One idiot’s attempt at starting a Value 4 Value podcast.
In Ep #31 I am covering how Joshua Dennis runs v4v on his show ’Podcasting 4 Value. The unique aspect that Josh brings is his willingness to dive deep into the tech weeds and be not afraid of running with multiple IPFS scissors in each hand. He also has a cool way of promoting his show called ‘Satvertising’, which is incidentally how I found out about it in the first place.
A shoutout to Petar The Slav, Kyle Hebert, Cole McCormick, James Cridland and Coradical for the support. Sexy names!
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One idiots attempt at starting avalue for value podcast welcome everyone to your one stop shopfor everything value for value. This is the weekly podcast whereI Kyrin host of the Mere Mortals in mere mortals book reviews,dive deeper into other people's episode shows and see how thatthey are implementing the value for value model into their ownworks of art, their creations and what we can learn from it.So typically, I pick a show, which is using it in some uniqueway, some different way. And I'll do a little bit of ahighlight and expo Z. And today we have one called podcastingfor value. And so make sure to put the four in it. So it's notfo r but the number four. And this is hos hosted by JoshuaDennis, I'm going to quickly jump to his website and readwhat he says from there. And you might have already heard it whenhe did its attempt at starting a value for value podcast. Andthat's pretty much it. It's a pretty basic plain website. AndI would say that's actually kind of what this show is all about.It's really doing the basic necessary stuff to getting apodcast off the ground and somewhat as you'd suggest fromthe title and learn from the title, the podcasting for value.So how he implements his show and doesn't evaluate, evaluate.So kind of very similar to this in one way. But in another way,it is completely different. So what he really tries to do isexplain how to get a show off the ground. In particular usingmore the self hosting method more explaining the tags andthings like that. So he'll be going into stuff which I have noidea of. So even just for his little blog on his website, forexample, has titles such as a markdown post with a sveltecomponent syntax highlighting with MD s VX automaticheadlining links in MDS v x. So it's definitely more on the sideof understanding, I guess, the the tech encoding behind thesethings where, whereas I'm, for example, nowhere near thatlevel. So Josh does this, usually on a weekly slashfortnightly basis since around January 2022. So he's up to 19episodes at the moment. And these are typically about 20 to30 minutes long, and it's usually only just him in it. Sothey'll start off with an intro, the main sections that he has isediting enclave. So this is talking about, you know,recording the audio, and what sort of programs that he willuse. He's very into open source and things like that. So there'sso many different methods and things that he does, blah, blah,blah, which is typically where he'll go on maybe a little bitof a rant of problem that he was having, how he solved it, how hefixed it. I think there's one which was about the sort ofnamespace stuff, I can't remember exactly what that'scalled. And then value for value, typically, right at theend, I'm just going to give you a little bit of a taste of oneof his episodes. So this was around the three minute markthree Min 18, from Episode 17.
And this was after he had lefthis laptop elsewhere, and so was having to use another laptop toproduce the episode for that week. And so some of theproblems and things that he was solving and slash finding andhow he was going about that. And those are all open sourcesoftware. So there is no searching for activation key, orgoing through the hassle of getting windows up and runningwith with Zed key or anything like that, or, you know, findingcopies of the software. It's all readily downloadable orinstallable from the operating systems software manager, whichif you've never used Linux or Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu,which is based on Debian blah, blah, blah. Debian is one of theoldest and most stable Linux distributions. Linux operatingsystems that are out there. And so Linux Mint builds on top ofthose, and it has a software manager, which you can do asearch for whatever software you're looking for. And if it'savailable in the manager, you just click install, and then itinstalls. If you haven't tried Linux, I would, I wouldrecommend putting it on an old laptop, or whatever else you canfind Raspberry Pi, any sort of computer, desktop computer aswell. And just give it a try. I mean, I would recommend LinuxMint for anybody, but especially for beginner. I mean if you knowhow to use Windows, or the iOS or Mac, whatever they call it ontheir laptops.
So there we go. There's probablyabout 18 different words in that small section which I somewhatNo, but I have never particularly used myself andthings like that. So he's full of all the all these type ofuseful tips and tricks and you know, where beginners shouldmaybe start at bits himself and other episodes how he usesGoogle a lot to try and find the answers and, and things likethis. So it's really good if you're interested in getting apodcast up and running from the ground, someone who's doing itfrom scratch, he'd been on podcast before, but he'd neverhosted one and things like that.
So from episode one through to19, it's all about his experiences during this, I'mgonna go into his value for value implementation and how hetypically goes about this, I've noticed he usually puts this atthe end, this is kind of a standard behavior from from mostpeople, if your show is actually, you know, I take thatback, I have seen it all over the place. Some people do in themiddle, some people do at the start, he does it at the end.But he's not afraid of also, using his booster grams is likea source material and whatnot. So his show was designed forexplaining and how to get up and running through sort of semiself hosting and also implementing these tags. So he'svery good at explaining, okay, you know, the value tag is this,this is what it does, which is some things that like, I kind ofknow this stuff, but I've never particularly talked about itelsewhere. Because, you know, people aren't tuning in to myshow to find out how to podcast that more tuned in for, youknow, God knows why they tuned into the mere mortals is a lotof random crap that goes on in there. But you know, they'realong for the journey. It's fun.
So, in this section, I'm goingto play right now. This is his Brewster Graham section, I guessand how he uses this to turn into to source material. So thisis from around the 14 minute mark of episode 19. Histograms here are the theboosts here. I received 2222. That's from the mere mortalspodcast. And so in the in the parlance of our podcasting, 2.0that would be considered a row of ducks. So thank you meremortals podcast. And they, I think it's probably chyron, who,who wrote the booster gram, and it says, it's interesting to seeyour progression of adding more and more functions to thepodcast, Josh has made me more motivated to get my podcast,more up to scratch. And Great, thank you. I appreciate it.Getting booster grams with messages and questions hascertainly motivated me as well, like this is I was more excitedto do this podcast, and I was for the last few for sure. Justbecause of the interaction and it makes it so much more easy.So much more easier, so much easier, so much easier, wouldprobably be the way to say that so much easier than or it makesit easier because it just adds it adds content. And and I dovery much appreciate it. And then there was an anonymous,which I don't know if you can even put booster grams throughpod verse But pod versus an or no sorry, that's not pod verse.That's pod friend. So 500 SATs from pod friend from I don'tknow who that was six hours go.
So I appreciate that as wellwhoever you are. Now that's, that's great. So that's three,three boosts since the last episode so we're breakingrecords here and I'm excited about that for sure. So a couple of things jumped outat me from there one he does a good job of explaining what thenumerology is people new coming into this might not know why2222 is a row of ducks. I mean I suppose he could have alsoexplained that the two looks like a duck from the sidewayspoint of view hence the row of ducks The next one is thenoticing that the booster grams are increasing. I've noticedthis myself on my shows the more you go on it The more consistentyou get. It's it's a it's kind of growing in a way so it's notit's not a dying medium, it's people are getting moreinterested in it. And you might think like why the hell wouldpeople be more interested in sending money through your waybut you know, if you've done the value for value model longenough, you'll start to understand why it is not onlyimportant for for you but also for them like they get somethingout of it. I got something out of sending him that booster gramand it makes me feel good makes him feel good. Everyone feelsgood of it. So it's not a method which is slowly dying on thegrapevine sort of thing. It's like this is where the coolpeople are hanging out.
The last one was just asnoticing and highlighting of the the interaction part. People getback to you. It's just there's nothing like receiving thesethese feedback because I've tried it. I tried it for agesfor fucking ages. With my shows of getting some sort of feedbackand reactions and comments, and you know, you're begging people,like, please, please message me something, and you just getnothing. And what diving into the value for value world isreally enabling is these messages. And you know that it'snot the amount, particularly, especially when you're a smallpodcaster, like me or him. But it's, it's the, it's the timethat someone has taken to send the message. And it's also themedium, they've done it in the actual app, like, it's just somuch easier for them. So it's removing those barriers for themactually being able to send a message because you'd probablydo it more often on tons of different things. But it's thathassle of getting out your phone. Scared, do I need to scanthis thing? Oh, crap, I need to go to a different app, what'sthat email again, or they said it, they didn't write it downanywhere? How am I meant to copy it add a little bit. So all ofthat goes on. And this is just a brilliantly simple, easy way,intuitive way of messaging and, and getting in contact with theperson that whose content you're consuming and really like to. SoI'm gonna get into my last section here on the podcastingfor value, Josh's show and talking about something uniquethat he does. Now, I had written down in my notes here for to goto around about the 19 minute mark of episode 18. Butunfortunately, I was having some troubles with that. And this isactually to do with his show. So the sort of unique part isreally what he's, he's actually doing with his show. So he'shosting us his podcast through IPFS, podcasting, which is theinterplanetary file system. It's a way of distributing onlinedigital content in a way where it's not centralized. And somany different nodes can host it. And so you won't ever have acomplete server go down, and then you know, the website isdown or things like that. So it's cool for a very interestingidea. But what people have noticed is, it's not primetimeready, it struggles and it struggles loading audio, becauseI'm here in Australia, the closest node that he has, Ithink he said, There was five or six nodes hosting his is inVancouver, Canada, where he's from, and then, you know, thatis just causing issues. So I can't actually play this clip,but it kind of ties in with the unique part, which is, if youwant someone doing something, really kind of on the edge, and,and playing around with stuff, which is going to break and it'sokay with that, you know, this is the guy to kind of learn frombecause that the value of someone doing that is is prettyunique. And it's, it's really nice to see that there's peopleout there who are experimenting and doing that, and that, youknow, there's, there's, there's just people different from mewho are like, ah, you know, I'll put my toes in the water but I'mnot I'm not really you know, I'm not full running with thescissors I'm doing like a kind of medium shuffle. So that'sreally cool that he's is doing that. So you know, you couldmaybe even call him a running with sixes Maxi. And in thatparticular section, he was explaining his experiences of ofchatting with other people about value for value in real life,which I think is a nice thing to mention as well because it isdifferent doing it online versus you know, trying to tell afriend or a colleague or a family member, about what it isyou're doing how you plan to, you know, use the show thatyou're going you're creating to to fund your lifestyle, I guessto keep the podcast continuously going. And he's got somemessages attached to that. What I can do that was something elsethat he's been doing unique, which is a he might have coinedthis term from what I can tell it's called his approach toadvertising which is called Set vertising. So I'm just going togo here to booster gram that I received from the memorial showabout at the start of July or around the ninth and this isfrom Freudian slips and so he sent 4567 using fountain he saysset advertising colon podcasting for value colon one idiotsattempt at starting a value for value podcast comm Have alisten, after all, we are all just mere mortals. So what Ireally like about that is one this is actually how I found outabout this show. So you know, he not only did he send me Satoshisnot only did he provide something for my show to talkabout, but he's also given me more content here to be able togo into so, you know, the advertising and certainly workedin this case, and I really appreciate that. And I've seenhim and notice that he's been doing it on other shows, and itseems to be working relatively well for him when he was doingit a bit more in a spammy way.
As he as he was saying, henoticed the numbers on his show increasing and when he got alittle bit sick of that and wanted to let it rest for a bit,he noticed them decreasing. So it actually works now, you know,the thing is also doing it in a way which is not overly spammy,I actually kind of liked this one you know, he had the thecore aspect of his his show but then he also threw in areference to my show at the end so I know it's not just a randombot creating this it's like he actually spent the time tolisten to understand a little bit about what the Mere Mortalsis and whatnot. So that's a really cool little thing if youwant to try it out for yourself a set advertising you know,sending in a booster gram to other people shows where youknow they read it out. That's a perfectly fine way of sort ofhighlighting your own show and from what I can tell, mostpeople seem to enjoy reading it out as well. So that's abeautiful little unique thing that he has he's been doing I'mgonna get now on to one of my favorite parts which is thebooster gram lounge.
Welcome to the value for valuegram right so Josh was talking about receiving a record numberof booster grams and although this isn't a record, it is niceto see that this is pumping up for me so you're you coming inhot we have Pete Ah, the slab who sends through 18,750 usingfountain and he says Kyle haber is one talented mofo I 100%agree with that, that he's got some mad skills and those notonly mad skills and creating the different unique voices, butalmost scripting it for himself. You know, that's, that'screativity right there. That is pure creativity. Very, verycool. Got none other than Carl haber himself. And this is kindof a fun one because he sent this through using Brees, whichis an app, which is I'd say pretty good for his sort of shownice and short, shows the images really clearly for his chapterart. And yeah, that's it's a nice place to watch his show histype of show. And he says, Thanks for the plug. Exclamationmark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark. Hey, noworries, my friend. Thank you.
And then he sends out another3750 this time using fountain and he says, just because hey, Iappreciate Bruce like that. Hell yeah. We've got another onehere. This is 825 using fountain and this is Cole McCormick one.And he says listen to my show America plus, which is allcapitalized. I will always be known for giving the mostSatoshis to my audience. And each month. Next is July 31. Igive the listener 2000 sets and we'll increase that amount everymonth for 12 months. Okay, cool, man. I have said beforepreviously, if you want me to check out your show, send me ahistogram and he's done. So so that is a little sneak peek forwhat will be coming on next week. We have none other thanJames Cridland. So if you listened to podcasting 2.0You'll know his name, host of pod land and pod news. And hesent through 188 SATs through fountain Thank you very much.James says fun to hear.
Interesting way to analyze thisarea. Thanks neighbor. And he says that because he's also fromBrisbane, my friend. My pleasure. And yeah, if you wantto know about podcasting in general, the podcasting newshe's sort of like a journalist podcaster reporter that's a goodplace to go pod land or pod news pod uses the sort of shorterfive minute ones that he does daily during the week so highlyrecommended. He's also been on the Mere Mortals so I had him onthere so if you want to conversation with him, check outthat Geez when it would have been would have been around the3040 50 super unhelpful there.
Yeah, no worries. And thenfinally coming in in the rear we have three sets from Costcoradical or Cora decal, I'm not sure how they want to say it.And they say it's nice to hear Hey, thank you, my friend, verymuch. Appreciate it. I'll take any sets you want to send myway. And so that's it for running out our booster GrandRounds. Thank you everyone who contributed much very muchappreciated helps me to continue what I'm doing and you know,sending these sets on to other people, which I very much enjoylike I did for Josh's show podcasting for value. My littlesuggestion highlight for this week, I'm just gonna say checkout the conversation I did with James Cridland. I think that's afun one to learn about the sort of podcasting industry if you'regetting into into it, interested in it, if you want you might beif you're curious about this show and and wanting to learnmore. I think that's a decent episode. To start off. The linkwill be in the chapter images around the section here as wellas the little picture of James and have that conversation Andyeah, check that out. Let me know what you think of that.That's the my show main show the memorial show. And yeah, if youenjoy that, send me a histogram.
Let me letting me know how muchyou did or didn't enjoy it or how to improve it. Any of thosethings are very much appreciated. Other than that, Ireally do hope you're having a fantastic day wherever you arein the world Kyrin out