Want to know about everything that is going on in Podcasting, then keep listening!
In Ep #35 I am covering how James Cridland and Sam Sethi implement v4v on their show ‘Podland News’. The unique aspect they bring is their willingness to integrate themselves into every aspect of the P2.0 world and persist in the v4v model even when for a long time they weren’t particularly seeing the value coming back.
A big shoutout to Petar The Everpresent, I appreciate him stupendously!
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In Ep #35 I am covering how James Cridland and Sam Sethi implement v4v on their show ‘Podland News’. The unique aspect they bring is their willingness to integrate themselves into every aspect of the P2.0 world and persist in the v4v model even when for a long time they weren’t particularly seeing the value coming back.
A big shoutout to Petar The Everpresent, I appreciate him stupendously!
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
Want toknow about everything that is going onin podcasting. Then keep listening. Welcome,everyone to another episode of the Valuefor Value Podcast. My name is Kyrinhost of the Mere Mortals and Mere MortalsBook Reviews. And then also this show where I divedeep into other podcasts that are using the valuefor value model. And I see what tips,techniques, tricks, implementationsthat they're using and that we can perhapstake away for our own show today. Without further ado, I'm going to highlight one which is probably knownto a few people around. It is called Podland News, and this is by JamesCridland and Sam Sethi.
Both of these guyshave other multiple podcasts and have been involvedin the podcasting and especially radio scenefor quite a while. James has one calledPod News, which somewhat formsthe basis for this show as he takes storiesfrom there. And Sam has one called SamTalks Technology. So to read fromtheir website. Podlandnews is the last word in podcasting newsevery Thursday. James Cridlandfrom Pod News in Australia and Sam Sethi from PodcastFirst River Radio in the UK. Review and analyse some ofthe week's top podcasting newsfrom around the world. They also interviewsome of the biggest names making the news sponsoredby Buzz Sprout and Squadcast.
So that's pretty much it. They talk a lotabout podcasting. So yes, indeed it is another podcasttalking about podcasting. The madness continues. This is the upcomingMetaverse that everyone'stalking about, obviously. So they've been doing this weekly sinceabout December of 2020. And typically the showis around an hour in length, sometimes a little bit less, sometimes a little bit more. But that'sthe general length. The format that they useis mostly a conversation between themselvesabout the podcasting news that's been happening onduring the week, I suppose. So it's kind of like a weekly updateshow in that sense, but they also pretty regularly get a guest,if not multiple guests on, and then they dive into,I guess, what is happening in the hosting worldor perhaps in the app development worldor perhaps for a, you know, a unique podcast that has somehow managedto get their podcast on air linesand things like this.
So they've they've definitely got a lot of things being packedinto their show. And then also, you know,even they sometimeswill switch up the host too, if one of them isunavailable for a while because they are acrossthe world. And with James being in Brisbaneand Sam being in London, this is actually more edited than probably most of the shows I've covered onon here before. So they do lots of takes. Because I've noticed sometimes they miss a thingevery now and then, but it'sa very polished podcast with minimal umsand ers and definitely a, you know, kind of stricttalking point.
They, they know what they're goingto be talking about and they have a realnice flow of, you know, James knowswhen he's going to talk, Sam knows when he'sgoing to talk, etc., etc.. The sections that they haveis generally the various news segmentstaken from Pod news. There's a podcasting2.0 namespace update. So this will be talking about the new tagsthat are being implemented, what work is being done. And then yeah, right at the endthey kind of had the Boostagram sectionand also the kind of where you can contact themand things like that. So I'm going to playa section here from one of their episodeswhich was titled Hint.
It's really simpleto extend standards, and this is just the introso you can get a feel for what they like, theirvoices and the likeness.
[00:03:52] Unknown:
Welcome to Podland. The last wordin podcasting news. It's Thursday,the 14th of July 2022. I'm James Cridland,the editor of Pod News
[00:04:00] Unknown:
and I’m Sam Sethi The MD of River Radio, the podcast firstradio station.
[00:04:04] Unknown:
Hi, this is Mitch Downeyand I'll be on later to.
[00:04:07] Unknown:
and I am Michael Mignano. And laterI'll be talking about the standardsinnovation paradox.
[00:04:14] Unknown:
They will.
[00:04:15] Unknown:
So you get a feel for whatthey're about. They're two radio guyswho know how to use editing music, other peopleto give a real sort of bang to the start of their show,which is really cool. So jumping onto their valuefor value implementation, I've been listeningto their show probablyfor about six months now and I've gotten a feel for a bunchof the things that they do, which yeah, is probably betterthan most of the other shows that I've heard. One is that they have veryconsistent requests for the audience to respondto a particular question. So it's not just sayinglike, Hey, show your support by sending a boostagram A lot of the times, if they can't come up in the momentwith a, you know, one of those things that's onthe tip of your tongue or perhaps they're talkingabout someone in particular and they've forgottenthe name or, you know, those generalsorts of things.
They will actuallyregularly ask just hey boostagram in whatwhat that is or get you know, respond to this if you're all listeningetc., etc.. So they're very clear withwith what they want their audience to doand also with the terminologybecause James, as per particularly, Jameshas participated a lot in not only the namespacebut developing it and getting people onand I'll be talking about that shortlyin the unique section. But is very clear,I guess for an audience member who's listening to go,okay, this is, this is whatthey want me to do. So there's alsolots of things that they bring in,like catch phrases.
So if you can't see thechapter art and in your app, get a better podcast app,at newpodcastapps.com So lots of just handy, veryguiding hints I guess to to how they want youto, to show the value and how you can give that backor do something for them. And then also at the very end of their podcast,I won't play that clip, but they're very clearwith, okay, you know,this is what we have. We have got like chapterand transcripts. If you want to send usa message, you can send it to our emailat here. Or you can also send usthrough a boost message along with the kind of,you know, little side claims about who's been helpingto support them in terms of sponsorshipsvia Buzzsprout and things like that.
So one thing that I didwant to highlight was their Boostagram Corner So this is I supposelike the main section of fixing the feedback loopor making sure the feedback loop of value for value is,is in, in place in process. So that's one of the main criticalfactors of value for value. If someone sends some support your way,it's it they they shouldn'tget the feeling like it's not being acknowledged. And that is a absolute killer if you're not acknowledgingthe people who are supporting you in oneway or another, you know, it doesn't necessarilyhave to be on the show.
You could send an individualised email to every one of them,I suppose if you if you wanted to set it upthat way or something. But you really doneed to have that mechanism in place because it is not a nicefeeling to be just one of the number. So with all that being said, they do havetheir own section which they calledthe Boostagram Corner, and I will play you a clipof how they run that. And this is from the episodePodverse Mobile supports Alby and I'll keepreading this because I don't actually haveepisode numbers anywhere but podcast Mobile supports.
Alby, Libsyn expandsto Europe and Canada. Spotify filtersmusic from podcasts, pod news launches, podcasts, name space dot org protectsa trademark, and Aissa finds Stephen Bartlett. Yes, that indeedis the title of the episode. So with all that being said,here's a taste of how they dothe boostagram Corner.
[00:08:02] Unknown:
Right. Guess what?
[00:08:03] Unknown:
It's time for Boostagram Corner.
[00:08:05] Unknown:
It is indeed. We'vereceived a ton of boosts and we've received a bigballer boost, haven't we? Indeed, AdamCurry has sent 50,000 SATs. Congratulations.Thank you. Adam. He sends a boostagram equal to a guest slotpayment in Bitcoin world. Yes, he sent us 50,000 SATsinstead of $50,000. But, you know, if I. If only if only had soldthat helicopter sooner, he'd be ableto afford $50,000 for us. But thank you so much, Adam. That's very kind, and I'm looking forwardto meeting Adam next week at PodcastMovement 500 SATs from Macallan, who says little known fact,even Ouattara's real name, Evo, was on the showlast week.
Evo Terra's real nameis Augustus Winterbottom. He says it is a little known factbecause it is not true. Evo Terra, his real name isTravis Unwin. It turns out from Wikipediaeither that it's Evo having a joke or that reallyeasy votes real name. But. But there we are. I am Macallan Thank youvery much for that. Now, we received eight, eight, eight statsfrom the old podcast. I like a boostwhen James does impressions of the podcast industry. Fake James, do another one,please. Let's get a boost. That's right, Todd And also because James has made his calendar availablefor anyone to meet him up, Podcastmay have been, well, I would say old podcast.
It might be full by now. Yes, it is. And Sam gets a halfbecause he seems cool. Thank you. I get half. I don't know why I get half.Actually. James does all the workas we're about to find out. So, yes, I get offfor whatever reason, but thank you to James forletting me have all of it. You do a lot of work and he's given us eightbecause it looks like snowmen. And I guess it'swinter in Australia. It is winter,but we don't get snow here. But thank you very much. And he sent anothereight sets for my wedding, which is very kind. Excellent.
Don't spend it all at once,James. Yeah,that'll buy me virtually nothing,but thank you very much. Dave Jones has sent usa big rush boost, saying Stephen Powellis the wonderful developer. The added boost support to the podcastindex site He did. So thank you for that, Dave. We've received5000 sets here. Sam Yeah,me testing out the podcast index boostagrams. It did work. I said, Hi,James did this work. Clearly it did. Let's move on from that 1000sets from Mitch who says, Hello,James and Sam. This is a test boostagram from Podverse Mobile.
So if you see any bugswith it, please let me know. No bugs there.Thank you, Mitch. That's very kind. And Kyrin fromthe Mere Mortals podcast has sent one treblethree seven, which is a leet boost or a big leet boost. He says your guest hostsalways fit it nicely. I be getting worriedif I was Sam now. No. Yes. No, I have. Not at all. We have Evo doing itevery week. He might say things he says, I've been thinkingthe same James. I'll put saying, Oh yes, this was metalking about the the Brisbane podcastas group, which is a bit moribund. He said,I will put some effort into kicking the group offagain next month when it startsgetting warmer again.
Less than 20 degreescentigrade is unacceptable. It is, it's bloody cold. So thank you, Kyrin. That's so good. Of you. And yes,we should get the Brisbane podcast group up and runningagain because it was fun. So thank you to all of those people who've posted thisand also beside podcasts who've who has given us$0.50. If you do get valueout of this show, then half of it comes to meand half of it goes to Sam. That'show podcast splits work. So if you want to send usa boostagram, then go find yourselfa decent podcast app. The Fountain one ispretty good to get started and hit that boostbutton and away you go.
[00:12:11] Unknown:
There we go. A ratherjovial affair, wasn't it? So lots of laughscoming in from there, acknowledging all the peoplewho've been busy grabbing in some recommendationsfor how to do a boost at the endof the new people. You know, pretty bang on. I think they're doing itreally well. And one thing you'll notice and this is getting into thesomething unique section was the various peoplethat were getting in there. You know, they hadwell themselves boosting themselves,but also of developerslike Mitch Downey. They had The Podfather,they had me another podcast. They you know, it wasa fairly wide selection.
And the cool thingthat about their show is thatthey've stuck with it. And I know thisbecause I remember and I must have beenlistening for more than six months because it was probablyabout six months ago that they were sayingthis was James was actually gettinga little bit disheartened because it wasthe same people boosting in overand over again. And, you know, if you're doing thatfor kind of three months straight,you will notice that, you know, you're probably goingto get some people who really get itand they understand and you might get a new namecrop up here and there, but it can be very fewand far between and I guesslike one of the things was, well, what's changed?
Because you can see from that little episode there that they actually had quitea few people coming in. And I would say it's that it's their approach, which is that they're everywhere in terms of they've sort ofgot their bases covered. James is very activein the podcasting 2.0 world, and Sam is with,you know, directly with podcastersand radio people and they, you know, will go tothe conference is James's has been going to podcastmovement recently Sam was going toI can't remember what it was called another big podcastmaybe in in in the UK and they get their boots on the groundand they get into the weeds.
And not only that,but they have people on their show, you know, just from the clipI played earlier, they had Sam Sorry, was it Oscar Merry? Mitch Downey Apologies. Mitch from Podverse. And then Mr. Magliano becauseI forgot his first name, who was kind of like anchor slashSpotify fame because he was working. So they get everyonewho's from the industry and who are more likelyto know about, okay, this is what if they don't knowwhat value for value is? Maybe they know about what the actual functionality of the boost isand things like this. So just over the past, probably a month or two,I've seen boostagramscome in from app developers, from podcast hosts,from randoms like me, from people, you know,podcasting to point people looking on the mastodonfrom other podcasters.
And I think even the occasional Bitcoiner,if I remember correctly. So the cool thing is one that they stuck with it,they continue doing it. It is going to feel,particularly at the start and I would, I would argue,even if you're a kind of like a big podcast, that you're not going to getyour current audience to convert over to instantlysending in satoshis or things like that or even if you want to go downthe kind of PayPal route, it's going to take time to to get themaccustomed to it. It's going to take time foryou to, you know, stress and highlight, Hey, I put a lot of valueinto this show.
And, you know, I appreciate all the things that you might be doing,such as sharing or clipping or providing insightsfrom your expertise or appearing on the showor whatnot. But, you know,it also requires money to to create a podcast andto host a podcast and to, you know, to eatand feed myself, to be ableto make a podcast. So there is quite a fewextra additional details and that that highlightingthat it does require a constanthighlighting, Hey, this is what I'm doing,this is why I'm doing it. And ityou don't have to be all in. I've highlighted this before, you know, Jamesand Sam have Buzz Sprout as a as a host, asas well as a couple of other when I say host, I shouldsay as a supporter or as, you know,kind of giving them financial backingor things like that.
So there is just a you don't have to be all in,but you do have to it does requirea lot of kind of maintenance and bringing it upover and over again. And so there's somethingunique section, you know, they stuck outa good on them and that's really coolthat the this you know I'm starting to see more successcoming in for them and that'sthat's really awesome. So with all of thattalk about you know boostagram Corners and boostagramming. I'm going to go into my own section of the Boostagram Lounge. Welcome to the Value forValue Boostagram Lounge. And it's definitely a sadpuppy week for the Boostagram Loungebecause we only have one the ever presentPetar who I do want to thank somuch as always here who sends in 3750SATs and says demasiado buenowhich means too it doesn't actually meanwhat he what he thinks it means because you I know he wants to sayit's like too good, but you actually saymuy bueno so a solid attempt therePetar but yes you know funnily enough with mesaying you need to constantly be highlightingand reminding people that about your show and that you will get more boostagram’s coming inif you do that, of courseit's going to be the week whereI just get one coming in.
But you know, it does make me appreciatethat one person even more. So if you if you do want to becomeeven more appreciated by me as such as Petar is,then I would just say, you know, send mein through a boostagram. As the value for value show is supported by you, the folkswho are listening at home and you can doall of the cool things, like I mentioned,sharing, clipping, whatnot. But I really dolove a boostagram coming inand taking a hint from Mr. James Cridlandhere, a great app to do this is Fountain, soit's easy to connect up to. If you listen to a podcast, you can get some statscoming in because the fountain appwill send them to you as a kind of a reward,I guess, for listening and then, you know,pass them on to me.
I would very muchappreciate that. So with all of thatbeing said, I'll give my little value for value recommendationto the listeners at home today. And my one is actually to integrate yourselfinto where the boostagramming and whereit kind of makes sense where people actuallyunderstand value for value. So James has done thisin one way, which is bybeing very active in the, you know, asections of podcasting 2.0 of going on to the mastodon accountof the podcast index,which I believe is podcast index dot socialfor anyone who wanted to join inand see what that is like.
And then another great placeto do this though, is where valuefor value originated. So this is theno agenda community that there's a, tremendous amount of legworkhas been already done because that show has addeda million listeners and they will regularlydonate amounts of in, you know, big money you know, the cut offfor reading out there there is a paymentsupport to the show is I believe 130 150 USDor something like that and there segments are long. So if you integrate yourselfinto that community and you know, you start kind of promoting yourselfaround there, there are some peoplein that that whole community who understand what value for value is,and they show it in a very big way.
So there's obviouslythe podcasting 2.0 communityyou can dive into and then, you know, just check outno agenda, go on to the I believe it'sno agenda dot social. This is where they kind ofhang out. Another great placefor you to if you're having thisproblem of not many people you know showing support sometimes you need to go towhere the generous supporting people are who already understandvalue for value. That's a really good place. So that's going to bemy recommendation for today. How for if youif you're looking for that, that extra little kick, go join the community andmake yourself known in there and contributeto that community.
Don't just try and take.That's also very important. So that is it for today ofthe Value for Value podcast, go check out Podland Newswith James and Sam. It's pretty damn goodand I can say that because I listen to itall the time and I really do hope you're havinga fantastic day wherever you are in thePordand world, Kyrin out.
Want toknow about everything that is going onin podcasting. Then keep listening. Welcome,everyone to another episode of the Valuefor Value Podcast. My name is Kyrinhost of the Mere Mortals and Mere MortalsBook Reviews. And then also this show where I divedeep into other podcasts that are using the valuefor value model. And I see what tips,techniques, tricks, implementationsthat they're using and that we can perhapstake away for our own show today. Without further ado, I'm going to highlight one which is probably knownto a few people around. It is called Podland News, and this is by JamesCridland and Sam Sethi.
Both of these guyshave other multiple podcasts and have been involvedin the podcasting and especially radio scenefor quite a while. James has one calledPod News, which somewhat formsthe basis for this show as he takes storiesfrom there. And Sam has one called SamTalks Technology. So to read fromtheir website. Podlandnews is the last word in podcasting newsevery Thursday. James Cridlandfrom Pod News in Australia and Sam Sethi from PodcastFirst River Radio in the UK. Review and analyse some ofthe week's top podcasting newsfrom around the world. They also interviewsome of the biggest names making the news sponsoredby Buzz Sprout and Squadcast.
So that's pretty much it. They talk a lotabout podcasting. So yes, indeed it is another podcasttalking about podcasting. The madness continues. This is the upcomingMetaverse that everyone'stalking about, obviously. So they've been doing this weekly sinceabout December of 2020. And typically the showis around an hour in length, sometimes a little bit less, sometimes a little bit more. But that'sthe general length. The format that they useis mostly a conversation between themselvesabout the podcasting news that's been happening onduring the week, I suppose. So it's kind of like a weekly updateshow in that sense, but they also pretty regularly get a guest,if not multiple guests on, and then they dive into,I guess, what is happening in the hosting worldor perhaps in the app development worldor perhaps for a, you know, a unique podcast that has somehow managedto get their podcast on air linesand things like this.
So they've they've definitely got a lot of things being packedinto their show. And then also, you know,even they sometimeswill switch up the host too, if one of them isunavailable for a while because they are acrossthe world. And with James being in Brisbaneand Sam being in London, this is actually more edited than probably most of the shows I've covered onon here before. So they do lots of takes. Because I've noticed sometimes they miss a thingevery now and then, but it'sa very polished podcast with minimal umsand ers and definitely a, you know, kind of stricttalking point.
They, they know what they're goingto be talking about and they have a realnice flow of, you know, James knowswhen he's going to talk, Sam knows when he'sgoing to talk, etc., etc.. The sections that they haveis generally the various news segmentstaken from Pod news. There's a podcasting2.0 namespace update. So this will be talking about the new tagsthat are being implemented, what work is being done. And then yeah, right at the endthey kind of had the Boostagram sectionand also the kind of where you can contact themand things like that. So I'm going to playa section here from one of their episodeswhich was titled Hint.
It's really simpleto extend standards, and this is just the introso you can get a feel for what they like, theirvoices and the likeness.
[00:03:52] Unknown:
Welcome to Podland. The last wordin podcasting news. It's Thursday,the 14th of July 2022. I'm James Cridland,the editor of Pod News
[00:04:00] Unknown:
and I’m Sam Sethi The MD of River Radio, the podcast firstradio station.
[00:04:04] Unknown:
Hi, this is Mitch Downeyand I'll be on later to.
[00:04:07] Unknown:
and I am Michael Mignano. And laterI'll be talking about the standardsinnovation paradox.
[00:04:14] Unknown:
They will.
[00:04:15] Unknown:
So you get a feel for whatthey're about. They're two radio guyswho know how to use editing music, other peopleto give a real sort of bang to the start of their show,which is really cool. So jumping onto their valuefor value implementation, I've been listeningto their show probablyfor about six months now and I've gotten a feel for a bunchof the things that they do, which yeah, is probably betterthan most of the other shows that I've heard. One is that they have veryconsistent requests for the audience to respondto a particular question. So it's not just sayinglike, Hey, show your support by sending a boostagram A lot of the times, if they can't come up in the momentwith a, you know, one of those things that's onthe tip of your tongue or perhaps they're talkingabout someone in particular and they've forgottenthe name or, you know, those generalsorts of things.
They will actuallyregularly ask just hey boostagram in whatwhat that is or get you know, respond to this if you're all listeningetc., etc.. So they're very clear withwith what they want their audience to doand also with the terminologybecause James, as per particularly, Jameshas participated a lot in not only the namespacebut developing it and getting people onand I'll be talking about that shortlyin the unique section. But is very clear,I guess for an audience member who's listening to go,okay, this is, this is whatthey want me to do. So there's alsolots of things that they bring in,like catch phrases.
So if you can't see thechapter art and in your app, get a better podcast app,at newpodcastapps.com So lots of just handy, veryguiding hints I guess to to how they want youto, to show the value and how you can give that backor do something for them. And then also at the very end of their podcast,I won't play that clip, but they're very clearwith, okay, you know,this is what we have. We have got like chapterand transcripts. If you want to send usa message, you can send it to our emailat here. Or you can also send usthrough a boost message along with the kind of,you know, little side claims about who's been helpingto support them in terms of sponsorshipsvia Buzzsprout and things like that.
So one thing that I didwant to highlight was their Boostagram Corner So this is I supposelike the main section of fixing the feedback loopor making sure the feedback loop of value for value is,is in, in place in process. So that's one of the main criticalfactors of value for value. If someone sends some support your way,it's it they they shouldn'tget the feeling like it's not being acknowledged. And that is a absolute killer if you're not acknowledgingthe people who are supporting you in oneway or another, you know, it doesn't necessarilyhave to be on the show.
You could send an individualised email to every one of them,I suppose if you if you wanted to set it upthat way or something. But you really doneed to have that mechanism in place because it is not a nicefeeling to be just one of the number. So with all that being said, they do havetheir own section which they calledthe Boostagram Corner, and I will play you a clipof how they run that. And this is from the episodePodverse Mobile supports Alby and I'll keepreading this because I don't actually haveepisode numbers anywhere but podcast Mobile supports.
Alby, Libsyn expandsto Europe and Canada. Spotify filtersmusic from podcasts, pod news launches, podcasts, name space dot org protectsa trademark, and Aissa finds Stephen Bartlett. Yes, that indeedis the title of the episode. So with all that being said,here's a taste of how they dothe boostagram Corner.
[00:08:02] Unknown:
Right. Guess what?
[00:08:03] Unknown:
It's time for Boostagram Corner.
[00:08:05] Unknown:
It is indeed. We'vereceived a ton of boosts and we've received a bigballer boost, haven't we? Indeed, AdamCurry has sent 50,000 SATs. Congratulations.Thank you. Adam. He sends a boostagram equal to a guest slotpayment in Bitcoin world. Yes, he sent us 50,000 SATsinstead of $50,000. But, you know, if I. If only if only had soldthat helicopter sooner, he'd be ableto afford $50,000 for us. But thank you so much, Adam. That's very kind, and I'm looking forwardto meeting Adam next week at PodcastMovement 500 SATs from Macallan, who says little known fact,even Ouattara's real name, Evo, was on the showlast week.
Evo Terra's real nameis Augustus Winterbottom. He says it is a little known factbecause it is not true. Evo Terra, his real name isTravis Unwin. It turns out from Wikipediaeither that it's Evo having a joke or that reallyeasy votes real name. But. But there we are. I am Macallan Thank youvery much for that. Now, we received eight, eight, eight statsfrom the old podcast. I like a boostwhen James does impressions of the podcast industry. Fake James, do another one,please. Let's get a boost. That's right, Todd And also because James has made his calendar availablefor anyone to meet him up, Podcastmay have been, well, I would say old podcast.
It might be full by now. Yes, it is. And Sam gets a halfbecause he seems cool. Thank you. I get half. I don't know why I get half.Actually. James does all the workas we're about to find out. So, yes, I get offfor whatever reason, but thank you to James forletting me have all of it. You do a lot of work and he's given us eightbecause it looks like snowmen. And I guess it'swinter in Australia. It is winter,but we don't get snow here. But thank you very much. And he sent anothereight sets for my wedding, which is very kind. Excellent.
Don't spend it all at once,James. Yeah,that'll buy me virtually nothing,but thank you very much. Dave Jones has sent usa big rush boost, saying Stephen Powellis the wonderful developer. The added boost support to the podcastindex site He did. So thank you for that, Dave. We've received5000 sets here. Sam Yeah,me testing out the podcast index boostagrams. It did work. I said, Hi,James did this work. Clearly it did. Let's move on from that 1000sets from Mitch who says, Hello,James and Sam. This is a test boostagram from Podverse Mobile.
So if you see any bugswith it, please let me know. No bugs there.Thank you, Mitch. That's very kind. And Kyrin fromthe Mere Mortals podcast has sent one treblethree seven, which is a leet boost or a big leet boost. He says your guest hostsalways fit it nicely. I be getting worriedif I was Sam now. No. Yes. No, I have. Not at all. We have Evo doing itevery week. He might say things he says, I've been thinkingthe same James. I'll put saying, Oh yes, this was metalking about the the Brisbane podcastas group, which is a bit moribund. He said,I will put some effort into kicking the group offagain next month when it startsgetting warmer again.
Less than 20 degreescentigrade is unacceptable. It is, it's bloody cold. So thank you, Kyrin. That's so good. Of you. And yes,we should get the Brisbane podcast group up and runningagain because it was fun. So thank you to all of those people who've posted thisand also beside podcasts who've who has given us$0.50. If you do get valueout of this show, then half of it comes to meand half of it goes to Sam. That'show podcast splits work. So if you want to send usa boostagram, then go find yourselfa decent podcast app. The Fountain one ispretty good to get started and hit that boostbutton and away you go.
[00:12:11] Unknown:
There we go. A ratherjovial affair, wasn't it? So lots of laughscoming in from there, acknowledging all the peoplewho've been busy grabbing in some recommendationsfor how to do a boost at the endof the new people. You know, pretty bang on. I think they're doing itreally well. And one thing you'll notice and this is getting into thesomething unique section was the various peoplethat were getting in there. You know, they hadwell themselves boosting themselves,but also of developerslike Mitch Downey. They had The Podfather,they had me another podcast. They you know, it wasa fairly wide selection.
And the cool thingthat about their show is thatthey've stuck with it. And I know thisbecause I remember and I must have beenlistening for more than six months because it was probablyabout six months ago that they were sayingthis was James was actually gettinga little bit disheartened because it wasthe same people boosting in overand over again. And, you know, if you're doing thatfor kind of three months straight,you will notice that, you know, you're probably goingto get some people who really get itand they understand and you might get a new namecrop up here and there, but it can be very fewand far between and I guesslike one of the things was, well, what's changed?
Because you can see from that little episode there that they actually had quitea few people coming in. And I would say it's that it's their approach, which is that they're everywhere in terms of they've sort ofgot their bases covered. James is very activein the podcasting 2.0 world, and Sam is with,you know, directly with podcastersand radio people and they, you know, will go tothe conference is James's has been going to podcastmovement recently Sam was going toI can't remember what it was called another big podcastmaybe in in in the UK and they get their boots on the groundand they get into the weeds.
And not only that,but they have people on their show, you know, just from the clipI played earlier, they had Sam Sorry, was it Oscar Merry? Mitch Downey Apologies. Mitch from Podverse. And then Mr. Magliano becauseI forgot his first name, who was kind of like anchor slashSpotify fame because he was working. So they get everyonewho's from the industry and who are more likelyto know about, okay, this is what if they don't knowwhat value for value is? Maybe they know about what the actual functionality of the boost isand things like this. So just over the past, probably a month or two,I've seen boostagramscome in from app developers, from podcast hosts,from randoms like me, from people, you know,podcasting to point people looking on the mastodonfrom other podcasters.
And I think even the occasional Bitcoiner,if I remember correctly. So the cool thing is one that they stuck with it,they continue doing it. It is going to feel,particularly at the start and I would, I would argue,even if you're a kind of like a big podcast, that you're not going to getyour current audience to convert over to instantlysending in satoshis or things like that or even if you want to go downthe kind of PayPal route, it's going to take time to to get themaccustomed to it. It's going to take time foryou to, you know, stress and highlight, Hey, I put a lot of valueinto this show.
And, you know, I appreciate all the things that you might be doing,such as sharing or clipping or providing insightsfrom your expertise or appearing on the showor whatnot. But, you know,it also requires money to to create a podcast andto host a podcast and to, you know, to eatand feed myself, to be ableto make a podcast. So there is quite a fewextra additional details and that that highlightingthat it does require a constanthighlighting, Hey, this is what I'm doing,this is why I'm doing it. And ityou don't have to be all in. I've highlighted this before, you know, Jamesand Sam have Buzz Sprout as a as a host, asas well as a couple of other when I say host, I shouldsay as a supporter or as, you know,kind of giving them financial backingor things like that.
So there is just a you don't have to be all in,but you do have to it does requirea lot of kind of maintenance and bringing it upover and over again. And so there's somethingunique section, you know, they stuck outa good on them and that's really coolthat the this you know I'm starting to see more successcoming in for them and that'sthat's really awesome. So with all of thattalk about you know boostagram Corners and boostagramming. I'm going to go into my own section of the Boostagram Lounge. Welcome to the Value forValue Boostagram Lounge. And it's definitely a sadpuppy week for the Boostagram Loungebecause we only have one the ever presentPetar who I do want to thank somuch as always here who sends in 3750SATs and says demasiado buenowhich means too it doesn't actually meanwhat he what he thinks it means because you I know he wants to sayit's like too good, but you actually saymuy bueno so a solid attempt therePetar but yes you know funnily enough with mesaying you need to constantly be highlightingand reminding people that about your show and that you will get more boostagram’s coming inif you do that, of courseit's going to be the week whereI just get one coming in.
But you know, it does make me appreciatethat one person even more. So if you if you do want to becomeeven more appreciated by me as such as Petar is,then I would just say, you know, send mein through a boostagram. As the value for value show is supported by you, the folkswho are listening at home and you can doall of the cool things, like I mentioned,sharing, clipping, whatnot. But I really dolove a boostagram coming inand taking a hint from Mr. James Cridlandhere, a great app to do this is Fountain, soit's easy to connect up to. If you listen to a podcast, you can get some statscoming in because the fountain appwill send them to you as a kind of a reward,I guess, for listening and then, you know,pass them on to me.
I would very muchappreciate that. So with all of thatbeing said, I'll give my little value for value recommendationto the listeners at home today. And my one is actually to integrate yourselfinto where the boostagramming and whereit kind of makes sense where people actuallyunderstand value for value. So James has done thisin one way, which is bybeing very active in the, you know, asections of podcasting 2.0 of going on to the mastodon accountof the podcast index,which I believe is podcast index dot socialfor anyone who wanted to join inand see what that is like.
And then another great placeto do this though, is where valuefor value originated. So this is theno agenda community that there's a, tremendous amount of legworkhas been already done because that show has addeda million listeners and they will regularlydonate amounts of in, you know, big money you know, the cut offfor reading out there there is a paymentsupport to the show is I believe 130 150 USDor something like that and there segments are long. So if you integrate yourselfinto that community and you know, you start kind of promoting yourselfaround there, there are some peoplein that that whole community who understand what value for value is,and they show it in a very big way.
So there's obviouslythe podcasting 2.0 communityyou can dive into and then, you know, just check outno agenda, go on to the I believe it'sno agenda dot social. This is where they kind ofhang out. Another great placefor you to if you're having thisproblem of not many people you know showing support sometimes you need to go towhere the generous supporting people are who already understandvalue for value. That's a really good place. So that's going to bemy recommendation for today. How for if youif you're looking for that, that extra little kick, go join the community andmake yourself known in there and contributeto that community.
Don't just try and take.That's also very important. So that is it for today ofthe Value for Value podcast, go check out Podland Newswith James and Sam. It's pretty damn goodand I can say that because I listen to itall the time and I really do hope you're havinga fantastic day wherever you are in thePordand world, Kyrin out.