Only the coolest of the cool go live!
In Ep #33 I am covering how AbleKirby and coldacid implement v4v on his show ‘Rare Encounter’. The unique aspect that they bring is their commitment to going live. Creating a live podcast enables them to encourage more supporter contribution, provide instantaneous feedback of boosts and showcase why their show is different in their value for value pitch.
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Only the coolest of the cool golive welcome everyone to another episode of the value for valuepodcast. My name is Kyrin and host of the mere mortals meremortals book reviews, go check them out, as well as the host ofthis show, obviously, where I dive deep into other podcasts.Indeed, it's a meta podcast deal with it, and how they implementthe value for value model. So typically, I will try and findsomething unique that they're doing. Perhaps some things thatthey're wrong doing can be a little bit of a recommendationsystem as well. So if you enjoy supporting other shows hate thisis the way to find new shows.
And in general, just talk aboutthe value for value model, which is very different from thestandard advertising model, and from paywalls. And from thingslike that. And so if you want to know all about that, go checkout season one, but instead, in this season, I am diving deepinto particular shows, and today I have a rare encounter. Nowthere's two hosts of the show, and I'm going to read from theirbio, and it says, April Kirby and cold acid Converse on anime,they watch books and manga, they read games they play and all thetech stuff that they come across. So in my own words, I'mgonna say it's nerdy. Now, in Australian culture, I don'tthink nerdy is particularly an insult. It's just a way todescribe people who enjoy anime and manga and things like that.So definitely put me in that category. But perhaps inAmerican culture, I think it can be slightly insulting. So ifthat's the case, I'm using in the Australian way people. Sothey definitely do go into all of these things. I'll talk moreabout that in a second. But first, just the the generalschedule is that they've been doing this weekly from July of2020. And they're up to about 109 episodes and not about theyare exactly at 109 episodes as we speak. The length of the showis about an hour's typically and maybe even over an hour and fivehour and 10 minutes, but can sometimes dip under. And it'susually just the two of them, although I believe that theyhave had guests on at least one guest at some point. So usually,it's just going to be the two announcers producers. One is inAmerica, and one is in Canada, and you will hear that accentcoming through of both of them for sure. They don'tparticularly have any announced sections of their show, but itgenerally goes like this, they'll have the introduction,they'll have a drink each which they open, you hear that pitchof the can or beer opening, whatever it is, and usually itis a beer or a cider or something like that. They'll dotheir booster Graham section from the last week. And thenthey'll go into the meat and potatoes of the show, which isthe you know, I've been watching narrative, I don't think theydon't watch an archetype. But you know, I've been watchingthis anime and I really enjoyed this this thing was really cool.They'll typically find a bunch of news stories as well. SoFlorida man does x and you know, kind of comment, laugh on it.There's a lot of laughter and just general joviality in the inthe show. They'll then talk about some interesting stories.They'll typically at the end also have a note agenda streamkind of shout out section. So other people who've been doinglive podcasts and the Porter is kind of part of the no agenda,Rome, which is where these two guys maybe even met for thefirst time. I'm not sure how they're particularly connected.Some ISOs and clips and things like that. And then they finishoff with the live booster grams.
To give you a taste of what thisshow sounds like. I'm going to play a section here. So this isfrom Episode 50. So I was about midway through that podcast, andit is cold, Beavis polls and coitus right from the beginning. is June 23 2021. This is rareencounter encounter number 50. That Hi. It's the podcasting boyof your dreams. I'm evil Kirby. And making love with his ownego. I'm cold acid 50050 right off the top. I gottacrack. Get that one out of the way. Here we go. Nice crack. I got it. Well, thank you. I'vebeen working on it all day. It's a bunch. I've got a Macintoshunfiltered cider. It's called Original Sin.
You got a cider? I actually got a cider this timeI've been threatening that for a while. I don't have a cider that didnot work right. I guess there we go. I got me hurry toes again.He was I wasn't able to get out to the out to the beer store andget me my cider. Whenever I got myself a mandarin, how Tito's Mandarin hairy toes. Whateveryou say hi to those. I always think of that. That SankaraAlito where it was a it was like an MMD joke. Like a like ashitpost meme back at The day where they had the was like aMexican like a really bad pretty insensitive kind of culturallymusic video and they had all the vocal characters. Carlito. Who'sthe boy want to be, amigo, you know, it was that kind of shit.Do you remember that at all? It was wild.
No, I never thought this was cutting that, you know, it,it's, you know, the VOCALOID characters. And also, like, youknow, other animate characters would show up, like stalkingthrough the desert with no arrests, no Manyana you know,it's like this really bad music video, but it was justabsolutely, absolutely insane. With all the props in it. I picked that clip specifically,because it really highlighted just what the show was about badhumor, drinking be joviality, obscure references and anime,it's pretty much all banged up into just one little packageright there. So there you go there you get a taste of the thetwo hosts April Kirby and cold acid. So I'm going to jump on totheir value for value implementation and how theytypically run it on their show.
Now, I do want to highlight justat this point here that April Kirby has another show calledTablecraft, which is one that I've actually been listening tofrom the very start, and which started just gonna say about ayear ago, and he has been doing some really cool things there.And I will highlight that podcast on here at some point,related to the music scene and being able to put musics musicinto a podcast and running music through value for value. Becausethere's a whole lot of broken shit going on with Spotify and,you know, recording rights and all those sorts of things. Sohe's well aware, and well on top of podcasting, 2.0, a lot of thetags now, they don't particularly implement a lot ofthe tags for this show, I'm not sure if they have transcripts, Idefinitely haven't seen chapter art, there's, there's kind ofthe they kind of do just what they want to be, to be fair. Andso what I have seen them do, though, is the Live section. Andso they have been implementing this a fair chunk. And I havealready mentioned that they do booster grams right at thebeginning, and then also at the end. And the reason they do thatat the end is because they get some during the show. So I'mgonna just play a section here, which is not particularly thatbooster grounds, but how they ask for value for value. Andthen we can examine that a little bit more. So this is fromEpisode 107, touched by a muppet nice name, and it's around the1222 mark, its value for value. So you canlisten to the show for free, we don't charge you to listen. Andwhat we all we ask that we do is you just consider if you enjoyit or not, if you have some fun and you think it's worthsomething to you, you can send some of that value back, youdecide what it's worth, we don't eat, we're not even going to tryand guess just tell us what you think it's worth, by sending usa little value we take there's Pay Pal you can send in though,our preferred way these days is SATs, which means little piecesof Bitcoin you can send through a multitude of new podcast appsthat are out there, you can find them at new podcast can check out our show and then stream them stick themin a boost as Yes, I love it. That's a good wegot to get our copy down on this, you know, I've got littlenotes all over my room so I can remember things. You know, likethe things I'm supposed to say.
For example, I have a note on myspeaker, which says rare encounter Wednesdays at 7pm.Otherwise, I'd forget when the show was, oh, geez, that's pretty bad. It's been there for two yearsnow. So I'm told, the bottom line is if you go to You can find our IRC channel and find our oldepisodes and everything. And you can find contact informationagain and send us stuff send us stories. A couple of people sendus stories sometimes, and we'll play them on the show if they'regood enough. They gotta be good, though.
Well, I don't know, I mightstill play him even if they're bad. I mean, it couldn't beworse than the content I bring every week. You want to you want to startoff with some of your content. There's a couple of things tohighlight from this pitch, which was mostly done by April Kirbyand the first one is they had a pitch it is super, superimportant to to have a pitch to let people know, hey, this iswhat the show is about that it depends on your support, becausethe reason that people do not support shows is because they'renot asked. Now, not everyone is going to support obviously, andthe general figure, at least Adam curry says around 4% I'dsay that's probably kind of similar for my show as well, forthe Mere Mortals, and the you need to do the pitch. So youneed to have something in there at some point letting peopleknow now whether you do it at the very beginning at the veryend, it doesn't particularly matter per se actually I won'tsay it doesn't particularly matter it because it does matterbut it is dependent on your show. And it depends on how itruns with the flow and you need to spend the time thoughtenergy, feeling good So of how you feel it works best, they didthat pretty close to the start, I would say of of that one. Soaround the 12 minute mark of a hour long podcast, I typicallydo it around the middle of my show of the Mere Mortals where wekind of do our booster grams then, which is once a week forthe live. And I'll kind of touch upon this more in the in theunique section that these guys do. But I will also sometimes doit in the kind of pre recording and just highlight Oh, hey,before the actual show starts.
So this is kind of like on theYouTube section before the bang off time really gets kicks in.Yep, this is value for value. Just a reminder to anyonelistening, watching, hey, we ask that you send it back. So superimportant that you do that, obviously, I think it's alsoimportant to highlight your unique aspects or the thingsthat you do really well in there. So he was talking aboutthe the chat room that they have the IRC chat, the fact thatthey're going live, and they typically go live 7pm WednesdaysEastern Standard Time. And you'll hear him repeating that alot during throughout the shows, because that's kind of one ofthe things that they do they go live and not that many podcastsactually go live. But once again, stay tuned for the nextunique section. Because I'll I'll really focus on the livestuff there. And the the other thing is, I suppose justhighlighting what your preference preferences are aswell. So it talks about how they do have a PayPal if you do wantto support that, but you know, they do prefer the booster gramsas well. And then they also have Oh yeah, by the way, if youdon't want to do either of them, you can send us stories for theshow, which would be super helpful, that's less time thatthey have to do that. And it's also a real good indicator ofoh, this is what my audience like they like this type ofstory. Okay, I'm gonna read this. And, you know, he did say,I might not necessarily read it if it's a crap story. But youknow, we might still anyway because we appreciate thesupport coming back to us. So I think those are a couple of coolthings there. I'm going to now go on to the long awaitedsomething unique section. And I'm just going to play a cliphere from Episode 108 called license to talk. And this isright near the end. Very, very close to the end. So the onehour 12 mark of a I think it's a one hour 16 One hour 17 minutepodcast so here is the two of them. Just talking about howthey're kind of going to close out the show. I have a licenseto torque the worst James Bond movie youwant to do booster grams to close this out. We'll we'll kickthe rest of this stuff. can wait till next week we already hadscience topics anyway we don't I don't see any Oh, you don't see any Oh shit.Oh, no booster grams during the show Yanni? No, I don't seenothing. All right. Well, I guess that leaves us with ourtail between our legs. Closing the show unless Unless somebody goes boost.Right now boom. Looking at you people in the chat room.
You want to do one more story?Give them a chance. Yeah, let's do one more story. Well, thescanner the month scan of the month came through and they'vethey've had some stuff we haven't looked at yet. And I'm just going to skipforward here to get to the point I wanted to highlight the scanof the We'll give it toyou. Give it to you give it to you give it to you. And Andspeaking of I think we've delayed long enough that someonehas given I heard a pew. Yes. Ah, here we go 200 sites fromCarolyn Blaney. And she says, Remember Future Shop? How couldI forget future she I remember Future Shop, we are the futureeither not I think Best Buy actually provides a betterservice. But they're both filled with like Pimply kids who knownothing, simply kids. So the fun thing here was that theyaltered their show to encourage more support. And it worked, youknow, they got an extra 200 SATs coming in, which is super, supercool. And so this is just being able to highlight the reallyunique stuff that is going on with the live tag. So this isactually even just the whole process of being live, you don'teven necessarily at this very moment be able to implement thelive tag because there are so few podcasts doing that. I'llactually give out a little shout out here to a Twitter accountcalled at podcast live. And this will be an automated bot whichjust shows every time that a show is now going live and youcan listen to it on the super technical details. Butessentially, you can go on to some of these new podcast appsonce such as curio caster and pod verse at the moment. And youcan listen to a podcast live on there, which is very cool. Andthen you know be able to boost through the app and do that. SoSo think of kind of super chats on YouTube. That's kind of thethe idea that's getting going there. But essentially with livethere's a couple of things that you can really do. One isObviously, if you have a chatbot of some sort set up, you canreally interact with your audience in that way and haveaudiences interacting with themselves. So you know,creating the kind of community in there. This is something thatwe do on the mere mortals where we go live, but we do YouTube,because I am not technically proficient enough to be able todo all of this in my RSS feed at the moment, hopefully, it willbe getting easier in the coming weeks, months, years. And thebenefit of that is also being able to really highlight your,your booster grams, up until that very moment of time. So oneof the things I was noticing, when I would do to pre recordedshows per week is that there would always be this lag, I'd bereading out booster grams from, you know, five days ago, upuntil five days ago, but it wouldn't be at this very pointin time. And people being able to, you know, hear their namebeing read out, and it just kind of wouldn't be relevant. So themerging of booster grams and live? Well, all I can say isthat it forced me basically to start doing at least one of myshows live a week, because I wanted to get it to that verypoint where it was, okay, can people can listen up into thevery moment and hear, okay, yes, there's the booths that I sentin through five days ago, is being read out now. And not thebooths that I sent in 12 days ago, that sort of thing. So Ithink there's a kind of balance to be reached between alteringyour show to encourage support, but also not, I suppose chasingthe moneymoneymoney. And, and, you know, significantly alteringyour, your creation. And I'm just gonna say the word sellingout in a way, in a way, because it can, it can get weird, likethere's a, there's definitely a point where you don't want to bechanging things too much.
Because it'll actually make yourshow crap. Ah, and I think you just need to find what thatbalance is, these guys were obviously comfortable withextending this show, adding an extra story in for an extra two,three minutes of talk. And, you know, incentivizing someone tosend through some, some extra support, hey, that's brilliant.I've kind of done the same, you know, I experimented with livewhale ago in the past, and it was kind of like, oh, this isokay, but I prefer doing these outdoor podcasts, which is whatI normally do. But, you know, the, it got to the point where Iwas like, Okay, this makes sense now, to really be able to golive at least once per week to, to encourage that support tokeep it up to date. And so that people can, you know, hear thename and get get read out, get the hear their message get readout, so that it's relevant. And there's a feel as kind of anecessity and keeping it relevant with the value forvalue model, it is, based on your latest piece of work, youknow, people are going to, I only want value to come in frommy, from my kind of latest episodes, to be honest, like,it's because those are the best ones. And I've, I've beenworking even harder, you know, I've been refining my pitch,I've been getting better at creating chapter art and imagesand, you know, just kind of growing as a person, and I hopeyou do value that the show is getting better, that sort ofthing. So there is just something about the going ofLive, which, which I think works really, really well with withthe value for value model. And yeah, it's it's something Iwould at least encourage trying out once or twice or even justin doesn't even have to be your full episode and your full show.But perhaps you could add like an extra little section which islike the live thinking of supporters and things like this,you know, it's, it's just something I would recommend toat least look into. So that is something unique that the rareencounter guys do. And I think they do that really well becausetheir whole show was almost built around being live, theyjust go live once a week 7pm on a Wednesday Eastern StandardTime. So I think I think that's really cool. So with that beingsaid, thanks for checking out the rare encounter show of AbelKirby and cold acid and I'm now going to go into my very ownbooster Graham lounge.
Welcome to the value for valuegram so we're getting a nice mix of friendly faces and new peoplewhich is really cool. I'm just going to read these out in theorder that they came in. So if you want to actually get yourstuff right out first Hey, you gotta be first on the first onthe bandwagon as soon as the episode is released. So we havestarting with Cole McCormick through fountain and he says To833 sets and you might recognize that name because he was thehost of America plus, which I reviewed last week, he saidcould not be happier about your words on my show. And I'mimproving every moment so many promises but I am focused andhave patience. That is brilliant. Cool. Thank you somuch. And thank you for highlighting to me that youryour your show is doing value for value and gave me a wholebunch of content. So thanks so much, man. It's just a lots ofthanks and happiness all around.
We have Peter the ever everpresent Peter, boosting him with a big 18 750 through fountain hesays current show is the epitome of visa vie in itself givingback by talking about giving back. I am hoping to create themost meta podcast that ever existed. That is all I'm about.I'm about the head, baby. I'm about the metaverse, you know,you know me. So thank you very much, Peter. iYeah, look, this is a fun way of of really highlighting otherpeople's shows. And I like I really hope other people areenjoying it as well. And it's not kind of too, too circular.In a way. We've got a very familiar face for people whohave seen the mere mortals before and then also even knowthis because I mentioned his product all the time. Soboosting through fountain, the very creator or fountain or oneof them it was Oscar Mary with a big 22,500 SATs. Oh, thank you,my friend, very much appreciated. He said love Cole'senergy listening to him speak gives me a boost. And I knowthat he has seen this stuff because we're sending out somestuff on Twitter as well. Mr.
Oscar Mary. So very, very cool.Thank you very much Oscar and your fountain app is excellent.And I do appreciate it. We've got also through fountain news505068979314292 for any sent 16 sets and he's got actually quitelike this one. So it says it's got it's got a basically like atext emoji, which is created through backs, places, ELLslines, dashes and things like that. And it's a basically a manholding up a banner. So stop being a bitch and by hashtagBitcoin. Okay, my friend, I will do that. Thank you. And thenfinally, capping it off, we have 10 sets from this is the futureand just says, Let's go, you Let's go. Thank you very much.So thank you everyone for contributing to the value forvalue show. As I always kind of say this, the show cannotcontinue without your support.
And every portion, every setthat you send through 20% of that goes through to thecreators. So in this case, 10% will be going to cold asset 10%will be going to Abel Kirby. And I think that is a really niceway to, you know, spread the love around and to not onlysupport me, but support other people. And, you know, I'vetaken some great recommendations from this one that I absolutelylove this week, this last week was, so it looks a lot whoencouraged me to change my cover art. And he did this through aboost. So not only did he provide some monetary support,but he also gave me a fantastic recommendation. So if you lookat the chapter of the art for this episode, you will see Icreated a little border, the saying V for V. Look, I'm not agraphic designer, I know it looks awful, but I probably willchange that in the future. But hey, I've I've taken therecommendation, I've implemented it straightaway. So there we go.Thank you very much for that. So it looks a lot. And my just visavie recommendation for this week is to Yeah, check out going liveif you're a podcaster. I think there's some tremendous benefitsthat be gained from it, and you might not enjoy it. But I wouldjust suggest that it can have some really great benefits,particularly if you find that you're struggling with gettingpeople to support and boost through I think there's, fromwhat I can tell from that Instagram account, that Twitteraccount that I mentioned podcasts live for the bot, Ithink there's probably only about six, maybe seven showsthat are regularly going live.
And you know, that is atremendous draw for you to be able to say like, I'm one of the10 people in the world who are doing live podcasts in thismanner. Check this shit out. So I think that's a it can be atremendous draw for the value of your own show how you provide itand then also, it is very incentivizing for your audienceas well because they you get that instantaneous feedback,which I think is very cool. So that is it. I think this hasbeen a bit of a long episode today. So I hope you've tuned into this point and to the end and until next week, my friendsKyrin out
Only the coolest of the cool golive welcome everyone to another episode of the value for valuepodcast. My name is Kyrin and host of the mere mortals meremortals book reviews, go check them out, as well as the host ofthis show, obviously, where I dive deep into other podcasts.Indeed, it's a meta podcast deal with it, and how they implementthe value for value model. So typically, I will try and findsomething unique that they're doing. Perhaps some things thatthey're wrong doing can be a little bit of a recommendationsystem as well. So if you enjoy supporting other shows hate thisis the way to find new shows.
And in general, just talk aboutthe value for value model, which is very different from thestandard advertising model, and from paywalls. And from thingslike that. And so if you want to know all about that, go checkout season one, but instead, in this season, I am diving deepinto particular shows, and today I have a rare encounter. Nowthere's two hosts of the show, and I'm going to read from theirbio, and it says, April Kirby and cold acid Converse on anime,they watch books and manga, they read games they play and all thetech stuff that they come across. So in my own words, I'mgonna say it's nerdy. Now, in Australian culture, I don'tthink nerdy is particularly an insult. It's just a way todescribe people who enjoy anime and manga and things like that.So definitely put me in that category. But perhaps inAmerican culture, I think it can be slightly insulting. So ifthat's the case, I'm using in the Australian way people. Sothey definitely do go into all of these things. I'll talk moreabout that in a second. But first, just the the generalschedule is that they've been doing this weekly from July of2020. And they're up to about 109 episodes and not about theyare exactly at 109 episodes as we speak. The length of the showis about an hour's typically and maybe even over an hour and fivehour and 10 minutes, but can sometimes dip under. And it'susually just the two of them, although I believe that theyhave had guests on at least one guest at some point. So usually,it's just going to be the two announcers producers. One is inAmerica, and one is in Canada, and you will hear that accentcoming through of both of them for sure. They don'tparticularly have any announced sections of their show, but itgenerally goes like this, they'll have the introduction,they'll have a drink each which they open, you hear that pitchof the can or beer opening, whatever it is, and usually itis a beer or a cider or something like that. They'll dotheir booster Graham section from the last week. And thenthey'll go into the meat and potatoes of the show, which isthe you know, I've been watching narrative, I don't think theydon't watch an archetype. But you know, I've been watchingthis anime and I really enjoyed this this thing was really cool.They'll typically find a bunch of news stories as well. SoFlorida man does x and you know, kind of comment, laugh on it.There's a lot of laughter and just general joviality in the inthe show. They'll then talk about some interesting stories.They'll typically at the end also have a note agenda streamkind of shout out section. So other people who've been doinglive podcasts and the Porter is kind of part of the no agenda,Rome, which is where these two guys maybe even met for thefirst time. I'm not sure how they're particularly connected.Some ISOs and clips and things like that. And then they finishoff with the live booster grams.
To give you a taste of what thisshow sounds like. I'm going to play a section here. So this isfrom Episode 50. So I was about midway through that podcast, andit is cold, Beavis polls and coitus right from the beginning. is June 23 2021. This is rareencounter encounter number 50. That Hi. It's the podcasting boyof your dreams. I'm evil Kirby. And making love with his ownego. I'm cold acid 50050 right off the top. I gottacrack. Get that one out of the way. Here we go. Nice crack. I got it. Well, thank you. I'vebeen working on it all day. It's a bunch. I've got a Macintoshunfiltered cider. It's called Original Sin.
You got a cider? I actually got a cider this timeI've been threatening that for a while. I don't have a cider that didnot work right. I guess there we go. I got me hurry toes again.He was I wasn't able to get out to the out to the beer store andget me my cider. Whenever I got myself a mandarin, how Tito's Mandarin hairy toes. Whateveryou say hi to those. I always think of that. That SankaraAlito where it was a it was like an MMD joke. Like a like ashitpost meme back at The day where they had the was like aMexican like a really bad pretty insensitive kind of culturallymusic video and they had all the vocal characters. Carlito. Who'sthe boy want to be, amigo, you know, it was that kind of shit.Do you remember that at all? It was wild.
No, I never thought this was cutting that, you know, it,it's, you know, the VOCALOID characters. And also, like, youknow, other animate characters would show up, like stalkingthrough the desert with no arrests, no Manyana you know,it's like this really bad music video, but it was justabsolutely, absolutely insane. With all the props in it. I picked that clip specifically,because it really highlighted just what the show was about badhumor, drinking be joviality, obscure references and anime,it's pretty much all banged up into just one little packageright there. So there you go there you get a taste of the thetwo hosts April Kirby and cold acid. So I'm going to jump on totheir value for value implementation and how theytypically run it on their show.
Now, I do want to highlight justat this point here that April Kirby has another show calledTablecraft, which is one that I've actually been listening tofrom the very start, and which started just gonna say about ayear ago, and he has been doing some really cool things there.And I will highlight that podcast on here at some point,related to the music scene and being able to put musics musicinto a podcast and running music through value for value. Becausethere's a whole lot of broken shit going on with Spotify and,you know, recording rights and all those sorts of things. Sohe's well aware, and well on top of podcasting, 2.0, a lot of thetags now, they don't particularly implement a lot ofthe tags for this show, I'm not sure if they have transcripts, Idefinitely haven't seen chapter art, there's, there's kind ofthe they kind of do just what they want to be, to be fair. Andso what I have seen them do, though, is the Live section. Andso they have been implementing this a fair chunk. And I havealready mentioned that they do booster grams right at thebeginning, and then also at the end. And the reason they do thatat the end is because they get some during the show. So I'mgonna just play a section here, which is not particularly thatbooster grounds, but how they ask for value for value. Andthen we can examine that a little bit more. So this is fromEpisode 107, touched by a muppet nice name, and it's around the1222 mark, its value for value. So you canlisten to the show for free, we don't charge you to listen. Andwhat we all we ask that we do is you just consider if you enjoyit or not, if you have some fun and you think it's worthsomething to you, you can send some of that value back, youdecide what it's worth, we don't eat, we're not even going to tryand guess just tell us what you think it's worth, by sending usa little value we take there's Pay Pal you can send in though,our preferred way these days is SATs, which means little piecesof Bitcoin you can send through a multitude of new podcast appsthat are out there, you can find them at new podcast can check out our show and then stream them stick themin a boost as Yes, I love it. That's a good wegot to get our copy down on this, you know, I've got littlenotes all over my room so I can remember things. You know, likethe things I'm supposed to say.
For example, I have a note on myspeaker, which says rare encounter Wednesdays at 7pm.Otherwise, I'd forget when the show was, oh, geez, that's pretty bad. It's been there for two yearsnow. So I'm told, the bottom line is if you go to You can find our IRC channel and find our oldepisodes and everything. And you can find contact informationagain and send us stuff send us stories. A couple of people sendus stories sometimes, and we'll play them on the show if they'regood enough. They gotta be good, though.
Well, I don't know, I mightstill play him even if they're bad. I mean, it couldn't beworse than the content I bring every week. You want to you want to startoff with some of your content. There's a couple of things tohighlight from this pitch, which was mostly done by April Kirbyand the first one is they had a pitch it is super, superimportant to to have a pitch to let people know, hey, this iswhat the show is about that it depends on your support, becausethe reason that people do not support shows is because they'renot asked. Now, not everyone is going to support obviously, andthe general figure, at least Adam curry says around 4% I'dsay that's probably kind of similar for my show as well, forthe Mere Mortals, and the you need to do the pitch. So youneed to have something in there at some point letting peopleknow now whether you do it at the very beginning at the veryend, it doesn't particularly matter per se actually I won'tsay it doesn't particularly matter it because it does matterbut it is dependent on your show. And it depends on how itruns with the flow and you need to spend the time thoughtenergy, feeling good So of how you feel it works best, they didthat pretty close to the start, I would say of of that one. Soaround the 12 minute mark of a hour long podcast, I typicallydo it around the middle of my show of the Mere Mortals where wekind of do our booster grams then, which is once a week forthe live. And I'll kind of touch upon this more in the in theunique section that these guys do. But I will also sometimes doit in the kind of pre recording and just highlight Oh, hey,before the actual show starts.
So this is kind of like on theYouTube section before the bang off time really gets kicks in.Yep, this is value for value. Just a reminder to anyonelistening, watching, hey, we ask that you send it back. So superimportant that you do that, obviously, I think it's alsoimportant to highlight your unique aspects or the thingsthat you do really well in there. So he was talking aboutthe the chat room that they have the IRC chat, the fact thatthey're going live, and they typically go live 7pm WednesdaysEastern Standard Time. And you'll hear him repeating that alot during throughout the shows, because that's kind of one ofthe things that they do they go live and not that many podcastsactually go live. But once again, stay tuned for the nextunique section. Because I'll I'll really focus on the livestuff there. And the the other thing is, I suppose justhighlighting what your preference preferences are aswell. So it talks about how they do have a PayPal if you do wantto support that, but you know, they do prefer the booster gramsas well. And then they also have Oh yeah, by the way, if youdon't want to do either of them, you can send us stories for theshow, which would be super helpful, that's less time thatthey have to do that. And it's also a real good indicator ofoh, this is what my audience like they like this type ofstory. Okay, I'm gonna read this. And, you know, he did say,I might not necessarily read it if it's a crap story. But youknow, we might still anyway because we appreciate thesupport coming back to us. So I think those are a couple of coolthings there. I'm going to now go on to the long awaitedsomething unique section. And I'm just going to play a cliphere from Episode 108 called license to talk. And this isright near the end. Very, very close to the end. So the onehour 12 mark of a I think it's a one hour 16 One hour 17 minutepodcast so here is the two of them. Just talking about howthey're kind of going to close out the show. I have a licenseto torque the worst James Bond movie youwant to do booster grams to close this out. We'll we'll kickthe rest of this stuff. can wait till next week we already hadscience topics anyway we don't I don't see any Oh, you don't see any Oh shit.Oh, no booster grams during the show Yanni? No, I don't seenothing. All right. Well, I guess that leaves us with ourtail between our legs. Closing the show unless Unless somebody goes boost.Right now boom. Looking at you people in the chat room.
You want to do one more story?Give them a chance. Yeah, let's do one more story. Well, thescanner the month scan of the month came through and they'vethey've had some stuff we haven't looked at yet. And I'm just going to skipforward here to get to the point I wanted to highlight the scanof the We'll give it toyou. Give it to you give it to you give it to you. And Andspeaking of I think we've delayed long enough that someonehas given I heard a pew. Yes. Ah, here we go 200 sites fromCarolyn Blaney. And she says, Remember Future Shop? How couldI forget future she I remember Future Shop, we are the futureeither not I think Best Buy actually provides a betterservice. But they're both filled with like Pimply kids who knownothing, simply kids. So the fun thing here was that theyaltered their show to encourage more support. And it worked, youknow, they got an extra 200 SATs coming in, which is super, supercool. And so this is just being able to highlight the reallyunique stuff that is going on with the live tag. So this isactually even just the whole process of being live, you don'teven necessarily at this very moment be able to implement thelive tag because there are so few podcasts doing that. I'llactually give out a little shout out here to a Twitter accountcalled at podcast live. And this will be an automated bot whichjust shows every time that a show is now going live and youcan listen to it on the super technical details. Butessentially, you can go on to some of these new podcast appsonce such as curio caster and pod verse at the moment. And youcan listen to a podcast live on there, which is very cool. Andthen you know be able to boost through the app and do that. SoSo think of kind of super chats on YouTube. That's kind of thethe idea that's getting going there. But essentially with livethere's a couple of things that you can really do. One isObviously, if you have a chatbot of some sort set up, you canreally interact with your audience in that way and haveaudiences interacting with themselves. So you know,creating the kind of community in there. This is something thatwe do on the mere mortals where we go live, but we do YouTube,because I am not technically proficient enough to be able todo all of this in my RSS feed at the moment, hopefully, it willbe getting easier in the coming weeks, months, years. And thebenefit of that is also being able to really highlight your,your booster grams, up until that very moment of time. So oneof the things I was noticing, when I would do to pre recordedshows per week is that there would always be this lag, I'd bereading out booster grams from, you know, five days ago, upuntil five days ago, but it wouldn't be at this very pointin time. And people being able to, you know, hear their namebeing read out, and it just kind of wouldn't be relevant. So themerging of booster grams and live? Well, all I can say isthat it forced me basically to start doing at least one of myshows live a week, because I wanted to get it to that verypoint where it was, okay, can people can listen up into thevery moment and hear, okay, yes, there's the booths that I sentin through five days ago, is being read out now. And not thebooths that I sent in 12 days ago, that sort of thing. So Ithink there's a kind of balance to be reached between alteringyour show to encourage support, but also not, I suppose chasingthe moneymoneymoney. And, and, you know, significantly alteringyour, your creation. And I'm just gonna say the word sellingout in a way, in a way, because it can, it can get weird, likethere's a, there's definitely a point where you don't want to bechanging things too much.
Because it'll actually make yourshow crap. Ah, and I think you just need to find what thatbalance is, these guys were obviously comfortable withextending this show, adding an extra story in for an extra two,three minutes of talk. And, you know, incentivizing someone tosend through some, some extra support, hey, that's brilliant.I've kind of done the same, you know, I experimented with livewhale ago in the past, and it was kind of like, oh, this isokay, but I prefer doing these outdoor podcasts, which is whatI normally do. But, you know, the, it got to the point where Iwas like, Okay, this makes sense now, to really be able to golive at least once per week to, to encourage that support tokeep it up to date. And so that people can, you know, hear thename and get get read out, get the hear their message get readout, so that it's relevant. And there's a feel as kind of anecessity and keeping it relevant with the value forvalue model, it is, based on your latest piece of work, youknow, people are going to, I only want value to come in frommy, from my kind of latest episodes, to be honest, like,it's because those are the best ones. And I've, I've beenworking even harder, you know, I've been refining my pitch,I've been getting better at creating chapter art and imagesand, you know, just kind of growing as a person, and I hopeyou do value that the show is getting better, that sort ofthing. So there is just something about the going ofLive, which, which I think works really, really well with withthe value for value model. And yeah, it's it's something Iwould at least encourage trying out once or twice or even justin doesn't even have to be your full episode and your full show.But perhaps you could add like an extra little section which islike the live thinking of supporters and things like this,you know, it's, it's just something I would recommend toat least look into. So that is something unique that the rareencounter guys do. And I think they do that really well becausetheir whole show was almost built around being live, theyjust go live once a week 7pm on a Wednesday Eastern StandardTime. So I think I think that's really cool. So with that beingsaid, thanks for checking out the rare encounter show of AbelKirby and cold acid and I'm now going to go into my very ownbooster Graham lounge.
Welcome to the value for valuegram so we're getting a nice mix of friendly faces and new peoplewhich is really cool. I'm just going to read these out in theorder that they came in. So if you want to actually get yourstuff right out first Hey, you gotta be first on the first onthe bandwagon as soon as the episode is released. So we havestarting with Cole McCormick through fountain and he says To833 sets and you might recognize that name because he was thehost of America plus, which I reviewed last week, he saidcould not be happier about your words on my show. And I'mimproving every moment so many promises but I am focused andhave patience. That is brilliant. Cool. Thank you somuch. And thank you for highlighting to me that youryour your show is doing value for value and gave me a wholebunch of content. So thanks so much, man. It's just a lots ofthanks and happiness all around.
We have Peter the ever everpresent Peter, boosting him with a big 18 750 through fountain hesays current show is the epitome of visa vie in itself givingback by talking about giving back. I am hoping to create themost meta podcast that ever existed. That is all I'm about.I'm about the head, baby. I'm about the metaverse, you know,you know me. So thank you very much, Peter. iYeah, look, this is a fun way of of really highlighting otherpeople's shows. And I like I really hope other people areenjoying it as well. And it's not kind of too, too circular.In a way. We've got a very familiar face for people whohave seen the mere mortals before and then also even knowthis because I mentioned his product all the time. Soboosting through fountain, the very creator or fountain or oneof them it was Oscar Mary with a big 22,500 SATs. Oh, thank you,my friend, very much appreciated. He said love Cole'senergy listening to him speak gives me a boost. And I knowthat he has seen this stuff because we're sending out somestuff on Twitter as well. Mr.
Oscar Mary. So very, very cool.Thank you very much Oscar and your fountain app is excellent.And I do appreciate it. We've got also through fountain news505068979314292 for any sent 16 sets and he's got actually quitelike this one. So it says it's got it's got a basically like atext emoji, which is created through backs, places, ELLslines, dashes and things like that. And it's a basically a manholding up a banner. So stop being a bitch and by hashtagBitcoin. Okay, my friend, I will do that. Thank you. And thenfinally, capping it off, we have 10 sets from this is the futureand just says, Let's go, you Let's go. Thank you very much.So thank you everyone for contributing to the value forvalue show. As I always kind of say this, the show cannotcontinue without your support.
And every portion, every setthat you send through 20% of that goes through to thecreators. So in this case, 10% will be going to cold asset 10%will be going to Abel Kirby. And I think that is a really niceway to, you know, spread the love around and to not onlysupport me, but support other people. And, you know, I'vetaken some great recommendations from this one that I absolutelylove this week, this last week was, so it looks a lot whoencouraged me to change my cover art. And he did this through aboost. So not only did he provide some monetary support,but he also gave me a fantastic recommendation. So if you lookat the chapter of the art for this episode, you will see Icreated a little border, the saying V for V. Look, I'm not agraphic designer, I know it looks awful, but I probably willchange that in the future. But hey, I've I've taken therecommendation, I've implemented it straightaway. So there we go.Thank you very much for that. So it looks a lot. And my just visavie recommendation for this week is to Yeah, check out going liveif you're a podcaster. I think there's some tremendous benefitsthat be gained from it, and you might not enjoy it. But I wouldjust suggest that it can have some really great benefits,particularly if you find that you're struggling with gettingpeople to support and boost through I think there's, fromwhat I can tell from that Instagram account, that Twitteraccount that I mentioned podcasts live for the bot, Ithink there's probably only about six, maybe seven showsthat are regularly going live.
And you know, that is atremendous draw for you to be able to say like, I'm one of the10 people in the world who are doing live podcasts in thismanner. Check this shit out. So I think that's a it can be atremendous draw for the value of your own show how you provide itand then also, it is very incentivizing for your audienceas well because they you get that instantaneous feedback,which I think is very cool. So that is it. I think this hasbeen a bit of a long episode today. So I hope you've tuned into this point and to the end and until next week, my friendsKyrin out