is worthwhile to you and that you can feelyou can afford.
Now there's allsorts of things that are really beneficialfor podcasters as well. So if you are listening inor tuning in and you're a podcaster, a get Albi address is kind of a necessity at this stage because it can link toso many different places. And if you're a supporterand you want to and you're like,Oh, I don't want to deal with all of these things,it's pretty cool. So you can do thisalmost one and done and then get Alby is really going to be ableto let you access across various different apps. So there are other wayssome apps have a built in mechanismfor you to earn it.
So this would be things like podfans or Fountain, which have thesegaming mechanisms and then others have ways for you to top up withinthe actual app itself. So get allthese is pretty cool. You can only do this onthe desktop at the moment, but it does havesome functionalities that will allow youto connect with things through through the mobile using these differentpodcasting apps. And there's all sorts ofother things that'll show. So you get transactionsand things like that. Let's jump onto the firstapp, which is Fountain. So Fountain is a podcasting appthat's pretty recent and I suppose one of the best features about itis that it really focuses on the boostingon the social aspect.
So if you're goingthrough it, you see there'sall sorts of notifications of when people have liked or sent yousmall portions, you know, ten sets, 100 sets hereof all of Bitcoin. And they really dofocus on showcasing, okay, this is what other peopleare supporting their shows, other showsthey're supporting. And you can seebig amounts with the BolaBoost section. They've got hot shows and I think the discoverability onthere is really cool for this aspect of seeing what other peoplereally like and they're staying aheadof the trends as well. They've just implementedthe hot 100 tracks which are Values for Valuemusic as well.
And you can seeas you go through it, it does havethis social aspect. I've got my own profile. There's a whole bunchof followers on thatand people following me. And you know, you can seewhen I've created clips and commentsand things like this. So it's it's very mucha podcast. It's a really solidpodcasting app. And I've chatted withthe one of the founders, Oscar Merry, three times,I think on the Mere Mortals podcast. So you can really get aan aspect or a find outof of what he is like and you cansee as well on the app. So the app is really good.
I actually it'smy daily driver and I've orderedall of these based on how much I use thempersonally. So when I'm kind of givingthese recommendations, their recommendations based on whatI actually use. So when you gointo the app and you're playinga podcasting episode, you'll seethat's the boost button. You can stream incertain amounts as well. I'm just writing here to a showcalled America Plus, which I really enjoy by Cole McCormickis boosted in a couple of timesto this show itself. So it's kind of this you, you know, continuouscycle that goes on. And yeah, basicallywhat you just do is you send, you selectan amount that you want.
I really like 2222 so alsoknown as a row of ducks and because I kind of looklike cute little ducks and so I'm just writing a message to him heresaying, you know,I'm boosting along for the for thewalk through of this show. You're going to see thismultiple times happening. I really enjoywhat you're doing. Great episode. Cole Then I hit the boostbutton and then, you know, confetti flies everywhereand things like that. So that fountain,it's a pretty good podcasting appI really enjoyed and is definitely my my daily driver, the next one I'm going onto now is podverse.
And so Podverse is an app that's been aroundfor quite a while. It's on desktop and mobileand so you can kind of connectwith with both of them. I'd say it doesn't,it doesn't have as much social aspectsas fountain, if any, to be honest. But what it does have isthe connection with Alby. So with Fountain,for example, all ofit was kind of built in. They had their own builtin wallets with pods. First, it'srelatively easy to connectyour Alby account. All you needis the password and your your emailwith your username that you used one clickand then you're back in and you're like, Oh shit,I can actually support.
So you can see herethey've reallyfocussed for Mitch on I guess likethe accessibility aspects. So I was showingtranscripts and things like thatbefore. At the moment I'm goinginto the office hours 2.0, a show by Chris Fisher,which I really enjoy, and you can see it brings up the chaptersand images and it's got a whole lotof the podcasting 2.0 features as well. With that, I really justfind it intuitive. This app, it's the queuing,for example, I really enjoyedthe transcripts. I mentionedthe accessibility. It's open source, as I mentioned in one of the lastepisodes, talkingabout that as well.
And you can searchin the transcripts and Mitch himself,the developer of this or one of them actuallyhas just quit his full time jobfor at least the next three months and is working on itfull time. So really,really cool with that. And you can definitely expectto see more podcasting 2.0 features appearingand yeah, really, really awesome app that I usequite a lot for, for different features like I saidfor that queuing. So I find thatreally useful for when I'm learning Germanand things like that. Once again, I'm justwriting a message here. You want to just look outfor things that say boost or boost a gram andwrite a message to them.
Now how does this actually get directly to themwhile they will have the podcast? And if they're set upfor value for value, not all of themare at the moment. I think there's about 12 to 14000 somewherearound that range. Go back to the the stats again,you can see when you're sending in a boost gram,at least in pod verse, you can see where it's exactlygoing to and the amounts which I thinkis actually really cool. I do like that feature knowing, okay, this is wheremy money is actually going to whenI'm supporting them. The confetti fliesup shows on the screen.
So you know, it's gonethrough. Everything's really cool. You enjoy doing that and it gives you a warmfeeling inside. So that's another appthere. Let's jumponto the desktop version. So this is Curiocaster. It's been aroundfor a while and so this is a desktoponly app. Once again, connect withI'll be really quick once you've got this Albything set up, it's so simplejust to connect to various different apps and you can try outdifferent ones and like podverse,for example, you could do a listen to a show on the desktop,and then if you bring out the mobile, it would bethere as well.
Cura stuff. Like I said, it'sbeen around for a while and it's part of StevenB's App Emporium. I've talked about Stevenbefore. It's not really hismain focus at the moment. You could kind ofsee there he's got this Discover Discover page,which hasn't been updated foreverbecause my him, the Mere Mortals podcast is an old logoI was using from ages ago. But once again,the connection you can changeyour stream settings and he has beenfocusing on music a lot. I'm bringing up now the Boostagram Ball,which is Adam Curry's show aboutvalue for value music.
And then there'sthis other or someone I stumbled upon recently called into the doerfel verse, d o e r and then verse, and it's this bandof like this family, brothers, sisters,husbands, wives, cousins, who are all just theseamazing musicians. Episode seven ofthat was hilarious. It was such a good one of the most intriguing podcasts I've ever comeacross. To be honest. But yet. Curiocaster It's got a lot of the functionalities,chapters, transcripts, shows, evenjust like different apps. You can support in in the show notesthat Mitch scramble showingand he's very much focusing on musicat the moment.
So he's got his other projectsof like LN Beats and the music side projectand the split kit. So there'sthis great episode he did on Bowl After Bowl,an interview actually showing showcasing like how he's really into selfsovereignty and you know whatthis app means to him because it's on desktop,it's really easy to to write out these boosterdiagrams and things, you know, fiddling aroundwith your fingers and and whatnot. So I find it a lot quickerif I wanted to write a big messageto someone, as in, you know, more than 500 characters,that sort of thing or 400 characters, I would do thatand it's also super quick.
All of this stuff works really, really quickly onthe on on here at Costa. Let's jumponto another one. Podfansthe new app on the block, the new kid on the block. So I've actually had SamSethi, the founder of this on the models before. If you felt likechecking that out and this is a progressiveWeb app. So you'll noticewith a lot of these, they have a, you know, a desktopand a mobile version, probably abouthalf of them have that. And if they don't have italready, they're planning on itand their fountain is planning on creatinga desktop version. And the good thingwith the progressive web app is you can you only have to usekind of one code base.
And so when they make changes,they go out everywhere and they go out instantly. And so Sam is basically putevery single thing that he could findinto this. So it's got the value timesplits, it's got paddle, it's got transcripts, it's got value tag, it'sgot everything in here. It can also, you know,cook your dinner for you. So what what's what's really cool aboutthis is Sam cares a lot. It's likely to havesome growing pains. This literally came outI think a week and a bit ago, two weeks ago. And at least for the themobile version of this. But thankfully,it's really sweet.
Once again,you connect with Alby. And the cool thing with this isyou can earn stats in here so you can seeon the screen here I'm just basicallyearning things by doing actionson the on that. So, you know, playing a podcast,becoming a podfan, writing a boosta Gram Creatinga clip is a calls them I think actionsor prompts. I forget the actualterminology but basically you can earn10,000 sets just by usingthe app itself. You don't even need to come in with a walletif you don't want. You can just play around,do things and you'llyou'll find like, Oh shit, I'mactually getting a little bit of moneyhere.
Like, what's,what's all this for? What's this?This is kind of cool. So basically I think you still needsto work on some of the aspects of the intuitionbecause he's put so much into thisthat finding things can can be a little bitdifficult at times. Like you just want to hit the boostagrambut it's like, Oh no, I have to go into the episode itselfand then find it. I know he's fixing thisand I know he cares a lot. So this is a really,really cool thing that that he's up to here. You can see at the moment he did a interviewwith Mark Asquith pretty recently onI think it was called Podcast Accelerator.
And so I'm just coming into hereand I'm writing a boosta, Gram saying, you know,I really enjoyed the show. He can actually do it so that you can boostagram in at a certain pointif you want to. This hasn't been used much I know I personally whenpeople burst into my show I just don't have timeto go back and find at what pointthey exactly boosted in. Usuallyyou have a good memory and it's obviousfrom the message itself, but I knowsometimes it can be like, Oh wait, they're referringto something of a three or four hourepisode from weeks ago. Like, I've just forgotten.
I don't know what they're actuallyreferring to there. So having this abilityto actually check it out and know when they boostedwill help you as the podcastergo back and find. And speaking of that, he's actually creating a lot of thingsin here, much like Fountain did,where you as the podcast can actually access a lot of thesecapabilities that your hostmight not have. So, for example,the pod roll, you can go in to Podfans and you'll be ableto create a little pod roll for your show there. Once you've claimedyour show, there's all sorts of other little hiddengoodies in the back end.
It's it's kind of like a minihosting solution in a way. So it's it's usefulin that aspect of just jumping in andbe able to try things out. I boosted into the showthere and yeah a very cool app oneto definitely look out for and probably is goingto jump up on my list. Podcast Guru is the nextone that I've got here. So it's a mobile app predominantly,although I have seen they've got a cheeky web app inthe in the beta version. It's very solid. It's been aroundfor, for a fair while. A couple of theseother ones, such as Fountain Pod fans arereally, really curio Caster They're all recent.
Only a couple ofyears old. This one'sbeen around since 2018 and they're really just jumping now into thepodcasting 2.0 aspects. I think they were lookingfor a little bit and now I know Jason, I've been chattingwith one of their the developers of and I'm not exactlysure what he is, but he can do things, youknow, change your name. I would recommend tryingto do that instantly. Whenever you're wanting to support into a show,it is important to look. I know as myselfas a podcast, if someone boosts and I want to be ableto thank them properly. And so if it's just listdoes anonymous or user 2635 45blah blah blah I'd actuallyprefer having a a user name tobe actually thank someone.
So podcast guru. They've if you look intotheir little blog section, they've got somesome cool stuff there related to what they'reactually doing and why they're doing it,why they're starting to adopt2.0 tags. Really greatfor discoverability. I really like thissearch function. I find that one of the best thingsabout this app itself, you can see now I'm justjumping into podcasting to point out here similar to our podcastdoes, it brings up a big sectionshowing where your your supportis actually going to, whichI really, really enjoy because I know I myselfhave multiple splits on most of my shows.
And so I yeah, I like the peopleat home to know, oh yeah, you're actuallysupporting not just me, you're supportinglike six different people. If you boostinto this show once again doing my,my standard amount here, the numerology iskind of important. It makes it fun. So, you know, if you want to send ina birthday boost or a anniversary boost,send in the role force. If it's the fourthanniversary I know on the OfficeHours, the Jupiter Broadcasting shows people like to boost in their postcodethe zip number, which is kind of a funlittle thing. You can make a gameout of it.
Now, one of the coolthings about podcast Guru is the Lightning Rule. It's kind of cool. It's it's differentfrom the confetti. I like thatlittle touch to it. And it also justhighlights that with all of this boostingand stuff, sometimes it's going to be in a bitextra. It's not necessarilygoing to be the the amountthat you think it is because there's fees andall sorts of other stuff. Let's jump on to anotherone here. This is Podfriend. We're going back onto the desktopfor this moment, although I believe this is a progressive Webapp as well. So you can getit on your your mobile.
This has been aroundfor a long time now. Not a long so a short time,but long in podcasting 2.0 worldSo he was right there near the Nina start I suppose the cool thing with pod friend is Martinfocuses a lot on the design aspects, so it's really slick in terms of moving from placeto place, intuition, everything just kind oflooks really nice. And he's got a little sectionof, of a pop up showing, okay,this is what a boost is. This is what it means. And so you could see that Podfans also has a very helpful sectionof prompting of being like this is what this means and this is how you cancan kind of learn from it.
So very similar, you know,bursting into a show. You type out a numberthat's meaningful to you. I write a row of stickshere above Richard's, which is a funny one,and I'm just bursting into the pod. News weeklyat this moment. Previously I was pushing into podcasting 2.0, so definitely another showthat you should check out to know about all of these things,especially if you're more inclinedto the tech sort of stuff. And soyou get Pod News Weekly. How I actually foundpodcasting 2.0 was throughJames Cridland, one of the hostsof that show. So very helpfulone to get to you know you boost in and another cool aspect of itis that it's it's just got these features like if you bring up a certain show podcasting2.0, for example, you can see the different faces popping up of who's talkingwith the transcript, which is just anice little feature he unfortunatelyisn't working on.
It's super hardas much as some of the previous ones that I justmentioned. He's got a full timeday job. There's Martin Mouritzen. And so yeah, lots of stuffgoing on with him. So he's that app. Don't expect itto be constantly updating with all the coolnew things like much of the others. Let's jump onto anotherone breez here. So this is the secondto last. This is more of a pointof sale terminal with somepodcasting chucked in. It was kind of funny. So if you go into the app it's you have to click on the topleft corner, really make sure you're finding the podcastingsection.
Otherwise you'll be like,What the hell is this? It's very,very simple interface, which is actually nicein a way, uses the anytime player background. So if you've used any timeplayer before, you'llnotice it from that. Real simple. It only shows valueenabled shows. So if you're looking for other showsoutside of that, this is not the placeto come. It's only going to showthe 13,000 that have enabled this. And yeah, once again,very simple interface. You go in there,click on a show, you've got your boostbutton, you're streaming, and once again, it'skind of it's a basic one.
It's not designedas a podcasting app. It's a point. It's a it'sa lightning wallet with some podcastingattached to it. Now, the good thing aboutthat is you can top up withinthe app. It's got a lot more functionalitiesin terms of sendingyour bitcoin elsewhere. So if you wanted to use it, for example,to send some money to a guy at the local Bitcoinmeet up that I go to who has cookedsome steaks, you saw thatright at the start of this section where it wassaying, you know, sending some moneyto brisket for for his his steak. So yeah, just writinga small message here.
If you want to knowmore about bitcoin, I'm sending this boostagramto the generation Bitcoin show by Mcintosh. He's got a LightningNetwork update. Very, very helpful help handy and helpful for that. And for the last one here,we're on to Castamatic. So this is an iOSonly device. So I've used thismaybe once before because I have aAndroid phone. So I didn't manage toto grab a a friend'sand be able to use hers. So once again, this one you just connectwith Alby, type in your details. And so you can see medoing the full logging process hereusing one of my accounts, all of this stuff.
It's importantto recognise all of thisis kind of new. All of this is kind ofuntested. It's it'stested in the sense like we've been using itfor a couple of years, but there's alwaysthe chance that something could go wrongand you don't want to be using lots of moneyfor all of this stuff. So I wouldI would put it this way whatever amount of cash you keepin your physical wallet or something that you'd be comfortablekeeping on yourself, don't exceed thatfor any of these things. So for me personally, I wouldn't want more than a couple of hundredbucks on any of these because if I lostmore than that, that would really suckand I would feel bad.
So you can see, like at the momentI've only gotten, you know, like 10,000 sets, 20,000in this wallet, which I wastesting around with and becauseI use it everywhere. So there's a there's a chance I could dosomething wrong, that could be somethingsilly, etc., etc.. All of these apps,a pretty good idea, and they've been verytrustworthy at this, you know, after multipleyears of using it. But there's alwaysthe chance that money can go missing. So justjust keep that in mind. If you're boosting inor playing around with with any of these things.
So cosmetic, it's like I said,I haven't used it much, but I've heard that it isin terms of just an actual app itselffor the audio experience, it's probably one of the best onesand you'll see some of the aspects here when I get to it. It's got a lot more functionalitiesin terms of being able to various speedchange the volume levels, enhancethis, to enhance that. So in termsof the actual experience of listening to audio, this is probablyone of the best ones. Once again, this is justa recommendation I've heard from others. So I can't say,particularly at the moment,I'm just sending a booster from hereto Curry & the keeper.
This is another oneof Adam Curry's shows. So just, you know, helping to support himand spreading the word, I suppose a value for valueso people can try all of these differentapps and, you know, hopefully people will cometo the video of this and be able to see,Oh yeah, this is actually kind of aa cool thing. Once again,the confetti comes up and yeah, I, I can't give toomuch recommendations on this particular one,but it does have the very nice experienceall of the audio and then it also has,you know, some functionalitiesattached in here as well. So that is going to bethe end of the actual video sectionof highlighting the apps.
And yeah,there was eight there that I listed through and I'll talk morein the kind of tips sectionabout how you can actually think about these things, how to make sure you're on top of everythingthat's going on. So until that though, I'm going to get into my BoostaGram Lounge section and shout out some people who helpedto support the shows. Welcome to the Value forValue Boostagram Lounge. This is a Value for value podcast, the valuefor your podcast. And I just do reallyappreciate anyone who is sending in support of via all of these mechanismsthat I was just talking about here.
So because we areon the 11th, I'm going to have to jumpback to the fourth here. Once again. I can see lots of pod fans donations coming in. I really would enjoy recommend checking outthese live episodes because they are they do just providea different dynamic. You could, for example, have been watching the video along with meas I was doing this, which would have beenkind of fun. And so I saw some paymentshere from Adam Curry and Sam Sethi.That was for the streaming.Thank you very much. I see here Kolomonaand he says, Good show. I enjoyed your thoughtson the similarities between open sourceand V for V. Sir Libre Lightning Thrashers,Rock on Lightning.
So you sent 3333 thosesome lucky numbers there using fountain.Thank you very much. And he comes backimmediately afterwards and saysanother great show. Thank youfor sharing your numbers. It has helped inform my expectationsfor my V for V show. Lightning thrashes. So this is one of thosevalues of value music DJ sets. I suppose sohe plays music. I'm not sure if he talks in the mean timehe probably would about the music as well. Introducing what the next songthat is going to come up value switches. And then as you'relistening to that and supporting that moneythen goes to the artist.
So once again,this is all about helping to support your favouriteartist, your creator, and to be able to send them a messageat the same time. So me for example, withall of these messages, they really, they kind of needto know what they're doing and if they don't acknowledgeon the shows themselves, it might be worthreaching out via any of the socialmedia sites and saying like, Hey,are you receiving my messages? Because I've done thatbefore. And it kind of sucks to to not to thinkthat you're sending them support,you're sending them money, but it's just going outinto the wild and then not actuallyrealising it.
So this is just abouteducation. People knowing that you can actually senda message within the app. And me, for example,it goes on to my discord, it goes onto my telegramand I check the wallets where like I'll be,where it says the message in it as well. So very helpfulin terms of that. Just worth recognisingthat sometimes peoplewon't necessarily know that it's goingdirectly to them. I see. Still, I was listeningin, I see Taylor Williams was listening in.Thank you very much. I saw a chat beforesending some some bignumbers coming through the app. His streamingpayments were huge.
They were like 600and something. So thank you very much. Chat that were pretty much boostright in there themselves. Silvio Dos Santos,Sam Sethi, all of thesecoming through POD fans. So very, very much appreciated to be ableto see the streaming. I don't normally see streamingfrom the other apps, but with the wayPod fans is set up, it's comingthrough into my actual section hereof being able to see that. So that'swhy I'm calling them out. So if you are streamingand I haven't called you out, apologiesfor that. It's just not as visibleas it is through the through Pod fans.
And then I've gottwo last ones here. They came in today,very early morning for me. One just says Satoshisdots stream 50 cent using breez. Okaythank you. It's it'srare to see a breez one come in so I really doappreciate it and this is from premitiveone and he says Satoshis dot stream. This is Prem from Miami. I host bitcoinbrunch Sundays and co-host the Saturday NightLight podcast. Keep up the good work. Thank you very much,my friend. One, two, three, four. Sent using brazeand I do appreciate that you change your namebecause a lot of those that come throughfrom breeze a mint lion and I've been guiltyof this myself.
You have to go into thekind of top left corner and change your name,which is I never even I don't think you couldchange it before, but now you can, which isvery, very useful. So yeah. Thank you everyone who helpedsupport the show to stream in really warmsmy heart. Gladdens me that all of this stuffis getting used and that people are beingable to support their favourite artists, the content creatorsand things like that. And it. Yeah,it just is just so cool. It's such, it makes so much intuitivesense to be ableto send a message and supportsomeone directly within the podcastingapp versus, you know, imagineif you're on Instagram and you're watching and you'relooking at someone who puts really greatphotography up there and imagineyou're what you're seeing all these photos,you're appreciating it, you want to reach outto them or support them.
And so you have togo onto Twitter or you have to send theman email. It makes zero sense. And it's just so it'san extra barrier, whereas all of this stuffis just lightningquick, lightning quick and makes so much senseto do it within the actual app itself. So I'm so glad all of these appsare coming along and there's so manydifferent options as well. So there's no realexcuse to say, Oh, I don't like this appbecause blah, blah, blah, Well, you know, try outone of the other eight different one, sevendifferent ones that are that havethese functionalities. So which gets me on to my, my little tipsection here.
So what's, what'sreally powerful about all of thisis they all play well and followa similar style. So if you look forif you've got a podcast in 2.0 up in new to this,you want to help support a podcast because they mentionedlike, Hey, you can do this viaa podcasting 2.0 up you like, okay,well I go in and I get it. The experience of using a new app is like,I don't know what this is, I don't knowhow to do this. All I would say is, one,you know, check out this. I've donea full walkthrough so you can get a visual representationof what you need to do, troubleshootevery problem.
But I hopethis has helped. But you can also just look for thingslike lightning bolts, like the wordsboost and value for value. They typicallywill show up and they're typically withinthe actual episode itself. So once you're playing, that's when you see on the screen, Oh, I can do this. And if you have an app which doesn't do that,you know, it's it might be worthreaching out to, to someoneto to that app developer. So say you're on overcast you might as wellor podcast addict might be worth reaching out to themand to say like hey I,I want to do this, but you don'thave it in your app.
Are you going to supportthat or things like this? And you could even just tryout one of these ones now. And by their ownadmission, these, these guys aren'tcompeting with each other. So Oscar, Merry, Sam, theyou know, what's his namefrom costume Castamatic Franco CelerioMitch from Pod versus they would all saythey're not competing with each otherfor these functionalities. All of these functionalities are waysof drawing people in from the bigger apps. And so it's likebecause a lot of them won, for example,don't play nice Spotify, they they trying to create their ownlittle walled garden.
I've talked about thisbefore whereall of these features that we have, it'sbecause everyone's playing nice and agreeingto play by the rules. But Spotify is like, No, I'm going tocreate my own chapters and I don'treally give a shit if it doesn't workelsewhere. I'm doing this justbecause it works for me. I'm going to create video,I'm going to do this. I'm not goingto send out RSS feeds. It's they'renot playing nice. And so the if you want to usesome of these features, you'llhave to reach out to them. But I personally don'tsee them ever adoptingthese sort of things because they don'tthey don't want to.
There's other reasons. So for example, Apple justdoesn't really innovate. They've been ableto create chapters and transcripts and things like this foreverif they wanted to. It's not hard technically, but they just don'twant to innovate. They don't want to createthese new things. Whereas the podcastingnamespace and what allows all of these differentapps to come in and create thingsin an environment which is fosteringthat kind of open source, that ethos of everyone'shere to, to create something new,to innovate, to do something funand exciting and a way to play by the ruleswhich aren't set in stone.
You have to do this rules. You can helpcreate the rules yourself. So all of these appdevelopers, they've all madesuggestions, help improving thisand to make things work. And it's it's really coolenvironment to come into. I really like it all these other appsfor example Google they just straight don't care they just gotrid of the Google podcast. I think it was the thirdor fourth biggest app in terms of downloadsand the like. Now I'm just goingto scrap it and go over the YouTubemusic doesn't really make sense. It's probably notavailable in your country, but you'll be fine.
And it's like, All right,well why? Why should I care? Why should I go over to YouTube musicif you're not creating new things and doing stuff,which is awesome, such as this, you know,being able to boost and podcastsand support creators and make the world a betterplace, dare I say. So a lotof what you'd like as well tends to be drivenby small things. So I've I'm very muchusing these apps because I love the ability to to boost in youyourself. That might be the fifth priority for you,but you really enjoy the audio experience. Okay, well, maybe trygoing on to cosmetic.
Give that a try. You might really likeaccessibility features. Okay. Well pop versehas that for or you like the ability to be ableto play on your desktop and then play on your phoneand it automatically knows exactly where you arein that in the set. In that same pointin the episode in Podverse, does that great Podfans, I imagine, willdo something like that. You might like the abilityto have something that goes really quickand is lightning fast and just works basicallyevery time, you know, go over to Curiocaster You might wantthe social aspects. This is where it's worthgoing over to.
FOUNTAINand being able to interact with peoplewithin the actual app. You can create a littlesocial environment there. You might want somethingthat is more better for discoverability. This is where I would saypodcast guru kicks in. You might want something that is moreof a functionality to be able to use the wallets to be ableto send this Bitcoin and stuffyou've got elsewhere. Use something like Breez. You might just wantsomething that looks nice and has likea couple of cool features. Try out podfriend,you know, there's so many different reasons to try them outand you'll find out eventually like, okay,I really like this one just for thisone little feature it has.
And the cool thing is that there is so manydifferent ones here. So that's a lot ofinformation for you there. I'm going to go to my app and servicehighlight here. Look, the list of all of these can be foundat podcast app Ask.com, or if you go to podcastindex dot org slash ops, you'll also that's whereit eventually links to this. What I've shown here is probably onlygoing to be relevant for I don't know,six months, 12 months if that because there's so much new thingscoming out, there's so many excitingthings happening and new apps are poppingup all the time.
Two weeks ago, Pod fans was not availableon the mobile. A year and a half ago, a couple of theseapps weren't. I wouldn't have talked about podcast guru,for example. So in the recentlyadded stuff, all of these thingsare a changing, adaptable. And so if you go tothis location podcast apps .com, it's got a good listshowing there and showing all the featuresthat they have. What you'll noticeis that the ordering there is based on how much they've adopted ofthe new namespace is do they have portal, dothey have value timeslots, do they have transcripts,do they have chapters?
All ofthese sorts of things play a role in that. And so what you'll noticein that big list and you'll see onyour screen at the moment is that the the ones which have most ofthese features are the ones that I talkedabout just now, because these appdevelopers, CEB, said they want to make ita better experience. And so you'll see on the bottomof that list, there's a whole bunch of appsthat are there, but they might have onlyadopted one or two or three of the tags, and certainly not the mostimportant one to me, which is the the boostto grabbing to be being able to sendvalue back and forth.
So that'sthings like you know, Sphinx pod Stationand even pod on the podcastindex website where you can sendin boostagrams as well. I didn't talk about thosejust because they're not reallyin development. They aren't that interesting of an app perse to go to for example. So you know the podcastindex website, that's that'smore of a directory. It's not really an apppod station. Yeah,you can listen to it, but it's a browserextension, which I haven't heard muchabout him, the developer creating and making thingsmore exciting and doing stuff with that.
So I didn't really talkabout that. And Sphinx was oneof the first places you could actually sendand boost to Grams, but they've gonea very different route and they're not particularlya podcasting app. So I didn't talkabout those ones. But in the futureI probably will talk about more thatthat will come through. So if you just want to keep aheadof the latest things, the podcasting 2.0 show and and even produceweekly probablythe best places to to learn more about what's going onin the app world and you'll probablyhear podcasters when they startfinding out about this stuffsaying like, hey, try outsome of these apps.
And so here's a good list of them. Is his eight, which I think arepretty rock solid. Let'swrap up this episode. So it's the valuefor value section. I was for this show, whileat least for the season I've been giving 15% of mymy splits here to someone who I thinkis worthy of development, of doing cool, really,really cool things. You'll notice if you goonto the miyamoto's show, I have I think a six, five or six app developerswithin my splits there, and I've been doing thatfor it for a fair while. But one person I haveneglected was Jasonfrom Podcast Guru.
So 15% of this episodeis going to go to him because I have supportedmost of the other app developers,or at least the ones at the top of the listthat I use a lot, and I'm startingto use podcast guru more, so I really appreciate him and just want to sendsome support his way. I might be doing an extravideo, really focusing on the step by stepand guideline on how to boost through podcast guru because we're talkingchatting back and forth and it soundedlike something that might be useful to himand useful to me at the same time. So that could beanother little video like this popping upon, on.
I'll probably post iton the main models channel or if podcaster has aYouTube maybe on there. But yeah,just want to support. I'm very big on supporting app developers and so if you supportthis show, you support the models, you are supporting these app developersat the same time to creatinga better product, to making an applicationto rule all the other and not tryingto rule them, but certainly to, to create something thatI believe is better than things like and Apple who dare I say theydon't care about creators putting out thereI'm set up so how can you supportthis show?
Well, there's threedifferent ways you can do this throughtime, talent and treasure. Look to share this episodewith someone. I've done this in audio and video form,so I would recommend for this onein particular. The video aspectis pretty important. So sending thisto someone, being being linkingto this episode, in fact, if you a podcasterand you're recommending to your to your friends,to your supporters, to whoever it is, hey, I'd love you to helpsupport the show. This is howyou can visually do it. You need to get a new app, his eight different ones, which you can test out,have a look at, go through this,walk through.
If any of them seeminteresting intriguing to you, youknow, grab one of them. So linking to the videothat I've created for this would be very,very helpful. I would very muchappreciate that. Joining me live as well.As always, kind of fun. I do enjoythe interactions. Hasn't been too much today and it was a bitof a weird one. I saw one here asking way from the beginningof that video, so I should have been a bit more clearat the start too, to say like press the videonow that I am because I set up thislittle one beforehand. So the video you'll seeit's the Schmidt live no looks beautiful one.
You can join me. You can help support mewith some talent. So I think I've set upthis room pretty good. But if you're still here hearing some audio, some feedback, if you think there is anapp that I should be have talked about more, if there's something that you think I missed,please reach out to me and I'll I'll dolike a little make good or I'll talk about thaton the next episode. Resources that are similarto the ethos of of what these appsare doing and hell, even some like bookrecommendations or other appsthat you think are really interestingor enjoyable, anything that you thinkwould be useful to me in creating the Valuefor Value podcast and creating a betterpodcast and talking about ways that digital content creatorscan can be supported.
I'm very intrigued to know all of anyand all of those things. And then the last one,you know what to do. I just given you a whole frickinbunch of things that you can do to helpsupport this. So try out one of theseapps is all they ask. You don't haveto boost to me. So the mere mortals,the minimalist book reviewsor to the value for value just boost to a creatorand help spread the love, spread the joy, all of the splitsand stuff. I don't think I need totalk more about that, so we'll leave it therefor today. Thank you very much. Only three more episodescoming out for this season whereI will be talking about a bit of a clipsand compilations section, so showing how casingyou can do value for value as a as a podcasterand the kind of techniques very similar to what I did in season two,which was showcasing how other podcasterswere doing that.
I think I'll do another read through of that, but in the wholebig bunch section I'm going to be talkingabout video and how video you can helpsupport video creatorsthrough value for value. And then I'll do a littlesum up and farewell. Not to worry,because I'm pretty sure I'll be startingseason four only afterlike a couple of weeks or a month breakor something, because I'm really enjoying thisat the moment, having a lot of fun it so. Yep. Sothat's it for the moment. We'll be backsame time next week doing the same thing,going over value for value and finding out how youcan help support creators.
So we'll leave it therefor today. Chao for now, Kyrin out.
I want to supportmy favourite podcaster, but how? Welcome everyoneto another episode of the Value for Valueshow. I'm your host, Kyrin,the host of the Mere Mortals and Mere Mortals BookReviews podcast as well. But this is the podcast for those digital contentcreators who want to connect deeperwith their audience and find waysfor their audience to connect more deeplywith them. Indeed, we're going to befocusing on how your audience can helpconnect with you today. This is going to beparticularly for podcastersand podcasting, but we're going to seesome interesting stuff coming out with the valuesof value music and I believeand even some video stuff in the future.
Stay tuned for a couple ofepisodes. Time for that. I'm going to be doinga bit of a different one todaybecause it's a live audio, but with a pre-recordedvideo because I'm going to bedoing a run through of all the coolpodcasting apps that allow for boostto grams and allow for people to send in support to youwith messages that you can receiveon your phone on your desktopwithin the actual app itself, there's all sortsof really cool ways that we're going to dothat. Today is the 11thof October 2023 and I'm coming herefrom lovely sunny Brisbane as well.
I've got all my audiopanel set up here. I've got my lightingset up, so this is probably one of the best produced onesI've ever done actually. So it's it's kind of cool. So I am going to be talking to this pre-recorded video, so it's going to be ahopefully a best of both worlds ormaybe the worst of both. What we'll find out,but we'll see how we go. So if you are tuning in live now, I'm goingto stop playing the video and you can followalong with me here. Now. So basically,what are the things that we want to be doing for someone to support youis to actually get some money, get how they actually goingto be able to do that.
And so we're going to be acquiring some Bitcoinon the Lightning Network. Now, there's a couple of different waysthat you can do this. It can also be acquiredthrough things like Strike and Cash OP wherever you arein the world. But I'm goingto be showing you the ALBY browser extension. So this is going to be the probably easiest wayfor anyone in the world to be able to get to, because all you need to gois to a website. So as you're seeingright now, if you go to get allbecome, there's ways to log in. I'm going to skipthe login process and we'renow just looking at what you actually see.
So you've got a wayof being able to receive lightningfrom different addresses, Bitcoinfrom a different address. So if you've got the cashup of strike or something like that or elsewhere in the worldwherever, and then you can actuallytop up within the actual get Albisection of the website. So this is whereit'll be connected to like Muun Payand basically all you need to dois have a, a debit card or a credit cardor something like that, and you can do itwithin there. They're going to suggestbig amounts. I would suggest just do itwith something small. So if you've gota favourite podcast or you want to support, just put in like 50 bucks,100 bucks or something like that is worthwhile to you and that you can feelyou can afford.
Now there's allsorts of things that are really beneficialfor podcasters as well. So if you are listening inor tuning in and you're a podcaster, a get Albi address is kind of a necessity at this stage because it can link toso many different places. And if you're a supporterand you want to and you're like,Oh, I don't want to deal with all of these things,it's pretty cool. So you can do thisalmost one and done and then get Alby is really going to be ableto let you access across various different apps. So there are other wayssome apps have a built in mechanismfor you to earn it.
So this would be things like podfans or Fountain, which have thesegaming mechanisms and then others have ways for you to top up withinthe actual app itself. So get allthese is pretty cool. You can only do this onthe desktop at the moment, but it does havesome functionalities that will allow youto connect with things through through the mobile using these differentpodcasting apps. And there's all sorts ofother things that'll show. So you get transactionsand things like that. Let's jump onto the firstapp, which is Fountain. So Fountain is a podcasting appthat's pretty recent and I suppose one of the best features about itis that it really focuses on the boostingon the social aspect.
So if you're goingthrough it, you see there'sall sorts of notifications of when people have liked or sent yousmall portions, you know, ten sets, 100 sets hereof all of Bitcoin. And they really dofocus on showcasing, okay, this is what other peopleare supporting their shows, other showsthey're supporting. And you can seebig amounts with the BolaBoost section. They've got hot shows and I think the discoverability onthere is really cool for this aspect of seeing what other peoplereally like and they're staying aheadof the trends as well. They've just implementedthe hot 100 tracks which are Values for Valuemusic as well.
And you can seeas you go through it, it does havethis social aspect. I've got my own profile. There's a whole bunchof followers on thatand people following me. And you know, you can seewhen I've created clips and commentsand things like this. So it's it's very mucha podcast. It's a really solidpodcasting app. And I've chatted withthe one of the founders, Oscar Merry, three times,I think on the Mere Mortals podcast. So you can really get aan aspect or a find outof of what he is like and you cansee as well on the app. So the app is really good.
I actually it'smy daily driver and I've orderedall of these based on how much I use thempersonally. So when I'm kind of givingthese recommendations, their recommendations based on whatI actually use. So when you gointo the app and you're playinga podcasting episode, you'll seethat's the boost button. You can stream incertain amounts as well. I'm just writing here to a showcalled America Plus, which I really enjoy by Cole McCormickis boosted in a couple of timesto this show itself. So it's kind of this you, you know, continuouscycle that goes on. And yeah, basicallywhat you just do is you send, you selectan amount that you want.
I really like 2222 so alsoknown as a row of ducks and because I kind of looklike cute little ducks and so I'm just writing a message to him heresaying, you know,I'm boosting along for the for thewalk through of this show. You're going to see thismultiple times happening. I really enjoywhat you're doing. Great episode. Cole Then I hit the boostbutton and then, you know, confetti flies everywhereand things like that. So that fountain,it's a pretty good podcasting appI really enjoyed and is definitely my my daily driver, the next one I'm going onto now is podverse.
And so Podverse is an app that's been aroundfor quite a while. It's on desktop and mobileand so you can kind of connectwith with both of them. I'd say it doesn't,it doesn't have as much social aspectsas fountain, if any, to be honest. But what it does have isthe connection with Alby. So with Fountain,for example, all ofit was kind of built in. They had their own builtin wallets with pods. First, it'srelatively easy to connectyour Alby account. All you needis the password and your your emailwith your username that you used one clickand then you're back in and you're like, Oh shit,I can actually support.
So you can see herethey've reallyfocussed for Mitch on I guess likethe accessibility aspects. So I was showingtranscripts and things like thatbefore. At the moment I'm goinginto the office hours 2.0, a show by Chris Fisher,which I really enjoy, and you can see it brings up the chaptersand images and it's got a whole lotof the podcasting 2.0 features as well. With that, I really justfind it intuitive. This app, it's the queuing,for example, I really enjoyedthe transcripts. I mentionedthe accessibility. It's open source, as I mentioned in one of the lastepisodes, talkingabout that as well.
And you can searchin the transcripts and Mitch himself,the developer of this or one of them actuallyhas just quit his full time jobfor at least the next three months and is working on itfull time. So really,really cool with that. And you can definitely expectto see more podcasting 2.0 features appearingand yeah, really, really awesome app that I usequite a lot for, for different features like I saidfor that queuing. So I find thatreally useful for when I'm learning Germanand things like that. Once again, I'm justwriting a message here. You want to just look outfor things that say boost or boost a gram andwrite a message to them.
Now how does this actually get directly to themwhile they will have the podcast? And if they're set upfor value for value, not all of themare at the moment. I think there's about 12 to 14000 somewherearound that range. Go back to the the stats again,you can see when you're sending in a boost gram,at least in pod verse, you can see where it's exactlygoing to and the amounts which I thinkis actually really cool. I do like that feature knowing, okay, this is wheremy money is actually going to whenI'm supporting them. The confetti fliesup shows on the screen.
So you know, it's gonethrough. Everything's really cool. You enjoy doing that and it gives you a warmfeeling inside. So that's another appthere. Let's jumponto the desktop version. So this is Curiocaster. It's been aroundfor a while and so this is a desktoponly app. Once again, connect withI'll be really quick once you've got this Albything set up, it's so simplejust to connect to various different apps and you can try outdifferent ones and like podverse,for example, you could do a listen to a show on the desktop,and then if you bring out the mobile, it would bethere as well.
Cura stuff. Like I said, it'sbeen around for a while and it's part of StevenB's App Emporium. I've talked about Stevenbefore. It's not really hismain focus at the moment. You could kind ofsee there he's got this Discover Discover page,which hasn't been updated foreverbecause my him, the Mere Mortals podcast is an old logoI was using from ages ago. But once again,the connection you can changeyour stream settings and he has beenfocusing on music a lot. I'm bringing up now the Boostagram Ball,which is Adam Curry's show aboutvalue for value music.
And then there'sthis other or someone I stumbled upon recently called into the doerfel verse, d o e r and then verse, and it's this bandof like this family, brothers, sisters,husbands, wives, cousins, who are all just theseamazing musicians. Episode seven ofthat was hilarious. It was such a good one of the most intriguing podcasts I've ever comeacross. To be honest. But yet. Curiocaster It's got a lot of the functionalities,chapters, transcripts, shows, evenjust like different apps. You can support in in the show notesthat Mitch scramble showingand he's very much focusing on musicat the moment.
So he's got his other projectsof like LN Beats and the music side projectand the split kit. So there'sthis great episode he did on Bowl After Bowl,an interview actually showing showcasing like how he's really into selfsovereignty and you know whatthis app means to him because it's on desktop,it's really easy to to write out these boosterdiagrams and things, you know, fiddling aroundwith your fingers and and whatnot. So I find it a lot quickerif I wanted to write a big messageto someone, as in, you know, more than 500 characters,that sort of thing or 400 characters, I would do thatand it's also super quick.
All of this stuff works really, really quickly onthe on on here at Costa. Let's jumponto another one. Podfansthe new app on the block, the new kid on the block. So I've actually had SamSethi, the founder of this on the models before. If you felt likechecking that out and this is a progressiveWeb app. So you'll noticewith a lot of these, they have a, you know, a desktopand a mobile version, probably abouthalf of them have that. And if they don't have italready, they're planning on itand their fountain is planning on creatinga desktop version. And the good thingwith the progressive web app is you can you only have to usekind of one code base.
And so when they make changes,they go out everywhere and they go out instantly. And so Sam is basically putevery single thing that he could findinto this. So it's got the value timesplits, it's got paddle, it's got transcripts, it's got value tag, it'sgot everything in here. It can also, you know,cook your dinner for you. So what what's what's really cool aboutthis is Sam cares a lot. It's likely to havesome growing pains. This literally came outI think a week and a bit ago, two weeks ago. And at least for the themobile version of this. But thankfully,it's really sweet.
Once again,you connect with Alby. And the cool thing with this isyou can earn stats in here so you can seeon the screen here I'm just basicallyearning things by doing actionson the on that. So, you know, playing a podcast,becoming a podfan, writing a boosta Gram Creatinga clip is a calls them I think actionsor prompts. I forget the actualterminology but basically you can earn10,000 sets just by usingthe app itself. You don't even need to come in with a walletif you don't want. You can just play around,do things and you'llyou'll find like, Oh shit, I'mactually getting a little bit of moneyhere.
Like, what's,what's all this for? What's this?This is kind of cool. So basically I think you still needsto work on some of the aspects of the intuitionbecause he's put so much into thisthat finding things can can be a little bitdifficult at times. Like you just want to hit the boostagrambut it's like, Oh no, I have to go into the episode itselfand then find it. I know he's fixing thisand I know he cares a lot. So this is a really,really cool thing that that he's up to here. You can see at the moment he did a interviewwith Mark Asquith pretty recently onI think it was called Podcast Accelerator.
And so I'm just coming into hereand I'm writing a boosta, Gram saying, you know,I really enjoyed the show. He can actually do it so that you can boostagram in at a certain pointif you want to. This hasn't been used much I know I personally whenpeople burst into my show I just don't have timeto go back and find at what pointthey exactly boosted in. Usuallyyou have a good memory and it's obviousfrom the message itself, but I knowsometimes it can be like, Oh wait, they're referringto something of a three or four hourepisode from weeks ago. Like, I've just forgotten.
I don't know what they're actuallyreferring to there. So having this abilityto actually check it out and know when they boostedwill help you as the podcastergo back and find. And speaking of that, he's actually creating a lot of thingsin here, much like Fountain did,where you as the podcast can actually access a lot of thesecapabilities that your hostmight not have. So, for example,the pod roll, you can go in to Podfans and you'll be ableto create a little pod roll for your show there. Once you've claimedyour show, there's all sorts of other little hiddengoodies in the back end.
It's it's kind of like a minihosting solution in a way. So it's it's usefulin that aspect of just jumping in andbe able to try things out. I boosted into the showthere and yeah a very cool app oneto definitely look out for and probably is goingto jump up on my list. Podcast Guru is the nextone that I've got here. So it's a mobile app predominantly,although I have seen they've got a cheeky web app inthe in the beta version. It's very solid. It's been aroundfor, for a fair while. A couple of theseother ones, such as Fountain Pod fans arereally, really curio Caster They're all recent.
Only a couple ofyears old. This one'sbeen around since 2018 and they're really just jumping now into thepodcasting 2.0 aspects. I think they were lookingfor a little bit and now I know Jason, I've been chattingwith one of their the developers of and I'm not exactlysure what he is, but he can do things, youknow, change your name. I would recommend tryingto do that instantly. Whenever you're wanting to support into a show,it is important to look. I know as myselfas a podcast, if someone boosts and I want to be ableto thank them properly. And so if it's just listdoes anonymous or user 2635 45blah blah blah I'd actuallyprefer having a a user name tobe actually thank someone.
So podcast guru. They've if you look intotheir little blog section, they've got somesome cool stuff there related to what they'reactually doing and why they're doing it,why they're starting to adopt2.0 tags. Really greatfor discoverability. I really like thissearch function. I find that one of the best thingsabout this app itself, you can see now I'm justjumping into podcasting to point out here similar to our podcastdoes, it brings up a big sectionshowing where your your supportis actually going to, whichI really, really enjoy because I know I myselfhave multiple splits on most of my shows.
And so I yeah, I like the peopleat home to know, oh yeah, you're actuallysupporting not just me, you're supportinglike six different people. If you boostinto this show once again doing my,my standard amount here, the numerology iskind of important. It makes it fun. So, you know, if you want to send ina birthday boost or a anniversary boost,send in the role force. If it's the fourthanniversary I know on the OfficeHours, the Jupiter Broadcasting shows people like to boost in their postcodethe zip number, which is kind of a funlittle thing. You can make a gameout of it.
Now, one of the coolthings about podcast Guru is the Lightning Rule. It's kind of cool. It's it's differentfrom the confetti. I like thatlittle touch to it. And it also justhighlights that with all of this boostingand stuff, sometimes it's going to be in a bitextra. It's not necessarilygoing to be the the amountthat you think it is because there's fees andall sorts of other stuff. Let's jump on to anotherone here. This is Podfriend. We're going back onto the desktopfor this moment, although I believe this is a progressive Webapp as well. So you can getit on your your mobile.
This has been aroundfor a long time now. Not a long so a short time,but long in podcasting 2.0 worldSo he was right there near the Nina start I suppose the cool thing with pod friend is Martinfocuses a lot on the design aspects, so it's really slick in terms of moving from placeto place, intuition, everything just kind oflooks really nice. And he's got a little sectionof, of a pop up showing, okay,this is what a boost is. This is what it means. And so you could see that Podfans also has a very helpful sectionof prompting of being like this is what this means and this is how you cancan kind of learn from it.
So very similar, you know,bursting into a show. You type out a numberthat's meaningful to you. I write a row of stickshere above Richard's, which is a funny one,and I'm just bursting into the pod. News weeklyat this moment. Previously I was pushing into podcasting 2.0, so definitely another showthat you should check out to know about all of these things,especially if you're more inclinedto the tech sort of stuff. And soyou get Pod News Weekly. How I actually foundpodcasting 2.0 was throughJames Cridland, one of the hostsof that show. So very helpfulone to get to you know you boost in and another cool aspect of itis that it's it's just got these features like if you bring up a certain show podcasting2.0, for example, you can see the different faces popping up of who's talkingwith the transcript, which is just anice little feature he unfortunatelyisn't working on.
It's super hardas much as some of the previous ones that I justmentioned. He's got a full timeday job. There's Martin Mouritzen. And so yeah, lots of stuffgoing on with him. So he's that app. Don't expect itto be constantly updating with all the coolnew things like much of the others. Let's jump onto anotherone breez here. So this is the secondto last. This is more of a pointof sale terminal with somepodcasting chucked in. It was kind of funny. So if you go into the app it's you have to click on the topleft corner, really make sure you're finding the podcastingsection.
Otherwise you'll be like,What the hell is this? It's very,very simple interface, which is actually nicein a way, uses the anytime player background. So if you've used any timeplayer before, you'llnotice it from that. Real simple. It only shows valueenabled shows. So if you're looking for other showsoutside of that, this is not the placeto come. It's only going to showthe 13,000 that have enabled this. And yeah, once again,very simple interface. You go in there,click on a show, you've got your boostbutton, you're streaming, and once again, it'skind of it's a basic one.
It's not designedas a podcasting app. It's a point. It's a it'sa lightning wallet with some podcastingattached to it. Now, the good thing aboutthat is you can top up withinthe app. It's got a lot more functionalitiesin terms of sendingyour bitcoin elsewhere. So if you wanted to use it, for example,to send some money to a guy at the local Bitcoinmeet up that I go to who has cookedsome steaks, you saw thatright at the start of this section where it wassaying, you know, sending some moneyto brisket for for his his steak. So yeah, just writinga small message here.
If you want to knowmore about bitcoin, I'm sending this boostagramto the generation Bitcoin show by Mcintosh. He's got a LightningNetwork update. Very, very helpful help handy and helpful for that. And for the last one here,we're on to Castamatic. So this is an iOSonly device. So I've used thismaybe once before because I have aAndroid phone. So I didn't manage toto grab a a friend'sand be able to use hers. So once again, this one you just connectwith Alby, type in your details. And so you can see medoing the full logging process hereusing one of my accounts, all of this stuff.
It's importantto recognise all of thisis kind of new. All of this is kind ofuntested. It's it'stested in the sense like we've been using itfor a couple of years, but there's alwaysthe chance that something could go wrongand you don't want to be using lots of moneyfor all of this stuff. So I wouldI would put it this way whatever amount of cash you keepin your physical wallet or something that you'd be comfortablekeeping on yourself, don't exceed thatfor any of these things. So for me personally, I wouldn't want more than a couple of hundredbucks on any of these because if I lostmore than that, that would really suckand I would feel bad.
So you can see, like at the momentI've only gotten, you know, like 10,000 sets, 20,000in this wallet, which I wastesting around with and becauseI use it everywhere. So there's a there's a chance I could dosomething wrong, that could be somethingsilly, etc., etc.. All of these apps,a pretty good idea, and they've been verytrustworthy at this, you know, after multipleyears of using it. But there's alwaysthe chance that money can go missing. So justjust keep that in mind. If you're boosting inor playing around with with any of these things.
So cosmetic, it's like I said,I haven't used it much, but I've heard that it isin terms of just an actual app itselffor the audio experience, it's probably one of the best onesand you'll see some of the aspects here when I get to it. It's got a lot more functionalitiesin terms of being able to various speedchange the volume levels, enhancethis, to enhance that. So in termsof the actual experience of listening to audio, this is probablyone of the best ones. Once again, this is justa recommendation I've heard from others. So I can't say,particularly at the moment,I'm just sending a booster from hereto Curry & the keeper.
This is another oneof Adam Curry's shows. So just, you know, helping to support himand spreading the word, I suppose a value for valueso people can try all of these differentapps and, you know, hopefully people will cometo the video of this and be able to see,Oh yeah, this is actually kind of aa cool thing. Once again,the confetti comes up and yeah, I, I can't give toomuch recommendations on this particular one,but it does have the very nice experienceall of the audio and then it also has,you know, some functionalitiesattached in here as well. So that is going to bethe end of the actual video sectionof highlighting the apps.
And yeah,there was eight there that I listed through and I'll talk morein the kind of tips sectionabout how you can actually think about these things, how to make sure you're on top of everythingthat's going on. So until that though, I'm going to get into my BoostaGram Lounge section and shout out some people who helpedto support the shows. Welcome to the Value forValue Boostagram Lounge. This is a Value for value podcast, the valuefor your podcast. And I just do reallyappreciate anyone who is sending in support of via all of these mechanismsthat I was just talking about here.
So because we areon the 11th, I'm going to have to jumpback to the fourth here. Once again. I can see lots of pod fans donations coming in. I really would enjoy recommend checking outthese live episodes because they are they do just providea different dynamic. You could, for example, have been watching the video along with meas I was doing this, which would have beenkind of fun. And so I saw some paymentshere from Adam Curry and Sam Sethi.That was for the streaming.Thank you very much. I see here Kolomonaand he says, Good show. I enjoyed your thoughtson the similarities between open sourceand V for V. Sir Libre Lightning Thrashers,Rock on Lightning.
So you sent 3333 thosesome lucky numbers there using fountain.Thank you very much. And he comes backimmediately afterwards and saysanother great show. Thank youfor sharing your numbers. It has helped inform my expectationsfor my V for V show. Lightning thrashes. So this is one of thosevalues of value music DJ sets. I suppose sohe plays music. I'm not sure if he talks in the mean timehe probably would about the music as well. Introducing what the next songthat is going to come up value switches. And then as you'relistening to that and supporting that moneythen goes to the artist.
So once again,this is all about helping to support your favouriteartist, your creator, and to be able to send them a messageat the same time. So me for example, withall of these messages, they really, they kind of needto know what they're doing and if they don't acknowledgeon the shows themselves, it might be worthreaching out via any of the socialmedia sites and saying like, Hey,are you receiving my messages? Because I've done thatbefore. And it kind of sucks to to not to thinkthat you're sending them support,you're sending them money, but it's just going outinto the wild and then not actuallyrealising it.
So this is just abouteducation. People knowing that you can actually senda message within the app. And me, for example,it goes on to my discord, it goes onto my telegramand I check the wallets where like I'll be,where it says the message in it as well. So very helpfulin terms of that. Just worth recognisingthat sometimes peoplewon't necessarily know that it's goingdirectly to them. I see. Still, I was listeningin, I see Taylor Williams was listening in.Thank you very much. I saw a chat beforesending some some bignumbers coming through the app. His streamingpayments were huge.
They were like 600and something. So thank you very much. Chat that were pretty much boostright in there themselves. Silvio Dos Santos,Sam Sethi, all of thesecoming through POD fans. So very, very much appreciated to be ableto see the streaming. I don't normally see streamingfrom the other apps, but with the wayPod fans is set up, it's comingthrough into my actual section hereof being able to see that. So that'swhy I'm calling them out. So if you are streamingand I haven't called you out, apologiesfor that. It's just not as visibleas it is through the through Pod fans.
And then I've gottwo last ones here. They came in today,very early morning for me. One just says Satoshisdots stream 50 cent using breez. Okaythank you. It's it'srare to see a breez one come in so I really doappreciate it and this is from premitiveone and he says Satoshis dot stream. This is Prem from Miami. I host bitcoinbrunch Sundays and co-host the Saturday NightLight podcast. Keep up the good work. Thank you very much,my friend. One, two, three, four. Sent using brazeand I do appreciate that you change your namebecause a lot of those that come throughfrom breeze a mint lion and I've been guiltyof this myself.
You have to go into thekind of top left corner and change your name,which is I never even I don't think you couldchange it before, but now you can, which isvery, very useful. So yeah. Thank you everyone who helpedsupport the show to stream in really warmsmy heart. Gladdens me that all of this stuffis getting used and that people are beingable to support their favourite artists, the content creatorsand things like that. And it. Yeah,it just is just so cool. It's such, it makes so much intuitivesense to be ableto send a message and supportsomeone directly within the podcastingapp versus, you know, imagineif you're on Instagram and you're watching and you'relooking at someone who puts really greatphotography up there and imagineyou're what you're seeing all these photos,you're appreciating it, you want to reach outto them or support them.
And so you have togo onto Twitter or you have to send theman email. It makes zero sense. And it's just so it'san extra barrier, whereas all of this stuffis just lightningquick, lightning quick and makes so much senseto do it within the actual app itself. So I'm so glad all of these appsare coming along and there's so manydifferent options as well. So there's no realexcuse to say, Oh, I don't like this appbecause blah, blah, blah, Well, you know, try outone of the other eight different one, sevendifferent ones that are that havethese functionalities. So which gets me on to my, my little tipsection here.
So what's, what'sreally powerful about all of thisis they all play well and followa similar style. So if you look forif you've got a podcast in 2.0 up in new to this,you want to help support a podcast because they mentionedlike, Hey, you can do this viaa podcasting 2.0 up you like, okay,well I go in and I get it. The experience of using a new app is like,I don't know what this is, I don't knowhow to do this. All I would say is, one,you know, check out this. I've donea full walkthrough so you can get a visual representationof what you need to do, troubleshootevery problem.
But I hopethis has helped. But you can also just look for thingslike lightning bolts, like the wordsboost and value for value. They typicallywill show up and they're typically withinthe actual episode itself. So once you're playing, that's when you see on the screen, Oh, I can do this. And if you have an app which doesn't do that,you know, it's it might be worthreaching out to, to someoneto to that app developer. So say you're on overcast you might as wellor podcast addict might be worth reaching out to themand to say like hey I,I want to do this, but you don'thave it in your app.
Are you going to supportthat or things like this? And you could even just tryout one of these ones now. And by their ownadmission, these, these guys aren'tcompeting with each other. So Oscar, Merry, Sam, theyou know, what's his namefrom costume Castamatic Franco CelerioMitch from Pod versus they would all saythey're not competing with each otherfor these functionalities. All of these functionalities are waysof drawing people in from the bigger apps. And so it's likebecause a lot of them won, for example,don't play nice Spotify, they they trying to create their ownlittle walled garden.
I've talked about thisbefore whereall of these features that we have, it'sbecause everyone's playing nice and agreeingto play by the rules. But Spotify is like, No, I'm going tocreate my own chapters and I don'treally give a shit if it doesn't workelsewhere. I'm doing this justbecause it works for me. I'm going to create video,I'm going to do this. I'm not goingto send out RSS feeds. It's they'renot playing nice. And so the if you want to usesome of these features, you'llhave to reach out to them. But I personally don'tsee them ever adoptingthese sort of things because they don'tthey don't want to.
There's other reasons. So for example, Apple justdoesn't really innovate. They've been ableto create chapters and transcripts and things like this foreverif they wanted to. It's not hard technically, but they just don'twant to innovate. They don't want to createthese new things. Whereas the podcastingnamespace and what allows all of these differentapps to come in and create thingsin an environment which is fosteringthat kind of open source, that ethos of everyone'shere to, to create something new,to innovate, to do something funand exciting and a way to play by the ruleswhich aren't set in stone.
You have to do this rules. You can helpcreate the rules yourself. So all of these appdevelopers, they've all madesuggestions, help improving thisand to make things work. And it's it's really coolenvironment to come into. I really like it all these other appsfor example Google they just straight don't care they just gotrid of the Google podcast. I think it was the thirdor fourth biggest app in terms of downloadsand the like. Now I'm just goingto scrap it and go over the YouTubemusic doesn't really make sense. It's probably notavailable in your country, but you'll be fine.
And it's like, All right,well why? Why should I care? Why should I go over to YouTube musicif you're not creating new things and doing stuff,which is awesome, such as this, you know,being able to boost and podcastsand support creators and make the world a betterplace, dare I say. So a lotof what you'd like as well tends to be drivenby small things. So I've I'm very muchusing these apps because I love the ability to to boost in youyourself. That might be the fifth priority for you,but you really enjoy the audio experience. Okay, well, maybe trygoing on to cosmetic.
Give that a try. You might really likeaccessibility features. Okay. Well pop versehas that for or you like the ability to be ableto play on your desktop and then play on your phoneand it automatically knows exactly where you arein that in the set. In that same pointin the episode in Podverse, does that great Podfans, I imagine, willdo something like that. You might like the abilityto have something that goes really quickand is lightning fast and just works basicallyevery time, you know, go over to Curiocaster You might wantthe social aspects. This is where it's worthgoing over to.
FOUNTAINand being able to interact with peoplewithin the actual app. You can create a littlesocial environment there. You might want somethingthat is more better for discoverability. This is where I would saypodcast guru kicks in. You might want something that is moreof a functionality to be able to use the wallets to be ableto send this Bitcoin and stuffyou've got elsewhere. Use something like Breez. You might just wantsomething that looks nice and has likea couple of cool features. Try out podfriend,you know, there's so many different reasons to try them outand you'll find out eventually like, okay,I really like this one just for thisone little feature it has.
And the cool thing is that there is so manydifferent ones here. So that's a lot ofinformation for you there. I'm going to go to my app and servicehighlight here. Look, the list of all of these can be foundat podcast app Ask.com, or if you go to podcastindex dot org slash ops, you'll also that's whereit eventually links to this. What I've shown here is probably onlygoing to be relevant for I don't know,six months, 12 months if that because there's so much new thingscoming out, there's so many excitingthings happening and new apps are poppingup all the time.
Two weeks ago, Pod fans was not availableon the mobile. A year and a half ago, a couple of theseapps weren't. I wouldn't have talked about podcast guru,for example. So in the recentlyadded stuff, all of these thingsare a changing, adaptable. And so if you go tothis location podcast apps .com, it's got a good listshowing there and showing all the featuresthat they have. What you'll noticeis that the ordering there is based on how much they've adopted ofthe new namespace is do they have portal, dothey have value timeslots, do they have transcripts,do they have chapters?
All ofthese sorts of things play a role in that. And so what you'll noticein that big list and you'll see onyour screen at the moment is that the the ones which have most ofthese features are the ones that I talkedabout just now, because these appdevelopers, CEB, said they want to make ita better experience. And so you'll see on the bottomof that list, there's a whole bunch of appsthat are there, but they might have onlyadopted one or two or three of the tags, and certainly not the mostimportant one to me, which is the the boostto grabbing to be being able to sendvalue back and forth.
So that'sthings like you know, Sphinx pod Stationand even pod on the podcastindex website where you can sendin boostagrams as well. I didn't talk about thosejust because they're not reallyin development. They aren't that interesting of an app perse to go to for example. So you know the podcastindex website, that's that'smore of a directory. It's not really an apppod station. Yeah,you can listen to it, but it's a browserextension, which I haven't heard muchabout him, the developer creating and making thingsmore exciting and doing stuff with that.
So I didn't really talkabout that. And Sphinx was oneof the first places you could actually sendand boost to Grams, but they've gonea very different route and they're not particularlya podcasting app. So I didn't talkabout those ones. But in the futureI probably will talk about more thatthat will come through. So if you just want to keep aheadof the latest things, the podcasting 2.0 show and and even produceweekly probablythe best places to to learn more about what's going onin the app world and you'll probablyhear podcasters when they startfinding out about this stuffsaying like, hey, try outsome of these apps.
And so here's a good list of them. Is his eight, which I think arepretty rock solid. Let'swrap up this episode. So it's the valuefor value section. I was for this show, whileat least for the season I've been giving 15% of mymy splits here to someone who I thinkis worthy of development, of doing cool, really,really cool things. You'll notice if you goonto the miyamoto's show, I have I think a six, five or six app developerswithin my splits there, and I've been doing thatfor it for a fair while. But one person I haveneglected was Jasonfrom Podcast Guru.
So 15% of this episodeis going to go to him because I have supportedmost of the other app developers,or at least the ones at the top of the listthat I use a lot, and I'm startingto use podcast guru more, so I really appreciate him and just want to sendsome support his way. I might be doing an extravideo, really focusing on the step by stepand guideline on how to boost through podcast guru because we're talkingchatting back and forth and it soundedlike something that might be useful to himand useful to me at the same time. So that could beanother little video like this popping upon, on.
I'll probably post iton the main models channel or if podcaster has aYouTube maybe on there. But yeah,just want to support. I'm very big on supporting app developers and so if you supportthis show, you support the models, you are supporting these app developersat the same time to creatinga better product, to making an applicationto rule all the other and not tryingto rule them, but certainly to, to create something thatI believe is better than things like and Apple who dare I say theydon't care about creators putting out thereI'm set up so how can you supportthis show?
Well, there's threedifferent ways you can do this throughtime, talent and treasure. Look to share this episodewith someone. I've done this in audio and video form,so I would recommend for this onein particular. The video aspectis pretty important. So sending thisto someone, being being linkingto this episode, in fact, if you a podcasterand you're recommending to your to your friends,to your supporters, to whoever it is, hey, I'd love you to helpsupport the show. This is howyou can visually do it. You need to get a new app, his eight different ones, which you can test out,have a look at, go through this,walk through.
If any of them seeminteresting intriguing to you, youknow, grab one of them. So linking to the videothat I've created for this would be very,very helpful. I would very muchappreciate that. Joining me live as well.As always, kind of fun. I do enjoythe interactions. Hasn't been too much today and it was a bitof a weird one. I saw one here asking way from the beginningof that video, so I should have been a bit more clearat the start too, to say like press the videonow that I am because I set up thislittle one beforehand. So the video you'll seeit's the Schmidt live no looks beautiful one.
You can join me. You can help support mewith some talent. So I think I've set upthis room pretty good. But if you're still here hearing some audio, some feedback, if you think there is anapp that I should be have talked about more, if there's something that you think I missed,please reach out to me and I'll I'll dolike a little make good or I'll talk about thaton the next episode. Resources that are similarto the ethos of of what these appsare doing and hell, even some like bookrecommendations or other appsthat you think are really interestingor enjoyable, anything that you thinkwould be useful to me in creating the Valuefor Value podcast and creating a betterpodcast and talking about ways that digital content creatorscan can be supported.
I'm very intrigued to know all of anyand all of those things. And then the last one,you know what to do. I just given you a whole frickinbunch of things that you can do to helpsupport this. So try out one of theseapps is all they ask. You don't haveto boost to me. So the mere mortals,the minimalist book reviewsor to the value for value just boost to a creatorand help spread the love, spread the joy, all of the splitsand stuff. I don't think I need totalk more about that, so we'll leave it therefor today. Thank you very much. Only three more episodescoming out for this season whereI will be talking about a bit of a clipsand compilations section, so showing how casingyou can do value for value as a as a podcasterand the kind of techniques very similar to what I did in season two,which was showcasing how other podcasterswere doing that.
I think I'll do another read through of that, but in the wholebig bunch section I'm going to be talkingabout video and how video you can helpsupport video creatorsthrough value for value. And then I'll do a littlesum up and farewell. Not to worry,because I'm pretty sure I'll be startingseason four only afterlike a couple of weeks or a month breakor something, because I'm really enjoying thisat the moment, having a lot of fun it so. Yep. Sothat's it for the moment. We'll be backsame time next week doing the same thing,going over value for value and finding out how youcan help support creators.
So we'll leave it therefor today. Chao for now, Kyrin out.